tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC August 22, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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next. colin powell versus reince priebus, who are you going to call? let's play "hardball." good evening. colin powell, perhaps the most respected republicans in country, says his party is sending message to african-americans by pushing measures making it harder to vote, it's saying that it -- the hero of the gulf war in a battle with rnc chair reince priebus, who has responded over the multistate effort to close down voting days and set higher requirements for voting in this country. who are you going to call? the general who wants americans -- all americans to vote and pats are participate? or the party chair who supports
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bills for making it harder for minorities and young voters to vote. who are you going to call? colin powell or reince priebus, the field marshal of the rnc. james peterson is a director at lehigh, an engineer, and clarence page a columnest for "the chicago tribune. "let's start with colin powell and what he said in his own words. he was speaking in raleigh, where he criticized republican efforts to limit voting. the news and observer quotes him as saying, quote, i want to see policies that encourage every american to vote, not make it more difficult to vote. it immediately turns off a voting bloc that the republican party needs. these kinds of actions do not build on the base, it just turns people away. you can say what you like, but there is no voter fraud. how can it be widespread and undetected? what it really says is we really are punishing you. clarence page, you've been
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covering politics as long as i have. he only comes in from olump pus or wherever he reigns from, and everybody hears every word he speaks, because he is a republican. >> he is, and it's not -- not just republicans were pushing him to run for president, a reflection of the level of credibility he has. but you know, chris, i've often thought that powell was in the military for the second half of the last century, almost like being encased in ice while all these crazy changes have happened in the republican party. it's moved farther right. he still represents what's left of the old rockefeller republicans, the eisenhower republicans, the jake sdwrar advice republicans. >> >> if you will. >> he was one of the chairs in new york. dina merrill, there's an interesting duo. >> you're right. >> not to be too comical party, but that's the republican party
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i grew up watching and my party was part of. professor, this thing is a battle writ large, i think. you have the most respected republican across party lines and reince priebus, who has a jobsh he's a partisan. somehow he got the idea with this 30-some state effort to reduce the chance of a black vote, that the way to diminishing white percentage of the country and diminishing republican portion will survie is to make it the growing portion harder to participate. we'll have in quotes on this segment of republicans saying that's what they're up to. >> you're right. it's blazant, and it is quite cynical, kind of a last-ditch effort to play to that shrinking base over -- chris, you're right about general powell's sort of measuredness in terms of when and how he makes interventions, and party of the reason would you he's able to retain some of these credibility is because he does it so rarely, and so we
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does it, we want to hear what he has to say. every time he's made any of these interventions, he's been challenging his party to be more reasonable, and i think that's kind of the pathway to the future. unfortunately reince priebus is in a tough situation where the candidates and the politicals within his party that want to have a certain kind of campaign sort of stretch into the mid terms and ultimately into the presidential election are very much interested in continuing to play to his base. not everyone in the republican party is trying to do this, but he's. >> let me tell you, you're sitting in philadelphia with the cityscape behind you. it reminded me i grew up in pennsylvania, you're a professor at lehigh, with hugh scott, arlen specter, both republicans, and arlen would get like 35% of the african-american vote, a huge chunk, which is the
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historic percentage the republican party used to get, which is why it loses a net 80% of the black vote in the big cities, because 90 minus 10 is 80. it used to be two thirds minus a third was a third, and the republican party could win statewide easily. about you when you start losing a net 80%, you're in the business anymore. here is pennsylvania republicans, speaking out openly. here's pennsylvania house republican leader mike turzai in june of last year. let's listen to him admit they're using this requirement to screw the black voter out of voting. let's listen to him. >> voter i.d., which will allow governor romney to within the state of pennsylvania -- done. >> romney wins, and just this sum, he bragged that voter i.i.d. helped shave some points, like basketball.
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let's listen to this guy admit it again. we're not making this up. >> reporter: doug thinks it affected last year's elections? i want i think it d think about this. we cut obama by 5%, which is big. a lot of people lost sight of that. he beat mccain by 10%, romney by 5%, i think probably photo i.d. helped a bit in that. >> what is this guy, under sodium pentothal? clarence, i don't get it. what is the world they live? >> some teem are tone-deaf to how they sound. his party is denying that photoo i.d. has anything to do with, when kind of like when lee atwater said we don't use the "n" word anymore, now we're more abstract. that's the same kind of thing happens here.
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>> but he's sayinged mere word spreading in the black community, when people live in rowhouses and don't and people get old and lives into their 90s they're not driving around in cars, and they get the word, because the republican effort out there, hey, there's this new requirement, you don't have the right paperwork, a lot of people, according to this guy, 5% didn't bothered voting, because they thought they weren't allowed to, so they won by just the bad noise. >> it's absurd, because what the data shows is this tactic backfired at the presidential level. it are not chaed voters up to wait longer and pursue through it. but why aren't they talking about voter fraud, which is supposed to be the reason behind this. they're talking about shaving points and try to reduce and diminish, but we live in a democracy. we're trying to make it a great democracy where more people participate or we're not. listen, this is not just against the black vote.
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this is against elderly voters, again latino, hispanic, against college students. the i.d. laws and other laws sort of shrinking the window to vote bakley reduces or democracy to less than what it can be. this is why it's intolerable. the general is so smart. had el's not denying there's fraud, of course it happens. but it doesn't change the results of stayedwide elections. as powell points out, the great irony, if there's so much of it that affects elections, how how come nobody can find any. >> that's right. even more movement today. in addition to general powell's comments, the justice department filed a lawsuit against the state of texas to belowic that state's voter i.d. law that went in effect a mere hours -- in a statement here, eric holder
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said -- we will not allow the supreme court's recent decision to be interpreted as open season for states to pursue measures that suppress voting rights. in fact, within hours of that comment, senator john cornyn of texas, one part pan paul issued a statement -- facts mean little to a justice department bent on inserting itself into the sovereign affairs of texas and a lame-duck administration in trying to turn our state blue. excuse me, senator. lame duck? we are six months into a four-year presidential term, but that's the way they want us to think, isn't it, clarence? they've been good a the it. >> sure. the irony of this is, as was mentioned earlier, while the republicans have put so much attention on voter i.d. they had a problem getting white and blue collar male voters to turn out. that's probably what sunk
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romney. when you look at the low turnout among reliable republican voters in -- reliable districts, especially rural districts, that made a big difference, because romney was not connecting with the base. this is -- >> he connected once when he said 47%. >> that's the thing. >> everybody in america heard that one. >> that probably had a bigger impact than anything else. >> a lot of republicans are below the average income. >> right. >> they're reg hear republicans are not all rich. >> thank you. that's where the reagan democrats came from. ronald reagan connected with the blue collar white voters, but they've not had that connection since in the gop, so they've turned to tactics. tell me, professor, i've only seen you do such great things on this network and i mean it. >> thank you. >> but tell me what you tell to school guys up at lehigh, and
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how do they see this, the republican party after all these years after being damned good on voting rights in the '60s. i check it out. only two republican senators in the entire senate voted against the act. john tar row of texas and of course strom thurman. that was it. >> that's right. >> every republican senator was gung ho for voting rights. today what would the vote be? >> it will be almost the opposite of that, and what i try to tell students, chris is we have to be students of history, but also understand this particular moment. it gets real trick whery, how they have sort of switched sides, and a lot of progressives think the democratic party is kind of the republican party of the immediate future, so there is some confusion, but these particular cases, we have to pay attention. what eric holder is looking at is the section of the voting rights act that hasn't been gutted that prohibits any kind of voting practices that discrimination or what they refer to as linguistic minority.
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congress in the '80s added certain addendums, so the courts could use important information, to look at the history of a particular state or district, to look at racial morization, to look at representations, so we have to share that and teach young people to look -- and that's how we wrestled thus these kind of complications. lehigh is no longer the engineers, we're the mountain hawks. >> okay the i keep up with that, like the stanford cardinal, with its christmas tree mascot. it's like the little kid who takes his ball home, because he can't win. it was once the republican party's great challenge to compete for the african-american vote and they did a decent year. that's my coach -- get back in the game. rachel maddow will paragraph her whole show attorney night
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live from elizabeth city -- actually tonight a whole show tonight. north carolina is getting hit on this stuff. coming up, the latest idea from the republican fever swamping. here it is, lame duck, and here's the bigger word, impeachment, as gop comman put it, it would be a dream come true. isn't that backwards? also, it looks like bob filner is finally out as mayor after 18 women. he is leaving this friday. plus something you have to hear, an incredible -- this is heartwarming, a 911 call from a school clerk down in atlanta who talked down an armed young guy with an ak-47 and 500 rounds of ammo and got him to not kill anybody. the create are of aaron sorkin gets a news organization
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in real life to set the record straight. this is "hardball", the place for politics -- or at least taped. ever... she let him plan the vacation. "off the beaten path"... he said. "trust me"... he implored. alas, she is beginning to seriously wonder... why she ever doubted... the booking genius. planet earth's number one accomodation site: booking.yeah! i save time, money,st, and i avoid frustration. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare, written by people just like you. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables
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republican hatred of president obama, they're now calling for him to be impeached. let's watch. >> if i could write that bill and submit it -- >> do it. >> excuse me. it would be a dream come true. i feel your pain. i went back to my office and i've had lawyers come in, ph.d.s, tell me how i can impeach the president of the united states. >> here's the issue, you tie that into a question i get a lot. if everybody's so unhappy with what the president has done, why don't you impeach him, and i'll give you a real frank answer about that. if we were to impeach the president tomorrow, you could probably get the votes in the house of representatives to do it. >> you saw them, they're hardly the only ones who have publicly
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discussed. 6 and now buzzfeed, the website, is reporting that senator tom coburn, said yesterday that obama was getting perilously close to the standard of impeachment. some people like ted cruz. cruz has offered his sympathy and implicit support to those looking to impeach obama. here's cruz at a town hall this week. >> it's a good question. you need the votes in the u.s. senate. with the democrats controlling the senate -- i think the stage is said for 2014 to be a fantastic year for republicans. i believe in 2014, we can take the majority of the u.s. senate and retire harry reid.
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ed rendell, and john braybrenner, a strategist. let me go to the governor on this one. this attempt began way back with the you lie and birther iism and sort of an attempt to put an asterisk next to him name. so they'll be able to say he was never actually president, because he was from some other country or he was impeached or there was talk of impeachment. the bill he passed was never really an act of government. thib uses tissue rejection, i've never seen it, they didn't like clinton. we all fought over different people. this is an attempt to say you ain't even there, obama. >> well, chris, i love it, and the reason i love it. >> love it? >> i tell you, i love it,
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because it is costing them supporters. the normally people, the moderate republicans, the conservative democrats who may have a tendency to vote republican, might have had a tendency to vote for mitt romney, they think it's crazy, mean-spirited and divisive, everything they hate about american politics. they've come to the conclusion they can't support republicans, because even if the individual is a good guy, he's controlled by the wacko faction of the party. i think it's self-destructive and from the standpoint of a loyal democrat, i love it. they're wacko. >> let me asking you john, the politics. it's people -- given opportunities by the press at the time. you walk up to a guy and say -- what is this like and everybody goes, well, they're entitled to
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their opinion. >> we have no republican messenger, where we're all behind, so what's happening is different elements of the republican party are trying to raise money, they're talking only to the base, and what they're doing is very counterproductive. what they're really doing is shrinking the base, only talking to the most passionate supporter who frankly want to get rid of obama. i think this is counterproduct i have been. i think the governor is right, if we don't change it, it could hurt us in the 2014 elections. >> what is this thing about impeachment? with nixon we had -- i think some things are a bit overdone. certainly a lot of the recall things are an attempt to have a revote. but the fact is you shouldn't -- i go to you, governor. if somebody commits a high crime, then you have an impeachment, but i don't know what high crime is even being
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pushedly the republicans, even a guy as smart as cruz, i'm trying to find some historians, or it's not that we don't have enough votes in the senate. how about the more cardinal question, are there grounds for impeachment? >> high crimes and misdemeanors, and it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. as john said, they're trying to feed the base in many cases for their own political purposes, and by feeding the base, or the extreme part of the base, they are absolutely shrinking it. you know, when we campaign against a good guy against pat meehan next time, we're going to say pat's okay, but he's controlled by the republican leadership and they're controlled by these wackos, the divisive, hateful people who you don't like. the only way to change it is to get rid of republican control of
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the house. that middles him, doesn't it? forces him to say, well, i'm not one of them. that puts him in a bad situation. >> but there are certainly districts where it is just the base, so a congressman -- >> delaware county is not like that. >> as you know, not like that, very modern, but i know that tom coburn example better. he said, number one, i am not calling for impeachment. i am saying there are people calling for them. i do think he's incompetent, but i also consider him a friend of mine. >> who is more powerful -- this is loaded. here's the question. is boehner more powerful, or is the angry guy in the last row at the next town meeting? >> i'll be honest, i think it's the angry guy as long as he's also writing checks to candidates. what's happening is we're being driven by candidates who want to run in 2016.
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what they're trying to do is compete for -- >> is the outside rail the best place to be? >> it's not. they're not all that way. >> they're fighting for -- >> let's face it rand paul is fighting to get out as far as he can. nobody 'willing to say that. >> i agree. i think you have ted cruz and rand paul talking about libertarian, but you do have people like chris christie -- >> going the norm at route. >> or rick santorum said we have to start talking to hard-working blue collar america. >> i do think that chris christie would be an awesome candidate if the democrats didn't have hillary. >> except even chris christie, who i admire, even he's tacking toward the base. you saw after proposing a law to ban 50-millimeter rifles that can be accurate a the a mile and pierce kevlar, he put that forward as an idea. when the legislature sent it to
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him. he vetoed it. why? for only one reason. he's playing to the base. if mitt romney had run as the governor of massachusetts, he would be president of the united states today. i want you know what i do in those debates? i call those bullets cop killers. >> absolutely. >> nobody needs those guns. anyway, thank you. governor rendell and john, for your insights. starting monday -- you have to keep saling it "hardball" 7:00, you have to watch us at 7:00. for those of you who always watch at 5:00 eastern, you need to tune in at 7:00. i'm asking you to change your habits. i it's a great time of night. we like to relax. hold on until 7:00. this is "hardball", the place for politics. sneed renewal notice. by about $110 a month. roll the dice. care act was passed, company to go down by about $60 a month. little guy
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from the school shooting in atlanta. no one was injured when the gunman entered school, and many are attributing that outcome to a brave school clerk, antoinette tuff, who succeeded in calming down michael brandon hill, who police say he was in the 911 tape, you can hear tuff convince hill to stand down. >> let me talk to them and see if we can work it out so that you don't have to go away with them for a long time itches i'm already on probation. >> no, it doesn't matter. i can let you know that you have not tried to harm me or doing anything, if you want to. that doesn't make any difference, you didn't hit anybody. let me ask you this. he didn't hit anybody. if i walk out there with him -- if i walk out there with him, so they won't shoot him or anything
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like that, he wants to give himship up. is that okay? on the ground with his hands -- tell the officers don't come in shooting or anything. i'll butt them in. >> okay. hold on. sit right there. i'm going to buzz them in, so you know when they're coming, okay? just stay there calm. i'm going to sit here, so they'll see you did not try to harm me. okay? >> okay. >> it's going to be all right, sweetheart. i love you, though, okay? and i'm proud of you. that's a good thing. we all go through something in life. [ male announcer ] running out of steam?
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cnbc market wrap much the dow ended a six-day losing streak. . the nasdaq closed higher despite a technical glitch that stopped trading for three hours this afternoon. new jobless claims climbed by 13,000 last week, but still stayed close to a six-year low. the average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage jumped to 4.58%, a new two-year high. that's itty cnbc, now back to "hardball." sfoo . he would come in and try to kiss me on the lips the i had to squirm to get away. >> he got very close to me, and ran hi finger up like this, and he whispered, do you have a plan in your life? >> i was placed in the filner headlock and moved around as a
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ragdoll while he whispered sexual colts in my ear. welcome back to "hardball." those were just 3 of the 18 women who have accused san diego mayor bob filner of unwanted sexual advances. today we learned that he has agreed to resign. filner was spotted, by the way, leaving city hall with packing boxes wednesday night. he will formally vacation following a closed session of the city council tomorrow. he's also expected to speak tomorrow after that closed-door session. anyway, the question a lot of people are asking now, how did he get away with it for so long. e.b. stoddard does cover capitol hill, where he was a congressman for so many year, and joan walsh is here. this didn't leak out, this problem -- >> he was there for 20 years. if this was happening in washington, he would have had a
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reputation about it and wouldn't have gone away with it for so long. he managed to have a longtime career, not as a standout congressman, but i'm still amazed. they were women who served in our armed forces that had been raped during their service that he tried to put the moves on. i'm just amazed that he admitted and still wanted to hang onto his job until tomorrow. >> often live it was a time-delay tactic its only two weeks i want what do you think about this? we don't know -- this thing hasn't gone to trial, and may well go to a civil court. we'll know more about how he was able to intimidate people. did he threaten their jobs? i don't know what he did to avoid people. the headlock one jumps right out at you ivlts it's horrible. >> this isn't anything on the border. this is way over, almost criminal. >> yeah, and it's been awful,
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too, to lynn to him claim age as an execution like times have changed, he didn't get the memo. >> when was the headlock era? i want i don't know, chris. i'm just not that old. i shouldn't be making light of it. it's awful. >> i know. >> we're not. that was awful, because it presumes that men haven't learned, most men, the vast majority of men have learned what is acceptable. you know, it's a bipartisan thing. earlier last spring -- >> thank you, thank you, joan. i love that you said that, because it's everything in our business today that recognizes that financial corruption and sexual misbehavior are not rampant, but they are bipartisan. >> they are, sadly they are bepardon san. i've been a progressive for too long to pretend this doesn't happen among democrats or good enlightened progressives. it happens, but we've also seen or friends on the right try to hang filner and anthony weiner
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around, and claim that this is some strange democratic malady. i'm of the pin now that wean are is not in the running, at least according to the polls. he may make a comeback, but not good for the party. he was used as sort of the doppelganger -- it was filner and weiner, used like a brace of trouble, you know what i mean? it was being used partisanwise. >> gentlemen, i think george will made some colts about it. we had the spectacle of herman cain who i think was the leading republican going down in a scandal like this i hope he's really leaving. how did you remember? herman cain's existence? >> we spent way too much of our lives talking about that man.
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>> back into the stack of golden oldies. >> i was going to bring up congressman foley, and the reason republicans were hammers democrats, was there was a sense that republicans had known about it. but i don't think they reflect on their party. >> thank you, a.b. and joan. the aaron sorkin, the genius behind "the newsroom" on hoib, but he has something to straighten out, and i think he's right. the place for right -- the place for politics. maybe it is. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger.
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ask your doctor about the only underarm low t treatment, axiron. i know it means adjusting your evening rituals and habits, but i'm asking you to make the move with me. we're moving to 7:00 eastern, just one showing of "hardball" every night. we'll be right back after this. it starts with little things. tiny changes in the brain.
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little things anyone can do. it steals your memories. your independence. ensures support, a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like. sooner than you'd think. you die from alzheimer's disease. we cure alzheimer's disease. every little click, call or donation adds up to something big. aaron sorkin made politics
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romantic in "the west wing" and now is doing the same thing on hbo. it takes you behind the scenes of a nightly news show. a tad bit more dramatic than the reality, but not much. it covers real-life stories like the election, the george zimmerman case and benghazi, but also about the investigation into a military black-op known as genoa, where the network accuses american troops for using sarin gas on civilians. the story turns out not to be true. this reality this week comes crashing down. >> we don't think the protest has anything to do with the movie. >> we don't think it's a protest. >> what do you think it is? he has a source. >> he saw an e-mail at the operations senator to white house and say shariah is claiming the attack. >> the movies might be a coincidence. >> it's not a movie "avatar" is the movie.
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>> how bad is this thing? >> it's been bad. >> you've been nothing but bad news since you raised your hand at northwestern. it may have nothing to do with cairo and the 9/11 attack. what? mac? >> we have to reextract genoa tonight. all of it. >> dramatic stuff, and it's coming on sunday night. i spoke with aaron sorkin. while discussion his fictional show, he cleared the air on a bog us real-life headline. aaron sorkin, "the newsroom" grabs people in the strangest what i on sunday night at 10:00. and what grabs people is it's organic. you're watching this is characters, and you have no idea where they're going to go. people really find it like it's
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a live animal, that show, like it's going to do something next. >> i can el it you while i'm making it that i feel like i'm being attacked. >> i work with a great group of people. i want for one second hijack this interview. there's something i need to do. i'm here in d.c., did an event last night for the new republic, we screened this sunday's many sod, and there was a q&a after, and mother jones, terrific outlet, posted a story this morning saying that i want the huffington post sucks. i certainly did not say that. the headline writer didn't take me out of context. the headline writer didn't exaggerate. the headline writer lied, and i just want to make sure that david corn and -- i'm sorry, that ariana and everything at the huffington post knows i did never and would never say that.
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>> great. you've made news tonight. let's go to the thing about truth. i think in that episode, i did see a screener -- and there's a real bad guy in it. you have a bide guy who's a news producer, who cheats, and it makes him look like he's saying something about the use of sarin gas, poisonous gas, that he didn't say, deliberate lying by the media. >> you're talking about jerry dantana, and he is a true believer. his's not doing this for the money or the glory. he honestly believes that this happened, the story happened, the story has got to get out, that the general he's interviewing said it off-camera and just got cold field. >> but did he say it off-camera? >> we're going to find out. i don't want to give too much away, but what he said off-camera "it happened. "but it's not the it that jerry
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thought -- >> this is important to me in my business. i deal about it all the time with producers, finding truth. you can have an attitude on top of truth, but facts are facts. they edited the tape, he cheated. >> listen, i'm not a journalism expert and certainly not an expert on ethics in journalism. what he did is lying, straight-up wrong, what he did is exactly what north jones did when they said -- >> getting back to that point. >> i'm going to try to hammer it home in this interview, because its mind-blowing to me that they simply invented out of wholecloth, and then -- i promise we'll get back to the subject, and then in the body of the article he contacts several peek at "the huffington post," this is playground coat holding. i never said that. this is a kid sitting there going, fight, fight, fight.
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>> so they constructed a story on top of a lie. >> they're constructing an argument on top of a lie. but in jerry dantana's case, there's no question that in that interview he's lies. he -- not i -- he believes it's for a righteous cause. >> why did i dislike the character the second i saw him. is that in the writing? where did that come from? >> it's a bit in the writing. first of all, we cast and hammish linkladder, a great character, we cast one of the most likable, most inoffensive actors possible. you didn't like him for two reasons. one, he's an outsider, and this is a workplace family, so anyone from the outside, he was -- the audience is going to be suspicious of. second, in his introductory scene, will warns sloan, olivia
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munn, watch out for this guy, i think he's trying to win a peabody. as soon as one of our guys says watch out, that's telling the audience. >> that's why i like the show. let me tell you about romance of truth, you have great characters like tom cruise in "a few good men" up against a guy like jack nicholson. how do you -- are they black hat/white hat guys? >> no, i hope not. nicholson is a good example of that character, colonel jessup. he's the antagonist, the one that the hero gets to send away, but he has a big speech that people remember "you can't handle the trust". >> "men on walls". >> you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. at the end of that speech, hopefully if i've done my job well, if the actor playing the part has done it well, ute in the audience he's going to say he has a point. we know this guy, at least
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through negligence killed santiago, but gee, he's got a good point. that's when you win. when the black hats aren't all black, and the white hats aren't all while. >> in very different circumstances, the cosmos shifts. a long of young people who grew up during "the west wing" heyday, and got interested in politics, perhaps staff politics like i was in. do you know that? you romanced it to the point where people said i want to be one of the truth tellers because of the newsroom and producers and the fights we have here, with some attitude, obviously, but the truth. >> i've heard that, but it makes me so happy when i hear it, because people are into public service. >> yeah, and how does journalism fit in this i want i think journalism is a public service, and i think it's a calling. listen, i want to be clear, when -- i'm no more an expert on journalism than i aim -- i wrote
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the movie "money ball." i'm not an expert on how a small-market team can make it to a world series, either. the difference between writing a show that takes place in a news didroom and working in it is the same as drawing a billing and building a billing. all my training and education and background has been in play writing, not in journalism, not in politics, not in baseball, not in military law, and i -- i -- i'll have a number of consultants who kind of feed me foe netically sometimes the things that i need to know. >> i think you get pretty close. let's look at a clip. two weeks ago, it involves one of your actors. >> one of our finest actors, certainly one of or most handsome. >> this was from an episode earlier the season. they almost get bam boozeled by prank callers, claiming that one is under the rubble of a
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bombed-out hotel in syria. take a look at what happens. >> we're all set. we wanted to wait for a commercial break. >> alima. >> mr. curry? >> yes, this is me. i am here. >> mrs. curry, are you there? >> will you put this call on television? >> here's the thing, guys. syrians don't commonly say thank god, nobody named curry is registered at the w. when that building came down, it took the cell tower with it. are you still with me? stewart? we have software that unblocks phone number that's why your super is knocking on the door with a police officer. >> mr. block, open the door, please? >> baba bowie. >> tonight we take care of old family business. >> prank and you got even. >> i also want to say that
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actor, thomas matthews, it took us quite a while to get the information out of him that his father was a very well-known political pundit. >> he owes his looks to his mama. >> don't we all. but he got that part on his own, he came in and auditioned, and he's great, and he's a great team player, you know, football players talk about being great in the huddle. he's great in the huddle. >> thank you very much. everybody lufz it. thanks for coming in here. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me. by the way, mother jones did withdraw that headline. one of the two greatest speeches in american history. you're watching "hardball", the place for politics. [ whispering ] uh! i had a nightmare!
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these words about the king's speech of. of all the words spoken by millions, only a small number are remembered. give me liberty or give me death. you have nothing to fear about fear itself. high among them were the words spoken 50 years ago next week. what's always gotten to me is the finale, what came at the end, that powerful bringing together of the cause of civil rights with the very land on which this country sits, this grounding of the god-given rights for the sons and daughters of former slaves, to the earth which this country stands and live. let freedom ring, from the
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predigitous hill tops of new hampshire, let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of new york, from the heightening alleghenys of pennsylvania, from the survashs slopes of california, but not only that, how i love that that, but not only that, let from stone mountain in georgia. let freedom ring from lookout mountain, from every hill and molehill from mississippi. from every mountain side, let freedom ring, there is in the scope and grandeur and fragrance of those words the very picture of this land, and this remarkable man managed to raise up civil rights as american rights, as american as the land god gave us. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. \s. i'm live tonight from washington, d.c. tonight's lead, a tas
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