tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC July 29, 2013 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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good monday morning. i'm chris jansing. another big push this week from president obama to focus on the economy, specifically narrowing the gap in income inequality and comes fast food workers are walking off the job this morning in seven cities. they are protesting low pay and calling for a living wage about $15 an hour. the one-way walk jaws have been growing and while their wages are staying the same the average way for ceos jumped 16% last year. here is another stat relieved today. 4 out of 5 adults will be unemployed near poverty or need welfare for at least part of their lives. 4 out of 5 here in the united states. president obama told "the new york times" the income gap is fraying the social fabric of the country. >> there was a sense of not upward mobility in the abstract, it was part and parcel of who we
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were as americans, and that is what has been eroding over the last 20, 30 years. well, before the financial crisis. >> i want to bring in the editor in chief of reason magazine matt welsh and national political reporting molly bald. is there a frustration when you look at these fast food workers. they can't feed their families. we have talked on this program quite a bit about whether the american dream is dying. i guess the question is when we look what president obama is doing, how does the government help? >> how does it help? by not passing laws and budgets that don't do anything to create jobs. bill clinton taught us the best way to overcome income inequality is have job mobility particularly on the lower end of the scale and barack obama has been giving the same speech for five years. in 2008 he said his environmental policies would create 5 million green jobs and stimulus create 4 million private sector jobs and nancy pelosi said they would create 4
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million jobs. if those jobs had been created we wouldn't be having this conversation but we are having this conversation and we have the lowest employment in this country in more than three decades. that is the main problem. >> 20% of american workers earn less than $10 an hour. 20%. and their wages are falling. one economist told "the new york times" and i thought was to your point. there is more competition. is part of the problem, molly, this is an employers market as opposed to an employeees market? >> well, sure. i mean, i think what you see the president trying to do is to take ownership of this issue because so many people feel that washington is sort of fiddling while rome burns and there is all of this bickering going on and nothing getting done. more important than that, nobody seems to care. so, you know, republicans have criticized the president for doing nothing but talk and really sort of rehash a lot of the policies he has laid out in
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the past to no a veil but he wants to at least show people he is trying to take control of this conversation and at least his priorities are in the right place. you know, we have seen frustration with congress growing and the president's approval rating sagging because nobody feels like anybody in washington is focusing on these problems. >> he is trying to shine a light on it and during his economic speeches last week he touched on raising the minimum wage. let me play that for you. >> i am going to keep making the case that we need to raise the minimum wage because it's lower right now than it was when ronald reagan took office. it's time for the minimum wage to go up. >> matt, is there a real chance this could happen? is this more about a populace message? >> three changes, slim and nonfat that it gets passed through the house of representatives right now and very little chance that would do anything to help the prospects of lower income americans. economists have been studying
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this a long time and no one has suggested that there is a positive correlation with increased minimum wages and increased employment. he is giving nice populace speeches rallying his base but doing nothing for the economy. >> i've worked on minimum wage. it stinks i know back in the ronald reagan era known not help anyone. if you can't bid for a job, if there is no competition for you as a low wage worker then you're going to be in the situation that we are in which is that everybody cycles through the poverty line and everybody is getting more and more help from the government right now and that is not a very good cycle. >> how did we get here? molly, let me go back to other statistics. 4 out of 5 u.s. adults will struggle with joblessness and near poverty or be on welfare. a separate study found even millionaires don't feel rich which is interesting study.
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in fact, it took about $5 million for people to feel rich. how did we get to a divide this big? >> well, i think what we are seeing is the sort of flip side of what seemed to be a sort of gradual improving economy is that even as we have seen some indicators not only that the economy is getting a little bit better, but the people are feel a little bit better about it that there is this incredible chasm of inequality and a feeling that the people on top are doing okay, the stock market is getting better, but the people who work for a living have not been able to share in that prosperity. >> we should say there are people very much believe and want to share in the american dream and democrats are calling for congressman steve king to be punished after his controversial comments about dreamers. politico reports an e-mail is circulated to have him removed from the house judiciary committee as punishment. >> another hundred out there
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that they weigh 130 pounds and they have got calves the size of cantaloupes because they are hauling 150 pounds of marijuana across america. >> this ad is being run translated into spanish. last week, a group of dreamers delivered cantaloupes to king's office but did not get a chance to talk to him. mary is one of those. she is an organizers with united we dream. it's good to see you. good morning. >> good morning, chris. thanks for having me on the show. >> you didn't get a chance to meet with congressman king. what did you want to say to him? >> we wanted to let him know that we, as students, are really hard working. we go to school. we contribute to this economy, as do our parents, and that, therefore, the comments he was making about us being drug smugglers is outrageous and absurd and unnecessary. >> what went through your mind when you heard those comments? >> i was really taken aback.
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i think it's a shame that a u.s. congressman is criminalizing an entire community and i think it's completely out of line. and, again, i just think they are completely outrageous and it's shameful to be honest. >> he has never apologized and doubled down saying he is offering an objective analysis. how much do you think those views are shared, particularly in the halls of congress where votes will be taken on this? >> i think they are not shared very widely. i think congressman king is definitely an extremist in this discussion and i think this really opens the door and offers speaker boehner to take a stronger stance on immigration reform and to just deliver on the talking points that he has been having that he has been trying to pass this. so he either stands with congressman king and his outrageous comments or moves forward and passes immigration reform. >> those have not made outrageous comments who do have concerns about immigration reform and they are worried about the comparison between
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people who have come here legally or tried to come here illegal versus millions of citizens like your parents who are contributing here, but who came illegally and they believe there should be a price to pay that they should have to go to the back of the line so to speak. where do you stand on this and what do you think if this is right word to use, fair? >> i think -- for example, myself, i have been living here since the age of 3 so that means i have been living here for 18 years. my parents have also. i think the problem is that we did try to apply for a visa but were denied. my parents were left with the choice staying in mexico and living in poverty or bringing us to the united states for a better future and better chances at a better education. and so we have been living here for 18 years, like i said and i think it's fair to us to now be given a path to citizenship. right now what is being offered is a path to citizenship. it is not just here you go, here
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you have it, but we just need the chance in order to try to get our citizenship. >> mary, great of you to come on the program. thanks for coming on. >> thank you so much. >> this is continuing to be conversation. paul ryan making news this weekend actually at a town hall in wisconsin where he said it won't be until october that the house will vote and then it's going to be on a border security bill, an interior enforcement bill and a bill for legal immigration and eventually a bill for people who are undocumented. even though that is late, is there good news they are at least talking about dealing with it? i think for people who favor immigration reform paul ryan is a powerful ally for him. paul ryan came up with the late jack kemp who was also a big supporter of immigration reform. he seems to believe very deeply in the necessity to get this done. some of the comments from leadership have been a little bit more tepid and there is a lot of doubt that anything, including a path to citizenship
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can get through the house of representatives at all. but if it does, i think it is going to be in that way that paul ryan laid out in a piecemeal fashion with individual votes on individual components. a lot of republicans feel that the opposition to this out there isn't really opposition to the issue as opposition to these big bills, these thousand page bills like obama care or like what came out of the senate that people just don't like the idea of these massive pieces of legislation, so they think maybe by doing it piecemeal they can get around that. >> speaking of the role of leadership. we saw big immigration rally in ohio this weekend calling on john boehner to get this done. how much influence does he have, matt? how big of a player can he be in all of this? >> the house of representatives through a republican caucus is a house divided. they have had a a lot of interesting fights this year including last week's nsa amendment. a number of similar kinds of fights over there. unclear whether he or paul ryan or anybody there can deliver all
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of these votes. we do know something that immigration reform proponents need to grapple with the house is going to make an already huge border surge even surgier. it's more emphasis on law enforcement and fences and drones than what we saw with the senate which is a bill john mccain says we are building a new berlin wall, hooray. we are get to a point where they will say how much am i willing to hold my nose and vote for. >> we are out of time. let me ask you real quickly because we have done sort of a gut check across this year and last year as well. what do you give the chances that something gets done? >> 20%. no higher. >> wow. any more optimistic than that, molly? >> i don't make prediction but that sounds about right to me. >> wow. molly bald and matt welch, a story we will continue to follow. thank you for coming in today. in the meantime, one side is calling it a massacre. dozens of muslim brotherhood supporters in egypt killed in clashes with police over the
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weekend. this morning, more demonstrations are expected all part of the crackdown on the muslim brotherhood. 260 people killed since the coup earlier this month that ousted president morsi. a chance for peace elsewhere in the middle east. for the first time since 2010 this morning, israel and palestinians will hold peace talks in washington and nbc's white house correspondent kristen welker is live for us. what can you tell us about this meeting today? >> chris, good morning. we know that secretary of state john kerry will be hosting the negotiators at a dinner this evening and they will meet again tomorrow. this is really a significant first step in resuming those stalled peace negotiations and it comes after a pretty large concession on the part of israeli on sunday. the president announced they would release palestinian prisoners a decision that the prime minister called a painful one but necessary one to get this process started in the eyes
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of israelis those prisoners are terrorists but in the eyes of palestinians, they are premium fighters so certainly a very difficult decision but one that gave way to the start of these peace talks. these talks also coming after secretary of state john kerry had visited the region six times since becoming secretary of state. sort of underscoring the fact that shuttle diplomacy is still used, it is still quite effective. despite the optimism that exists surrounding these talks, chris, of course, there are huge sticking points. this will be incredibly difficult moving forward. some of the sticking points including palestinians calling on israelis to cease any new construction in some areas including the west bank. they also want to see negotiations start at the 1967 borderlines that were drawn and something that israelis have been opposed to in the past. very large issues that need to be resolved. it's expected that these talks will last at least nine months. >> kristen welker at the white house for us, thank you.
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flooding killed two people over the weekend in north carolina. the body of a 48-year-old man was found by rescue crews after he tried to save a 10-year-old girl swept away by currents while swimming in a creek. out west, all eyes on tropical storm flossiz which is expected to make landfall in helu, hawaii. wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour. and some superheroes need complete and balanced meals with 23 vitamins and minerals. purina dog chow. help keep him strong. dog chow strong.
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weiner's campaign manager has just quit after weiner admitted he continued sexting after resigning from congress. but for now, he is staying in the race. >> we have an amazing staff but this isn't about the people working on the campaign. it's about the people that we are working for. >> it was his campaign manager who helped him take the lead in the race. now his poll numbers are plummeting as criticism grows. >> he's not qualified, not psychologically qualified to be the mayor of the city of new york. >> at this point it is absurd. he is not going to be the next mayor of new york. he is wasting time and space. >> why did he get in? he knew what the history was p.m. he knew what he would be visiting on new york. it all seems to me quite mad. >> i'm joined by michael, a reporter for "the new york times." is weiner going to drop out? >> no. there are 5 million good reasons why he shouldn't. he has a lot of money left to
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spend in a very short period of time. six weeks. he is beginning to spend it on television commercials. and for him, it's a really extraordinary opportunity to reshape in many ways rewrite the history of the last few months in a series of television commercials that will be seen around new york. >> how do you do that, michael? how do you do that? i mean, if you watch the sunday talk shows, you can't find a person, certainly that i've seen, who is going to defend him. >> right. and look. you can't rewrite this history. that's a reality but you can try to change the final kind of political obituary that is written. you from one that focuses seooly on sex and reckless behavior he has been up. >> dee dee myers was talking about this yesterday. let's listen. >> had he can choose him have weiner get out of the race and huma get on business life is
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very painful for the clintons. >> there are reports that the clintons are not happy about this which makes me think could bill clinton have a come to jesus conversation with him? you know you're not helping yourself. you're not helping the party. what are you hearing about the clinton reaction to this? >> you put your finger on this. only two people in america that pick up the phone and end anthony weiner's campaign for mayor. that is hillary clinton or bill clinton because of their close relationship with his wife. we don't sense such a conversation has occurred. clintons know what a sex scandal feels like and both come out on the other side big successes. i feel unlikely they would put someone else in a position to drop out. >> maureen dowd wrote a particularly biting column. i thought about this and also about what friends of huma abedin are saying about the scandal's impact on her and ril read -- i'll read a quote from that piece. --
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i'll read a quote from that piece. i'll read a quote from that piece. i wonder fair or not, is it hurting her? there were a lot of people who thought she would be a great candidate someday. >> well, look. huma abedin friends were baffled when she became engaged to anthony weiner and they were confused when she married him. they always thought he was the wrong person for her. he has been an unloved in that or bit that huma inhabits. i don't know how to read into the motivation of a wife and mother to stand up for her husband but it is absolutely complicating her future as a political personality, particularly one who is integral to a life after woman we expect to be running for president,
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hillary clinton. >> i want to ask you one more question. he spoke about this yesterday and we played that audio clip. he claims his campaign has gotten more volunteers and people coming in to help the campaign the last several days than any time since the campaign started. wow. could that be true? >> if it's true, it certainly says something about the old line, all press is good press. i'd love to see that count. >> yeah. >> it sounds like something he said kind of reflecting and interesting to know if he is being flooded with interns. >> michael barbaro, i'm nointh tou not going to touch that at all. thank you for being on the people. the pope said in a news conference if someone is gay and he searches for the lord and has goodwill who am i to judge? this is a big reversal to the pope's predecessor who in 2005 said men with deep rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priest.
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the pope gave the hour long news conference on his flight home from brazil and reporters called him candid and funny. is like hammering. riding against the wind. uphill. every day. we make money on saddles and tubes. but not on bikes. my margins are thinner than these tires. anything that gives me some breathing room makes a difference. membership helps make the most of your cashflow. i'm nelson gutierrez of strictly bicycles and my money works
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as hard as i do. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. the blisters were oozing, and painful to touch. i woke up to a blistering on my shoulder. i spent 23 years as a deputy united states marshal and i've been pretty well banged up but the worst pain i've experienced was when i had shingles. when i went to the clinic, the nurse told me that it was a result of having had chickenpox. i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
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to politics now. hillary clinton will have the president's ear again today, but what will the former secretary of state and president obama be talking about when they lunch together at the white house? middle east peace talks? a future presidential run some a catch-up between old colleagues? at this point, all we do know the doors will be closed. it is a private meeting. secretary clinton's life story will soon be laid out on the small screen. nbc announced it is producing a miniseries on clinton ahead of the presidential election. diane lane will star as the former first lady but the role of former president clinton has not yet been cast. almost 50 years after that fateful motorcade ride for
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president john f. kennedy reel's channel will air a docudrama that puts a new spin on the assassination. the theory of an australian police detectives the theories about what really happened go on and on and on. i am out back from reporting on the royal baby's birth. here is the london eye the popular ferris wheel. seattle has one of its own. atlanta just opened one. a san francisco columnist is writing about whether that gorgeous city should think about doing the same. what do you think about, say, a ferris wheel on the embarcadero? they are money makers but are they eyesores? i asked my team about this. suddenly all of these crazy stories about ferris wheels. if you have one, check it out on my facebook page. [ whispering ] uh! i had a nightmare!
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the house caught fire and we were out on the streets. [ whispering ] shhh. it's only a dream. and we have home insurance. but if we made a claim, our rate would go up... [ whispering ] shhh. you did it right. you have allstate claim rate guard so your rates won't go up just because of a claim. [ whispering ] are we still in a dream? no, you're in an allstate commercial. so get allstate home insurance with claim rate guard... [ whispering ] goodnight. there are so many people in our bedroom. [ dennis ] talk to an allstate agent... [ doorbell rings ] ...and let the good life in.
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bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? two big named republicans
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locked in a nasty feud maybe giving the public a sneak preview of 2016. it all started with new jersey governor chris christie calling out senator rand paul for opposing the nsa's warrantless programs. paul fought back saying his critics like christie and new york congressman peter king weaken the defense with excessive spending. paul said they are gimme me money now. they are bankrupting the money and not letting enough money left over for national defense. he was referring to the push for hurricane sandy relief funds last winter. joining me from pennsylvania is democratic strategist chris and national gop strategist chip. chip, when paul fired back at christie yesterday he told reporters that the governor hurts republican cancels in the national election. is this what this is become b e
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about? >> i find it interesting that government christie took on senator paul in this and found it more interesting that senator paul would fire back and start this back and forth that usually leads to people like chris and myself to do that on a staff level for a couple of years. now the heavyweights are in the fight early. >> chris christie talking about government surveillance last week, pointed to what he calls a dangerous strain of libertaria libertarianis libertarianisms. he said are you referring to rand paul? he said you can name any one of them and he is one of them. i want them to come to new jersey and sit across from the orphans and widows and have that conversation and they won't because that is a much tougher conversation to have. what is going on here? >> governor christie should really tell us what he thinks. >> he is always shy that way. >> he is very humble about his opinions. i mean, this is, i think, part
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of the problem within the republican party. they have a real civil war going on and we have said this a lot and it is true. you see this amongst the libertarian wing and judicial republicans and amongst the tea party wing and basically an open what you're seeing in 2016 a party trying to dech itself and figure out which way to go. it's a peculiar strategy for governor christie to engage in this so far out and early especially not just the nsa stuff but on national security. this was a card that mitt romney tried to play and it didn't work against president obama and it backfired so it's kind of a strange approach. >> let me interrupt you. we have to go live. i apologize. a news conference where the fbi is announcing a break in a case on child exploitation and sex trafficking. we just heard they arrested 150 pimps. let's continue to listen.
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>> this operation targets venues where girls and adults are operating for commercial sex and that includes street traps, truck stops, motels, casinos, interpret sites and social media platforms and the like. the children recovered in this operation ranged in age from 13 to 17. >> at least 21 of them had been previously known to our partners at knick. all of the child victims identified were removed from the dangerous environments and relocated to safe settings, according to our standards state regulations and local regulations. the fbi's office of victim assistance and our director of that office katherine is here with us to answer questions later, if you have them. is a key element in the success of this operation. the office of victim assistance
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works actively with child victims upon their recovery p.m. fbi victim assistance specialists provide on the scene assistance to make sure the victims receive services that will help them cope with the impact of these horrendous crimes. i'm pleased to announce that operation cross country seven was the largest enforcement action to date to focus on the recovery -- focusing on the recovery of sexually exploied children through prostitution. our strategy involves more than effective enforcement actions. from the start, this innocence loss national initiative has parned with the national center for missing and exploited children to host the training course. >> so this huge initiative of the fbi announcing that 60 cities, they saved 105 children, the youngest is 13 and oldest is 17 and 150 pimps involved in
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this. we will continue to listen in to the fbi news conference and report on this. checking the news feed this morning. a tragic weekend in southern italy. 38 people killed which when a tour bus driver lost control and smashed through a guardrail and plunged a hundred feet into a ravine. 16 people survived and they are treat at area hospitals. investigators are trying to figure out what happened. what was supposed to be a celebration turned into a time of mourning. the bride and best man were missing after a horrific weekend boating crash on the hudson river. officials now say both bodies have been recovered. members of the wedding party were on a moonlight cruise. the county sheriff says the boat's driver, a friend, was drunk. he has been charged with first-degree vehicular manslaught manslaughter. one of the three women aerial castro held captive for a decade made her first public appearance over the weekend. amanda berry on the stage at a concert in clolveed and said to be overwhelmed by the response
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from the crowd. that came a day after castro pleaded guilty to 937 counts sending him to prison for life plus a thousand years. on "today," castro's son said the sentence is appropriate. >> i think that if he really can't control his impulses and he really doesn't have any value for human life the way that this case has shown, then behind bars is why ere he belongs the rest his life. >> anthony castro says he has nothing to say to his father and can't see him going to visit him ever in prison. a judge will decide whether a trial on charges that they covered up the sexual abuse by young boys by jerry sandusky. the three say they weren't aware at the time that the allegations were sexual in nature. sandusky is serving a 30 to 60-year prison sentence after being convicted last year. surfing usually is a pretty child sport but what happened
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after the u.s. open of surfing last night was anything but. a violent crowd moved through the streets of huntington beach, california. fighting and pushing over portable toilets and in one case looting. police aren't sure how it all started but they arrested eight people and they are looking for any information or videos of other crimes being committed. a major merger of two big department store chains. cnbc brian sullivan is here with what is moving your money. lord & taylor and sax? >> lord & taylor's parent company is oldest country in north america and start at fur traders up in canada. they are buying saks. there my be some impact for your audience going shop. macy's have more bargaining power with their suppliers and perhaps can push down prices some because they have got greater economy to scale. a big deal there for lord &
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taylor and saks. >> president obama heading to a center in tennessee later this week. today we learned they are putting out help wanted signs. >> 7,000 new jobs coming to am zone. perhaps timing is good for the president's visit there. amazon adding about 7,000 workers and the kind of headline you'd like to see. >> love to see that. surprised but this next story. a new survey shows parents are cutting back when it comes to back to school spending. >> let's just be honest. who needs books and pencilses, right? >> not i. >> it's the digital age! the new study shows 38 bucks a student and talking elementary and high school here, down 600 from last year. good news which is that spending on people going to college is
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going to go up. obviously you go to college you have to have a laptop and ipad and anything to avoid taking notes in class. we know that. >> yes. all you want to do is have the one smart person in class take the notes and e-mail them to everybody else is how you got through. >> was that you? i was going to say, it wasn't me. no. i was begging for notes. not writing them. >> totally me. yeah. cnbc brian sullivan. >> thanks, chris. >> good to see you, my friend. >> uh-huh. the unemployment rate has dropped in a lot of states, there are still nearly 12 million active job seekers. "usa today" looked at unemployment benefits data and employment statistics and they have come up with the best states for the unemployed. north dakota has the lowest unemployment rate in the y country, they were three. number one montana. 55% of unemployed are getting benefits there. [ male announcer ] this is bob,
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when detroit detroit became the largest city to declare bankruptcy in american history, it was a wake-up call and raise the question is any city too big to fail? oakland, philadelphia, chicago and even smaller cities, a detroit suburb, hamtrack, have borrowed heavily and cut services to pay retirement and debt obligations. harrisburg is on the brink of bankruptcy but now a new agreement could resolve the city's financial woe. i'm joined by harrisburg's mayor, linda thompson. good morning. >> i understand most of the bankruptcy was a incendiary project that doesn't turn out as planned. how have you been able to avoid filing for bankruptcy? >> well, it's taken a lot of
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hard work and we are ver optimistic here in harrisburg the work we have done the last three and a half years under the thompson administration. two major issues we had to tend with was the debt on the insinninsine incindrater. we have had between $10 to $15 annual deficit in our budgets and then having to address the $345 million debt on the incinerator with no ability to pay our general obligation bonds and incinerator debt bond we were the first cosignor behind the owner and operator of the facility. it was a lot of tough work. we end up having to put the city up under what is called an at 47 protection which the state offers to municipalities in distress. i did that in october of 2010 when i first took office which allowed me to see inside of the city's finances and how
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convoluted they were under the last several years under a prior administration. that allowed me to put the city under protection because we had our creditors filing lawsuits. any one that the city owed was attempting to come after us. >> that is a big issue. it was a big issue in detroit and a big issue in other cities facing this. how did you get creditors on board? >> well, again, like i said it's a lot of hard work and a lot of back door negotiations. we always had bankruptcy as our last option or while we had some varying spirit at the table with city council and our comptroller who wanted to go bankrupt first time out the gate. i believe one of the at 47 process allow us to separate the hot heads and allow us to sit back and look at how complex this financial crisis was and allowed us to come up with varying ways on how each party that was involved with the crisis would take some financial losses. including our creditors.
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that is precisely happened over the years. we've had to endure getting a receiver in as a result of no movement being done and, again, tremendous amount of lawsuits being filed against the city. so the at 47 process allowed us to get a receiver in and allowed us to separate the independent responsibilities with everyone from the unions to the taxpayers to our creditors and everyone had to finally realize that we could either fight our way through this through courts and spend millions of dollars in attorneys and come into closed doors and settle it and that is what happened. in 2010 we began to do the heavy lifting. hi to reduce operations by 20% and begin to talk to the unions about giving up concessions and pay raises that they were given before i took office. contracts that were open and then we had our creditors who were asking for 100% on the dollar and then we had our county government who were also cosignors who really wanted to get back all of the money they put in and the city was obligated to pay that $34
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million. it was a matter of getting inside the rooms with all of the attorneys and all of the consultants that were put together through state receiver and begin to negotiate what are the responsibilities upon all of us, our taxpayers had to endure a 0.8 tax mill increase and erneds income t earned income tax increase. we also asked, again, the unions to take haircuts in their contracts. >> let me ask you about that. there is a very real impact on people obviously who worked very hard for the city. what is going to be the bottom line for them? what is it going to mean in terms of their salary and what does it mean in terms of benefits? what kind of concessions did they have to make? >> well, the concessions were mutual. particularly starting out the gate with our fop. a lot of our cops live here in the city and did not want our city to go into bankruptcy and
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knew the risk of going into bankruptcy because across the world we see that judges are not having mercy on unions and this was my way of saying to the unions, i'd rather for you to come in behind closed doors and settle our differences rather than a judge do it because judges were cutting pensions and i believe people who work long and hard hours and sacrifice their families and deliver basic delivery services should be able to have what they have earned. but, at the same time, when the city is in crisis we have to take the sacrifice and what our unions have done. they gave up some concessions that would be painstaking in the beginning but in the long run, you know, it would save the city from going into bankruptcy and collapsing. that has been the spirit of the unions and we are so very proud of them. we have one last union to go. the fire. we believe they are going to be as optimistic. >> unfortunately, we are out of time, mayor. i know a lot of cities will be looking and seeing what you're
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doing and hoping they can avoid bankruptcy as well in these very difficult economic times for so many cities. thanks for coming on the program. >> thank you for having us. today's tweet of the day comes from positive detroit. a twitter feed and website says its mission is to highlight the nice things people say about detroit so they posted this photo with a tweet happy monday from the transformers for movie set #detroit at grand circus park. a? that's a great choice. let me show you some faucets to go along with that. with the latest styles and guaranteed low prices, you can turn the bath you have into the bath you want. good choice. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, this abbey vanity combo is a special buy. just $299.
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this happened at this hotel along the rivera in cainnes on a saturday afternoon. those timeds or the heist of them, which is more extraordinary? a summer exhibition of the mouth watering jewels. maybe a little too effectively because the thief was as bold. sunday before high noon, a man in a mask and hat walked into the hotel and allegedly used a pistol to threaten staff while the jewels were set up for display and walked out with them. possibly $53 million worth. gone! >> diamonds! the only thing in the world you can't resist. >> reporter: the carlton hotel was the setting of the 1950s hitchcock theme "to catch a thief." that is when grace kelly first met her prince and still the
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height of bejeweled glamour and this crime was clearly organized. >> he is the professional business man and his business is jewel thievery. >> reporter: there were two heists in cainnes in may during the film felvstival. harry winston store in paris in 2008 netted more than $1 million worth and some of it later found in a home and drain pipe in the suburbs. that many believe was the work of the notorious pink panther gang of jewel thieves thought to be responsible for hundred of millions of robberies including in the united states. in the last three months three alleged members broke out of prison. one of them just last week! some suspect this is a sign the gang is back. so who was that masked man? were there more of them and how on earth did they get away? if police at this point know, they are not saying.
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experts, though, are saying if police don't catch a thief like this within about two hours the jewels are often gone forever. cut down, reset, and rendered untraceable. chris? >> michelle kosinski, thauchnk so much. that wraps this hour. richard lui will be up next. look at that price! i like that! they need those for school. wow! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. save time and money getting your kids ready for school bring in ads from your local stores and see for yourself. with new roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1 proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles high performance skincare™ only from roc®
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you'll love how they help clean. with soft, meaty centers, and teeth cleaning texture healthy smile snacks help keep a shine on his smile. it's dental that tastes so good. new beneful healthy smile food and snacks. developing news. tops our agenda this hour. momentum in the middle east. any minute now, secretary of state john kerry will announce a new push for peace in the middle east and new top negotiator in the israel/palestinian talks. mart endeck will be the chief enjoy for the chief negotiation in almost three years. it is aimed at jump-starting on and off again peace talks that go back some two deck 80s. the resumption of talks made possible by israelis decision
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yesterday to free prisoners and the release will come in stages linked to progress in the talks. nbc news white house correspondent kristen welker joins us now. how promising are these talks as they have 20 years behind them? >> reporter: it is only a first step in a very difficult process. it comes after a fairly significant concession on the part of the israelis on sunday. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu said they would lea release prisoners. they are freedom fighters so that was a huge olive branch and what allowed these talks to move forward. these talks also coming after secretary of state john kerry visited the region six separate times sort of underscoring the fact that diplomacy still works but there are huge challenges to actually moving forward
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