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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  September 1, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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they are the good guys. >> the dog looked like he was about to get swept away. >> and the bad. >> she's trying to slit my throat from behind, telling me she's going to kill me. >> men and women capable of courageous action. >> if we didn't get things going quickly, he was losing brain function. >> or dastardly deeds. >> they were carrying guns. big guns. >> from the valiant. >> i didn't know how many thrusts it would take. he was a lot bigger guy than i was. >> to the violent. >> the first few blows were so painful. >> they have one thing in
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common. the camera's eye captures them all. caught on camera, heroes and villains. a family trip takes a traumatic turn. >> he looked at his eyes were rolled back. i thought for sure he was already gone. >> when this husband and stepfather stops breathing and needs life saving help. >> if we stop now, there's no hope for him. >> stay with me, baby. >> august 27, 2011, rapid city, south dakota. a beautiful summer day in the city of presidents where just west of the city stretches the black hills mountain range, home
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to famed mt. rushmore. rapid city police officer kathleen phillips is on routine patrol when at 7:25, she hears an emergency call over the police radio. a man has lost consciousness. phillips, just blocks away, immediately responds. her dashboard camera rolling. >> please, he's dying. >> we got out of the car as quickly as i could, and ran up to see what was going on. and i saw a man unconscious in the front passenger seat. >> 44 year old jeff siemens is in full cardiac arrest. >> he looked pretty ashan, gray in color. he was slummed over to the side. >> i need help getting him out of the car. >> seemen's wife is on the phone with 911 as his daughter anxiously looks on.
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she shows they need to act quickly. >> he needs chest compressions i grab an arm and try to pull as hard as i could. and i couldn't get very far. he was probably double my size. and so i asked his wife for help. >> we ned ed to get him out of here, ma'am. >> when we were pulling him out of the car she said i can't do it. >> i can't lift him. i can't do it. >> i tried to count one, two, three, to get letter to do it with me, but it just wasn't working i have well. >> one, two, three. >> jeff, jeff, honey, baby, please. >> we weren't able to get him up the hill. >> oh, dear god. somebody please help me. >> back up, back up, back up. >> just when things looked grim, fellow officer christopher hunt arrives and immediately helps phillips lift siemens. >> i was able to start doing
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chest compressions on him right away. >> phillips knows the odds of him surviving are slim. 92% of those who suffer sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital don't make it. and siemens has now been in full arrest for close to four minutes. >> jeff, please stay with me, oh, dear god. >> he wasn't responding, he wasn't breathing. he didn't look at me, nothing. he was just laying there. >> if we didn't get things going quickly, he was losing brain function every second that we waited. >> officer michael fry burger arrived next carrying an aed, a device used to deliver an electric shock to the heart. >> when someone's in full cardiac arrest there heart hadn't actually stopped it's in fibrilation, meaning it's quivering and not pumping anything out. >> what the aed is, is stops the
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heart completely and someone needs to be there to deliver kpes compressions to get it goingcorrectly again. >> after a quick scan, the interactive aed detects fibrilation and recommends a shock. >> everyone stayed back, pressed the button and a shock was administered. >> don't touch, don't touch, stay back. >> when the man was shocked, his whole body jumps. you see his whole body tense up and jump. it's kind of surreal. >> still didn't have much hope that things were going to go okay for this man. >> as the officers continue giving compressions a woman approaches. the woman explains she's an off duty nurse and offers to assist. >> let me know if i'm doing things right. >> she jumped in right away and started doing chest compressions
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with us. >> but even with this good samaritan's help, siemens needs to get to a hospital if he's going to survive. >> it seemed like it took forever for medical to get there. >> though it may have seemed like forever to those at the scene, paramedics arrive six minutes after the initial call. >> oh, my god. >> to assist the emts, officers hunt and frybarger move siemens up the hill to more level ground. >> it felt like i was lifts a dead body. >> paramedics immediately take charge of siemens care. >> pretty much right away think gave another shock and then they started hooking up ivs and putting him on the backboard and putting him in the ambulance. >> but after six minutes, siemens still isn't responding. >> we didn't know what was going
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to happen. >> my heart had stopped, a total of six times. >> against all odds, jeff siemens survives. >> i had three blocked arteries, two were8% blocked. one 100% blocked. >> jeff is kept alive by a ventilator. doctors performed emergency surgery and his heartbeat stabilizes. >> by some miracle i became conscious and was breathing on my own and my heart bass working on its own. >> jeff spends a week in recovery before leaving the hospital. several months later, he sees the police dash cam video for the first time. >> i guess the toughest part of the whole thing is hearing my wife beg me to stay with her.
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that's hardest part. just to stay with her. >> jeff is at a loss to describe the gratitude he feels to the first responders who saved his life. >> there's no way to thank someone enough. how do you thank someone for giving you life again? it's just great to see that i had a part in keeping that family together. >> i think about him every day, especially when i put on my uniform. it's what we're here for. that's why we're called to do what we do, to save someone who needs your help. coming up, a defenseless teen is beaten. the man holding the belt, her own father. >> why would somebody do that to their own child? >> when caught on camera, heroes and villains continues. equipped with droid zap for advanced photo sharing
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a young girl is beaten with a leather belt. >> bend over the bed! >> by her own father, a respected judge. >> dad just kept coming back with the belt. he kept coming back. >> get on your [ bleep ] stomach on the bed now. >> i remember thinking he won't stop. >> get on your stomach, i said! >> why won't he just stop? >> the year is 2004. rock port, texas. hill lary adams, a home schoole teenager has discovered a new world, the internet. >> i found out there were other people you could find with the same interests as you, even if you thought you were the only person in the entire world. you could find a friend on the internet. and that was just magical to a little kid like me. >> according to hillary's mom, the 16 year old begin does spend
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more and more of her free time on line. >> she loved video games. she loved being on the computer and, you know chatting on the computer or even skyping on the computer. >> but her daughter's cyber life does not sit well with the teen's father william, a family law judge. >> he didn't like the computer or the internet at all. he didn't like that presence in her life or my life. >> early one evening, tensions in the home escalate when hillary's father learns she's been downloading music illegally off the internet. >> all he knew that downloading meant illegal and that that was basically stealing, not that i'm condoning it or anything. i could tell something was going to happen. >> that something, hillary fears, is a physical beating from her father. >> he would discipline harshly when things didn't go his way. it was usually always the belt. it happened more and more often until finally it was once every
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maybe one or two weeks. >> on this particular evening, hillary sets up a small video camera on a dresser in her bedroom, hoping to document her father's behavior in case he becomes violent. minutes after hillary presses record, william adams enters her room. >> get over here. >> brandishing a leather belt. >> as soon as the light switched off, i knew it was going to be bad. >> stand over that bed. >> hillary hesitates. >> bend over the bed. bend over the bed! >> stop. stop. >> when i didn't comply to what he was telling me to do, he grabbed my hand and just lashed me anyway. and he would not stop. >> stop! >> bend over the bed! >> after about a minute had passed, i'd totally forgotten about the camera in the corner. >> stand over the bed!
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stand up! >> no. >> i sink down on the floor so he picked me up and threw me back onto the bed. >> bend over the [ bleep ] bed. >> the first few blows were so painful i didn't know what was what. i was just sitting there, and he would just hit me. >> here. >> i keep leaving the room and going down to my bedroom, which is what i usually had done when he disciplined her. but this time i would come back, because i wanted to see what was going on. i wanted to try to, you know, stop him. >> here. >> she takes the belt from her husband. >> i believe she got it away from him, and she wanted to stop him. but at the same time, she had to make it look like she was on his side.
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otherwise, he would turn against her. >> you turn over, i'm going to spanks on your butt. you turn over like a 16 year old and take it, like a grown woman. turn over! >> she won't! she's disobead enter. >> she was trying to protect me by keeping hold. belt, because she took the weapon away from him, hopefully that would make him cool off a little bit. >> i took the belt away from him and i asked for another one. >> she says she hopes william will let the matter drop if she makes ha show of disciplining hillary. >> i knew he was outside the room, i was talking loud, talking mean, hoping he would hear me. >> all the way on your stomach. thank you. >> hillary is stunned when her mother hits her with the belt. >> at that point, i didn't understand the complexity of what was happening. i didn't know that she was
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trying to protect me by doing that. i was terribly confused. i thought she agreed with him. i felt so betrayed. i felt so hurt. there was a lull. and i wasn't sure if things were ending or not. and then all of a sudden dad came in. >> i never got my lick in on her. get on your [ bleep ] stomach on the bed. get on your stomach or i'm going to start beating you again. >> he bends over and grab my hair and lifts me right up to his face. >> i'm going to keep beating you and beating you. >> the pure evil that was coming out of his mouth right there into my face. >> if i hear so much as you raise your [ bleep ] voice one little bit to me or your mother or the wrong tone, you do one little thing, you [ bleep ] look
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at me wrong, i'm going to take you in there and where your -- out. that's what's coming to. >> adams leaves the room and doesn't return. >> all of a sudden i remembered the camera. as fast as i could, i took the camera down and plugged it into my computer. i copied it in a few different places and i erased the tape. >> hillary says her father's physical violence tapers off after the incident. and for the next several years, the video remains a secret. that would change seven years later. in the fall of 2011, when hillary, 23 and living on her own, decides to release the video after a financial dispute with her father. hillary posts the video on youtube. within hours, it goes viral, setting off a firestorm of national media coverage.
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>> incredibly disturbing story out of texas. >> hillary and her mom hallie, now divorced from william appear on the today show and other national media. william adams gives his side when questioned by a local reporter at the time. >> in my mind, i haven't done anything wrong other than discipline my child after she was caught stealing, and i did lose my temper, but i've since apologized. it looks worse than it is. there is a story. it will come out in due time. >> so you do acknowledge that's you in the video. >> yeah. that's me. >> police investigate, but the statute of limitations has run out. and no charges are filed. adams is suspended with full pay from the bench, pending the results of an investigation by the state commission on judicial conduct. in september 2012, the commission issues adams a public
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warning about his conduct. he is reinstated by the state supreme court. up for reelection in 2014, he declined our request for an interview or comment. hallie still struggles with her participation in the beating. >> i actually really did think about, you know, maybe it might be just better if i took my own life. i did consider that. i regret that i wasn't strong, and i regret that i didn't call the police. >> hillary says she still hopes some day to reconcile with her father but has no regrets about posting the video. >> a normal person would not hurt an animal like that. they wouldn't whip a puppy or anything. they wouldn't whip a cat that they find. so why would, why would somebody do that to their own child? coming up, flash floods strand a panicked pooch. >> the dog looked like he was getting very tired.
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he started struggling. >> his only chance, a daring airborne rescue. >> we really were the only option. >> when caught on camera, heroes and villains continues. ened ened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. [ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first. they're gonna create a ton of research papers and important projects. so make sure they've got a safe place to keep them all. this week only get 16 gig flash drives for $7.87. staples has it. staples. that was easy.
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a frightened canine is caught in a surging torrent of water. >> the dog looked like he was about to get swept away. >> but will help come in time? january 22nd, 2010. los angeles, california. a city famous for its perfect weather has been inundated with several days of heavy rain. paramedic joe st. george of the los angeles fire department and the rest of his aerial rescue team are standing by to field emergency calls at a helipad just west of the los angeles river. >> it's a man-made tributary or channel that was built to move massive amounts of water rapidly. on a normal sunny day, it's just
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another area. but certainly once the rains begin it's a much different animal. >> soon after arriving at the hell bad, pie hot scott bowman and the team get an emergency call. >> the dog was in the water. when they gave a location we could almost see where he was from standing on top of the helipad. >> rescue attempts from the walls and nearby bridge are already underway. but so far the german shepherd mix has eluded capture. >> a number of different components were involved in the rescue operation, but they weren't able to get to the dog for a variety of reasons. we really were the only option. >> within minutes, pilot bowman and the team are hovering above the water, but they need to act fast. >> the incident commander was telling us they were getting heavy rains at their location which is only a couple miles away, which means that water is
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going to be coming to us in fairly short order. >> and that's not the only serious risk they're facing. >> the dangers of this mission in particular were the proximity to overhead wires and the dog was fairly close to a power stand chon that was directly opposite the dog. >> adding to their concern, the crew doesn't know how long the dog can fight the raging currents and the helicopter's fierce winds. >> dog looked like he was getting very tired. he started struggling a little bit. >> local news crews capture these dramatic images as st. george is lowered into the swiftly moving river. >> as i was getting to him the water was moving and i couldn't tell whether the dog was actually trying to get away from me or whether he was losing his footing and was about to be taken down river. >> as st. george approaches, the terrified dog tries to vain to scale the cement wall. he slips, falls into the river and nearly gets slipped away
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before the paramedic lunches after him, but the panicked pooch fights to get away. >> once i actually made contact with the dog he tried to defend himself. >> the dog attacks st. george, biting his hands and arms. >> the dog's wet, he's cold. and it's incredibly loud and wind eye. these helicopters generate upwards of 100-mile-per-hour winds. it's just not surprising that the dog started fighting back. i certainly couldn't get angry at the dog for doing what dogs do. >> with the canine's jaws clamped around one arm he makes a grab for his collar with the other. >> i already had his body, so i had a good level of control. i was trying to get everything positioned well enough so once we were hoisted out of the water i'd still be able to maintain control. >> st. george is able to secure the german shepherd mix by the collar and nods to the pilot,
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the signal to begin the airlift. seconds later, they are above the waters, little relief to the dog. >> once we were in the air, this is an environment this animal has never been in 30 feet in the air, and he actually starts trying to swim because that's the closest thing he can relate this experience to is back in the water. >> bowman quickly lowers st. george and the dog onto a nearby bridge where they're immediately met by other rescue personnel. the traumatized canine is rushed to a local animal shelter where he's dubbed vernon, after the area of la in which he was rescued. vernon escapes the ordeal without injury. st. george, however, is not so lucky. >> the dog crushed the bone in joe's thumb and took off a portion of it. >> bowman flies st. george to
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the nearest hospital where he's treated and soon released. >> after thousands watch the rescue unfold on television media gather to bring the story of st. george's heroics. >> this looks a lot worse than it really is. >> we got letters from all over the world. and i think people were surprised that we took the time and the effort and manpower to effect a rescue on the dog. >> not all the reaction is positive. some question the risk and expense to save a single dog. for bowman, though, the reason is clear. >> if the dog's in the water, and we don't go get the dog, somebody's going to go get the dog. and probably more than one person. there's going to be five, six, seven people in the river. now we have to rescue five or six people plus the dog. >> but there's another reason, one far more personal. >> i don't want to watch an animal die in the river when i'm watching him and i have the capability to do something about it. there's no way that any of us
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would sit there and watch that. >> even with all the media coverage of the dramatic rescue, it take as week for vernon to be reunited with his owners. turns out, vernon's real name is spiky, and his family had no idea what happened to him after he got out of their back yard. st. george and bowman are both recognized by animal advocacy groups for saving spiky's life. it's an honor st. george takes in stride. the humble paramedic insists he's no hero. it's all in a day's work. >> there are 3,000 firefighters within the city of los angeles, and i don't think there's any one of them that would not have done what i did. and i can really even say that for almost any firefighter across the country. it's what we do. coming up. >> these are brutal people that just saw something and wanted it. >> two thugs launch a surprise attack, leaving this bartender
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facing his own last call. >> that's when i saw the knife. >> when caught on camera, heroes and villains continues. we believe it can be the most valuable real estate on earth. ♪ that's why we designed the subaru forester from the back seat forward. the intelligently designed, responsibly built, completely restyled subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪
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i'm melissa ray burger. the white house held a special closed door briefing laying out their plan for syria. meanwhile john kerry is saying the syrians used sarin gas. a music fist val is canceled after the deaths of two attendees and others apparently linked to drugs. now back to caught on camera. two thieves ambush a bar owner at closing time. >> i was mugged. i was stabbed. i was hit over the head with a pool cue. >> but the robbery goes awry when this bar keepsakes a stand and fights back. >> they thought i was going to
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give them all my money, but that's not what happened. >> january 15, 2010, lake wood, colorado. it's just before 1:30, early friday morning, last call at this cordial lounge. security cameras roll as behind the bar, 32 year old owner t.j. is closing up shop. >> i was cleaning glass, putting things away. and i got to a point where i began counting and shuffling the money around in my drawer, getting ready to close the restaurant down. >> t.j. waits on four remaining customers playing pool, patrons he's never seen before, two women and two men. as t. jrnlts counts the money in the cash drawer, one of the women approaches the bar. >> i had thought she was going to ask for one more round of drinks. >> but the woman is not thirsty. >> she grabbed me and sort of pulled me toward her.
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and to this day, it's the weirdest thing, but i thought she was going to try and give me a kiss. i thought she was coming onto me, to be honest. then i realize, of course, pretty quickly that she wasn't. she was attacking me. and she was going for the drawer of money. >> and she is not acting alone. >> another patron from the bar, a male, ends up assisting the female and starts to attack the bartender. >> the lake wood police detective investigated the case. suddenly the tussle takes a more dangerous turn. >> that's when i saw the knife. and she's trying to slit my throat from behind, telling me she's going to kill me or that i'm going to die. >> the blade just misses t.j.'s neck but slices his left ear. the woman slashes at t.j. again, their time stabbing him in the abdomen. >> i knew that had i had been
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punk toured. and, you know, when your life is threatened and you're in that fight mode, you just kind of don't think about it. you just think, i'm fighting for my life right now. >> with no other employees left in the bar, t.j.'s best chance for help is a hidden panic button under the counter. he purposely maneuvers his attackers toward the center of the bar and is able to reach the silent alarm to alert police. >> when our dispatch receives a panic alarm then our patrol officers respond immediately to the scene. skblt phone almost immediately started ringing off the hook. so i knew that the police were on the way. i was very reassuring. >> at that moment, the bar owner turns the tables on his attackers. he now goes on the offensive. fighting to keep the assail antds there until police arrive. >> i wasn't going to let them leave the building. i just had this fire in my belly as a husband and father and business owner that i just had
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to do this. >> the friends of the two attackers, apparently unaware of the robbery plans come out from playing pool and realize what's going on. for a moment, it looks as if they each try to stop the fight. but both give up and instead of helping t.j. they flee the bar. the three way throw down rages on. at one point, a tap handle is knocked into the on position. what happens next puts t.j. on the short list for bar owner of the year. >> he took the time while fighting to turn the bar tap off and save the beer. >> as the fighting continues, the female attacker is able to break free. >> she had taken a pool cue, lined up and just came right down on the top of my head. which is by far the most devastating blow that i sustained, even more than being stabbed. it bled a lot. >> several minutes have passed
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since the fight began. and t.j. is losing steam. >> and i remember thinking, you know, i don't know if i can hang out this long. where are the cops? >> at 1:30, five minutes after t.j. hits the panic button, police arrive. arrested, 34 year old pamela tolbert and her boyfriend, alfonso portugal. she gets a 27 year prison sentence after pleading guilty to aggravated robbery and assault. portugal is sentenced to 12 years behind bars. essential to the case, the video recorded by security cameras installed by the previous owner after an earlier robbery. >> i think it would have been difficult to get a true understanding of what occurred or what the assailants had actually attempted to do with
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the bartender until we actually saw that footage and saw what occurred. >> the two customers who flid the scene are not charged. lucky for t.j. his stab wound is superficial. but the blow from the pool cue requires 13 stitches. t.j. has no regrets about fighting back. >> when things that are valuable to you are threatened, i think just about anybody would be amazed at what they can do to defend those things. >> for t.j., the assault is a life changing event. within weeks he sells the lounge and quits the bar business all together. he goes back to school, choosing a new career path as a grade schoolteacher. in another twist, t.j. has forgiven them for their brutal assaults and may even seek to have their prison terms reduced. >> i probably will begin investigating actions i can take towards some sort of restorative
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justice or mediation with them. and see if they can hopefully become good people and productive members of our society. coming up, time is running out for a customer kmoeking on a quesadilla. >> the table next to my, they grabbed my arm, you got to do something. you got to do something. >> when caught on camera, heroes and villains continues. and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights that help nascar win with our fans.
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♪ we go, go, we don't have to go solo ♪ ♪ fire, fire, you can take me higher ♪ ♪ take me to the mountains, start a revolution ♪ ♪ hold my hand, we can make, we can make a contribution ♪ ♪ brand-new season, keep it in motion ♪ ♪ 'cause the rhyme is the reason ♪ ♪ break through, man, it doesn't matter who you're talking to ♪ [ male announcer ] completely redesigned for whatever you love to do. the all-new nissan versa note. your door to more. ♪ a casual dinner out turns terrifying when this college student bites off more than he can chew. >> all of a sudden you're not breathing, and you only have a matter of a minute or two to get that food out of your throat or
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you're done. >> but help is on the menu, thanks to a hero waiter. >> i didn't now how many thrusts it would take because once i got around him, he was a lot bigger guy than i was. >> it was the scaryist moment of my life. >> march, atlanta, georgia. it's early wednesday evening at a popular mexican restaurant. >> it was a very busy night. very hectic. lot of people. i'd gotten a number of tables sat in a row. >> the waiter, matt, a graduate student has his hands full. >> i was kind of in a busy state of mind, trying to ring in their orders, keep everything flowing smoothly. >> seated at one of those tables, georgia tech undergrad, paul hargett. >> we were just out for dinner and a few drinks.
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it was me, and my wife, her two sisters and three or four of their friends. >> security cameras installed just two weeks before catch paul and the group sharing a relaxing evening. paul digs into a dish called the black and blue quesadilla. grilled steak with cheese and onions. midway through the meal, he takes an especially big bite and swallows, only to feel a chunk of quesadilla lodge in his throat. paul immediately does what most of us would do. i reaches for his glass of water. >> tried to wash it down, and it wasn't going down. so i kept drinking water. >> but the water only makes things worse. >> the water pushed it down further in there, but it didn't go down into my stomach, it went down into my air tube, and that completely blocked any air from coming in. and then all the water came back
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out. it looked like i was throwing up. i realized that i couldn't breathe. it was pretty terrifying. >> paul's wife, to his left thinks he's getting sick and hands him a napkin. >> i just kind of brushed that off because i didn't need a napkin, i needed someone to give me the heimlich maneuver. that's when i stood up and tried to get help from people and that's when i started freaking out. >> a quick thinking waiter alerts matt. >> they ran up to me, grabbed my arm, you got to do something, you got to do something. >> paul's wife tries slapping his back before his sister-in-law makes an attempt at the heimlich maneuver. >> she's only about five foot, 100 pounds, so i don't think she could get her arms around me. >> it's been 35 seconds since paul stopped breathing. >> this is a life or death moment and somebody is either going to save me or i'm going to die right here in front of all
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my friends. >> it doesn't take matt long to realize that somebody is him. >> once i saw the other woman at the table is unable to perform the heimlich, that's when i just jumped in. >> and not a moment too soon. paul has now gone 45 seconds without air. >> i was starting to get a little dizzy right when he came over. i probably was about ready to fall down to the ground. he grabbed me in the nick of time. >> heimlich training is mandatory at the restaurant. so matt knows just what to do. >> he came right up behind my, had his hand right under my stirn um. >> i ran um, placed my fist just below his rib cage. my thrusts were in and up and i actually had to lift him up off his feet. >> he lifted me a good foot and a half off the ground. >> matt gives several hashed thrusts. and then. >> it pretty much flew right out of my mouth. >> matt's heimlich work,
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propelling the piece of food from paul's windpipe. >> i took a huge breath of air. i was really starved for some oxygen. that first braet was the biggest sigh of relief i've ever had in my life. >> i looked on the chair and saw, it was a good sized piece of steak and cheese. i grabbed that up. i think he'd seen enough of the black and blue quesadilla for one night. >> he is visibly shaken and makes his way back to his table. >> i couldn't thank him enough. >> matt, ever the professional jumps right back into waiter mode. >> i made sure my other tables were doing okay, like nothing had happened. >> and yes, paul does finish the dish that nearly finished him, that black and blue quesadilla. >> i was very cautious the rhys of the night when chewing my food. >> the next day, the wres
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toronto, proud of matt's heroics, posts the security video on line and paul is stunned at what he sees. >> i didn't realize how close i was to dying. it went on for about a full minute. i didn't realize it had gone on that long. >> matt becomes a local hero, albeit a reluctant one. >> anybody should step in and help. that's part of what we should do being citizens in a community. i don't think that makes you a hero in any type of way. >> what's up, man? >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> paul begs to differ. >> really the only reason i'm still here is because he took the reins and did what he was trained to do and he saved my life. >> coming up, three armed thugs hold up a convenience store. but they don't count on the granny with the .38 caliber
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surprise. >> i had the gun cocked and ready to pull the trigger. >> when "caught on camera, heroes and villains" continues. equipped with droid zap for advanced photo sharing that lets you swipe images to multiple people. the new droid ultra by motorola. when intelligence matters. droid does.
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[ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first. they're gonna create a ton of research papers and important projects. so make sure they've got a safe place to keep them all. this week only get 16 gig flash drives for $7.87. staples has it. staples. that was easy. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories,
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not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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three armed men storm a gas station convenience store but get more than they bargain for. >> they don't know what's behind closed doors. >> a gun wielding grandma who sends them running for cover. >> i do know how to pull the trigger. >> june 26th, beach island carolina, a town with two speeds, slow and slower. a local fixture, todd's convenience store where mary todd has been working the front
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counter for more than 35 years. >> when my husband is not there, i like to be there. if problems arise, i take care of it. >> on this lazy friday afternoon, the great-grandmother twice over retreats to the store's back office to indulge her twin passions. >> i was crocheting and watching television, and that's a good thing to do. >> seven security cameras roll as two teenager cashiers work the registers up front while long time employee michael wallace stalks the shelves. >> come to work at 2:00 in the afternoon. i was stocking some beer to put on the shelf. >> just another routine day. >> everything was real, real smooth. going smooth. >> until just before 3:00. three masked men rush in.
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>> they were dressed in a lot of clothes. they had things on their faces. they were carrying guns, big guns. >> they wanted the guns to be seen. they wanted to hurt somebody. >> they were going to clean us out of all the money. >> the men immediately split up. one guards the door. another makes a beeline for the back of the store, while the third heads straight for wallace. >> he come up to me, told me to get on the floor. i'll be honest with you, i was scared. you don't want to make these people madder than they already are. you buck them, they will shoot you. >> when the gunman looks away for an instant, wallace moves toward the front counter where the store's silent alarm is. >> that's when i start easing over to get behind the counter.
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he grabbed ahold of my shirt and hit me with the gun like a blunt force hit. that's when i went down. >> wallace is knocked out cold but one of the cashiers had better luck reaching the alarm. >> the little girl on the cash register, we call her little red. going down on the floor, she hit the alarm button for the police to come. >> meanwhile the gunman at the back of the store is trying to break down the door to mary's office. >> i crooked my head around to look out that little window where the door was, and i saw a man running and hitting the door. by the time he hit it a second time, i reached for my gun. it was on top of my bible. >> mary's weapon of choice, a .38 special. >> i live by the bible and i live by the gun. i always keep my gun on my bible with a big rubber band on it. i took my gun off and i cocked the gun.
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my husband always told me, mary, if you have to use the gun, cock, it will go off a lot faster. >> the gunman after several tries gives up. robber number two, bigger and presumably stronger takes over. >> i know i was in deep, deep trouble. really deep trouble. i was in deep trouble. >> at that moment, mary says help comes from an unexpected place. she hears the voice of her late son ryan who died of a heart attack at 42. >> that's my guardian angel. he said, mama, take a step back and shoot the window out. and i did. i took a step back, and i shot the window out. i pulled the trigger. >> the blast from mary's .38 caliber gun shatters the office window, tearing into the ceiling. shaken by mary's shot the gunmen flee the store.
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>> when i come to, i heard them holler out, this is not going to happen today. that's when they really took off. >> all three suspects are still at large, but have steered clear of trying another robbery at the store. michael wallace remains impressed with mary's shooting skills. >> i would say she was pretty good. we give her the name annie oakley. >> but for mary todd, it's just another day at the office. >> i never did get nervous about it. i was doing my job. i always try to handle any situation in that store. i had protection, and i was i had protection, and i was willing to use it.
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due to mature and graphic subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. there are 2 million people behind bars in america. for the next hour we open the gates. "lockup." >> it's not our job to extract justice. it's our job to keep these people in these cells here. >> pretty rough, you know. >> you eat yourself. >> it's an adventure every day. >> you can't let your guard down for a second. >> you know where mommy is? and he says, yeah, in jail. >> nobody plans on coming to jail. i don't think they do. i don't. it just happened. >> how come you're all in there? are you having a party in there? >>


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