tv Way Too Early MSNBC July 31, 2013 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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keep fighting for what i believe in and you're welcome to vote for me. >> there you have it. you just heard from the one person who is still openly supporting anthony weiner. we're going to have more from the controversial candidate for the mayor of new york city and why he's telling some people not to vote for him. thent verdict is in for bradley manning, the mixed decision on how the wikileaks founder is reactsing to that ruling. and also a escape from jail caught on camera. team work that helped him break out and why police consider him armed and dangerous. this is "way too early." hi, everybody. good morning. we also have a walk off on the yankees-dodgers game that we're going to talk about and david letterman is going to show us how "the new york post" comes up with all the great headlines. first, we begin with bradley manning and the not guilty verdict of aiding the enemy. despite being let off the
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steepest charge against him, the former intelligence analyst was convicted on 20 others and could face 126 years behind bars. manning was convicted of leaking 700,000 secret documents to the wikileaks website. prosecutors argued his revelations ended up in the hands of osama bin laden. but the judge ruling that while the 25-year-old was negligent, there was no intent to share those secrets with the enemy. they hailed this verdict but many civil liberty advocates saw the ruling as an attack on whistle blowers. >> it is a serious precedent. it is a serious abuse. and it will mean the end of national security journalism in the united states as we know it if it is left to stand. >> president obama is proposing a new grand bargain with big spending on infrastructure, projects while slashing the corporate tax rate. this was panned across town by a local newspaper's editorial board who suggested the
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president "take his jobs plan and shove it." they called it a further left version of a plan he already proposed two years ago. the president also shot back at supporters of the keystone pipeline and claim that project will create thousands of jobs. the president said they were putting all their eggs in one basket. >> now it's time for republicans to lay out their ideas. if they've got a better plan to bring back more manufacturing jobs here to tennessee and around the country, then let them know -- let me know. i want to hear them. wasting the country's time by taking something like 40 meaningless votes to repeal obama care is not a jobs plan. that's not a jobs plan. we can't be getting into a whole bunch of fads and pretend like, you know, yeah you roll back obamacare and all the jobs are going to be created. because the middle class was struggling before i came into
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office. >> so there appears to be a feud between new jersey governor chris christie and ran paul and it keeps getting more heated. they were at it once again yesterday. this time it's all about the bacon. >> i find it interesting that senator paul is saying -- accusing us of having a give me, give me, give me attitude towards federal spending. maybe senator paul could deal with that when trying to redeal with the reduction of spending on the federal side. i doubt he would because most washington politicians only care about bringing home the bacon so that they can get re-elected. >> this is the king of bacon talking about bacon? he's making a big mistake picking a fight with other republicans because republican party is shrinking in new england and in northeast part of our country. i'm the one trying to grow the party by talking about libertarian ideas of privacy and the internet. and attacking me isn't helping the party. he's hurting the party.
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a lot of bacon bits there. senator john mccain is weighing in on the future of the republican party saying that the gop is going to be in big trouble if they don't get serious about immigration reform. >> if we don't enact immigration reform, i don't lthink it gainsa single hispanic voter. but what it does is puts us on a playing field where we can compete for the hispanic voter. if we don't do that, frankly, i don't see -- i see further polarization of the hispanic voter and the demographics are clear that the republican party cannot win a national election. that's just a fact. >> new york city mayor michael bloomberg promised to keep pushing for a ban of large sugary drinks even though an appeals court is the latest chamber to strike down the law. they unanimously ruled the restrictions on drinks over 16 ounces are illegal because the ban was implemented without legislative approval.
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the court concluded drinking soda is not inherently dangerous if done in moderation. the court took issue with the board of health saying it ruled selectively on what kind of stores could sell larger sizes of sweet drinks and which could not. it was based on compromises made with businesses not about health concerns. more than a month to go until primary day, anthony weaner is pressing on for his bid for new york city mayor. he dropped to fourth place in the most recent poll, the former congressman is vowing not to drop out of this race. >> you know, sometimes people say to me, this campaign is pretty rough. you may want to quit. i know that there are newspaper editors and other politicians that say boy i wish that guy weiner would quit. you don't know new york. so you don't know me. quit isn't the way we roll in new york city. >> all right. so quit isn't the way we roll in new york city. his campaign was overshadowed by the communication director.
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in an interview with "talking diagnose pointsmemo, the female staffer unleashed a tirade of expletives aimed at an intern calling her an f-ing slut bag among other things. this is in response to an article she wrote in the "new york daily news" describing her experience with the former campaign. many staffers joined the team with weiner simply to get closer to his wife, close aide to former secretary of state hillary clinton. she also said weiner jokingly called his female interns monica. the communication director since apology yiized for her remarks saying she thought that conversation was off the record. yeah. all right, so to spain now. investigators are saying that driver of that deadly train crash was on the telephone whether the train went off the tracks. he received a call on his work phone from spain's national train company informing him of what route to take. according to the train's black box, he appeared to be consulting a paper document at
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the same time when the train derailed. the black boxes also showed he was going about 119 miles per hour before braking. that is more than twice the speed limit. he has been formally charged with 79 counts of homicide. arkansas police are trying to track down an inmate believed to be armed and dangerous after he slipped out of the county jail. you have to see this. he was being held behind bars on more than 20 dharnlgs including aggravated robbery. you see him opt phone. he makes a dash for it. the part you don't see is that man there in blue by the door is someone that police have now said was distracting to the deputies to help him escape. he pulls through that window. a deputy comes out tearing after him. he gets out into the open, into the parking lot where someone was waiting in a running get away car. the door was open. he jumps in. he is out of there. deputies on foot, they lost him. look at that guy. just jumps straight through. that takes practice. you know? poor deputy.
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look at this lead he gets on the guy. i mean he's like half way out of the shop before the deputy gets out of the door. poor guy. so two stars of the real housewives of new jersey posted half a million dollars each in bail. they're looking closely at that video from arkansas to figure out how they can do that, too. teresa and joe are facing federal fraud charges. they did not enter pleas yesterday. they could face significant prison time if found guilty and joe could be deported. the story made us wonder, what celebrity or politician would you send packing if you could? tweet me your most creative answers fl we'll read a few of them coming up on the air. but can you imagine? juicy joe gets deported back to italy. teresa goes to jail. that means tia melissa and tia joe get to raise the girls. you know that is going to go down like a fart in church. still ahead on "way too early," new "sports illustrated" cover boy alex rodriguez explaining why he still wants to be a role
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model despite the constant controversy surrounding him and there are some things you just don't expect dogs to do. wait until you see and hear this little guy. he's good. that story and a check on the weather with "way too early" come backs. no one is quite sure which side won or lost, but the baseball strike is over. >> a sign said it best, the players were back in ballparks across the country. >> more than 700 games have been lost. it's the most unusual year in base bam history. ♪
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[ male announcer ] it's a golden opportunity to discover a hybrid from the luxury car company that understands that one type of hybrid isn't right for everyone. come to the lexus golden opportunity sales event and choose from one of five lexus hybrids that's right for you, including the lexus es and ct hybrids. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection.
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with a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend he'll love. and 22% fewer calories than dog chow. discover the lighter side of strong. new purina dog chow light & healthy. ♪ school's out for summer ♪ [ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first. they're gonna need a lot of stuff. for everything kids need to everything they want in styles and colors as unique as they are. staples has it. stock up for the year now and get 15% off school supplies through september 21st when you buy a back to school savings pass. staples. that was easy. . time now for sports. the football season is set to begin. penn state is back in the headlines for the alleged cover-up of abuse by the head
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football coach jerry sandusky, three former penn state officials ordered by a judge to stand trial on criminal charges of perjury, conspiracy, and failure to report suspected child abuse. the decision comes a year after sandusky was convicted on 45 counts of child sexual abuse. the most talked about man in baseball who isn't actually playing baseball at the moment, you guessed it, alex rodriguez. he is gracing the cover of the new "sports illustrated," the title, last days of a-rod. in the interview, he tells them despite the allegations of performance enhancing drugs he still wants kids to look up to him saying i have two daughters at home. and i'm sensitive to that and above all, i want to be a role model, continue to be a role model, especially to my girls. so all the noise sometimes gets on my nerves but that's it:i can't let it get any further than that. major league baseball informed the players union they will us is spent a-rod and eight other
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players this week for ties to the clinic. the most players are going to receive a auto-game spengs. the yankees slugger is expected to face a much stiffer penalty. yankees-dodgers. game tied in the ninth. mark ellis walks off with an rbi base hit to right. dodgers are now 10-1 since the all-star break. now dodgers, they are not the only hot team in the national league. pirates-cardinals playing a doubleheader. game one, check this out. look at this catchment oh, yeah. look at that. he robs carlos beltran and doubles up the runner at first base. and then in the 11th. >> yes! >> walk it off! >> yes! >> a hunka hunka burning love. the pirates win it. >> they go on to win game one. game two of the doubleheader
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pass st. louis, they now have the best record in baseball. in the american league, the boston red sox have traded for star pitcher jake peavy from the white sox. the red sox have been looking to add another arm to the rotation after losing clay buchholz to injury. another team not going quietly, the baltimore orioles. they let their guard down, however, in the third, take a look at. this. >> gets behind the orioles. and he stole home plate! >> all right. so houston's jonathan -- catches the pitcher sleeping, takes off for home. the os would get the last laugh. chris davis with his first home run since the all-star break. look at that. baltimore wins 4-3. nice job. finally, for the florida marlins, even celebrating doesn't come easy. that is chad qualls right there. he takes a dive while going for the fist pump. not a pretty sight. it happens. >> nice recovery. >> it happens. >> yeah, it's all about the
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dismount. you saw the way he got back up. >> back up. all right. so the marlins would lose in extra innings 4-2. the man with the best dismount in weather, nbc meteorologist. >> am i going vault or rings? >> i would say start with vault and we'll get you to rings after a highly caffeinated drink. >> the rings takes too much strength. >> yeah. >> burn your forearms out. we don't want to burn your forearms out early. last day of july. in the southeast, more rain. what else is new? from charlotte to atlanta all the way to florida. it's been a rainy, soggy july. just figures. this is how we woend it. more rain this morning. it is raining pretty good in atlanta. a slow drive from tennessee back up to the north. kind of cool in a fau spots out there. once again, new england, temperatures in the 50s in many spots. 60s for the bigger cities. it's a refreshing air mass. low humidity. another beautiful day.
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gorgeous summer day just like yesterday. pittsburgh and d.c., they saw the clouds and showers though will head your way late in the day. the wednesday forecast, we're still very hot in texas. 102 today in dallas. so there is at least one spot that still feels like the middle of summer. chicago continues the cool trend along with minneapolis and our friends in the west are dealing with very quiet weather conditions. so, you know, it's a lot of people want to throw july away in the southeast and hopefully august will be better. >> what is the temperature here? >> here? >> jen seems to tell me it's cool enough. >> it's about 68. high today in new york is around 83. nice. >> i mean in the studio. >> oh, in the studio. hold on. hold on. we're about 72.3. >> okay. that's about -- >> that's what my finger they are monthermometer says. investors are waiting for the employment report and the new gdp numbers out. they're releasing a statement on the state of the u.s. economy.
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yesterday the dow and s&p 500 have little movement. but tech stocks lifted the nasdaq to a new 12-year high. we're going to check in now with steve sedgwick who is in london for us. good morning, steve. >> good morning. all the stories interrelated. what is fascinating at the moment is house prices are proving a fantastic asset for people who stuck with it through the tough times. of course, we hit our low over the last couple of years. it seems some cities according to the index are rallying to levels we haven't seen at all before, denver and dallas, for instance, hitting records we've not seen since 2000 when the records started. but nationwide, house prices still 25% below the pace they hit in the middle of 2006. not only investors are falling. according to a survey by bank, 1,000 u.s. adults, the best place to put their money at the moment is in cash. 26% of people wanted to put their money in cash.
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23% real estate, gold, 16%. only 14% thought the stocks were a good long term investment. and that, is of course, a product of the crash we saw in 2007 to 2009. that said, investors in facebook, they might be smiling actually. even if they had them from the ipo, since then the shares are one way traffic down to around $17. but numbers last week were a great catalyst for a huge raly. they're now back to $37.96 in trade yesterday. that's a whisper away from the ipo price. back to you, thomas. >> that is good news. coming up on "morning joe," is anthony weiner nearing the end of his rope? his surprising comments at an event last night and why his wife is taking time away from hillary clinton. and when we come back here, we huddle around the water cooler. you have ever learned about "the new york post" process for creating the headlines? david letterman will take us behind the genius behind the ink. what is the temperature? no. that's wrong. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: upbeat ]
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[ dog ] we found it together. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. new kellogg's raisin bran® with omega 3 from flax seeds. plus plump juicy raisins. flax seed? who are you?
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61 cents per dollar paid to the federal government. mexico receiving the most assist abc of any state at 2.03 per dollar. all right. so now it's time to huddle around the water cooler. we check in with lewis. i don't think you have anything on juicy joe this morning, do you? >> number but let's go straight to late night's thomas. first jimmy kimmel is lofrg the skills of a deejay and his unusual apprentice. >> what you're about to see is it a deejay and his french bulldog mama doing spg that a dog can't possibly be able to do.
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>> that dog is incredibly talented. now let's go over to letterman. he wonders how "the new york post" comes up with the memorable and brilliant headlines. now he has an answer. >> 9:00 a.m., arrive at work. 9:01 a.m., go home. thanks for watching the day in the life of a new york post headline writer. >> that's too good. i think even the "post" is sick and tired of that story. now someone who is more impressed with the republican leaders. last night they had data to prove how effective they've been. >> in the latest phone survey about congress, it ranked below having your dinner interrupted by a phone survey about congress. but these numbers have nothing to do with the job that lawmakers are doing because they are not doing it. half way through 2013 just 15
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bills passed by congress had become law. they almost passed a 16th bill but obama refused to sign hr-2904, the this is not another repeal of oeb obamacare we swear. finally, turn to our dumb criminal file. of course, check out the surveillance footage from georgia. can you see two people attempting to rob a pharmacy using an uneffective method, the pickup comes crashing through the doors of a cvs. they were trying to steal the atm but couldn't make contact with it. they are forced to drive away emptied handed. too bad for them. now let's turn to mika for a look at what is coming up next on "morning joe." >> coming up on "morning joe," the weiner campaign has new problems this morning. his communications director lashes out in a foul mouthed tirade at a former intern. as the candidate himself gets
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really fired up at a town hall meeting. we'll give ut latest and talk to one of weiner's challengers, bill thompson later in the show. the war of words between governor chris christie and ran paul heats up after the senator calls christie the king of bacon. also, bradley manning beats the most serious charge in the wikileaks case. but could he still face considerable jail time? we'll have a report from the pentagon to break down the sentencing and what it means for future whistle blowers. we have an all star lineup this morning including jim cramer, robert gibbs, david axel rod, sax by chandlis and joe is back. are you all right? >> i'm leaving. i'm burned out. >> i know, you need a vacation. you should go, i don't know, to nantucket or something. that would be nice. >> no way. i'm not one of those. >> thomas? >> he's glowing. he's so excited to be here. >> yeah. thomas, take it. good and you're here just in
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time, joe, so we can talk about juicy joe and teresa from the real housewives. still ahead on the heels of the real housewives fraud charges, we want to know what celebrity or politician you would want to send packing? juicy joe might get deported. so send us your most creative tweets. we will have it for you coming up. she's always been able to brighten your day. it's just her way. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help
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welcome back. earlier in the show, we asked you what celebrity or politician you would send packing if you could. schultz has some responses for us. >> we just have time for one. donald trump, the kardashians, john boehner to whichever planet will accept them. >> well, see, since nelson really took a swipe there, broad swipe, we only really need to do one there. the kardashians? i don't know if we can live without the kardashians. "morning joe" starts right now. >> at a certain point, you've got to say, look, i don't
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