tv News Nation MSNBC July 23, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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hi, everyone. i'm tamron hall. the "news nation" is following breaking news right now. prince charles says his first grandchild will be shown to the world in, quote, a minute. throngs of well wishers have gathered outside st. mary's hospital where prince william and duchess catherine are expected to leave with their son at any moment. thousands of visitors have also gathered outside buckingham palace. prince charles and his wife visited the baby today. after a brief visit, he said his grandson was marvelous. as i understand it, let's take the live picture because i've just gotten in some news. we have a five-minute warning that the royal couple will appear very soon. let's go straight to st. mary's hospital. we have, i believe, chris jansing is standing by. chris, we just got this five-minute warning. we see a little bit of activity on the other side of the door there. what can you tell me?
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i don't think we have chris just yet. let me bring in martin bashir. martin, as i was prepared to read all of the developments that happened earlier today, which quite honestly at this minute don't matter because we've been told in the next four minutes or so we will finally see -- >> sure. remember one thing, tamron. the chronology of this has been somewhat prolonged. we didn't hear about the actual birth until four hours after it had happened. we were told that the duke and duchess of cambridge were going to come out and present their beautiful young son to the world at 1:30. it's now -- what is it, 2:02 p.m. on the east coast. i think they've taken their time. to a large extent, they're probably inside thanking all of the nursing and medical staff. the doors are opening now. >> the doors are opening. well, i hear cheers. maybe people have been duped as we were just now. i think any person who touches
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that door -- in fact, we were comparing this -- my team and i, we were on live when the announcement came down that pope francis would be -- we saw a flutter of activity behind the curtain. suddenly this man emerges and everyone gasped because we'd never seen or heard his name in many cases before. chris jansing is standing by. chris, we heard the people there kind of a ground swell of awe. turns out it's not the duke and duchess of cambridge. >> reporter: no, but they should be just a couple of minutes away. this has been very well orchestrated. as you can imagine, tamron, the excitement is really building here. we have a sense of what's going to happen. these are the iconic stairs where we first met prince william. of course, he was in the arms of his parents, of diana and of charles. today we will get our first look at the future king. here's what's going to happen. they're going to come out, and
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the three of them will pose for pictures. the comparisons will be made to that iconic shot that we saw 31 years ago. then as we were promised, prince william will actually have some comments to make. he's going to walk over to within perhaps ten feet of me. i'm just behind the barrier. they've flipped a coin. some of the leading journalists, the leading presenters, as they call them here, decided who was going to be able to ask the first question. he will take one or two questions after perhaps making a statement. they are going to get in the car, and they're going to go back to kensington palace. a couple of details that they have been sharing include the fact that there will, of course, be a baby safety seat. they will be strapping this eight pound, six ounce boy into the seat. there are literally four, five, six, seven lines of cameras behind me. some of them no more than, i don't know, 30 feet away. yet, the lens on them could
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probably go a good distance across the city of london. we are in the final countdown, perhaps the final minute until we get our first look at the future king. >> chris, i heard you mention that william will make comments. i also saw something that they may actually take questions. is that the case? >> reporter: we expect them to -- him to take one or two questions. there's been no indication that kate, the duchess, will come over. but prince william will come over. they did have this flip of the coin among these british broadcasters to make the decision about who would get to ask the first question. we'll see if he takes more than one, tamron. >> okay. let me bring in the daily beast royal expert. tom, thank you for your time. it's interesting as we've watched prince charles arrive with camilla. we also saw duchess kate's parents as well. they all expressed what i think any parent would, that their son or daughter had their first
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child. they're thrilled, elated. the queen said she's thrilled. she told guests this a the a buckingham palace reception. how this really plays out lies in the hands of prince william and his wife. >> well, exactly. you mentioned prince charles being at the hospital today. that was just a fantastic break with protocol. usually the royals never go to hospital to visit each other. they sort of say that it's too much fuss and it'll cause too much disturbance and create -- well, you know, hey, there's no shortage of fuss here already. >> right. you could only add to it. no one would notice. >> but it was so great to see him there. i kind of slightly wish he'd got there before carol and mike middleton, kate's parents. but it was fantastic to see charles there. he looked so happy. he just looked like a regular grandpa. there's cheers going up again from outside the hospital. people are really excited. when charles came out, he turned
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to one of the presenters and said -- the presenter said, how is he? what did he look like? he said, you'll find out in a minute. hang tight. so that got everyone excited. so we've been -- well, it's a royal minute, you know. the royal prerogative. they can stretch mare minutes as long as they like. it's been just a really fun afternoon here in london. >> and speaking of fun, i understand prince charles even joked with reporters there and said something to the effect of you guys have been waiting out here long? he probably didn't say you guys with my american casualness. he said something along those lines, tom. >> yeah, he said you've been waiting here a long time, i understand. and we have. we've been there, you know, since the 1st of july. they never gave us any guidance about how long, you know, when the child was due. so people showed up there, you know, at the beginning of july because they didn't want to be caught out. diana, of course, gave birth ten
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days early. people were totally caught out by that. so there was no way that was going to happen this time. but i don't think any of us really thought we'd still be here on the 23rd of july. but here we are. >> well, martin, let me bring you back in. carol and mike middleton arrived this morning. i was on the "today" show. we saw them. honestly, we know they could have gotten one of the jaguars from the royals, but they chose to arrive in a taxi cap. i think everything is about message at this point and they were sending a message. >> well, i think so. to tom's point, i guess it would have been nice if prince charles had been first. i think the fact that the duchess of cambridge's parents were the first to arrive is an indication of the fact that this child is going to have a close relationship with that -- the mother's grandparents. >> it's also an indication of perhaps what they're trying to see as normalcy, as best they can. most women when you give birth, yes, your spouse is there, but it's usually your mom. it's unusual to have your
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husband's father hanging around first and that is more a representative of what most people would experience. >> and here's the rub with this situation. this baby, which is about to become the most famous child on the planet, is not just the possession of those parents. this baby is about to become, at some point in the future, the monarch of the united kingdom, the head of state for 15 separate nations and the head of the commonwealth, which currently numbers over 80 countri countries. so there is a sense that in a moment when they cross the threshold of those doors and those steps, the shared relationship of that child will begin and the future will be, as we know, very, very challenging. there's already pressure on prince william and princess catherine to make a major overseas trip. i was hearing from someone earlier today that australia is a possibility within the next year. that would be interesting
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because when william was born, his parents, prince charles and princess diana, actually traveled to australia when he was just 8 months old. so that's an indication of the fact that these are precious moments, precious, private moments for this family because they know full well that this child is not just part of their family but it's part of the family of the united kingdom. >> are you getting misty eyed, martin? >> not really. >> you seem emotional. >> well, it's making me reflect on the births of our three children. it's making me think about what that was like and how precious those moments were. that's what i'm reflecting on. >> that's nice. >> thank you. >> yeah, it is. tom, let me bring you in. martin touched upon the pressure that prince william and princess catherine faced. let's look at his life and what he's experienced, the incredible amount of tragedy and the pressure that he's experienced.
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i don't know who could ever be equipped for this, but -- >> i can't -- >> you can't hear us, tom? okay. let me let you work out the audio there. i'll go back to martin. martin, you talked about the pressure. but when you look at this young man's life, and i remember it like so many others, getting up and watching the funeral of princess diana and watching that child walk behind his mother's casket. that's pressure and having to face the world. >> that was something he never really wanted to do and was persuaded to do. >> and that you can't plan for. >> of course. >> but this, as a parent, you planned. you're an adult. you're equipped with different skill sets now. >> but this is still a bittersweet moment because his mother is not there. she would have absolutely delighted in being a grandmother. i have absolutely no doubt whatsoever she would have been thrilled. so, yes, there is that. i think also, the other -- >> but he has a great relationship with his father. this is not to diminish what his mother would feel. there were a lot of people --
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and you know better than i -- who wondered what his relationship would be like with charles given the hardships that he knew about with his mother. i remember seeing an interview where she said william would stuff tissue under her door when she would cry and there was some wonderment how he would play -- how camilla would play a role in his life as well. so we've seen all of this develop to the point where now he's a father. >> and i think a large amount of credit deserves to go to the prince of wales. i think that by all accounts, he has been an exceptionally supportive parent to both his boys. he's encouraged them to pursue the careers that they've wanted to pursue. even when many people in the united kingdom felt that prince harry, it was an unwise thing for prince harry to go into combat in afghanistan, his father was extremely supportive of him doing so. so i think to a large extent prince charles has won enormous credit for the way he's brought these boys up. i think also this is an
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indication as well of the fact that the monarchy itself has evolved, and they've learned every lesson it's possible to learn from the past -- >> it looks like the doors are opening. here at 2:12 eastern time, the world may get its first glimpse. there's a lot of activity. let's see. this is not the moment. tom, i think that they should stop allowing anyone to go in or out of that door at this point. no more false alarms here. we see that these people are getting into place. obviously, we're very close here. it's been almost 12 minutes since we got that five-minute warning, tom. >> it's like watching paint dry. it's definitely the most interesting closed door in london. i can't -- i've never seen a closed door attract so much media attention. but, oh, look.
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who's that? oh, my word. hello. >> here we go. let's listen in. >> kate middleton and prince william, their beautiful little boy. >> let's listen in to the crowd's reaction to the first sight of prince william and princess catherine and their little baby yet to be named. let's listen in. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> he's got a good pair of lungs on him, that's for sure. he's a big boy. he's quite heavy. we're still working on a name, so we'll have that as soon as we can. it's the first time we've seen him, really. having a proper chance to catch up. >> [ inaudible question ]. >> very emotional. >> yeah, very emotional. such a special time. i think any parent i think will probably sort of know what this feeling feels like. >> very special. >> [ inaudible question ]. >> it was.
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i'll remind him of his tardiness when he's older. hopefully we can all get back to normal. he's got her looks, thankfully. >> no, no, no. [ cheers and applause ] >> thanks a lot. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> there you have it. prince william, princess catherine. i think, tom, martin, it was worth the wait. even if you're a cynical person out there and you think this is
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all hype, to see catherine's glow, to see william so proud, and even joking. they look like this couple. they've got each other's back. they're there to share this moment with the world and handle it with such care and tenderness. >> it was so sweet. he acknowledged the lateness of the arrival of the birth. he also said that the young prince had his mother's lips, thankfully. but she also said that this was a very emotional time, and they were just very natural. >> i think he said his mother's looks. >> looks, right. oh, great. >> and he referred to it the baby having more hair than him. >> that's a good sign. obviously, they're just overwhelmed with joy. as they said yesterday, they couldn't be happier. i think what you just saw was the physical manifestation of their happiness. >> well, tom, prince william said this was the first time they really had a chance to see him, and they need to let it soak in before giving him a name.
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what i was struck by, chris jansing said we could expect prince william to answer questions, but he didn't approach that mic alone. side by side, they both took questions and engaged the people, knowing how special of a moment this is for those who have waited. tom? >> and look at them. they just look fantastic, don't they? william with the sleeves rolled up, you know, the shirt a little bit undone. kate in that very casual kind of little cotton gown she's wearing. and william saying, you know, we're still working on a name, which i think is just a lovely little phrase. i'm sure that'll have to be the headline for tomorrow, anyway. everybody's been, you know, hoping that we'd get to hear the name. well, you know what, they're not ready to give us the name yet. they're a couple who sort of guard their privacy so much. maybe they want to keep the name private for a little bit longer. >> but even in their body language, just the way they're interacting with the reporters and the people around, it's the
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kind of cup kl, quite honestly, you could see in your neighborhood with a stroller, with their coffee. you say hi, they say hi, and they go on about their way. they have an ability, at least in this moment, to shed away all of the formality and really just reach through for those who are interested in this. >> you know, i'm so pleased that william's been able to channel that side of his personality this afternoon because sometimes he can forget -- when he's talking to the media, he can forget he's talking to the people at home. he thinks he's in this competitive thing with the media. harry's very bad at it, too. that was william understanding that these are images, this is footage that is going around the world. his words are being heard around the world. speaking to the people at home. like you say, just like any excited new parent, you know. >> and martin -- >> i think to tom's point, though, i think that they were
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simply overwhelmed with the reaction. i don't think that william was in media mode. he was just being himself. he could see from the crowd and from the medical staff and the midwives and the nurses that there is a genuine sense of joy and celebration at this child's birth. i think it was overwhelming. >> do you think that comes as a surprise? >> no, i was saying to tom's point. i think we have more action. >> they're coming out again. like every modern parent now, you've got to have your car seat ready. there's the baby. i'm also impressed this baby is able to handle all of the noise. >> william is going to drive the range home. that is so cool. >> and catherine is there in the backseat with their baby. >> that is so great. >> that is pretty cool, i have to say. >> that is pretty spectacular.
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it has to be said. >> martin, can you imagine charles driving himself home from that? i mean, it's just -- >> absolutely not. >> this is a different time. this represents so much. we use, you know, the casual language. i'm sure people will comment on this in many ways. they are sending a modern message. they're sending a modern message here. is chris jansing standing by? let's see if we can get chris to join us. chris, are you there? >> reporter: i finally was able to stand up, if you can hear me. we were all on ground so the cameras could get their shots. the word you keep hearing is brilliant. what a brilliant move. there was a lot of speculation about who would be in the back, who would be in the front. they said, oh, maybe prince charles would sit up front with the driver. he gets in the driver's seat and he drives away in every sense. this is a thoroughly modern
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couple. i thought what he had to say was so much like any new father that you've ever met. you know, the baby is kind of heavy and he's got a good set of lungs on him. that they don't have a name yet. i think you pointed out something that is going to be so much commented upon, the fact that they came to the microphone together, that they could be anyone in your neighborhood, any young couple, of course, if you happen to have impossibly good looking people and couples in your neighborhood. but they just looked so happy and so joyous. i have to tell you, i was watching the faces of members of the staff who were allowed to line up along the side of the door there. they had them, you know, kept back with some of these dividers, but i actually saw some of them shedding tears, some of the women who are on the hospital staff shedding tears. it's a very emotional moment for this country.
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i don't think you could have seen it handled any better. i saw an awful lot of members of the media, you know, cheering for them. it was quite a remarkable moment. i was almost close enough to touch them. it was amazing. of course, everyone wishes them well. >> you talk about the staff, you know, being emotional and shedding tears. we remarked many times about the pressure on the prince and princess. but you have workers there, the pressure they're under to remain tight lipped. i'm sure you can't tell your spouse what you've seen on a day-to-day basis, the media coming in and i'm sure others trying to sneak a peek and the pressure those workers at the hospital are under during that time and in preparation of this moment has to be incredible as well. >> and if you look behind chris now, you will see that those staff, midwives, nurses, they were all hugging and celebrating the moment as well. they are all part of the great national health service that
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provides health care to all britains. that was wonderful that they were included. these are public -- >> they're part of history. >> but they're public sector workers. they're not paid huge sums of money, i can assure you. but it was wonderful to see them included and given some kind of dignified status as the prince and princess came out. >> tom, let me bring you back in. the driving off in the range rover. again, i have to bring up carol and mike middleton arriving in the taxi to william and kate driving away with her in backseat. we think about them in the wedding and driving off like any other newlywed couple. >> in that magnificent aston martin. >> it's really funny. i heard -- the rumor was that william actually drove the range to it the hospital when they checked in. you know, that he just drove. the protection guys followed behind.
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so i guess that kind of suggests that might have been true. i just love it. i just love the informality. i also -- can i just say, i take my hat off to that guy. either he's been practicing putting car seats into cars in a secret royal bunker, you know, where they're like, william, you're going to have to put a car seat in with like 10 million people watching you, so let's do some practice rounds. >> i think actually, tom, what we can see is princess catherine actually putting the belt in behind the seat. so it was actually executed by his wife and not by the prince himself. >> and you have to also -- and not to take this to a superficial level, but listen, the first thing we all said when we saw princess catherine was how she was glowing. this is a woman who was in ten hours of labor and has now come out to face the world and was
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simply glowing. >> absolutely. she looked stunning. just so delighted, you know. she's such a beautiful girl, such a pretty girl. you know, you never see a bad photo of kate. this is no exception. she's just -- yeah, she's amazing. she's absolutely amazing. i'm just so pleased for, like, the country and for them and it just feels like -- it feels like, you know, there was a big rainstorm last night and there's been a lot of cynicism building up about all the media camped there for three weeks. you put 100 journalists in one space for three weeks, you got a lot of cynicism. it feels like everything's just been washed away now. it's like we can just revel in the sort of beautiful purity of this moment, of just a beautiful innocent young child -- stop me. i'm getting emotional. >> i understand. martin was getting misty eyed. i feel like i need handkerchieves for all the brits
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on this show. >> that's because you're a stone-haston stone-hearted american. >> i'm not. it's a beautiful moment. just to see them share that kind of love and be there with each other as a young couple, his mother having passed away and all of the heaviness that goes with that. how can you not be happy for them, whatever the opinion of the monarchy is? but let me bring in natalie morales. she's standing by with a royal expert as well. natalie, first, set the stage. you've been staked out there for many, many days. how was it to hear this big moment that we've all been waiting for and watching today? >> reporter: it was worth the long, long wait, tamron. first waiting for news of labor. once the labor was ongoing, waiting for news of the baby. now waiting for them to come out. it was very much well worth the wait. i think what you just saw was a
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moment in history that really defines the modern monarchy that this is becoming. william and kate, we talked about them being the thoroughly modern royal couple and wanting to do things their way. you saw when prince william strapped his little baby into that car seat and put him in the backseat of the car that he knew exactly what he was doing, which as you were pointing out, majorly impressed those of us who are parents that have done that. more so, you know that fear when you're leaving with your child for the first time. he looked totally confident, leaving in the driver's seat. we have our nbc royal expert here. we were talking about that moment. i don't any any of us really expected quite that. >> i don't think i've seen a more modern scene of royalty in my life. this was like the aston martin moment of the royal wedding. completely fresh, completely new. i think like kate, she radiated. what a lovely dress to choose. they were both kind of in sync.
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what was lovely is take their royalness out of it. those were two very, very proud parents on those steps. they really looked delighted, kate particularly, to be holding that baby in her arms. she's relieved. i just thought it was a wonderful scene that more or less encapsulated 21st century royalty. >> reporter: yes, and, you know, we were all commenting that 24 hours later to go through 10 or 11 hours of labor, you're going to be there soon. you're eight months pregnant. you have two at home already. you know what that's like. it's amazing how quickly they're able to exit and leave the hospital. >> but also how impressive kate can be. people say, what's she like? i say, she's a class act, this girl. she's had all of us outside. she's been inside there doing her thing, as you say, for maybe 12 hours. she has to come out and face the press. it's hard enough for women who have had babies to face their own families. she's come out looking fresh as a daisy. they both look delighted. for william then to drive them
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back to kensington palace. next they can look forward to introducing the queen to her new great grandchild. it's really quite exciting times. >> reporter: and william saying to describe the baby, he's heavy, he has a good set of lungs, and he apologized, but they still don't have a name. i think a lot of us wanted to know. what do you think is the timeline and the pressure on them right now? >> i think to be honest, they're going to have to name the baby by friday. if they're going to have to introduce the child to the queen, he's going to have to have a name. she leaves on friday. that's the deadline. i'm sure they'll be showing the queen her great grandchild tomorrow, thursday at the latest. i think we'll have to wait until then for a name. william seemed to suggest they were quite close but not quite there. >> reporter: all right. well, that's the latest from here, tamron. i got to tell you, the scene, i've never seen the media pack up quite so quickly. it's kind of like how times square is cleaned up after new year's eve. that's what we're seeing here. >> natalie, briefly, what else
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do we know regarding their schedule today? >> reporter: we know they plan to go back to kensington palace. i can imagine they're just going to relax and rest a little bit and catch up on some much-needed sleep if they even get a chance to sleep. we don't know much more about their schedule. >> i think the diary's basically been cleared. william's got two weeks off. then he goes back to work as a search and rescue pilot. for now it's just some down time. >> thank you both. let's take our audience to kensington palace where i believe michelle koh zsinski is standing by. >> reporter: yes, i am. >> the prince and princess are traveling there right now. >> reporter: yeah, the palace
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did announce where they're going. they said home, here to kensington palace. we won't see them arrive from this entrance. in fact, the view that we have right now, they won't be coming through this beautiful main building, the big part of kensington palace, which will eventually be their home in a few months' time. it's now being renovated because there was asbestos in there. very much outdated. their cottage is behind this building and off to the side. there are a number of residences as part of the grounds of kensington. they've been staying in there for some time. it's a small cottage, two bedrooms. it's been reported it doesn't have air-conditioning, although the palace won't confirm any personal details of that type. because of that and because it's been so hot for so many days here in london, that's why many people think that kate has been spending a lot of time at her parents' house in the countryside village of buckleberry. that's her home town. it's about an hour and a half away from london.
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she spent the last few weeks of her pregnancy there. also, it's believed that william was spending time there with her as well. so now we know they are coming back here to that cottage. we don't know how much time they'll spend. there's been so much speculation over the last few weeks that william and kate would want to take their new baby to it the middleton's family home where they have not only a lot of space but air-conditioning and also privacy to spare. you can't see any entrance of that building from the road. many people think that would be ideal for thr situation, although some security experts weren't so sure about that. so the question now is how long will they spend here at their cottage, will they take their baby to spend a few weeks with the middleton family, which would be a first for a royal baby. tamron? >> all right, michelle. let me go back to tom. we have the video when prince william made his debut to the world. i was struck by the enthusiasm.
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i want to play -- >> i'm afraid i've lost you. i can't actually hear you in my ear. >> okay. we've lost tom. let me go to buckingham palace where annabell roberts is standing by. we're told earlier the queen was there. she told her guests that she was simply thrilled about the arrival of her great grandson. many people are wondering when the queen will have her chance to et moo the baby. >> reporter: yes, that hasn't been confirmed at all. as suggested, it's very likely william and kate will present their baby son to her possibly tomorrow. of course, they're going to back to kensington palace, which is a very short distance from where i am here at buckingham palace. so that won't be too hard to organize. also, we know the queen is off to scot land at the end of the week for her long summer holiday. so obviously she's going to want to meet that little boy before she sets off and goes up there. so i think we can be very, very certain that a meeting is going
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to be organized tomorrow, possibly thursday at the latest. so imagine what a moment that will be for her majesty knowing how secure the succession is. she's still very fit and active. charles is there ready to pick up the baton. william, too. now this unnamed little beautiful baby that we've just seen emerge from the lindo wing at st. paddington's. i imagine that's going to be a moment she will relish. >> absolutely. i believe earlier today you reported that the line of people, incredible to see the birth announcement stretched some two to three hours. >> reporter: i think it took about that long. it was snaking around the side of buckingham palace behind me along the railings. people cueing up to have their photo taken. i'd say it's probably more on the two-hour side than the three-hour side. people were cueing up there to have their photo taken beside the easel.
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now, i don't know how many more days they're going to be putting it up there. obviously, that is a new major tourist attraction in london. so that is one of the reasons why people are still flocking to buckingham palace here this evening. there's been a great atmosphere here all day. we had the. 41-gun salute in green park, which is right next door to buckingham palace. that happened this afternoon. all the horse carriages rolled along here first. there was great excitement with that. changing of the guard, which happens every day at 11:00 london time, that was very celebratory. lots of celebratory music from the marching bands. there's been a great atmosphere here today. i imagine many of these crowds will now head up to kensington palace. that really is now going to be the focus of attention for all those interested in this little baby for the next few days, at least. >> well, that little baby needs sleep. that many people should not stroll over to kensington
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palace. we know they will. thank you very much. again, around 2:15 eastern time, thereabout, the duke and duchess of cambridge showed their baby to the world for the very first time, giving a glimpse, even answering questions, saying that they were working on a name. saying, of course, it was a very special moment. prince william said his son has her looks, thankfully. the couple went back inside the lindo wing of the hospital, st. mary's hospital, and then reemerged only to drive away from the hospital as new parents now heading to kensington palace. we'll be right back with more "news nation." ame direction, but in very different ways. and pampers gives all of them our driest, best fitting diaper, ♪ pampers cruisers with 3-way fit. not only with up to 12 hours of protection, they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom, for all the freedom to move their way
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gave the world of glimpse of their baby in what was a moment to, say the least, in contrast to the day the world met prince william 31 years ago. still, a loving and warm moment from this couple. we have with us a royal expert from the daily beast. you able to hear me now? >> yeah, hi. >> when you see that video of princess diana and prince charles nearly 30 years ago in contrast to the scene today, what are your thoughts? >> well, i suppose the thing is that we all thought then that the media was crazy. we think now that the media is crazy. the media just seems to get bigger and bigger and bigger. and certainly, you know, talking to photographers who are down there, in particular arthur edwards, who's the photographer for "the sun", who was at both occasions, you know, veteran photographer. i mean, he says that when they went for charles, they literally
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went in the restaurant around the corner. the palace said they'll come out in 20 minutes. they all came out, took the photos, and went home. it was a very different climate. it is bizarre, you know,. it is extraordinary down there. there are thousands of media there. it's not like any of them are going to get a different shot, you know, or -- i mean, to be honest, people listening at home heard more of what william said that the journalists who were down there. but there's just that lure of going down to the place and seeing what's going on. but certainly it does make you realize the slightly sobering realization that this child is going to really struggle to have any kind of private life. i mean, it's very hard to imagine what level of privacy it will be able to have.
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you know, it's basically started work today. maybe that's why it took so long to come out. >> that could be. there are many aspects of this. i think at this moment, yes, the pressures are there, but you see two people who have withstood a lot of pressure, william certainly in many ways, but they are all smiles. this is a life they know they face. they know what their child faces. they seem to be managing, at least in this glimpse of time that we're in, tom. >> yeah, exactly. i do think they did appear definitely that united couple. as we saw, putting -- i know i keep going on about it, but putting the car seat into the car. as martin pointed out, it was a united effort. william put it in, and kate tightened it up the and checked it. that's a wonderful metaphor for, you know, this amazing couple and the way they work together and do everything together. such a fantastic team.
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i just -- you know, it's just really wonderful to see. >> it's a very nice moment. >> really, they are -- they're just like the guy -- you know, you forget they're the royals. they're just like the people next door. i mean, what are the royals there for but to signify to embody these kind of, you know, instinctive rituals of having children, of procontinuing the line. a lot of people who have kids feel it's the greatest thing they've done with their life. i'd be very surprised if william and kate aren't having those exact same feelings today. it's really wonderful. >> well, much will be said and written about it. i think we've said a lot today. it was a great moment to witness. tom, thank you so much for your time. i greatly appreciate it. i want to get our audience caught up on some other news we are following. nbc news has confirmed that
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president obama's nominee to be deputy homeland security secretary, the second in charge, is now being investigated for allegations relating to an international visa program. now, the associated press reports that alejandro is being investigated for helping a company run by anthony rodham, that's the brother of former secretary of state, hillary clinton. nbc news national investigative correspondent michael isikoff has been following this story. what else can you tell us? >> we've obtained a copy of an e-mail that was sent to senate lawmakers just like night by the inspector general's office reporting that this investigation that has apparently been going on for some time and began with a referral from the fbi counterintelligence unit. the reason for that is that this
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company that is run by anthony rodham, hillary clinton's brother, had sought visas for chinese nationals. at least one of these chinese nationals was an executive of a chinese telecommunications firm that has been under fire by the house intelligence committee for its alleged ties to chinese intelligence services. that's how the fbi counterintelligence people got involved in this. they referred this matter. there were a bunch of visas that were sought by gulf funds coast management, that's the firm run by anthony rodham, that had been denied by the u.s. and customs immigration service. then mayorkas is alleged to have intervened in the case and assisted in getting those visas that had been denied by his own agency's officials. now, i should say homeland
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security spokesman had no comment on this, saying this is an ongoing investigation by the inspector general. i should point out that in that e-mail that was sent, the inspector general said at this point in our investigation, we do not have any findings of criminal misconduct and that we're unaware of whether mayorkas is aware that we have an investigation. so clearly this is an ongoing matter. this does threaten to create quite a few problems for homeland security. janet north ameriapolitano rece announced she's resigning. the number two position is vacant. so here's the president's nominee to be that number two. his outlook is now clouded by this ongoing probe. >> all right, michael. i know you'll continue to update us on the developments. thank you. we're going to a break. we'll be right back. hey linda!
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visit to brazil that is raising some serious concerns regarding his safety. as he drove into rio yesterday from the airport, crowds crushed around his small silver fiat to touch the pontiff and even get pictures. his car was forced to stop about a half dozen times as security guards struggled repeatedly to push the crowd back. all of this after his motorcade made a wrong turn. at one point, a woman rushed to the pope's car with her baby. a security guard helped her to it the pope's open window, and he reached out to touch the infant beforehanding the child back to its mother. now, according to the concerns, the discovery of adding to the concerns the discovery of a pipe bomb at a shine the pope is scheduled to visit. let me bring in a former security agent. there was a security expert on "nightly news" who said he was flabbergasted by the lack of security and at least the
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preparation for the pope's visit. what are your thoughts? >> yes, i agree with that. making a wrong turn and driving into a crowd like that, then having people gain access to the vehicle to the point where the window is open and something can hand over a baby, what if they were handing over something else? these are not mistakes that should be made with an individual like the pope. >> and that goes without saying here. when you hear that his motorcade made the wrong turn there, i hate to put it this way, but should heads roll today as the pope prepares to continue his visit? he's resting today, but there should be some, one would think, who are not resting after what we're seeing here. >> that is probably correct. the individual who is responsible for the vehicles is the one who's having his head rolled today. and they probably are taking even extra precautions now not soft anymore mistakes happen because of all these incidents piling up. >> would one individual be responsible for this? i would think that there would be a number of, you know,
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departments who come together to ensure the safety of any leader but let alone the pope. >> so when you do some type of protection assignment like this overseas, you have a couple of groups involved. obviously the swiss guard who is protecting the pope. then we have the host government. their law enforcement as well as their military assets. an estimated $53 million has been put in from the government to help provide security for this visit. >> when we look at this, we also know the pope has said he does not want to use the bullet proof pope mobile used business i had pred succe -- used by his predecessors. at some point, does someone step in and say to him that it's simply not safe? >> i'm sure they already have. and this is where you have a conflict between the security
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division and the protectee and their staff and not wanting to be in a ballistic vehicle is compromising. it offers a lot of problems. now you have to put the scope of security further out because a ballistic vehicle does offer protection from any type of small explosive and any type of active shooter scenario. it's a significant thing. >> do you feel confident this is a lesson learned, even for the pope, even for the pontiff, who again, takes great pride in being connected to the people and not just the elite? >> i think he specifically wants to be connected to it the people, and i don't think anything like this will deter him because nothing happened. for the security aspect, the security side of the house, i think they're concerned and they're going to be a little more on edge now. >> all right. thank you so much for your time. i greatly appreciate it. we're following another breaking news story this hour that involves anthony weiner. as you well know, the former congressman who's now running for mayor of new york city has
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released a statement in response to a new york magazine story that reported that mr. weiner continued to send explicit text messages after resigning from congress. in this statement just released by anthony weiner, it says in part, i said that other texts and photos were likely to come out, and today they have. as i've said in the past, these things that i did were wrong and hurtful to my wife and caused us to go through challenges in our marriage that extended past my resignation from congress. while some things that have been posted today are true, some are not. there's no question that what i did was wrong. this behavior is behind me. i have apologized. he goes on to say, i want to say that i'm very sorry to anyone who's on the receiving end of these messages and the disruption that this has caused. he says that he's focused on moving forward but nevertheless anthony weiner is saying he said that other texts and photos were likely to come out and today
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they have. in this report, the man who is now running for mayor of new york city and has gained some popularity again with some people in this city, says that the report says that mr. weiner continued to send these explicit text messages after resigning from congress. so as they say, that opens a whole new ball of wax for him. we'll continue to follow this story. that does it for this edition of "news nation." i'm tamron hall. thanks for joining us. my friends at "the cycle" are up next. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter... because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet.
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he's got a good pair of lungs on him, that's for sure. he's got way more than me, thank god. >> i'm luke russert. the latest royal waiting game is over. the future king of england emerged last hour along with new mom duchess kate and new dad prince william. moments later, the new prince was tucked into his car seat and
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they all headed home with dad behind the wheel. in case you weren't done with all this royal drama, now begins a new great wait. what exactly are you going to name this little guy and when? nbc's jim maceda witnessed all of the fun and commotion from just outside the hospital. he joins us now live. jim, i understand they're going to go to their two-bedroom modest cottage on the grounds of the kensington palace estate. a possibly presentation to the queen tomorrow. give me a sort of run through the crowd. they must have been very much elated. jubilation all through the kingdom. >> reporter: well, there could well be. we'll see how this plays out. certainly there was jubilation on this -- in this microcosm here in front of the hospital. we saw it for days, if not weeks. very, very limited in terms of interest. some people, mostly american tourists, comi
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