tv Lockup MSNBC July 20, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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and maybe i won't be spending the rest of my life in here. >> don't be mad because you are not out. >> she thinks she is queen bee and the universe at the jail. >> a female burglar makes santa rita her home away from home. >> i can make my stay more comfortable. >> and an invasion from the sky leaves the jail with a h messy aftermath. >> manure. it just makes it -- le kateed on the east side of san francisco bay, oakland, california is a diverse and dynamic city.
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but all too often it has been near the top of national rankings for violent crime. those arrested and charged with serious offenses could very well be taken 30 miles outside the city to a location that combines natural beauty with the concrete walls and razor wire of a sprawling modern mega jail. >> right here. >> the santa rita jail of alameda county sits on 113 acres and spans a half mile in width. currently houses 3,000 male and female inmates most of whom are only charged with crimes and all waiting trial for the resolution of their cases. >> for 19-year-old daniella journey has onlydictionally just begun. her first time in jail. she arrived 12 hours ago and spent most of that time in a holding cell with ten other
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women. >> out of all of them i was the youngest and out of all of them i was the only one facing life. >> i ended up here today because i just couldn't deep running any more and it was eating me up inside. >> she has been been charged with murder. a homicide that has been under investigation for the past two years. she has not yet entered a plea. >> your jail clothes. you can only keep that what is in that bag, okay. change your clothes. all your street clothes will go in the bag. don't keep anything personal. i will come back and get your clothes in a men and give you time to change, okay. >> guzman says that one day earlier she was asked to come to a police precinct in the oakland suburb of newark for questioning about the stabbing death of a classmate that occurred two years earlier. the victim was a high school
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football star, 17-year-old justice afoya. guzman who was only 16 at the time of the murder says she confessed her role in the killing to police. >> when did you make the confession? >> yesterday. >> so you went down to talk to the police and told them the story and they brought you here. >> yeah. i'm looking at anywhere from like seven years to life. >> did you kill this boy? >> no. but i had lot to do with it. there were text messages, phone calls. >> and how do you know who did it? >> becausbecause he told me. >> who? >> my brother. >> does he have any idea who done this, have you talked to the police? >> not ney know of and i feel bad because i know i'm betraying my brother.
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thanks to me now he is looking at life. i don't expect him to forgive me or ever talk to me again. >> what guzman does not yet know is that soon after she confessed police summoned her brother to the precinct. they knew where to find him because guzman's brother was already at the santa rita jail in an unrelated battery charge to which he plead not guilty and is waiting trial. >> they pick me up and take me to newark police but here i am fighting a homicide case and not only that, i admitted to it. i had to get that off my chest. i admitted to it. >> tobar like his sister was also charged with murder and has not yet entered a plea.
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>> t was a big burden on my shoulder. know you take somebody's life that you didn't want to take their life. my intentions weren't to go out there and take his life. it was just to beat him up or whatever. >> how did it go so wrong if you were only going to beat the guy up. >> i grabbed a kitchen knife. that is how it went so wrong. i should have never grabbed it. >> tovar who has prior convictions for crimes including auto theft, guns and drug possession is an admitted member of a violent northern california based gang. he had a troublesome history with afoya and was once beaten up by him at a party. >> they beat me up and throwing rocks at my window so he has bringing upon himself all this. >> he was allegedly stabbed numerous times by tovar and another man in custody at santa
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rita but declined to speak on camera. investigators have numerous text messages from guzman indicating she had been part of a plan to murder him. one that began three months prior to the crime. since her arrest 12 hours earlier, the story has already made local news. as a result, jail officials decided to place guzman in special housing. >> put you in red. that means that you will be seg grabbing hold of thsegregated. housed by yourself and then every time we move you to and from court or anywhere you will any waist chains and waist restraints. >> various reasons but a lot of times for their safety if they feel like it is a high profile case or keep her protected from other inmates who maybe know the victim they will keep her by herself. >> your bed roll. blanket. towel. okay. go this way. straight through here. >> she is very young. not the typical client tell
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that we see in here and not everybody comes in here crying and upset. >> guzman is escorted to the female segregation unit where her stay at santa rita will begin. >> this is probably one of the only times i will see the light and it is not even that sunny in what are you anticipating going through the doors now? >> this is home. >> we going to go right in here. step on in. guzman, we are going to go right in here. you will be in cell number two. >> had the case not been considered high profile she would have been housed in the general population where she might have had a cell mate and been allowed several hours per day outside her cell. but the only single cells available are in segregation which generally houses problematic female inmates who are are confined to their cells is 23 hours per day as guzman will be. >> step on in. put your stuff down on the desk or the bed.
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>> coming 77. >> inmate guzman and tovar both have court today. >> coming up, the two face the judge and each other. >> very dangerous. >> one of our more violent aggressive inmates. >> didn't know him. commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. honey... it's time to go. no. honey, it's too perfect. over a quarter million properties... you'll never want to leave. booking.yeah
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for many of the santa rita jail 3,000 inmates their stay here is a short one. but one inmate has been making his presence known in the men's segregation unit for more than six years. ronnie padilla says he kicks his metal toilet to try to deaden the nerves in his shins and make them stronger for fighting. >> he is very dangerous. one of our more violent aggressive inmates.
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he trains against staff members and he trains to fight against inmates both. constantly making threats to deputies. challenging them to fight. >> padilla is a member of a gang that is an offshoot of the mexican mafia. >> if he feels he is disrespected he definitely lets you know. >> they know me. i let them know how i feel. i say open the door and talk to me like that right now. you are a man and i'm a man. i don't care if they are ting to put knee jail. let's handle this stuff man to man. >> when we are around him we make sure we have two deputies with him at all times just because he can be a serious risk. you don't want to drop your
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guard any time. >> he was arrested seven years earlier and convicted on five counts of assault with a firearm and one count each of it firing a weapon from a moving vehicle and attempted murder. the sentencing delayed pending appeals. >> when came in here he started causing problems and getting charges with assaults in here. >> one of those assaults resulted in an additional conviction for attempted murder after padilla sappe stabbed anr inmate. >> a fairly good sized cut on the side of his neck. >> due you to his behavior he has been confined to his segregation cell 23 hours per day for the past six years. >> it is hard for me to do time. being there by myself. i think about my case, family,
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my future. feel like i'm going be here forever. i don't want to be here no more. i want to go back. >> i told him point blank as far as i'm concerned you are never going to get out of segregation due to your own actions. what you have done and what you said, you threats. no way. >> six year years is an unusuay long time for any inmate to be in jail, much less in segregation. daniella guzman just completed her first night in jail also in segregation due to the high profile nature of her case. >> everybody knows i'm here and yell a lot and pounding on the doors. they are just trying to get in your head. >> i had 23 hours just to sit
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there and i only get one hour outside so and this is my outside. i'm about to go in this like two minutes probably. >> she has been charged in the stabbing murder of a classmate. she says she has confessed her role in the murder to police but that her brother rafael tovar actually did the stabbing and now he, too, has been charged with murder. neither sibling knows the other has been charged with the murder. but today they will find out. they're scheduled for arraignment, a procedure in which a judge will read their charges to them. it will be the first time they see each other since daniella's arrest. >> what is going through your mind right now? >> my life. >> due to the large number of inmates most arraignments are conducted in a designated room in the jail with a video link to the courthouse.
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though guzman and tovar will be in the same room they will not be permitte permitted to speakh other. cameras are not allowed to record the arraignments. but it only takes a few minutes for guzman and tovar to hear their charges before they are returned to their cells. >> they were both officially charged with murder and conspiracy to commit murder. found guilty they could face life in prison. tovar was expecting his charges but says seeing daniella charged came as a is surprise. >> that's serious, bro. >> shocked by hearing this? >> i am shocked by t. because she didn't know
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anything about it, you know. she didn't know -- she didn't know anything about that, man. >> raphael just kept calm. i couldn't. it was just too hard. i just kept crying. and i just said i'm sorry. >> guzman and tovar will not be allowed to see each other again until their trial. >> if i could say i love you and i will always be here for you regardless. regardless. regardless of what happens. regardless of what happens. >> coming up. >> she thinks she runs the cell. >> an inmate well known to deputies. >> it is crazy. she knows my brother outside of
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here. >> and -- >> ronnie padilla gets bad news. then, threatens to retaliate. [ male announcer ] it's a golden opportunity to discover a hybrid from the luxury car company that understands that one type of hybrid isn't right for everyone. come to the lexus golden opportunity sales event and choose from one of five lexus hybrids that's right for you, including the lexus es and ct hybrids. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. is as much about getting there... ♪ it is being there. ♪ [ birds chirping ] away is where the days are packed with wonder... ♪ [ wind whistles ] ...and the evenings are filled with familiar comforts. find your away.
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of the 3,000 inmates at the santa rita jail near oakland, about 10% of women. most live in general populations where they are free to be out of the cells and socialize several hours per day. but approximately 20 other female inmates live a far more confined life in the jail's segregation unit. >> those are the housed separately. one person per cell. never allowed to be two people in a cell and it can be anybody from a high profile case, could be a safety issue. could be somebody who does not i call it doesn't play well with others. they don't fit in with the general population setting. >> kelso, you got one hour. >> all right. >> each of the women is allowed out of the cell is one at a team for one hour per day. >> don't be mad because you are not out.
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>> kelsea uses her time to make rounds with all of the other women in segregation. >> she thinks she runs the cell. >> i love you. >> i love you. you are so pretty. >> she has a really nice ass. just hiding it. >> she thinks she is queen bee in the universe of santa rita jail. >> people say you don't find friends in jail. there is a lot of us that actually click together. >> it's loud, i guess. like, i have a lot to say. i think most of the deputies here all know me by name because i'm pretty loud. >> go to your window. >> she is very lively and personable and loves to talk. loves to have the spotlight on her so to speak. >> happy birthday. >> thank you.
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>> came in as just the average every day person but over the years of her coming back again and again and again and again developed almost a hierarchy. >> that is what i'm talking about, jay den. don't ask me to be quiet ever. that is what i'm talking about. >> i work with everyone and i know everyone from the street and just like i can utilize every person to make my stay more comfortable. >> happy birthday. >> happy birthday. have fun at your birthday from ebony. big treat. love you. happy birthday baby. i have been here for a year. meeting you was a breathe of fresh air. i look forward to our continued friendship. >> thank you, tweet. i love. >> kelsey is there because we ended up having problems on the minimum side and started to become more and more apparent and we would hear from multiple people and it wasn't just one or two people it was multiple people over months that she was
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running drugs. >> this is her cake. >> irwin denies ever dealing drugs in general population but admits to having used drugs smuggled in by other inhates and says she knows how to get them into jail. >> with drugs or tobacco you took it but since i'm already in -- >> tucking it. >> tucking it is females like wrap everything up and put it in their vaginal canal and bring it in. >> irwin has prior convictions for vehicle theft, drug possession, making terroristic threats. reeving stolen property and residential burglary. this time she is serving nine months for possession of stolen property, drug paraphernalia and vehicle theft. >> i like to spend a lot of money. i just have an expensive habit and lifestyle so it is unrealistic for me to find a
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job to get the amount of money i want. >> doing time in jail has not served as deterrent. >> i love you! >> i love you too,. >> i love my life. i mean it is probably not the best thing i could have chose to do but i'm happy with what i do and i'm to the going to be miserable. >> on the latest hour out of her cell she has introduced herself to the new girl on the block. daniella guzman. >> did you hear when when i was telling you the first time elton brought your brother over the first time i met him. >> it is crazy. she knows my brother outside of her. as soon as she said that i almost wanted to cry. i was like yeah, someone to talk to. >> she remembers her brother from a party they attended several years earlier. now, both guzman and her brother are codefendants charged with murdering a former high school classmate of guzman. >> comforting to know someone
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close to home. like i know everyone in here but she -- it is probably mind blowing to be thrown in seg. if i was here i could imagine it is comforting to have someone that you know close by. >> i only eat a little bit of it. i was telling myself like i'm not going to die of starvation in here. i need to eat. >> that is why like whatever vicky and i are like cool to shop so whatever you need. i know you will not ask for nothing, you keep saying no but. >> i feel bad. i don't even -- >> like it's good if we are in the position to do it. there are times that i don't have nothing that shop looks out for me. >> seems like a really sweet girl. she is just not jail material. this is her first time in trouble so kind of took her under our wing to make sure that she's cool. >> coming up. >> pushups. >> face trial for murder,
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daniella guzman receives coaching from her new friend. >> an ongoing battle because they keep onlying back. you can chase them off and they kept coming back to. >> deputies square off against anemosis determined to make his presence home. ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching,
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here is what is happening. crowds in cities around the nation called for justice for trayvon martin today. the rallies organized by the national action network whose president is ms nbc host the rev vend al sharpton. in colorado survivors and victims families marked the one year anniversary of the aurora theater shooting which left 12 people dead. now, let's take you back to "locked up."
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>> inmates at the santa rita recreationakland, red shirting could mean a card game in the day room or an hour in the outside area. they can enjoy california sunshine? one of the jail's rec. yards. though most would preforebe outside the high security walls one group can't seem to get enough of the place. >> fly south for the winter and north come spring. the fact is they are attracted to different large green areas. >> we have more green here and why fly any farther when i could stay right here. >> while they help bring some natural beauty to an otherwise dismal setting they also leave behind a natural nuisance. >> manure. it just makes a mess.
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that is the main issue. they get everywhere and make a mess. >> they sometimes have a field day and so when you are walking back and forth to the housing units you try to avoid it. >> an ongoing battle because they keep coming back. you can chase them off but they keep coming back. >> the maintenance guy has a machine that has a combination of street sweeper and zamboni. does a good job. it cleans it. >> i while the jail tribes to keep the yard clean for sanitary reasons ronnie padilla has a different motivation for regularly cleaning his cell. his gang required that all members keep their cells clean and orderly but deputies are more concerned with the contents of his cell. ronnie padilla is good at making weapons out of anything and everything. he is really good at this. you to check his cell and his person to make sure he doesn't have any weapons on him. >> while padilla is away at court deputy freely checks his
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cell for weapons or other contraband. >> it is a lot easier to search when they are not here then when we try to remove them and they come back. the policy and procedure states for administrative isolation cells we are supposed to search at least once a week and see what type of weapons they may or may not have. what things they are hanging on to or a kind of drugs this he could have or passing. we try to catch them when they don't expect to so they don't have time to prepare or take anything out of there. i'm not going tear his cell apart and throw it all over the place but i'm not going to clean it up either and put it back in cups where he had it. it is part of the cell being searched. the things i will take is this could be easily seen as a weapon. the rubber bands. he tore apart his clothing which is outside the rules and regulations. i will not write him up. i don't see anything major that i need to. >> when padilla returns to his
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cell from court he is not happy to see it has been searched. >> i go to court in the morning and they make a mess. they come search my cell. all messed up and then it isn't necessary for them to do that. they can look for what they are looking for. they don't find anything. it is unnecessary to do all the messed up stuff like that. >> the police officers, he is evil. >> staff believe they cannot take any chances on padilla as he is is awaiting sentencing on five counts assault with a firearm and attempted murder for stabbing another jen mate at santa rita. so his long stay in segregation will continue. >> daniella remains in segregation as well but has decided to make the best of it. >> i met a sheriff the other day who was really happy and said i like to make the best
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out of any situation i'm in. so that is the way i'm looking at it now. >> not only has guzman a former high school wrestler pee fun to exercise she acquired a personal train. you can do it. put your back into it. hit the pushups. do it. get it over with. just do five. >> her upstairs neighbor kelsey. >> go straight to the arm and then you will lock it out. >> i haven't lost hope but i basically came to like tell myself you are probably going to be in here forest of your life so get used to it. >> but guzman can't accept is living in the administrative segregation unit for much long. i'm going to try to see if they can take me out of. get on the inside. you won't have the loud assee all around. try to get out of here. >> it is mind over matter and
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i'm trying to be as sane as possible. >> this is my first time in custody. ity understand the severity of my charges. however, while i'm here i would like to attend any of the classes available. can i please be downclassed to maximum security. and then in advance of your time or whatever. >> she coaches her on how to fill out a transfer request form to move her out of segregation to general population. >> anywhere from sometimes four on a good day six hours of pod time a day. they get to eat outside of their cell. they get to communicate and interact with other inmates. i really -- i don't want to be here no more. >> class fix that you want to go to classes or something. they don't know if you have kids not. say you want to do the moms class. just tell them that you want to go to school. >> the transfer is important to guzman because her stay might grow considerably longer.
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though she says she admitted her role in the murder she entered a not guilty plea and now the case will go to trial. >> i was wondering if i could come back, you know, tovar in c 5. >> guzman's brother rafael tovar also says he admitted to police that he helped stab him to death but now he, too, has entered a not guilty plea. >> i will go downstairs and go grab tovar downtares and bring him up. >> we'll be right here. >> we wanted to ask him why but didn't get the chance. >> he doesn't want to come up. he is stressed out a lot right now because some guys are starting to show up at like schools around the area and they are starting to ask around like hey is there anybody named tovar around here and guzman around here and starting to look around and try to look for his family members and trying to exact revenge on people
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supposedly. now, he is really starting to stress like his family being in trouble and so i couldn't even get him out. i tried to get him out to cam talk to you off camera and he was like no, i can't. i can't do it. >> coming up. >> i can't really describe somebody like justin. he was just the best person that ever fell into my life personally. >> two years after his murder, his family and friends continue to mourn his death. 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. what makes the sleep number store different?
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i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. i missed a payment. aw, shoot. shoot! this is bad. no! we're good! this is your first time missing a payment. and you've got the it card, so we won't hike up your apr for paying late. that's great! it is great! thank you. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness. it has been one month since 19-year-old daniella guzman was book inside the santa rita jail near oakland. the first-time inmate is awaiting trial for the murder
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of a former classmate. >> this is my home kind of. yeah. >> because her case is considered high profile after making local news, guzman is housed in the jail's female segregation wing so she can be better protect. >> i'm in the worst situation possible. i can get in even more trouble and it is hard times. really hard. >> guzman has only made one friend in the unit. kelsey irwin an inmate well known for trouble has taken her under her wing. >> i trusted her as far as just showing me the ropes and everything and i'm appreciative because of what she did m. h. helping me out and being my mentor. >> now, guzman is become on her own. irwin has just been release today's the streets. >> kelsey not being here, it was really hard the first day because usually you hear, you know, her being super loud and yelling and trying to get everybody pumped up and happy
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and her not being here the first day was really hard and then after she left a couple more girls left and so it just gets quieter and quieter. >> with help from irwin, guzman has requested the transfer to general population where she would have more privileges and be around other inmates. either way, a murder charge could keep her in santa rita for years until her case is resolved. >> the worst part is not knowing. it is almost like you are stuck in here and you find yourself, you know, you can't even think about your future, you know, sometimes you want to daydream about stuff and i want to go do this or i want to, you know, travel. i want to something, you know. and it is like you are just at a standstill. you are living day by day and it is just -- it is just hard. >> while guzman faces an uncertain future, the friends
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and family of justice still struggle with the past. now, two years after his murder they gather to pay tribute at the site of his death. >> today is basically his two year heavenversary is the way you can stay. you can't really describe somebody like justin. he was just the best person that ever fell into my life personally. i honestly have no words to be able to describe him. just the way i made me felt. i didn't realize it until his funeral how everyone came together. you could just tell how loved he was. >> a big goofy guy. he was we tote most people that didn't know him but he was loving, caring. i mean he was always laughing. people remembered him for his trial. >> had this tragedy not happened what do you think he would be doing today? >> probably playing football in college. >> he that was good, huh?
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yes. >> was really good. >> most people think it will be a lot easier now that they arrested whoever they needed to arrest but you okay that still doesn't bring anybody back so. >> it just brought back mixed emotions. brought back old emotions that had kind of went away. >> but the emotions have not gone away for sevinia afoa. justice was the fourth of six children. in her home is her own memorial. >> this was his room and you all of the stuff in here and some of the poster and things here was from his friends when first passed away so my daughter put it up on the wall and his clothes is still hanging in his closet. and his helmet from the high school is still there. i just thieve there. i don't want to move anything. it's comforting for are me.
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>> though keeping justice's memory alive is a source of comfort, the recent arrests of her son's accused murderers has not been. >> that doesn't take the pain away, you know. the pain stay inside of me. i will carry that for the rest of my life. even now, my 15-year-old will say mom, can you please stop mentioning justice's name. i can't. as a mother, there is no way you can forget about your child, you know. i just hope just wish that they didn't -- they don't know how hard it feels but i'm going to day -- what i'm going through day by day. >> i really want them to punish for what they did. >> coming up --
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>> i want to be -- >> ronnie padilla asks jail officials to end his isolation. and daniella guzman finds general population might not be what she expected. >> right now, i'm just like man put me back in the hole, these girls are -- [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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"stubborn love" by the lumineers did you i did. email? so what did you think of the house? did you see the school ratings? oh, you're right. hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok? ...but what about when my parents visit? ok. i just love this one... and it's next to a park. i love it. i love it too. here's our new house... daddy! you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen.
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30 miles outside downtown oakland, the santa rita jail is a sprawling facility. its very makeup changes daily as new inmates enter and others leave. but for the past six years, there's been at least one constant in the men's disciplinary segregation unit. the sounds of ronnie padilla going through his daily mixed martial arts training. padilla is still awaiting sentencing on five charges of
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assault with a weapon and one for attempted murder. >> sometimes inmates can be here for many years by the time their cases are settled. it's not necessarily out of the ordinary that padilla has been here for such a long period of time. it's mainly because of the court system. it takes time to go through. their lawyers might push back court dates. they can use that time to their advantage so that they can defend their client better. >> despite the rugged exterior, he's built up while living here, padilla says the relentless isolation has taken its toll. >> it's hard to be in here by myself. sometimes i feel like the time goes slow. sometimes we lost everything when it comes to jail. >> padilla says the most significant of those losses is not being there for his three young children. they feel like they lost me. they're crying. daddy, when you get out? all the time they keep asking me questions like that, they broke
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my heart. i don't know how to answer those questions. i know one day i am going to go home. i hope it can be soon. >> padilla routinely applies to be sent back to general population where he would be less isolated and have more privileges. >> padilla, what's up man? >> i want to go back, you know what i'm saying? i don't want to be in that place no more. this ain't for me. >> if you go back to main line, you're not going to have any issues over there? >> no. >> no problems? >> i ain't got a problem with nobody. i've been good. >> okay. i got to talk to slagle and talk to him and see what he says. >> all right. thank you. appreciate it. >> deputy bounds dutifully takes padilla's request to the deputy head of the gang classification unit. and it's not the first time. >> i just went and talked to padilla out there in one. >> my buddy. >> your buddy. he's bugging me about going back to main line.
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deputy slagle reviews padilla's recent disciplinary history. it's clean. but he knows what happened last time padilla was in general population. he stabbed another inmate and almost killed him. >> when the deputy went in, he didn't back off. he had to take a face full of spray at that point too. >> before he would stop? >> yeah. >> i don't see any good coming of him going back in there. >> as he has several times in the past, deputy bounds gives padilla the bad news. >> he said right now he doesn't think it's a good idea. >> i know that he was going to happen. told me straight up. probably because they don't like me, that's why. i'm going to tell you something straight up. it's not because of fighting with deputies. it's not that. it's not that. it's not the case. it's something else. but you don't want to tell me. it's no excuse to use to hold me in here. i don't want to be behind this door no more. right.
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whatever time i got left to do, right i'm going to strike you dead hard time here. >> that's your choice. >> i mean it. >> you could go that route. that's not going to help you get back. >> they're going to get something to hold me here. so now i'm going to be like this. now i know why i'm here. now they're holding me for this, right? that's true. for something. but you're not going to hold me here for nothing. >> though padilla's request was denied, daniela guzman's request was granted. she has been transferred into the maximum security general population unit. >> ladies, step out. line up for lunches. >> it happened about a week ago. i remember the first day getting here i almost felt like bombarded by all the bodies being out, like being able to not being shackled, not being handcuffed all the time. i got used to being in the hole. i was there for like nearly three months. i was there for like two months three weeks. you know, i felt taken out of my element when i got put here.
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i found myself people watching. you get to be able to walk, hit the yard more often. be able to be with more people. but then also that could create drama because you could either get in a fight or something like that. so i don't know. it's a different scene. that's for sure. >> like four braids on the side. just four on the side. that's all. we call them four siders. >> my cellie, i play cards. that's the only benefit of having someone there. you have someone to talk to, someone to play a card game with or someone to share photos with. >> lock it down, man. >> stop running around. >> my program was already set when i was in the hole. sleep all day, stay up all night. >> oh, my god. i'm putting you out. that's it. daniela. >> you don't have to worry about either getting woken up by
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somebody in the middle of the night or you don't have to worry about i'm reading my book, am i disturbing her by keeping the light on. >> you think i can go back to sleep now? huh? you honestly think i can go back to sleep? >> that's why now i'm just like man, put me back in the hole. these girls are -- huh-uh. >> whether it's in the boisterous housing units of general population or the isolation of segregation, guzman is well aware if she's found guilty, the lifestyle will be one she must get used to. >> there's females in here that have done prison terms. they tell me how it is or what to expect. the one thing that they did stress was you know, there's lifers, that's their home. that's their house, there's people there that are never going to be eligible for parole. the one thing you have to do is first and foremost is show them respect. so i mean, they all stress that.
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just respect. >> they got to get used to the food in here. >> yeah. >> this isn't even -- this is all hard. >> i'd just like to be hopeful in thinking that maybe being locked up for life isn't exactly what they believe should be done or -- it's hard. i try to be just hopeful and maybe, you know, maybe i won't be spending the rest of my life in here.
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\s due to mature and graphic subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> an inmate's for two coup of soup led to a horrific are slashing. >> i didn't see the razor in his hand. did it so fast. >> married 21 years almost. twin boys. >> a case of road rage results in a murder charge for a software engineer. >> life was good. >> now after two years in jail,
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