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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  July 24, 2013 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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that was the time my wife and i were working through some things in our marriage. >> but unlike the press conference where he resigned from congress in 2011, this time, his wife, huma a close aide to hillary clinton stood next to him. for the first time she faced the cameras to defend her husband's imperfections and his run for mayor. >> anthony's made some horrible mistakes, both before he resigned from dong and after. but i do very stronel believe that that is between us and our marriage. we discussed all of this before anthony decided to run for mayor. so really what i want to say is i love him, i have forgiven him, i believe in him, and as we have said from the beginning, we are moving forward. >> i want to bring in politico senior white house reporter eric
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and "the washington post" politics reporter jackie. good wednesday to both of you. edward, "the new york times" editorial board writing the serially evasive mr. weiner should take his marriage troubles and personal com pullion out of the camera eye. edward isaac, you've covered anthony me we are a good amount of time here. what is his next move? will he stay in the mayor's race or in politics? what is your thought? >> he probably is not going to get the endorsement "the new york times" but it seems like he is going to stay in the race. he got into this race knowing that he was going to dredge up the scandal and probably had some sense in the back of his head that this sort of information was going to come out and decided to do it any way, whether his wife knew about it and knew that more would be coming out for sure is a big question. >> did he wait a week or two and then decide again? >> you know, the election, the
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primary is on september 10th and not a lot of time to stick with it if he wants to. he is still in a pretty good place in the polls and we will see where he is in the polls when this all comes through but he is testing the proposition here that no name recognition is bad name recollection initiation. >> the polls before the press conference. jackie, the discussion out there, the comparison being made between wife huma and her boss hillary clinton who stood by president clinton. they are watching huma abedin stand next to her man on tuesday as he explained his online, changes was painful for a normal human being to watch. mr. weiner is not a normal human being, end quote. so, jackie, someone pointed out he doesn't look like he was sorry or shamed when you're looking at the video, as you're watching that press conference. what do you think was her drive to do this? >> i think you have to take her at her word that she wanted to be there to support her husband because we don't know anything
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else right now. but it was striking to see her at those microphones because she has been a very private person. she hasn't been someone who sow there as much until very recently. but, yeah, like i said it was, i think, you saw that in a lot of the reporting. it was a jarring image to see her standing there not exactly comfortable and then coming up and unfolding that piece of paper and reading her statement. >> i want to play a little bit more from the past press conference and get both of your reactions. let's listen to this. >> this is entirely behind me. it was when we decided to -- when i decided to get in and we have this conversation. that is why, if you remember, in the early days of the campaign, people were pressing me for is there more out there and i said yes. i said that -- i said that there was. >> when we look at this edward isaac, he had also said that timing is not important. he always said there was more out there. but isn't the timing of all of this a big part of the story
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when you lay out the dates here? >> certainly. it's about a fundamental part of his candidacy where he said he had problems leading up to when he tweeted that photo in may of 2011 and all of it came out and he had to resign in june of that year. he said that that was done then. that he was through it. that he had learned and gotten to a new place in his own life and his own thoughts about being a politician, but then we find out that now this was going on even past that and now he says, again, it's behind him. the question here is one of maturity but it's also one of truthfulness and whether he can convince people that he has any authenticity left. >> as we look forward, jackie, this came out from a website called dirty that posted photos and conversations he had with a 22-year-old woman. apparently, he used a fake name, carlos danger. when you look at all of this information, how is a comeback versus an ongoing problem
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different when it comes to this campaign and how he might address it? >> carlos danger is not going to go away. it's an embarrassing nickname and it's something especially in a city that loves its tabloids that particularly is going to be glaring and it gives them something to run and to make it a little bit more difficult for him to be taken seriously which is what he wants ultimately for people in new york to take him seriously enough to elect him mayor. i also wanted to point out if huma had not been by his side and she had not been there, i don't know that we would be talking about him still being in the race. i think her presence there did matter but we will see if it mats enough to new yorkers to elect a mayor and if they believed him. >> we shall say. 45 days until the primary. stand by. i want to bring in long time new york democratic charlesman charles rangel. congressman, thanks for being here today. as i was mentioning that democratic primary coming up. should weiner drop out of the race for new york city mayor before then?
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>> no. but i don't think the public has been heard yet really. it's all been newspapers and tv. nobody that i know understands at all what anthony weiner was thinking about. right now, i think you would agree that we all are concerned about his wife. she's a brave lady. but as far as him running or not, you know, constitutionally, politically, anyone can run, but knowing new york as i do, and i do know new york, as this is not going to be a story by the time we get to september 10th. >> you understand this well. what did you think when you saw and heard his wife huma speaking on his behalf there? >> i have seen a lot of things like this in politics where males have to lean on their wives for support but i don't ever recall seeing a wife looking and feeling so sad and
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embarrassed because huma is a very private person, a very delicate, sophisticated person, and all of the years that i've known her, putting her into this political situation, as bright and as intelligence as she is, is very awkward and my feelings were all for her in terms of what she felt she had to do for her husband. it's really a sad day. >> some parts very difficult to watch there. you were mentioning september 10th here, congressman. why is that the key date? if he is elected what might that mean to the democratic party and the perception of a new york city mayor if it were to be weiner here? >> someone told me that if it was weiner, that new york city would get more exposure than we would want. >> so september 10th is the date
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there. i want to switch to something else while we have got you and the nbc/"wall street journal" poll that just came out and shows 12% approval rating is out there for congress. that is an all-time low in this survey, not to mention 6 in 10 voters say they would vote out every single member of congress. how do you work to regain the public's confidence with numbers like that right now, representative? >> the public could really improve those numbers. it's totally embarrassing but worse than the congress is the silence of people that could make a difference. we only are here on a two-year contract and if phones were ringing off the hook, that we should be doing something, we should be working together, we should be creating jobs, you can bet your life re-election means a lot to people down here in the nation's capital. but we don't hear from the clergy as it relates to health care. we don't hear from the business people as it relates to a stagnant economy. and most people that i talk
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with -- and this is the worst part of it -- they have no idea who their member of congress is. >> congressman, they don't make laws. you do. >> well, we should be making laws. this house of representatives hasn't passed anything! all they are proud of and the speaker said it is repealing. anything that the president of the united states wants, they don't want. and i think that the senator mcconnell, he has said that. this is initiative against a president, against our constitution, against jobs and the tax code and against national health. there is not one positive thing that has come out of this republican-controlled house, so what i'm saying is that this house belongs to the people. we are supposed to make the laws. but i ask you, ask your friends who their members of congress are, and are they responding to what they would want to see their congress do?
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and the answer is no! >> congressman, another part of our poll here, it looked at race relations after the george zimmerman trial. the number i want to look at a is 52% think that race relations are pretty good and that is down from 72% four years ago. and if you look at the breakdown by race, just 38% of african-americans think race relations are good versus 52% of whites and 60% of latinos. you'll be there when trayvon martin's father addresses the first-ever meeting of the degree of medical caucus on black men and boys later today. >> yes, yes. >> give me your thinking here. ho you are race relations in the race of this trial and how do we change things? >> if people don't talk about race relationship and don't recognize how serious the problem is, we have a long way to go. true, there have been improvements. the truth of the matter is anybody could see as the president has clearly seen, a
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young black terenager in a hood in a white neighborhood and he is profapproached by a wannabe police officer that has a gun they have an altercation and the black kid ends up dead and the white intruder in this fellow's life ends up acquitted, you can call it what you want, but i tell you one thing, it looks like race relationships in sanford, florida, are in a pretty bad condition. and those people who don't understand it and don't try to understand how black americans feel about this great country, then they are missing the boat. we got to talk about this because i know that if it was a white father and a white victim and a black perpetrator, the results would be different. and, you know, you can debate all you want about the law being the law and that we have to appreciate it but you have to understand the jury only had the evidence that was presented to them and it was clear to me the
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investigating officer had more sympathy for zimmerman than he did for the victim. >> congressman charles rangel, as always, thank you for spending time with us today. >> thank you, richard. jackie, let's go to you. back to the poll here. as we were talking with the congressman about approval ratings for congress and talk about the president's approval ratings and lowest since august 2011. 45%. the president has big speech on the economy in a couple of hours. we will be watching that. is it a change in narrative the president needs right now or legislative accomplishment to turn things around on those numbers? >> for his sake i hope it's not legislative accomplishment because it looks like congress won't be doing much on that front the stuff he wants to get done. one of the reasons these poll numbers are interesting he is really trying to sell his economic agenda and with low poll numbers it's a harder thing to do but one thing about congress i think is interesting. you see the people sh when you look at these polls 83% and people don't like congress. but when you look at the
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election map, there aren't a lot of members of congress that are actually in trouble. aren't a lot of districts that look like they are going to flip so there is an interesting disconnect people wantsing to get these guys out and what relate is when they actually go to the ballot box. >> interesting point made there by jackie. what do you think, edward isaac? >> jerry man derring. you have people that are able to join with whatever is going on their side of the aisle, whether it's republicans or democrats and people hold republicans or democrats accountable or congress accountable but don't get too caught up with what their own member of congress is doing because their own member of congress is safe and because they see that member of congress out in the strict and they say we like him or we like her. it's not his fault, it's not her fault. >> edward isaac and jackie,
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thank you so much. great conversation today. >> thank you. >> for more on that poll go to right now out of control fire burning on a natural gas well off of louisiana coast. that fire there starting just hours after a blowout that forced evacuation of 44 workers. no one hurt. officials stressing this will not be close to as damaging as the 2010 bp oil rig explosion that killed 11 workers and spilled millions of gallons of oil into the gulf of mexico. "i'm part of an american success story," "that starts with one of the world's most advanced distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups," "and buy directly from local farmers in every region of the country." "when you see our low prices, remember the wheels turning behind the scenes, delivering for millions of americans, everyday. "dedication: that's the real walmart" plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin
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democrats and republicans are condemning conservative congressman steve king who is throwing gas on the fire immigration debate by comparing so-called dreamers the children of illegal immigrants to drug mules. >> they aren't all valedictorians and weren't all brought in by their parents. for everyone who is a
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valedictorian another hundred out there that they weigh 130 pounds and they have got calves the size of cantaloupes because they are hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. >> john boehner and eric cantor condemned those comments calling them inexcusable. in a statement boehner said, quote, there can be honest disagreements about policy without using hateful language and democrat joe garcia firing back in on house hearing. take a listen. >> when members of this committee, when members of this house use inflammatory language, defensive language, it does not help the process and it is beneath the dignity of this body and this country. >> i'm joined by republican strategist noel and democratic consultant and columnist jason stanford. karl rove trying to put out the fire on this issue. i have a new poll that shows 2
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out of 3 latinos thought antiimmigrant quotes represent many republicans in congress. they were looking at eight different quotes from republican lawmake lawmakers. when you look at this, with more steve king's out there can they make it around the corner here? >> you know, when i heard about this i'm like, dear god! this is the last thing we need! i wrote a book called branding america where i address the problems of the gop has on attracting minorities and especially hispanics. this is icing on the i cake and it's irritating to see this in our party. >> can you reverse it when you got these sorts of comments coming from like individuals like steve king and you look at those polls? >> what you can do is get other representatives to make a better mark, to make better statements and to actually say that they disdain these statements that he made. if you have every republican come out and say, you know, this is horrible. as a matter of fact he is a
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detriment to getting anything passed and he makes the gop look like a bunch of buffoons saying this. we don't want people representing us. >> jason, what does this do to the house immigration bill when you look at it? republican leadership trying to wrestle together some solution here. >> no. actually what they are trying to do is get everyone to ignore what they are doing is splitting up the bills so they don't have to deal with the unauthorized immigrants in this country. that is size of ohio and having a national policy that doesn't ignore but excludes ohio. they are trying to do this in a time when, you know, as noel is right, they keep stepping in it with what they are saying and appearing racist, if for the revealing themselves as racist. but the big problem here is that they don't really believe that these people should be americans. i think they should go back to what george w. bush said these are americans by choice. god help me, karl rove is right
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here. >> we were looking at latinos and a poll here. the broader group, new poll nbc answer "the wall street journal" showing that republicans have a problem when it comes to immigrati immigration. 44% say republicans will be to blame if congress fails to pass immigration reform. >> this is huge and this is going to affect us and we have big races coming up in 2014. and we are narrowed in and zooming in on those. if we lose this sector of the voting bill this is going to affect us in many more avenues. it's going to affect us with the attracting people to the gop in general and these races. we have key races at hand. >> do you think 2015 is the year you have a gop presidential campaign and you force them to moderate? >> you're right on that and i think so. i think 2015 is an interesting deal. and we are looking at that as strategy. we are looking at that now. >> jason, you know, we were mentioning marco rubio a second ago. he has been quiet as of late on
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immigration. recently meeting with tea party representatives to mend some of the fences there. how will this affect his 2016 chances? >> i think he is already done. republican primary voters made it clear they do not want a path to citizenship for these 11,000 aspirational americans. congress has get re-elected in 2014 is stop a path to the victory. their path to the white house is get a path to citizen i'm for these folks. this is why what is good for congressional republicans is not only bad for the republican party but it's bad for america. 12% of americans think congress is doing a good job. >> hold on. >> if republicans continue to be against immigration reform that is to their betterment? is that what you're saying? >> they have to appear to for the benefit immigration reform but to get re-elected they can't
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actually pass nim yags immigrat reform. border security is good. i have people sponsoring the bill. per thug about guest workers and good stuff. they are talking about the dream act even though in june, this congress voted against the dream act. this is all good stuff. all of this is mirage to get you not to notice they don't want these 11 million people to become americans. >> great discussion but we have to leave it there. thank you both. >> thank you. live pictures from brazil where the pope is taking part of a mass that is home to the country's most important roman catholic shrine. this site that then cardinal wrote a document with other bishops. that documents urged catholics in latin america to fight inequality and corruption and violence. the pope will preside over the annual youth day world celebration. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars.
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politics now. the house could vote to defund the controversial nsa surveillance program that keeps track of phone calls and e-mails. the nsa chief made a last minute visit to capitol hill yesterday to try and lobby lawmakers not to block the domestic spying program. for the first time, virginia's governor bob mcdonald is apologizing over his family's cozy relationship with the head after nutritional supplement company. mcdonald has repaid $120,000 in loans and in a statement he said, quote, i want you to know that i broke no laws and that i am committed to regaining your sacred trust and confidence. i hope today's action is another step toward that end. father and son presidents george h.w. bush and george w. bush will screen a new movie "the butler." apparently in kennebunkport maine. cecil butler served eight presidents. this guy is the viral sensation today. we talk about him standing
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behind the divider during the anthony weiner press conference. he is dubbed "cubicle guy"! he is jeff mckinney, a reporter at wor. turns out he was late to the press conference. oh, yeah, he was! but he had no idea that efficient going viral! there you are. clients trade and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. voted "best investment services company."
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i want to paint something else. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. refresh your home inside or out with behr premium plus ultra. interior flat starts at $31.98 a gallon. americans have grown accustomed to see ago scandal plagued politician addressing the media with his wife standing silently beside him but huma abedin took it a step further by going before cameras to defend her husband and her marriage. >> it took a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy to get to a place where i could forgive anthony. i made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage. that was a decision i made for me, for our son, and for our family. >> i'm joined by vice chairman of and chairman
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of 15 minutes public relations howard bragman and psychotherapy dr. robbie ludwig. doctor, stand by your man and we have talked about this before but how is it different time around? she is in front of the cameras and giving a message here. >> it's so cliche. i don't think we necessarily believe any more when the political wife stands by her man who betrayed her. it seems more like a political job and i think the public has gotten very jaded when we see this going on, we think does she really accept her husband in everything he has done? i just don't think people are buying it. it's very different if you're in a nonpolitical arena. >> i was watching as you watched some of the video do they ever have eye contact? how are they communicating with each other during this press conference? >> i think it's a great point. we were speaking about this in the green room. it didn't look like she was feeling very loving. she looked like, okay, now i'm here. almost like she made a last-minute decision and she was doing a job.
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almost begrudgingly. i didn't sense a lot of love in the room or idealization or forgiveness in fact. >> this was said in "the washington post" and he'll read it to you. she said her decision to speak before the cameras about her husband represented weiner's best and really only chance at somehow surviving this latest set of revelations. abedin prevented the hastily called press conference from devolving into a media feeding frenzy. it looked painful but how did she help weiner here? >> this was a hail mary pass, okay? it's 50/50 whether weiner can continue in this race. "the new york times," "wall street journal," major newspapers all over the east coast are trashing him calling him -- >> they are mad. >> asking for him to get out of the race. >> they are mad. >> and right fofully so. she has a -- when he said this is behind me and he's had a number of untruths as we say in
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politics. >> and i think, too, huma has lost her credibility because you have to remember that this couple and family came out. there was a whole spread about how anthony weiner was now being a good dad and he put this poor behavior behind him. but that's not true. >> which side of the 50/50 before i play the sound quickly? >> i don't think he can survive. >> bottom side? you're saying? >> unless we want a sexier new york, i don't tell i don't believe he is the man. >> here is anthony weiner talking about the sexting problem. >> this was problematic to say the least and destructive to say the most. caused many stresses and strains in my marriage, but i'm pleased and blessed that she has given me a second chance. >> dr. robi, is texting alias? carlos danger, we brought you will a little earlier. he said he was in a rehabilitation center. treatment for three days. is he sick? if so, what does he need?
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>> he may have a compulsion. i wouldn't say a sex addicti ii but he is addicted to being recognized and noticed. this compulsion is is not something he can evidently stop. do you want someone who politics who can be blackmailed and has a focus on the self. i think we want to see somebody who is focused on issues. >> 45 days until the primary, howard. let's say he wins. what does it mean to the brand of the city and the brand of the democratic party? >> i think he has to hope that nothing else comes out because this didn't happen in isolation. there weren't one or two instances. i got to believe there were multiple instances, number one. number two, he has got to change the dialogue and that is the single hardest thing for him to do. the reason he wants to stay in the race is nobody is really cracked much more than 20% consistently in the polls and as
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damaged as he is he still has a chance. new york has to make the choice of the face they want to present to the world and is this a guy who best represents the city? >> what do you mean to brand of new york city and the democratic party should he win? >> it would say that you can overcome almost anything. >> i love that! >> and still be successful because this is -- >> anything, anything? >> right. >> even lots of self-ys. >> appreciate the time today. we will have more opportunities to talk about this in the coming days. checking the news feed. he is called a killer and enforcer and narc. steven the rivalman fleming returns to the stand today. his pattern testified yesterday he watched the mob boss strangle two girls to death because they knew too much. bulger is accused in involvement in 19 murder. former patriots tight end aaron hernandez is due in court later this afternoon.
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he has a probable cause hearing in the june murder of lloyd. he has pleaded not guilty and "the boston globe" saying hernandez is a suspect in the 2012 deaths of two men in boston. nsa leaker. eric snowden will stay in the transit zone at the moscow airport for now. he has been there for the past month since he arrived on a flight from hong kong. moments ago, snowden's attorney gave update saying no one has refused asylum yet. and he was given a book as well as other books were given to him to read. new video has surfaced inside the southwest flight that landed hard on its nose at laguardia on monday. a passenger's camera phone caught the jolt inside the cabin as it touched down and started to fill with smoke while emergency crews were already on the way. >> runway four. runway four. >> the ntsb has the flights
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black boxes and have begun the investigation into when and why the plane's landing gear had failed. other major league baseball could be next falling the suspension of ryan braun for perfo performance-enhancing drugs and many surrounds alex rodriguez. some of the reports suggesting rodriguez is in negotiations with major league baseball, while others say he could face a lifetime ban from baseball. it's not just the duke and duchess of cambridge celebrating the birth of a baby. jimmy fallon and his wife are proud new parents. they welcomed a baby girl around 6:00 a.m. yesterday but like the royal baby, no word yet on a name! movie ticket prices, they hit an all-time high and cnbc is live at the nasdaq what is moving your money. not in the movie theater right now. how much are we talking about here? >> the cost of a movie ticket is up 5% from last year, making the
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average cost of a moof ticket the highest ever and due to the is your charge on i max and 3d tickets. they indicate the average ticket was $8.38 which is higher than $7.96 the price during the same quarter last year. however, to put this all into perspective, if you factor in inflation a movie ticket 40 years ago would have cost you $9.26 today. switching focus to click beverages. recent data shows u.s. beer sales have dropped in the first half of between. it might not be apparent but the catalyst, reports say, is a payroll tax hike as well as a spike in unemployment particularly among young men. analysts at bern stein said there is a deterioration in the economic well-being of the low comk consumer with the payroll tax hike taking its toll and
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marked upticket in employment among young membershn. if the economy improves will beer sales pick up? they say the trend will improve as economic conditions filter down to lower income consumers. >> we now have a beer berometer. thank you. how honest are you? the company behind honest tea set up kiosks across the state and it offers dings for a dollar on the honor system. they collected data who did leave the cash and who did not and they logged what those folks looked like. well, the data? alabama and hawaii were the most honest with 100% paying! wow! washington, d.c. was the least honest with only 80% paying. women were more honest than men. people with blond hair were the most honest! and how is this for a kicker about an honesty experiment? the company's founder had his
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we got something for you that just came out this hour. "forbes" magazine releasing annual ranking of top u.s. colleges. top five. number five columbia university and yale and third is princeton. pomona college is clairmont, california, is next outside of los angeles. number one is stanford university. these are out in the latest issue of "forbes" as well. we are joined by their executive editor michael nor. pomona college, where? what? how? >> pomona is an outstanding school outside of los angeles. it's part of the clairmont college system. i think there are five schools in that system.
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two top schools on our list this year on the west coast. stanford is number one and that's never happened before. the first ivy is in third place. ivy tend not to do as well as on our list as u.s. news and world report. >> how is pomona get there at number two because a lot of people don't know what it is. >> it's a small college and they tend to do well on our list. we look at educational outcomes. we don't look at the number of students accept are high scoring. we look at what the school does for them. do they go on to get good jobs. do they rank their professors good? do they graduate in four years? >> there are the rankings and your criteria and you're starting to get into that. five areas? >> yes, five different areas. >> break it down for us more. >> we look at whether or not the students go on to do well in life. get high paying jobs and win
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competitive awards and scholarships. do they get out of debt? people go to school and broke with a degree they didn't want and we look whether they graduate within four years. >> that is the postgraduate success at 37.5%, right? >> that is salary and other measures of career success. the nationally competitive award. >> so want to be on the list and they bend the truth. >> they don't bend the truth, they outright lie. >> tell us how it is, michael! >> they have knitted to lying to the federal government about their s.a.t. scores or their incoming classes, where their kids ranked and other things and what is interesting they are doing that purely to boost their performance on these rankings because these rankings are so important these schools. higher rank means you have better quality students and better alumni giving and all of these things. >> why are the rankings so
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important? we have so many out there. >> when you're buying a college education you're spending a lot of money. maybe $225,000. you can get a harvard legal of education at a good state school and good state school education at harvard. it's what you bring into it. since you don't know exactly what you're buying, outside viewpoint is crucial for consumers. >> i argue it identifies the newcomers you might consider in the future. you got new features that help parents make a choice, right? a little engine? >> we have a new college screening tool you can find at slash colleges and takes a look at your academic perform answer aance and your i >> thanks, michael. bill clinton and anthony weiner comparisons are really dumb, he says. one was a second-term president with a long record. other is, dot, dot, dot. weiner! with head & shoulders? since before jeans were this skinny... since us three got a haircut.
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after spending their first night at home with their new son, the duke and duchess of cambridge has arrived in kate's hometown of buckleberry. earlier the queen arrived at kensington palace to meet her first great grandson for the first time as well. chris jansing is joining us. chris, what details do we know to kate's hometown? what have you heard? >> well, look. i'm outside the old boot in which is one of the middleton family's favorite places. kate grew up in the eng countli countryside and will has spent a lot of time here. he is very close to her parents. this is truly a break from royal tradition you would take the third in the line to the throne 48 hours after being born and bring him out here. i think it shows you how comfortable the palace is with the middletons but also how close will is.
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he is been known to call michael milledton as dad. the family made some money with a company called party pieces that sells online things that help you throw a party. but, yeah, i think to say this is a sleepy town exaggerates exactly how quiet it is or to, you know, it's very, very peaceful here and this is something that a lot of people thought would happen, especially because, by the way, will is on paternity leave but at some point he will go back to being a search and rescue pilot and when that happens, obviously, any new mother would like to have her own mother around so i think that is part what have is going on here. >> chris, what is interesting is what a difference a day makes. yesterday, you were right in front of that door. i remember you ducking during your show, this hour, because we had the middleton's arrival. you've had a lot of up close and personal encounters there.
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what has happened and how close have you gotten to all that has been happening? >> well, yeah, yesterday, just a feet away, i think we have some of the -- probably slightly bad pictures that i took in comparison to the agency shots. but look. this is definitely was an orchestrated event. cameras from all around the world were there. having said that, i think what struck everybody was just how much they acted like normal new mom and dads and how excited they were talking about the baby having a good set of lungs and feeling heavy and just the way they kind of gazed at this new baby boy. and really had such a warmth and naturalness between them. obviously, it's the big news everywhere here. can i show you the daily mail cover is babies first wave. another royal wave. i've cracked at mum in the daily mirror and my favorite in "the sun", "the fresh prince" but the
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fresh prince is up here in buckleberry. it was nice to get up and personal of the young child who was king but probably not until after i'm long gone. >> those are great shots, by the way. you were really close. what is the buzz about the debut of the baby and the name and all that? >> well, i was out in london before i came here today asking people about the name. it's amazing. you know, i run into a group of guys and they are telling me how that is all they are talking about at the office what will the name be. the betting is going very strong. i think that there are a lot of places here that take bets. patty power land brokes hope they don't name the baby quickly because the money just keeps coming in. it's been flipping around. it was george. now i think it's james. yes, it's what is the number one name now? they just said this a new list. what is it? oh, it's gone back to george now. so it's been going back and forth a little bit. then when you run into young people and talk to them as i
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did, people who were teenagers and in their 20s, they all want something kind of cool and hip that has never been used before. we will see. we don't know. they have to decide on a name within 42 days so they have got another 40 if they want to take it. >> i'm hoping. louie is one they could consider as well. that might be a possibility there. >> absolutely. christopher is another possibility. >> chris, great stuff and great -- christopher. great hanging out with you and giving us -- >> you just got that, richard? >> yeah, it took me a while. it's at the end of the hour. i'm a little slow. we miss you and enjoying your reports. that wraps up this hour. chris is in buckleberry and i'm here in new york for chris jansing. craig melvin is up next. stick around for that. distribution systems," "and one of the most efficient trucking networks," "with safe, experienced drivers." "we work directly with manufacturers," "eliminating costly markups,"
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strains if my marriage. she has given me a second chance. for the past several months i've been asking new yorkers to also give me another chance. >> what about a third chance? disgraced former congressman anthony weiner yet again facing scandal with new revelation about an old problem. but this time with his wife at his side. i'm craig melvin. good wednesday for you. i'm in for thomas robert. anthony weiner remains a candidate for new york's mayor. it's a bid for mayor of the big apple that will apparently continue to involve his wife. huma abedin emerged from the privacy she said to love tuesday and stepped into a plush of cameras and didn't merely stand by her man, she explained why. >> so really what i want to say is i love him, i have forgiven him, i believe in him, and as we have said from the beginning, we
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are moving forward. >> time will tell whether his wife's support will be enough to save his political hide. >> never seen anything like it before in my life. we have seen political wives standing by their man but this was different. what she did was step in and step up for a man who has disgraced her with behavior that is is not in the realm of normal acceptance. >> time will tell whether his wife's support will be enough to save his political hide but there is a growing course of calls for weiner to get out of the race. "the new york daily news" saying it simply. quote, weiner must go. then "the new york times" editorial board weiner should take his marital troubles and personal compulsion and get out of the race. but will that happen? >> we now officially live in the age of bill clinton where you can survive a scandal. >>


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