tv News Nation MSNBC August 14, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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egyptian officials say people have been killed after the military ran out protesters. egyptian forces sweeping in with armored vehicles and bulldozers. they fired tear gas and bullets as morsi supporters threw stones and tried erecting barricades to protect themselves. the violence has spread to other egyptian cities as well. this strong reaction from the white house several hours ago. >> the united states strongly condemns the use of violence against protesters in egypt. violence will only make it more difficult to move egypt forward on a path to lasting stability and democracy and runs directly counter to the pledges by president interim government to pursue reconciliation. we also strongly oppose a return to a state of emergency law and call on the government to respect basic human rights such as freedom of peaceful assembly and due process under the law. >> nbc's ayman mohyeldin joins us live from cairo.
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what's the current situation? again, we're reporting that the curfew is supposed to be in effect, but what more are you hearing about that? >> reporter: well, the curfew a short while ago was extended. it's going to start in one hour from now. that is 9:00 p.m. local time. now, the daily curfew will be from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. local time. because today was the first day, the egyptian cabinet announced it was going to give two additional hours for the curfew to kick into effect. so it has not yet started. that's why you could probably see or hear behind me a little bit of traffic. although, the streets are extremely quiet for a typical cairo night here. against that backdrop, we also have confirmed from egyptian security sources that eight senior leaders of the muslim brotherhood, many of them with arrest warrants out for their arrest, in addition facing charges of inciting to kill protesters o over the course of the last several weeks. eight of those senior leaders
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have now been arrested. they were camped out at one of the major sit-in protests in cairo. a short while ago egyptian police confirmed they had taken over control of that square after nearly 11 hours of a massive police presence and crackdown on that area. they now have taken control of it. those are the two most significant developments within the last hour. in addition to later -- or earlier today, i should say, the egyptian government declared that state of emergency. there are reports of ongoing clashes and protests. not in cairo so much as other areas of the country. a very volatile situation and intense one. that's one reason why the interim president resigned from his post today. >> with that happening, who is calling the shots here? is it the interim government or the military? >> reporter: well, that's a very important question, thomas. certainly over the course of the last several weeks, the egyptian government, and that is the interim civilian government, has been extremely divide about how to handle these protests.
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within the cabinet itself, there were those who were advocating the strong use of force like we saw today. there are those like the vice president and others who had been advocating for a peaceful dialogue to end this political crisis. what has clearly emerged given the developments today, it is that the military still controls the shots in this country. in fact, yesterday the interim government appointed 20 or so new governors across the country and many of those had security and military backgrounds. many of them serving in the military and security services. that was an ominous sign for many analysts here and pundits that the security presence is still very much dominating the interim government. so the critics are saying this is civilian face to a military run government. today seems to confirm it's the military and security services calling the shots on the ground. >> ayman missouohyeldin reporti cairo. stay safe. thank you. i want to bring in "time"
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magazine senior correspondent michael crowley and lehigh university professor james peterson. glad to have you here. michael, the worst fears have been realized after egypt's government threatened for days to clear the protest camps. now we have this going on. as ayman was reporting there, saying that there seems to be this civilian face on what really is a military-run country. >> yeah, absolutely. that is what it is at this point. it does put the obama administration in a very uncomfortable position. i think this administration does not want to cut off the substantial military aid we send to egypt. the white house sees it as a way to maintain ties with the generals who obviously are the real power in the country right now. they want to keep those ties. they want to keep their influence. our influence has certainly dwindled in egypt. it still exists, but it's gettiget ing harder and harder or less
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and less tenable for the spokesperson to say we condemn the violence. but what are you going to do about it? at what point does the administration put its foot down? it's going to be hard for them to look the other way. when bahrain kracracked down on their protests in 2011, we more or less did look the other way with the help of the saudis. it's not unprecedented for this administration in the name of stability and strategic interest to look the other way at a violent crackdown. >> so when we think about this, james, about seeds of democracy, they need to be nurtured, but they don't always take. we've seen that happen with egypt. now while we're watching what this government is doing currently with this crackdown where police stations, government buildings, christian churches were attacked and set on fire in cairo and elsewhere, things could still get worse. as michael points out, the administration coming out -- again, from the white house press conference that they had on martha's vineyard, the united
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states strongly condemns the use of violence against protesters, sending the signal that this is not the way to react to people in protest in a democracy. >> right, thomas. the seeds, not only do they take a long time to take, but sometimes they don't take. then the process of cultivating them and allowing the seeds of democracy to grow require time and patience. it can be a very, very messy process. so this unraveling that we're seeing in egypt right now is some indication that's going on. the tricky part in terms of the u.s.-egypt relations -- and michael pointed this out, and it's important to underscore -- many of us look at this and see a military takeover no matter whether you're for or against the muslim brotherhood, the ways in which they were running the egypt democracy. whether you're for or against them, you have to think about the way they were disposed of what a coup. the united states can't say that out loud because the moment that they concede this is a coup, that means they don't have a choice as to whether or not they're going to continue this
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$1.3 billion in aid to the egyptian military. a complex set of problems here. it's tragic to see things unfold this way, to see the casualties we know are going to continue to go up. it's very difficult for me, who's not really an expert in this region, to understand how things go forward. how is this going to sort of resolve itself in the immediate aftermath of this violence? >> michael, what's your observation about where egypt goes from here? >> boy, i think it would be really foolish for me to try to predict, i think -- i fear things will get worse before they get better. i think this kind of violence often begets more violence. i don't know what the administration is going to do either. this is a classic case where obama is going to be forced to choose between, as a lot of people see it -- you know, foreign policy consists of our values and interests. in this case, they run in conflict with each other. i'll be fascinated to see how the president handles it. >> okay, gentlemen. thank you. i have to move on to breaking
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news. a federal judge has sentenced jesse jackson jr. to 30 months in prison. both he and i had wife broke into tears today in court. that's where jackson apologized for spending $750,000 of campaign funds on personal items. meanwhile, his wife sandy jackson is also headed to prison. pete williams joins me now live from the court. pete, explain exactly -- >> reporter: before headed to prison, headed to the microphones right outside here, thomas. we'll hear from probably jesse jr. and his lawyer. his father jesse sr. is also here and was present during the day. here's his lawyer about to speak right now. control room, can i hear it, please?
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>> pete, i'm not sure we have the source of the audio right now. so bear with us while we try to get that up. you were saying that his lawyer is taking to the microphones first, correct? is sandy there as well? >> reporter: yes, they're all there. they were all in court. the judge today sentenced jesse jackson to 2 1/2 years in prison and his wife to a year in prison. now, that's less than the prosecutors had asked for. they asked for four years for jesse jackson and the maximum sentencing guidelines would have been four years and nine months. it's below both the sentencing guidelines and what the prosecution was asking for. 18 months was what the prosecution thought would be appropriate for mrs. jackson. >> okay, pete. we have the audio source now. let's listen in. >> a public official came to terms with his wrongdoing, accepted responsibility, fully cooperated, was protective of the system, and was sentenced today. if you were in court today, you saw the most thoughtful judge
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imaginable take into account every factor and render a sentence that we're satisfied was fair. so the system worked well. i'd also like to say that we fully believe that our client jesse jackson is going to have another important chapter in his life. he will serve his sentence. he will come back out, and we believe and we're optimistic will do great things. finally, i would say, that he hopes and we certainly hope that the community takes note of his very serious health issue. he is bipolar, and many of you have friends and family members who are bipolar. many of those people don't acknowledge it. many of those people are high achievers in society. jesse certainly was. but many of those people need help. hopefully the spotlight that this case will place on that illness will have some affect in
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the community. that's certainly the hope of jesse jackson. thank you. >> can you tell us what jesse jackson's reaction was? >> so we're listening to the attorney for jesse jackson. let's go ahead and listen. i think we have another attorney taking the mic. >> obviously all of you in court are aware that we very much were hoping for probation. however, i will tell you this. sandy jackson and her family are very grateful to the judge for the fact that they -- sandy's prison sentence will be served after jesse jackson serves his sentence. that gives sandy the opportunity over the next 2 1/2 years to do exactly what she wants to do. she wants to have an opportunity to be able to use her mothering skills and her relationship and devotion to these two children to be able to raise the children, help them heal from what has happened to them during these formative years and give
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her a chance to rebuild her life, which she will have the opportunity to do, and she's very confident she can do so during this time period. i will also tell you that in talking to sandy, she told me that she is very grateful for the outpouring of support that have come to her from community organizations and supporters of hers who have said they are sticking by her. organizations such as the clergy association in chicago that has hundreds of members of the clergy that have contacted sandy to let her know that during this healing period, that they're going to stick by her and support her. so on behalf of sandy jackson, she now is going to move forward into this period of time where she's going to be able to be with the children, get them through this difficult time, and rebuild her life. thank you.
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>> this has been an extraordinarily difficult time for our family. i speak really today as a father. this one, of course, hits home. i've had to raise many questions to myself about did i confuse success with sickness. jesse's been driven to succeed, to be effective. we got the water tank bill out in ft. heights, arguing for the airport or something like that. bipolar was never part of my
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lexicon, as a matter of fact, until he finally got to mayo. he did not even use that as an excuse for his behavior. he was remorseful. he is still recovering. jesse's been very sick. this time a year ago i really thought we may have lost him. i think he's strong enough now to accept the challenges put before him by the judge, but this has been a very painful event for our family. we'll talk more about it in days to come. but i think oftentimes we obj t objectify public figures. if you were bleeding, you could bandage. if you break a leg, you get a splint. if it's mental, emotional, it's less discernible.
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you have these highs and lows. unless you really take the time. lastly, what occurred to me, i had just talked with jesse. i said, he'll be all right. whatever it is, i'll talk to him. his mom went to be see him since she was in washington. they walked in the park. he began to cry. she said, you must go and see him quickly. i did. i said, let's go to the hospital right now. that was a surrender. there was no fight back. i knew something was wrong. they detected by p eed bipolar. it became most graphic to me when i called one day and said there's a great yearning for you to be here.
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they really missed you. he said, did they really miss me? i said yes. he began to cry and said, i think i let them down. it was just highs and lows. this is a distressful condition. i hope you'll learn more about bipolar. there have been so many people on this journey, on the airplane and downtown. my mother is bipolar, my father is bipolar. i think what hit me in arizona and minnesota, the only african-american person there. many people who have it have no capacity to get diagnosis or to get treatment. it's potential to affect behavior that's devastating. i'm glad the judge in her own way took it into account. thank you very much, friends. >> hearing there from jesse jackson sr., also the attorneys representing both jesse jackson jr. and his wife sandy. pete, you're still with us. our pete williams is there outside the court. brief statement there is from all the attorneys.
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one thing, though, pete, that i thought was probably most interesting was finding out that the judge has staggered their sentences so that one parent can remain with the children at all times. >> reporter: yes, and actually, the government had agreed that was a good idea, although the prosecutors thought she should serve her time first so he could have more time before he has to report for prison to try to continue to pay back the $750,000 he admitted stealing from his campaign fund. the judge has now decided that jesse will go first. he'll probably report to prison sometime later this year, probably around the 1st of november. he will serve his two years, potentially a little less than that when you factor in time off for good behavior. there's no parole in the federal system. there is time off for good behavior. then she would serve her year sentence after that. so at least one parent will be with their young children, who
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are, you know, around 9 or 10 years old, a boy and a girl. >> pete, i think people would be scratching their heads. how unusual is it for the judge or for the prosecution to take that into account? >> reporter: somewhat unusual. a little bit different in this case because, first of all, there was never an issue here of fear that they would repeat. secondly, there's a real question here about who the victims were. the lawyer for jesse jackson jr. said this isn't like bernie madoff. this isn't a ponzi scheme. the real victim here was his campaign. the judge said, well, the actual victims were the contributors. none of them thought they were writing checks to buy two elk heads for jesse jackson's house. the problem, the judge said, is there's so many victims, so many contributors that there's no way to figure out what each of them are due. so that's part of the calculus
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for the punishment. you heard all this talk about bipolar disorder, which the defense clearly hoped the judge would take into account. i think she did. when she was pronouncing sentence, she said extended incarceration for jesse jackson would begin to have diminishing returns, both in terms of the treatment and therapy that he needs, which she said the prison could probably offer, but he'd do better outside, and secondly, the fact that he does have a promising career and the sooner he can get on with his life, the better for everybody. in addition to all these crimes, and she spent a lot of time talking about that, nonetheless he's done a lot of good for a lot of people. thomas? >> very interesting how reverend jackson said did i confuse success with sickness in learning about bipolar. obviously that was a big part of the defense in jesse jackson jr. what was the defense sandy used? she didn't have being bipolar to fall back on for these crimes. >> reporter: no, her -- the entire request -- remember, today in the sentencing, the
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real question was not so much defense about guilt or innocence but mitigating factors aor thins to take into account for sentencing. almost the entire emphasis by her lawyer was she needs to be with the children. >> pete williams reporting in washington, d.c. pete, thank you, sir. we need to move on to breaking news we've been following today out of alabama. that's where investigators remain on the scene of a massive ups cargo plane crash. in the past few hours, officials confirmed the pilot and co-pilot were killed. that plane crashed earlier this morning as it approached the birmingham international airport. the pilot and co-pilot who have not been identified were the only two people on board. a birmingham resident who lives near the airport said she heard what sounded like engines sputtering as the plane went over her home. it doesn't appear weather was a factor in that crash. still ahead, two hollywood moms are taking on the paparazzi full force. >> i got introduced as halle berry, but i'm here as a mom. >> halle berry, jennifer garner teaming up, urging california
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lawmakers to increase penalties for paparazzi. opponents argue the bill goes too far. it is today's "news nation" gut check. plus, breaking her silence. someone claiming to be rescued teen hannah anderson on social media responding to questions and saying that my kidnapper, quote, deserved what he got. we'll show you what else this person posted. you can always join our conversation on twitter. you can find us @newsnation. [announcer] there's no hiding the goodness of the latest from
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i want to get you to the secretary of state john kerry speaking out after the white house has come out to strongly condemn the violence against protesters in egypt. let's listen. >> this includes amending the constitution, holding parliamentary and presidential elections, which the interim government itself has called for. all of the other parties, all of the opposition, all of civil society, all parties also share a responsibility to avoid
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violence and to participate in a productive path towards a political solution. there will not be a solution through further polarization. there can only be a political solution by bringing people together with a political solution. so this is a pivotal moment for all egyptians. the path towards violence leads only to greater instability, economic disaster, and suffering. the only sustainable path for either side is one towards a political solution. i am convinced from my conversations today with a number of foreign ministers, including the foreign minister of egypt, i am convinced that that path is still, in fact, open, and it is possible, though it has been made much, much harder, much more complicated by the events of today. the promise of the 2011 revolution has simply never been
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fully realized. the final outcome of that revolution is not yet decided. it will be shaped in the hours ahead and the days ahead. it will be shaped by the decisions which all of egypt's political leaders make now and in these days ahead. the world is closely watching egypt and is deeply concerned about the events that we have witnessed today. the united states remains at the ready to work with all of the parties and with our partners and with others around the world in order to help achieve a peaceful democratic way forward. now jen will be happy to answer any questions. thanks. >> will there be any consequences for the military? >> i'll be back in a few minutes. >> listening to secretary of state john kerry there talking about egypt and the situation that's happened there with the violent clashes that have claimed so many lives. earlier today we saw the white house come out and condemn the
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violence that's taking place there in what's supposed to be a democracy and asking for calm and now we hear the secretary of state reminding everybody of the fact that they were just there in cairo talking about how to move forward before all of these clashes started. the secretary of state then leaving the microphone. we're going to be back with more after this. would call this paradise. no snow. no cold. no pulling the ill-equipped outta some frozen ditch. but if there's one truth in this life... ♪ can't escape your demons. ♪ i thought i hung my tire chains up for good. mm, quattro. [ gasps ] can't be. but i can't shake this bad feeling... ♪
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enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. did you know that sales of diet soda are on the decline, but coca-cola fighting back by taking full-page newspaper ads to defend the safety of artificial sweeteners. it touts them as a weight loss tool and cites studies. the ads represent the next phase of a campaign coca-cola launched in january to push back at critics who blame sugary drinks for fueling obesity rates.
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mimi, great to have you here. let's talk about this. so many of us have different ideas about what diet soda does. here's what coke says. we understand that some people have questions about the use of low and no-calorie sweeteners. it goes on to cite studies that say sweeteners are safe. are the sweeteners safe? are we naive to think low-calorie drinks help us fight fat? >> let me take the second part of your question. there is a correlation between diet drinks and obesity. there's a ton of obesity among those who drink diet sodas. it's not the answer. as a matter of fact, if you're healthy over the age of 2, you shouldn't be drinking juice, sodas, sports drinks. you should be drinking water. i know that's a bummer. i know many of us are addicted to our soda. but it doesn't cure obesity. >> what about people looking at this who have been struggling with their weight and they get on to a certain plan.
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they've restricted themselves, but there's also moderation. you know, there's a cheat day of having a diet coke or having a diet mountain dew. >> if you're a healthy weight and exercise every single day and your vice or cheat is soda, i'm not going to be give you a hard time. might hard to believe, i drink coke. i grew up in atlanta. it's a terrible vice. i would never feed it to a child. i run three or four miles a day to make up for it. it's not the answer for obesity. is it safe, are we naive? i'm not a chemical engineer. i don't think you're a chemical engineer. i think it's terrible that to sit down and order lunch you need a specialty degree. that's really what it's come to. aspartame is a chemical combination of two different kind of amino acids i can't even pronounce as well as methanol. there are studies that say it's safe. there are studies that say it's not safe. you can cross your fingers and hope that the studies that say it's safe are right, or you can back off and try to not have it in your diet at all.
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>> i majored in rocket science, but then i ended up here. i don't know how it all happened. as we look at what soda makers are facing, because they are facing the numbers and the cash and the sales are down. as we look at last year, for example, sales for regular coke fell by 1%. diet coke fell by 3%. pepsi fell by 3.4%. diet pepsi fell by 6.2%. is there a correlation to more conversations, healthier conversations about how we're living, what we're introducing our kids to that could be the direct correlation for why they're seeing those numbers dip? >> i think we got to a point where we hit absolute rock bottom as far as how fat of a society we were willing to become. you're starting to see that shift. the consumers have gotten smarter. they're questioning, hey, why should it take two liters of water to produce for every one liter of coke. that doesn't sound earth friendly. what are these chemicals i can't pronounce? maybe i shouldn't be ingesting that. and hey, if people are still obese who drink diet drinks, what's up with that? doesn't seem like the catch-all,
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save-all for obesity. consumers are getting smarter. they're pushing back and it makes sense. >> great to have you here. i'm glad to know you still will have a diet soda. >> i drink the fully loaded garbage. it's that bad. >> you were born in atlanta. >> can't help it. >> thanks so much. still ahead, the gloves coming off at the first televised debate in the race for new york city mayor. >> neither me nor anybody else on this stage or any new yorker quite frankly should be lectured by anthony weiner. >> we'll get the latest.
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all right. so now to yet another twist in the race to lead the nation's biggest city. last night democratic candidates in new york city's mayoral race took the stage for the first televised debate of the primary. it was only hours after a new quinnipiac university poll came out showing a new front runner has emerged, new york city public advocate bill de blasio
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now leads his opponents with 30% of likely voters. city council speaker christine quinn fell to second place. as for anthony weiner, who once led all of his rivals, he's now only at 10%. with just four weeks left, the gloves were off last night. >> i've owned up to my personal failings, but i have a record i'm proud of, and i'm going to be honest with the citizens of the city. that's not something the speaker can claim. >> i think it's very clear to all new yorkers that neither me nor anybody else on this stage or any new yorker quite frankly should be lectured by anthony weiner about what we need to apologize for tonight or ever. >> i've made very clear that mr. weiner should step aside for the good of the city. we need a debate on the issues. >> "new york times" reporter kate taylor joins me live to talk about that. weiner was the punching bag last night. he definitely got a lot of jabs, especially when he would try to come out strong. as we saw, kate, just last month, the polls looked really
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different. de blasio was trailing quin. now he's 30% of that. things have flipped. what do you make of him being able to surge with just a month to go? >> well, if this trend holds in more polls, you know, this could be really a pivot point in the campaign. this could be bill de blasio's iowa. we'll have to see. obviously it's a month to go before the primary. things will change a lot. a couple of interesting things you saw in that poll. you saw 60% of likely voters in the democratic primary saying that stop and frisk was an excessive tactic, that it was harassment. of those voters, they, you know, roughly 39% supported de blasio. the other thing you saw was that de blasio was leading among women. a key part of christine quinn's strategy has been able to create a gender gap and have women
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support her because she would be the first female mayor of new york city. so far you're not seeing that. >> what have the reactions been to the performances given last night? >> well, i think that, you know, as we know, quinn, de blasio and thompson are in a very close race to see who's going to get in the runoff. two people are going to be in a runoff three weeks after the primary. thompson and de blasio were really beating up on christine quinn. the thing they were hitting her about was lifting term limits to allow mayor bloomberg to run for a third term. we've seen that before now. you can be sure for the next month that's going to be a big, big issue. >> for those people not paying attention to it the old race because bill thompson was running against bloomberg and lost to him then. christine quinn made all the same promises and got voted to
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be speaker. there were some axes grinding last night. also being made some hay of is the fact that bill de blasio's son has made a campaign commercial. i want to show that. >> he's the only democrat with the guts to break from the bloomberg years, the only one who will raise taxes on the rich. >> so that, kate s getting a lot of play because people are looking at this and saying that bill de blasio has a stake in stop and frisk because his own children might be profiled. he's in an interracial marriage and has these two beautiful kids. a lot of people also commenting on the stupendous afro. >> yeah, this has been the only ad so far that has really broken out of the noise and gotten a lot of attention. bill has been very effective in using his family. he's in a mixed-race marriage. he has two very attractive
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children. his son is obviously very cha charming in the ad. that has really been a powerful tool for him. you would think that thompson, who's actually black, might lead among voters who think that stop and frisk is really important. but de blasio has shown he has a personal stake in it and has been leading there. >> we have four weeks to go. it's been interesting the entire time. so the next four weeks, i imagine, are still going to be just as interesting as we watch these poll numbers. great to have you here. thanks for your insights. still ahead, ethical justice. the woman's whose cells have generated billions of dollars and major medical breakthroughs finally being recognized. but is that enough? i'll talk to her granddaughter. is like hammering.
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account where the sieblence was broken of her account was indeed hannah. however, the account has now been disabled. on tuesday night, she was answering dozens of questions about the ordeal. the account was set up long before the kidnapping took place. when hannah got back and started to show some activity there, people started asking questions about that abduction. during one exchange, someone asked, if you could say anything to ethan and your mom, what would you say? the reply, i'm sorry it ended like that. i wish i could go back in time and risk my life to try and save theirs. i will never forgive myself for not trying harder to save them. hannah also revealed her captor was holding her at gunpoint when asked about her encounter with the hikers whose tip led to her rescue. she said she was in fear for her life. now to a stunning medical ethics case that has been decades in the making. in 1951, hen rlax, an
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african-american mother of five with low income, never agreed to have her biopsy cells used for research. after her death, they were kept in labs around the world, generating major advancements in medicine. finally last week, the national institutes of health announced an agreement that requires approval from at least two of her family members before her cells can be used. her granddaughter joins me now. it's good to have you here. it's taken nearly 60 years, but it seems that the medical research industry is at least taking steps to fix this issue. it doesn't include any financial compensation to your family. millions having made from your grandmother's cells. do you think your family should be entitled to some of that money? >> thank you for having me. we try not to focus on being compensated. that's not our main issue. we more so are trying to make people aware of our
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grandmother's contribution. if we look more so to the compensation, that'll take the focus off of our main goal of trying to bring awareness. i think it's more of a divine plan. compensation -- i think compensation will come. we just don't know when, but we don't make that our main focus. >> all right. so we've been talking about your grandmother's cells for decades now. this story was made famous by a book. can you describe the role that she had in getting your grandmother's story out there and ensuring the medical community has been reaching out to your family. >> rebecca had an important role, and my aunt debra had an important role as well. i think those two bonded very well. my aunt wanted to know more about her mom, get information about her mom, wanted people to
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know who her mom was. when rebecca came long and was helping debra get this information, they formed a close bond and they went and did research together to find information about henrietta, find information about her contributions, to get information from relatives to talk about henrietta as a woman, as a person, which was a big deal to my aunt because she always wanted to know more of her mom, what her mom was like, what was her favorite colors, what he smelled like. >> and is this a big source of pride now for the family to know that this recognition is going to be there, the proper use of the cells are going to be properly attributed and referenced to the family? >> the family is definitely proud. we're proud and we're honored. we're honored to actually be a part of the committee that was
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formed for the genome instead of the family being kept in the dark. we're actually in the forefront being involved. >> well, thank you. i think a lot of other people around the world would say thank you to your grandmother as well. those cells have helped major breakthroughs in medicine. so thank you. thanks for making time to come on our show. we appreciate it. >> thank you. still ahead, two hollywood moms fighting to protect their children and their privacy. the latest on their efforts to keep the paparazzi at bay. [ male announcer ] what's important to you? at humana, our medicare agents sit down with you and ask. being active. and being with this guy. [ male announcer ] getting to know you is how we help you choose the humana medicare plan that works best for you. mi familia. ♪ [ male announcer ] we want to help you achieve your best health, so you can keep doing the things that are important to you. taking care of our customers. taking care of her. and the next thing on our list is bungee jumping.
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spoke on this. it could create rules, specifically when it comes to photographing the star's children. >> she doesn't want to go to preschool anymore. why? because these 25 gang of grown men are there. we're moms here who are just trying to protect our children. >> i love my kids. they're beautiful and sweet and innocent. and i don't want a gang of shouting, arguing, law-breaking photographers who camp out everywhere we are all day, every day to continue to traumatizing my kids. thank you for the opportunity to testify today. sorry. >> joining me right now, chris witherspoon, entertainment reporter for let's talk about this committee passing the bill unanimously. it heads to the appropriations side of things. there is the california newspaper publishers association, also the california broadcasters association saying this would infringe on legitimate news gathering. how much is that really going to be taken into consideration? >> i think that's kind of bogus.
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i mean, personally, i feel this case shows you that this is not just something that these celebrities don't want, but it's actually dangerous. these paparazzi they're calling law breaking. they're cussing at these kids or cussing at people trying to get photos or being lewd. if you saw halle berry a while ago, back in april, she was returning from the airport. the paparazzi were following her. there was a violent altercation between he and the paparazzi. so it is dangerous. these kids didn't choose this. they're parents chose this lifestyle, not the kids. >> it's almost as if the photographers are almost in certain instances trying to get that kind of reaction so that they can then use that angry or violent image and get bigger bucks for it. >> definitely. jennifer garner said it best. she said there's a bounty on these childrens' heads. the videos of these kids are very highly priced. they're invaluable right now. the most important thing to realize is celebrities are
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giving us bigger access into their lives. we have instagram, twitter, all these photos we can get. we need to step back. journalists should step back and let the parents grant to us what they want us to see of these kids and let these kids be kids. >> all right, chris. thank you. do you agree with the california bill that would make it illegal to photograph or record a celebrity's kid without permission or a parent or legal guardian? you can go to and cast your vote. that's going to do it for this edition of "news nation." i'm thomas roberts. and no calorie options. that's why on vending machines, we're making it easy for people to know how many calories are in their favorite beverages, before they choose. and we're offering more low calorie options, including over 70 in our innovative coca-cola free-style dispensers. working with our beverage industry and restaurant partners, we're helping provide choices that make sense for everyone. because when people come together, good things happen.
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getting to be too much. you know who else is on the move? everyone who lives in the suburbs. no, really. this is a thing. but guess where you'll always have a home? here at "the cycle." it is now 9:00 in egypt, where the entire country is in a state of emergency. a curfew is taking effect. mass sit-ins supporting ousted leader mohamed morsi today ended in violence. 1400 are injured. at least 150 people are now dead. that number is expected to hit 300 as the health ministry continues to count bodies held in field hospitals. among the dead now, we know, are two journalists. a sky news camera man and a reporter for express newspaper. security forces have more than 500 people under arrest, including egypti,
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