tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC August 16, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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that number is expected to grow as this crisis deepens, there are new questions about the united states' credibility and its impact in the region. >> it's not up to the united states to determine the future path for egypt, it's up to the egyptian people. >> spilling secrets, a new leak from edward snowden reveals that the nsa broke the rules, violating americans' privacy thousands of times per year. and the priebus ultimatum. republicans have voted to boycott nbc and cnn as debate sponsors if the networks do not scrap their hillary clinton 234ri78s. -- films. >> a network that spends millions of dollars to spotlight hillary clinton is a network with an obvious bias, and that's a network that won't be hosting a single republican primary debate.
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good day to you, i'm peter alexander wrapping up this week for my friend, andrea mitchell. today tens of thousands of muslim brotherhood members across egypt are refusing to back down to the interim government guided by the nation's military. once again there have been deadly consequences there. nbc's ayman mohyeldin, we want to get to him right away, he is live for us in cairo right now. ayman, more casualties after what was already the worst mass killing in that country's modern history. before we ask you a thought about what's going on now, i want to show you a picture that struck us this morning. this was taken near alexandria, egypt, of egyptians on the beach there. even as violence raged in the city behind them, we can't verify the person who took this shot. nonetheless it's worth showing because it provides some small
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window of normalcy and perhaps optimism. are we heading into another weekend of violence? >> peter, the short answer to that is yes, absolutely. we're looking at a death toll that is climbing by the hour here in cairo. now, this comes, as you mentioned, on the day that mu muslim brotherhood supporters have called the day of rage. more than 28 different marches were scheduled across the country today, allment went to converge in this square in the capital. it was there that clashes broke out according to eyewitnesses and others. a short while ago, the anti-coup coalition, various groups that oppose the military's removal o0 people had been recovered inside one of the mosques. the official death toll right now from the ministry of health, a little less. it stands at 27. you can certainly expect that
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number to rise as some of those bodies from the mosque make their way to official hospitals and morgues. right now it's about 7:00 p.m. local time. it is the third night of a military-imposed curfew on the city of cairo and elsewhere across the country. in fact the government reaffirmed its seriousness of this curfew. does not want anybody out on the streets past 7:00 p.m. military tanks or apcs have been deployed all day long to prevent those marches from getting to the center of cairo. right about now they are still positioned but they are checking cars and are checking people who are still out on the street. so a very tense situation that is still developing, not only in cairo but elsewhere across the country, peter. >> ayman, how the islamists respond is really going to be critical in determining how this plays out going forward. does it have the potential to devolve into an armed insurgency? this becomes a more lasting civil war? >> reporter: absolutely. and you really just have to take a look at some of the violence that has ensued today.
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make no doubt about it, the leadership of the muslim brotherhood and anti-coup coalition are calling on this to be peaceful, but the reality on the ground is very different. we've seen images of protesters carrying weapons. the police force here says they have come under attacks, police stations have come under attacks with molotov cocktails. by no means are all of these peaceful and by no means are both sides restraining themselves. there is violence on both sides which is making it extremely dangerous and volatile. the question, though, is who can actually now control the street. the military and the government want to use maximum force in doing so and they have put this curfew just to regain the upper hand. at the same time, the defiant tone coming out of the muslim brotherhood and anti-coup coalition is really making it difficult for any type of atmosphere of reconciliation to emerge and that's why we're seeing so many of these pockets of violence popping out everywhere. not only cairo but other cities likes alexandria. the death toll in those cities
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continues to rise following this very deadly day in egypt, peter. >> ayman mohyeldin who's been helping us out all week from cairo, egypt, thanks so much for your reporting. joining us now on set for more, robin wright, the senior fellow and distinguished scholar at the woodrow wilson center and charlie senate is the co-founder and editor at large for the global post. robin, nice to see you in person. charlie, i will begin with you quickly, if i can. the muslim brotherhood a major faction showing no desire of backing away from this fight. the u.s., we know, is speak as chuck hagel, the secretary of defense, had numerous conversations with his counterpart in egypt. those conversations have continued. but is there anyone having a dialogue with the brotherhood themselves, urging them to step back? >> well, i think the muslim brotherhood has had something of a company log with the state department really from the earliest days of the revolution in tahrir square.
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my understanding is it continues in back channels, but publicly the muslim brotherhood is saying that they have nothing to discuss until president morsi is restored to power. from their position they were elected as a party, the muslim brotherhood as a party. that party was elected to 40% of the parliament. the president is from that party. and the first free and fair democratic election in 5,000 years of egyptian history has been thwarted by what they would very clearly call a military coup and they're very critical of the state department and the white house for, as they would see it, backing that military coup. very tough spot. very tough spot for the state department. >> as charlie just indicated, the administration's tough position is the fact that they supported this military coup. they said they promoted democracy and yet they're allowing this to take place, which is what so frustrates the brotherhood. so what is the u.s. government focused on right now? what are they paying attention
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to right now? >> the administration didn't support the coup, just refused to call it a coup. i think the administration was taken by surprise by the extent to which the military turned against the brotherhood and cracked down on it. the united states now is looking for what happens in the political process, not just the deterioration of the physical security. and next week on wednesday, the new constitution is scheduled to be unveiled, according to the original road map. it's then supposed to go to a 50-member committee reflecting all egyptian political interests for review and then six months after that to have elections for both the president and the parliament. and the political process is tremendously important, because if there are parties that refuse to participate, besides the muslim brotherhood, but groups that feel that the coup has gone too far, the military has gone too far, then the danger of the political process eroding becomes very real. >> and those groups insist that there was a political process. this was the first free election in however many thousand years in that country, and now it's
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being basically tossed out the window. charlie, i posed a question to you about the impact that this has regionally, especially as the u.s. tries to initiate its peace talks between the israelis and palestinians right now. obviously what happens in egypt doesn't necessarily stay there. >> right. i mean i think this is really rippling through the region. you see saudi arabia strongly supporting the egyptian military for the reasons of its own. which is they really don't want to see the muslim brotherhood gain power all throughout the region. remember, the muslim brotherhood is a decades-old organization, really a social movement connected to movements like hamas and some of the other islamist organizations across the region. the saudis, the gulf states, they do not want to see this, so they support it. regionally, i think what you have going on is a very tough question. the united states talks about democracy. and it says that it supports democracy. and it also has to be concerned with stability. u.s. foreign policy now is right
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on the edge. do you support stability even if it means pulling back on the democracy and the democratically elected government that was put in place? i think it's a very tough spot. i think it's going to have big ramifications in the region, because, you know, al qaeda and the much more militant expressions of islam have always said that the muslim brotherhood is foolish. there's a deep divide between al qaeda and the muslim brotherhood. they say the muslim brotherhood believes in democracy. so i think this plays into the hand of the islamists. >> let me bring in robin one last time. what should we be focused on? as we go into the weekend, what are you paying attention to? >> i think we're all very concerned about how far this goes. one of the great problems in egypt is there's no middle ground. you have two extremes that have taken very firm positions that are not willing to compromise and that means, you know, that
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civil strife is more likely to continue and the great concern is whether that strife then deteriorates into a repetition of what happened in algeria 20 years ago when it devaufld into a civil war. >> is there any debate within the egyptian government do you suspect? >> i think there are fragment that say both the military and the government on one side and the muslim brotherhood have diverse voices, arguing over what the best course is. but there's no indication yet that either side is willing to compromise on these fundamental visions of what the future holds. >> robin wright, nice to visit with you. charlie, we appreciate your time as well. for the first time the u.s. government has confirmed the existence of area 51. until now all the researches to the military air base about 125 miles northwest of las vegas had been redacted from government files. but to the dismay of conspiracy theorists, the new documents make no mention of flying saucers or apparently aliens at the site. the documents do report that
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area 51 was created as a test side for the lockheed u-2, a spy plane used by the cia during the cold war. also the site has seen some out of this world action. apollo astronauts trained there for the moon landing. the site has been one of the government's worst-kept secrets. clearly the map just released by the cia matches one that you could previously find by googling area 51. here's how switching from going out for pizza to a digiorno pizza dinner from walmart can save you over $1,200 a year. the average pizza dinner out costs over $8.00 per meal. a meal made with digiorno pizza costs less than $2.30 a serving. so by replacing just one pizza dinner out a week your family of 4 could save over $1,200 a year. great dinners from digiorno, backed by walmart's low price guarantee. save money. live better. walmart.
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>> yeah, he called for these a long time ago. he would have gotten to the same place, which means that ed snowden has ruined the president's surprise. >> speaking of surprises, yet another one from edward snowden today. this latest one courtesy of "the washington post" reporting on thousands of instances where the nsa violated privacy rules put in place for the americans, the organization -- the same americans they're trying to protect. joining me now for our daily fix is crystal izza, kate taylor and nbc capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell. kelly, good to visit with you right now. in the most charitable of terms, what the nsa was doing, at least according to the "washington post" reporting was sloppy. we learned of more than 2700 of these incidents where unauthorized records were collected. how does this impact the debate?
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>> well, one of the things we're finding out is that they keep track of their own mistakes and we, the public, really didn't know much about it. a number like 2700 in a one-year period sounds like a big number. >> members of congress didn't know this as well. >> no, they didn't. that's part of why this is sort of shaking things a bit today. you've got the chairman of the judiciary committee, patrick leahy, saying he wants to hold another hearing because he's frustrated that he's not getting what he calls straightforward answers. we should point out this isn't listening in. this is really those big sweeps of data that sometimes wrap up americans' phone numbers when the nsa says it's going after a foreign intelligence target. >> chris, you say, you argue that this most recent leak may be the most politically significant moment of this debate over surveillance. why? >> well, a couple reasons. one is one that kelly just mentioned which is members of congress were not fully aware of this. when members of congress are not made fully aware of things that
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they have gone out and defended as many did when the initial snowden leak broke, you're going to see some unhappy members of congress. you've already seen nancy pelosi say these new revelations are extremely disturbing. secondly, i think because, peter, this is about things that have happened, that these are mistakes that have been made as opposed to sort of a broad overview of what the program is. specifics, and kelly is right, it's a small number. but specifics can actually be more telling and more hurtful politically because people can hone in on them. >> kate, i want to wrap you into this conversation and focus on a different topic that's a little closer to you. you've been covering the new york city mayoral candidates, the new poll making it clear that this is a runoff between christine quinn and bill d de blasio. even between quinn and d de blasio. should we brace for any more surprises before the primary? >> absolutely.
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one really interesting thing in this poll was that none of the leading candidates, those being quinn, de blasio and thompson had a majority of their supporters saying they were firmly committed to voting for that candidate. so we're going to see these numbers move a lot more. right now you're seeing d de blasio doing really well. i think that's reflecting a lot of frustration with bloomberg's issues, including stop and frisk where we saw a very critical court ruling this week. thompson may still have room to grow right now. he's tied with de blasio with black voters or leading with a plurality of 40%. they think more black voters may support thompson. >> what's more striking about this is if the two of them are 24, 24, that means there's 52 percentage points still out there that are up for grabs. obviously that's got to be the consideration for these candidates. how do we find a strategy that opens ourselves up to the others? >> right. first of all, i think when you
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know there's going to be a runoff and i think no matter who's going to be in it, everyone knows there's going to be a runoff, as kate pointed out, you're looking not just at the day of the primary is but the day the runoff is too and how do you manage your campaign over that time. the point kate makes, though, bill thompson, the only african-american candidate in the race, is underperforming drastically among african-americans. if he can get himself up over 50%, over 60% among black voters, i think he makes a real run at chris quinn for that second runoff spot. >> kelly, i want to ask you since you covered anthony weiner, we haven't mentioned his name until now for so long when he was in congress, just some of your thoughts as you've witnessed the way this has played out. the thinking was that even if he couldn't get all the way back to win, this would give him a good, firm footing for a future campaign. doesn't look like it's helping him that way. >> while he has hung in there and continues to go to events on a daily basis and has made the argument to be new york city mayor you've got to be tough and
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resilient and come back, the question really is when you look at 11% support, people may really be at a point where they understand what the issues were and they just don't want to have him sort of in their living rooms. it is one of those things that's such a short final stretch. no real reason to get out at this point but certainly the rehabilitation that we might have seen really does not appear to be developing, even though some of the moves he's made have been to try to quiet the storm and explain himself a little better but it just doesn't seem like new yorkers are buying it. >> kelly, kate, chris, kkc, thanks to you guys very much. >> thank you. yet another example of boston strong. this is 7-year-old jane richard. this is really striking. she lost part of her leg in the boston bombing. here she is now. her family released this photo saying that jane is already dancing in her new prosthetic, even strutting around with great pride. you'll remember that jane lost her 8-year-old brother. her brother was martin richard.
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he was killed in that april 15th attack. her parents were also injured. jane was able to return home from the rehab hospital just a few weeks ago, and we wish her and her whole family our best. [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? bounce is great because the freshness lasts for weeks in the drawer. why can't everything stay fresh that long? [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? [ man ] lasting freshness. with new all natural lean cuisine honestly good. it's frozen like you've never seen. with juicy whole chicken filets, farm selected veggies and whole grain medleys. ♪ and it's undressed. just add the pomegranate sauce yourself. with taste this good, why hide? ♪ why? what were you thinking? new lean cuisine honestly good. au natural, oh so tasty. in the natural frozen meals section. nestle. good food. good life.
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i would oftentimes stand at that door and tell the second graders good morning. then i'd try to hurry to get the third graders because they came out this door and walked in. >> that was reporter kate snow in may walking around the grounds of plaza towers elementary school just hours after it was devastated by that tornado. but three months later, today is a really emotional day in the community of moore, oklahoma, as students there return to classes for the first time since the tornado swept through. it killed seven students. nbc's kate snow has returned to moore and she gave us this report on how the community is doing as it heads back to school. >> reporter: hi, peter.
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well, this is where plaza towers elementary once stood. you see some crosses behind me now, seven of them for the seven lives lost here. they're tearing out the slab. they're building a brand new school on this property, but it's not ready until next year. so for now about three-quarters of the students who used to attend here, who still live in the area are heading back to school in a different building. >> and if we have to hide our fears and our apprehension for starting, that's what we're going to do. >> reporter: at a staff meeting thursday, principal amy simpson struggled with emotions. >> it's okay to cry, it's okay to be afraid, it's okay to be angry. >> reporter: they are the teachers who saved lives back in may when a tornado ripped their school apart. all summer long, the district collected donated school supplies from books to wall decorations, there are reminders of the old school. >> you know, when we walked around the old school in may, remember, we were looking at the mural and you were saying -- >> the whole wall with the m
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panther is still there. >> that sort of says something. >> yeah, it does. >> you wanted to have reminders of the old school. >> it was important to show the kids that this is plaza towers. they need to know there's going to be books to read, carpets to sit on, nice chairs, their own desks. all of those things were important. >> reporter: simpson's biggest worry is that the children won't feel as safe as they did before. >> i'm afraid this they have lost the trust and lost the security that we had before may 20th. >> reporter: she's particularly concerned about the fourth graders, like xavier delgado, who was pulled out of the rubble after being crushed under a wall with his classmates. >> i just remember banging on the building and rocks falling on me. >> reporter: his teacher did all that she could but six of the seven lost were her students. >> i really wanted to come back this year. >> reporter: she's not healthy enough to return to teaching but she will.
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>> this is what i want to do and this is where i want to be. >> reporter: for so many coming back is part of the healing. >> seeing my kids' faces, that heals me right there. just knowing they're okay. >> the kids find normalcy here and schedule and routine. they thrive on that. >> that's comforting. >> so that's going to be what's our goal for the year. >> reporter: this community has really come together and the principal says she expects to have a really successful year. now, the school that they're building behind me here will have a new tornado shelter, but the place where they are now today does not have a shelter so they have a plan in place to evacuate kids and move them into the building next door to interior classrooms should those tornado sirens ever go off again. peter. >> we certainly hope that doesn't happen. thank you for that report. the resilience is incredible. we'll be right back. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports." the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card
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to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ i win! what's in your wallet?
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it's official, the republican national committee says they will not partner with nbc or cnn if they continue with their plans to air productions on hillary clinton. the rnc today unanimously passing its resolution during its meetings in boston, just one day after governor chris christie gave a spirited challenge to the gop. joining me now is republican strategist and publisher of, rich galen and nbc political analyst and former governor ed rendell. ed, we're going to start with you. clearly the republicans was trying to regain control of the debate schedule. most people agree it was almost out of control, almost 20 of them. it weaken eed their eventual nominee so what is at stake with this. >> they certainly should cut down the number but that has
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very little to do with this controversy. this controversy is to me exactly what the republicans shouldn't be doing. they need to broaden their reach, there's no question. they're going to always hold their base, at least for the foreseeable future, but they need to broaden their base. taking away cnn and msnbc coverage or nbc coverage makes no sense at all. you want to reach as many people as you can with your message. you don't want to contract and have debates on fox and maybe abc. it makes no sense. you've got to broaden the party. the one lesson they should have learned from 2012 is if they don't broaden the party, they're cooked. >> cnn is already out with a statement in response to the rnc decision. they say among other things, therefore, speculation about the final program is just that. we encouraged, insisting that this thing is still in the works, we encouraged all interested parties to wait until the program premieres before judgments are made about it. unfortunately, the rnc was
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unwilling to do that. rich, what do you counsel the rnc? >> first of all, always comb your hair. i think in this case, governor, everybody is right. i think the rnc. they're getting great traction on this. there's nothing going on this august. >> great traction with whom? great traction with the base. they don't need great traction with the base. >> this is 2013, ed. we've got a long way to go. i guarantee you, they're not going to be talking about this every day between now and three years from now. so -- but it is getting traction and it's getting coverage, which is okay. in this business almost anything is good news. but i also agree that they have a case that mrs. clinton is probably going to be presented very wonderfully. >> the clintons don't want this to happen either. they have reached out to us for some of my reporting and said this is one of the few times where we agree with the rnc. everybody is on board, we don't want these to happen. >> i tweeted the other day, if you don't want to watch it, don't watch it. just don't turn it on.
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>> shouldn't the rnc just turn it on? >> here's the other thing. i don't know the rnc rules, i'm not a lawyer. but it just seems to me if i were a candidate and nbc said i don't care what the rnc says, we're going to hold a debate tuesday night in columbia, i'd be there. >> can i change topics with you, ed, to chris christie. he rallied the troops yesterday, seemingly taking some swipes at some of the other republicans, bobby jindal for some of his past comments about, rand paul as well. i want to put up on the screens one of the comments that he said. he said i think we have some folks who believe that our job is to be college professors for our ideas to matter we have to win. and if we don't govern, all we do is shout to the wind. and so i'm going to do anything i need to do to win. is chris christie the guy that can expand the party, that can also keep the tea party base enthusiastic at the same time? >> well, it's a tough balancing test and it remains to be seen. and chris christie, before anybody -- and i admire some of the things that he's done in new
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jersey. but before anybody goes hog wild, chris christie that we know in new jersey and pennsylvania and new york is not necessarily the chris christie that the nation knows. so he's got to get more exposure and the more exposure he gets will determine whether he can broaden the base or not. he's certainly got a problem with the hard core right for some of the things he did with president obama right before the election. he certainly has a problem with some of his more moderate stances. but that may be a problem for some but it may be an asset for others. so it remains to be seen. it's a long way away, as was said earlier. >> yeah, i think that's right, ed. one of the things, as a governor you know this, your first job is to be the governor. i mean chris christie, ed rendell, none of these guys are the working representative of the national party or their national committee. so i thought -- i thought what he did after that was correct. but i think that as we look forward, if nothing else, chris christie apparently appears at
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this moment to have a clear running lane that none of the others do. the others are going to have to knock themselves off the track. it may well be that christie gains some momentum an winning becomes more important than ideology. >> on the democratic side it looks like the lane is pretty clear for hillary clinton? >> it was in 2007 too, wasn't it? >> it was in 2007 too. this is the time where people pull out the old quotes where they say she's inevitable. so ed, hillary clinton, some recent headlines about some challenges that she's going to face as she tries to clean up the clinton foundation. it's done all sorts of wonderful things around the world but it does have challenges, a new review found, about management and internal conflicts of interest. is this going to be a problem for the clintons? >> no. she had nothing to do with that. she was secretary of state all during that time. look, the bottom line is hillary clinton is a different political figure now than she was in 2007-2008. she's been secretary of state and the american people overwhelmingly admire the job
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she did. just look at the new hampshire democratic poll that was out. 60-8 over joe biden who i think has been the best vice president in my lifetime. she's 60-8 ahead. she is in a different stratosphere than she was in 2007-2008. >> i tell you what i would do, ed, if i were running the rnc, i would buy time and when the phone rings at 3:00 in the morning, add again, the president's foreign policy, i think that would make some people chatter. >> 860 some odd plus days until iowa. i think we have some time to think about both of those things. i have a feeling we may talk about this again. moving on right now, some other stories that we are talking about, it is the battle of the bio pics at the box office. the much buzz about "the butler" which features oprah winfrey's first major movie performance in 15 years. also hitting theaters, the story about steve jobs that stars ashton kutcher. they say that everything is
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bigger in texas. well, if you're talking about large screen hd tvs, they might be right. tuesday the houston texans, by the way, unveiled the world's largest indoor video screens. you think they have a competition with dallas? the screens are almost 53 feet high, 277 feet long. how's that in your living room? the new boards are nearly 3,000 feet larger than the one just down the road that jerry jones put up in his new stadium for the dallas cowboys. the previous largest hd tv screen. also talk about some false advertising. did you hear about this? a zoo in china tried to pass this creature off as a lion. that's like from a school play about the wizard of oz. everyone everywhere, you'll recognize the big beast with the fluffy brown fur was a tibetan mastiff. the so-called lion started barking. hi, i'm karissa. hi, i'm sherri.
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and i'm going to show sherri how collecting box tops for education earns cash for our school by shopping at walmart. come on. sherri, look at all these products that you can buy for your family with box tops. and look, four box tops in one box. that's awesome! more cash for our school. only at walmart you get 4 box tops on over 100 items. karissa i got it and you only had to tell me four times. find 4 box tops on your family favorites like general mills cereals and nature valley granola bars backed by our low price guarantee.
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we're back here watching "andrea mitchell reports." this is an alleged abuse of power by a west virginia judge accused of trying to put the man married to his former lover behind bars on trumped-up charges. nbc justice correspondent pete williams is joining us now to help give us a better understanding of this. this is a guy that carried a lot of sway where he was the only circuit judge around, wasn't he? >> reporter: right, a powerful figure in a small community using his authority to marshal the police and the courts against the husband of his secretary, a woman the judge wanted to marry. so these charges are filed against michael thornsberry, the only circuit judge for the past 16 years. in early 2008 he began an affair with his married secretary, one that she broke off a few months later. a federal grand jury says the judge tried to have her husband arrested by getting somebody to plant illegal drugs on his
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pickup truck, but that fell through. so the court documents say he persuaded a state trooper to falsely accuse the husband of stealing from his employer. those charges were later dismissed, but the indictment says the judge kept going, persuaded the state trooper to tell a grand jury that the husband was stealing at work. the judge kept up this campaign of intimidation against his secretary's husband for more than a year before finally giving up. he's now charged with conspiring to violate the man's civil rights. no comment from a lawyer for the judge. he'll be arraigned next week. he's been ordered to stay away from anybody who might be a victim or a witness in the case. court documents contain a list of more than 50 people. peter? >> all right, pete williams reporting for us on what is a bizarre story coming to us from west virginia. pete, we appreciate it. thank you very much. we move on to another story that really struck us when we first heard about this. in 2050 there will be an estimated 9 billion people on the planet. with such an increase in the
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human population comes an increase in the demand for food, of course, putting a strain on the world's food supply. but the ocean conservation nonprofit oceana has come up with a solution to feeding all those mouths, save our oceans. joining me is andy sharpless, the ceo of oceana. the co-author of "the perfect protein, the fish lover's guide to saving the oceans and feeding the world." he is here in studio with us today. andy, it's been a privilege to have you here and i appreciate you spending some time. can you help us get a better understanding on why we should be so focused on fib? what is it that's unique to fish that make it such a perfect protein? >> we're looking at two more chinas worth of people coming to the planet before 2050. they're going to want to eat a lot of animal protein. and the biggest driver of loss on the planet is expanding agriculture. and when you're expanding livestock production, you're really at the hardened of that.
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so wouldn't it be great if the oceans were feeding as many people as possible? >> let's put this in real english terms. we spoke in the break about this. so you've got fish on one hand, a fish fillet, and a burger on the other side. compare and contrast those two about why the fish are so much better. >> when you make that choice, you're making a choice for the planet that's huge. here's how big it is. when you eat the hamburger, there was -- there is enough corn in that hamburger that was feeding that cow and there's enough corn in that one hamburg tore make 200 tacos and enough fresh water that was used to irrigate the cornfield to fill 10,000 fresh water glasses. when you eat that fish sandwich, you're not. >> you have four points that you make. i want to give folks something tangible, something they can hold on to to learn from this conversation. you talk about eat wild, eat its, eat local, eat shellfish. so we'll start at the top. eat wild. >> yeah. so most farm fish that people eat is like a farm salmon. unfortunately, salmon are fed
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fish. so when you're eating a farm salmon, you might think you were doing something good for the ocean but actually you're eating three or four or five pounds of wild fish that were fed to that farm fish. so when you eat a wild fish, you're eating something that's much more pressure on the planet. >> we talk about tuna and the concerns obviously. you say eat little because a pound of sardines is as good as a pound of tuna you told me. >> exactly. a tuna is like a lion or a tiger in the ocean. a sardine is like a rabbit. from a point of view of food, a pound of sardines is worth a pound of tuna. there's a hell of a lot more rabbits in the ocean than lions and tigers. let's choose to eat more of those. >> eat local. obviously there's a big push to focus on eating local. obviously the transport of fish alone and other resources can be so taxing. >> we import 90% of our seafood in the united states of america. our fisheries are better managed in general than the world's fisheries. so when you eat a local fish
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you're eating a fish from a local fishery and a better managed fishery than one imported from the rest of the world. >> eat shellfish, the exception being shrimp. first of all, why are shellfish good? >> if you're eating farm shelf fish, mussels, clams, oysters, you're doing something good for the planet. you're eating a filter feeder. it filters the ocean while it grows so not only is it basically making food out of something we don't want to eat, algae, but it's helping to clean the ocean, that's a great thing to eat. >> why no shrimp? >> sad to say there's no way to eat shrimp and feel good about it. wild shrimp are caught with a net that is very small mesh. really small. so when you drag that net through the water you catch everything in the water column. three or four pounds of nonshrimp for every pound of shrimp up on deck. much of it dead and dying. farm shrimp, farmed in places where they create its coastal ponds and they get filled up with fecal matter and pesticides, it's not a pretty picture. >> one concluding thought.
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we don't get to talk to you often enough. in a sentence or two, the number one sort of misperception that we have about the food we consume would be what that you would clear up? >> i want people to understand that we can, if we will stop all the fishing in the waters of just ten countries, we can rebuild our ocean fisheries fast and feed a billion people a healthy seafood meal for the rest of eternity. >> we appreciate you spending time with us. it's a great bok. we appreciate some of the short insights people can take home with them too. >> thank you. tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern time msnbc will premiere the politics of power hosted by chris hayes. it takes a look at climate change as made enclosuclear bet chris and bill mckibben, a leading advocate for the need to switch to solar and wind power. >> we have just passed 400 parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere. your organization is called and that 350 stands for 350 parts per million, which
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scientists say is a safe level of carbon in the atmosphere. so the question is, we're already past it by 50 parts per million. what do you see as the solution to bring the carbon level down to your organization's name? >> there's no solution other than stopping burning coal and gas and oil, and doing it fast. we're past the point where we're going to stop global warming. i mean we already melted the arctic, okay. so if we do everything right at this point, it will still be decades before we're back to 350 and a lot of damage will bow done in the meantime. if we don't do everything right that damage will escalate. it will be civilization scale. >> the politics of power airs this friday, tonight, at 8:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. so i'm checking out the jetta. 34 hwy mpg. check. no-charge scheduled maintenance. check. and here's the kicker... 0% apr for 60 months.
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you right now. you are looking at live pictures. this is cairo, egypt. this is close to ramsey square, one of the meeting points for the mass protests called for by the muslim brotherhood as part of their day of rage. recognize there is a curfew in effect at this hour in that country. you can see the buildings there completely engulfed in flames. again, at this hour the death toll continues to rise as clashes continue throughout egypt between government forces and pro-morsi supporters. we are also getting some news that senators john mccain and lindsey graham, who have put out a statement within the last few minutes, where they say the interim civilian government and security forces backed up unfortunately by the military are taking egypt down a dark path, one that the united states cannot and should not travel with them. mccain and graham urge the obama administration to suspend u.s. assistance to egypt, making clear to the current leadership of the country what steps we believe are necessary to halt
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egypt's descent. john mccain has been opposed to the continuation of aid to that country. the two men both recently went there to egypt as emissaries for the administration and are calling for further action. those live pictures from cairo, egypt. before we end this hour, we want to look at what stories will make headlines in the next 24 hours. chris is back with us now. chris, you'll allow us to indull engine a little lit of light sports fair. president yankees and a-rod, his first crack at boston. more importantly, the boston fans have their first crack at him. >> you've got that right. i predict loud booing and a bad weekend for a-rod with the latest allegations. this story goes from bad to worse. i think the yankees from a pr standpoint would wish it would all just go away. obviously, he's appealing his basically year and a half long suspension and can play until then, which i'm guessing if you
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gave them all truth serum on that yankees bench, they would prefer that not be the case. it's going to be a real bronx cheer in boston this evening, is my guess for a-rod. >> i think a lot of americans will say we are all boston strong tonight. there are plenty of americans who want to be a part of that boo fest for a-rod given what's happened recently. chris, thanks so much. have a good weekend. that's going to do it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." you've been watching msnbc. remember to follow the show online and on twitter @mitchellreports. my colleague craig melvin has a look at what is next on "news nation." craig, good to visit with you. >> good to see you, peter. we'll have the latest on the breaking news out of egypt. we're also following the news revelations challenging the president's claim that the nsa did not abuse its power regarding that surveillance program. we'll get the latest reaction from the aclu. the organization of course now suing the government for its secret spying. and seattle police on the green beat for this weekend's hip fest. how washington state's new pot
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law is giving a new meaning to the motto protect and serve. also, we'll talk to the ohio seventh grader now fighting a ban that keeps girls off the high school football team. the 12-year-old trail blazer joins the news nation next. what are you doing? oh, hey. using night-vision goggles to keep an eye on my spicy buffalo wheat thins. who's gonna take your wheat thins? i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot. could you get the light? [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti! [ male announcer ] must! have! wheat thins!
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major privacy breach. new reaction to a report the nsa broke its own rules thousands it of times. what lawmakers are planning to do about it now. also, seattle's new green beat. it's not unusual to see doritos at hemp fest, but why are police handing them out this year? and conspiracy theory confirmed? the government finally acknowledging area 51, but they say it's not what you think. details in our "news nation" gut check. i'm craig melvin in for tamron hall on this friday. we'll get to those stories in a moment. first, the "news nation"
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continues to follow the bloodshed in egypt. reports of more than 80 people killed during today's protests in cairo and other egyptian cities as well. that's on top of more than the 600 killed in wednesday's crackdown. today's deaths come as thousands of supporters of the ousted president morsi poured into the streets across egypt answering calls by the muslim brotherhood for a, quote, day of rage. nbc's ayman mohyeldin joins us live from cairo. what's happening right now, ayman? >> reporter: well, a few different things that are unfolding. you are looking at those images on your screen of that building that was on fire. that was near ramsey square. it is an office building, we understand, belonging to a major construction company here in egypt. that has been set on fire. according to egyptian state television, as fire trucks were trying to get to the front lines to try to put out those fires, they came under attack. it's not clear yet w
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