tv Caught on Camera MSNBC August 3, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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"caught on camera." in the halls of justice they have seen it all. >> i thought this is the one that is going to run. >> from the unbelievable. >> just went down on all fours to try to scramble away from him. to the shock jog, court room deputies caught by surprise. >> he swung towards me swinging making contact with me face. >> victims' families lashing out. >> i just said the hell with it and tried to reach him. >> even judges pushed too far. >> you shut your damn mouth,
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sir. >> action that literally rocks the courtroom. >> it's okay, get under the desk. "caught on camera chaos in the court." i'm contessa brewer. welcome to caught on camera. the courtroom has always been a place for high drama. the suspenseful long awaited scene in so many movies, novels and television shows but the next hour is not about theficational courtroom, it is about the real one whether it is a victim about's family coming face to face with the man who threatens a beloved family member. a suspect who grab's a deputy's gun or a man who tries to escape. you will witness reactions that aren't scripted or rehearse. >> chaos erupts in an ohio courtroom. >> i was shocked. i couldn't believe this was happening right in front of me.
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>> november 16, 2006. warren, ohio. a small town two hours northeast of columbus. 24-year-old jason howard is about to be charged with aggravated murder for killing a man and shooting at two others. but it is the family of the victim in another murder case that suddenly charges into the courtroom in a raw and emotional outburst. five months earlier, howard's ex-girlfriend and her three children are found dead in their columbus home. he is not charged with the crime but the west familiar le believes he is responsible. >> this was very unique. i have opinion in courtrooms where somebody in the back of the courtroom would jump up and start screaming for a few seconds. but nothing quite like this. >> nick rich and reporter peggy cover the trumbull county
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court. they he arrive early for the hearing hoping to talk to jason howard. >> he was here in warren ohio on the murder charge but police were looking at him with a hurd charge there. it was a pretty big case. >> she interviews the suspect who says he is innocent in the murder of west and her children. >> i wish i was. i mean to be honest with you, i would rather be dead right now. >> we finished the interview and nick turns his camera off and i'm text the news director i got a good story and two sends later the doors open up and this huge brawl breaks out. >> west's brother lou wes reaches across the divider and punches howard. he is completely vulnerablable and can't defend himself. >> i thought i better do
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something to i grabbed the chains that he had and pulled him back. >> the deputy slams louis west against the wall trying to get the situation under control. >> suddenly, west's cousin bolts in and hurdles the railing and belts howard. >> it seemed like it was going on forever. >> a deputy is not far behind and is able to restrain the cow sen. jim louis is howard's attorney. a chaired to pick up acharya and distract him so maybe a deputy could grab ahold of him. absolute chaos. nobody was going to listen to anybody. brute force wasn't going to control what was going on. >> when it is over, jason howard vouches i vouch slouchey seat, speechless. thether who is convicted of
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uncitedding violence. they are given fines of up to $1,000 and up to two years probation. after family members are escorted out prosecutor chris becker who is running late enters the courtroom. >> the mood is still tense. >> they were still hearts beating and blood racing and emotions are really running high at that point. into the courtroom.n yes, sire >> for the reporter it is not quite the story she expected to file for the 5:00 news. >> here i thought i had a good story but ended up with a great story. >> despite the violent fight no, one, not even jason howard is seriously injured. the hearing is rescheduled and he is later constricted of aggravated murder, attempted murder anding a twa seated kidnapping. he received a life sentence with a chance of parole after 44 years. >> the acts he has done is depickable and serving the rest of his life in prison and was entitled to the rights and
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benefits any defendant is entitled to. >> he hasn't been charged for the murder of west and her three children. in fact no, one has. the case is still open and howard remains the only person of interest. >> in another courtroom, a family member this time a father loses control when comes face to face with the man who threatens his daughter in a terrifying home invasion. >> i was upset and ticked off. sat there calm like it is no big deal. he had that smug look on his face. and i went after him. >> spectators are quickly escorted ought of the courtroom. court officers tackle the 50-year-old dad clifford keeping him away from the
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suspect derek allen. according to please reports, on december 16, 2006, at 2:00 a.m., allen breaks a window to get into the house. >> i was scared, i didn't know what to do and i had my child in the house and she was away from me. >> 21-year-old melissa sees it on the baby monitor and makes a desperate 911 call. >> there's sock in my house. i have the baby downstairs. >> they have a child downtares and she is uptares. >> the intruder reaches the bedroom as she continues on the phone. >> stay on the line with me, okay. do you hear the police? [ screaming ]
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police catch derek allen and melissa and her babier daughter are both safe. >> she could have been killed without question if she didn't stay on that phone. absolutely she would have been kill. >> when her dad first hears the 911 call he is overwhelmed with emotion. >> i never heard anything leak that in my life and i picture her laying on that bed with this maniac on top of h her. you can only assume what might have happened but it wasn't going to be anything good. >> in the courtroom margolia says allen appears to have no remorse and hearing his daughter's voice on that heart wrenching 911 call again is too much. >> i just said the hell with it and i tried to reach him. and unfortunately i didn't.
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came within probably a foot or so and got tackled by this middle lanebacker bailiff. he hit me around the waist and i fell to the ground. he was on top of me. i could picture myself doing some serious harm to them. maybe that is a blessing that i didn't. >> in 2008 derek al ale len a found guilty of armed robbery and assault and battery and is sentence 13 years in prison. for the courtroom outburst he is convicted of disorderly conduct and gets one year probation. >> i have no regrets whatsoever. the reality is she could have been killed. if you don't look after your kids what is the point. you know, my wife and i live for our kids. that is what we do. >> give me a hug. a good job today. >> coming up, a defendant flees
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in the blink of an eye a defendant bolts out of an oregon courtroom. >> it all happened lightning quick. the adrenaline is running. >> multnomah county courthouse in portland, oregon. april 23, 2007. 23-year-old wayne michael trent is in court charged with stealing a police i.d. and impersoniating a cop. >> travis is the deputy district attorney in the courtroom who requests that trent be about put into custody. >> the reason somebody would go into custody is if we deemed them a danger to the community or a fleet risk not to show up to court again. >> turns out that posing as a please officer is nothing new for the defendant. in 2001 wayne trent breaks in
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the multnomah county sheriff's office and takes a uniform, badge and cop car. he is convicted of burglary and criminal impersonation but the judge deems him insane and he is taken for treatment. two years later, doctors release him. in 2007, trent is back in court and has one trick left up his sleeve. just as the judge orders him into custody on $250,000 bail he makes a run for it. >> he about put his hands behind his back like he was going to comply and then took a short glance at the door and that split second i thought this is the one that is going to run. >> a local tv station camera catches deputy nicole morrissey o'donnell immediately chasing after trent as he runs down the steps. >> my thought was if he were able to get down the stairs there might be possible weapons
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he could access at the bottom of the stairs. >> she fires her taser gun at trent who is 20-yards away. he didn't get far. >> he stayed on the stair way. i called for assistance and four deputies came down the stairs and we handcuffed him and returned them to the the courtroom. >> think you were going to get' way. >> the taser gun is what ultimately stops trent in his tracks. >> we just had taser recertification class two days prior to that so all of the training was fresh in my mind. >> after 13 years at the sheriff's office this is the first time she uses any of her weapons on h her belt. >> he didn't say anything. when we backed him back into the courtroom he was completely silent. >> the judge orders him into custody again and increases the ball to half a million. >> what he did after he news he was going into custody is no different than if he would have tried to escape from the oregon state opinion. >> trent is convict isedded of possession of a false police
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officer i.d. card and sentenced to probation but for the bold escape gets ten months ins in the slammer. >> he might not have gone to prison but for the fact that he tried to run from the courtroom. just goes to show people that you need to follow authority and need to show respect to the court and when you don't do that you can end up with a harsher sen tense than what you were originally charged with. and from a bolt to a jolt. an earthquake rocks the judge penny show right in the middle of its taping. >> stay calm. >> there was a rumble. >> and you hear the stage manager say earth get under the desk. >> july 29, 2008. in los angeles a magnitude 5.4 earthquake shakes one of the first tapings of a new courtroom television show called family court with judge penny. >> i'm judge reynolds and in my
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court family comes first. >> for that taping we had the gallery fill. >> the cofounder of 44 blue productions is one of the show's executive producers. the tape is rolling and the case is well underway. >> so i can still do for the children as though i planned on. >> he paid approximately -- >> as the courtroom floor vibrates judge pen abouting doesn't know what to think but trees to keep her composure. >> i said to the director did the cameras just move and he said yeah, i think there is something else going on. >> there was a banging sound like something fell and we realized it was an earthquake. >> stay calm. >> judge penny ducks under the berchl. the litigants crouch under the tables and others in the courtroom calmly take cover under desks and chairs. >> it is okay, everyone get under the desks. >> get under. >> a too seconds later the trembling ends. >> let's start over.
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>> fortunately, this is no major damage and no one is hurt. just a lot of jolted nerves. now, order is back in the court and judge penny purpose penny a sense of humor. >> i'm shaking things up in hollywood. >> she became known as the earthquake judge and something we never could have planned and probably never would have asked for. i think we all can look back and get a good laugh out of it. >> coming up, a defendant mouths off to a judge. >> you shut your damn mouth, sir. >> i'm not going to shut my mouth. >> and a shootout outside the courthouse when "caught on camera, chaos in the court" continues. new beneful healthy smile food and snacks. he'll love the crunch of the healthy smile kibbles. you'll love how they help clean. with soft, meaty centers,
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and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? shut your damn mouth, sir. >> a judge is set off by a disrespectful defendant and the drama escalates as the two tase off in the courtroom. >> mr. hastings, don't press your luck with me, son. >> or what? >> don't press your luck with me? >> or what?
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you going to is sentence me? is that what you going to do? >> march 2, 2009 in vancouver washington and matthew hastings is about to be sentenced for murder. the prosecution is seeking 120 years and apparently hastings feels at this point he has little left to lose. >> just get on with the. >> shut your damn mouth, sir. >> i'm not going to shut my he mouth. >> it was a high profile trial here. he had shot and almost killed a police officer. >> in early 2009 hastings is convicted of six counts of attempted homicide and possession of firearms. charles buckley is his defense attorney. >> he suffers from a number of mental issues therefore combining his mental health issues with the pressure of being sentenced he clearly was on edge. >> and things were about to set him off even more. hastings sees several deputies from the scene of his crime in the courtroom.
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>> mr. hefting hastings was vey uptight there was some officers in the courtroom that had been involved which didn't help his mood any. >> it begins when the judge, known to discuss his rulings with defendants at the sentencing starts with a question. >> did you graduate from high school, is, sir? >> no. >> let me give you a thumbnail sketch of the american system of government. >> buckley says hastings doesn't appreciate the history lesson and makes a face at the judge. >> next time i will have you gag. >> have me gagged then. >> to me it was totally alien to everything i knew that happens in a court of law. i have never seen that kind of conduct in the court of who you in my entire 30 year career. >> the defense attorney sees where he it is going and tries to stop it. >> mr. heft aings i hastings it of court.
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>> the judge calls for a recess. >> may i see the attorneys back in chambers for a moment. >> i took a break to let me cool off because i wanted to leave it on a professional level. >> now, a staring game between hastings and the deputies but it doesn't stay silent for long. he directs his words to him. >> you are failure. >> several court contract officers move around him in case he gets physical and then judge wulle and the attorneys return hoping to resume the proceedings more calmly. >> i would like to speak to the audience for a second and apologize to you you. it is rare that i lose my timber in court can and use a word that i probably do not even use at home so i apologize for the use of the word "damn." >> then the judge hands down the decision and directs his disapproval at hastings, once again. >> when you showed me your total decembe disrespect i is o
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reason not to stick with the decision i made. >> absolutely. i'm thankful for that, your honor. that's great. >> you are wasting your time with me now, mr. hastings. the only thing i can say for you on behalf of all of the citizens of this community. bye bye. >> that's great. is that it? two words? bye bye. come on. you are smarter than that, your honor? >> treeing to push my buttons, son? >> but hastings clearly is -- >> we have kids like you in my neighborhood and we knew how to teak care of gees like you. the police officers have been told by me that they are not to react. >> is that what you want. >> mr. hastings. >> mr. hastings back in his chair until we are conclude. >> or? >> hold on. >> i thought you said they weren't going to react. >> the judge warned them his behavior could hurt him late. you are really helping your case in front of the court of appeals. they will see the entire
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record, sir. >> they will see your entire record, too and how you are running your mouth, your honor. bye bye. we know how to handle kids like you, son? okay. they will see that, too. remember, you are on record afterlike me, pops. >> finally, the judge gets in the last word, sentencing hastings to the maximum 120 years in prison. >> all right. thank you, gentlemen. >> in my world i deal with nothing but ugly features of the human personality. i have to find ways to not let that affect the work i'm doing so i can provide the next person coming into the courtroom with a fair environment. >> coming up, a lawyer is shocked. a defendant -- a lawyer is shot. a defendant goes for a gun and there are cries of shock and horror in the courtroom. when "caught on camera chaos in the court" continues. ♪ [ male announcer ] we don't just certify our pre-owned vehicles.
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here is what is happening. a pilot and two passengers killed after their plane crashed in conway, south carolina. no one on the ground was hurt. the cause of the crash is under investigation. and embattled former yankees player alex rodriguez expected to hold a news conference tonight after the 7th inning of the trent and thunder game. major league baseball is poised to hand rodriguez a lengthy suspension for his part in the biogenesis case. back to "caught on camera." welcome back to caught on camera. i'm contessa brewer. we have seen brawls, escapes and even earthquakes shaking up the courtroom. the next happens not inside but outside the courtroom. a man approaches an attorney as he is leave and asks a simple question and then opens fire. >> in one of the most scran believable scenes ever caught
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on camera, a man a shot at point blank range and ducks behind a tree as bullets fly. >> it is halloween, october 31, 2003. reporters are outside the van nuys courthouse to cover a hearing in the murder trial of actor robert blake. but the real drama caught on camera that day is this. >> i just went down on all fours to try to scramble away. i knew something bad happened. didn't know what it was. >> los angeles attorney gerald curry is leaving the courthouse after attending a hearing about a medical trust fund case. a heavyset man wearing glasses confronts him and asks if he is mr. curry. >> i said, yes who are you you and i remember an incredibly loud pop or bang. >> television news crews hear it and scramble to the scene.
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>> i went behind the tree. >> at percenters witnesses don't know what is going on. some think a movie is filming, maybe it is fireworks or a crazy prank. sunny kane in her hooters girl halloween costume is on a pay phone nearby. >> i heard a loud noise and turned around and the first thing i see is the older white guy has a gun in his hand. i was going to run but for some reason my feet wouldn't move. i was shocked like oh, my god. >> the gunman is 64-year-old will strayer. he says curry is one of the people responsible for withholding his money from a trust fund. he continues to shoot from one side of the tree to the other with curry bobbing and weaving from side to side. >> and he was just like a rabbit left and right, left and right. >> as soon as you heard a pop he was moving. >> he hit me in the right
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forearm and on the left shoulder where the bullet went in and out and hit me under the left arm and crazed my underarm. >> after what seems like an eternity, he is out o of bullets. he puts the gun in his jacket pocket and nonchalantly walks away. >> he do not break stride. came up to me and cocked his head and said he deserved what he got and then we just started welcoming. >> i crying on the phone saying he needs a paramedic right away. >> a bloodied and bewildered curry stumbles out from behind the tree and collapses on to the side walk. >> sunny is already on the pope with 911. strayer takes a look back at the wounded attorney and seconds later witness and reserve deputy sheriff tackles him from behind. >> a couple of other people at that point jumped on with me and i was able to let get his left arm after and held his
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back until another deputy came in. >> face down on the ground he is handcuffed. please discover a second gun in his pants pocket. meanwhile, gerald curry lies on the concrete with five bullets in him. >> curry is rushed to the hospital and thanks to the tiny tree and his quick thinking he survives. >> an extremely fortunate gentleman. >> dr. charles deng is an emergency physician who examines curry. the first bullet lodged in his neck is only fairfaxs of an inch away from his spinal cord. the one bullet could have paralyzed or killed him in an instant. >> not too many people that get shot that many times and live to tell about it. >> because of strayer's poor health and mental state his trial is delayed for years. >> and i want to make a statement. >> in 2006, he is in court lying on a hospital gurney because of a back injury from
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years guy. he complains to the judge that he wants to fire his attorney. >> i want to file an objection. you are forcing me to have this attorney. i was in solitary confinement for two years. i'm being beaten up there and tortured up there. >> the jurisdictional lessons for more than 20 minutes and then cuts him off. >> he heard enough. the sentencing is on. i heard enough. >> months later the judge and the defendant face off again in the courthouse. >> i have a right to make the statements. >> the judge orders him out of the courtroom and sentences him. >> the defendant is sentenced to life in prison. >> william tryer is convicted of premeditated attempted murder with the use of a firearm and sen tensed to life plus an additional 25 years in prison where he dies in 2007. coming up, the crowd gasps
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when the defendant enters the courtroom. a defendant goes for a gun. >> i was just in shock. i couldn't believe what was going on. >> and a terrifying scene that sets in motion one of the bloodiest daes in america's courts when "caught on camera" chaos in the court continues. yep, there i am with flo. hoo-hoo! watch it! [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 million people switched to me last year, saving an average of $475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save... with great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. so call me today. you'll be glad you did. cannonbox! [splash!] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence.
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and so unpredictable and because it was so out of the ad. >> a veteran reporter has been covering trials for 33 years. he he is in the courtroom when the defendant 26-year-old esteban carpio is led through the door. he has never seen anything like it. >> percent there was a gasp. >> oh, my god. >> it was tough to look at him. he had bruised. he was swollen. he had scars on his face. >> karpio, wearing a mask making him look like the movie character hannibal electricker being arraigned for hurd. his family is shocked to see his disfigured face. >> not guilty. >> but that only tells part of the story.
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it is april 17, 2005 in the middle of the night and it is a chaosic scene outside police headquarters in providence, rhode island. beloved police detective jimmy ale len has just been shot twice in the chest while questioning a suspect about the stabbing of an elderly woman. >> he is ad asked for one and one left to get the water and looked the door behind him. >> officers outside the room here a violent struggle but can't get in because the door is locked from the outside. >> they heard him say i think he is going to kill me. the officer was tying and he had jumped out the window. >> the now suspected cop killer makes a dearing escape, breaking through a glass window and plummeting three stories to the ground. injured but aleve carpio is on the run. and a massive manhunt is
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underway. at police headquarters the mood is somber. >> it was an emotional scene. the police chief himself came down and was seen i say loaded detective allen's body into the van he took personal command of the situation and just want ad to be there. >> the detective james allen is a 27 year veteran of the providence police department and few cops are held in higher regard. >> he was just regarded as one of the best police officers the city of providence probably ever produce. >> esteban is found and taken into custody nearly an hour after the bold escape. it is little consolation to police. >> and we have lost a remarkable man today and this city is the worse for it. >> jimmy allen passed in the noblest way possible. he gave his life trying to make
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our lives safer. he dieing us. he died a hero. >> the next morning, at the arraignment hearing the please chief and many of officer allen's friends and colleagues await the suspect's arrival. >> the air just kind of went out of the room for a second as everybody's eyes were transfixed on can carpio. >> when walks in there are cries of shock and horror. his mask is called a spit shield and typically used when a suspect is either bleeding or combative. police say the suspect was being combative, spitting on them. but his relatives think the mask is covering up a revenge beating he took at the hands of police. >> police brutality. he was mentally ill and he needed help and he couldn't get
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it. we tried and tried. and he didn't deserve this. >> an investigation conducted by the fbi later concludes carpio received his wounds from a combination of smashing through the window and falling three stories and the use of necessary force to apprehend the fleeing suspect. >> there is no civil rights violations when injuries are instant to arrest. meaning if he is fighting the police officers, the officers have the right to use whatever force necessary to subdue the subject. >> as for the claim by carpio's aunt that he is mentally ill, the jury rejects the insanity defense and finds him guilty of murdering james allen. the judge gives him the maximum sentence allowed, life without parole. >> oh, my god. >> this was such an abhorren
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story. thereth was pretty much the personification of evil in a lot of people's minds. this was the guy that killed jimmy allen and i think there was relief when it came down to he would never be in a position to harm anybody else again. a convicted murderer does something courtroom deputies fear most. he tries to grab an officer's handgun setting off pandemonium and fear in the courtroom. >> i was shocked. i couldn't believe what was going on. i was stunned. i couldn't move. >> may 12, 2008. battle creek, michigan. two hours west of detroit. 43-year-old michael fisher is on trial for murdering his wife and 12-year-old son. >> it was a a double homicide. we don't get a lot of those. it was a child and it happened right after christmas so did attract a lot of media attention. >> after the closing arguments, the judge gives his verdict.
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>> guilty as charged of first-degree premeditated murder. >> meeklmichael fisher is convd of the double murders in december of 2006. >> after that the commotion happened in the courtroom. >> michael fisher was clearly agitated. he moved very quickly. i saw you him get out of his chair, turned quickly. >> he swung his body weight towards me, swinging making contact with my face, hitting me in the face. >> the deputy sort of fell back and michael fisher went for h his gun at that point. he was fighting. >> the deputy reacting quickly has his arms around fisher's waist squeezing him tightly. >> it happened in split seconds as i was driving him in to him and lifting him up he pleased his hands on my weapon. shortly thereafter placed him over the partition and the detective yelled i have your
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weapon secure. another officer deputy walling told me he was teaing control of my taser. >> fisher is subdued but the woman screaming from the start is not. [ screaming ] >> that woman is candy fisher's daughter who lost her mother and stepbrother at the hands of michael fisher. seeing fisher's violent outburst puts her over the edge. >> god is going to get you for what you did to me. >> a terrifying moment for her. something that i affected h her i think to this day. >> deputies remove him from the courtroom. witnesses notice the a merc on his face. >> he was laughing as though it was a joke to him. he didn't have anything to lose. >> it is only later that the horrible scene starts to sink in for deputy eby. >> i did not feel scared at the moment. after seek the pictures and what could have happened but at
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the time i just reacted to the moment and did what i felt i had to. >> as it turns out, fisher would have had a difficult time getting a handle on the gun because eby's glock .40 is considered in a who will territory. >> takes three different actions to break the gun from the who willster. he did not break any levels from the holster. >> a month later when it comes time for sentencing. fisher is hardly a changed man. he has chilling words for the court. >> i'm going to come back. everybody that did something to me i am going to get your families. i don't care about my family and i don't care about you. >> i think justice will be served by sentencing you to a term of life in n. prison without parole. >> michael fisher will spend the rest of his life behind bars. those in the courtroom on the day of the verdict can only imagine the tragedy that might have been.
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>> if he had gotten the gun out of the holster there would have been blood shed in the courtroom. no question. >> coming up, a suspect breaks free, opens fire in a courtroom and terrorizes a city. >> reports that two people have been shot outside a federal courthouse. >> when "caught on camera chaos in the court" continues. the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaucoma, or can not empty your bladder, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away
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if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness and decreased sweating. do not drive, operate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you know how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk to your doctor about toviaz. [ male announcer ] once in a while, everything falls into perfect harmony.
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a rape suspect is led into a holding cell bay single female deputy. and what you are watching is a chilling prelude to one of the country's most dead le courtroom shootings. >> flash news out of fulton county georgia. reports that two people shot outside a federal courthouse. >> how did this happen? i just kept saying how did this happen. >> georgia attorney reed spent almost three years researching
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the story of this tragic day. she is the author of waking the sleeping demon, 26 hours of terror in atlanta. >> brian nichols was escorted from the holding cell by deputy cynthia hall to a holding cell. >> he befriends 51-year-old hall who was assigned to guard him in two previous trials. other deputies offer aseventhance but you deputy halls says she is comfortable enough alone with nichols and declines any help. she brings the defendant to this confined space to change clothes for a trial. reremoves one cuff and turns to remove the other when nichols attacks, violently shoving hall into another cell. >> brian nichols overpowered deputy hall and severely beat her. >> off camera she is bruteally
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beaten. within four minutes, nichols the gun and locks her into the cell and changes into civilian clothes. he is is about to begin a killing spree that will paralyze the city of atlanta for 26 straight hours. >> he watches calm le over to judge barnes chambers in the old courthouse. took two of the staff hostage. then took three more people hostage and held them inside the office inside his chambers. >> 9:05 a.m. nichols barges into judge barnes courtroom. he shoots the judge point blank in the back of the head and instantly kills him. this is an actual audio tape recording of the tragic shooting. he. >> he then turned to shoot the prosecutor realizing that the people sitting at the prosecutor's table were not the prosecutors trying his rape
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trial. turned from those lawyers, shot the court reporter. >> court reporter julie brandau dies a few minutes later. >> i was right outside the courtroom. >> the prosecutor in the rape trial, one of the attorneys nichols is looking for. he is making his way to the courtroom for nichols trial when is stopped by the deputy. >> deputies were all yelling at me to get off the floor and it was not at all a suggestion. it was a command to get off the floor. >> he would later realize just how lucky he was. >> what if he had been in the courtroom and what would nichols have tried to do or done to me. >> by now, nichols runs outside. sergeant teasley is right on his tail. >> the deputy, however, did not know that anyone had been killed in the courtroom or that there were hostages. >> nichols shoots the officer five times and teasley dies a short time late.
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everybody off the sidewalk. >> brian nichols is armed and on the run. major man hunt begins. >> please now on a massive manhunt for 33-year-old brian nichols. >> he goes into an underground parking garage where he carjacks a deputy's car. he later carjacked at least five others. >> he would put a gun to them and order them out of their vehicles and take tare vehicle and switch vehicles and continued to switch vehicles. >> one of the cars nichols steals is a green honda that belongs to this reporter. he hits him over the head with a gun. >> i think i'm extremely lucky to escape without being shot. >> this parking garage security camera captures nichols casually walking down the stairs, apparently wearing oh he bryant's blazer. the search for brian nichols is broadcast all day and it appears there is no sign of the horror ending any time soon.
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>> at this hour the atlanta courthouse killer is still on the loose. here is the latest right now. >> 11:00 p.m. nichols is still the most wanted man in atlanta. >> he accosted the deputy. took five hostages. killed three people. carjacked five people. did all of that in a span of 30 minutes and resurfaced letter that night after trying to take some more hostages. >> nichols strikes again. federal agent david wilhelm is the fourth victim. his body is found the next morning in his new home. his badge, gun and truck are missing. nichols' final hostage is single mother ashlee smith who he approaches outside her apartment. >> i turned around and he was right there. >> smith says nichols follows her to the front door and ties her up. >> he says i don't want to hurt the you. i don't want to hurt anybody else so please don't do anything that is going to make me hurt you. >> all night she says she reads passages from a book called the purpose driven life and talks
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to him about god and her family. >> my husband died four years ago and i told him if he hurt me my little girl odd haven' we a mommy or daddy and she was expecting to see the next morning. >> early the next morning, nichols let is her leave her apartment to go see her daughter. she calls 911. >> the victim is advising that he is in the apartment at this time. >> police quickly close in on the apartment complex. with ashlee smith watching from behind a van van across the parking lot nichols waves a white cloth and surrenders. >> he had no where to go. he was not getting out of the apartment with the s.w.a.t. team having him surrounded in the manner they did. >> a sigh of enormous relief for the people of atlanta. >> this person is no longer free and roaming our streets. >> crowds cheats police take
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nichols away. smith becomes a hero for helping nichols surrender. she receives a $70,000 reward. in 2008, brian nichols is convicted on 54 counts including murder and kidnapping. he is sentenced to multiple life sentences with no chance parole. the short scene that sets in motion a day of terror leaves many in atlanta wondering why. >> a a lot of people who carry a tremendous amount of guilt about saying they things they did or did not do that day and the one person who should i think carries none and that is brian nichols. >> deputy cynthia hall is left with permanent brain damage and is blind in one eye you. she has no memory of the beating she took from brian nichols. if you have a video you would like to send to us log on to the website. i'm concession that brewer. that is all for this edegrees -- i'm contessa
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brewer. that is all for this edition of "caught on camera." stop banging on the cage. >> hands behind your back. close the gap up. >> deputies shake down a housing unit and hit a contraband jackpot. >> liquid courage. >> lying is not the answer. >> i'm to the lying. >> okay but i'm not go to sit there and say your mom
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