tv Morning Joe MSNBC August 15, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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see the difference all of us can make. together. welcome back, everybody. earlier in the show we asked you what's the wildest party you've ever been to based on sammy's barmitzvah video. look at this guy. right? this is how he came out to his crowd of cheering supporters. first he started out with a christine aguilera impersonator and they dropped down this ball and he appears from behind it, choreographed dance. we asked you #waytoorowdy what
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was the best party you ever been to. noah tweeted us one time i went to a party and there was a goat in the living room drinking beer from a bucket. that would not be a barmitzvah. that would be tuesday at college. right? i mean that's college. but i was thinking 1985 would have been my barmitzvah if i were jewish and if i had the moxie i would have come out to like the neutron dance by the pointer sisters. remember that? no one remembers. >> i remember it. >> you remember? okay. . can't get anybody telling me they like the pointer sisters here. that was "way too early." hopefully i'll be invited back. "morning joe" starts right now. . today's events are deplorable and they run counter to egyptian aspirations for peace, inclusion and genuine democracy. this is a pivotal moment for all
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egyptians. the path towards violence leads only to greater instability, economic disaster, and suffering. the only sustainable path for either side is one towards a political solution. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to "morning joe." it is thursday, august 15th. obviously some really grim developments. >> no doubt about it. i mean, financial times puts it best, a day of bloodshed in egypt. the "new york times" talks about hundreds of egyptians being killed as a government attacks them. and, of course, here's the "wall street journal" talking about how the egyptian regime smashes protests with bloody rage. you have, of course, the same thing in the "usa today" and as you said, mika, the pictures coming out of cairo, coming out
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of all of egypt absolutely sickening and shows us this country really is just in a state of anarchy. >> we have sam stein and jon meacham along with willie geist. let's get to our top story and go live to the scene. egypt's interim prime minister says the government had no choice but to step in against a group of pro morsi supporters, a move that sparked a day of widespread chaos and bloodshed. at least 450 people have been killed and nearly 3,000 have been injured. those numbers are still expected to rise. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel was on the streets of cairo all day for firsthand look at the violence. >> reporter: egypt is unraveling. its hope of democracy obscured behind tear gas and bullets. egyptian security forces, which ousted the elected president mohamed morsi six weeks ago, moved in to finish the job. and break up two camps of protesters who demand that the
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former president be reinstated. bulldozing into one at cairo university, it was over quickly. but at the other protest, they held fast. security forces fired on them with tear gas and then automatic weapons. egyptian security forces here are clearly using live ammunition. they are firing into the side streets. there are frontline positions between protesters, security forces, all over cairo, and this one looks like it is about to get very ugly. this 37-year-old customs broker, guided us through the streets, warning of government gunmen. >> even you want to take a shot, take a cover to take a picture. >> reporter: there are snipers trying to shoot? >> yes. >> reporter: he says he came here because he believes had is vote was stolen. >> we're fighting for principle, for the president we elected, okay. it doesn't matter who --
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>> get down. >> reporter: he showed us a field hospital. chaotic and grim. it's impossible to know how many people have been injured, let alone killed today. this man was shot in the upper thigh with a live round. some of the injured are being taken to ambulances and hospitals. others are just being treated on the ground. but there is more to this story. police uncovered ammunition hidden in coffins in a protest camp and video from an egyptian newspaper shows demonstrators armed and firing. protesters pushed an armored vehicle off a bridge. five soldiers were inside. islamic extremists that backed the muslim brotherhood burned churches and attacked government buildings nationwidep egypt's military backed government, a close u.s. ally, chose to try to crush the muslim brotherhood. it's unclear if the iron fist will work. >> all right. for the latest now from egypt, nbc news foreign correspondent ayman mohyeldin joins us live
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from cairo. amman? >> good morning, mikap. egypt is waking up to the scope of what happened yesterday and it is one that many people here are realizing it was worse than what they anticipated, and that is because as you were saying the death toll now stands at about 421 people. 43 additional security force members were killed. get this, there are still about 200 bodies still unaccounted for laying in one of the mosque near one of the sit-in locations. it is a dangerous day here, to say the least. the muslim brotherhood and their supporters are calling for nationwide protests in the coming hours. that is going to challenge the government. the reason why that's so important is because yesterday, the interim government here declared a state of emergency, effectively putting the country back under martial law that was used during the time of mubarak for 30 years. one of the major stipulations of that emergency law, it bans any public demonstrations or protests. it is going to be interesting to see how rigorously they try to
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enforce that emergency law this afternoon when the muslim brotherhoods goes back to the streets. one of the side effects of all of this that people were afraid about, is that with these two protested locations were taking place, the government was describing them as a threat to national security. however, this morning, it seems that they have splintered into other cities. it's no longer just cairo. we're seeing silent protests -- violent protests in many other places across the country and that's what they were afraid was going to happen. >> willie? >> what is the military's explicit justification for using this level of lethal force? there are ways to break up crowds and protests other than putting snipers on the roof? >> it's two-fold. one the interim government says these two protests had become a threat to national security, that, in fact, the sit-in locations had shut down parts of cairo and more importantly, that many of those protesters were armed, they were storing weapons, that they were inciting
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violence in other parts of the country. the senior members of the brotherhood were allege of inciting violence against minorities in the way they were leading charges against christians and others. a lot of arguments being made by the government in the short term that these specific protests had become a major threat to stability and security in the country. last night the country's prime minister tried to justify the use of force saying that members of the security forces came under attack, they had to respond. they did so with live am mu in this only in self-defense but to get egypt's security back on track they had to take this action to bring back foreign investments and economic prosperity. i don't think a lot of people are going to be convinced of that argument given the international reaction that has come out so far. >> mika, there's a pew poll out -- >> thank you so much. >> there was a pew poll last week showing only 36% of americans believe that egypt's
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important to the united states and our interests. that's down about 10% from early 2011. and jon meacham, i guess the great challenge is right now for american leaders, is to get ahead of this crisis, because, you know, historically what happens in egypt impacts the entire middle east and all too often what we've seen over the past 30, 40, 50 years is what impacts the middle east, impacts the united states of america. talk about the recent developments and especially what happened yesterday and historically just how bad that is, not only for egypt but the middle east and stability across the region? >> well, you put your finger on it. we've often, you know, for 30 years, 40 years even, we've valued a stable egypt in the shifting calculus of the middle east as arguably the greatest value that explains going back,
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you know, at least to the late '80s, early '90s, a support for the mubarak regime which was hardly a model of human rights and democracy, to say the least. so we have practiced a real policy there, a balance of interests, and now because of the arab spring, because of what's happened in this remarkable scenes from the square over the past couple of years, we have this question of, if you have a democratically elected government, a, what does that mean? and b, what if you get a democratically elected government that you believe is ultimately bad for the security of the region, which is our national interests in this? >> unfortunately, jon, there seems to be a shortsightedness among some policy leaders and certainly some members of congress, that the enemy of our enemy is always our friend.
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>> exactly. >> this presumes first of all that the muslim brotherhood and egypt always has to be our enemy. i don't think that's true. >> right. >> and it also presumeses that anybody shooting at, killing or keeping out of power the muslim brotherhood is our friend. >> our friend. >> they are not. this is causing the united states problems. of course as you look at these pictures, jon, you certainly know that egypt has always presented problems from nasir to mubarak to the muslim brotherhood, morsi to the leaders there now. but for americans, let's just tell americans that are looking at these pictures and think that this might be something new in egypt. obviously the reason why we practiced the foreign policy we did during egypt over the past 20 years is because of what happened in 1981 with sadat. >> exactly. i mean, you had sadat actually going against interests. one of the rare moments in
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modern political history where a leader took a remarkably courageous stand in reaching out to make peace with israel, to bring stability to that region, and thus, again, to american policy. as you say, the real domino effect as it turns out is stability and peace or war and chaos in the middle east often effects our expenditure of blood and treasure and american political energy here in a way that really began back in 1945 when franklin roosevelt met with the saudi arabian potinates on his way back from yalta and began a relationship involving our energy interests and cold war interests in terms of balance of power with the entire region. and the assassination of sadat was enormous event psychically
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for a whole generation of policymakers, really. it was the nixon administration, ford administration, the carter administration, and the early reagan administration. very hard at sadat's funeral for the reagan white house to support sending even vice president bush because of security fears. >> yeah. >> and so there was a higher level delegation away with some former presidents. so it's a -- i think what's essential here is, the larger interests of a stable egypt is on the one hand and then there's always the question of what we want for stability, is that really what egyptians want? >> exactly. and obviously you look at the recent pew poll that came out, 81% of americans -- of egyptians have an unfavorable view -- >> american sentiment to the billions in aid we provide and that's the precarious situation
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the administration is in. we're going to continue to cover this throughout the show and we'll talk about that angle during must reads. we should know tomorrow whether the republican party will boycott debates on nbc and cnn during the 2016 presidential primaries. rnc chairman reince priebus says the networks planned projects about hillary clinton amount to little more than free campaign advertisement. >> are these the -- >> this is -- >> no, i'm just curious, is this the mini series that fox is making? >> correct. for nbc. >> fox is making it, right? >> you know what, i think -- >> they're producing it, is that the one? >> yeah. reince might have -- so republican officials are holding a three-day meeting in massachusetts right now to plot the future of the gop. and according to newt gingrich, the party needs to focus more on what it supports than what it opposes. >> what we have to do in a sense is be a party of optimism and hope. part of what we have to do in the era of obama's disaster, we
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have to get beyond being anti-obama and we have to reconvince people you can have hope in america, we can have a better future. i will bet you for most of you, if you go home in the next two weeks while your members of congress are home, and you look them in the eye and say what is your positive replacement for obama care, they will have zero answer because we are caught up right now in a culture and you see it every single day, where as long as we're negative and as long as we're vicious and as long as we can tear down our opponent, we don't have to learn anything. and so we don't. this is a very deep problem. >> all right. >> jon meacham, you're raising your hand. >> i am raising my hand. i have a question for the retired gentleman from the first district of florida. >> yes, yes. >> willie, this one is for you. >> willie is actually from the
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first -- >> i'm joking. willie has never -- >> never had -- >> never took an ambien. he's perfect. >> you got hung out to dry yesterday. >> i did. thank you, willie, for that. >> i've never done that. what did you want me to do, lie? >> please. >> many other things as donny pointed out. not ambien. >> i have a question -- >> we have a question. >> go ahead. >> how hard it is for willie to represent the people at rotere's and vanderbilt. >> two things. one is, the meeting is being held in boston in new england. i want you to explain the irony of that? and secondly, walk us through the ideological consistency to the last 40 years of newt gingrich? >> right. >> well -- >> i'm -- >> well, listen, i've got to say, first of all, you know, having the meeting in new england is important because it's where the republican party used to be powerful. we used to control the region.
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after barack obama got elected, not a single person in the entire region was represented by a republican in the house of representatives. made some gains in 2010, but we lost some in 2012. as far as newt gingrich goes, listen, i invite him to the party. i mean, anybody that is out there talking about the need for the republican party being positive, for us to not just tear down barack obama, for us not just to say we're going to shut down the federal government because of obama care and instead do, i'm sorry, people don't like hearing this, what we did in 1994, where we had an alternative to everything. if you had a democratic budget, if bill clinton had a democratic budget, guess what, john kasic had the alternative, an alternative that americans liked. if bill clinton was raising taxes, we had an alternative on what taxes needed to be cut. if we didn't like what hillary clinton was doing on health care there were three, four, five
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alternatives. we had alternatives so when we ran, not only could we win, we could govern. i talk about nilism, it is affecting the republicans. some of the people in the senate, some of the people in the house, and i'm glad that newt gingrich is saying what he's saying. because you know what, i've been saying it for years. you can't beat something with nothing. and just saying we're going to shut down the government, saying what we're against, is not going to lead us back to winning the senate. most importantly, winning back the white house in 2016. >> okay. . >> it's a positive message. i'm glad newt is saying it. >> i think it's -- all right. i'm going to keep my mouth shut. >> it's a positive message and i'm glad newt gingrich is saying. >> it's easy to say now. >> jon meacham has a question. >> one of the things about speaker gingrich is, he is, you know, he suffers from superlative-itis. >> willie and i were just saying that. >> used to have that.
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>> but everything is the most this, the most that. always on the edge of a great civilizational struggle. >> right. >> at some point, do you think that his credibility with conservatives, with moderates, with the broader country, might be -- might be increased if he were to say, i've had a long career, i've said a lot of things, i'm like winston churchhill, he would like that part, in which i have made lots of statements that might in retrospect seem a little hot but i did it out of passion and what we have to do is learn from the past and move forward and here's what i think now. >> listen, let's -- >> maybe this was his way of saying that. >> let's just talk about the reality. he's got a new gig, right? >> right. >> isn't he going to cnn? >> thank you. that's what i was going to -- >> that's true. >> i'm just saying, the problem is that when he's not there and his job -- he's got websites -- >> he just went there.
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>> got speeches, all these other things, newt inc succeeds by sometimes throwing out the rhetorical. by the way, this is who newt gingrich is. >> right. >> this is who newt gingrich has always been. people that have known him have always scratched their head going, wait, wait, wait, why did he say that about giraffes? why did he -- you know, why is he making these crazy comments back and forth? newt is -- can be a conservative icon and do what he did in '93 and '94 without the really hyperbolic statements and given the intellectual approach to how republicans become relevant again. so listen, i am glad that he's going to work somewhere where he doesn't have to throw out rhetorical bombs to succeed. no. >> that's actually -- >> i'm dead serious. >> incredibly -- >> i'm dead serious. for bloggers, i'm not talking about fox, a lot of people at
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fox -- charles krauthammer is on fox. he didn't to do that. but newt inc, through the past 20 years, a lot has been based on, again, websites, speeches, books, et cetera, getting conservatives in the base to go out and buy them and be whipped into a frenzy and say yeah, i hate barack obama too, let me buy that book. we can go through some of the things he said in the campaign trail. again, hyperbolic. but they grab headlines. he doesn't have to grab headlines now and sam stein, i've got to say, i actually -- i think that's good for the republican party because we have a lot of people grabbing headlines. >> sure. >> we got a lot of people going out setting their hair on fire. glen beck. listen, i think confession is good for the soul. glen beck said, we are all rodeo clowns. of course glen beck speaks for himself there. he's right. so there are enough people like that, there are enough politicians like ted cruz, i want more people like pete
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wayner, like newt gingrich yesterday, like charles krauthammer. let's have an intellectual battle inside the party and stop being rodeo clowns. speaking of rodeo clowns, let's go to sam stein right now. >> sam? >> oh, i'm sorry, no time. sam stein say hi to your mother for us. go, sam. >> i agree with your point. it's funny because when you say he doesn't have to throw rhetorical bombs to succeed he's going on "crossfire" which is like the basis of throwing rhetorical bombs. i mean just because he has a history of being, you know, grandiose and rhetorically divisive, doesn't mean his point yesterday was wrong. i think his point yesterday was right. >> it was great. >> in that, you know, within the context of this debate over shutting down the government over obama care, i think the republican party would benefit a lot if they had a more comprehensive set of plans to replace obama care as opposed to a finite set of plans they keep
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drumming out. >> a couple things before we go to break here. we're friends with the gingrichs, like them a lot. your practical, common sense, eloquent honesty and what we just showed will be punished. coming up on "morning joe" -- >> wait. hold on -- >> talk about -- >> hold on a second. are you talking about from nbc executives who don't like us mentioning cnn? >> no. >> like the cheetos brigade. >> you've been saying a lot of stuff that newt gingrich has been saying for years. >> i have. >> and you actually gave a really i think crisp assessment of his evolution and where he is now. >> right. >> and don't even log on. >> no. hold on a second -- >> don't log on today. >> meacham is raising his hand. >> if you look at twitter -- >> not just twitter but okay. >> if you live or die by twitter or by the extremes that are trying to generate headlines oh, boy, they're really mad. do you know how many republicans come up to me -- that's why i continue to know that the message is getting out. >> yeah.
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>> do you know how many republicans across the country come up and hug me and say, thank you. we've got to get back in the white house. we've got to stop being deviivie divisive. it's not just about hating obama. we're in the majority. by the way, the reason why i can smile, the reason i can laugh, the reason why, you know, i can talk about cheetos brigade is because we are in the minority and we're going to win. not just the republican party. but the middle of america and the white house again. >> i think so. until you do you will be punished. >> coming up on "morning joe" -- >> you may not raise your hand again, meacham. >> i just have one thing. >> almost killed us with your nasir lecture earlier. >> before we declare newt gingrich is evolution, let's wait for three days. >> okay. and just see what happens in the next three days. >> let me just say again, i'm very glad newt said what he said yesterday. >> it's a beginning. not an end. >> sitting here, there was a lighting failure. >> willie, how are you doing over there? >> what happened? >> what? >> do you know what --
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>> jon, how are you? sam? >> what's up? >> guys. >> it was like chaos before the show started. we had to move over here. >> so t.j. had apparently crushed up his ambien and snorted it. >> no one takes ambien in here. just me. >> willie doesn't. >> crazy me. >> do you take ambien? >> only with gin. >> i don't anymore. i've never been more hung out to dry yesterday than sitting around a table of six people. >> hold on. >> what? >> i'm on ambien now. >> really? >> yeah. >> why do you think i act this way? >> new york city mayoral candidate christine quinn will be here. >> also the co-founder of global post, charlie sennott, whose "frontline" documentary will explore the rise and fall of the muslim brotherhood. >> has it become too easy for the president to kill? a new cover story on america's drone program. up next, the top stories in the politico playbook. first bill karins, can we see
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him? with a check on the forecast? >> good to see the he rest of you in exile also today. >> it's awful. >> i've been shunned by myself up here for a long time on my perch. >> there's a different reason for that. >> i understand. just the drinking monitor. yeah. as far as the forecast goes for today, it's going to be another hot one in the west. yesterday the fires in utah continued to spread, especially the one near park city, utah. consumed 14 structures yesterday alone and the firefighters have their hands full. it was 99 degrees there yesterday. it was still windy during the afternoon. a lot of us in the east are wondering where is our summer heat? it's all out west and it it continues to be there. this morning, it is in the 50s in areas of the great lakes all the way through new england. it feels like fall out there. it will continue during the day today. we're 51 in albany, it's 48 degrees in pittsburgh. people probably have their heat on in their homes at 48 degrees. thankfully it's still august. the afternoon will be gorgeous with lots of sunshine out there. we're still watching the gulf.
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we have a possibility of a little bit of tropical development heading up into the southeast and if there's any weather troubles the next week, it's going to be heavy rain down there in the southeast. otherwise, it looks like a pretty nice forecast for all of your airport travels and travels to work and school. a lot of us in the southern half of the country already returning to school. you're watching "morning joe." beautiful sunrise behind me by the way. we're brewed by starbucks. the average pizza dinner out is over $8.00 a meal. this digiorno dinner from walmart is less than $2.30 a serving. replacing one pizza dinner out a week saves your family of 4 over $1,200 a year. save money. live better. walmart. the beach on your tv is much closer than it appears.
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to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ i win! what's in your wallet? all right. >> so you tweeted something interesting last night. >> yes, i did. >> you tweeted your weight. >> i did. >> were you on ambien. >> i don't take ambien anymore. >> so what, you're like -- what are you doing? >> somebody was -- >> kids around, hanging around,
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i'm going to tweet my weight. >> someone -- i was having conversations with people on twitter about their struggles with food addiction and weight. >> yeah. >> and one woman said she was finally ten pounds heavier like me. i'm actually more. so i tweeted my weight. >> boy, you really are. >> i'm a lot heavier. >> so how much do you weigh? >> okay. we'll -- >> you tweeted it! >> @morning mika and leave it there. >> that's what we call in the business -- >> i'm good, and open about it. let's take a look at morning papers. "chicago tribune" former u.s. representative jesse jackson junior and his wife will serve time in federal prison. jesse will spend 30 months. sandy faces a year behind bars for failing to report $580,000 on the couple's tax returns. jackson spoke to reporters yesterday. >> i still believe in the power of forgiveness. i believe in the power of redemption. today i manned up and tried to accept responsibility for the
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errors of my ways. and i still believe in the resurrectship. >> all right. i know jesse, like him, worked with him, and our thoughts and prayers with him. >> "usa today" it's more expensive than ever to raise a child. government report is saying parents are going to pay anywhere between $200,000 to half a million dollars to raise their child to age 18. and that's before college costs are factored in. that's a 23% jump from what it costs in real dollars back in 1960. >> all right. let's go to the "san francisco chronicle," halle berry and jennifer garner speaking out in support of a bill to protect children from the paparazzi. the bill passed unanimously in the judiciary committee following dramatic testimony from the actresses. >> she doesn't want to go to preschool anymore. why? because these 25 gang of grown men are there. we're moms here who are just trying to protect our children. i love my kids. they're beautiful and sweet and innocent and i don't want a gang
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of shouting, arguing, law-breaking photographers who camp out everywhere we are, all day, every day, to continue traumatizing my kids. thank you for the opportunity to testify today. sorry. >> yeah. >> and the "l.a. times" -- something that suspecomething? >> it would be a nightmare. >> "l.a. times" story talks about a story saying facebook can cause loneliness. duh? people sit in their room and do this all day. >> this is interesting. >> and they get thousands of friends and find themselves alone if yeah. >> a university of michigan study finds excessive amounts of time on the site leads to a decline in levels of satisfaction and happiness. those who spent more time interacting with their friends in person, this is a real shock -- >> this is important. >> there's no doubt about it. >> we're raising the facebook generation. >> have become obsessed with this. by the way, it's not just the
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facebook generation. i mean it's middle-aged people that will sit on facebook and this is my grocery list. it happens to young people too. i can't tell you how many times -- i get so sick and tired of sam stein. >> yeah. >> on facebook trying to friend me and, you know, and he talks about his -- >> what are facebook -- >> he talks about his fantasy league, australian rules football -- >> it's a serious story. >> does anybody really care? anybody really care about sam's fantasy australian rules football league. >> i do. >> sam stein and only sam stein. >> except -- >> but we all pay for it. >> i won it last year, though. >> i think facebook should look into what they can do here. i'm serious. you think i'm crazy. we talk about the things in our society that people have too much of, like food or whatever, but they -- there should be a way to track how long young people are on. >> you know, willie -- >> and inspire them not to be on for hours and hours and hours. >> you know, willie, maybe
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michael bloomberg will ban it in new york city. >> don't give him any ideas. >> facebook is really -- like we've tried facebook. >> okay. let's stop talking about facebook. it's horrible. >> but -- >> i love facebook. willie -- what's up? >> let's do politico, chief white house correspondent down there, politico, mr. mike allen, with a look at the playbook. good morning. >> good morning, willie. you have a report, lot of people talking about this yesterday, that one of hillary clinton's post-state department options is a return to school. i guess harvard and yale in the mix along with a couple other ones? >> yeah. and nyu as well. you can tell these conversations are serious because one of secretary clinton's closest advisors, maggie williams, is having these conversations. and willie, maggie haberman points out in the story that the logic for secretary clinton doing this, it gives her a nonpolitical backdrop to advance her policy agenda and talk about issues she cares about. she has the clinton foundation which she'll be doing a lot of
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events for, but an academic backdrop would be a new way for her to be out there talking about issues, stay in the mix without it having to be blatantly political. >> jon meacham would tell you dwight david eisenhower of world war ii became the president of columbia university, i think he found that a good platform to launch a presidential campaign. >> he went back into service first. this is a tried and true path for politicians who are, as mike says, seeking a kind of nonpartisan gravitas, even while they're clearly still partisan figures. >> what would she do exactly if she decided this was the best way for her to go? would she be president of a department or what would she do? >> there's been some conversations, some schools are offering to rename their public policy school over her. she has a busy life. the book coming, her paid speeches, her foundation work, she's going to be helping some
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democrats, including terry mcauliffe in virginia running for governor. she's doing a fund-raiser for him at her home. she has lots of hats already. her motor board is going to be one of them. we can expect to see her doing something where she can some appearances at a school but having the affiliation which would raise the profile of whatever department or specific school it was and also help her in the ways that cardinal meacham was talking about. >> elevated to cardinal. >> i like that. >> highly undeserved title. >> one-man conclave here. >> good read from maggie haberman. >> today is the birthday of a "morning joe" viewer, vernon jordan, 78, celebrated by golfing in the rain with president obama yesterday. >> vernon jordan 78 years old. he looks incredible. >> thanks so much. coming up, trouble in new england. tom brady hurt in practice. goes down with a knee injury. we've got the results of his mri next.
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yesterday. quarterback tom brady, super star, future hall of famer, goes down in practice. he's wearing the red penny. don't want to see him get hit like that. that's the same knee that sidelined him during the 2008 season. he was out for a year after the injury in the season. he walked off the field gingerly, captured by a fan who was there. but the patriots dodged a bullet. the mri revealed it's only a knee sprain for tom brady and he should be okay to start their opener. in a twisted coincidence yesterday, it also happened to be backup quarterback tim tebow's birthday. i don't know why that's a twisted coincidence. it was just his birthday. everything with tebow is a twisted coincidence. >> wow. >> okay. >> it was his birthday. baseball now, the dodgers, the red hot dodgers, taking on the new york mets, ninth inning out in l.a. dodgers down 4-2 with a man on and here comes that mets bull pen. andre ethier pitching against
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latroy hawkins. ethier takes hawkins deep over the left field wall, sends it to extra innings. in the bottom of the 12th, adrian gonzalez lines one down the left-field line. puig scores. dodgers have won their eighth straight game. a 7 1/2 game lead in the nl west. a walk-off win for the dodgers. yankees hosting the angels. alfonso soriano back in pin stripes. he's loving it. first inning, a grand slam, a bomb to centerfield. yankees up 4-0. he tacked down another three rbis including a second home run in the fifth inning. that's 13 runs batted in for soriano in the yankees last two games. they just picked him up a couple weeks ago. yankees win -- >> all is now right with the world. >> yankees win 11-3 and now only 8 1/2 games back. great finish to the nationals/giants game. nats up 6-5, tying run on second. san fran's hunter pens drives one to the gap in center, cut down by a diving denard span. what a play. that saves the game.
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the nats win 6-5. but they remain 14 games back of the braves in the nl east. up next, mika's must-read opinion pages. you're watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. ♪ [ male announcer ] clearly this isn't one of those speed-eating contests. that's a hebrew national hot dog. a kosher hot dog. that means we're extra choosy about the cuts of beef
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what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. ♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say? ♪ ♪ live shot of capitol hill as the sun comes up over washington. a beautiful day at 47 past the hour. time now for one must-read opinion page. bill crass tall writes in "the weekly standard" this, delay is preferable to error. the case for a year's delay of obama care's video mandate and the exchanges can be made in a practical and relatively nonpo limbcle way. this is useful if trying to win over congressmen and senators.
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what's more, delay buys time to further make the case against obama care as a whole. as thomas jefferson wrote to george washington in 1792 dlashgs is preferable to error but the narrow case buys time and lays the groundwork for continuing to make the broader argument for the error of obama care that obama care is, to adopt a phrase used by jefferson in a more famous place, unfit to be the law of a free people. >> jon meacham, i think it's so fascinating what's happening here. you have newt gingrich speaking at the gop meeting, summer meeting, talking about how you need to put the anger aside and basically build an intellectual argument for republicans running the country again and here you have bill crystal, in a column coming out, saying we don't have to be po limbcle about this. we're winning the debate. let's be smart about it. and it's something the party hasn't been for quite some time.
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do you -- i see a turning point. do you? >> well, you know, bill crystal is a reliable barometer of these things. in 1993 '94 he was using his fax machine to advise republicans not to compromise whatever on hillary's health plans. he was saying a stonewall would be an effective strategy and that helped create the conditions for 1994. now he, again, crystal is a scholar, he sees that, in fact, what edman burke thought there was a certain leo straussen element here, there has to be some -- >> i told you willie. was i not talking about burke and strauss. you owe me a case. a case of camels. >> we'll get the mri on burke in a second, i think. i think he's at training camp. >> could you just -- go ahead.
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>> take a drink. >> there's a practical kind of conservatism that crystal is tapping into that you have to deal with reality as you find it. and i think that's an important development and i think bill should be commended for it. >> joe, why did you leave? >> i just had to get a drink. how was it? >> it was fantastic. >> there's no doubt about it. no doubt about it. what do we have coming up next? >> solutions for ambien. up next, willie's news you can't use. later -- all right. founding father, the legacy of dr. martin luther king nearly 50 years after the march on washington. jon meacham reveals his cover story in the new issue of "time" magazine along with executive editor radhika jones and the reverend al sharpton. >> and willie geist has the greatest story ever coming up next. >> we'll be right back. right now, 7 years of music is being streamed.
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♪ i want to dance and love and dance again ♪ ♪ i want to dance and love >> sam moves. sam can move. his parents obviously threw him a lavish bar mitzvah. >> yeah. >> that's a troupe of professional dancer performing a routine to a song he lives, choreographed, they blew it out for old sammy. >> they did. look at that. >> i love it. >> those gigantic lit up letters as you can see, spell out "sam." according to his mother he was inspired bay cheetah girls conce concert, i don't know what that means. that means something else in atlanta. >> right. >> where i used to live. there's a club down there. anyhow -- >> local knowledge. >> sam can really move. sam can move. here's another story, you may have heard about this, tlc special, i'm just going to lead the title as it stands, it's tlc brought it to us "the man with the 132 pound scrotum" this guy who had a terrible disorder.
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>> oh, my god. >> wow. >> it was killing him. >> look at that. it just came out of nowhere. >> no way. >> just out of nowhere. got the problem fixed. >> i hate when that happens. he's doing better now. a couple nights ago, jimmy kimmel had josh due mel the actor on and josh went out into the streets of hollywood to see what it would be like to be this man. >> what? >> i sure hope people will look past on what's on the outside and see me for who i really am. people were staring at me, judging me based solely on my scrotum. it's not funny, man. i'm human just like you. >> just walking down the street i felt object fide. people don't want to talk to me. >> i don't need your money. i'm not a freak! >> normal things that i've taken for granted are almost
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impossible. >> taxi! >> that is josh do you meumel. >> oh, my goodness. >> he's doing better. >> he is doing much better. thank goodness. >> harold ford jr. tells the senate to restore order around here. "morning joe" back in a moment. i save time, money,st, and i avoid frustration. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare, written by people just like you. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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welcome back to "morning joe." a live look at the white house on a beautiful day in washington. joining us msnbc political analyst and visiting professor at nyu, former democratic congressman harold ford jr. >> good morning. >> co-founder of global post and former "boston globe" middle east bureau chief, charles sennott, his new frontline documentary "crisis in egypt" explores the rise and fall of the muslim brotherhood. great to have you on the show today. obviously egypt is our big headline. you're back. all right. the egyptian health ministry now says 525 people are confirmed dead in yesterday's violent clashes between government forces and supporters of ousted president mohamed morsi. nbc's chief foren correspondent richard engel was on the streets of cairo all day for a firsthand look at the chaos there. >> reporter: egypt is
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unraveling. its hope of democracy obscured behind tear gas and bullets. egyptian security forces, which ousted the elects president mohamed morsi six weeks ago, moved in to finish the job and break up two camps of protesters who demand that the former president be reinstated. bulldozing into one at cairo university, it was over quickly. but at the other protest, they held fast. security forces fired on them with tear gas and then automatic weapons. egyptian security forces here are clearly using live ammunition. they are firing into the side streets. there are frontline positions between protesters, security forces, all over cairo and this one looks like it is about to get very ugly. >> reporter: this 37-year-old customs broker, guided us through the streets, warning of government gunmen. >> even if you want a shot, take
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cover to take a picture. >> there are snipers trying to shoot? >> yes. >> reporter: he says he came here because he believes his vote was stolen. >> we are fighting for principle, for the president we elected, okay. it doesn't matter who. >> get down. >> reporter: he showed us a field hospital, chaotic and grim. >> it's impossible to know how many people have been injured, let alone killed today. this man was shot in the upper thigh with a live round. some of the injured are being taken to ambulances and hospitals, others are just being treated on the ground. >> reporter: but there is more to this story. police uncovered ammunition hidden in coffins in a protest camp and video from an egyptian newspaper shows demonstrators armed and firing. protesters pushed an armored vehicle off a bridge. five soldiers were inside. islamic extremists who back the muslim brotherhood burned churches and attacked government buildings nationwide.
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egypt's military-backed government, a close u.s. ally, chose to try to crush the muslim brotherhood. it's unclear if the iron fist will work. >> charlie, that number of dead has gone up since our last hour, 525 dead. you know it's going up because there are unidentified bodies laying in mosques as we speak. we talked three years ago, you talked every foreign policy talked about it's one thing to get rid of a dictator, entirely different thing to decide what comes next. >> right. >> what are we watching in the streets of egypt this morning? >> i think we're watching democracy fall apart. right now, what's happened is, the military has basically come forward with an attitude that they're going to put the muslim brotherhood down and i think that is ill-fated. i don't know how that can work in a country where they had 40% of parliament, where they were aligned with the block of sala fis, 25% of parliament, that's two-thirds of the representative vote and what is considered the first free and fair election in egypt's 5,000 years of history,
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so muslim brotherhood failed governance. they failed. they did not do a good job. 20 million people took to the streets in egypt and did what a lot of people in egypt called an impeachment from the street. that was back in july if you remember. they started their marches in june 30th. by july 3rd morsi is detained. the president morsi coming out of the muslim brotherhood. he's detained and put in an unknown location where he remains. from the muslim brotherhood's point of view, democracy has been thwarted and there's great anger on the streets toward the united states for green lighting that as the muslim brotherhood would see that and they would call it a military coup. on the other side of the street, you hear people say look, there was no constitution that would have allowed us to legislatively get morsi out of the way. so we had to take to the stre streets. we did this in huge numbers. the military, probably the most
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respected institution in egypt, asserted itself and many people have applauded that in egypt. you really have a country that is completely squared off in a fight that doesn't look like it has any end in sight soon. i fear there will be a lot more violence. >> this is a story about egypt and the middle east but the united states played some role. yesterday the secretary of state saying they're going to review the $1.5 billion of aid that goes to egypt. what leverage, if any, does the united states have and what can and should it be doing right now? >> well, the $1.5 billion in aid is a critical question because if you've noticed the white house has not called this a military coup. they won't use that word because as soon as they use that word they have to cut off the aid. that is a law in the united states. so you've heard this word military coup which seems very obvious, senator mccain said if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck. it's a military coup. the white house is in a difficult position because president obama in june 2009 in cairo spoke to the entire arab
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world and said democracy is a universal right. the arab world heard him and many see that as the opening up of the arab spring where you saw people pour into the streets, overthrow dictators across the region and egypt had a democratic election. is where the united states foreign policy right now? will it go with the real belief in democracy or will it fall back to stability in the region? and right now, that's a very tough policy question. i'm not sure how you -- how you pursue that but i do think this puts the obama administration right on the line, very tough spot. >> all right. charlie, let's take a look at a clip from the upcoming frontline documentary when you were in egypt earlier this year, as tensions were growing by the day. here it is. >> we're headed for the october 6th bridge. the military on the other side. the muslim brotherhood is trying to shut down the bridge. we can see the bridge in front of us. it's full of civilians.
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>> civilians that are taking part with the interior ministry. they are using very high quality fireworks to shoot at the protesters. >> tear gas, tear gas landing. >> you get a sense from this, when you were there taping and how you put it all together for frontline, this is the news developing overnight which is horrendous, charlie, with the amounts of deaths that we have at this point, but this is such an ongoing problem, the chaos is really pervasive throughout egypt for the past year or so. >> yeah. that clip was from july, mid july, and that violence seems so intense at that point if you remember the first day on july 8th when 51 were killed in front of the mosque near the military officer's club. more violence spikes of numbers
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of 10 and 7 killed in one day. we thought that was unprecedented violence on the streets of egypt and overnight we've seen this thing really take on a very dramatic and new and escalate iing -- >> thank you, charlie. that global post has now partnered with nbc. >> we will see a lot more of you. >> we hope so. we're proud of the partnership and excited about bringing it forward. >> that's exciting. congratulations. >> thank you. >> we should note tomorrow, joe, whether or not the republican party will boycott debates on nbc and cnn. during the 2016 presidential primaries. rnc chairman reince priebus said the projects about hillary clinton amount to little more than free campaign advertising. republican officials are holding a three-day meeting in massachusetts right now to plot the future of the gop and according to newt gingrich, the party needs to focus more on what it supports than what it opposes.
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>> what we have to do in a sense is be a party of optimism and hope. part of what we have to do in the era of obama's disaster, we have to get beyond being anti-obama and convince people you can have hope in america, we can have a better future. i will bet you, for most of you, if you go home in the next two weeks while your members of congress are home and you look them in the eye and you say, what is your positive replacement for obama care? they will have zero answer. because we are caught up right now in a culture -- and you see it every single day -- where as long as we're negative and as long as we're vicious and as long as we can tear down our poept opponent we don't have to learn anything and so we don't. this is a very deep problem. >> harold ford, it sounds like newt gingrich is talking about the republican party doing what they did when he became speaker
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and that is actually not just opposing a democrat iic preside, but coming up with your own set of ideas that are a popular alternative to big government -- >> you've written about it. when republicans lay out ideas and lay those ideas out forcefully and with vision, not only is it helpful to the republican party -- i'm a democrat -- but not only helpful to the republican party but it aids the country. it doesn't help republicans to just talk about defunding the affordable care act or obama care or shutting down government as been said on this show many times, but an alternative. whatever you may think of speaker gingrich is it refreshing to hear him talk in those terms. >> it's absolutely critical for the republican party as they move forward to be able, again, to come up with a set of alternatives that go beyond just shutting down the federal government or saying what we're not going to fund. >> yeah. >> and instead saying, this is our approach to health care.
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this is how we're going to use free market forces, to get health care working. >> don't you think at this point, though, i mean, i really do appreciate what newt gingrich said. i know you did too. and reince priebus had some similar comments that we can show as well. but the bottom line is, they're doing this in boston at this rnc event, which is by the way, also commemorating the boston bombing, they're trying to show support there which is great, but shouldn't they be having these conversations in private and executing? at some point they have to stop talking about the problem and actually execute. >> the biggest problem is, there hasn't been a leader of the republican party. there hasn't been a singular leader. mitt romney, of course, started emerging in 2011. a lot of times he was scared of his own shadow. he wouldn't take on the extreme voices in his own party. here he was, he was a moderate, who wouldn't take on the extreme voices in his own party. he tried to lurch as far right
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as he could in the primary process. and so you had the worst of both worlds. whereas with ronald reagan, a conservative, a guy that was conservative that knew how to reach to the center and pull people from the center back to the right. that's what we need in leaders and the way reagan did that, he famously said, i never wear the black hat. i'm always a good guy. let's figure out how to win, but let's figure out how to win with a smile on our face. it's a difference between what happened with barry goldwater who i always have respected and admired, but what happened to him in 1964 when he lost compared to ronald reagan two years later saying the same exact thing and winning in california and starting a conservative revolution that swept through the country. >> it might take a leader, you know, to the point you brought up mitt romney, what reince priebus said on stage, was talking about how they have to really reach out to everybody, not just the 47%. taking a jab at mitt romney. again i think furthering the problem, showing there's
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divisions within the party, divisions with their top candidate -- >> there are divisions, harold, in every party. i mean, this is part of the process. democrats lost five out of six presidential elections and eventually they figured it out. they went for a southern, moderate named bill clinton. they turned their back on hard left orthodoxy and they got a guy who was liberal in many ways, but also pragmatic enough to do what reagan did, pull americans a little left back to the center. that's what republicans have to get somebody who's conservative that can appeal to the middle. >> the question i have for you is, you look at those elements and there are a lot of parallels between what democrats are faced with in the late '80s and early '90s, how do you believe republicans, maybe the current republican leadership in the house and maybe the senate, those especially those looking to run for president a new years down the road, how do you think they will react to the
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challenge, which in many ways it is a challenge laid down by newt gingrich yesterday? >> you know, i think you have right now already, stories, bob talked about how ted cruz is setting the pace in iowa and it's going to be very interesting. i think you're going to see a party that's divided. i think somebody strong is going to emerge out of the pack that again, is going to be able to appeal not only it to the the conservative base but people in the middle. but we'll see what happens. >> all right. one more story before we go to break. >> this is a weird one. isn't it? >> rodeo clowns are a part of the talk on capitol hill. a clown at the recent missouri state fair has been banned for life for wearing an obama mask during a bull riding competition. during the gag the announcer asked -- i -- who wanted to see -- i don't want to really -- >> who wants to see obama run down by a bull? willie, i don't know.
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you follow these things on the internet. i know. >> the state fairs. >> the state fair rodeo clouns is your niche on the show, why you get paid the big bucks. i thought -- somebody said somewhere that this guy or this fair also had a mask of bush. i mean, i don't think this is like the worst thing in the world. >> well -- >> i don't like it. it's disrespectful. but i mean, my gosh, everybody is freaking out over it. >> yeah. they are. i think if you listen, it was an announcer saying the offensive things. i wasn't the guy in the mask. >> okay. >> so, you know, i guess it was offensive but if this is the biggest problem we have, be i think we're probably in better shape than we thought we were. this has become one of shows proxy issues, people on the right taking up the clown's cause as a matter of fact. steve stockman called it a harmless gag and invited that clown to the state of texas where he serves to perform at a
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fair near his district. >> it's just -- >> also glen beck weighed in. i don't know if we need to hear that. >> let's hear that. >> you want to hear that? >> come on. >> here's glen beck. >> here's how you react to a rodeo clown at a state fair. he's a rodeo clown at a state fair. that's what you say. advance america. advance. don't you dare retreat, don't you dare sit down. today i declare myself officially a rodeo clown. today i officially declare that we are all rodeo clowns. >> what's happening? >> oh, god. >> it's unbelievable. >> he makes $90 million a year by the way. >> he really does. >> i respect -- you know what, i've been tough on glen beck in the past. i respect the hell out of him. he's the highest paid rodeo clown in america and i wish i were that well paid. but wow. >> no. >> and -- >> no, alex.
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no. >> this is crazy. >> we're stopping. >> harold ford, do you have any comments about this rodeo clown? >> um, i go back to your comment about how well paid glen beck is. i think we all -- >> we all respect him, right? you respect limb a little bit more now, right? >> just a bit. >> i'm not sure about that set. did you see that green like shag carpet and the -- i don't know. >> harold, stay with us. >> can we go back to that? >> no, listen -- listen, if he's making $90 million a year -- look at that. maybe -- that is -- that is beautiful. i -- and you know, look, his lights work. willie, his lights even work. >> for $90 million you get lights. >> you know what, i want that. i want that set. we're going to have that set on monday on "morning joe" and maybe we'll start making $90 million a year. they give us coupons. they give us coupons. that's how nbc pays us. and i think they would start respecting us more if we had that set. >> what's that? >> iou.
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>> now lewis is chiming in. >> still ahead, the big winner at this year's south by southwest film awards. the director and producer joins us on the set. up next the host of all-in chris hayes previews his documentary "the politics of power." you're watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. [ school bell rings ] ♪ school's out [ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first. they're gonna take a lot of notes. so make sure they've got a notebook for every subject. this week only, get one subject notebooks for a penny. staples has it. staples. that was easy.
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welcome back to "morning joe." what would you with $90 million, like you're a rich guy, they pay you a lot of money where you work, what would you do with $90 million a year? >> i would give away a lot of it but in homage to glen beck, probably create a set like taha in my home. >> the shag carpet. >> almost the color of that tie. by the way, a lot of people
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don't know, glen beck, no, the guy makes $90 million a year. i respect him. i'm a capitalist. >> host of "all in" chris hayes. >> he gets paid $90 million a year. >> hosting a documentary "the politics of power" which is airing on friday. wish we had power, just lights would be good. >> i thought you were doing this atmospherically to promote the documentary. >> kind of. no, no. t.j. just screwed up the lights, free based ambien this morning and it doesn't make sense. stories on guys with 132 pound scrotums. i don't know this may be the worst -- >> exactly what i thought i was waking up to. >> worst we've put on. >> and we had -- excuse me, edmond burke came up. >> edmond burke did come up. >> in the same story if? a droumocumentary on the politif power. let's take a look. maybe the tape machine works.
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>> climate change is a problem without borders. developing countries are feeling the heat veeven more. rising sea level threatens the existence of people in banglade bangladesh, leave pakistan and india facing severe water shortages. air pollution in china is so bad it's been compared to living in an airport smoking lounge. china's carbon emissions are up 240%. no end in sight. private car ownership in china doubled from 2005 to 2008 and the country is now the world's largest auto producer and market. global energy use is projected to grow by 35% between now and 2030. >> we've got a billion people in china, all looking to buy cars, they're building coal-fired power plants at a ferocious pace, leaving people from having no energy being off the grid to on the grid is growing exponentially. >> we've been debating climate
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change in america. certainly western europe has moved forward op the issue. what do we do about china? >> china is the big issue. that's not true. some ways we can deal with china once we did something. we would be in a better position from a negotiating standpoint, from an international relations stand point and also from the perspective of the earth if we had a carbon regime to negotiate with china about them betting a carbon regime. why don't you take care of your own backyard. >> there's no comparison between our emission standards and china's and how much carbon we put out in the air and how much china puts out in the air. is there? >> in terms of total amount they've creped ahead of us. we've been the largest emitter for the last 30 years and already put all that carbon up in the air. you have to look at the historical trajectory. if you think about the amount of carbon we can put up there as a
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fixed sum, as a budget, we've taken a lot of that budget for ourselves and it's not ridiculous, other countries, china, india, look at us and say wait a second, you just put all this carbon in the air, once it's in the air and you blazes the world's temperatures you want to tell us to use low standards. that being said, you're right. we cannot have china continue on the energy path it's on right now which is building coal fired power plants. there's a potential right now and still remember there's about a billion people in this world who don't have regular access to power, right? we can imagine moving all those folks on to a trajectory not gendent on carbon based fuel to do both the things we want. get people the energy they need to live fulfilling lives and make sure we do not melt the globe. >> harold ford. >> chris, good morning. i hear you about this interview piece and we all know that the enormous commitment that energy companies have at creating jobs
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in the country and the shell gas revolution, what it's producing, but you look at new york city as an example. you have 75% of carbon emissions in this city are attributable to buildings in new york. the farming industry in our country and the world contributes mightily to carbon emissions. how do we address that? i hear you in a huge way about energy companies in the role that are consumption and we as americans we contributed to this by how we drive, what we drive, et cetera, but what do we do and how should we address the biggest carbon emitters, not only in this city, but i dare say the country? >> in the country the biggest carbon emitters, the energy and cars together give us the largest amount of carbon emissions. so the answer to that is two fold, right? if we had -- >> not globally, farming does globally. i don't think it's cars globally. i think it's more -- there are other emitters. >> there are other emits. farming emits, right. but the question is you have to
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start somewhere. the president has started somewhere with new regulations on new coal fired plants which have made them uncost competitive. they were already before the regulations in some ways. that tipped them over. what do we do with the existing coal-fired power plants. in terms of this approach, what do you do about farming transportation, the best thing to do is get a price on carbon so this gets priced in and moves through the entire chain of the economy, right? if you are pricing at the right point, pricing at the point of production, that cost is going to get passed along, distributed, priced in and market signals will be sent to consumers, producers, to industry, to all the participants, that allow us to move towards the kind of energy future we want. >> chris, a lot of us thought that seven years ago or so when al gore released "an inconvenient truth," oscar, had a moment where we're going to get serious about this, seemed
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to be the silent spring of the climate change movement, movement has slowed, largely for economic reasons. what do you think will be a galvanizing action that would get more people, more stakeholders on board with the kind of reform you're talk about? >> so i think the biggest obstacle right now is the one, the base of one political party is committed to just saying the problem doesn't exist and this is not helpful. >> well, it actually makes legislative progress essentially impossible. what i do think is going to galvanize people is that people have to understand and i thirng we're seeing polling that people do understand we are right now living in the front edge of the climate disaster era. it will extend decades into the future, but people see what is going on right now and they understand that we are already feeling the effects. not something that our grandchildren will have to deal with. it's something we will have to deal with, you and i in the future will have to deal with, what it means to live in a far far more volatile climate and i think what you're seeing is, people's resistance to the idea
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that something wrong is happening, something strange is going on, is lessening. you see that among certain parts of the conservative base who now will talk about well yes, the weather is changing but doesn't have anything to do with carbon. this acknowledgement there's something that has to be dealt with. you saw darrell issa when talking about government preparedness talking about the fact that the government has to deal with more consistent extreme weather. >> the politics of power will premier tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. chris hayes, thank you very much. >> thank you, chris. >> looks great. >> still ahead, democratic candidate for mayor of new york city christine quinn will join us on the set coming up next a reporter goes to new heights for the perfect shot but it all came crashing down. and how does the reporter fall stack up to the best of all time? >> the lady crushing the grapes screaming. >> that was not a reporter. no way. which is deposited in your fidelity account. is that it? actually...
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these next three stories encapsulate the day from "morning joe." from the china post, cirque du soleil will remove a banned image of the tina min square massacre from its showing. >> that's probably a good idea. >> during the first beijing performance of the michael jackson immortal world tour, swear to god, the audience collectively gapsed when this image was used. >> i love that image. the photo is a source of controversy in the country and
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was not caught by chinese cen r censors during a prescreening. >> i love stories about beauty queens. >> a teen beauty queen from utah is giving up her crown amid charges of throwing a bottle bomb from her vehicle. >> why are you laughing? >> they threw bombs from car? >> moving car. >> sounds like something one of my kids -- -- >> the former miss riverton and three friends face felony charges of an explosive device. >> has anyone around here thrown bombs from a car? >> not yet. >> that's the one thing they don't have -- >> doesn't that sound like something our kizs would do? >> investigators say was a prank gone very wrong. to wembley stadium in england where a reporter covering a soccer match found the perfect backdrop for his report. only problem he needed to stand on a ladder to get the shot
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properly. >> the match here at the community shield game -- >> oh. >> okay. >> now the script says that you have to give him credit for a solid recovery. >> he came back later and he was okay. you know. >> while the fall was embarrassing it's nothing compared to -- >> 12-foot ladder. >> one of our all-time favorites. i still don't understand this. take a look. >> having wine tours and tastings. vineyard tours, seminars, arts and crafts. it's a lot of fun. a whole day. >> stop. >> oh. >> oh, oh, oh. stop, oh, stop. oh. i can't breathe. stop. >> howling.
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>> all right. ? whatever the best segues in "morning joe" history -- dr. martin luther king, jr. shaped modern america. radhika jones joins us to reveal the new cover of "time" magazine written by none other than jon meacham. and look who's with us as well -- >> yes. >> reverend al sharpton. everyone remembers that scene in "i love lucy" where he and lucy were stomping on the grapes. talk about that and much more when "morning joe" comes right back. >> my head hurts. >> what's wrong with the lights? turn on the lights somebody! i think farmers care more about the land
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than probably anyone else. we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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and you know what i walked out with? [ slurps ] [ dad ] a new passat. [ dad ] 0% apr. 60 months. done and done. [ dad ] in that driveway, is a german-engineered piece of awesome. that i got for 0% apr. good one, dad. thank you, dalton. [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever. event. and get 0% apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering.
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f-f-f-f-f-f-f. lac-lac-lac. he's an actor who's known for his voice. but his accident took that away. thankfully, he's got aflac. they're gonna give him cash to help pay his bills so he can just focus on getting better. we're taking it one day at a time. one day at a time. [ male announcer ] see how the duck's lessons are going at 40 past the hour. nearly 50 years ago dr. martin luther king, jr. delivered one of the most important speeches in american history. >> i have a dream, that one day,
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this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its crede. we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. >> "time" magazine is commemorating the 50th anniversary of dr. king's "i have a dream" speech in its new issue and also releasing interviews that chronicle the speech including one from clarence jones, dr. king's speechwriter. he remembers the night before the march on washington when a group of advisors met with the civil rights icon. >> interrupted him while he's speaking, tell him about the dream, martin. tell them about the dream. his whole body language changed and he changed what i call the baptist preacher stance and i say to the person standing next to me, whoever that was, i said,
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these people don't know it, but they're about ready to go to church. >> joining us now, "time" magazine executive editor radhika jones. also with us, host of msnbc's "politics nation" and president of the national action network, reverend al sharpton and jon meacham still with us, he wrote one of the issue's cover stories. >> radhika, jon wrote this, with a single phrase martin luther king, jr. joined jefferson and lincoln in the ranks of men who have shaped modern america. talk about the speech, talk about what it means 50 years later. >> it's one of the most transfortive moments i think in american history and as jon says in his piece, beautifully, we live in the 21st century in a world that martin luther king's vision helped to create. that does make him a founding father of modern america. and what's amazing about this speech and the march on washington for jobs and freedom 50 years ago, is that so many of the people involved in that
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movement, were very young and that means they're still with us, they're still here and we can talk to them about what it was like to be there and what it was like to organize that event and to experience it. it's living history and it's incredibly relevant, especially this summer we've been talking about so much about the verdict in the trayvon martin case, the voting rights act, these are continuing stories from the march on washington 50 years ago. >> jon meacham, you write, there is no escaping the fact that the mo moretall case that king made before the nation in 1963 was given legislation force only after the assassination force of the assassination of kennedy in dallas three months later. the passage of the landmark bills of 1964 and 1965 was possible only because lbj was a determined, but a determined realist, martin luther king, jr. gave us a standard against which we could forever measure ourselves and nation so long as
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his dream proves elusive, then our union remains imperfect. jon? >> i think that august 1963 is a moment that ranks with philadelphia's '76, with lincoln at gettysburg, fdr and the depression. i think you then go to this moment on a wednesday in late august, 50 years ago, and then the next moment would be president johnson and the voting rights act speech after the great heroism of lewis and williams at selma. the first three, jefferson, lincoln, they created a context, they created a promise. it was king and then lewis' courage, the courage of the marchers in selma and johnson's speech, that took us from promise to a broader reality for
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americans. and there's no question in my mind that the words which king spoke about the political action which followed sometimes inadvertently and pom ticks is sometimes provisional and hard to know what would have happened without the 16th street bombing in birmingham which happened in september of '63 and president kennedy's assassination in november, history was moving rapidly in these months. when you step back it is simply the case that this speech, those words, and that sentiment that jackson helped martin luther king get to, king was giving a speech that wasn't particularly -- wasn't particularly going anywhere, he had a metaphor about -- >> like this show.
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>> but it was an enormous movement, everybody broadcasting live, quarter million people there, john kennedy watching in the white house, and he knew it wasn't quite working. ma hey la jackson said tell them about the dream, martin, and that's when we got american scripture. >> wow. >> let's talk about the impact, reverend al, of american scripture on washington on the nation, on this culture, 50 years later. >> this moment. >> after the speech. we certainly have focused on negative aspects. i want to talk about where we've come up short over the past 50 years. but let's talk first, al, about the extraordinary changes that have happened in 50 years and how even martin luther king, jr. could not have imagined on that day 50 years later it would be an african-american celebrating this remarkable moment. >> well, i think, yes, it is important to say there has been remarkable progress. you know, joe, we're going to
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have a match next saturday commemorating and continuing to deal with the challenges of today, but one of the things that you have to look at is that when dr. king and those that marched 50 years ago came to washington, many of them had to come riding the back of busses, many couldn't eat at a restaurant on the way, couldn't check into a hotel or motel on the way, and we come to washington though we're still raising issues with an african-american president and african-american attorney general, being able to fly first class, because of that march. so as much as we still must protest, we must look at the measure of how far we've been able to come as a country and the fact that dr. king with all of what was going on, there was a killing, there was the birmingham movement where people were jailed, james farmore was
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in jail and couldn't make the march, king was able to say despite the bleakness of the movement, i can dream beyond this and challenge america to become greater. that is the challenge of activists even today, to be able to have a dream beyond the given reality to drive towards something bigger than yourself. i think that was the magic and i think that "time" magazine ought to be commended for talking to clarence jones who i knew as a kid and still alive and vibrant, because he's right, i was told by wyatt t. walker, king's executive director who chaired the board at action network, king was not planning to end that speech with the dream, it was jackson who told him tell him about the dream. >> that's an incredible story. radhika, the photographs also capture and everybody, john lewis, they capture the power of that march and even, you know, the hollywood notables and those who flew in and had to be there.
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and there's this incredible photo in there, i'll let people look at it themselves, where you just capture a bit of the crowd and you can literally from looking at it so many years later. >> here we go. >> you can feel the energy. that's one of them. >> here's one shot. >> the one on the mall which is incredible. >> you really can. we talked to harry bellefonte as part of the project and he had met king a few years earlier and king called him up and had him charter a flight from hollywood to bring, you know, high-profiled celebrities to help had show the kennedy administration this is going to be a peaceful protest, these are some of our most respected members of our community will be there supporting this event. the other thing, julien bond, who was an active member of the movement at that time and later became the head of the naacp, he points out something you see in the pictures which is this was not simply an african-american crowd. it was an integrated crowd. it was all of america at that march. that is very inspiring to see and to remember. >> yep.
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you talked about harry bellefonte, charlton heston and james gardener, paul newman. it's pretty interesting. pretty interesting strategy. by the way, jon meacham, politics is fascinating. they knew kennedy was watching this speech and kennedy needed to be shown that this was -- that all of america or a lot of america was extraordinarily concerned about the plight of african-americans in 1963.
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it had passion, it had a point. and it had numbers. and reston saw something there. one other point we should make about how the world has changed, you know, white washington expected riots. people didn't show up for work downtown. it was an eerily quiet city that day. "the new york times" was so convinced there was going to be trouble that when russell baker was assigned to cover the story, they rented a helicopter so he would be above to watch the action. it was so peaceable that baker asked the helicopter to go fly over his house so he could see
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whether his roof needed repair. and then went back -- >> reverend, not exactly what white in washington was expecting. what an amazing story. tell them about the dream, martin. tell them about the dream. unbelievable, huh. >> unbelievable. and i think that, you know, meacham is right, people really don't understand the controversy of that time. i was only 8 but when i hear about the elders of the movement talk about how controversial king was. how it was not easy to get kennedy and others to move. and how lyndon johnson, because of vietnam, does not get a lot of credit for what he did do in the middle of that trauma, after kennedy's association. it's a fascinating story. it should inspire us to complete the journey, to make the dream a reality in our time. >> reverend al will lead the 50th anniversary of the march on
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washington saturday. he'll also host a special two-hour politics nation on friday, august 23rd at 6:00 p.m. reverend al sharpton, thank you so much. the new cover of "time" is "founding father." radhika jones, thank you as well. we'll be right back with much more "morning joe." with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call.
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coming up, the latest on egypt where the military has cleared the muslim brotherhood supporters from protest camps in cairo. we're going to get the latest on the u.s.' role in the escalating situation. also, newt gingrich takes aim at his own party with some tough words for republicans who have been speaking out against obama care. we'll show you what he said. we'll talk to new york city candidate for mayor christine quinn and ask her if the race has finally moved on to -- >> i'm going to ask her about anthony weiner.
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good morning, it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, 5:00 a.m. open the west coast. if you're still in bed, stay there. we're taking a live look at new york city right now. >> some grim developments in egypt. >> no doubt about it. "financial times" puts it best. a day of bloodshed in egypt. "the new york times," talks about hundreds of egyptians being killed as the government attacks them. and of course here's "the wall street journal" talking about
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how the egyptian regime smashes protest with bloody rage. you have of course the same thing in the "usa today," and as you said, mika, the pictures coming out of cairo, coming out of all of egypt, absolutely sickening. and it shows us this country really is just in a state of anarchy. >> so we have sam stein and jon meacham with us along with willie geist. egypt's interim prime minister says the government had no choice but to step in against a group of pro-morsi supporters. it sparked a day of widespread chaos and bloodshed. at least 450 people killed. nearly 3,000 injured. those numbers are still expected to rise. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel was on the streets of cairo all day for a firsthand look at the violence. >> reporter: egypt is
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unraveling. its hope of democracy obscured behind tear gas and bullets. egyptian security forces which ousted the elected president mohamed morsi six weeks ago moved in to finish the job and break up two camps of protesters who demand the former president be reinstated. bulldozing into one at cairo university. it was over quickly. but at the other protest, they held fast. security forces fired on them with tear gas. and then automatic weapons. egyptian security forces here are clearly using live april anythin ammunition, firing into the side streets. this one looks like it is about to get very ugly. a 37-year-old customs broker guided us through the streets, warning of government gunman. >> even if you -- take cover to
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take the picture. >> reporter: why, there are snipers? >> yes. >> reporter: he says he came here because he believe, his vote was stolen. >> we're fighting for principle, for the president we elected, okay, never -- it doesn't matter -- [ gunfire ] >> reporter: get down, get down. he showed us a field hospital, chaotic and grim. it's impossible to know how many were injured, let alone killed. this man shot in the upper thigh with a live round. some of the injured are being taken to ambulances and hospitals. others are just being treated on the ground. but there is more to this story. police uncovered ammunition hidden in coffins in a protest camp. and video from an egyptian newspaper shows demonstrators armed and firing. protesters pushed an armored vehicle off a bridge. five soldiers were inside. islamic extremists who back the muslim brotherhood burned churches and attacked government
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buildings worldwide. egyptian's military-backed government, a close u.s. ally, chose to try to crush the muslim brotherhood. it's unclear if the iron fist will work. >> all right. for the latest now from egypt, nbc news foreign correspondent amman muhadin. >> reporter: egypt is waking up to the score of what happened yesterday. it is one that many here are realizing was a lot worse than what they anticipated. the death toll stands at about 421 people. 43 additional security force members were killed. get this, there are still about 200 bodies that are still unkkted for laying in one of the mosques near one of those sit-in protest locations, so it is a very dangerous day here to say the least. the muslim brotherhood and their supporters are calling for nationwide protests in the coming hours. that is going to challenge the government. the reason why that's so important is because yesterday the interim government here declared a state of emergency,
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effectively putting the country back under martial law that was used during the time of mubarak for 30 years. one of the major stipulations of that emergency law, it bans any type of public demonstrations or protests. so it is going to be interesting to see how rigorously they try to enforce that emergency law when the muslim brotherhood goes back to the streets. one of the side effects of all of this that people were afraid about is when these two protest sit-in locations were taking place, the government was describing them as a threat to national security. however, it seems this morning that they have splittered into other cities. it's no longer just cairo. we're seeing violent protests in many other cities across the country and that's precisely what people were afraid would happen. >> what is the military's explicit justification for using this level of lethal force? there are ways to break up crowds and protests without putting snipers on the roof shooting 17-year-old girls. why did they say they have to take it this far?
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>> it's twofold. one, the interim government says these two protests had become a threat to national security. that in fact the sit-in location, had shut down parts of cairo, and more importantly, that many of those protesters were armed, that they were storing weapons, that they were inciting violence in other parts of the country. the senior members of the muslim brotherhood they alleged were also responsible for inciting violence against minorities in the way they were leading charges against christians and others. there were a lot of arguments being made by the government in the short term that these specific protests had become a major threat to stability and security in the country. last night, the country's prime minister tried to justify the use of force, saying that members of the security forces came under attack, they had to respond. they did so with live ammunition only in self-defense. more importantly, he said, to get egypt's economy back on track, they had to take this action in order to bring back foreign investments, to bring back stability. i don't think people here are
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convinced of that argument given the international reaction so far. >> we should note, tomorrow, whether the republican party will boycott debates on cnn during the primaries. rnc chairman priebus say the network's sgroekt projects abouy clint amount to -- >> is this the miniseries that fox is making? >> correct. >> fox is making it, right? >> you know what, i think -- >> they're producing it, is that the one? >> all right. >> so republican officials are holding a three-day meeting in massachusetts now to plot the future of the gop. according to newt gingrich, the party needs to focus more on what it supports than what it opposes. >> we have to do, in a sense, is be a party of optimism and party of hope. i think part of what we have to do in the era of obama's disaster is we have to get beyond being anti-obama and we have to reconvince people you
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have to have hope in america. that we can have a better future. i will bet you for most of you if you go home in the next two weeks while your members of congress are home and if you look them in the eye and you say what is your positive replacement for obama care, they'll have zero answer. we are caught up right now in a culture. you see it every single day. where as long as we're negative and as long as we're vicious and as long as we can tear down our opponent, we don't have to learn anything. so we don't. this is a very deep problem. >> all right. jon meacham. >> i have a question for the retired gentleman from the first district of florida. >> yes, yes, yes. >> willie. >> this one's for you. >> willie's actually from the first -- >> he's been drunk in destin before.
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i'm joking. >> never took an ambien. nobody's perfect. >> boy, you got hung out to dry yesterday. >> i did. thank you, willie, for that. >> what, did you want me to lie and say i'd done it? i've done many, many other things -- >> no joe, hung out to dry -- >> -- how hard tfor willie to represent the people -- >> all right, two things. one is the meeting's being held in boston, in new england. congressman, i want you to explain the irony of that. and secondly, walk us through the ideological consistency of the last 40 years of newt gingrich. >> right. >> well, listen, i've got to say, first of all, you know, having the meeting in new england is important because it's where the republican party used to be powerful. we used to control the region. after barack obama got elected,
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not a single person in the entire region was represented by a republican in the house of representatives. made some gains in 2010. but we lost some in 2012. as far as newt gingrich goes, listen, i invite him to the party. i need anybody that is out there talking about the need for the republican party being positive, for us, and not just tear down barack obama and say we're going to shut down the federal government because of obama care. instead, people don't like hearing this, what we did in 1984 where we had an alternative everything. if you had a democratic budget, if bill clinton had a democratic budget, guess what, john kasich had the alternative. it was an alternative americans liked. if bill clinton was raising taxes, we had an alternative on what taxes needed to be cut. if we didn't like what hillary clinton was doing on health care, there was two, three, four, five alternatives. when we ran, not only could we
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win, we could govern. i talk about nilism. it is infecting the republican -- some of the people in the senate, some of the people in the house. and i'm glad that newt gingrich is saying what he's saying. because you know what, i've been saying it for years, you can't beat something with nothing. and just saying we're going to shut down the government, just saying what we're against, is not going to lead us back to winning the senate. most importantly, winning back the white house in 2016. >> okay. >> it's a positive message. i'm glad newt's saying it. >> i think it's -- all right, i'm just going to keep my mouth shut. >> it's a positive message. i'm glad newt gingrich is saying. >> i think jon has another -- >> one of the things about speaker gingrich is he is -- you know, he suffers from superlativitis. >> willie and i were saying that. >> everything is the most this, the most that, we're always on
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the edge of a great civilizational struggle. >> right. >> at some point do you think that his credibility with conservatives, with moderates, with the broader country, might be increased if he were to say i had a long career, i've said a lot of things. i'm like winston churchill. in which i have made lots of statements that might in retrospect seem a little hot. but i did it out of passion and i think what we have to do is learn from the past and move forward and here's what i think now. >> listen -- >> maybe this was his way of saying that. >> let's just -- let's just talk about the reality. he's got a new gig, right? >> right. >> isn't he going to -- >> thank you. >> no, no, i'm just saying the problem is that when he's not there and his job -- he's got websites, he's got speeches, he's got all these other things,
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newt inc. succeeds by sometimes throwing out the rhetorical -- by the way, this is who gingrich is. who gingrich has always been. people that have known him have always scratched their head going, wait, wait, wait, wait, why did he say that about giraffes? you know, why is he making these crazy comments back and forth? newt can be a conservative icon and do what he did in '93 and '94 without the really hyper bolic statements. and given the intellectual approach to how republicans become relevant again. so listen, i am glad that he's going to work somewhere where he doesn't have to throw out rhetorical bombs to succeed. no, i -- >> that's actually a -- >> i'm dead serious. by the way, for bloggers, i'm not talking about fox. there are a lot of people on
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fox. but newt inc. through the past 20 years, a lot of it has been based on, again, websites, speeches, books, et cetera. giving conservatives in the base to go out and buy him and be whipped into a frenzy and say, yeah, i hate barack obama too. we can go through some of the things he said on the campaign trail. again, hyper bolic. he doesn't have to grab headlines now. i've got to say, i actually, i think that's good for the republican party because we have a lot of people grabbing the headlines. a lot of people going out, setting their hair on fire. glenn beck. listen. i think confession's good for the soul. glenn beck said we are all rodeo clowns. glenn beck speaks for himself there, and he's right. so there are enough people like that. there are enough politicians like ted cruz. i want more people like pete a winner. i want more people like charles
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krauthammer. i don't want more people like bill krystal. speaking of rodeo clowns, let's go to sam stein right now. oh, i'm sorry no time, sam, sorry, say hi to your mother for us. go, sam. >> i agree with your point. it's just funny to me because when you say he doesn't have to throw rhetorical bombs to succeed, he's going on "cross fire," which is like the basis of throwing realthetorical bomb. your point is valid. just because he has a history of being grandiose and divisive doesn't mean his point yesterday was wrong. >> coming up on "morning joe," the killing machines. the atlantic's mark bowden explains how the drone program is testing the limits on american power. and christine quinn joins the table. running to be new york's next mayor. >> she and anthony weiner don't
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like each other. you can talk about her policies, i'm going to talk about anthony weiner with her. >> no. >> no, i am. >> i want to talk about animal rights with her. i'm curious. >> i'm going to talk about anthony weiner. >> okay. here's bill karins with a check on the forecast. >> i think joe's going to lose that argument. we've seen a lot of impressive lightning strikes. top of the empire state building, all over the place. have you ever seen a lightning strike hit a moving object? that's a train moving there in the background. we slowed it down so you could see the video. that plane is moving fast through the city there. it hit right on top in japan. no injuries, no damage. as far as the tropics go, a little bit of breaking weather news. our fifth named storm of the hurricane season, aaron, has just formed. this is a long ways away from any land area. developed pretty quickly and now is tropical storm aaron. the forecast takes it harmlessly across from the open atlanta. at least through tuesday of next
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week. we have to wait and see if it survives and how it does as it heads towards the caribbean island. it wouldn't be any concern for any land areas near us for at least another ten days. down in the gulf of mexico, we have a little more of a disturbance we're going to worry about. it doesn't look like it's going to be bad. it looks like it will bring heavy rain to the southeast. it looks like possibility of 6 to 10 inches right through your upcoming weekend. also, it's a beautiful day in the northeast mid-atlantic and great lakes. it's like a great warm fall day. incredible stuff. it's about as low as the humidity level gets in d.c. for this time of year. enjoy it. you're watching "morning joe" brewed by starbucks. the postal service is critical to our economy. delivering mail, medicine and packages, yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service and want to layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses,
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but not for reasons you might think. the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it. all this produce from walmart and secretly served it up in the heart of peach country. it's a fresh-over. we want you to eat some peaches and tell us what you think. they're really juicy. it must have just come from the farm. this right here is ideal for me. walmart works directly with growers to get you the best quality produce they've ever had. what would you do if i told you all this produce is from walmart? wow! is it really? (laughter) find fresh peaches and all your quality produce. backed by our 100% money back guarantee. walmart.
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here's the profound difference, is i've apologized for my personal behavior. the speaker refuses to apologize for overturning the will of the people, for the slush fund scandal and for things in her professional record. that's the difference. i've owned up to my personal feelings but i have a record i'm going to be proud of and i'm going to be honest with the citizens of the city and that's not something the speaker can claim. >> let me just say i think it's very clear to all new yorkers that neither me, nor anybody else on this stage, or any new yorker quite frankly, should be lectured by anthony weiner about what we need to apologize for tonight or ever. >> with us now the speaker of the new york city council, democratic candidate for the mayor of new york city, christine quinn. jon meacham, sam stein, still
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with us, in undisclosed locations. somewhere in this studio. christine, it is so good to have you here. nice to meet you. we don't want to make this interview all about anthony weiner so can i start with the first question? i'm going to start with the first question. if anthony weiner were a tree, what kind of tree would he be? >> just stay right here. >> yes, and we're going to have a real discussion, yes. how is the race going? >> the race is going well. we're in -- tuesday, it was two weeks from -- four weeks from tuesday just passed so we had the televised debate, another one next week, so it's going great, talking to new yorkers, getting the responses. >> you have the next question. i was going to ask what kind of animal anthony weiner would be. sorry to interrupt you. >> i just wonder if it's because of the stop and frisk verdict and everything else, is this race going to be shaping up between you and bill de blasio, maybe one other candidate and bloomberg versus a nonbloomberg
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legacy race? >> i always thought this would be a really tight race, that at the end of it, in the final month we're in now, that you would see really a tightening and everybody in a really close race. so i'm not surprised we're seeing what you can bet the mortgage on, polls go up and down. i think this race is about the future of the city. and who has a real vision to build on the progress we've made to get real progress for everyone. >> future of the city. >> yep. >> what is the key issue for future of the city? >> it's hard to pick just one but some of the key issues are -- >> if you had to pick one? >> growing good middle class jobs so folks can get into the middle class is really important. >> how do we do that? >> i think you take sectors that are doing well like high tech, right, and it's great cornell's coming but i'm not going to lose sleep over the first cornell graduating class. they're going to be okay. let's turn the city into a pipe loin so new yorkers, working class new yorkers who go to quny
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can get tech jobs. as speaker, i already started a small pilot which i can grow as a new mayor. those are good jobs. that's what we need to do is seize that potential and make it a potential for everybody. >> earlier this week we talked about stop and frirvsk. it's fascinating how even progrpr progressives support that policy. i want to talk to a key issue a lot of people, that would be natural democratic base, why they voted for giuliani two terms, why they supported bloomberg for three terms. what do you say to people who say, look at how new york city's been, and they're afraid if they lose this strong overpowering republican/independent mayor, that you, as mayor, aren't going to return to policies that might make the streets less safe. >> what i would tell them is we
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don't have to make a choice between being the safest big city in america, and that's critical, because you take a step back, lots of other things will move backwards. we don't have to choose between that and having good police community relations. i know we can do both. in fact, that's why next week i will lead the effort with my colleagues in the council, override mayor bloomberg's veto of a bill that would put an inspector general in place permanently that will do monitoring of the police department. >> is there good relationship between the community and ray kelly's force? >> you know, i think there are challenges now. i think people, and rightfully so, feel very upset, really angry, that they're at the peak of stop and frisk. 700,000 stops. over 80% men of color. over 85% innocent people. no arrest. so that's something people are rightfully so really angry about.
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that's why next week we will put permanent monitoring of the police department. that kind of monitoring when they did it in los angeles just to address people's fears, the year after they did it in l.a., crime went down 33% and community positive rating of that police department went to 84. so you can have both and folks who tell us there's a choice, i just don't believe it. >> jon meacham. >> back to education for a second. arguably, it's the foundation for any kind of economic growth. and it starts so early. we have a big national moment here with the introduction of common core standards that are going to test students on what they know. it's a newish approach. everything old is new again. almost every statistic in terms of the performance of new york students is on the wrong side of where we would want it. what are you thinking about in
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terms of what can you administration do in this, the largest school district in the country, to get teachers into the classrooms and get those standards applied and get those students up? >> there's a number of things i want to do. one, i want to improve teacher training. there's a great model in maryland where you offer senior teachers a one or two-year break from the classroom and you partner them with new teachers, first and second year, in the classroom. no matter how good a teacher's college is, they can't teach you what that's like. weem se we've seen in montgomery county and other counties teacher retention go up. two, we need to aggressively engage parents in our schools. because schools that have more parental involvement do better. three, i know we're talking about standardized tests in a way, but we need to stop obsessing about standardized testing. we need to recognize they're one point in evaluating a child in a school, not the be all and end
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all. >> sam stein. >> i wanted to go back to mika's question. that's about basically the legacy of michael bloomberg. what bill de blasio's essentially done is paint you as an extension of michael bloomberg, the fourth turn, whether it's stop and frisk, whether it's on getting him a third term, so on. i wonder, one, how will you assess bloomberg's legacy today? two, do you mind being labeled an extension of mayor bloomberg? >> there are things about bloomberg's time in office that i think have been progress for us. i talked about the tech community being interested in new york. certainly that is in part due to the mayor. the long-term financial planning the mayor and i did in the first few years i was speaker where we created a rainy day fund. i bet detroit wishes we had done what we had done in those years. putting billions dollars aside. those are things i worked with the mayor on and i'm proud of. but i don't agree with the mayor on everything. two years ago when he wanted to
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lay off 4,100 school teachers, all of my democratic opponents, they opposed that, like i did, but i'm the person who got those layoffs stops, and more recently, when the mayor wanted to put in place a homeless policy that i think quite frankly was cruel, i stopped it from happening by going to court. so when i can agree and work with the mayor or anybody quite frankly, i'm going to do it. when i can't, i'm not going to. i think the idea of having a government where you have to agree all the time or never, we have a place like that. it's called washington. and nothing happens. >> kind of a boutique issue in new york with the carriage horses. overall, there's a group for everything. >> you have a carriage horse actually. >> yes, i do. anyhow, that's a different story. there's a group called quinn hates animals. so the issue is -- >> you hate animals, is that your question? >> people want to know about this in new york and also how
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the pet stores are allowed to be run. do you hate animalings? >> my two shelter dogs would very much disagree that i hate dogs. >> some people are really worried though. >> so my record on animal rights has been, and this happens sometimes. in my time as speaker we've expanded funding to the animal shelters. we've reduced the number of animals the shelters had to put down. i said when i'm mayor, we're going to make our shelter system a no kill. we'll be the biggest city in america to have a no kill policy. i think that will change shelter policy across the country. now, on carriage horses there is this group that you're talking about who wants them banned. they wanteded me to pass a bill -- >> you can't do that. >> i didn't do it. >> i need that. >> they have to be free -- >> what i did instead of banning them, which would have cost us 300 jobs, is pass a law that requires yearly independent veterinary exams of the horses to check on their health,
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require that stalls and stable spaces be made bigger, more appropriate for the animals, and the horses get two weeks off a year at a farm upstate. so instead of getting rid of an industry, i felt it was appropriate to regulate it independently in a way that was humane. because it's not easy 300 -- >> quinn loves animals. >> maybe that was a typo. >> does anthony weiner love animals? >> you know what, i will say back to this issue, you know, when people don't get what they want sometimes in government, they just attack you, and that's -- >> welcome to new york. >> exactly, and politics. >> thank you so much. >> great to see you. thank you very much. see, i think donny's wrong. anyhow, we'll talk about that. the new issue of "the atlantic" examines america's drones. the reporter who wrote the cover story join us next when "morning joe" comes right back. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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lethal targeted action against al qaeda and its associated forces. including with remotely piloted aircraft commonly refer to as drones. dozens of highly skilled al qaeda commanders, trainers, bombmakers and operatives have been taken off the battlefield. plots have been disrupted that would have targeted international aviation, u.s. transit systems, european cities and our troops in afghanistan. simply put, these strikes have saved lives. >> that was president obama back in may on his administration's use of drones. joining us now from philadelphia, national correspondent for "the atlantic" magazine mark bowden. mark writes the cover story on drones for the magazine's new issue. writing, no american president will ever pay a political price for choosing national security over world opinion, but the only right way to proceed is to make targeting decisions and strikes
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outcomes fully public. greater prudence and transparency are not just essential they are in our long term interest. because the strikes themselves feed the anti-drone narrative and inspire the kind of random small-scale terror attacks that are bin laden's despicable legacy. >> how far we've come. we grew up looking at those pictures of lbj in the white house picking bombing targets. "new york times" has this extraordinary article of how our president is looking at a list of people, deciding who he is going to kill and who he is not going to kill. that is absolutely stunning. i guess that's where we are right now in 2013. >> well, i think it's a very
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drastic tool to -- and a drastic step to target someone and kill them. i think the president rightly wants to retain control over that decision so that it doesn't get abused. >> all right so we are where we are. how now do we progress to what you're writing about, which is more transparency or some sort of check and balance to this? >> i know the white house is looking at ways of adding a layer of oversight to the decision making process. i think that in the long run i think that both the process and the individual decisions and outcomes need to be made public. because if we don't, if it remains shrouded in secrecy, it enables the people that we're going after to portray this as a sort of random almost genocidal campaign against muslims, which it clearly is not. but it won't be clear to people
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unless we make it clear. >> jon meacham. >> the whole history of presidential power is one of growth ultimately. jefferson said the duty of the chief magistrate is to the strict line of the law but it's not his highest duty. his highest duty is national survival. every president is confronted with what they saw as an existential or even not so existential crisis. what do you think the precedent is for obama pulling back at this point? >> i think it's the decline in the nature of the threat. certainly the kinds of acts that al qaeda today is capable of carrying out, are not an existential threat to the united states. arguably the core al qaeda which arranged and plotted and successfully pulled off the september 11th attacks, i mean, that was a major, major assault
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on the united states that had, you know, tremendous consequences. in some cases, we still feel today. i don't think that level of proficiency exists anymore. so if the president is talking about scaling back, you know, the latitude that both he and president bush have enjoyed under war powers, it's a recognition that the nature of the fight has changed. >> all right, thank you so much, mark. we greatly appreciate it. sam, let's talk about the challenges for this white house and you have john brennan coming out saying no civilians have been killed in drone attacks. nobody really believes that. >> that's not true. >> it's just not true. so what is the challenge moving forward? >> i think it's basically setting up a system so future presidents don't abuse this power and i think, you know, obama -- i do believe, is sort
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of acutely aware of the growing executive authority that he has, and what he needs to do if he wants to leave a decent legacy on this issue is put in place essentially buffers, restrictions on future presidents so it doesn't become abused in a way that's maybe damaging to our reputation but also to our national security. >> make sure there's transparency even after the fact. >> exactly. >> the new issue of "the atlantic" is out now. our thanks once again to mark bowden. up next, from the new film "short term 12," destin daniel cretton along with brie larson. keep it right here on "morning joe."
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wanted to get some life experience and i always wanted to work with underprivileged kids. >> what the [ bleep ] is that supposed to mean? >> marcus, settle down. >> no, i want to know what you mean by that, underprivileged. >> it's not what i meant. >> think about your [ bleep ] words before you speak. >> hey. that's a level drop. go to your room. go to your room. >> i'm sorry. >> that was a clip from "short term 12." here with us, the film's writer and director, destin daniel cretton and co-star brie larson. welcome. tell us more about the concept behind the show. >> the movie was based on the experiences i had at my first job out of college, working at a
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home for teenagers. that experience stuck with me and turned into this. >> tell us about your character, who looks like she's got -- she's tough. >> yeah, i play grace. she's a line staff at the facility. the film kind of revolves around her dealing with her own personal internal issues as well as trying to be supportive to these kids. >> what do you learn in this movie when you walk away? does everyone learn something a little different? >> yeah, i think you learn something different. that's the exciting part about allowing this film out to the world. >> what do you hope people will take away from this movie? >> this movie i think is an example of the incredible human ability to create family where they are, even if it's not a traditional family. i hope people see that in each character. >> the hollywood reporter says this is a breakthrough performance for you. have you broken through, have you made it? >> i am currently, yeah -- >> -- you know, wherever you live? >> just breaking all the ways. i broke like three doors on my
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way here. >> what was so special about the concept, writing, the script, that really made this a great character to play? >> i think it's the complexity and simplicity of it. it all kind of reveals itself in a very sip pell way. >> yeah. so destin, you -- give us your most interesting experience when you were actually working at a place for at-risk kids. >> i mean, the whole experience was an incredible learn thing. learning time in my life, where i think i started very much like that character that you saw in the clip. very naive view of the world. and quickly learned how complicated everything is. >> short-term 12 will be out in theaters on august 23rd. don't miss it. thanks to you both for being on the show. we'll be back with the best of late night.
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marijuana at topanga state park. fully mature plants. we can report at this type the damage to the park ecosystem was significant and the universe is expanding and that the earth, even though it seems like we're standing still, we're actually moving. flying through space in this crazy orb. anyway, it's just -- it's just [ bleep ] nuts. >> russia will not tolerate the gays. now, this makes sense, folks, because their president is so damn straight. whether he's shirtless hunting. shirtless fishing. shirtless horseback riding. or tonguing a 30-pound carp. by the way, that carp he was tonguing, female.
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>> i sure hope that people will look past what's on the outside and see me for who i really am. people were staring at me, judging me based solely on my scrotum. just walking down the street, i felt objectified. people don't want to talk to me. make eye contact with me. >> i'm not a freak! normal things that i've taken for granted are almost impossible. >> i can't see. >> oh, my goodness. coming up next, what, if anything -- >> does a real show on it.
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that's okay. >> you know, i'm glad that t.j. can play donna summers and make jokes about us not having lives. >> they're almost fixed. two minutes. >> what did you learn, sam? >> i learned that -- two things, one, it is possible to have a 132-pound scrotum and two, it's medically horrific and awful. >> it's a tv show. >> i guess i already knew the second part. >> i am so glad i don't watch tv. >> two deaths this week of terrific people. jack drammond, the washington columnist, and pauline maier. just a general wonderful colleague and a pioneer and we'll miss her. >> what did you learn? >> i wish i took an ambien today because it makes you black out things and i would have blacked out this whole three hours. >> this entire three hours has been an ambien experience. see, that's the thing, jon, you
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don't actually crush it and free base it like t.j. >> you don't snort it? >> okay, if it's way too early, it's "morning joe." we got the fix. so have a great weekend, everybody. we'll see you on monday. we'll see you tomorrow. >> we'll see you friday. >> we'll have lights at least by monday. tomorrow, i'm going to have a flashlight under my face like this. state of emergency. the violence in egypt is showing no signs of getting better at the moment. we'll go live to the streets of cairo for the latest. plus, bay state battle. as president obama gets some rest in martha's vineyard before a road trip rally, republicans meet in boston to map out their fight for the fall. as we approach the 50th anniversary of president kennedy's assassination, we'll take a look at the final months of kennedy's life in the
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