tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 21, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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our budget. he didn't tell us it would do this. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, get whole-home installation for just 37 bucks. good evening americans. welcome to the ed show live from new york. it is 5:00 eastern. let's get to work. >> this was a difficult and painful decision. >> motor city is running on fumes. >> great american city, once the engine of prosperity. >> decades and decades in the making. >> let detroit go bankrupt. >> i wish there was more outrage over the past 10, 20 years. >> i think it is a good role model for what d.c. needs to do. >> no, not the joint -- >> you have fire trucks that don't work. ems runs that don't come on
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time. garbage that doesn't get picked up. >> how do we get better si service to citizens. >> rick, have you ever heard the expression, the customer is always right? >> we always said, we have plenty of money. >> i don't know what my future will be now. but get ready for new detroit. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. the keyword tonight is surrender. in this blood caroadcast, i wano take away that word. i want you to see how republicans give up, don't believe, surrender. and this man, right here, he is the former ceo of a compute are company. and today he is the governor of michigan with all kind ever excuses. lots of misinformation surrounding the story. i'm setting it straight tonight. rick snyder is running his state
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like a corporation. all about the bottom loine, not the people. he thinks he can reinvent detroit by making it a better place and putting the city through bankruptcy which of course is a legal challenge. i'll tell what you he is really doing, swindling public workers out of their hard-earned pensions. it today he came up with a grand idea for the motor city. >> one thing i'm proud of, we are partnering with the federal government, city and state working together is blight removal. we will start it implement a $100 million program to get rid of 78,000 blighted structures in detroit in the next 30 days. >> did he say a hundred million dollars to tear down the city? that's his idea of investment? rick snyder will not invest a dime to help the people of detroit. instead he want to spend money to destroy the city. this is the beginning of privatetization, my friend. calling local buddies when it
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comes to construction and have local bulldozers knock it down. he wants to destroy tradition and start over with privatization. i believe this state skexemplifs how great this country can be. when harry ford started the automobile industry, he made sure all of us workers made enough money so they could afford what the heck they were making. when we were attacked during world war ii, what did detroit do? they made a shift and make the arsenal of democracy. >> behind locked doors and almost 100 general motors plant throughout the countries, lie thousands of secrets. secrets that hitler would give his best hands to know. building a large avalanche of weapons would break the back of
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t the axes. training men to make, use and maintain tools of war is a primary importance as general motors makes victory its business. >> the city, as a culture, of mobilization when called upon. the people of detroit, not only saved america from the axis of evil, but helped free millions of people across the world from the oppression of hitler and mussolini. i do believe that back then they were americans. and i know damn well today they are sell americans in detroit. you may say, wait, ed be that's about war. hey, wait a minute. we have a jobs crisis in this country. if we care about black youth, if we care about people of color, if we care about our economy and growth, we need to care about detroit and not bring in the bulldozers. and just a refresher course, after the world war ii, detroit became the economic class.
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cars rolled off the assembly lines like never before. and you know what people had? a good paying union middle class job. wait a minute. that damn word in there again, union. oh, that's always the problem, isn't it? this went on for decades until republicans decided the best policy for the country was free trade and outsourcing of manufacturing. outsourcing of manufacturing. former governor general grand home highlighted the consequences of these policies today. >> the city of detroit is the most are child for the deindustrialization of america, david. since 1950, the hay day of detroit's burgeoning auto industry, there were almost 300,000 automotive or manufacturing jobs in the city. 300,000. today, it's 27,000. that's a 90% decline in good paying manufacturing jobs. >> so the math doesn't add up.
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there is no way that you can lose 300,000 manufacturing jobs and have a sustainable tax base for the city of detroit. now can yourself the question. could your city survive losing 300,000 jobs over a period of time. and maintain the same tax base? absolutely not. because you see, in the manufacturing factor sector, just like the ag dollar turning 11 times on main street, in the ag sector it does, in the manufacturing sector it does. it affects sales, marketing, supply line. it affects schools. it affects everything. the deterioration of the city will take place as the tax base erodes. so if you are going to have a national policy that outsourcing jobs to foreign countries because you don't want to pay people a living wage, this is what you're going to get, america. this is just the tipping point if we keep going in the direction we're going. now of course rick snyder, ceo
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governor. you know what he's doing? punishing public employees who work their entire life to get the pension and new they may not get it. i guarantee you, a lot of people will be hurting over this. the city government of detroit did not outsource these jobs over seas. >> this is 60 years of decline. this has been kicking the can down the road for 60 years. in my perspective on it, enough is enough. i think there needs to be more accountability in government. part of the issue here is let's stand up and deal with this tragic situation and take care of the citizens. >> so, he has no responsibility whatsoever in any of this. it's the last 60 years. well mr. snyder, why in the hell did you run for governor? why did you tell people before the election that you were going to do something about detroit? let me bring it to you this way, folks. when you don't have a plan, that means you don't have any guts.
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snyder has had no plan for the last three years for the city of detroit and now he is blaming everything? oh, this has been 60 years in the making. i didn't hear that on the campaign trail. now, i am showing you this chart a lot on the ed show. when union membership goes down, so do middle class wages over time. that's the 60 years i'm talking about, governor. republicans attacking unions. middle class workers going with the policy of free trade. and course, leaving a great american city, which was the pentacle of manufacturing in america, oh, just shove them down the toilet and don't worry. they are just a bunch of black folks anyway. this is your america. meanwhile, instead of saving detroit, snyder wants to bull doze. he want to bull doze it. he is trading people of detroit michigan like they are just numbers on a balance sheet. this i go thinks that demolishing a city is reinventing it. he is dead wrong. so tonight, okay, enough
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bitching. i'm going to gift governor of michigan the ed plan. i'm going to save detroit here in the next few minutes. and you know how i'm going to do it? i'm going to do it with federal dollars. you know why? because we did it to baghdad. we did it in kandahar. we did some nation building. we got to do some nation building right here. and the first city on the map is going to be detroit. first no city will survive unless citizens feel safe. i'm in charge. i'm ed schultz. instead of slashing public services, detroit is going to get thousands more police officers and firefighters. you know who will pay for it? the american taxpayers because we are going to reinvigorate the spirit in america this we can get it done. second thing, ruler schultz is going to do, detroit needs to make a major investment in education. every child needs an opportunity to advance. and the only way to do this is
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to have total commitment to education. don't shut down schools. open them back up. is it going to take money? yeah, it is. third, i have a republican idea here. this is kind of my bipartisan thing here. should detroit do this? should they give any company who relocates to the city a tax-exempt status for the next ten years? yes. the city knows how to make things. it is in the culture. manufacturing's in its dna. people of detroit will be able to reinvent manufacturing for the 21st century. now it is going to take billions to do this, to make this happen. the federal government needs to help. we've done it before. we can do it again. when did we do it, ed? i'll tell you, since you're asking at home. we bailed out wall street after criminal unethical and deregulated practices trashed our economy.
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we saved the automobile industry when it needed help. but it was a leloan. they are paying it back. you mean we can do this? detroit built this country. and i think congress needs to step up and cut this city and this state a check and make it a model so every american knows that this can be done. but instead, what the republicans are giving us is nothing but surrender. that's their policy. every politician who puts their hand on the bible and takes the oath of office has a duty to this city and the manufacturing in this country. that means you, republicans. you love to run around and wave the flag and tell us how you support the troops. how about supporting american workers. the gop loves to talk about patriotism and just how much they love america. i think it is time republicans step up and prove to us they don't have their head in the sand and they do love this country and they care about all people. now at the beginning of this, i
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said there's a lot of misinformation. let me just say this about cronyism. if you want it get detailed, you can find cronyism in any city government in this country. and this id'd idea that, well it's been under rule and city leaders for years, that's true. very true. that's why there were good wages, good pensions, good healthcare programs. there were things that people had earned. in city fathers knew they earned it. but the outside external pressures of outsourcing and free trade brought on by republicans and some democrats that put the pentacle of this problem in detroit. it is not the city's fault of what is happening in detroit. it is an american policy that stopped believing in workers. it is an american policy that said, manufacturing is really not that important. and detroit is the first city to pay the price.
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get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question -- are republicans happy to see detroit go bankrupt? text a for yes. text b for no. we will bring you the result later on in the show. let me just say this. detroit is the result of republican policy when you don't believe in workers, when you don't want to invest in communities and when you start picking and choosing neighborhoods like rom emmanuel is doing in chicago. i offer to you tonight that this is, god dang it, it can't be the beginning, but i'm afraid it is. for more, let's turn to the mayor of lansing michigan who ran against rick snyder and lost in that election. also with us is msnbc analyst dr. eric dyson. gentlemen, great to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. >> great to be here, ed. >> virg, you ran against snyder
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for governor. did you talk about detroit? >> it came up quite a bit. you about brought a tear to my eye. you are a national treasure and detroit owes you a debt of gratitude for talking sense. yes, the problem of detroit came up. we both agreed over and over again that detroit was michigan's first leading city. failure was not an option. we today make detroit work. detroit is the face of michigan. and we would be job one to wring back jobs to the state and in particular to detroit. i got to tell you, with all due respect to the governor, this is not sour grapes. until this bankruptcy, we haven't seen any action in detroit. there hasn't been a focus on detroit. the governor who said over and over again that everything he did would be seen through the prism of all jobs created for the state, i don't know of one job he brought to detroit. the first thing he did is destroy the movie credit which was bringing move oes and
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businesses, studios built in the detroit area. he wiped that out as job one. >> he has no plan for detroit. he has no plan and now he is blaming it on the last 60 years. i think that's very profound. >> exactly. >> michael, we did something for wall street. isn't there a main street? detroit we can help? what about this? is race an issue in this? >> absolutely, right, ed. i want to first say i join in with the mayor there, because your opening sermon was so powerful and appropriate here on this sunday when we are dealing with such serious and somber issues. i am a native of detroit. i spent the first 21 years of my life in detroit. i just received from naacp doing extraordinary work there and talked to dave bing, this is a city worth saving and we have to do it. as 85% black city. it's been perceived as a colony of black people who are ringed
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by suburban white areas now going into the city to plunder it. the perception is that there is a massive take over of resources and materials and properties and basically being occupied. so we have to acknowledge that part of this has to be the racial an mouse that characterized that city the last 50-some-odd years. and shift from manufacturing to service hemorrhages jobs in the city, depleted that city of its economic infrastructure and the government should be investing that hundred million dollars knot city and your plan that wants to use to destroy it and your plan -- >> we can do that. >> of course. we know how to write checks. whatever happened to believing in american workers. and virg, was this snyder's plan all along? >> i hope not. but there was neglect. after saying it would be job one, from a guy who is supposedly from the corporate sector, who knows business, i've
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done more economic development in my city than i've seen the governor do it. where are the jobs? where's the plant? during the campaign, i talked about the exact thing you are talking about. providing incentive, giving companies a reason to relocate in detroit. make it in detroit for things. we know how to make things. we made the things that make america great. instead, we allow detroit to be the hole of the doughnut instead of the hub of the wheel. most of our cities in michigan are hallowed out. dying on the vine. it is few exceptions. >> none. this needs federal help and congressional action and we need to pick and choose sides on this. i know where the republicans will be. they will say, no, we are for privatization and this is where we have to go. virg, we will continue on this. i appreciate you being with us. next up, as republicans vote for 39th time to repeal obama
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care, the house speaker says there is more to come. that is going to be next with our rapid response panel. they will weigh in. stay with us. we're right back. members of the american postal worker's union handle more than 165 billion letters and packages a year. that's about 34 million pounds of mail every day. ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer? millions? tens of millions? hundreds of millions? not a single cent. the united states postal service doesn't run on your tax dollars. it's funded solely by stamps and postage. brought to you by the men and women of the american postal worker's union. for the things you can't wash, freshen them with febreze.
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black on black crime snpz black on black violence. >> black on black crime. >> black on black murd. >> black on black crime. >> black on black crime. >> should the african-american community focus on that, the black on black crime, carnage in our inner cities and not on george zimmerman. >> was there something going on at fox where they all happen it say black on black crime? this very same conservatives complaining that president obama injected race into the discussion over the death of trayvon martin are now making the claim that we in the media ignore the issue of black on black crime. i refuse to ignore black on
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black crime or any crime. because conservatives aren't telling the whole story. majority of murders are between people of the same race. that's right. 94% of black victims were killed by black offenders. but wait a minute. 86% of white victims were killed by white offenders. what is going on here? my friends, there's a distortion of facts going on that breeds the same kind of fear-based profiling which led george zimmerman to follow trayvon martin. the same rhetoric that had fox news hosts anticipating riots instead of protests in the wake of the zimmerman verdict. this is exactly the kind of rhetoric president obama was asking us, as a nation, to examine. what gets me though is conservatives aren't bringing up black on black crime calling for justice. there is no outrage over racial disparity. black male born in 2001 has 32%
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chance of spending more, some forcing of his time, and life in prison. white male born the same year has just 6% chance. now conservatives aren't exactly rolling up their sleeves and addressing the lack of economic opportunity in black communities, are they? they aren't outrages when they bought president obama's job act or schools closed in chicago or communities that node them the most. they are not addressing republicans refusal it pass gun safety legislation supported by the majority of people in this country. no. conservatists -- if conservatives are going to act outraged by figures on black on black crime they need to be outraged by factors contributing to the problem. and i think they are part of the problem, the way they tell it to the american people. michael eric dyson back with us it note for the discussion. also joining us, joy reed.
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always great to have you both. joy, in your opinion is rampant black on black crime just a myth? >> you know, all of this discussion from the right -- first of all, black people are not disabused of this notion that these conservatives on fox or elsewhere care at all on black on black crime or victims of the same. they are saying this to deflect from the fundamental issue because the reality is that killers, criminals, murderers, tend to operate within their own geographic space. so a killer will operate within the community he lives. he wouldn't go into a black community and kill children in a preschool there. he stays local and does it in his own community. we don't talk about white on white crime when we talk about white people killing other white people. >> michael, your response to that narrative tape, it seems like they are on a mission. >> of course. and i mean, they are ignoring what you put out and ignoring
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what joy reid so eloquently articulated. people kill where they live. if if you want activity of stealing and robbing and other mayhem, then have the communities integrated. they usually go for local work. which means they kill people they know. people harm people they have met. for the most part. and people within their circum navigated geography. the reality is fox news tried to pump up the volume with black on black crime. >> i think their naftive of black on black crime is narrative of letting detroit go bankrupt. it is just a bunch of black kids doing it to one another. i think it all ties in together. i believe that. joy, your son asked a tough question in an op ed this weekend. tell bus it. >> my son, jamar, who is 16
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years old, walks a verdict with his dad, brother and sister like a lot of people did, the zimmerman verdict. he was surprised. he thought zimmerman would be convicted. in his mind following and shooting a black kid should mean you go to jail. he felt afterwards it deval i'd his own life, life of people like him. my son doesn't operate in an all black context. his best friend is white. he lives in a community and goes to school with kids of all cases. now he feels singled out. me, as a young black man, this is him, saying my life is less valuable. >> if we invest in detroit, it changes the focus of how we care about the judge of this country. that's why i think these stories are very much connected. president obama took heat from tavis smiley this morning. has president obama done enough on the race issue? has he addressed it enough?
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>> look, obviously we always want more. you know what we want to hear from president obama because he is a smart guy on race. he wrote "dreams from my father." you don't want michael jordan in the white house and not talk about basketball. you don't want barack obama in the white house and not talk about race. the reality is however, the consequences of his discourse, have been from the far right wing assault and look, tavis smiley is a friend of mine, i love him. but tavis and his buddy, dr. west, are in hateration. i think the comments filtered through the prism of personal an mouse and they can't see the larger landscape and they never acknowledge the good that might be good. tavis is wonderful and is right in giving us more but now the president that has give us more because he is such an insight if race in america. >> thank you for being here this sunday. i appreciate it.
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the big apple get's a break on insurance premiums. how obama care is working and how republicans are trying to stop it. plus, mcconnell and corker, a love story. >> but next, i'm taking your questions. ask ed live, just ahead, stay with us. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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ensures support, a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like. sooner than you'd think. you die from alzheimer's disease. we cure alzheimer's disease. every little click, call or donation adds up to something big. welcome back to the ed show. we love hearing from our viewers. that is why this is my favorite segment. tonight our first question come from kathy schertz. why is the gop so against the poor and middle class? well this is just my opinion. this is the concentration of political power in this country. if the middle class becomes a viable political force, it is
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going to be really tough for the wealthy and country to drive the agenda. this is why the koch brothers are so advanced in going after workers. this is why alec is a part of writing legislation that attacks institutions that made this country great because those very institutions will have political prowess and they will be able to fight back against the wealthy and concentration of wealth in this country. so that is why the go is so against the poor and middle class. not to mention, they love to privatize everything. they think privatization is key to the success of this country. and as a democrat, as a liberal, i simply cannot good along with that. our next question comes from some i go who calls himself peekaboo. all right. how can you blame gop policies in detroit when demes had control for 50 years? you know what, there isn't a city in this country that could lose 300,000 manufacturing jbs and stay the same with the same
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tax base. we covered this in the first segment of the program. the bottom line is, these democrats in control of detroit, they believed in fair wages. they believed in healthcare. they believed in pensions, then made shower a living wage was important because that's the culture of the city. that's what henry ford was all about. henry ford was a leader and an icon, a manufacturer. a financier. he believed that american workers were important. that's why he paid them. so the culture of the city moves forward. so does the culture of the country with outsourcing and republican policies and the free markets. detroit was just the first city it pay the price. no, this is all because of republican policy. you see, the democrats in detroit, they care about you after you're born there's a lot more coming up in "the ed show." stick around.
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nearly 7 million americans could lose their employer based plans. >> rising tide of healthcare costs. >> many people have seen higher premiums. >> well, it is helping the advertising market, that's for sure. welcome back to "the ed show." republicans are running out of time to destroy obama care. so now they are hoping that new lies and lame commercials will do the trick. this week, house republicans tried to pick apart obama care so they could delay health
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coverage for millions of americans. republicans have now tried or either repealed to dismember obama care 39 times. house speaker john boehner said this morning he plans to go for number 40. >> we should not be judged on how many new laws we create. we aught to be judged on how many laws we repeal. >> yeah. we shouldn't be judged by how many people we let fall by the way side and get sick and die or get sick and good bankrupt trying to stay healthy. we don't care about them. we don't want to be judge had on that. republicans have been promising to repeal or replace obama care for the last three years and they still can't get it done. maybe because people want it. let's get reaction from donna o'donnell and dr. cori abare and wendel potter. >> wendel, is this just an effort to keep people from signing up for obama care
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november 1st? >> no, not really, it is all political. they want to do this for political purposes. spread fear, uncertainty and doubt and get people to vote for more republicans. that's the end game here. not that they care so much about repealing a law as it is about trying to get people to agree with them and to elect their colleagues come 2014. >> so they think that this is all about keeping the house, getting the senate, that they can convince the american people that this is just a big boone doggel and it won't help them with the way facts are bearing out right now. >> absolutely. >> donna, will obama care kill jobs? >> i think obama care will help jobs. but so many people don't have healthcare, that used to be the foundation for making sure you had covered lives.
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now we have jbs that don't sustain families an benefits that don't take care of families. there is a moral obligation to participate in a meaningful way. creating jobs or taking care of the healthcare needs of people that are -- our next door neighbors, i just don't -- i don't get it. >> the moral component, no question is missing on the republican side. dr. abear, karl rove has an ad claiming that obama care will create a bunch of paperwork. you, as a doctor, is this true? wi will this meyer the whole met medical community and make it worse. >> well, they want to make it look like obama doesn't care. but he does care and they will take it and like it. right now a lot of people have gotten a lot cheaper healthcare in the last couple of days and think about this, the woman who actually now can afford
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healthcare, can now actually have healthcare and not be denied because she was a victim of domestic violence. that is what obama care means. we can't go back and forth and make people think they are scared it have obama care. this is not protecting poor people or rich people. this is protecting people out there that work everyday, like you out there listening. so you node it make shower that you protect your middle class cop september of what reality is and not just go on and on and think obama care is scary. it will save your life. >> it is. and you brought up a point on rapid response here, republicans seem to struggle with the math again. the new york health exchange premiums will job about 50% for the consume are. there was an attack ad and says cuts were false. democratic led california is celebrating more affordable healthcare premiums while republicans in ohio are complaining we are still waiting for chris christie to release
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the obama care premiums for his state. wendel, will premiums go down? is this a fact of life for consumers at that their premiums will go down? >> for most americans who buy coverage for the individual market, yes, they will go down in new york and almost every other state. and for people who get their coverage to the workplace, they won't be affected in any way. they will continue to get their coverage the way they have in the past. but for those many millions who can't get coverage at all because of being blackballed by insurance companies and being charged far too much in the past, they can finally get coverage they can afford. >> well, it is interesting. after october 1st, all the way it mid terms to see how this battle continues on. donna, will republican governors be forced to sign on because of all of the positives? how in the world could you ever take it away from them? how could a politician governor go out on the stump and say, you know what, you have healthcare
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and i'm taking it away. how is that better? >> i think that is a hard argument. they are facing resistance within states. some governors are trying to figure out how to get the benefit of being against obama care and yet engage obama care. there is real financial value for states. but feeling compelled to hold up this ideological approach which is just inconsistent with the benefits for their constituents. >> dr. abear, how will people in republican states suffer if they don't sign on to obama care. >> well, they have to get their own healthcare and pay for it. but hospitals, taking care of an uninsured patient, they have to suck all of that expense up. and pass that on to someone. and that someone is going to be the middle class.
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so you have to understand that when governors don't give the money to states for obama care, they will cause a lot of problems for a lot of people and lot of institutions in the united states. that's really not fair. as a doctor, my job is to make shower that people are taken care of. a lot of doctors don't like obama care because it may decrease a small amount of the salary. but reality is that i am in this because i'm an altruistic person that want it take care of my fellow man. and i've got to do it. i will break this stuff down, man. i make it ridiculously simple so people can understand obama care. you have to make it that way so people aren't scared. >> i understand you do it in two sections. we will spend more time on that on another show. dr. hebert, thanks so much. thank you for being on the ed show. up next, keystone state
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republicans celebrate tactics. stay tuned. ♪ don't you ♪ don't you wanna, wanna ♪ don't you ♪ don't you want to see me flaunt what i got? ♪ oh. ♪ don't you ♪ don't you wanna, wanna ♪ don't you ♪ don't you wanna, wanna stress sweat is different than heat and activity sweat -- it smells worse. secret clinical strength gives you four times the protection against stress sweat. live fearlessly with secret clinical strength. what makes a sleep number store different?
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ok, that checks out. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with payment flexibility. and in our pro tenders tonight. the pennsylvania republican party robbed gleason. rep remember when the republican party tried its darndest by stealing the election with strict new voter id laws? even there there was zero documented cases of vote r frau. >> voter id, which will allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania, done. >> house leader could not have put it any bet are. republicans tried it walk back
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the statement but couldn't keep their mouths shout for long. meet rob gleason, also known as castian obvious. >> we probably add better election. think about this. we caught bm obama by 5%. he won, beating mccain by 10% and romney by 5%. i think voter id helped a bit in that. >> oh in their mind, they are making progress. gleason says dirty tricks cut votes not romney's superb campaign. tell us something we don't know. if he thinks that gives him or his prty any credibility, he can just keep on pretending. a-a-a.
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who take a shower after work, when mitch mcconnell was begging the caucus not to give the nlrb, the senator got so frustrated with mcconnell's interpretation of events, that he called bs loud enough for the entire room to hear. mcconnell lost his argument, and president obama finally got some of his nominees, the people he wanted to work for him for a long time. but as senator bernie sanders said on my radio show this week, it is not enough. >> i think the issue is how do we deal with the overall dysfunctionalty of our senate, where the enormous problems in our country, the gap in wealth, issue a climate change, the fact that many kids can't afford to go to college right now. crumbling infrastructure, all the issues that you and i talked
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about, we're not getting real resolutions to these issues, because to pass anything in the united states senate right now requires 60 votes and the republicans are using the filibuster issue, and i think we have to rethink that process. >> this is not real filibuster taxpayer reform, the agenda that the american people voted for twice, for more, i'm joined by larry cohen, who is the president of the worker's union of america. larry, this is progress, is it not. the nlrb is filled out, legally functioning, right? >> next week, hopefully that will happen. we need senate action tuesday, wednesday, and thursday before they adjourn. we expect that, i think it is a step forward as you expect. but as bernie sanders said, we
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still don't have a senate that can't adjourn without 60 votes. it can't talk about anything at all without 60 votes. that is not democracy. >> did harry reid do the right thing by threatening all of this? should he have done more or is there round two of this? >> i think round two will come. harry reid's problem is having 51 votes, or 50 votes plus the vice president. and he has members of that caucus that don't want to change anything. and our democracy initiative, our coalition group, will stay on them. because we need change, regardless of which party is in there this is not what kids learn in fifth grade civics, and we deserve a change. >> what do you think about what democrats say, surprisingly, carl levin, of michigan, that is described as a traditionalist in the senate, that doesn't want to
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dink around with the rules. >> i believe senator pryor was prepared to vote for the small procedural motion that would have allowed the president's nominees as article 2 of the constitution provides to get an up or down vote based on the majorities. super majorities for treaties, and for overriding the president's veto, but a majority to confirm a president who spent two years campaigning to confirm his nominees. and i think that is the question in this case, why do four of the five democrats in the national caucus get shaky needs over a simple procedural motion that would have allowed the president to have his nominees confirmed, just like the 43 before him. >> do you think this sent a message to the democrats, you better wake up before the mid-term? >> i think labor, business, democrats, and many more, people fighting for closures, financial
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reformers, we're all banded together here in the democracy initiative. we will continue to be. yes join together because of cordray and mccarthy and perez as well as the nlrb nominees. but that coalition will continue on, somewhat inspired, gaining some momentum, but as you said and bernie sanders said it is time the senate be able to debate the issues of the day and not hide from them. >> well, there is a number of issues where the democrats have had the majority, the majority of votes in the senate. and i'm talking about jobs. and how frustrating is that for you and how much has it hurt the committee? i mean, the jobs filibuster that has repeatedly hurt the country, despite the fact we have had 30% sector job growth. >> a disaster, we have many
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paying a substantial penalty when they dump health care, we have the disclose act, where does the money from politics come from, and the dream act, for kids who grow up in this country without much hope. all of these, the employee act, they all had majority support in the 111th congress, and none of them ever got discussed. and it goes on and on today. >> yet the democrats could get so much done if they were to change the rules but they're afraid of the future. >> that is the bottom line. >> they're afraid if the power ever shifts it would be the wrath of the conservative movement which would really hurt the country, is that the right move? >> it is not the right move, because republicans will do it on day one, any time they're in the majority. they said it this week they will do it. the question is, why democrats don't lead? >> whose side are you on to fight for the country? the workers, the corporations, the republicans clearly are going to go for the jugular, if
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they ever get the chance. harry reid, this is your time if we're ever going to move forward. that is "the ed show." we'll see you back here friday, saturday, have a great one. which comes out on top? we brought real people to the texas desert to find out. it's just nice. very crisp. cool and fresh. that's what i was thinking! fresh. that's exactly what i was thinking. yeah. fresh. fresh. like i could definitely wrap myself in it. odors are no match for the febreze car vent clip. another way febreze helps you breathe happy. odors are no match for the febreze car vent clip. faso you want to save on autoof insurance?. drive a hybrid. get good grades. lose the bling. go paperless. combine policies. make automatic payments. and of course, talk to farmers. hi ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪ this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you?
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