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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  July 27, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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good evening, americans. live from new york. it's 5:00. let get to new york. >> the left is trying the paint detroit as a republican failure. >> there is no way that you can lose 300,000 manufacturing jobs and have a sustainable tax base for the city of detroit. >> raise hustlers and the grievance industry have intimidated the so call conversation. make no mistake. detroit is going bankrupt is exactly what the republicans want. >> the easiest explanation for detroit's decline is it is all the unions' fault. >> enough is enough. >> we are people that sacrifice our lives. we may not come home one day. to look at us as a spread sheet
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is to me unamerican. >> i feel betrayed. i think all the retirees feel betrayed. >> what we need is skin policy from washington. consistent policy from lansing. we need people to support us. >> there will always be those people that you can never help. >> we may be one of the first. we are the largest. but we absolutely will not be the last. >> did you hear what glenn beck just said? he said there's always going to be people out there that you just can't help. really? people that have worked for 35 years and paid into a pension fund. we can't help them. that's a great place to be, beckster. you ought to change the name of your website to blazing saddles instead of the blaze. a major federal court ruling this week has cleared the way for michigan governor rick
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snider to put detroit through bankruptcy. state law doesn't matter. state constitution doesn't matter. privatized, city workes will have to take a huge cut. but remember, glenn beck said, there is always going to be some people that you just can't help. even though they paid into it. this is the systematic destruction of an american city. it is a government coup, basically, without violence. and it is completely unjustified and unnecessary. now, why am i all over this story? i want to explain the coverage on the ed show. this, my friends, is a live government takeover. right before our eyes. we are seeing local elections being circumvented. we are seeing people being put in place that have authority. not by way of the people and
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making additions that affect peel's lives. that is a government takeover. the voices of the people are not being heard in any of this. although we are being told by snyder that they'll have a seat at the table. that's hog wash. meanwhile we have some breaking news on the ed show tonight. conservatives are angry with me. righties are upset because i correctly said, republican policies trashed the city of detroit and it did. trashed is the right word. this week roughly 35 articles were written about my detroit commentary on this program last weekend. and most of the reports cherry picked a few sentenced and failed to mention and missed my main point. exfox news host glenn beck even highlighted it. >> here's the thing about detroit. for someone ever 51 years, they've elected progressive democrats who have apparently instituted republican policies. i think that's deceitful. >> here is the thing.
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the left is trying to paint detroit as a republican failure. >> i don't even know -- >> doesn't even -- >> so state government has nothing to say about the city of detroit? you guys need a civics lesson. wasn't just those guys, a whole host of conservative commentators wrongly pinned the blal on the democratic city government of detroit. >> this is a one party state to be totally clear, right? there is no political diversity. >> in a city of detroit. they haven't had a republican mayor in 50 years. >> detroit is not really an example of the failure of gop economic policies. it has been run by the democrats for 60 years. >> the level of corruption in democrat rule. throw money at the problem. we're going to do whatever the unions say. that's what led to the downfall of detroit. >> taxes. entitlements. pricey union benefits. look where it got detroit. >> now let's be very clear.
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i said last week on this program, and i'll say it again. the republican policies of free trade, outsourcing jobs, unions, blaming workers and withholding state money from the city has crushed the city of detroit financially. and let's not forget about deregulation on wall street in dealing with all of those pinch that's were terribly hurt. all democratic policies? i don't think so. detroit lost roughly 300,000 jobs over the last 30 years. there is no way that a city survives when it loses 90% of its manufacturing jobs. the tax base erodes along with public services, along with safety and what that? you get a depopulation of an area. you lose your tax base. all these republican commentators failed to mention this. i know a little research is involved. the city government of detroit did not ship these jobs overseas. republican policies greased the skids for the corporations to do just that.
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we have another fun fact for our misinformed conservative radio hosts and republican audience who love to go after me on twitter. i love it. look at this guy. this is former michigan governor john engler. he is republican. he was a governor. he had power. do you know what he did? he made a lot of bad decisions and he had underhanded negotiations which played a major role in detroit's bankruptcy filing. let me take you back to 1998 when promises were made. he said he was going to give detroit $300 million annually of state funds for nine years if detroit promised to bring down its tax rates. which they did. this happened until detroit's economy suffered a downturn in 2002. the city got far less than what it was promised from the republican governor.
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and it still capitouldn't raise taxes because they were handcuffed in that manner. one calculation came forward and said that the city lost revenue. they starved the city of detroit. denying revenue sharing. snyder also withheld state funds from the city. bottom line, republican tax policy and tax breaks added to the destruction of this american city financially. 19 while, republicans have also been attacking the ed show because we labeled detroit a conservative utopia. well, oddly enough, republicans in detroit are actually in the process of creating a conservative utopia. let me tell you about bell sile. it is a city park covering roughly 982 acres of than on the detroit river between the united
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states and canada. look at this. this is belle isle. it is surrounded by water. gosh, would not it be neat to get your hands on that and own it? recently, rich conservative investors have stated the intention of purchasing belle isle. it used to be for the citizens of detroit. but now they want to come in and own it. they not only want to own it. they want their own independent community with its own security, their own laws, their own custom, their own transportation system, their own taxes, their own currency. and they want what? a free commonwealth with no taxes. do you think i'm kidding? look at this. >> this book is about a vision. private investors buy the island from the city of detroit for $1 billion. a society that values freedom and opportunity and the role of government is limited to providing only the essential services used by all its
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citizens. belle isle would cost less the american rate of 40% would have no need for taxes on income, on investment or estates. making it a magnet for capital. >> yeah. a magnet. they only want to pay for what they're going to use. they don't want to take care of public education. in fact, if belle isle was in iraq or baghdad, in the city of baghdad, they would have a pretty good chance of funding that. when the city ends up going through bankruptcy, which is going to hax public lands and buildings will be sold off into the private sector to help pay for the city's massive debt. unfortunately, this is already taking place on a private level in detroit. big banks who own good home and stable neighborhoods. do you know what they're doing? they're tearing them down. and long time residents in these neighborhoods are outraged. this is what it comes down to, folks. this is the systematic corporate destruction of an american city with the mission to destroy public education.
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destroy and break up uppers and privatize everything they can get their hands on. and they're doing it by attack workers. and wanting to steal their pensions. they're circumventing local elections and putting people in place that can say, your voice doesn't count. does it sound like america? you know, beckster, i know you're all uptight about security. you're all uptight about whether the country is listening to people's conversations. interesting, beck, you're worried about that but you don't want people to listen to election results in detroit, do you? you're a hypocrite. by the way, beck, tell me something. you moved your operation down to texas because you don't have to pay as much tax, right? what if that governor rick perry had made a 700 million commitment to your business, signed contracts, did the whole deal. and oh, wait a minute. got writer's cramp at the end and the money didn't show up. do you think you would be a little bit shafted? how do you think these americans who have worked for 35 years and
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their pensions feel right now? i think george and mary schultz, at 1361 westmoreland avenue in norfolk, virginia. a middle class family. i'm the last of five. my parents gave everything to the family. everything to the kids. did everything they could to make sure we would have a chance to be successful. and i think about their retirement and what would have happen if they had lost their pension. and this is a possible scenario to be played out. but of course, there is some people that just, you know, we can't help. this is not american. this is wrong headed. this is mean-spirited. this is conservative policy. this is the republican party. and no one in detroit calling the shots is an honest broker. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. is rick snyder's government takeover of detroit a model for other republican governors? text a for yes. b for no.
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67222. we'll bring you the results later. i want to you consume this final thought. i believe that this is a template, a model that is being played out. it just so happens that it is playing out in detroit. do you think john kasich would do this to cleveland? do you think scott walker would do it to madison? do you think any republican governor is now going to go into a staff meeting and say, we got some financial problems. let's do what they did up in detroit there. that way we can kill the unions. don't worry about them middle class folks. they'll just have to figure it out. they can move in with the kids. now there's more on detroit. i want to show you what's happening in the neighborhoods. for more, lets turn to detroit resident lee. he is in a neighborhood where perfectly nice homes are being demolished in lee's neighborhood. good to have you with us. you call my radio show this week. you said some very profound
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things. tell us, where are you and what's going on? good to have you with us tonight. >> i'm in one of detroit's middle class neighborhoods on the northwest side of detroit. called the bagley community. i wanted your viewers and listeners to understand what the state is doing to my neighborhood. we have been fighting to try to stabilize this neighborhood and keep residents in this area. this is one of the most highly heavily pop laid areas. one of the most heavy voting districts in the city of detroit. upper middle class homes made out of brick and plaster. the state of michigan's office of urban and metropolitan issues came to us and that they got grant money to tear down blighted and condemned homes around bagley elementary school. what they ended up doing is saying that they were going on meet with us to work on finding houses that we deemed that were
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blight that had need to be torn down. then we would work together to get that done. >> did that happen? >> no. in the process of doing that, they came down and started tearing down houses that people were renovating and that could be renovated and put back on the market and put back on to our tax rolls. >> without consultation of the local folks, they came in and started tagging homes for destruction. is that correct? >> correct. they identified 49 house that's they said need to be torn down. and we told them, prior to them doing that, that there are not 49 houses in the 5,500 house that's we have in the community that need to be torn down. would they give us that list so we could go back through and make sure that they have the right houses. because a the love those houses, people were renovating. and some of the houses had furniture and all kinds of stuff in them. and people were actually living in those houses that they had torn down. >> is this a government
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takeover? you got government officials coming in, tagging homes. which signals to other residents, well, maybe we should get out of here, too. there is a ripple effect to all of this. your thoughts. >> ed, this is the state of michigan coming into a neighborhood they know nothing about with preconceived notions that all of detroit is just some vast wasteland with abandoned buildings they can knock down willy-nilly not understanding this is an upper middle class neighborhood. people desire to live in. people have moved in because it is a stable community. because it is near one of the best elementary schools in the city. >> really will. >> and the fact we have some of the best housing stock in the country. and they started knocking down home. >> tell me about the houses right behind you there, lee. >> this is a house that has been on the demolition list since 2006. the city has condemned it. a blighted property. it has been condemned. and it hasn't been torn down.
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instead they've torn down houses like the one next to it that are perfectly good houses that people can move into that can be renovated and used. that we are working as a community group to stabilize our communicate and move people in to make our communal warm and welcoming for those people to move in. to make our community a place where people desire to be at. and the state is working against us using our own tax dollars. >> what role are the big banks playing in all of this? >> well, we had a meeting two weeks ago. the day before they started tearing down these houses with the michigan bankers association who asked us to go through and find bank that's were owned by wells fargo and bank of america. and let them know so they can do something about it. well, we're not paid to do. that she was paid to do that. that was her job. so she is asking us to volunteer to do wells fargo and bank of manager's job for them. and we're not going to do that. we want people to move into these houses. we don't want they will torn down. we want them renovated and moved. in them they would work with us
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in good faith and they haven't done that. >> we're going to stay on this story. no question about it. i have a suggestion for glenn beck and fox news. you would be great on fox news. they blame the unions, no agenda whatsoever by the conservatives to take down neighborhoods that are solidified and what the people want with absolutely no input from the local folks this is happening. lee, we'll get back to you. go ahead. >> this is the corporate footprint of governance on detroit. what you're looking at is a community fighting against a corporate takeover. >> it is. remember to answer tonight' question at the bottom of the screen. we want to know what you think. coming up, a dream deferred. stay with us. at farmers we make you smarter about insurance,
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every week before the show we check out facebook, twitter,
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now you decide where we're reporting. here the top trenders voted on by you. >> yeah, baby. >> our number three trender. the baby wait is over. >> the baby weighed about eight pounds. american are like, how much is that in dollars? the baby known as prince becomes third in line to the british throne. >> he is george alexander louis. >> george, the name of six previous kings. >> third in line to the throne. to which prince charles said yeah, but it's a slow-moving line. >> number work the disgrace. >> for everyone who is a valedictorian, there is another 99 out there that weigh 130 pounds but have calves the size of cantaloupes. >> i don't disagree that there are dreamers that are
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valedictorians but also it would legalize those who are smuggling drugs into the united states. >> and triples on his claim in mexico, they are recruiting kids to be smugglers. >> republicans smacking down. >> there is no place in this debate for hateful or ignorant comments from elected officials. >> in this week's top trender. weiner's selfy destruction. >> i have that that other photos would likely come out. >> weiner's online sex began a full year before. >> up to his old tricks under a new name. >> there were messages that he sent to a woman on facebook using the name carlos danger. >> anthony weiner'sallweiner'sa. >> it is time for him to step aside. >> weiner has brought a side show to this race.
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>> christine quinn now leads by nine percentage points. >> i do not want anthony weiner as my mayor. i want carlos danger. >> joining me now, news anchor. have you ever seen a circus like this. >> two aspects. aside from the puns, the first is, most sex scandals we kind of understand them. there is a woman. you have contact with a woman. you meet the woman. maybe you're in the same room or bedroom. in this particular case you have something called virtual adultery. as far as i know, he has never met any of these people. let me get this straight. all of this thrown away and he never met anyone. so his virtual adultery or high-tech flashing. the first problem is, i don't
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get it. i don't understand the mechanism of his particular expression of emotion. >> it is the lies. >> look at elliot spitzer. >> he stepped down. >> we understand it. i was going to say my first bone of contention which may not be the best choice of words. the thing that i'm saying is that that is the first part we don't understand. the second part is his wife. hum hume dlafl she said my husband is a better man for this. i beg to differ. we can't understand the whole thing. and then the lies that follow. especially from her. >> there's plenty of comic material here but there's a real element of sadness as well. >> that a athlettheathletic -- . >> if he can props me that he won't go after my 32 ounce sugar, that he won't have those stupid city bike lanes, he won't
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worry about styrofoam and sodium and baby formula as mayor bloomberg did, i might overlook that. who knows? could he be in essence a mayoral salve ant? could he be great at political stuff but have this weird quirk? >> he's gone from 25 to 15% in the polls in the city. but is there a chance he could come back? do you think, you've known new york as good as anybody. could this city actually elect this guy as mayor? could it happen in. >> this is america and this is new york. this is the land of second and third and fourth chances. i think so. as log as he stops. rememberering left congress. you would think someone would say i'm going to lay low. i'll bet you elliot spitzer after his problems, did not make any phone call or engage in behavior. this is a strange, what?
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paraphilia in. >> he has no credentials. he didn't do much in congress in his six terms. but he was an or or the for the left. this is his biggest ally right now is that there are people saying we need his voice. is that going to be able to carry him? >> this would be his city. you have to ask, and i don't want to bring this up. what parents tell kids, you know with the puns, this is really, it is kind of sad. at first i found it amusing then you found it really amusing but now we're having diminishing returns. there is something obviously still there. but it is really sad. and again, i submit, ed, i don't even know what he did. >> well, he lied. that's a big thing. trust is an issue here. >> yes. >> then you look at his
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character. is this behavior that you want a city official to have who is going to have his time possibly occupied doing other things when there are some pretty serious problems? >> first, as far as lies go. people who lie, people who say i'm going to do this and then they change their mind. lying i'm sorry, it is a matter of degree and interpretation. the thing about this is, i'm always worried about blackmail. that really compromises the efficacy of a person. >> if he were to get in. okay. >> what is in this guy's future if he doesn't win? >> mockery, humiliation. what's in it for her? remember, she was aligned with hillary. she is doomed. she has her own problems now with the investigations. >> good to have you with us. thank you for joining us. coming up, attorney general eric holder shows his cards on voting rights down in texas. later, senators mark begich and tom harkin on why younger voters
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aren't buying the gop lines on social security. next, i'll taking your questions. when buying a car, we all want to save money. at, we offer our users... guaranteed upfront savings. the result? truecar users save... over $3,000... on average. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit
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when you play golf with somebody, you find out if they cheat or not. i'm curious if he is an honest golfer. he has not been an honest broker. he has been against the will of the people time and time again. and i would ask him that. he constantly says the american people, if the american people want that. the american people -- when the polling shows on every issue, he
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is absolutely wrong. our next question come from an avid ed show viewer. mr. henry winkler. you may remember him as the fonz. what are we going to do about voter suppression? thanks for watching the show. i appreciate. that voter suppression, three things. communication, education, and activism. that is the only thing that is going to turn back the tide on voter suppression. we have got to communicate the issues to the people. we've got to educate the people on exactly how dangerous this is. and we've got to get local activism. all politics is local. nothing has been more profound on an issue than this. [ brent ] now steve's looking pretty good so far.
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welcome back. according to the latest nbc "wall street journal" poll, 79% of african-americans feel they're being judged by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. with the number like that, we hear at the ed show wanted to know more. we took very same question to times square, diversity city is what we call it in new york city. we asked folks to tell us if they agree or disagree with the following statement. america is a nation where people are not judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. >> um -- >> hmm. disagree. >> i want to say, sometime it
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is. sometimes it isn't. it depends who you're talking to. >> i agree. i was brought up that way and i think the majority of people do treat people that way. >> they should be. >> that's what the american dream is. >> it is not always that way. >> i don't know fits always that way. >> i think it is about the color of the skin. >> i ten to think more contextually the personality. that's not the norm in some areas. >> as much as we would like to say it is not about how you look. >> because of the color, they judge you. >> if it is not because of the color of the skin, it is how much money you have in your pocket. >> and there are troubling things going on at legislative levels that affect this problem. voting rights are being stripped. women's rights are unattack. a lack of investment in municipalities across the country because we have to give tax breaks to the wealthiest americans. all of this hurting minorities. joining me tonight, dr. james
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peterson and state senator from ohio, nina turner. great to have you with us. how does the zimmerman verdict play into this subject? and fuel it? 71% of african-americans polled said that the trial decreased their confidence in the legal system. what needs to be done to turn that around and get confidence back in the system? >> that is going to be a long, arduous process. the systematic bias built into the system. the racial bias built in operates almost at every level. from the level of stop and frisk. the communities they're charged with protecting all the way through arrests tlu, plea deals. there is bias in the system. it is racial and class bias and it impacts poor folk and people of color more than anyone else. in order to roll that back, we have to address the rule and laws at the state level. the immune it is pal level. there's a the love work to be
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done to restore faith. >> 71% is a high number. how do you turn that around? >> it is. we have to have a call to action. and have the conversation. but a call to action. a consciousness raising. james baldwin wrote in his book, the fire next time. he chronicles the lives of african-americans in the 1960s. it is eerily similar to today. he said you must put yourself in the skin of the black man. but he also gave a layer of hopeful he said if conscious whites and conscious blacks get together and force and create a change and don't falter, we will have change in this country. that is exactly what we have to do. >> what are the expectations of the african-american community? >> i think you have important places where the black community is out there in the streets protesting, raising awareness, organizing. i like what the dream defenders are doing in florida. i think that there are ways in which we have to continue to
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raise consciousness about these issues. i'm not sure if people understand the recidivism rates and how many poor men and people of color end up going back into the system. michelle alexander has this incredible book called the new jim crow which gives you a essential of how the criminal justice system operates as a new jim crow system. we need everybody to read that book and continue to support ground troop like the dream defenders. >> the young people are the key, are not they in. >> they are. in every movement, it was all about young people pushing change. >> all right. our second topic, in light of last month's supreme court decisions. striking down a key provision of the voting rights act. attorney general eric holer is taking texas to court. >> based on the evidence of intentional racial discrimination that was presented just last year in the recase of texas v. holder as well as the history of pervasive
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voting-related discrimination against racial minorities, that the supreme court itself has recognized, we believe that the state of texas should be required to go through a preclearance process whenever it changes its voting laws and practices. this is the department's first action. to protect voting rights, following the shelby county decision. but it will not be our last. >> what does that mean? >> that the attorney general means business. in section two of the voting rights act, it is a clear path to dealing with the supreme court's failings and hopefully this congress, we will continue to push this congress to act. the voting rights act, voting is a symbol of democracy. the greatest symbol that we have and i applaud the attorney general for going in on this. >> the supreme court said that we don't have a problem like we had back in the '60s. >> unbelievable. and it is so funny that the supreme court decision comes right before we get the zimmerman verdict. right before the whole paula deen, these different sores expose themselves.
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as far as the underpinnings of racial bias in this country. we have a lot more work to do. what is ironic, it seem because preclearance was working, right? they wanted to justify that. but in reality, if it is working, that means you need work. >> so total wrong decision by the supreme court. >> absolutely. >> across the board. >> across the board. >> justice ginsburg very clearly in her dissent. >> last topic. >> young black men commit homicides at a rate ten times greater than whites and hispanics combined. the reason there is so much violence and chaos in the black precincts is the disintegration of the african-american family. right now, about 73% of all black babies are born out of
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wedlock. white people don't force black people to have babies out of wedlock. that's a personal decision. raise without much structure. young black men often reject education is that gravitate toward the street culture, drugs, hustling, gangs. nobody forces them to do that. again, it is a personal decision. >> and we all know that all communities have all the same resources. senator, your response. >> it is just disturbing. i know that reverend al took bill to sylvia's. he needs to come into the black communities and the hispanic communities and really get a real understanding of the life and what it means. i don't know any black mother, any black fathers that want their children to be poor or not to be highly educated. this is disturbing. it should not be accepted. >> is it a resource issue when you don't occupy kids? you don't give them opportunities? they find themselves doing things? i'm not even sure if his number
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were correct. >> they were not correct. what he is doing, we do have challenges. there are young black men and brown men engaged in homicide at activity than anyone else. when you look at the crime rates, the number are going down. a lot of the intraracial homicides have percentage rates. >> the theme of black on black crime. >> and intraracism happens. >> black on black crime does not exist. we have crime. new studies that say it is dangerous living in the rural areas as well. at the end of the day, if we're going to have a serious conversation, what we should do, don't mississippi t-- don't dismiss it. this criminalizes young black men. until we address that, we won't be. >> thanks so much.
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tonight in our survey, i asked you the viewer. is the takeover of detroit the model for other republican governors? 92% of you say yes. 8% of you say no. up next, ted nugent attacks stevie wonder and gets caught pretending to care about urban violence. [ ship horn blows ] no, no, no! stop! humans. one day we're coming up with the theory of relativity, the next... not so much. but that's okay -- you're covered with great ideas like optional better car replacement from liberty mutual insurance. total your car and we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. learn about it at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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[ man ] show weather. [ male announcer ] fully trained to obey your every command. ♪ the 2013 ram laramie longhorn, featuring uconnect with voice command. [ horn honks ] [ barking ] guts. glory. ram. and tonight, the wacko ted nugentmotor city motor mouth has nothing but love for the community. he thinks stevie wonder needs to catch up with him. he fired up over the refusal to perform in stand your ground law states following george zimmerman's acquittal. nug wants to know, where's the love? >> 700 black people, mostly children, young people, were slaughtered in chicago last year
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by black people and not a peep out of stevie wonder. how brain dead do you have to be, you're going to focus on that clear and universally concluded act of self-defense, but ignore the black on black slaughter that's happening every day in this country. >> noog enlt's deflection, masked as concern for the black communicate. it is a very thin veil, don't you think? he describe the mindless tendency to violence. his belief characterizes black communities across america. according to nug, this isn't racism. racism doesn't even exist. >> racism against blacks was gone by the time i started touring the nation in the late '60s. it was gone. >> if ted nugent wants to us
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believe and actually believes he cares more about black people than stevie wonder, he can keep on pretending. [ phil ] when you have joint pain and stiffness...
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prescribed by rheumatologists.
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isn't that what makes us special? it's not the ability to generate incredible wealth for the few. it's our ability to give everybody a chance to pursue their own true measure of happiness. we haven't just wanted success for ourselves. we want it for our neighbors too. >> welcome back to "the ed show". this is a story for folks who take a shower after work. president obama is trying to energize the base on economic issues like social security. this is not just an old person problem. protecting social security has been a key part of the democratic policy for decades. two democrats are working on legislation to protect social security. and here's the key. extend benefits for americans who are living longer. i sat down with senators tom
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harkin and mark begich and asked why they think young voters weren't invested as their parents. >> you know what i say to them, ed? i say, ok, now you're going to school now. and you're going to want to get married, and raise your kids. guess what? your parents are going to move in with you. >> that's an awakening real quick. what can i do? >> republicans like senator minority leader mitch mcconnell want to brainwash voters that social security is broken and contributes to the deficit. it doesn't. >> don't tell me democrats represent the interest of young people. washington democrats stand around like a lookout guy at a bank robbery, pretending nothing's wrong. even as the medicare and social security you're all paying for goes broke. >> what a jaded opinion. social security has never contributed one penny to the deficit. but of course republicans like mcconnell want to cut social security. that's their mission.
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luckily, the voters in mcconnell's home state of kentucky are not buying it. 51% support the harken-begich plan to increase social security benefits to adjust for inflation. >> that's a retirement. people paid into it. and they deserve to be paid back the money they put into it that ensures they have longevity in the social security program. >> every since we passed social security, wall street has been trying to get its hands on this money. no mistake about it. >> republicans want us to sacrifice our future for a grand bargain to fix the budget, but social security is not for sale. when president obama suggested change cpi, democrats said it was unacceptable. social security, medicare, medicaid are off limits. that's if you're a democrat and you believe in families. senator harkin and begich told me about their solution. >> this is an unfair system right now. the way it works now, and you remember if you were a senior or
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disabled and didn't get your cola in '09 and '10, it's because the cola, the cost of living adjustment, is based on what we buy. what seniors buy is much different. so we modify that in our bill to make sure elder seniors are taken care of in the way that if there is an adjustment on their cost of living for prescription drugs, other things that they buy, their social security check goes up. but ours adds up to 75 years in total length. that's a pretty hefty change from let's just dismantle it and hope and pray it works. >> republicans want to raise the retirement age as well. >> i always get a kick out of people who wear shirts and ties and sit behind desking all their lives telling americans you don't have to retire at 65. you can go to 70. how about the woman who stands on her feet behind a counter for 40 years? try that sometime. how about the guy stringing lines out there in the wintertime and stuff like that? and how about the construction person that's out there on the job? there's a lot -- people that work in packing houses all day
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long. think about doing that for 40 years, ed. now they want them to work even longer. you know, look, not everyone has cushy jobs. not everyone sits behind a desk with air conditioning and stuff. >> here's the bottom line. democrats are not going to budge on social security. it protects working people, disabled americans, and the elderly who worked hard all their lives. social security is a great investment. it has worked. it's cheap, and it's solvent. and it's a key part of the american dream. >> i challenge young people, go out on the market. see if you can buy an insurance program that will cover you like social security and see what you pay for it. you can't. first of all, you can't find it. and if you can find it, it would cost you hundreds of times more than social security. >> this is one area where we can renew faith in government that, look, this was promised generations ago, and we want to make sure it occurs for the next generations to come. and when you look at it, it's not hard to fix. that's what's so amazing.
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>> now, with the debt limit fight on the horizon, you can bet that the republicans are going to be looking for revenue, and they are going to go right to social security. the bottom line in all of this is, they're going to lie to the american people. they're going to tell you that it's part of the problem, that it doesn't work. that it can't be fixed. there is no crisis right now. and now if you couple this with the republican ideology on retirement in general, they have no problem going after people's pensions to make city budget work. they have no problem making sure that they privatize absolutely everything. if we had privatized social security right after bush was re-elected, the first trip he made was to fargo, north dakota, in january of 2005 to start his privatization tour, which the american people rejected. what if we had gone along with that? what happened to the market in 2009? what would have happened to all of those americans who were counting on social security and living on a fixed income?
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this is something the younger generation, the 20 and 30-somethings in country have to pay attention to. there's no reason to change it, except the republicans want to privatize it and get their hands on the money. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. see you tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern time. have a good one. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] it started long ago. the joy of giving something everything you've got. it takes passion.
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