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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  July 25, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. right now on "andrea mitchell reports" -- holder takes on texas. the attorney general vows to
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challenge state voting laws. he's not stopping at the lone star state. >> this is the department's first action to protect voting rights following the shelby county decision, but it will not be our last. i am waging this campaign on a bet, and the bet is at the end of the day, citizens care more about their own future than about my past with my wife. nothing to lose? anthony weiner refuses to quit, even as calls mount for him to drop out of the race. he faced jeers and jokes in a debate last night. >> facebook or twitter? >> all i can say is, don't ask me. >> today weaner is back on the campaign trail as new poll numbers out this hour show just how his favorability has tanked since these latest revelations of sexting long after he claimed
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to have changed. catastrophe in spain. more than 80 passengers dead, dozens more in critical condition today after a train jumped off the tracks in northern spain. rescuers fought through the fiery pileup to free those trapped inside. today investigators are asking if the train was going too fast at the time of the crash. and bald is beautiful. president bush 41 shaves his head to show support for 2-year-old patrick, the son of one of his secret service agents who is battling leukemia. the bushes lost their own daughter robin to leukemia with when she was only 4 years old and they've been raising money to combat the disease ever sense. every single member of his secret service detail joined in the solidarity. this morning attorney general eric holder told a national urban league audience in philadelphia that the justice department is taking its first steps now to counteract the supreme court decision that eviscerated a key part of the landmark 1965 voting rights act.
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>> based on the evidence of intentional racial discrimination that was presented just last year in the redistricting case of texas v. holder, as well as the history of pervasive voting related discrimination against racial minorities, that the supreme court itself has recognized we believe that the state of texas should be required to go through a preclearance process whenever it changes its voting laws and practices. >> nbc justice correspondent pete williams joins me now. pete, take us through the law here. how does the attorney general have the legal ability once the supreme court has ruled about section 5 to actually go and require texas to go through preclearance again? >> so section 519 part of the voting rights act that says that states with a history of discrimination must get preclearance. but what the supreme court struck down is the coverage map that determine which areas would be subject to preclearance. it left the preclearance requirement intact so now the justice department is dusting
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off a little used other part of the voting rights act that says anybody, including the government -- although it is a bigger deal when the government does it -- can go to a judge and say, look, this county, this state, this city, whatever -- in this case, texas -- still has a recent history of discrimination. you should subject them to the preclearance requirement. if the government gets its way here, if attorney general holder gets what he wants, then it would be just like it was before. texas would have to get federal permission to make any change whatsoever in its voting laws. i think the justice department's doing this for two reasons. you may recall texas immediately -- the same day the supreme court announced the decision -- said okay, we're going to go back to our old legislative districts and congressional boundaries and we'll reimpose our voter i.d. law. so it is a response to that. but secondly i think the justice department is trying to send a message to other states that the cop is still on beat, that they shouldn't get the idea that they have a free pass now. i think as if may happen later
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today north carolina changes its voting laws to do away with longer early voting and to impose a strict voter i.d., the justice department may try the same thing there. >> we've seen in a number of areas -- you cite north carolina -- right after the supreme court -- even before the supreme court ruling came, states, legislatures were taking these steps, preliminary steps, on voting rights. is the next step that texas will challenge the justice department once the justice department does something and we're going to be back in court and requests for injunctions and this is going to go back and go all the way up again? >> absolutely. in fact there is already a lawsuit pending in texas over the redistricting and the justice department is now joining this. this is a group of latino legislators an civil rights groups saying look at what happened in texas. texas got extra seats in congress because of the latino population increase but there's no more latino members of congress so that can't be fair. justice department is now joining that lawsuit. it will probably be a separate
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case over voter i.d.s. >> one of the other things i heard on rachel maddow's show the other day -- not sure exactly which city -- i think it was houston but i'll have to check that out -- that the way the voting precincts are arranged, you have ten times as many registrants in minority districts as do you in white neighborhoods so there are longer lines and it is harder to get through the process, but there are all sorts of factors that can be obstacles that cannot be coincidental that are thrown up. >> in fact, texas already lost the first round in a separate case here. you may remember, the government sued -- and the whole legal battle over the texas redistricting actually delayed, remember, the texas primary election? that case is now about to be thrown out because it was based on the entire voting rights act which the supreme court has now weakened so that case probably goes away. out in justice department joins this other one. >> pete williams, thank you so much. new polling out just today shows support for anthony weiner's mayoral bid in new york
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plummeting among new york city democrats but that is not keeping the disgraced former congressman off the campaign trail today. >> all the time i get questions how you going to overcome it? that's impossible. headlines made jokes about my name. what i said is all i can do is go out every single day, if there's one pad or 50 cameras, try to talk about issues that i think are important and i am waging this campaign on a bet and the bet is at the end of the day citizens care more about their own future than about my past with my wife and my embarrassing things. and if i turn out to be wrong, you're going to find out in 45 days or so. >> is he going to win his bet? joining me now for our daily fix, chris cillizza, susan page, and amy davidson. thanks, all, very much for joining us.
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amy, first to you. the new york city voters now are speaking at least in this initial polling. what we're seeing in the wnbc/"wall street journal"/maris poll is there's been quite a drop in his support and christine quinn, the city council leader, is now on top and anthony weiner has dropped quite a bit from 25% down to 16%. >> i think that new yorkers are correctly reading this not just as a matter of something private that happened between him and his wife but really, untruthfulness in the year-and-a-half -- more than a year since this story first broke. he strongly, strongly suggested to new yorkers that this was done, that they were participating as voters in a redemption narrative. turns out we're not. we're more participating in an ongoing therapy session and i don't think that that's what
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people want to do. i don't think that people feel that clip he played when he said all he did was went out every day and if there's one camera or one person, you have the feeling in the person holding that camera or the other side of that communication was maybe a young woman that he wasn't focused so much on the issues. i just don't think that people -- it's getting a little boring for people to catch this and it's also, frankly, getting a little tacky. new york has a certain amount of pride. i done think we want a mayor who calls himself carlos danger. i think that new york has -- i don't think it is a matter of prudishness on the part of new york. think new york has a really high tolerance for crazy and his old persona was the loud smart cousin from queens. but the new one is sort of the guy that you want to edge away from a bit on the subway and it is just not appealing anymore
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for the city or probably for everybody. i think nancy pelosi today when she talked it being reprehensible thinking about how he dealt with women, how he dealt with women who are interested in politics. that was another sort of latest set of revelations, he's kind of found young women because they write and say they love him as a politician and his answer to them, his response to them is to draw them in to something that one doesn't think is really -- when you think about the problem of guesting women more involved in politics, anthony weiner doesn't seem to be the answer for anybody. >> chris cillizza, apparently at a campaign stop just this morning he said perhaps there were maybe three other women involved in these online conversations? what do we know about that? >> well, not much. but my guess, andrea, based on recent history we're going to find out more. look, the point here is that
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people love -- whether it's sports, politics or life in general, we kind of love a redemption story. this person fell, for whatever reason, and they realized the err of their ways and now they are sort of on the right path. the problem here, as amy points out, he's not really -- we certainly don't know at this point that he is on the right path. the whole "people" magazine story, he learned his lessons and they're happy now? well, this was all sort of going on concurrently with that. that to me seems to be the death nail of the anthony weiner campaign. i was someone who thought he could make a run in september if he was able to say look, these are mistakes i've made, i've paid dearly for them, i resigned from the house, i almost lost my marriage but i've learned. but he can't really say that he learned because he did it -- even after all of those
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consequences, right? he still went back and did that sort of behavior and that to me i think ultimately -- my guess is this poll is the first of a bunch of polls that are going to show a relatively rapid fade for anthony weiner. >> susan page, the poll shows that 73% of those polled do not think huma abedin's support will make a difference. lawrence o'donnell posited that we are all being really nerdy and brewedi iprudish and that ns tolerated all sorts of sexual affairs, rudy giuliani left his wife, announced it, moved out
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with two gay friends living on the couch. and that was okay because it was sort of hidden sex and tradit n traditional sex and this is somehow less offensive because it is online? >> you can make the point that it is less active physically because it is online but i think it comes across as creepier. it is so juvenile, for one thing. it shows a lack of maturity. shows such a lack of judgment. so there can not be a new york voter who's not now aware of this story. right? 100% are aware of it. he needs to get 40% in the primary to avoid a runoff. that's not going to happen. probably none of these candidates will get 40%. if he makes a runoff -- i think that's knot now a high hurdle for him to get to -- will 50% of the people who know about this story vote for anthony weiner? i think that's political hard to imagine. i think chris cillizza actually did a piece earlier today that talked about bill thompson as the candidate to watch. the fact is there's now a three-way tie for second place. that's going to be the battle to get into the runoff.
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>> let's hear what wiener had to say today. >> i can't tell you absolutely what someone else is going to consider inappropriate or not. >> were they sexual? how many conversations did you have with women after you resigned that were sexual in nature? >> i don't believe i had any more than three. >> amy? >> about the thesis that it's just -- seems stranger to us because it's online. it's stranger also because it's with strangers. an affair, can you say a politician's made a calculated risk. he just seems reckless, quite apart from the question of is it morally right, is it morally not right. i'm not sure that one wants a politician with that sort of risk management strategy that he gets -- sort of puts his political faith in the hands of strangers. and the city's political fate as well.
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you look at san diego where the mayor has all of these problems now and city business has kind of ground to a halt. i don't think that that's what we want. it is kind of an important, busy job being mayor of new york. i mean it is worth pointing out that the front-runner now is an openly gay woman who is married to another woman. it's not like to be mayor of new york you have to keep up this facade. this is a very open city. it's just -- there's a point where we also know that it's a city that it is a real job being mayor and we want somebody who's serious about it and isn't going to just throw it all away. >> i want to talk about steve king because house speaker john boehner has come out and spoken today about congressman king, the iowa congressman, who's been so against immigrants and his really deeply offensive comments about dreamers and people smuggling marijuana. this is what the house speak her
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to say about his fellow republican. >> i want to be clear. there's no place in this debate for hateful or ignorant comments from elected officials. earlier this week representative steve king made comments that were, i think, deeply offensive and wrong. what he said does not reflect the values of the american people or the republican party. we all need to do our work in a constructive, open and respectful way. as i've said many times, we can disagree without being disagreeable. >> chris cillizza, steve king did such a favor for the republican caucus which has been roundly criticized for not permitting a vote on immigration and taking it piecemeal and taking it slowly and being on the wrong side of history and demography. now steve king gives the speaker a chance to really say the right thing. >> agree, andrea, though i might say it would be a short-term
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political gain and a long-term political loss which is, if immigration winds up not coming to fruition, if immigration reform -- if the house passes something that they can't get it through conference committee, whatever happens, number one, the nbc/"wall street journal" poll show large majority of people will say that failure is house republicans. that's okay. what's not okay is if it becomes that the failure was based not on legitimate disagreements over policy and more about some of these anti-immigrant sentiments that people like steve king -- and there are a few folks, tom tancredo, another one in colorado, running for governor. republicans lose in the long run if it is about that. it has to be about legitimate policy disagreements. steve king did not do his party a favor, at least in that regard. >> okay. chris cillizza. >> i would agree, republicans are not going to win a national election again unless they get
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in a better place with hispanic voters. don't think steve king did them any favors because it is one more example of offensive commentary from a republican. >> susan, chris, amy davidson, thank you. we'll be right back. humans.
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i've already directed the department's civil rights division to shift resources to the enforcement of a number of federal voting laws that are not affected by the supreme court's decision including the remaining provisions of the voting rights act prohibiting voting discrimination based on race, color or language. >> 50 years after dr. martin luther king jr.'s "i have a dream speech," the national urban league is gearing up to tackle what it sees as major challenges facing african-americans. joining me, former mayor of new
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orleans and current president and ceo of the national urban league, mark morial. thanks for being with us. great to see you today. a major announcement from the attorney general eric holder today. what is your expectation now? >> well, the audience received the attorney general's remarks with great enthusiasm. the idea that he would continue and the justice department would continue to enforce the voting rights act with vigor and with all resources at its disposal. so the announcement that they would seek to bring texas back in to section 5 coverage was welcome given the fact that a court has already found that texas engaged in intentional discrimination. that's i think the operative word. there's already been a finding and that triggers, we think, the opportunity for the justice department to bring them back in. it was well received and the
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attorney general's i think commitment was warmly received by people who were here. >> what needs to be done next and are there other states that you think really need to be examined? >> i think it is early. i think the justice department i know will examine that but a lot of our focus now is on what the fix is. congressman sensenbrenner, congressman clyburn, senator leahy, have already begun holding hearings whose goal it is is to find legislative fix, if you will. we've got to respond to what the chief justice suggested and that is to write a new coverage provision because the voting rights act and the protection of democracy is a foundation of american liberty. we're here in philadelphia, the cradle of american democracy where our constitution was written and consistent with
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those values we are working on how we respond to the decision of the supreme court. and i called, andrea, last evening for there to be a new civil rights movement for economic empowerment and justice. i think there is a sense that work must be done to protect the gains of 50 years ago but also to confront the new challenges that our nation continues to face in the aftermath of the great recession. >> now, there is another challenge in the aftermath of the george zimmerman case and the verdict, of course, and that's the stand your ground laws or laws that are similar to that. the president spoke about it memorably a week ago. and now i'm about to interview florida ♪ bisenator bill nelson. he's quoted as saying i've got enough trouble trying to get things done in washington. i'm not going to wade in on the state legislature when asked if he would weigh in on the stand your ground law. >> we would hope that people at
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the national level would recognize that stand your ground laws promote violence, encourage violence swrb led to many, many more homicides that would have otherwise not occurred and that we are going to work hard to reject and repeal stand your ground laws across the nation. it has become symbolic and in a practical way indicative of the violence that and by no means do i suggest repealing stand your ground is all it takes to make our community safe. but certainly these laws are not needed, they are not necessary. the law of self-defense worked well for years and years an years. and i think there is a determination, and i was proud that both the attorney general and the president, as well as many others, have commented -- john mccain's words that these laws should be reviewed -- were
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also welcome, that there is a growing consensus that these laws are inconsistent with safe communities. our own poll shows race relations are, 50% of whites think race relations are fairly or very good, but only 38% of african-americans. you think that that's the impact of the verdict, partly? >> there's no doubt that the verdict has had an impact. it's, to some extent, affected people's confidence in the criminal justice system. i think that we've seen conflict and a lot of of tough language being played out indeed in the media. i remain optimistic and hopeful that reasonable minds, that people who are ready to understand that while we've come a great distance when it comes
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to race and race relations in this nation, in the 21st century there is a lot of unfinished work and that we've got to confront that unfinished work, whether it is in education or housing or the economy and access to jobs and that by suggesting that it isn't an issue, by sweeping it under the rug, we only exacerbate a problem. america should be proud of the progress, but certainly committed -- committed -- to the work that must be done. that's what we are talking about here in philadelphia. that's why we call for a new civil rights movement for economic empowerment and justice. it stands on the progress that we made but talks about the unfinished work. >> mayor mark morial, thank you very much, for the national urban league. le play? alex rodriguez faces the threat of a lifetime ban from major league baseball for alleged use of performance enhancing drugs. but new questions are now
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surrounding a-rod today focusing on a disputed injury to his left quad that's kept the $275 million slugger on the dl. the yankees say a-rod has a strained muscle and that he will stay benched. a-rod claims is he completely healthy and ready to play. >> i feel great. [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks.
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spain has declared three days of mourning after a disastrous train crash killed at least 80 people and injured more than 100. while we have not confirmed this independently, a spanish newspaper is reporting a conductor while still trapped inside radioed for help and claimed that the train had been traveling at least twice the speed limit. it is the worst crash in decades in spain and the third deadliest train crash internationally this month alone. nbc's keir simmons joins me now. do they have any notion of the cause?
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we know it was reportedly at least going at a very dangerous speed on a sharp curve. >> reporter: yeah, andrea. good afternoon. that is what they think may well have caused this. this piece of track behind me -- you can see the bend. quite a bend where the accident happened. this piece of track is a 50 limit. the train may have been going 80, maybe more. the driver, as you say, radioed there seems to have been a suggestion in what he said that he was going too fast. that is absolutely what they're working on and then you have that really shocking footage because there was a fixed camera down on the line behind me here and you see the train come around the bend. a train, by the way, that in spain is used all of the time, a high-speed train, cross-country train, it comes around the bend and the carriages are flung from
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the line as if it really was going too fast. the effect then was that carriages were piled on top of each other, people were trapped, and then there was a fire and so a desperate attempt to pull people from the wreckage, from these crippled carriages and to just give some notion of it, andrea, of all of the people on board, more than 200, almost all of them have either been killed or have been injured by this accident. >> keir simmons, the pictures are just extraordinary. it is a terrifying scene. thank you very much for your coverage. it is very clear that they have a lot of investigationing to do to get to the bottom of this. in latin america, the pope is continuing his first international trip in brazil today. highlighting a cause close to the pontiff -- the plight of the sick and the poor. he visited rio's slums that are home to more than one-fifth of the city's residents. in other events today, pope francis received the key to the city and even blessed the
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olympic flag that's going to fly over the reio de janeiro games n 2016. you say men are superior drivers?
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and here's the play. oh dad did not see this coming. [ crowd cheering ] now if kevin can just seize the opportunity. it's looking good, herbie. he's seen it. it's all over. nothing but daylight. yes i'd love a cookie. [ male announcer ] make a powerful first impression. the all-new nissan sentra. ♪ the nsa's controversial surveillance program almost lost a key vote in the house, nancy pelosi and michele bachmann joining forces, interestingly enough, to support the intelligence agencies. but only fierce lobbying from top intelligence officials and the white house prevented a big loss. senator big nelson, a past veteran of senate intelligence, joins me now. what do you think of this close house vote? >> well, i think it's unfortunate. there's a lot of misinformation. people are led to believe that
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all of our records are out there for the government to examine or content of our communications and that's just simply not true. if there is the suspected terrorist activity, the government lass to go to a court and get a court order in order to get the communications of american citizens, whether they're here or whether they're abroad and that is one of the protections that we've always had in the separation of powers with the judiciary checking and balancing against the executive branch of government. >> senator nelson, senator wyden gave an impassioned speech yesterday and he hinted -- i know because of intelligence and security restrictions since he has been briefed, he couldn't speak to it -- but he certainly broadly hinted that there are other programs of vast collection that we don't even
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know about. >> well, first of all, i think what senator wyden was talking about is, he has an objection for all of the phone records so that americans did not know that the phone records -- which are business records of the telephone company to be stored in government computers. that's just the date, the time and the number called from and to. that's nothing about the identity of the participants in the call and it is certainly not the content senator wyden's original position was he wanted all of that made public well, it is now because of edward snowden. but beyond that, andrea, my personal feeling is -- and i helped craft this law, along with senator wyden -- i believe
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that the checks and the balances are there and we're measuring against what are we trying to do. we're trying to protect against another terrorist attack. >> one of the other big issues that you're going to be voting on, the defense appropriations bill and the whole question of sexual assault an whether chain of command should apply. this is senator gillibrand's appeal based on what she says the victims are asking for. >> what the victims are telling us is that they don't trust the chain of command, they're not reporting these cases because they don't think justice can be done, and of the people who do report, 62% are actually being retaliated against. so the command climate is not such that a victim can come forward without thinking she'll lose her whole military career. >> i think you voted in the opposite direction. you voted with carl levin and senator mccaskill. why don't you believe that the victims should get what they want in terms of the way these cases are prosecuted? >> andrea, a lot of the things
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that have gone wrong are really bad and i would remind your listeners that i got into this before i could ever get department of defense to do anything about it. i was getting into this from the foreign relations committee six and seven years ago holding hearin hearings, not about the military but about the sexual assault among contractors over in iraq. this is a lot of misunderstanding here. if you take the commander out of the loop as senator gillibrand was, nen the prosecutor thinks they don't have enough evidence, that's it. under the system that we are proposing is, the commander stays in. if he wants a prosecution he'll
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get it. likewise, if the commander says no and the prosecutor wants to go forward, it will go all the way to the service sector for review. there are also the safeguards of many places that the victim is encouraged to come forth. all of those are improvements to a system that has not worked and the question that i believe, if people will see the alternative, shah it makes it a lot more likely if the commander is there that there will be a prosecution. >> i want to just give you a quick chance to speak back to mayor morial, the head of the urban league, who believes that stand your ground laws really do lead to more violence. you're not going to take a position, i should say, on the florida law. >> oh, indeed, i do. i think the florida law ought to be changed.
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i think where there are the extreme cases, for example, a guy gets into a fight, he leaves, goes to his car, gets a gun and comes back and kills the person he was fighting. to use stand your ground in that circumstance is ridiculous. and yet in 200 cases in my state of florida, they go all over the water front as to how they've been adjudicated so i think the law needs to be considerably tightened and since it is in about two dozen states, you're not going to wipe out the laws. maybe down the road we do need to change these and completely eliminate them, but in the meantime they need to be severely constricted. >> senator bill nelson, thank you very much. last week we brought you mayor rahm emanuel in chicago dancing to robin thick's number
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i also have to look at the rules of professional conduct as a lawyer. so when i'm faced with the opportunity that i must defend the governor with regard to a specific suit as the doma lawsuit indicates, i have to weigh my options between defending the governor, as well as protecting the constitution. i chose to protect the constitution where i believe that the constitutionality of doma is seriously suspect. i believe doma is unconstitutional. therefore, i cannot ethically, morally or according to the laws of pennsylvania defend the governor where we have a material difference. so i am not defending the governor of pennsylvania in the doma lawsuit, as opposed to enforcing the laws of the commonwealth. so there's two different -- there's two different duties. sometimes they don't always overlap. sometimes they aren't parallel to each other. and it is up to the attorney general to abide by the rules, to make that determination as to which course of action i will
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choose. >> you're also on the spot on voter i.d. laws. you have a stringent voter i.d. law. i believe there san ongoing trial, it's in its ninth day. in that case you are defending the voter i.d. law as being constitutional. >> that's right. i have to protect the constitution and i also have to defend. and just like in the doma case where i cannot defend the governor and the secretary and the commonwealth where i believe it is constitutional -- unconstitutional where we have a material difference. in this case, all of the case law across the country has shown that the mere showing of identification at the polls is not deemed unconstitutional. they may have a problem with the logistics or the implementation of the law, and that's really what's happening at this trial. but because we do not feel it is per se unconstitutional to show identification at a poll, we must then continue on with the defense of the commonwealth.
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>> general kane, what is the future for you politically now? i know governor corbett is running for re-election. would you consider running for governor? is that a next step? >> well, i will tell you that just about every day someone asks day someone asks me that question. i will tell you i love being the attorney general. i believe that it is the right time in pennsylvania to have an attorney general who protects and defends and obeys the constitution on behalf of the people of pennsylvania. i love that responsibility. i take it very seriously and i'm very happy where i am. >> thank you very much. attorney general kathleen kane from pennsylvania. it's very good to see you. we'll be right back. hey linda! what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'. to appreciate our powerful, easy-to-use platform. no, thank you. we know you're always looking for the best fill price. and walk limit automatically tries to find it for you.
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the packers acquired 160 million credit and debit card numbers from 2005 to 2012 and sold them to resellers around the world. and it's a name fit for a future king. his royal highness, george alexander louis. historians say that william and kate's choice reflects the baby's royal ancestors, but stephen colbert has his own theory. >> as a royal watcher, i know that will and kate are huge fans of seinfeld, and clearly named the baby for george costanza who's played by jason alexander and julia louis-dreyfuss. very popular show. because just like seinfeld, the english royal family is really about nothing. >> oh, no, it isn't. and that does it for us for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." thanks for being with us. follow the show online and on
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twitter @mitchellreports. tamron hall has a look at what's next. texas attorney general hitting back after eric holder announces that the obama administration plans to take on texas in the battle over voting rights. pete williams will break down what the justice department can do after the supreme court struck down the most powerful portion of the voting rights act. plus, new reports the operator of that derailed train in spain may have been going nearly 70 over the speed limit. plus we're learning more about how many victims were on board, including americans. and reports now out that the nfl is considering a plan to check prospects for gang tattoos following the arrest of aaron hernandez for murder charges. the edge of sports will join us. this is a proposal, reportedly, but is it going too far? it's our news nation gut check. ♪
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10:59 am
hi, everyone. i'm tamron hall. the "news nation" is following developing news. the texas attorney general reacting to the announcement made by eric holder that the justice department plans to take on texas in the battle over voting rights. in a tweet sent just a few hours ago, greg abbott wrote, quote, i'll fight obama's effort to control our elections and i'll fight against cheating at ballot box. mr. holder's statement was made at the national urban league's annual conference in philadelphia. the obama administration will seek to reimpose so-called preclearance requirements in states with a history of discriminating against minority voters, starting with texas. >> today i am announcing that the justice department will ask a federal court in texas to subject the state of texas to a preclearance regime similar to the one required by section 5 of the voting rights act.
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this is the department's first action to protect voting rights following the shelby county decision, but it will not be our last. >> it is the first move from the justice department following the supreme court's ruling exactly one month ago. the court struck down the most powerful part of the voting rights act. msnbc's craig melvin joins us live from philadelphia. craig, i know you had a chance to speak with the attorney general after he made those remarks. part of what he said is based on the evidence of intentional racial discrimination in texas. he's come to this next move. >> reporter: yeah, you know, he says, again, they're starting with texas, but attorney general holder indicated to me shortly after that speech that this is, again, very much the beginning. they're taking a long, hard look at north carolina, what's happening right now in the tar heel state, eliminating early voting -- eliminating same-day registration, restricting early voting, not allowing folks to