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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  July 27, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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"caught on camera." danger. >> i have haded some really good friends that died out there. >> adrenaline. >> it is magnificent. >> it's crazy. >> adventure. >> sensory overload. >> it is what drives these dare devils. a shark gets into a cage. >> i'm just looking at the jaws of death. >> and this is only the beginning. >> and next thing you know knocks my regulator out of my mouth. >> a sky dive goes horribly wrong. a life literally hangs in the balance. >> we knew that the odds of someone surviving what andy was
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going through were possibly not good. >> extreme skiing. becomes extremely scary. >> just felt that it governorring to be a miracle not to lose your caught. risk takers, thrill seeks. they have no fear. "caught on camera daredevils." >> they live on the edge, addicted to adrenaline. dar constantly pushing the limit to go faster and farther than anyone else. sometimes the rush is replaced bay jolt of pure terror. that is what happen odd o andy judy, a sky diver who ended up at 10,000 feet in a fight for his life.
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>> whenever you jump out of the door it is not just adrenaline, it is not just fear, not just excitement. it is what is called sensory overload. >> what kind of person would jump out of a lean streaking across the sky at more than 10,000 feet hurling their body toward the earth at 120 miles an hour tor for fun? meet andy judy. he has a serious need for speed. >> andy was a skydiver. >> don bick runs a school in western pennsylvania where andy often sky dives. >> he wasn't someone that came to experience something that the crazy skydivers did. he was one of us and a good friend. >> andy decide decides to go sg with his dad and a few good friends. >> we were joking around about jumping out and landing in
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someone's swimming pool. >> andy, his dad and friends made two successful jumps and for the third run decide to try something a little different. a tour-way jump locking arms and all leaving the plane together. >> i was the one giving the count so we could leap together. to do that i had one foot on the steps and then my other my right foot was hanging free. >> the lean races up to 11,000 feet and levels off above the jump zone. >> once i gave the count we all pushed off. and my left foot just remained in place on the step. and my head made a backwards twist around. everything was upside down. >> a piece of the jump suit gets snagged on the steps on a piece of metal. fear doesn't set in just yet but his survival instinct does. >> i thought i could climb back up. i was in a 100-mile per hour wind blast. i didn't have any leverage.
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>> the only person left in the plane is the pilot and he can't leave the controls. as andy dangles 11,000 feet up with no one to help him his dad and friends land safely on the ground where don bick is working desperately to rescue his friend. >> we knew that the odds of someone surviving what andy was going through were possibly not good. >> but don isn't giving up hope yet. >> it just wasn't an option for andy to perish. it wasn't going to happen yes. >> calls andy's dad into his was to run through the rescue options. >> we talked about turning the aircraft in different directions to see if we could dislodge andy. we did try that. >> but this doesn't work. he still hands under the plane frantically trying to save himself from it death high above the earth. >> one time where i actually got my fingertips on to the step but i immediately slipped off. >> i kept trying to climb back up. >> with each failed attempt, andy gets more and more
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discouraged. >> as time progressed that is when the sense of hopelessness or sense of this isn't going to work i'm to the going to get out of the situation that is when the fear intensified. >> by now he has been hanging upside down for an unbelievable 40 minutes and time is not on his side. >> the jumpsuit began to constrict around my upper leg. i can't think of another point in my life where i experienced more pain and i remember having thoughts of am i going to lose my leg. >> on the ground, don and andy's dad tim are still trying to figure out the best plan to get andy down safely. >> the plane was going to land. the pilot was going to have to put it down. we were running out of fuel and it was time to make the serious decision. >> he knows what has to happen. he knows it could mean death for his friend but makes the most difficult decision of his life. >> at that point i brought tim back into the office and explained to him that i was going to land the aircraft with
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his son underneath it and he pretty much said no you're not. and after a bit of talking between the both of us, it was a teary moment but we decided that that had to happen. >> andy doesn't know anything about this plan but he does sense that an end, good or bad, has it be near. and prepares himself. >> i guess whenever you are faced with the potential of death for that long of a time, for 45 minutes, i mean you kind of give yourself up to that possibility. >> preparations are need bring the plane down. a rescue team, emss, fire department and fellow sky divers assemble on the landing strip. the plan isn't to land on the runway. the pilot plans to touch down on a narrow strip next to the pave meant we lined people up to pick up anything that might the possibly harm andy striking
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the ground. and then we called the pilot and asked him to bring him in. >> as the plane approaches, don turns to andy's dad. >> we embraced. it was very heartfelt. we talked about the fact that we were confident that andy was going to be okay. both of us knowing that that probably wasn't going to be the case. >> the men can't communicate with andy but he begins to understand the plan. >> the ground was coming up at me so i realized that we were going to land. i was honestly more exhausted emotionally, physically, mentally than i have ever been in my life and ready to deal with whatever the consequences were. >> i said to the pilot make this the shortest and softest landing of your life. >> just before impact, andy shows enormous strength, tucking his legs up, con torting himself into a fetal position and bracing for the
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worse. >> the and then he struck the ground. that is when you quit breathing. >> cloud of dust. and then we all rushed the aircraft. >> even though i was running flat out to see andy after the plane touched down i was apprehend seven about getting there. i didn't think initial could survive that that. >> as don and andy's dad reached the now stopped plane against all odds. >> i opened my eyes and my first words to them is god i'm lucky. >> yeah, he was. >> incredible. >> andy is rushed to the hospital and miraculously doctors find no major injuries. he is released and walks out with only minor scrapes and bruises. one lucky guy indeed, and amazingly he is back skydiving just three weeks later. >> people always say live every day like it is your last. >> coming up -- people flying?
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>> i was like these look marvelous. >> but then trouble. >> oh! >> the shark is just flashing back and forth. >> a man fights for his life under water. >> and the next thing you know it knocks my regulator out of my mouth. >> no air, a shark on the attack when caught on camera daredevils continues. ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology,
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like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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[ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health. ocuvite. the good ocuvite. ol'days... when the yes but sometimes if we coui eat as i used tod! my digestive system gets out of whack. it's not easy keeping it working as it should. it's easy if you enjoy an activia everyday. activia helps regulate your digestive system. put a smile back in your day! ♪ activia dannon ♪
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faster than a speeding bullet. it's a bird. it's a plane. no, it's a man. in a wing suit. that's right. and it doesn't get much more daring than this.
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>> three, two, one. woohoo! ♪ >> many of us have had that dream about flying when we were small. flying the wing suit in the mountains is that feeling. >> wind suit jumpers reach speeds up to 150 miles an hour. >> it is like medicine for me and the first two, three, four seconds, they are just the extraordinary. >> but with big reward comes big risk. >> it is magnificent. it is crazy. >> for norwegian wind suit flyer hans lang this day starts out like any other. >> it was a beautiful day. blue skies. no winds. perfect for wing flying in the mountains. >> after a long hike up a
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mountain in northwestern nor way, hans and a few friends find the spot they have been looking for. a little 2-foot by 1 foot ledge perched more than 5,000 feet above the ground and for hans there is only one way down. ♪ >> when i jump up, i gain speed and go vertical at first four or five seconds and then you flatten out when you get speed in the suit. >> so far the glide is going as planned. >> after 10-12 seconds of freefall okay this is nice, i have a nice path. i made the curve. a slight one to lose some height and also gain speed. with you i made a sharp right turn going pretty close there and then make a left turn into the neighboring valley. i was like this was marvelous and my hair was like and my neck and awesome. >> but now streaking along the
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mountain side at about 110 miles on an hour caught on his helmet camera a great jump turns disasterous in an instant. he is getting too close to the mountain so deploys the parachute. >> when i opened the parachute i'm very aware that i have 30 feeters. >> if he crashes into the mountain he knows it could mean death so he fights with everything he has to turn his parachute away from that menacing wall. >> instantly when i saw that i'm going for, i did strike, it's going to be a fight for life and death. i just put all my energy on hitting the wall after the impact you are only working, working, working, working, working to survive. >> hans uses his legs to kick
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himself away from the rock and much to his surprise it works. >> so i was like wow i'm flying out again, you know. i got a second chance. >> but he doesn't immediately realize the lines attached to his parachute are twist the as he begins to fall straight down. >> then i felt immediately that bang with my legs. >> his collision with the unforgiving rocks breaks his legs. >> i felt instantaneously pain and then i see the bushes and into the bushes luckily. >> hans sounds worse than his injuries actually are. the bushes provide a nice soft landing spot. >> into a rock or shelf or something i could have died. people have died in that situation before me.
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>> he is so happy to be alive but as the pain of his broken leg sets in so does a whole range of emotions. >> i was so angry and so lucky in one moment. [ bleep ] >> i was very angry because it was a lack of concentration. i don't think i have said so many swearing words in a row he. >> hans' anger is short-lived. rescue helicopter on the way and as he lays in his makeshift bed of bushes he tries to make some sense of what happened to him. >> at first hans is having what he thinks is a great flight but as he carves his way around the mountain seemingly flying it is on this turn that he says he makes an almost deadly mistake. >> the major error was that he was flying too close to the mountain. >> so close that when tries to
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correct the mistake by deploying the parachute he doesn't have room to turn himself around away from the the rock face and into open space. >> and i feel trapped and i was very afraid of doing a turn. doing a turn you lose lot is of altitude. >> he sees only one choice. >> when i understood that there was only one way and that was into the mountain, he was scared. you just have to try to avoid what might kill you. and it goes really fast. >> and luckily, he does survive what could have been a deadly fall. >> the helicopter is coming right now to get me. >> the chopper arrives and hoists hans to safety. he is flown to a hospital where he is treated for his broken leg and given stitches for a few cuts but amazingly has no life threatening injuries. >> lesson learned. don't hit the mountain.
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>> coming up -- caught in an avalanche. >> the deeper and deeper we were going farther are down it gets dark and heavy and pretty soon it is just black. >> buried alive. will he be found if time? and -- >> the bonzai people at a zone. >> big waves mean big trouble. >> he was face down. >> no pulse. no signs of life. a daredevils' brush with death when "caught on camera daredevils" continues.
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hey america, even though she doesn't need them, cheryl burke is cha-cha-ing in depend silhouette briefs for charity, to prove that with soft fabric and waistband, the best protection looks, fits, and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try for yourself. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. and the more i focus on everything else, the less time i have to take care of me. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. glucerna products help me keep everything balanced. [ golf clubs clanking ] [ husband ] i'm good! well, almost everything. [ male announcer ] glucerna. delicious shakes and bars. helping people with diabetes find balance. [ male announcer ] glucerna. delicious shakes and bars. [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them.
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[ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence.
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i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. the waves get really big and that gets the adrenaline going. makes it all worth while and makes life worth living. >> larry haines and ray hollowell are professional cameramen but you won't find them in a studio or on a set, this is their office.
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the world famous bonzai pipeline on the north shore of oahu hawaii. >> the bonzai pipeline is the a zone. one of the gnarliest waves on the planet. >> you have to be on top of your game. >> jagged reef and big rocks that could knock you out and i have some really good friends that have died out there. >> it is dangerous work. the footage larry and ray capture makes these guys the surfers look like the dare devils. but make no mistake, as each 20-foot wall of whitewater crashes down with bone crushing force there is an adrenaline rush for the guys behind the lens, too. >> the swell comes from deep water and hits the pipeline and hits a shallow reef and with
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such power it creates this huge barrel. to get in the barrel and make it in the barrel and get spit out it the ultimate. and to capture that on film is just exhilarating. >> they have been shooting the pipeline to know that ideal conditions for riding waves don't always mean safe working conditions for them. >> it was one of those days. it was very low tide and very dangerous. 14-16-foot faces. >> low tide means huge waves and aid mazing footage. watch that wall of water crashing right over ray as his camera catches all the action. >> it was a great day. it was pretty epic. but we see a break this on the outer reef and larry and i realize we are really deep in the pit they call it which is the impact zone where the wave breaks. >> caught between a crushing wave barreling down on them and the jagged rocks on the reef below ray and larry start
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frantically swimming as fast as they can with cameras still rolling. >> like doing the 50-yard dash under the water. >> when i got under the first wave i got tumbled for like at least ten seconds like wash and rinse cycle. it was really intense and when i pop up, i managed to get two deep breaths and look up and there is this big giant wall of whitewater coming at me. that is when the wave's power drove me into the reef shoulder percent and i was knocked unconscious. >> he looked back and he was face down with his just in the death position with his camera a few feet away. i knew he was in a super dangerous situation. >> larry swims as fast as he can to get to his friend. three more waves batter ray into the coral reef, caught on camera before larry reaches him. >> he was huge just filled up
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with water. just massive. he was looking dead but i just grabbed him, swung him back, got his head out of the water and leaned him back and grabbed him and starting squeezing his belly. >> another swimmer sees him racing him back to shore and offers his surfboard. >> they start carrying him out and i came out behind him and laid him on the beach. he was blue. >> life guards and the paramedics frantically tried to revive ray but he was flatlining, no pulse. >> he was close to death. knocking on the door. >> he has swallowed more than a gallon of saltwater and rushed to the hospital clinging to life. he is in a coma for two days and on the third day against all odds ray wakes up. >> he think i was probably as close to death as somebody can come. the doctors at the hospital told me i was the worse drowning victim they ever saw to live to talk about it.
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>> his injuries are severe. >> i hit so hard i had two brain contusions with a helmet on. my collarbone was shattered in half in four places. torn rotator cuff. two broken ribs. a bruised lung and chemical pneumonia. >> this daredevils cameraman can barely move but still directing the action from his hospital bed. >> let's get that shoulder. got it all? >> it was the most excruciating pain you could ever imagine. broken bones are like a picnic compared to the pain i felt that day. >> love you, larry. thank you, man. >> in pain, sure. happy to be alive? definitely. >> i'm grateful for my good friend larry that save saved the day. >> ray spends nine days in critical care and takes him a full year to recover. when finally does get back in the ocean he says he is not heading straight for the bonzai pipeline any time soon.
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>> my main focus is creating ocean adventure programming for kids. just so happened it just is wasn't my time. god didn't have a plan to take me that day. i feel extremely lucky and pretty much not lucky but blessed to be alive. extreme skiing. can mean extreme danger. >> it turned my stomach. >> it was -- i mean you just felt that it was going to be a miracle not lose your daughter. >> also. under water and trapped in a cage with a thrashing shark. >> i'm just looking at the jaws of death thinking this can't be happening. >> when "caught on camera daredevils" continues. [ female announcer ] it balances you...
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it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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this is nature valley. "first day of my life" by bright eyes you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health.
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a bus crash on an indianapolis interstate this afternoon left three people dead and at least two dozen injured. adults and teens were on the bus and most were from a local baptist church returning from summer camp. a state of emergency in southwestern, north carolina. heavy rains triggered severe flash flooding today stranding motorists and challenging rescuers. several thousand people without power today. back to "caught on camera." welcome back to "caught on camera." i'm con tess con tess camera c. takes a special kind of a person to want to jump out of a plane, launch off a cliff or for the guy in the next story, dive with one of the scarcest predators on earth, the great white shark. jerry lowman wanted to get really close to some sharks but his story is a reminder be
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careful what you wish for. >> the sharks just flashing back and forth and i have my hands on his nose and mouth and looking into his mouth. >> jerry is fighting for h his life as this huge great white shark slashes its great white teeth and rammed through the cage that is meant to protect jerry. >> he is shaking the whole cage. >> tare fide the trapped the ordeal is only just bebeginning. a lot more than this 30-year-old bankers from the midwest bargained for. a self-described adrenaline junky, he knew it would be dangerous and started as the thrilling experience he had hoped for. >> couldn't have scripted it better. a once of in a lifetime experience where this huge creatures gets so close to you. >> close. but you this close? >> you know stuff is going to happen but you just got to live
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your life. you only have one life. >> and jerry decides he needs to live it to the the fullest. at vice president at a large bank he works long hours, nights, weekends and hasn't vice president really take and vacation. when sees an ad in the the paper for a trip to south africa he makes a spontaneous decision and packs his bags. >> i was going to pull out all of the stops and kind of was it cage diving shark diving. >> a couple of months after seeing the ad in the paper jerry finds himself in one of the diving capitals of the world 30 miles outside capetown at the southernmost tip of south africa staring at a shark cage. >> and shaking your head looking at like wow that thing is so small if one of the sharks wanted to get into it there was no stopping it. >> and as jerry sizes up the shark cage, he notices an even bigger concern. >> i kind of remembered noting
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that it seem like there was a big hole. big holes around the stride. they mentioned they had removed a bar so a camera crew could swim in and out and actually hadn't put it back. >> he thinks that hole looks big enough for a shark to get through but the captain assures him he will be safe. he nods cautiously and boards the boat. after all he didn't come halfway around the world to miss out on seeing great white sharks. when finally gets a look at one of the massive creatures he understands why the captain isn't concerned about the little gap between the bars. >> it looked like a sub marine. it was huge. >> jerry loves it. he is hook. >> they are really inquisitive swimming up through the bottom and the sides and getting really close. you could almost kind of play with him. >> but he never imagined the shark could get this close. >> and then bam, hits the came just spot on right in the opening that they had the bar removed.
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all of a sudden you see this huge head with just teeth inching its way closer and close. any diver's worst nightmare. jerry and another tourists are forced to the bottom of the cage to avoid the now thrashing shark. >> i'm looking at the jaws and looking at it like this can't be happening and then i just can't die. >> but the shark is forcing his way further and further into the greige i cage. >> i remember looking into his mouth and i have my hands on his nose. >> jerry is fran sickally searching for a way out. >> i wasn't going to be able to swim up to the top because he was moving around too much and more than likely was goin goino bite a leg or arm. >> the situation is dire and almost unbelievably about to get worse. >> the next thing you know he knocks my regulator out o of my mouth. >> with no air supply it is do or die. >> i realize that the got to get out of the cage or i'm going to drown or the shark is going to bite me.
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>> he came in the side, i'm going go out the side. i'm throwing to throw him off and he managed to turn his head and realize there is an opening so i jet off to the side. >> the other diver sees what jerry does and snows if he stays where he is it could mean death. miraclously he shoots out the other side of the cage. they are both out thrilled to be alive but the danger is far from over. jerry is out of the cage but not out of the water yet. >> i had 10, 12-kilos of weight on me so actually i start falling. >> no air, shark infested waters. a dramatic fight for survival and at the world extreme skiing competition -- an extreme accident. >> she wasn't moving at all and i just broke down in tears. >> when "caught on camera daredevils" continues. here you go, honey. thank you.
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[ male announcer ] see your authorized dealer for an incredible offer on the exhilarating c250 sport sedan. ♪ has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. what's the rush? could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. cheryl burke is cha-cha-ing in depend silhouette briefs for charity, to prove that with soft fabric and waistband,
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the best protection looks, fits, and feels just like underwear. get a free sample and try for yourself. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned,
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so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. the good ol'days... when the yes but sometimes if we coui eat as i used tod! my digestive system gets out of whack. it's not easy keeping it working as it should. it's easy if you enjoy an activia everyday. activia helps regulate your digestive system. put a smile back in your day! ♪ activia dannon ♪ and so too is the summer event. now get an incredible offer on the powerful c250 sport sedan. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. the mercedes-benz summer event ends july 31st.
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jerry a bankers from the midwest was hoping for the trip of a lifetime when booked his six week vacation to south africa. when finds himself underwater without oxygen tighting fiercely with a five ton great white shark he knows he is one head thrash away from death. and then sud tenley, he sees an -- id denly sees an opening and somehow manages to escape the wrath of the great white. as soon as he finds himself out of the cage he real ices he is in danger yet. >> i start falling forgeting that i had 10-12-kilos of weight on me because there was a strong current there and i needed to be weighted down. >> with 10 to 12-kilos or
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25-pounds shoving him underwater he manages to grab the guards of the cage. >> i need to get out of the water. a, i don't have a regulator in my mouth and b there is other sharks swelling around. >> he climbs up the cage and emerges from the water and finally the air his body is craving. >> they throw me in the boat and i remember laying face down for a couple of minutes going did this really happen. >> lucky to be alive he rolls over and sees the other diver who was in the cage with him also with his limbs intact. >> he says man you saved my life. i was going to stay there and you made a decision and got out the side and it worked for you so i thought i would try it. >> they are both safe on the boat now but realize the shark they escaped is now the one fighting for its life. >> great whites have to swim constantly to get the oxygen through the water so they can is survive. if he stays in that cage he is going to die. >> despite the ordeal he doesn't want to see the shark
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die so the group works together to tip the cage and free it and when returns to land jerry can't seem to free himself of the memory of his close encounter. >> i had nightmares for probably four to section months after that just waking up. wow, put your arm some where and he bites you arm off. >> finally he is at peace with what happened that day. >> i have kind of come full circle that before i was more in the corporate world and now actually for a living i'm a dive instructor. >> a dive instructor? that's right. perhaps the most surprising part of the whole story is that jerry now runs his own dive company out of thailand. >> we will see sharks on a daily basis. it was definitely a scary traumatic event. ♪
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now, from surf to snow. ♪ >> nearly a mile high in valdez, alaska, bridget mead is a favorite to win the world extreme skiing championship. on the first rundown the steep slope, disaster. >> she was flying across the top of the ridge line. >> bridget's friend tony harrington is snapping photos of the event across the mountain and immediately knows his friend is in big trouble. >> unfortunately, when she come into view she was flipping severe and didn't have both feet on the ground. >> bridge get's dad is watching the terrifying scene from the bottom of the mountain. his daughter is tumbling over and over smashing head over heels into jagged rocks.
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i just dropped the binoculars. i didn't think she would survive. she was going three or four hundred yards and i was just there just streaking. she wasn't moving for the last 200-yards. she just laid on her back with the head facing down the hill. >> bridget's body is limp. she continues to slide down the mountain for what seems like forever. finally after a minute and a half she comes to a stop nearly a mile from where she started even the cameraman shooting this video is shaken. >> i got the whole ugly thing and it turned my stomach. >> we got a guy -- no movement right now. >> it was just horrendous. i mean you just felt that it was going be a miracle not to
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lose your daughter. i didn't honestly expect her to survive it. >> has been there 15 minutes and there is no sign of life. i haded a big lens and full frame on her and she wasn't moving at all and i just broke down it tears. it was horrible. >> bridge get lies motionless for 20 minutes while paramedics work on her and then suddenly the first good sign. >> i'm looking through the camera at one of the best frames and up to that point in time i had tears in my eyes and everything and then suddenly i saw her leg move so we knew she was alive. >> rescuers stablize her and are able to bring her down the mountain to a waiting helicopter. she is choppered to a local hospital and then air lifted to providence alaska medical center in anchorage. >> amazeing that she was alive. >> the er doctor janet smally is on duty that day. she knows the extreme skier fell hard over unforgiving
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terrain. >> we see skiers that hit their heads and have severe brain damage or die because of the trauma to the head. >> dr. smally runs a batteries tests, fearing all kinds of things, broken bones or life threatening swelling or bleeding of the brain. all the while, bridget's father never leaves her side. >> she started to come around. >> amazingly, every test comes back negative. considering her spectacular fall, no broken bones. no internal injuries. nothing short of a miracle. the only thing that doctors can't determine is how bridget's brain is affected. >> i remember after the stats and three, two, one, go and then i don't have any memory after this. >> it is determined she has amnesia. she remains in critical care for seven days. >> high first memory after the accident is waking up in the hospital and looking over my
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shoulder and seeing my dad sitting in a chair in the corner of the room and i was very relieved to see him sitting there. >> doctors tell her that it will be a long road to recovery. it could take up to three years for her brain to heal. but aftertw after two weeks ine hospital she is free to head home to new zealand. it is there that she watches the tape of her accident for the first time. >> when i saw the footage i thought it was very violent and i was quite surprised i didn't break any bones. quite surprised. >> i think the problem was that it being fairly windy up there and all of the powder had been swept off certain aspects of the mountain and the line i was skiing it was very, very slick and i think i was just very itited and came to ski he ski hard and fast and amazingly
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just went too fast. >> amazingly after a year despite that fall bridget gets back on her skis. fast is the only way this extreme skier knows how to live. >> i would like to think i could ski as well as i was skiing before. it would be fantastic if i came back and i was feeling as strong and confident as i was with my ski then i would be doing some come pa degrees again. it is very difficult to give up dreams. an extreme snowmobiler caught in an avalanche. >> oh! >> [ bleep ] >> the first thing they tell you to swim. so that is what i tried to do. >> how will rescuers find him in time when "caught on camera daredevils" continues. and win. congratulations you are our one millionth customer.
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♪ get going at speeds 100 miles an hour by the helmet it will sock up against the bottom of your chen and it's awesome. >> prentiss baher is one of the top extreme snowmobilers in the world. >> you are out in the wind and feels like if you had wind you could just fly. >> extreme snowmobilers go fast. really fast. and they get big air, too. >> but while the others head down the mountain, the goal for these guys is to go up, to climb to the top of the mountain. >> it is called high marking. we try to ride where snowmobiles looking at it, snowmobiles can't go. it is a huge adrenaline rush. >> he loves to be the top dog on the mountain but knows that zoom up 1,000-foot cliffs a dangerous so he takes certain precautions. >> we carry a backpack with a shovel in it.
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and a transceiver and a transceiver is if you get buryd that they can find you. >> even though he takes these precautions he admits he spends more time thinking about pushing the limit than his own safety. >> people talk about avalanches and it can go in one ear and out the other. nothing we really put a lot of stock into. >> one thing he does put stock in, finding the most extreme cliffs and trying to snowmobile to the top of them. he heads to a place known as the snowmobiling capital of the world, west yellowstone montana. >> i knew right away it going to be a good tay. the sky is just bright blue. a snowmobiler's dream to ride on days like that. powder from aproud fresh a storm the night before and temperatures just below freezing the mountain is as challenging and extreme as he hoped. >> we are hitting on the hill and making tracks and going different angles and i go to
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the side where nobody has kind of again and it gets really steep at one part. probably a thousand foot. just is sheer rock right to the bottom and there right beside the rock is a huge chute and just clear the whole way to the the top. one of my buddies talked and said you ain't going up there. in my mind i wasn't. i had no plans are going up there. >> he has a great morning and with the sunshining down figures it as great time to stop for lunch box. >> it was getting warm and the sun was out. we usually wear big heavy coats and i took the coat off and just walked over and hung it on a tree. >> as he eats a sandwich, he watches a friend teak on the same chute that intimidated him just a few minutes earlier. the friend gets high up. but not to the top. and he says it stirs the daredevil inside him. >> the path i seen up this and the sun was shining on was just beautiful and i'm like i got
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the to go. >> so he h heads straight for his sled, too excited even to put his coat back on. >> i'm like okay i'm going over the top. >> he passes his friend's high mark but doesn't stop there. >> and i'm like i'm going over. i was probably 20 to 30 feet below the top when it just got really soft and i went to turn my sled to come back down is when i seen it all start to crack all around me. >> oh. >> [ bleep ] >> at that point it is silent. i'm in an avalanche. i first thought is to get in front of the avalanche. the whole mountain is moving and there is nothing solid underneath. >> a second avalanche breaks off and now with tremendous pouty erovertakes him. >> you think of snow as soft and fluffy when the offensive hit me just like earth and rocks hitting you in the back and hit you so hard. >> the now raging current of snow knocks him from his snowmobile. >> i was 20-30 feet in the air
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when i landed it just boom on the snow. >> the first thing they tell you to seem. so that is what i trie tried t, you know, kick and thrash, whatever you had to do. i did that the whole way down and it's getting heavier and heavier and just crushing my chest and hard to breathe and then it gets darker. the deeper and deeper i go and farther down it gets dark and heavy and resty soon it is just black. >> the avalanche is over are. he doesn't know how pardon he has been buried but he does know if he doesn't get help soon he will die. >> there is no oxygen in the snow and you can't breathe. >> his friends jump on their snowmobiles and speed to the area where they think their friend might be buried but the task of finding him in the vast field will be a lot more daunting than they initially realize.
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before heading up the mountain he took off his coat and inside that coat is his safety transceiver, the device enabling others to locate him if he is buried in snow. how to it is useless hanging from a tree more than 200-yards from the very spot where he came to rest under the avalanche. >> and i can see the light through the snow, i can tell i'm close to the surface. i heard the snowmobiles fire up and people screaming. i'm laying there in a matter of seconds and my arm is up above the head andky feel the wind on my figures. >> his friends search frantically. they know they have only minutes before he will suffocate. without a signal from the tran receivtransceiver it seems almt homeless. by luck someone spots his arm in the air and within minutes they are digging him out. >> i couldn't believe i was alive.
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i could walk. >> when i went to get ought and go over under the bend and i shot straight down. >> i still had that fear for the next two hours that i was just going to fall over dead. >> remarkably other than being shaken up he is fine. he walks away without broken bones or enternal injuries but says he learned one very valuable lesson. >> as i look back and think why that avalanche happened, it was to slow me down so i think it made life a lot more important to me. >> like so many daredevils we met wise near death experience didn't scare him away. after the avalanche he was back on his sled the next day but now says he pays more attention to safety and lucky for us he is still out there shooting his exploits. if you have a video to send us log on to our website.
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i'm contessa brewer. that is this t. for this edition of "caught on camera." ♪ a horrific slashing. >> i didn't even see the razor in his hand he did is so fast. >> married 21 years almost. twin boys. >> a case of road rage results in a murder charge for a software engineer. >> life was good. >> now, after two years in jail the jury will


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