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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  September 4, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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but right now, "the ed show" with ed schultz. >> good evening, americans and welcome to "the ed show" live from new york. let's get to work. not war. ♪ >> we have the opportunity to take some action that is meaningful even if it doesn't solve the entire problem. >> i'm going to support the president's call for action. >> we must respond. >> if we hit syria, it's an act of war. >> my credibility is not on the line into this debate is about the world's red line. it's about humanity's red line. >> there's risk involved only for american men and women. >> why can't we concentrate on our own problems? >> because we give lip service to the notion that these international norms are important. >> the use of chemical weapons against civilians is beyond despicable and this assad guy,
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he's a bad dude. but it's a civil war. >> this is not iraq. and this is not afghanistan. this is a limited pro proportional step. >> we'll call it operation just the tip. >> we want it 0 fire a shot across the bow. and then he goes off and plays golf. >> to stop these terrorist killers. thank you. now watch this drive. >> i remember iraq. >> i don't know how would describe it. it's kind of a churning. >> frenzy. >> frenzy is how the secretary would describe it. >> the united states and our allies have ample ways to make him regret that decision without going to war. >> not only will we consult with friends and allies, we'll consult with members of congress. >> that when we say never again, we mean never again. ♪ ♪ and when there's nowhere else
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to run ♪ >> good to have you with us tonight. folks, thanks for watching. it pains me to show you this. but that's where we are. we have breaking news tonight as we start this prap. the senate foreign relations committee has voted to approve a limited military strike on syria. limited strike, what is that? if a cruise missile comes in your backyard and kills your kids, would you think, oh, it's just limited? it is an act of war. this will now go for a vote to the full senate. the obama administration, they are on a roll. they're pulling out all stops to sell you you. it's an all-out offensive to convince the american people that a strike against syria will keep us a heck of a lot safer. i couldn't disagree more. i'm not sold. and i don't think you should be sold. this is a bad situation all around. there are there are no good
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players. there are no good guys. we're about to become a bad guy. i don't like that. we've been down that road before. but here we go. the facts, president obama continued to push for military intervention today. >> i do think that we have to act. because if we don't, we are effectively saying that even though we may condemn it and issue resolutions and so forth and so on, somebody who is not shamed by resolutions can continue to act with impunity. >> i'll tell you what, i don't mean to be disrespectful but that's almost like a leftover memo from the bush administration. secretary of state john kerry also continued his push for a strike on syria today. he warned, he warned us of grave consequences for america and the world if we don't take any action. >> syria, bottom line, is important to america and our security for many reasons.
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first, you can't overlook the danger that these weapons as you said in this syria accountability act posed to the middle east, to our allies, to to our friends. you can't overlook the threat that they face even to the united states ultimately if they fall into the wrong hands or if they are used with impunity. >> well, why aren't the countries in the middle east hitting syria first? why is it us? we're getting the sell job big-time from secretary kerry. you know, there's a lot of great honorable american who are making the case for striking syria. i just respectfully disagree with them. and i think americaing is a little bit angry that this is happening right now. secretary kerry is saying that if we don't act, something bad could happen. my friends, we have heard the same thing back in 2003. >> we are now acting because the risks of inaction would be far
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greater. in one year or five years, the power of iraq to inflict harm on all free nations would be multiplied many times over. in this century when evil men plot chemical, biological and nuclear terror, a policy of appeasement could bring destruction of a kind never before seen on this earth. >> the risks of not acting is greater than the risk of acting. if we don't take a stand here today, i guarantee you we are more likely to face far greater ricks to our security and a far greater likelihood of conflict that demands our action in the future. >> i just don't agree with that. that's a theory that if we don't act, something bad is really going to happen. john kerry, the man who ran on an anti-war platform in 2004, is now making the busch light argument for a strike on syria. and it is war. it is an act of war. i think the secretary of state
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is flat out wrong with his assessments and his arguments. and tonight, i'm going to highlight step by step why military action against syria is dangerous for the world and this country. all we hear about are the risks of inaction which we've heard before. but what about the risk of action? this assad is the next bad dude i guess we've got to go after america. he's a crazy guy who used his chemical weapons on his own people. we've seen that before in the middle east and didn't act on it. we don't know how he's going to respond or how other countries might line up with them and respond. assad told a french newspaper if the united states attacks, it could set off a powder keg and spark a regional war. is that what we want? is this a risk we are willing to take as americans? americans we need to speak up. you need to call your representatives and tell them how you think. i think that if we hit syria, we
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increase the risk of getting hit on our own soil. i mean, that's a theory. since we're playing the theory game, i might, as well throw that in in. we could get hit at home if we do this. we really don't know what syria's response is going to be. make no mistake, if we strike syria, it will inflame a good portion of the arab world even further against the united states. images of the attack are going to be broadcast around the world. it will be used as a recruiting tool for al qaeda. it's going to help our enemies, the domino effect is starting. isn't it? the resolution from the senate foreign relations committee calls for 90 days of action with no boots on the ground. and you know how important yesterday's meeting was? yesterday's hearing was important because that basically was smoked out. there was some broad language in there and they reeled in. so the president did the right thing, seriously, by going to congress, but i hope the president went to congress not just to get legal justification
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and authority and approval from congress. i hope he went to congress to find out what the hell the american people think. the situation i think would be catastrophic for president obama and our country if we do this. democrats in congress need to save this president from making a catastrophic mistake. we need a no vote on striking syria. i mean a big capital "n" "o." now, do we matter? well, six in ten americans are against hitting syria, and congress, they've got a lousy approval rating down at 14%, pretty ironic, the people with no popularity are going to do something that most of the people don't want. here's what disturbs me about what secretary kerry said yesterday. he's making the case that the president isn't asking us to go to war. listen to this. >> let me be clear.
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president obama is not asking in irk to go to war. and i say that sitting next to dow men, secretary hagel and chairman dempsey who know what war is. senator mccain knows what war is. they know the difference between going to war and what president obama is requesting now. we all agree there will be no american boots on the ground. >> very effective presentation by the secretary. and former senator and great american and war hero. no doubt about it. to explain that there are people in that room that know what war is all about. i get all that. but who's definition are we using? is this the american definition of war? do you think that the syrian people are going to have 200 cruise missiles come down on them and think that they're not at war, it's just america is kind of pissed off at us right now? stop the worth smithing. if we hit them with one missile, it is an act of war.
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now we've kind of changed the wording a little bit. it's not slam-dunk anymore. it's high confidence. the word escalation has to come into the dialogue in all of this. are we sure that there won't be an escalation? are we willing to take this risk? now, i might sound like a neo-con right now, but if you want absolutes here, you want to really make sure that assad doesn't use chemical weapons anymore, you've got to take him out. but we're not in that business anymore, which is good. this is a civil war. they have not hit the united states. and all this talk about our image in the world, i don't care what the president says. i don't care -- i care about what the president acts on. and if he hits syria, this is going to explode. there could be a chain reaction, we don't know where it's going. this is not the right move now. and what's kind of scary about all of this, there's a lot of
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folks carrying bibles under their arm around this country that think this is the beginning of the end times. i hope not. mr. president, i asked you on friday night not to do this. i haven't changed my position after listening to all of these senators tell us how we have to do this. the vote was 10-7. the poll numbers show that the american people aren't on board for this. you will not be embarrassed at all if the american people speak and you step up and say, we're not behind this. i'm behind it, but we're not behind it. there's no embarrassment in democracy. there's no embarrassment in saying this is not what our country wants right now. we have to take under consideration that escalation in these times is something we shouldn't be rolling any dice with right now. we really don't know, there's a little bit too much theory going on as to what could happen if we do this.
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get your cell phones out. tonight's question, i want to know what you think, if the united states military hits syria, is it an act of war? text a for "yes," b for no to 67622. you can go to our blog at for more, let me turn to senator bernie sanders, independent from vermont. senator, good to have you with us tonight. senator, where do you stand on what you have heard and the sell job that's going on? and it is. they're trying to make the case to convince the american people that we should have "a limited strike against syria." how do you assess it? >> i'm keep agopen mind and i want to hear everything the administration has to say. but i would be less than honest with you if i didn't say i had very, very deep concerns about this proposal. and by the way, i could tell you that in my office, the phones are bopping off the hook there,
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and almost unanimously, people are opposed to what the president is talking about. and here are my concerns, ed. there are a number of them. number one, the congress as everybody knows is significantly dysfunctional today. and in the midst of a collapsing middle class, high unemployment, low wages, global warming and all of the other major problems, our country faces, we're not dealing with them today. and what do you think happens if we get involved in a war in syria where all of the attention will be? how are we going to address the major problems facing our people? that's issue number one. issue number two, the president talks about a surgical strike. limited engagement. but listen carefully to what people like senator mccain are talking about. that's not what they're talking about. they're talking about regime change. they're talking about overthrowing assad. and that means billions and
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billions of dollars and if the effort does not go well, sometime in the future, it could. it could mean american troops on the ground. third point, you know, we talk about a world of law. i have real concerns about the united states acting unilaterally without the united nations, without nato, without the international community. i think that sets a terrible precedent for other countries in years to come to take similar action and what are we going to say if russia or china goes to war? >> senator, aren't you. >> those are some of the concerns. >> absolutely. of course, who's going to pay for all of this stuff. can you trust the republicans they're not going to come back and say, gosh, we spent a bunch of money on syria. we've got to have a offsets and go after the big three. this is not a good scenario. your thoughts on that? >> ed, you're exactly right. our republican friends have made it very clear.
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they're not going to ask the wealthy or large corporations to pay more in taxes. they already want to cut social security, medicare and medicaid. what may well be happening is the cost of this war may be paid for by more kids being thrown off of head start, senior citizens being thrown off meals-on-wheels programs, educational programs being cut. the republicans would go in that way to pay for this war. that's clear to me. >> there's consequences in elections and also consequences to war. and belt tightening at home is not where the american people are right now. we're looking for investment into what we need to do to keep this country going. senator, are you concerned that more countries aren't on board? we talk about a moral obligation. >> yeah. >> we hear all of that. we talk about our image in the world. does that mean anything? more countries just aren't jumping on this action. >> ed, what i worry about is what the united states is becoming. we're not a leader in the world in health care and education and infrastructure. but we are becoming the leader
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in the world, the policemen of the world. and other countries are saying hey, you guys pay for it. we are now spending militarily almost as much as the rest of the world combined. meanwhile, other countries guarantee health care to all of their people. so i do worry very much about the united states going forward alone. i think it's a very bad precedent. >> good to have you with us tonight. i appreciate your time being on the show. i don't think that the 21 senators that voted against the war in iraq have ever regretted that vote. and i hope that there is a vet robust debate on the house and senate floor about this. the american people have to matter in this. remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen. share your thoughts at ed show and on facebook. we always want to know what you think. coming up, conservatives try to paint president obama's decision on syria as a sign of weakness. congressman elijah cummings is here to respond. and later, the secretary of explaining stuff hits the road to promote obama care.
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i'll ask the rapid response panel if the former president's pitch is working. stay tuned. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at ♪ we go, go, we don't have to go solo ♪ ♪ fire, fire, you can take me higher ♪ ♪ take me to the mountains, start a revolution ♪ ♪ hold my hand, we can make, we can make a contribution ♪ ♪ brand-new season, keep it in motion ♪ ♪ 'cause the rhyme is the reason ♪ ♪ break through, man, it doesn't matter who you're talking to ♪ [ male announcer ] completely redesigned for whatever you love to do.
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the all-new nissan versa note. your door to more. ♪
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time now for the trenders. theed show's social media nation has decided and here are today's top trenders voted on by you. hi ho it's off to work we go. >> the number three trender, labor leader. >> the department of labor is the department of opportunity. >> our common agenda must had jobs, jobs, jobs. >> thomas perez takes the helm at the department of labor. >> we're all in this together. >> working together, we can unleash the economy's full potential. >> nobody should have to live in poverty working a full-time job. >> our job is to make the american dream a reality for
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everyone. >> our number two trender, double dribble. >> dennis rodman is now in north korea for a meeting with kim jong-un. >> i want to go over there to start a new basketball league over there. >> you've heard it's a dream team? we're the mean team. >> the former nba star heads back to north korea. >> him and dennis rodman are in the house. >> i want to go over there to have a good time and bridge the gap with americans and north korea. >> in today's top trender, weak spot. >> the united states should take military action against syrian regime targets. i will seek authorization for the use of force from the american people's representatives in congress. >> the decision to give congress a vote is a political gamble by president obama. >> i'm afraid what it's shown is weakness there. >> conservatives attack the president's decision on syria. >> two words come to mind.
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they're both four letters. mess and weak. >> bullies and tyrants don't respect weakness. >> right, we have to bottom syria because we're in seventh grade. >> there's weakness on the part of the president. >> you know what else is weak? asking advice from the parade of idiots who got the situation completely wong in iraq. >> joining me tonight, congressman elijah cummings of maryland. i got to get this in. breaking news. the white house released a statement commending the senate foreign relations committee on the syria resolution. the statement reads in part, "we believe america is stronger when the president and the congress work together." great to have you with us tonight. if president obama doesn't get a "yes" vote, does he look weak? >> ed, i don't think so. first of all, i thought it was a good move politically. and morally to come to the
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congress and seek their approval. il thought that was a bold move. and the fact is, that you've got to remember, ed, this president came into office and was elected twice based on getting us out of war, not getting us into wars. and so i thought it was an important move. now the congress must act very carefully to try to address this issue and that's what i'm trying to do. i'm spending almost every day spending literally hours pouring over information trying to figure all of this out because it is indeed a very complicated issue. i admire all my colleagues who have already made up their minds. i've listened to the briefings, classified and unclassified. i've read the documents. there are some issues that stand out here. >> well, in these briefings, is there anything that has tipped you to vote yes for a strike on syria? >> ed, i'm still trying to figure it out. let me give you an example. to answer your question, not
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yet. when i think -- one of the things that i'm most concerned about has come over very clear are the unintended consequences that may come out of this. here we have a president assad who i believe based on everything i've seen and read did, in fact, be gas his people. no doubt i have no doubt about that. the problem, ed, is what happens when we have these so-called limited strikes? i think a person who is able to gas his people is going to react. >> no question. >> and we dote know what that reaction is going to be. >> no question. >> and that is a real -- and if you really listen, ed, to secretary kerry who i have a lot of respect for yesterday in his testimony before the senate, i mean, he basically said look, you know, we don't know what's going to happen. we think we're going to be able to contain and degrade his
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assad's ability to deliver these chemical weapons. but after that, what happens? and i'm trying to figure out what is the plan down the road? >> well, the response to the response to the response is something no one can predict. >> right. >> but congressman, how can we assume that the syrian people are going to say that this is not an act of war, that they only hit us with a few citizen missiles, only hit with us 200? we may not view it as an act of war in the is not foreign relations committee and the debate in the house, but who is to say that the syrian people and the arab world isn't going to view this as some, you know, cowboy diplomacy that we've taken a shot at them and it could inflame the entire arab world against the united states? >> i got to tell you, ed, this is the argument, the argument that you're making right now is one that i'm hearing from my constituents and i know bernie sanders says most of the calls coming into his office were against this effort.
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i can tell you 99% of the calls coming to my office are against it. they are citing the types of things that you just said. >> i've got to ask you, congressman, are the american people going to matter and is there going to be robust debate? i mean, if the american people don't want this, where are we? >> first of all, i think i would be surprised if the president went forward with this. you just hit on a key question, ed. i think the president has got to come before the nation. he's got to do this. as a friend of his, i would say mr. president, you've got to come before the nation and you've got to the lay out exactly why you feel that you have to act now. you must make sure the nation understands what is so egregious about chemical and biological weapons. you know, all the briefing i've been in, i feel like it's talk bob the average person. when i talk to the constituents,
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they're saying the same thing. why should we be so upset? i think he has to come before the nation and sooner rather than later. >> an analysis from think progress finds 153 house members have already gone on record saying they will vote no or are leaning towards a no vote. only 47 have come forward out in support of this. i would imagine every congressional member is getting a dose of reality from those that they are representing. and i hope that weighs in to all of this. congressman, you're a very thoughtful man. i have immense respect for you. if i can get you to do the no vote, i think it's the wrong thing to do. i would respect your decision. i hope there's a robust debate and i hope we get a no vote. >> thank you very much. i certainly respect your opinion. i've listened to you very carefully. i'm going to take everything into consideration. i consider this one of the most important votes i'll take as a member of congress. >> i agree.
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congressman, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> spreading the word on obama care. i'll ask the rapid response panel how dras can get their message through to the american people. and later, congressman alan grayson and jim mcdermott join me to explain why syria is not our fight. but next, i'm taking your questions live. ask ed live just ahead. stay with us. with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day.
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him point blank about chemical weapon use in the future of his country. that's what i think paul wellstone would do. stick around. rapid response panel is next. i'm courtney reagan. the dow climb the 9 of points today. the s&p up 13 and the nasdaq gaining 36. auto sales surged 17% in august with over 16 million cars sold. that's the highest in six years. and the u.s. trade deficit increased more than 13. ers in july as americans bought more foreign cars than imported goods. more weekly mortgage applications climbed for the four weeks of 1.3%. that's it from cnbc. first in business worldwide.
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you got president clinton who made the case as only he can. after he spoke, somebody sent out a tweet. they said, you should appoint him secretary of explaining stuff. i like that. secretary of explaining stuff. >> well, it's been over three years since the affordable care act was signed into law but a new study released wednesday shows 51% of americans continue it say they don't have enough information about the law. to understand how it will impact them and their family. even more shocking, 44% of those polled were unsure whether the affordable care act even remained in place or thought the law had been flat out repealed or overturned. obviously, those folks aren't paying attention. what's striking is these numbers come less than one month out from the october 1st open enrollment kickoff. so in an effort to combat the spread of misinformation, president obama has dispatched one of the democratic party's
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chief messengers and that would be the secretary of explaining stuff. >> this does give us the best chance we've had to achieve nearly universe coverage, provide higher quality health care and lower the rate of cost increases which we have got to do in a competitive global economy. and finally, it is the law. and i think we have -- we've all got an interest in trying to faithfully execute the laws. if you get one of these elected jobs, you actually take an oath to do that. over the next six months, other marquee names in the administration will hit the road to educate the public and encourage folks to enroll in new coverage options. on tuesday, the white house picked up another powerful ally in the first official aca partnership with a sports franchise. the nba and the nfl turned down national partnerships under
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pressure everybody congressional republicans, but the 2012 super bowl champs are step up. the baltimore ravens have agreed to help market the law to the people of maryland. joining me now in our rapid response panel, dr. cory a bear, ceo of black health and an assistant professor at lsu, dr. ronnie woodfield, medical director for the national association of free clinics in new orleans and joan walsh, joan, you first. will bill clinton have an impact and will we win the pr war here? >> i think he will have an impact, ed. i'm glad to see him doing. i'd like to see him boil some of those messages down and put them in ads. one of the things he did i liked the most was he talks about the 27 million women and 26 million men who have already gotten preventive health screenings, whether it's mammograms or prostate cancer screening or even well baby care. all sorts of things they're getting for free they used to have to maybe pay something for, he's really putting the numbers
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out therein an making people realize that when you go into your doctor now, this is what you're getting. it didn't used to be that way. i don't think we've done a great job explaining that. >> dr. aber, what's causing the confusion here? >> i really think it's the republican, you know, pushback because i'm wearing grapes on my tie today because i'm sick of them wining about the law. it is the law. that's why i think clinton did a great job saying you know what? it's not necessarily the best thing. give me something else and maybe i'll do it. but they don't offer anything else. if we don't get out there and beat the streets so that people can understand this, that's the real problem. it's not a silver bullet. he even said today it's not a silver bullet, but the problem is that people need to understand it's the law and we can work with it. >> dr. woodfield, what do people need to know before october 1st? >> first of all, that this is the law. it's not going to be repealed. the efforts by the republican party to continue to repeal
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something is a waste of time and money. secondly, that it's not that hard. i think the only problem with the speech today was that it was not timely enough. we should have done this maybe six months ago. now the speech is done and clinton made a lot of points. knowing you can go to health to get more information and learn about the bill and that it will be limited. one of the things he pointed out the flaws in this health care law. that's important because i think the administration in the past has tried to kind of smudge those over. by admitting to flaws, people know it's not perfect. when medicaid and medicare were implemented there were flaws together. over time, maybe we can get this law implemented and get people health care that they need. >> i want to ask all three of you, what do you think the ravens will do? will this start a trend? joan, what do you think? >> i would love to see my san francisco giants do an ad like this. sadly, they need obama care. they're not doing well. they did a great psa for gay kids, it gets better. it would be wonderful to see a
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lot of major league teams step up because health is so important. it's accessing insurance and getting healthy. we don't do a good job at that. >> dr. hebert. >> i think they're going to do a great job. i would challenge all of the sports teams and a lot of these rappers and pop icons. you know, i think they should getting to and do this because it's going to happen. if you don't understand it, you're going to feel like you're staring down a tunnel and a light's coming an at you. that's going to be a train. there's nothing worse than lack of information. you got to have information. they're going to do a great job. >> dr. wakefield, this ought to get the attention of young people. >> as the hip-hop doc, i use that as an avenue. i agree with the dr. hebert and joan. we've got to get celebrities and icons involved. it was great to the hear bill clinton. what if we have jay zooe zee and beyonce talking about this to raise awareness? health, get more information. ed, glad to have you back.
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this is a great platform for us to share this information. >> i want to point out to all three of you, i was informed today that the young men in this country are the lynchpin to this. if we can get more young men signed up into this, it will reduce health care costs. dr. hebert, can you address that? >> yes, because we know that young men don't go to the doctor. they think they are invisibl vn. that's why i put it down into 11 pages so you can take a look. if we don't address the young men, they will -- our country we're going to keep having to pay for the ills of our society. >> great to have all of you with us tonight. thanks so much, dr. hebert, phil and also joan walsh. up next, john mccain's war game? lands him in pretenders. stay tuned. is something we all share. but who can help you find your own path?
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and in pretenders tonight, we have a five-card dud. senator john mccain during the senate foreign relations committee hearing, well, the senator took his maverick moniker more seriously than a military strike in syria. >> you were caught today, you know what i'm talking about, senator. there you are. there's the picture. during the three and a half hour hearing, at one point, you were playing a little poker on your iphone. >> well, as much as i like and always listen in rapt attention constantly with the remarks of my colleagues over a 3 1/2 hour period, occasionally i get a little board, and so i resorted, but the worst thing about it is, i lost thousands of dollars. on this game. >> so when war is at stake, the senator battled boredomle? if most american workers played games on company time, they would be fired. try it at work sometime.
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welcome back to "the ed show." this is a story for the folks who take a shower after work. american workers, because you'd be paying for this. i don't believe syria is our fight. democrats in congress need to help president obama by voting no to the resolution authorizing
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war and air strikes in syria. today president obama said confronting syria is a challenge for the world, not just the white house. >> my credibility is not on the line. the international community's credibility is on the line. and america and congress' credibility is on the line because we give lip service to the notion that these international norms are important. >> tomorrow the president travels to russia for the g20 summit. it will no doubt be met with tension from vladimir putin. in an interview tuesday, putin said it seems, quote, completely ridiculous that the syrian government would have used chemical weapons on its own people. and that there was still not sufficient proof to justify a military strike. completely ridiculous. every news program for weeks has been plastered with images of innocent people covered in cream and convulsing. but proof or not, this is not
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our fight. the editorial board of the nation magazine said this. if the united states and russia work together, they could use their combined influence to choke off the flow of arms from the outside and contain the conflict as they work toward a ceasefire. if they don't, syria's disintegration will spread throughout the region. but if congress votes yes for this resolution, there's no telling where or when spreading disintegration stops. joining me tonight congressman grayson and congressman mcdermott. congressman grayson, you first. why is this not our fight? >> it's not our fight because no americans have been killed. none of our allies have been killed. and you have to go through this bizarre remote chain of causation where it relates to anybody who the department of defense is supposed to be defending. the attack that's being
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contemplated won't do any good and it's expensive and dangerous. >> congressman mcdermott, will it have an impact on house members now that the senate foreign relations committee has passed 10-7. how robust is the debate going to be in the house and where is the momentum right now? there's three questions for you, but capsulize it for us where we are. >> well, we are at a place where i think everybody is looking to their own emotions to see what they think they ought to vote -- which way they should go. the senate vote was divided. it wasn't party lined. i really think the president should go to the general assembly of the united nations and make a speech and get the world behind him. he is going alone. if he decides and we turn him down, he may go to iraq -- syria anyway and at that point he is going to be alone. i think he really needs to let the world know exactly what he
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knows and why he's doing what he's doing. and that diplomacy has really fallen off the table in all this talk. it's either military strikes or do nothing. well, there is another option. it's called diplomacy. >> congressman grayson, you were in the house foreign relations hearing today. did secretary kerry give straight answers? or are we getting a sell job? >> i think the answers were straight, but at this point we've heard it all. they haven't come up with any new information now in a substantial amount of time. what's actually happening now is the members who have already heard the arguments from the administration are hearing from their constituents. and the constituents are overwhelmingly in favor of this. understates people's opposition to this. the polls indicate people are opposed but the opponents are inflamed. they're angry about this. they're angry about the fact we'd waste a billion dollars or more on a military venture like this when we've got our own problems to deal with.
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people don't want us to be the policemen for the world any longer. we've got 35,000 people already come to our website with more every minute. people are angry about the thought that we'd be involved in war again. >> i agree. i hear the anger on the radio. people cannot believe we're having this discussion with this president. congressman mcdermott, who pays for this? and how do we know it's not open ended? >> well, you know, ed, i made a suggestion to my staff we ought to get an amendment ready to put a tax on to pay for it. it's going to cost about a billion dollars. why don't we just raise taxes and pay for it right now? we didn't pay for iraq. we didn't pay for afghanistan. we ought to start paying for things now. the sequester is hurting our economy and the budget's coming up. we've got all kinds of problems and here we are spending more money on a war. makes no sense. >> and gentlemen, what do you say to those who -- and the president and secretary kerry --
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who says our image will be damaged in the world and that we have a moral obligation. what about that? >> it's nonsensical. we look foolish to the world. we're out on a limb here. we're the only ones even contemplating a serious attack. if the world were behind us, that would be a different story. the world is against us. most countries wouldn't even consider the possibility of doing something like this. there are 196 countries in the world. why is it always our responsibility? this time the answer is it isn't. >> what about the response from assad? can we assume that he will strike us? can we assume that he will hit back against the israelis? i mean, this is all theory thinking that we're going to blast 200 cruise missiles at them and there's not going to be any response that isn't going to have bigtime ramification. >> the question i asked this morning when we talked with the chief of staff of the white house was what will we expect on
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friday after you do this on monday? there is no question. we have no idea what the response will be from syria or from russia or iran. we really are lighting a fire and not knowing what's going to happen when we light the fire. i'm going to have a town meeting on sunday night before i come back to washington, d.c. because i want to hear from my constituents whether they think it's a good idea. so far the mail and the phone calls are running 100-1 against doing anything. >> congressman grayson, what is this going to do to the house? do you anticipate some republicans voting no on this? i mean, there's a lot of them that are non-committal right now. they hate to support president obama because they hate the guy, yet they don't want to look weak on national security in the next selection. i mean, the president in some way has them in a political pickle, doesn't he?
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>> not at all. they think that going into the situation makes us look weak and exposes us to danger. as jim just pointed out, there's so many ways this can go wrong. syria and hezbollah can counterattack against israel. they can attack our u.s. embassy in beirut which is a two-minute flight from the syrian border. they can also attack our fleet in the mediterranean. and beyond that, what good does it do? we could end up seeing that we end up arming the muslim fundamentalists who represent the bulk of the fighters at this point against the assad regime. this is a situation where it's essentially none of our business. all the options are bad. we're only going to make things worse. and the republicans see that. that's why they're going to vote three or four to one against this resolution. >> quickly congressman mcdermott, if we hit them, is this an act of war? >> yes. >> very good. >> and it should be declared by the congress. if we turn it down, he should not go. >> all right.
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grease to have you with us tonight. thank you. that is "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. rev? >> yes, ed. thank you. and thank you for tuning in. tonight's lead, president obama wins the first vote on syria late today. a key senate panel voted to approve a resolution authorizing the use of military force against the syrian regime. it sets up a vote with the full senate expected early next week. it came just hours after president obama speaking overseas in sweden insisted the world must take action. >> first of all, i didn't set a red line. the world set a red line. my credibility is not on the line. the international community's credibility is on the line. and america and congress' credibility is on the line