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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  August 26, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. all in with chris hayes starts right now. >> thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight in washington, d.c. tonight's lead, driving back the gop's anti-voting drive. one of the most respected republicans is slamming his party for trying to restrict voting rights. and he is issuing this warning. >> these kinds of procedures that are being put in place to slow the process down and make it likely that fewer hispanics and african-americans might vote i think are going to backfire because these people are going to come out and do what they have to do in order to vote. and i encourage that. >> so colin powell says it's
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going to backfire, that people will come out and vote. well, they came out this weekend. you could see it. you could feel it. the parks department says some 178,000 people used the city's metro system, most to go to the rally and march. we came out to retrace the steps of dr. king and others, and to say we will fight for our right to vote. >> i gave of blood on that bridge in selma, alabama, for the right to vote. i am not going to stand by and let the supreme court take the right to vote away from us. you cannot stand by. you cannot sit down. you've got to stand up, speak up, speak out, and get in the way, make some noise. >> they're coming with all these
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schemes, voter id. well, we always had id. why do we need new id now? we had id when we voted for johnson. we had id when we voted for nixon. we id when we voted for those that succeeded him -- carter, reagan, bush, clinton, bush again. why when we get to obama do we need some special id? >> the justice department is already suing texas to stop its new voter id law and reports say that north carolina's extreme voting restrictions will likely be next in line for attorney general eric holder, who also spoke on saturday. >> we must remember generations who carry themselves on a day-to-day basis with great dignity in the face of unspeakable injustice. but for them, i would not be
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attorney general of the united states and barack obama would not be president of the united states of america. this struggle must and will go on in the cause of our nation's quest for justice. until every eligible american has the chance to exercise his or her right to vote, unencumbered by discriminatory or unneeded procedures, rules, or practices. >> the thousands who came out this weekend are ready to continue that quest for justice. >> we're on our way to north carolina. we're on our way to texas. we're on our way to florida. and when they ask us for our voter id, take out a photo of medgar evers, take out a photo of goodman, cheney and take out a photo of viola louisa.
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they gave their lives so we could vote. look at this photo. it gives you the idea of who we are. >> when this march was called, it was called to continue to fight to make the dream of dr. king a reality. when martin luther king iii, the marnl action network and i said we knew thousands would come, those numbers came. but now the march is over. we will have the commemoration wednesday. then we head to the field to do the work. watch out, north carolina. a lot of people are going to deal with this issue because voter rights is not a partisan issue, it's a people issue. it's a citizen issue. and joining me now are north carolina state senator floyd mckissic, james peterson and goldie taylor. thanks for joining me. >> thanks, rev. >> let me start with you senator
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mckissic. you've been fighting the voting law in north carolina. colin powell says it will backfire. what are you see strong ground? >> well, i hope colin powell is correct. i hope we'll be able to marshall all the troops, 3 to 6,000 people monday after monday while we were in session is, go throughout the state to the most important districts that there are and that we can get people out to vote. and i feel very confident that we can. there is litigation that has been filed in federal court and in state court, basically attacking all the voter suppression practices that have been implemented. the decrease of the early voting period by a week. back in 2008, we had over 700,000 people killed in the first week of early voting. in 2012 with an increase. those people won't have that right when this comes forth next time at the next election cycle. there is a multitude of things that have changed. same day voter registration.
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not allowing college students to go out there and vote if they have gotten preregistered in the state and will be 18 by the time of the general election. >> let people understand what these new voter laws say. it's the new voter id law in north carolina is a strict voting id requirement. it eliminates same-day voter g registration. stops early polling hours in the event of long lines. no how long, close the booths. increase the number of poll observers, and bans preregistration for 16 and 17-year-olds. i mean, this is probably the most regressive that we've seen, senator. >> it is. it's a poster child of the very worst voting practices the united states of america. and if you have a republican-controlled legislature, it could be coming soon to a legislature near you. it even disallows people who vote in the wrong precinct. sometimes people go to the wrong precinct because they moved. sometimes the precinct lines have changed. if they used to if they went in
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and cast a provisional ballot, it was counted. now the provisional ballots will no longer be counted either. >> goldie, when you look at the fact that even supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg told "the new york times" the supreme court decisions is one of the most activist she has ever seen, and she has specifically cited the gutting of the voting rights act, saying the decision was stunning in terms of activism. >> certainly stunning to me to see it gutted in that way, and to say that we did not need precertification anymore because some states had made so-called strides over the years where we watched those very same states, the states that recovered under the voting rights act in precertification, we watched them at the stroke of the penguin drafting more regressive voter suppression laws in their states to say that we need to strip away a civics program for high school students which
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teaches them about public engagement and how to be involved in their government and how to take their voice to the voting booth, to strip that away, to make it so the 16 and 17-year-olds, your children and mine cannot preregister to vote, to get them involved in the process earl year. to say that we are going to focus our attention on students, on racial minorities, and on the elderly. key constituencies that happen to lean more democrat in their voting preferences, to focus your attention on them i think says -- i'm glad that attorney general holder is beginning to make a move in texas. and i hope that he will make a move also in north carolina. >> now professor peterson, the republican national committee today held its commemoration of the march on washington. and republican congressman james sensenbrenner said he will fight to restore the voting.
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listen to. this. >> i am committed to restoring the voting rights act as an effective tool to prevent discrimination. i'm a mechanic. and my job is to fix the voting rights act. now, the first thing we have to do is to take the monkey wrench that the court threw in out of the voting rights act. >> now, as he says that, james, you have the chairman of the party, priebus, which hosted the event today. he is on record defending voter id laws, saying, quote, voter identification laws are common sense and an effective way to combat election fraud. i don't know how you commemorate the march on washington and "i have a dream" speech where he talks about governors lips speaking with nullification and at the same time colin powell and sensenbrenner saying you've
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got correct the voting rights act which was gutted by this supreme court. >> that's exactly right, rev. reince priebus is a politico. see not a policymaker here. obviously not interested in the commemoration or the continuation of the spirit and the hard work of the march on washington. and obviously what we're seeing in states like north carolina, texas, and other states has just been really, really tragic in a lot of different and interesting ways. i think at the end of the day, we've got to fight this on two fronts. we do need to press the wisconsin senator and his colleagues to restore preclearance and actually expand the map of preclearance. we need to expand the states and municipalities that are included in the preclearance measure of what used to be section five of the voting rights act. a lot of experts were suggesting the use of section two might not be as effective for voter id laws. it's been very effective for discrimination law and redistrict. so we need the congress to act here.
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we need the republicans and democrats in congress to work to restore section 5 and really expand the map for preclearance so we can make sure we're expanding our democracy. >> senator mckissick, i want to show you a picture, because you more than anyone are talking about what a lot of us are speaking about this weekend. this is a photograph of your father, floyd mckissick senior at the march on washington 50 years ago. and he was at the side of martin luther king jr. he represented the national president and chair james farmer couldn't make the march because he was in jail in louisiana for a demonstration. your father stood in his place and then later succeeded him as chairman of core. so you're not only fighting in north carolina as a state legislator, you grew up in the family of one of those that represented the six convening organizations 50 years ago?
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>> yes. and it's wonderful to be a part of that legacy. i mean, they all fought 50 years ago for the voting rights act, what became the voting rights act. and we've seen people in this country be able to exercise that privilege in increasing numbers. we've seen many african-american and women elected to public office. but it's sad to see what the supreme court has done recently. because with section 5 eventually being made null and void until congress does something, and congress is at a stalemate, i'm afraid that we could see a reversal in terms of those that are holding public offices and return to the types of practices which existed before there was preclearance under section 5 of those practices which in the past had been used to deprive african-american and others of the right to vote. >> senator, we have another son, martin luther king iii, he and i are coming to north carolina. and we know reverend william barber and others are doing a great job in a huge coalition that needs to have national
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support even more i should say, because they have some. i think it is important that people understand, we're talking about people's basic right to vote. it is almost unthinkable that we're debating in 2013 stopping people from voting. that's why we need to hit the ground hard in north carolina when they come with these kind of regressive unthinkable laws that your father thought they solved in that generation. >> absolutely. and it's wonderful to have people like you championing those efforts. and we welcome all the help we get. as i say, north carolina has become a poster child of this country for voter suppression. and wee we need to reverse it. we need to make it the example in this country of what we can do to reverse that conservative tide and put those people back in office by building multiracial coalitions that have been successful in transforming the south. >> how do we go around the world, preaching about democracy, goldie, and we're not practicing full use of democracy
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in north carolina and texas and florida and on and on. >> in fact, you know, that challenges our credibility around the world. if we can stop certain people from engaging in the process and violate the real sanctity of the ballot. if we keep those people away from the bhol are not likely to vote for us, we have won the day. we can't let them win the day. if we can reverse this tide, georgia can be won. texas can be won. the gop knows this. they know that the country is growing demographically about their tide. and so they are doing anything and everything possible to keep certain people away from the polls. >> well, we've got to make sure all people can go to the polls with no impediments. >> absolutely. >> floyd mckissick, goldie taylor, thanks for your time. >> thank you, rev.
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>> one program note. this wednesday night at 8:00 p.m., msnbc will air dr. martin luther king king's i have a dream speech in its entirety. that's a special broadcast of the whole speech, wednesday, 8:00, on "all in with chris hayes." it will be a special show. please tune in. ahead, right-wing senator ted cruz actually president obama's secret weapon? why cruz's mission to destroy obama care is actually dragging republicans down. plus, a stunning new report says a white supremacist prison gang is threatening republican officials that report coming up. and donald trump sued for fraud. new york's attorney general drops a $40 million lawsuit against the donald. it's real, and we'll speak live to the man who filed the lawsuit. and what is on your mind? e-mail me. friend or foe, i want to know.
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need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle. all your important legal matters in just minutes. protect your family... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. we're back with a stunning new report about a hate group targeting public officials. in april we reported to you about a colorado prison chief, tom clements, who was murdered
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as his home. the suspect, evan ebol, a 28-year-old white supremacist who was thought to have connection was a prison gang 211 crew was gun down in a wild car chase following the murder. now the denver post is reporting the same notorious white supremacist gang has ordered a hit on an el paso county judge who signed search warrants in the clements murder investigation. the source verified details of the investigation, including allegations that the assassination of clements was ordered by leaders of the white supremacist prison gang. and the group is also reportedly targeting elected officials. investigators reportedly discovered a list in ebol's belongings identifying clements andor officials as possible
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targets, including governor john hickenlooper who has been under special protection since clements was killed. there is a real history of violence from these groups and has not been contained by prison walls. joining me now is heidi of the southern poverty law center thank you. for being here tonight. >> oh, thanks for having me. >> now, this new report is disturbing. a white supremacist gang targeting elected officials. what can you tell us about this group? >> well, they've been around since 1995. there was a major indictment of about 38 members of the 211 crew in 2005 for a whole host of crimes. led to some very long prison sentences. we know that department of corrections officials say there are about a thousand of these folks, and many members have been involved in violence, including a nasty hate crime in 1997 where a black man was gunned down, and the perpetrator who was a 211 crewmember said he
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killed him because he wearing the enemy's uniform, meaning the color of his skin. now they're going after officials. this is scary stuff. >> these are prison gangs. but the fact that they wield power outside of prison walls is most disturbing. quoting from the report, quote, the informants told jail supervisors that 211 crewmembers also were sending out orders to other paroled gang members, instructing them to commit new crimes or violate parole rules so they could return to prison and strengthen their ranks behind bars. i mean this is serious stuff. >> yeah. we're finding increasingly that white supremacist prison gangs like the 211 crew are operation outside of the prisons as much as inside the prisons, and they're involved in every bit of criminal activity you can imagine. they also funnel things back into the prisons. and in the case of the 211 crew,
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this apparently involves hit lists and already one murder of a doc official there in colorado. this has been happening in many, many places in the country that prison gangs when people get paroled, get let out of prison, continue those activities outside the walls as they call it. and we're seeing more and more of this kind of activity, major indictments of prison gangs in many states because of this problem of the -- sort of the criminality leaking out and the white supremacy leaking out. >> now you're, saying you're seeing more and more of these kind of gangs in prisons. because we have covered many prison gangs in the past like the aryan brotherhood and texas. they were formed in the '80s in state prisons, and they were modeled after the california gang founded in san quinten. they have about 2,000 members in texas prisons. members tattoo themselves with neo-nazi symbols. i mean why 211 crew and the
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aryan brotherhood are not affiliated, they do share similarities, don't they? >> that is absolutely true. they both share certain white supremacist beliefs. aryan brotherhood of texas, aryan brotherhood which is originally from california, 211 crew, groups like the european kind red are involved in the same kind of criminal activities inside and outside the walls, pose many of the same threats. and like i said, this is an expand problem. more and more members of these groups, more and more outside the wall's activities. >> now, your organization, the southern poverty law center, estimates that since 2000, the number of hate groups have gone up 67%. nearly 70% increase in these hate groups. i mean, this is a real concern, heidi. >> it's absolutely horrible, yeah. in 2000 we counted 602 hate groups. our last count from about a year ago was 1,007. there has been a real movement of organizing among white
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supremacists in the united states. and that's reflected in the numbers. unfortunately we don't see anything to have them go down. it's been an unending rise for over a decade. now. >> now, they influence both outside and inside the jail, even though they're prison-based. how do they do this, and how do you explain that? >> well, for white supremacist prison gangs, they make sure there is a blood in, blood out system. you get sucked into the gang when you're in the prison. when you get out of the prison, the only way you're going get out is if you're murdered. you to basically play by their rules and continue to do the business the gangs want you to do. it's a very scary situation. oftentimes people who are killed are actual other members of the prison gangs who aren't playing by the rules. that's how they keep and enforce ompltd. >> heidi beirich, thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. ahead, ted cruz is on a crusade to sink obama care.
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but is he actually killing his own party? and donald trump sued for fraud. his trump university allegedly took advantage of students. the amazing details are coming with the man who filed the suit, new york's attorney general eric snyderman. streamed. a quarter million tweeters are tweeting. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why hp built a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this&is gonna be big. hp moonshot. it's time to build a better enterprise. together.
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rush limbaugh goes ugly again. >> every despot in the world has
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had some version of nationalized health care. as a means of gaining control over his population. hitler did it. they all do it. idi -- i mean they all do, mao, castro. >> blimbaugh isn't the only one. senator ted cruz, you're up next. my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? [ voii tthan probablycare inmoreanyone else.and we've had this farm for 30 years.
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people. but it's going to take a tsunami. it is going to take a tsunami, and i'm going to do everything i can to encourage that tsunami. >> so why do i think mr. tsunami is the president's new best buddy? because he is destroying the gop. his relentless mission to defund the health care law is tearing the party apart. the party is completely split. >> now is the single best time to stop obama care. >> shutting down the government is a suicidal political tactic. >> the american people shouldn't fund it. and so that's what i intend to do. >> i think there are more effective ways of achieving that goal. >> how can you be against obama care, but vote for a budget that funds its implementation. >> let's not kid ourselves. we'll be blamed. this is the one strategy, the one tactic that might be able to guarantee that democrats pick up seats in the congress in 2014. >> it's not a debacle to shut down the government. even if you don't have a chance to stop it, why not make a
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stand, tell people who you are? >> that's not exactly one big happy family now, is it. and now tea party activists are planning a rally outside of speaker john boehner's office, vowing they will rebrand president obama's health care law boehner care if he does not defund the legislation. and not only are they at war with each other, they're at war with their constituents. 60% have a negative impression of lawmakers who are making it harder to implement the law. so thanks, mr. cruz. the president and democrats thank you. joining me now are abby huntsman and joe madison. thanks for coming on the show tonight. >> thank you. >> abby, let me start with you. do you think the gop's obsession with obama care is hurt 2g
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party? >> absolutely it's hurting the party. it divides the party. you have the establishment now saying guys, this is not a fight worth fighting. this is not a fight we're going win. you senator ted cruz who is trying to own this issue and rallying up the base of the party. still very fired up about obama care. you know, you look at someone like a ted cruz and you think being smart doesn't necessarily lead to common sense. this is a guy who is ivy league educated. he understands this isn't going anywhere. he understands that he doesn't have the votes. he understands they don't have the signatures. i think they have 14 signatures in the senate right now which paints a pretty clear picture about the outcome of all of this. and you're even see governors all around the country, folks that are just like ted cruz that don't like obama care would rather not have it in place. but they recognize that they have to governor a state. and governing a state means making the lives of the people in their state better. even governor rick perry doing such a thing.
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that's just the reality of it. >> and brewer as well in arizona. >> right. >> you know, joe, you know, my mother used to say common sense isn't that common. look at the fact that this single minded obsession with killing health care is hurting the party. just 19% identified themselves as republican. that's down nine points since last fall. and the party itself is against the idea of shutting down the government in order to defund health care. this is party members. 53% of republicans oppose the plan. just 37% support it. >> and let's add this fact too. i think you need about 7.5 million to sign up. and already at least according to statistics in 19 states i believe it is, they're at four million people who are ready to sign up and ready to take on health care. so quite honestly, to sit up here and say the need is a
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tsunami, you're absolutely right. you're going to have two tsunamis to stop this. and once it gets started, people are going to realize the benefit. some people are getting checks right now. and they understand this is going to benefit. so ted cruz to shut down the government, and sheer what people need to understand. they're going to shut down everything but their paychecks. >> right. well, you know, abby, you talked about having common sense. i wonder if he is cracking up. because he says we don't know -- listen to him say it, because you're not going the believe it. he says he doesn't know if the president will defund his own law. listen to this. >> defunding it if it doesn't happen now it's likely never to happen. the president is never going to sign a bill that defunds obama care. you may be convinced it. >> you're not convinced of that? >> i'm not convinced of that. >> this is what they consider his signature achievement so far of his administration in its
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fifth year. >> i mean, is he listening to the same president obama as me? i mean, he has been hammering gop for attacking health care. take a listen. >> maybe they think it's good politics, but part of our job here is not to always think about politics. i think the really interesting question is why it is that my friends in the other party have made the idea of preventing these people from getting health care their holy grail, their number one priority. we can't afford in washington the usual circus of distractions and political posturing. >> now, you know, how important do you think the president is pushing in on these republicans, abby? >> you know, he is exactly right.
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this is politics. i mean, what we're seeing with ted cruz is simply his own political ambition that is taking total control of everything he is doing. you look at in trying to own this issue of defunding obama care when he knows very well it's not getting anywhere, he is thinking if i can own this, if we can make some moves on obama care, then i'm going to have a lot to stand on come 2014 even into the 2016 primaries. he is really thinking about himself. he is thinking about his own future. you know, what he doesn't have, though, is he has never governed. he has never governed a state when you look at governors that are now looking at this a little differently, they know what it means to govern a state. they know what it means to compromise to ultimately make the lives of the prime minister better. this is something that ted cruz has never had to do. so he is obviously just thinking about himself here. and ultimately, hurting the party alongs with the way. >> joe, you know the president says that he really slammed the gop, saying they care more about
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what rush limbaugh thinks than about the american people. listen to this. >> republicans, after having taken 40 votes to try to get rid of obama care see this as their last gasp. nobody thinks that's good for the middle class. i've made this argument to my republican friends privately. and by the way, sometimes they say to me privately i agree with you. but i'm worried about a primary from, you know, somebody in the tea party back in my district. or i'm worried about what rush limbaugh is going to say about me on the radio. so you've got to understand it's really difficult. >> well, they better understand rush limbaugh has good health insurance, and he can afford it. and the consistents are the ones who don't care whether rush limbaugh has health insurance or not. they're going to be one where grandma doesn't have health insurance, where that child who
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graduates from college still needs health insurance, won't be able to get it. and rush limbaugh will be sitting back, do i dare say, big, fat, happy, with all the health insurance he needs. look, the reality is isn't it a sad day with all the power that you are supposed to have as a united states congressman and a senator that you are afraid of one single person who just happens to be a radio talk host. it's a sad day when you can't use the power you have as a united states congress person. >> i'm going have to leave it to abby huntsman and joe madison. thank you for your time this evening. and be sure to catch abby on the cycle weekdays at 3:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. coming up, honoring an american hero at the white house. and an elaborate bait and switch. donald trump university hit with a $40 million lawsuit with claims of fraud. new york attorney general eric
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schneiderman filed the suit. he'll join us ahead. [ man ] this isn't my first career. but it might just be my favorite. [ female announcer ] welcome to the new aarp. we're ready to help you rediscover purpose and passion with programs like life reimagined to inspire you and connect you, resources to help turn your goals and dreams into real possibilities. aarp, an ally for real possibilities. find new tools and ideas for work, money, health and fun at
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today president obama honored an american hero at the white house. he presented staff sergeant ty cart were the medal of honor, the highest military honor in the united states for his bravery and heroism during this 2009 firefight in afghanistan. staff sergeant carter was one of
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53 american troops surrounded by more than 300 taliban fighters. under heavy gunfight, he risked his life over and over to help protect his fellow soldiers. >> the outpost was being slammed from every direction -- machine gun fire, rocket-propelled grenade rocket-propelled grenades, mortar, sniper fire. it was chaos. the blizzard of bullets and steel into which ty ran, not once or twice or even a few times, but perhaps ten times. and in doing so, he displayed the essence of true heroism. now the urge to surpass all others at whatever costs, but the urge to serve others at whatever costs. >> and this message is the message president obama had for staff sergeant carter's children. >> ty said he was hoping to take his children around washington to show them the sights and the
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history, but jaden, madison, if you want to know what truly makes our country great, if you want to know what a true american hero looks like, then you don't have to look too far. you just have to look at your dad, because he is the sight we have come to see. your dad inspires us, just like all those big monuments and memorials do. mportant when you're running a successful business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure. and responsive dedicated support meets your needs, and eases your mind. centurylink. your link to what's next. centurylink. yuh-oguess what day it is!is?? huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is??
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there's trouble in the boardroom. new york's attorney general is suing donald trump for $40 million, accusing him of scamming people who spent tens of thousands of dollars on hiss for profit investment school, trump university. mr. trump was featured on ads for the school, promising success in business and an introductory video. he said he would hand-pick all of the instructors.
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>> honestly, if you don't learn from them, if you don't learn from me, if you don't learn from the people we're going to be putting forward, and these are all people that are handpicked by me, then you are just not going make it in terms of the world of success. >> but the attorney general's office says that claim and many others are just not true. the lawsuit says not a single instructor was hand-picked by donald trump. instructors encouraged students to request increases on the borrowing limits of their credit cards so they could afford more expensive classes. if students didn't purchase the more expensive programs, they were ignored. and students often ended up worse off financially than they had been before. the donald is denying the charges, claiming the lawsuit is politically motivated. and the vast majority of his students were satisfied. but looks like trump has bigger problems than picking his next
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apprentice. joining me now is the man behind the lawsuit, new york attorney general eric schneiderman. mr. attorney general, first of all, thanks for being here tonight. >> glad to be here, rev. >> now, this lawsuit comes after an investigation that started in 2011. how did your office find out about these issues? >> well, we started an investigation of for-profit colleges generally, because -- and we in fact settled with one for-profit school that was distorting the job placement numbers that it provided to induce students to enroll last week for $10 million. we came across trump university and realized that it was a scam from top to bottom, starting with the fact that it wasn't a university, never registered with the new york department of ed. the state department of ed had called them on it, and they gave them one lie after another, we're shutting down our operations in new york, we're merging into a delaware company. all false. and then as we dug into it further, we discovered that all of the promotional materials
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were false, that we got the president, former president of trump u. to testify to us that donald never picked one of the instructors. he never any but maybe one of the instructors. people who thought they were going to this program to see him, and he was saying on that video you just ran, oh, you're going to learn from me, they ended up having their pictures taken next to a life-sized poster of trump to make it look like they met him. >> so trump never got personally involved, but he was behind this whole school idea? >> he was behind it. he was the chief pitchman. and it turned out to be a classic bait and switch. people were invited to a free seminar. at the free seminar, they were pitch they'd had to take this three-day $1500 seminar. we've gotten what is called their playbook, their instruction to teachers of these programs. and they were directed to spend all their time getting the students to enroll in more and more expensive programs. we have people who ended up having to move out of their houses, going way into debt. and as you noted, one of the
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most despicable things about this is that their teachers were directed to tell students that if you want to make it in real estate, you've got to have more credit. so call all your credit card companies and get bigger lines of credit. and then they got them to use that extra credit to buy what they call the leap programs that were 10, 25, or even $35,000. all the money went to trump u. these people came away with nothing useful. no hand-picked instructors. what they gave them was a xerox copy of a list out of a magazine. this was a scam from top to bottom. and we're going after a variety of schools and investigating. mr. trump seems to think because he is a famous guy he is above the law. not in new york he is not. so he is going to have to face justice. >> now, the lawsuit also lays out a playbook that trump university instructors was supposed to follow. as you just said. trump has responded to the lawsuit with this website claiming 98% of students were satisfied.
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>> yeah. this issue was addressed, not me talking, but was addressed by the court of appeals for the 9th circuit. they had people fill questionnaires out in front of the teachers attend of a motivational speech at the seminar. and actually, we have records of them berating students to give them higher ratings. so the 9th circuit in considering this claim that trump was asserting there said victims of fraud often praise their victimizers until the moment they realize their money is gone and compare this to bernie madoff. his customers all praised him because they thought they were getting such great returns until they realized it was a scam. same thing with donald trump. >> now, in your lawsuit, it says, quote, mentors compel students to complete the nonanonymous evaluations in their presence, filled out the forms themselves, or pressures students into giving higher scores. that how you get 98% approval
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rating? >> i guess so. we don't even know if the 98% number is true. but we have gotten dozens of complaints came to our office, came to better business bureau. now that we filed the lawsuit, we're getting complaints from other states. a lot of people are upset about this. as i said, there is a class action suit in california by disgruntled students. people were not happy once they realized they hadn't gotten anything, once they got out and discovered that the mentorship program they thought they were buying was useless and the people wouldn't return their calls there are very few people who i think that trump is going to be able to bring forward who say they really got a great, you know -- they really got a great buy when they invested in a phony university with phony instructors and a life-sized poster of trump so they can pretend they met him. >> now, how serious is this for trump? are you afraid to talk him on? >> well, obviously not. the strange thing it is he decided he wants to fight this out in the press. which i -- i don't know.
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i'm sure his lawyers would not advise him to be doing this. and that's why we're responding. but i'm not afraid to take him on. yeah, i mean, you've known me for a long time. this is not the kind of thing that i shy away from. in fact, it's important to send a message that no matter how powerful you are, no matter how famous you are, there is one set of rules for everyone. >> very interesting. new york attorney general eric schneiderman, thank you for your time tonight. >> okay, thanks, reverend. >> we'll be right back, and we'll keep watching this case closely. we'll be right back. friend or foe, i want to know. "reply al" is next. i hav
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it's time for "reply al." remember, friend or foe, i want to know just how long before attorney general holder files in north carolina. great question. kay hagan has called on attorney general holder to review the law.
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as we reported earlier, mr. holder has already sued texas over their voter id laws, and all indications point to north carolina being next in line. and as you heard tonight, some of us are planning to go in there and put even more of a national spotlight on what they're doing there, and would reverend barber and a cross section of north carolinians are doing to resist these kind of laws. i think that we've got to stop these laws wherever we find them because it will only embolden other states if there is not national resistance. dave says my daughter was truly moved by the the spirit of the march. attached a picture of her with a sign she made. wow, thank you, dave. this is the picture he is talking about of dave's daughter holding a sign that reads "the dream lives on." and i think that more than anything else that martin iii
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and i wanted young people to capture the spirit of the dream, because the dream of equal justice, fairness, and equal opportunity is what it's all about. and that dream has not been fulfilled. but if the next generation keeps fighting on and on and on, we will fulfill it one day. well, thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. tonight 44. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this. did you see the movie "42"? it's the story of jackie robinson, the first african-american to play in the major leagues. it's the story how a number of bad guys tri


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