tv The Ed Show MSNBC August 29, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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good evening. it's 5:00. let's get to work, not war. >> i've not made a decision. >> as far as syria is concerned, i'm all out. >> i have gotten options from our military, had extensive discussions with the national security team. >> mr. president, i hope you don't do this. >> send a shot across the bow saying stop doing this. that can have a positive impact on our national security over the long term. >> if we do a strike, we're in it, okay? the syrians are a different breed of cat when it comes to retaliation. >> i have no interested in any open-ended conflict in syria. thanks for watching "the ed
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show" monday through friday, 5:00 eastern. all right, are you ready for a shooting match with the syrians? i respect what the president is saying, but once we hit them, we have no response control over the response. there are many saying, wait a minute we need to vote on this, some conversation about maybe they ought to come back early, just like the brits did. i don't believe that. there's no better time for congress to be at home than right now. call a town hall meeting, see how many show up for war, how many show up for another conflict in the middle east. as our country considers a strike on syria, i think it's important for us to take just a bit of a step back and learn a bit here, you know? i said it last night, i'll say it again, i'm not in. i don't believe this is the right call, not now. thankfully president obama is handling the situation very carefully. >> we have not yet made a decision, but the international
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norm against the use of chemical weapons needs to be kept in place nobody disputes or hardly anybody disputes that chemical weapons were used on a large scale in syria against its population. we're consulting with our allies and the international community. i have no interest in any kind of open-ended flit in syria, but we do have to make sure that when countries break international norms, that they're held accountable. >> very convincing, no question about it. i'm still not on board. i'm glad to see the president of the united states is backing away from his red line statement. we have to be fair about this. we do have a history of presidents misspeaking, and we need to give him some room here if he decides not to his syria soon. if president obama does, if he says yes to hitting syria, he needs to get the full approval of the congress.
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the president i think needs politically both democrats and republicans on board to do this, because the political climate in this country could get even nastier than it is right now. let me be clear. what's going on in syria is horrific form the use of chemical weapons is beyond despicable. this assad guy, he's a bad dude, but it's a civil war. convince again the neocons are expecting our country to be the police officer of the world. i would rather have a president put his foot in his mouth than a boot on the ground where it doesn't belong and will get us in trouble for a long, long time. britain, turkey, france, have all indicated they're willing partners, because chemical weapons were used. here is prime minister david cameron, as the debate continues in britain. >> what we've seen are appalling scenes of death and suffering,
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because of the the use of chemical weapons. i don't believe we can let that stan. now, of course, any action we take or others take would have to be legal, proportionate. it would have been to specifically to deter the future use. >> conservatives, i'm take a seat. if bush did one thing we, he isolated saddam hussein. the sell job globally was awesome. this is a little different deal. we do not know what the response will be. the russians and syrians are very connected when it comes to energy and their economy, especially putin. he's a wealthy man. he has business interests in syria. then of course there's the iranians. this also triangle of business, friendship and arms exchange and deals, this is different.
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you mean to tell me if we strike syria that there's not going to be any russian retaliation? come on now. this is serious stuff. before anybody starts launching missiles at syria, we need to look at recent u.s. history. first, i want to point out that chemical weapons have been used in countries in the past without the united states doing anything about it there is a precedent here. saddam hussein used chemical weapons to kill back in 1988. this horrific attack was classified as a genocide and drew no military response whatsoever from then president ronald reagan. >> reporter: they tell of being gassed by iraq. today the united states said it has proof they are right. >> we condemn this use of
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chemical weapons, as we have consistently condemp with the conflict with iran. >> reporter: it was the war with iran that led hem to chemical warfare. according to u.s. officials last march with the land war going against them. the iraqis bombarded one of their own villages. gas killed many villagers. >> many villagers were killed. back then the united states tube no military action at the time. overall we've got involved in a number of wars in the middle east. none of them have gone with you. first up, the iraq war, the 8-year-old war, one of the biggest mistakes this country has ever made. 32,000 wounded, that bill is still coming in. next the afghan war, of course. certainly on justifying circumstances, but the resources were diverted to iraq. we are still fighting it today,
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and it's the longest war in the united states history. we're not out of afghanistan yet. going on 12 years now, this war has claimed over 2,000 american lives and wounded 19,000, and we're still paying the bill. remember how iraqi oil was going to pay for everything? now, by the time we're done, both of these wars are expected to cost between $and 6 trillion. the strike on libya will be similar to syria if it appears. should i say the strike on syria will be similar to libya. gadhafi out, violence is rampant, the government's authority is limited, the economy is crippled by corruption, and there are numerous reports of increased al qaeda activity in libya. we hit syria? it could be the same situation.
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the daily beast reported that al qaeda militia is stronger than any other groups. they made the case that the u.s. involvement will only help al qaeda. also important to remember, syria's defenses, they're no joke. the russians have provided them with sophisticated anti-aircraft and antimissile technology, russia has a very good relationship with the syrians, as i said previously. the russian news media said that russia is sending anti-submarine, ships and missile cruising to the mediterranean sea. so let's just reel this in just a little bit. the president is on an island. he has democrats and republicans saying don't do this and
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questioning it in a about ig way and looking for congressional authority and approval to get this done. so the president, he is in a tight situation, a no-win situation, really, when you look at it. are you convinced he has honest brokers, in a all of a sudden they're willing to work with this president and dirty politics won't get involved in the situation? then of course there's the taxes, okay? are you ready to pay for this? how about a syrian war tax? don't give me any talk about moral obligation with the way we treat the poor in this country and the way we are shorting resources to communities. mr. president, again, not now. not now. do not do this. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think.
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tonight's question -- should the united states take military action against syria? you can always go to our blog. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for more on this, let's turn to eugene robinson. gene, great to have you with us tonight. let's talk about authority right now. is this the hot conversation in washington about what kind of legal latitude the president has right now? i'm hearing from members of congress saying, no, you have to come to us. >> there's a sense today that what seemed to be moving faster earlier this week has slowed down a bit. the president had a conversation with speaker john boehner today by phone, boehner raised a number of yeses an the issue selfauthority. one big question is congress is gone, should congress come back? should congress be called back
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to consider this question? you said the president has no good options here. i agree. chemical weapons use is a different thing. it is an awful thing. and i really am concerned about the message that is being sent to every continue horn despot in the. >> we've been down this road before and the understanding turned a blind eye to it. there was no congressionally push to do anything about it at the time. >> remember saddam hussein was our buddy at the time. he was fighting iran, well, that's even more hypocrite cal. if he comes to congress that
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will make us just as divided. there's a lot of americans who don't want any part of this. >> the polling is clear, there is no appetite, no public appetite for any more war in the middle east. so if you go by the polls, then the president won't do it. i think the president has to take into account where he sees the u.s. national interest. he got into office largely waufle his opposition to the iraq war, which he called a dumb war. he's claimed to be against dumb wa wars, you know, can you do a pun stitch strike against assad, that it necessitates a longer u.s. involvement? i sure hope so. i sure hope so. >> legally the president will have to go to the congress and make the case that, what is
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unfolding, what is unfolding in syria is of an imminent threat. i had a couple congressional members tell me today they want a vote. they were democrats. that would mean if the president were to pull the trigger this weekend, then he goes to russia this week for the g-20. they'll be drinking --. this is not good. this timing is terrible. >> yeah, but the timing will never be good for this. the timing will never be good to figure out whether or not you need to do some sort of punitive strike against bashar al assad. >> no, it's not. it will be really good if we stayed out of it.
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>> yeah, you know, and ed, that's an excellent point. what's the difference between 100,000 deaths that preceded these 300 or 1,000 deaths from chemical weapons use. when you think about it, there is a difference, actually, though. and it really is something that you have to think about, and you or i would have to think about very carefully and very seriously, were we sitting in the oval office. the prohibition, the proscripps against chemical weapons use. . hafez al assad, assad's old man, used them against his own people. before that you have to go to the nazis using them in the camps to kill millions of jews, and back to world war one. it's not that hard to make.
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but the dynamic of this is so different. it will be so damaging, so fast. i just think that the president really needs to slow down here a bit. i think congressionally members would have a hard time going against their constituents voting for the conflict. the next final question i want to bring up with you. are there any republicans that can be trusted, as much as they hate the president? >> sure, there are some. what do you say about the house republican caucus? i do think there are, you know, national security republicans, there are hawkish republicans who have been pushing for an intervention from the beginning, who i have no reason to believe wouldn't stick with them.
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and some others would play politics. but they're going to do that anyhow. as far as the war spilling out of the syria's borders and having uncontrolled consequences? that's happening now. that's already happening. >> all right. eugene robinson, great to have you with us tonight. >> great to be here. remember to answer tonight's question. if el were putting something on our blog, i would say don't do it. who's going to pay for it? i need republicans to step up and say, hey, we're going to pay for this, because they're going to come back and say we have to offset this stuff and hit the big programs we've always been after. coming up, fast-food workers in 60 cities go on strike. is it going to work? john nichols was out and about with them today. detroit's emergency manager downplays the city struggles we
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police umpts the energy-efficient, ugly and smelly. the number two trender, the king's speech itches today is a glorious today. 50 years ago today, my father the great liberator stood in this spot and declared to this nation he dream. >> as the country celebration -- >> the march on washington teaches us that we are not trapped by the mistake of history. we are masters of our fate. >> the right attacks. >> that grievance mongering does the move no good whatsoever. there's institutional -- >> this thing has been totally hijacked, totally radical. real victims of racism are not on this stage. and today's top trender, food fight. [ chanting ] >> the largest ever coordinated strike. >> we're told this is just the
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tip of the iceberg, that this is happening in 60 cities across the country. >> more fast-food workers join the fight. >> not only are they asking for the higher wages, but also asking for the right for unionize. >> i'm going to go back to school, but i can't go back with what i'm making. >> i was just evitted two days ago and i have to figure out where i'm going to get food every day. i'm on the edge of homelessness right now. >> i have two jobs just to make ends meet. i should be able to pay my bills and people realize we have to -- >> is it worth it? let me work it. those are the faces of income inequality. joining me is john nichols, who is out and about among those strikers today. john, is this the tip of the iceberg? what did you see? what did you hear? >> there's no question, ed, it is the tip of the iceberg, what is striking is that these demonstrations started small this morning, and you actually
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saw that almost cinematic phenomenon, something like from a great old movies from the '40s, where people inside restaurants saw folks out front and took their hats off and walked out and joined the picket line. these are low-wage workers who don't always have as many options as they should. they decided to join the fight. >> the fast-foot industry, highly profitable, corporate profits are very solid one in four in the private sector make less than $10 an hour. we're hearing a lot about moral obligations as of late. what's the corporate. >> it's been quite negative. they put out a statement that this is a publicity stunt. >> there certainly will be a pushback, but what we know from
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previous fast-foot strikes and actions last year and earlier this year, is that the company's quietly respond. there has been some evidence that they've actually raised some wages and tried to address some problems. i think you'll hear a public dismissal, a suggestion that it doesn't matter, that they don't dish they're not going to be bothered by it or affected by it, but a private behind the scenes effort to respond, in part because a lot of the people walking out, ed, are the best workers, outstanding workers who put in their time and standing up saying something has to be done. i find it ironic that they -- on a number of interviews in the '60s he talked about a general strike, the day after he honor it, this started. it's gone to 60 cities. what is the next one? and what kind of impact will
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this have? >> i think it does have an impact. this has gotten a surprising level of coverage. as i traveled around, i saw tv crews out, i saw newspaper, radio reporters. this is being paid attention to, and that's one of the most important things for the labor movement and workers movements in this country. aside from this show, there's not a lot of media that's paid a lot of attention to working people. so the more publicity there is, the more folks who are in these low-wage jobs start to feel like they can stand up, that if they do ask for a better break, that they won't be just dismissed or they won't sort of disappear without any attention. >> i don't think these workers would unionize or demand it if they got paid a living wage. right now the average fast-food worker annually makes just over $18,000. the poverty level is at $23,000. and this is a profitable where ceos make big money, so does
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upper management, the store franchise owners do very, very well. what's the next step? okay, so the workers protest, will there be a boycott? how will this snowball? do you get a sense this willened now? >> no, this is not going to end now, in fact it grows. one of the most important first steps was seen on the picket lines. many were joined by members of congress, people like john lewis, the great civil rights leader. they're saying they want to take these complaints back to congress and push for a genuine minimum wage increase. take it up to $10. >> $10 is what they want. >> many are saying they want $15. >> yeah, they want more than double it. quickly chances on a scale of 1 to 10 of them unionizing? >> i think in some cases, but the restaurants will be very, very resistant.
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that's why these pickets are really more of a broad demand than a specific unionization demand. they just want better wages, some better hours, a bit fairer treatment. >> john nichols, thanks so much. still to come, detroit's bankruptcy has tens of thousands of retires hanging in the balance. i know there's real good things in detroit, but what about those folks right there? their homes, their pensions that are jobs, i'll ask our rapid-response spaniel if these workers will ever seer their pensions. later, made in america, a label that's been disappearing lately, but a new movie is highlighting companies that are keeping jobs right here in the united states. i'll talk with the film's director. about next i'm taking your questions on "ask ed live" my favorite segment coming up. i think farmers care more about the land
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show." we love hearing from our viewers too. the first question comes from a fan, dennis smack. what do you think of the nfl's decision to compensate former players for concussion? this came down today late this afternoon, i think over $700 million will be going to the players who have suffered concussions and had brain injuries. it's long overdue. and this should be just a start in these billionaire nfl owners i believe have an obligation to the players who made this league what it is today. they can do a heck of a lot more for the veterans, and can certainly do a lot more for those who have had head injuries. this is a start. i think it's the proper move, no question about it. the next question comes from chanel -- when are you going to run for president? chanel, you do not want me for your president. you couldn't keep me in the oval office. i would be burning so much jet
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fuel hunting and fishing all over the country, everybody swoosh map. stick around. the rap panel is next. i'm mary thompson with your cnbc market wrap, the s&p up three and nasdaq jumping 26. a sign the lake market is improving, the number of americans filing new claims dropped by 6,000 last week. a surge in exports saw the u.s. economy grow faster, gdp increasing, and oil reversing recent gains falling below $109 as concerns loom. that's it from cnbc, first in big worldwide. ♪ we go, go, we don't have to go solo ♪ ♪ fire, fire, you can take me higher ♪ ♪ take me to the mountains, start a revolution ♪ ♪ hold my hand, we can make, we can make a contribution ♪ ♪ brand-new season, keep it in motion ♪ ♪ 'cause the rhyme is the reason ♪ ♪ break through, man, it doesn't matter who you're talking to ♪
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i said i wouldn't let this go, i'm talking about detroit, michigan. thanks to republican policies, i don't care if it's been under democratic rule, it's republican policies that have put this city in a bad position. the process of filing the largest public-sector bankruptcy in u.s. history. it is a perfect storm that has hit this city when it comes to outsourcing, and of course the cuts in public services. according to emergency manager kevin orr, the business district is thriving. >> we're in the heart of downtown. in fact if you went up woodward, a number of developments, loft housing, other developments, the new arena, the city's center is coming back hard. the issue we have is how do we move some of this development out to the neighborhoods. >> i know how you stop progress
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in those neighborhoods -- by slashing the pensions of the retired workers. lots of conversation as of late about moral obligations in america. a u.s. bankruptcy judge is set to hear objections to detroit's eligibility to file for bankruptcy on september 18th and 19th. if the judge finds detroit eligible or would be given the green light, the go ahead to outline the plan to dump the cities '$18 billion worth of debt. he wants the pensions of retired workers on the table. the workers haven't done enough, they haven't given up enough. i don't believe that. by the way, jones day is one of the law firms representing the city, the same law firm where kevin orr was once a partner. i thought i would throw that in. the firm racked up nearly $1.4 million in just the first six weeks. city and taxpayers will foot the bill. it's not even clear if drought has the legal authority to file
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bankruptcy. meanwhile, the pensions of 23,500 city retires remains at stake. joining me tonight for the other side of the story, our rapid response panel, jennifer granholm, and president of afscme, lee saunders. good to have you both with us tonight governor, what happened, in your opinion, over the long haul, to detroit michigan, and where is it right now? he says the business district is thriving. >> first of all, clearly detroit's the poster child for the deindustrialization of america. in 1950300,000 manufacturing jobs, today it has less than 30,000, which means 90% of the industrial base is gone. the bigger question, which you infer is what does the united states do about manufacturing in america? about making jobs in this country in a global economy? that's a big question, something
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that detroit is grappling with. today kevin orr is right, there is huge investment, billions of investment in downtown. the current mayor actually did a fabulous job of convening the philanthropic community and a whole bunch of stakeholders to do a very detroit futures city plan, which is awesome, but the question is how can you get it done? detroit has got 20 square miles of vacant land. 60,000 lots of vacant land. it's a huge responsibility, but it's also a huge opportunity. use that to say, urban pioneers, come to detroit. for $5 we'll give you a plat. you can't speculation, just hold on to it. make a go of it. that's the big opportunity for detroit. >> lee saunders, your reaction to the workers may have to give up more? >> i think it's ridiculous. first of all, i think the attack
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on the pensions of the 22, 23,000 workers who have given their lives to public service, averaging $19,000 a year, and their pensions are on the line. i just don't think it's right. we think it's an unconstitutional act, we think it's immoral and that's why we're in court. we're going to continue to battle this effort. i mean, it may be true that the downtown area is thriving, but i was in detroit about four weeks ago. all you have to do is walk outside that downtown area. you see houses that are abandoned, vacant homes, you see -- it's like a third world country in some of those detroit areas. we've got to creatively think -- i think the governor is right about this. we have to creatively think about how we deal with the problems associated not only with detroit, but with urban centers across this country. it should not be attacking workers, it should not be attacking pensioners, we have to come up with other solutions. >> ed, just quickly, you cannot
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balance this $18 billion deficit on the back of 60, 70, 80-year-olds who are getting $19,000 a year. >> that's what they want to do. >> i know, about you -- they cannot do that by cutting those. there may be something they can do because of obama care, health care, but that's not going to be the strategy for detroit going forward. detroit has to have a growth strategy and not a cutting strategy. detroit is not too big, its economy is too small. that's what has to happen. to me that's the biggest failure over the past 50 years of this country, is not engaging in a strategy that keeps jobs in this country. >> governor, i've got to ask you, did the state legislature short change the city financially to help them get in this hole? >> yeah. >> that did happen? >> the revenue sharing for the city promised under governor ed engler, that's true. but i can tell you the federal
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government can step up, not to bail out, but for example those pensioners, they need a safe place to live. so cops' money, for example, you can see funneling of existing programs to help cities like detroit, but in urban agenda nationally is critical not just for detroit, about you for other by cities. >> what about the feds, lee? >> i believe there is a role for the federal government. i blef it could use the pulley pulpit to bring all parties together, brings those politics together to talk about how we can resolve realistically the problems that exist in detroit, but let me make this real clear, ed, the solution is not to attack retirees making $19,000 a year. public service workers in that city have given. they have sacrificed wage increases, and they're asking to sacrifice more. that's unacceptable.
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you have the multinational corporations who got tax cuts of more than a billion, the same national corporations that took the jobs overseas, and they got these tax cuts and now they're having to continue to cut public education and public services all over the state. >> i hear you in a big, big way. i realize that the private sector is doing a bit better in detroit, business is thriving i don't untown, about you that lack of investment, this has been an attack on unions, seriously an attack on workers, but governor granholm, moving forward, what does this say about our metropolitan areas that go through transformation that if this happens to these workers, who's to say it's not going to happen to other workers in america? ivities as has been the case, detroit would be the canary in the coal mine in a bad ways for other cities, but there's a lot going on. for example, there's a pension
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benefit guaranty corporation for corporations that will guarantee benefits when they go through bankruptcy, but there's no similar protection on the side for public workers. could there be something like that? as an innovation that would help cities try to transform? how can the federal government help detroit call international, you know, entrepreneurs opening the doors while they're doing immigration reform, say if you want to start a business in america -- >> they have to invest in detroitivities invest. >> you have all that real estate and these workers standing around willing to do something, unemployment is high, what's the holdup? ivities right. >> it's certainly a story to follow. i think they're doing wrong by the folks who have given their lives to the city. >> jennifer granholm, lee saunders, great to have you both with us tonight. the pretender isn't kidding around. stay tuned. bjectives, ideas, goals, appetite for risk.
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steve king from iowa, the congressman equated unemployed americans with children who don't do chores or won't do them. children who need be punished. king has the solution, just let 'em starve. >> you get over 100 million americans simply not in the workforce. what kind of a family, if you have six kids and a third of your kids would say i'm not doing the chores, mom, i'm not carrying out the trash, i'm not mowing the lawn. i'm not going to trim the trees or pick up the sticks, paint the house, that youthful your family
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do together. if any say i refuse, i'm not goods to contribute to the american gdp, pretty soon those kids would be on the -- you get to eat after you do the work, not you do the work, not just in hopes that you might actually one day do the work. >> to call the congressman's assessment childish would be an insult to children. but that won't stop me from giving him a time-out. millions of americans search for jobs every day, fighting the odds against limited opportunity in the workforce. these aren't chores. these are livelihoods at stake. if steve king wants us to believe that struggling americans are just lazy, he can just keep on pretending. ♪ turn around
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welcome back to "the ed show." this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work, the workers of america. right now the core of the american economy is the financial sector or the service industry. we have lost the core of manufacturing in this country. the numbers are staggering. the roading manufacturing sector, which once supported the middle class in our economy is dragging down our nation's economy, losing one job at a time. this is why our recovery is slow. we're not investing in manufacturing. since 1979, manufacturing jobs have been lost in this country. and since 2001, 56,000 factories have been shut down in this country. yet there are everyday workers and businesses finding new
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solutions and innovations in an economy that threatens their businesses. their families, and their way of life. >> you aren't just buying into the idea of working in a factory. you were buying into a piece of the american dream. >> knowing how to make things and making them here is critically important to the long-term health of our company, and i believe to this country. >> it's not just where a corporation is based that is important. it's where it actually produces things. >> the stories of americans producing goods made in the usa while successfully competing in the global market are profiled in a new documentary called american-made movie. and we are joined tonight by vincent vittorio. he is the director and producer of "american made movie." and scott paul, president of the alliance for manufacturing, joins us tonight. vincent, what motivated you? what started this whole thing, and where is it right now? >> thank you so much for having us on, ed.
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you knows manufacturing is not what it was after world war ii, but i inherently believe that we're making a comeback. you know, the american-made brand is something that has become sexy and is something that people are embracing. and if we come out there in great numbers and start purchasing things made in this country can, we're going to bring manufacturing back. >> well, scott paul, how are we going to bring manufacturing back? this seems to be a slow ride right now. the president talks about it a lot. doesn't get much congressional help on it. he has had a number of proposals on the table. but this is really the reason for our slow economy. or ua am i wrong on that? >> ed, you're absolutely right. it's why we have had one of the worst recoveries from a recession ever, because the manufacturing simply hasn't come back as fast as it should. we have gained some jobs back. but what i like about this movie is it shows that we what all can do, what we can do as consumers, which is look for american-made products. how we can be inspired by some of the characters in this movie
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who have taken great risks to try to promote made in america and do it successfully. and also, what are the right policies we need from here in washington to make that renaissance possible. it is clear that the idea of made in america is back. it's clear that it's back. but we need the jobs. >> vincent, how did you go about finding these folks? these are small business people across america that have started from scratch. and really had to do it after losing their jobs, isn't it? >>, no it was definitely a task. we had a lot of stories. we had a great research team that found a lot of inspiring stories of people that are making things happen. we're making a lot of things here in this country there is no denial of that. and we focus on a small business, a medium-sized business, and then a large corporation. and by looking at those, we're able to give the viewer kind of an understanding of who is affected and how this affects them on a different level. >> if there is one thing in common amongst all the people that cow have in your documentary, what would it be?
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there seems to be some kind of a very special passion about the entrepreneurial spirit. >> i think it's that america is a great place, you know. we have a lot of problems in that we're dealing with politics, and we all have different opinions of what is right and what is wrong, but ultimately, this is the one country where you can have a dream, you know. you can go out there. you can work hard, and you can succeed. i think that's something that all of these people from the small, medium, to large corporation, they believe in this country. and they believe that we can bring things back, and we can really improve the state of manufacturing by getting consumers to realize that they have the ability through their purchase power to change the face. >> how about buy american, scott. is that hot or still make it in america? i know the congress has had a real focal point that made that a focal point when it comes to jobs. but how much is this documentary going to help the push? >> i think it can only help. because it shows that there is consumer demand for this, and consumers are voters.
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it shows that it's nonpartisan. it's without philosophy. and it shows that we need made in america to make sure that we can have more of these success stories like vincent portrays in these movies, that we could have strong communities and a nation that is able to create well-paying jobs. i mean, your entire show tonight, detroit service sector jobs, ual add it all up. the factor that we need is manufacturing at its core. this movie gives a pathway. and it actually asks people to do something after they leave. >> vincent, where can people see your movie? >> they can visit our website, be american it's going to be opening chicago, atlanta, new york and l.a. >> great to have both of you with us tonight. thank you so much. >> thanks, ed. an update on breaking news. prime minister david cameron has lost a preliminary vote to take military action against syria. british parliament has voted against it, and cameron says he will not override this decision.
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that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. followed by chris matthews and "hardball." rev, take it away. >> thank you there, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, commander in chief president obama and this country can's allies are nearing a decision on whether to strike syria over the regime's alleged use of chemical weapons. at this very hour, top administration officials are briefing members of congress about the situation there on the chemical attacks that left hundreds dead. and what our military options are. but taking this country into war should never be done with a rush to judgment. and the president made that clear. >> what i've said is that we have not yet made a
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