tv The Ed Show MSNBC September 5, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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watching this afternoon. we have we have to go after remember, catch chris matthews and "hardball" at 7:00 p.m., deliverable, rocket launchers, right here on msnbc. artillery rounds. but coming up right now, is he the question is if you won't "the ed show." hurt his hold operationally, would would it scare him for the future? >> do you think there would be reaction? everybody thinks this is the calculus that no one can figure out exactly the response. >> sure. absolutely. the most likely course of the action is to try to scloit this \s. let's get to work and not and push forward operationally war. >> what the president is asking within their own war. for will provide the support if the insurgents try to take needed to -- >> either you love freedom and advantage where assad's assets with nations which embrace are spread out, they could try freedom, or you're with the to seize certain cities or enemy. certain terrain. >> quite frankly i'm a bit that would force a very strong skeptical. response from the regime and >> you have to have a vision. >> there are known knowns, further contemplate the things we know we no. conflict. >> congressman pocan, that there are known unknowns. >> and you have to provide the really is the intangible, we kind of leadership a commander don't know how to measure the in chief would provide. >> that is to say, we know response that syria would give there's some things that we do us. what kind of answer are you looking for on that to get a yes not know. >> quite frankly i'm a bit vote?
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skeptical. >> the president is not, in my view, providing the kind of >> the question that was asked on sunday and i asked again leadership that i think almost any president in my adult yesterday, what's the end game? i don't know if we have enough lifetime would be -- of a response to know what could happen. i was just at the israeli/syrian >> fool me once, shake on -- border at the beginning of shame on you. august. i'm fearful if we corner someone by doing something like this, the reacts comes back to our we can't get fooled again. allies, to israel, to turkey. it could have something happen in the united states. i agree. i think there hasn't been enough we can't get fooled again. discussed about what it means when we go in unilaterally with you know, isn't this an interesting collection of folks a military strike, and what the right here? what does it take to get a implications are. it's so important. people are so war-weary in my republican to be against an air strike? district, you know, i have two what does it take to get a republican to be against a war nephews who luckily came back or confrontation? from iraq. however their families didn't correct me if i'm wrong, folks. continue. you can do it on twitter, don't this is a huge vote, if you're going to do something that would the republicans always run on foreign policy, that they are have further xwligz and bring this country into war, that's the experts? that the democrats are weak? something that we need an and that they are the ones so concerned about america's international debate about.
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security? >> well, let me ask you, what if you know, as the evidence comes in about the use of chemical there is a no vote and the president calls for strikes weapons, how can they oppose the president? anyway? >> i think that would be a huge in a growing number of far mistake. i think the president deserves right-wing republicans are enormous credit for coming to coming out and opposing an air congress. that hasn't happened because of strike on syria. george w. bush. believe it or not, the righties this is setting a precedent for all future presidents, and he like rick santorum, marco rubio, deserves respect for that. if they would do something with a "no" vote, big mistake. michele bachmann, and donald rumsfeld, mr. expert, they are >> where are the veterans? say nothing to an air strike on >> our members are 78% against. syria. i agree with them, but of course there are a lot of veterans that for completely different reasons, folks. the republicans, they don't hate are -- liberal, republican, war. they hate this guy, barack progressive, it doesn't matter. how many times did you go to iraq? if you say once, you say man, hussein obama. how did you get to lucky? they just cannot stomach the people have been two, three fact that they might be agreeing times. with him, because they would i think a lot of people are have a lot of trouble back home. like, we've seen this show they have fought this president, before. >> what do you say to the president who brings up the obstructed this president, their issue and the secretary of state whole focus is to make him a about it's a mosh obligation and our image in the world? failure. how in the world can they >> i would ask them one simple support him on going up against question, if i could talk to the
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syria? president, and i would say, you the level of spite in know, sir, you gave them weapons conservative hearts for president, is the only reason because they crossed the red line, and so they used the they are against war for the first time ever. weapons again. donald rumsfeld, the man who what do we do when they use chemicals the next time? lied our nation into a baseless what does that mean for our bloody eight-year confrontation military? in iraq, is opposing military in reality, what is the best course of action? action, because he doesn't like right now, this type of military the president, bottom line. operation doesn't do it. so what do you do the next time here's what mr. faulty intelligence said earlier today. they cross the red line? >> congressman pocan and john >> it's exactly the reason that soltz, great to have you both there is not a large coalition with us. wanting to support the remember to answer tonight's president. it's a reason that the congress question. i always like it when you share is confused, because he has your thoughts. we always want to know what you think. culling up, walmart workers spent so much time saying what he would not do and what it stage their largest protests would not amount to. since black friday. >> don't you think a big robert greenwald joins me on obstacle, especially abroad is what they hope to accomplish. and the health care the legacy of how we got involved in the iraq war? misinformation campaign >> i suppose that's part of the continues, but republicans aren't the only ones spreading problem. i think -- you know, if the lies. we'll have the details and more intelligence were a fact, it on syria, coming up. stay with us. [ male announcer ] campbell's angus beef & dumplings. would be called a fact. my personal view is that what he hearty cheeseburger. creamy thai style chicken with rice. has proposed is not something that will have a sufficient mexican-style chicken tortilla.
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effect that it's worth doing. if you think campbell's 26 new soups sound good, and i would -- i would imagine how they taste. personally not be in favor of m'm! m'm! good! supporting what he's proposing. >> i know as a liberal it's hard to stomach watching that guy and listening to him, but the bottom line is donald rumsfeld is flat-out wrong. the entire reason the president of the united states can't build an international coalition is because the bush administration lied to the world about the are what in iraq. we now have a credibility issue because of this crowd. we now have a credibility issue because they are the obstructors, they are the architects of the project for a when her sister dumped me. new american century, and you oh dad, you remember my friend alex? know what? the rest of the world knows it. yeah. the one that had the work done... then of course there's this guy. [ male announcer ] sometimes being too transparent can be a bad thing. rick santorum. this looks good! he used to be all for [ male announcer ] but not with the oscar mayer deli fresh clear pack. intervention in syria until he it's what you see is what you get food. realized the president of the united states wanted ac. here's what rick santorum said during the 2012 presidential
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debate. >> syria is a puppet stay of iran. they are a threat not just to israel -- they are a country that we could do no worse than the leadership in syria today. this president has obviously a very big problem in standing up to the iranians in any form. if this would have been any other country given what was going on, the mass murders, this president would have quickly joined the international community, which was calling for his ouster. >> you mean you were for it before you were against it? meanwhile, it's not just media hogs opposing this president. abc news whip count shows 199 members of the house oppose or likely oppose military action in syria. interesting, 145 of those members, what are they? they're rpgs and tea partiers. of the 115 lawmakers who voted for war in iraq, 35 are again s
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striking syria. why have they had a change of heart? with angie's list, i save time, money, republicans need only 19 more and i avoid frustration. votes to get a no measure coming you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare, out of the house, and of course written by people just like you. that would be a defeat for the find out why more than two million members president in the eyes of some count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. who don't look at the big picture. the conservatives, you no el what they did? they brought us war in iraq. ♪ we go, go, we don't have to go solo ♪ they have never turned down a ♪ fire, fire, you can take me higher ♪ war, especially in the middle east. ♪ take me to the mountains, start a revolution ♪ let's not forget the republican ♪ hold my hand, we can make, we can make a contribution ♪ war cry for iraq. ♪ brand-new season, keep it in motion ♪ >> either you're with us, either ♪ 'cause the rhyme is the reason ♪ you love freedom, and with ♪ break through, man, it doesn't matter who you're talking to ♪ nations which embrace freedom, [ male announcer ] completely redesigned or you're with the enemy. for whatever you love to do. >> either you're with us or the all-new nissan versa note. you're against us. your door to more. so much for that tagline these days. ♪ i don't hear them saying that. your door to more. the republican party's hatred. i don'without goingcisions to angie's list first. that's exactly what it is, their with angie's list, i know who to call, flat-out hatred for this and i know the results will be fantastic! president is beyond the pale. find out why more than two million members the party of war is now the count on angie's list.
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party of doves, only because angie's list -- reviews you can trust. they despise president obama in making him a failure is a big part of all of this. meanwhile, i think this is the one time the hatred for the president might actually help . out the country. time now for the trenders. people like me, hey, as a social media nation has decided, citizen, as a taxpayer, you and we are reporting here are the day's top trenders, voted on know, i don't like wars right now at all, okay? by you. our number three trender, it's a i've had enough of it, i don't girl. believe in what this is all >> we also got a very good look about. i don't believe in international intervention, and as a taxpayer at her cub, and i'm happy to and a citizen, i don't want to report she is absolutely see more blood spilled overseas, beautiful. it's got a flat little belly. more money spent on things that it's very active, very vocal. we could avoid. as i said last night, we don't >> the d.c. zoo has more know what the consequences are if we take action in syria. details. >> i'm standing in front of this is what lawmakers are wrestling with. tian tian. if you listen to all the sound bites of the democrats out >> you are the father! there, we really don't know what the end game is. the number two trender,ed we really don't know what consequences we could be facing. we don't know what the reaction is going to be. and we're playing with a up. >> fasters rate since 2007. different set of toys here,
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>> you get a car, you get a car. folks. okay? we don't know what chain you get a car. >> the number of automakers will reaction it could set off. another american act of aggre be raising production schedules because of this demand. aggression in the middle east >> we're heading back toward could lead to at attack on our soil. i think we should talking about pre-recession levels. that. >> auto sales on the fast track. i really believe that everything that we have set on this show ford says it sold an f-series pickup truck every 42 are reasonable patriotic reasons to be against another war, seconds in the month of all. another strike, another act of >> chrysler sales roses for the war. that's what it is, but hatred 43rd straight month. for our nation's first black >> let detroit go bankrupt. president is not. >> wrong, sir, wrong! now, the president has all of you lose! these conservatives in a good day, sir! political box. and today's top trender -- they can't support him. they've been ranting on this guy wage against the machine. for years. >> walmart walkouts. how will they go home to their >> workers in 15 locations are tea party districts and say, well, i stood with the president. taking part. >> organizing in concert. is it doesn't sound good, no, no, no, it doesn't sound good. >> the largest mobilization if president obama does get since last year's black friday their support, god forbid if it protests. >> walmart workers across the turns out good, then they would country hit the picket lines. have sided with the president. >> demanding better workers' on the other hand, they have got
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to go home and say i'm against rights, better pay, lower health care costs, more hours and just president obama, but i'm really strong on national security. general better treatment. how are they going to do that? >> always low prices, always. the bottom line here is that >> a recent government report they are allowing their personal found that many walmart workers interests to get in the way of earn less than $9 an hour. what president obama believes is the right thing for the country. >> it distinguished itself with now, i'm against the air s.e.a.l. and create activity. strikes, i'm on record. >> and walton i don't think i want a no vote. i asked for the no vote order would be comfortable with the way things are going right now. last night with elijah cummings, >> joining mess is robert because i believe we should not greenwald, founder of brave new be doing this, but my motives films. brave new films has done a very are a heck of a lot different than the motives of these extensive documentary on walmart. conservatives, who are simply no good to have you with us experts on foreign policy. tonight. did you expect this to we have the bills to prove it, eventually happen, what you say don't we? today in numerous cities, a get your cell phones out, i want to know what you think. protest by workers, saying this tonight's question -- are rpg is a bad place to work and we deserve more? >> absolutely. voting against syria because i expected it, i hoped for it, they hate president obama? i'm absolutely thrilled. text us, and you can always go i think we all need to speak and support those incredibly brave to our blog and left leave a workers who are making, comment there. for more on tonight's remember, on average, $881 and
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subject, let's bring in congressman pokan, serves his first term in the united states the walton family is worth $150 congress and all of a sudden about to take an important vote, billion. they never worked a day in their and john soltz, he heads an life for that money. >> how is walmart a bad player? organization that represents some 360,000 veterans in this i understand they've been very adamant about fighting any kind country who have been in the of collective bargaining situation. how have they been a bad to middle east. do you think republicans are their employees? opposing this act because the >> we spent a year working on president wants to take because of their hatred for the the walmart film. president this why all of a it's basically built into the dna of that company, the notion sudden are the republicans that you do anything for another against -- >> i think they're simply nickel. you squeeze the workers, you opposing the president. they're the same people who spot squeeze the overseas factories, you bribe foreign countries, as we saw the recent scandal in the exquisite -- i was told mexico that was reported by definitively yes, so they're weakening the military because david barstowe in the "new york of their budgetary policies. like this, they're not there on behalf of the military like they normallier. they just want to oppose the times." the justification that it's okay for me to do anything to you, so
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president. there's different messages. we're looking at it from a the ceo of walmart makes $36 different perspective. >> congressman, if you look at what the republicans are saying, million this year, and the it's very similar to what some workers averaging $8.81 an hour. democrats are saying. aren't they in somewhat of a political box here, the politics of all of this this? >> mr. greenwald, do you think this is the start of something bigger when it comes to workers >> for some of them, they in america? we saw the fast-food workers, represent districts, they've now we're seeing the walmart been hawkish, but suddenly workers in proust. there's a change in opinion. what do you think it means? >> i think it's the beginning of i can tell you, i've gone to the something, but i think we all classified briefings, i spent an have work to do to support these hour and a quarter on the phone folks, so support our walmart, with the progressive caucus and to support the fast-food white house chief of staff workers, to help them in every yesterday. i'm not convinced that we have way we can to organize them. enough information to tell us >> what do you think they can this is the right thing to do. accomplish? >> i think what they can i don't think we've engaged the accomplish is, first of all, international community as we really need to. raising the issue and letting i just can't at this point people know there's a problem. support what the president is ultimately i believe they will be able to accomplish higher proposing. there is a mix, and some people wages, a higher minimum wage, and changing this inequity maybe their listening to their constituents. i'm getting 15 to 1 people that's existing in our country right now. >> all right. contacting us telling us don't mr. greenwald, i would be
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get involved in syria. remission if i didn't switch >> john, i want to ask you, are subjects on you. there any good players, any good i know you have done a lot of scenarios that come out if we work in the middle east. i want to ask you about the attack them. handling of syria by this president and where the congress >> well, the at administration seems to be going. your thoughts on what has unfolded? >> well, you know, it feels like is saying they won't be involved -- but that's not true. a shakespearean tragedy form the we've given weapons to the president who many of us insurgents several months ago. they don't want to go decidively supported and worked for, to his after the most powerful -- so credit, took the issue to congress, but we're seeing distortions, manipulation of the facts, and we're seeing an it's very complicated. if they tip the balance of the effort to scare the hell out of war, we know who the insurgents are, they fought us in iraq, us, ed. we shouldn't allow the administration to do that, and they killed elements of units that i trained in iraq and on we should be pressuring our the other side on the syrian elected officials who are regime side, you have hezbollah hearing over and over again, troops who also were involved in this is not the solution to make the syrian people safer or to iraq fighting u.s. troops, so make us safe. it's very complicated. >> vladimir putin says john it's just not going to be kerry is lying, he knows it, and decisive action and further pull it's sad. us in. what do you make of that? >> further in. >> you think it will -- >> it's tragic if in fact he is
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>> absolutely. it's not decisive. lies and knows it. i think what we need to do, though, and again it's an extraordinary moment for democra democracy, for organizing, and for so many americans across the political stripe. and you've been amazing in this, ed, saying no, war can't solve the problems. we saw it in vietnam, in iraq, in afghanistan, and we're going to see it again in syria. we need to connect those dots and have people say, enough is enough. >> mr. greenwald, good to have you with us time. we'll revisit the subject with you later. thank you. still to come come, the christian right continues the anti-obama care campaign. jordan james klingon schmidt, they're back for round 2. adam green joins me to discuss the progressive pushback. but next i'm taking your questions live. that's coming up next. stay with us. ♪
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welcome back for "the ed show." in our "ask ed live" segment, the first question comes from mary, and she says -- do you think president obama is hoping for a no vote on syria? >> well, if he is, he's got the best poker face i have ever seen. no, i think the is that wants a yes vote. he wants the authority to do something. he wants the congressional approval. i think he does want to do something about the kem cam weapons in syria. the next question -- what nfl teams are your favorites this year? >> what do you mean, this year? you think i change every year -- just kidding. i've liked the vikings for a long time, but i might as well declare to start this season, i'm done with the vikings.
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they're okay, but they're a good corporate team. let's spend a little bit of money, let's just be competitive. so my favorite team this year, a team that plays with heart, desire and soul and is owned by the community. is the green bay packers. i'm with the packers this year. by the way, they're on sunday night football here on nbc against the 49ers -- 12 a 4:00 game? you're telling me i better her the schedule if i'm going to be their fan. stick around, rapid response panel is next. aim bertha coombs with your cnbc market wrap, edging higher today, the nasdaq added nine. jobless claims dropped 9,000 last week while the private sector added 176,000 jobs in august form the service sector jumped unexpectedly, the highest reading on that in eight years.
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[ male announcer ] completely redesigned for whatever you love to do. the all-new nissan versa note. your door to more. ♪ your door to more. it was very painful situation. the rash was on my right hip, going all the way down my leg. i'm very athletic and i swim in the ocean. shingles forced me out of the water. the doctor asked me "did you have chickenpox when you were a child?"
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the pain level was so high, it became unbearable. there's been a lot of misinformation, most of is is political, paid for by either the republican party or various conservative groups, but the truth is the affordable care act is really straight far. >> it is really straightforward, and it's really straightforward to tell the american people we have a moral obligation. a lot of conversation about image in the world.
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what's our image at home? what's it say about our political system when we deny people health care? because that's the way it is until obama care stepped to the plate which, of course, is a law. welcome back to "the ed show." it looks like the misinformation campaigns, well, they're paying off. we are 26 days away from obama care's october 1st launch, when you can start signing up for the exchange. 44% of americans say they don't even know the current status of the law. back in march on the third anniversary of obama care's passage, 40% of americans still believe the government would establish medicare death panels. a lot of the confusion stems from ad campaigns like this one, stars the tea party's favorite canadian senator and anti-obama care senator ted cruz, paid for by the senate conservatives fund, but it is very, very
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important to know the misinformation campaign from the right isn't just political. it's also coming from those in the faith community, including senator ted cruz' over father pastor rafael cruz. >> our lives are under attack. we've already seen what is happening with abortion. the same thing is happening at the other end with obama care. obama care is going to destroy the elderly by denying secure by even perhaps denying treatment for people that are in catastrophic sicknesses. >> going to destroy the elderly. that's a pretty brought statement, isn't it? in my opinion, there is no moral or religious case for taking health caraway from 30 million americans, and you know, we still have 20 more after that that we've got to take care of and give options to. one of my next guests will try to once again convince me
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otherwise. joining me now is our rapid response panel john fuelingle, and reverend kingleschmidt. it got so intense we had to bring them back. john, you get the first crack tonight, you know, we have heard a lot about moral obligations this week. is there a moral obligation to see this law through now that the people and our government has passed it? >> absolutely there is, ed. the three branches of government agree there's now a legal obligation to see this law through. if people don't like obama care, i respect some of the folks on the left who would have rather seen single player. i agree with there's problems with it. but the fact is that a lot of our moralizing friends are trying to repeal it don't understand, if you are afraid of the competition that comes from exchang
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exchanges, stop calling yourself a capitalist. if you don't care about 45,000 americans dying every year because they are not insured, stop calling yourself a patriot, and if you don't want to have a part in healing the sick, find a new name for your religion. it's time to stop calling yourself a christian. jesus commanded his followers to heal the sick. he healed more than could be counted and don't forget the good samaritan paid for an unknown immigrant's health care out of pocket. i've a week to come up with the answer. please maybe the moral case for -- and i want to be fair and clear. i'm not looking for any republican economic -- i want a moral faith-based case for denies the poor and sick health care. >> well, thank you again, mr. shultz to inviting me. mea compliments to john, although you're a comedian, i can't see your sense of humor, though i wish i had your haircut. i'll give you that much.
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>> thank you, chaplain. >> as a chaplain, i'm a member of the knights hospitalers, we invented the hospitals, and mire charity does care for orphanage. we care for widows, we sent health care money to -- but i want to debate the false premise, mr. shultz that you make that somehow obama care has given health care insurance to 30 million people. that's just false. i think you're the one bearing false witness. i'll tell you why. there's a slide from the gallup polls organization that shows since me obama took off that 3% fewer workers have health care, so here are the stats. yes, some college-age people got more health kay because now they're on their parents' policy, but you took health caraway from more working families. those numbers translate to this.
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16.6% had health care when obama was elected. 19.6% -- excuse me -- they are people now -- that's a 3% loss which translate to 4.9 -- let me finish. >> i've got your point. you have -- you were asking me a question about why these people have lost their health care. we did go through a thing called a recession. we lost millions of jobs. so the comeback is very clear. 30 million more people will have access to the exchanges, but let's get back to my original question. i need you to make the moral case to why a christian would believe that it is the right thing to do to deny health care to someone after a country has voted for it. that's the moral -- isn't it the moral position of a christian to take health caraway from people? because that's what your party wants to do, sir.
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>> well, on the one hand i agree with, but on the other hand i disagree. jesus did say, as john quoted in matthew 10, we should heal the sick. the part that i disagrees is that obama care actually gives more insurance. mr. shultz, i'm going to offer $1,000 award today -- >> you mean obama care gives more insurance? obama care makes it possible for people to get insurance. we're talking about a preexisting condition, sir. >> no. >> no, no, we are. this is the linchpin of the entire bill, is that people who are sick are not going to be denied. but your party wants to denotice those people. again my question, what's the moral case there, sir? >> well, the moral case is that you're living on fairy dust and empty promises. that hasn't happened yet. >> it hasn't been implemented completely, sir. it starts on october 1st, where people can sign up for the exchanges. >> if i may -- >> all of a sudden he admits it
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hasn't happened yet. >> no, no, wait a minute. >> sir, the full implementation of the bill is going to provide 30 million more americans health care coverage. the preexisting condition is a moral component that this country has made a decision that if you're sick, we're not going to deny you health care. your party, i think, takes an immoral position in saying that we are going to vote to deny that. how is that christian, for the third time? >> well, let's compare the numbers. in the last three years since obama was elected 4.9 million have lost it. you're bearing false witness, these slides are on my website, and -- >> john, i'll give you a response to that. >> look, here's the thing. the guys will keep on telling conservatives to blame obama if you lose insurance or if your premiums go up, just don't ever, ever blame your insurance
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company. it's folks who want to worship jesus in their private life, but they want government to worship the golden calf. the people who were wrong about trickle-down economics, wrong about obama citizenship, when the republican voters find out this president does care about their health and cares about their children's health and their parents ease health, they will lose their lost stranglehold. >> doctor, i want to commend you for the volunteer work you have done. >> amen. >> and the charitable work. that is the correct moral position, but i think that you are on shaky ground when you align yourselves with a party that wants to take health caraway from someone who is already sick and now being dao nighed that's the case in point in all of this. gentlemen, thank you for joining us. >> always a pleasure. thank you both. this congressman is a master of distraction. hi latest conspiracy theory lands him in pretenders tonight. stay with us. it starts with little things. tiny changes in the brain.
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and in our pretenders segment tonight, the truth hound, joe wilson. not enough conspiracy theories were thrown away in the house foreign affairs committee hearing on syria, so the congressman, he thought he would pick up the slack. >> why was there no call for military response in april? was it delayed to divert attention today from the ben gas ir, i.r.s., n.s.a. scandals, failure of obama care enforcement, the tragedy of white house drafted sequestration or the upcoming debt limit vote. again, why was there no call for military response four months ago when the president's red line was crossed? >> well, joe wilson was just upholding his long-standing tradition of keeping a meeting on track. here's the congressman during
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president obama's joint session of congress in 2009. >> the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> you lie. >> secretary kerry pointed to the mounting evidence that was not available in april and let wilson's vacation combo platter fall flat. if joe wilson believes he is being a watchdog, he can just keep on pretending. ♪ we go, go, we don't have to go solo ♪ ♪ fire, fire, you can take me higher ♪ ♪ take me to the mountains, start a revolution ♪ ♪ hold my hand, we can make, we can make a contribution ♪ ♪ brand-new season, keep it in motion ♪ ♪ 'cause the rhyme is the reason ♪ ♪ break through, man, it doesn't matter who you're talking to ♪ [ male announcer ] completely redesigned for whatever you love to do. the all-new nissan versa note. your door to more. ♪
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welcome back to "the ed show." this is a story for the folks who take a shower after work. liberals in this country by polling show that they do not want military act or intervention in syria. there has been a major outcry from progressives asking congress for a no vote to president obama's resolution for a limited strike in syria. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are starting to listen to their constituents. earlier today, senator john mccain held two town hall meetings to hear from constituents in his home state of arizona. but mccain's motive seems to be to make president obama look bad. >> the president of the united states said that he was going to respond to the chemical weapons attacks that bashar assad committed. but then said but i'm going to go to congress for a resolution. now, why didn't he say at the
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time he said i'm going to have a strike, but i'm going to congress? you lose credibility. >> is that all you got on the president, senator mccain? give me a break. the majority of americans are glad he went to the congress. on the flip side, several democratic leaders have come on this program to express their concerns over the united states interfering in a civil war in syria. >> this president came into office and was elected twice based on getting us out of war, not getting us into wars. >> if the effort does not go well, some time in the future it could, it could mean american troops on the ground. >> we ought to get an amendment ready to put a tax on to pay for it. >> we've got our own problems to deal with. people don't want us to be the policeman for the world any longer. they dent want us to be the judge, the jury or the executioner. >> the progressive campaign committee, the progressive change campaign committee, the pccc, this is a group that doesn't shy away from
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challenging democrats when they don't act progress. they are sending a memo to congress, saying that the base overwhelmingly opposes intervention into syria. adam green, co-founder of the pccc joins me tonight. adam, good to have you with us. do you have a sense where the liberal base is in this country? and is it at a fever pitch? >> we do have a sense. i would say first that the progressive change campaign committee was the first organization to publicly praise president obama for giving congress this option, for following the constitution and aluing the people's representatives to have a vote. but we had an intensive 72-hour survey of our national membership, every state, every congressional district. and by an overwhelming margin, the 57,000 people who took that survey said do not bomb syria. the margin was 73% to 18% among the progressive base. >> so why aren't liberals with president obama? they fought so hard to get him
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in office. he has had some national security victories. he has wind down -- took us out of war in iraq, is winding down in afghanistan, all of the things he wanted and campaigned on that liberals wanted him to do, he has done. so where is the division here? >> so what we found is a lot of progressives totally agree with the president's attestment of the problem. nobody wants president assad to be doing what he is doing to his people, chemical weapons and even the hundreds of thousands of people who died beforehand. the problem is with the solution. we asked our members what do you think the goal is in syria. there are a lot of opinions. some said we should be pushing for a ceasefire. some said we should depose the current president of syria. some said we deter him from using chemical weapons. but they all agree on one fact, which is a limited bombing campaign will not achieve their own goals. and also many people thought that once we bomb a little bit and declare war on this country,
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that will escalate into a long-term fight. 81% of the people thought that if we do this, we're in there for the long haul. it's not a short-term operation. >> you get a sense that liberals are concern had the president has backed himself into the corner with all the red line talk and the talk of moral obligations and images in the world? >> well, i think they agree with the moral obligation. there is an impulse to do something, but there are other things we can do. we can still engage in diplomacy with other nations. in particular, use our influence with allies to have some leverage with russia and china, try to get them to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. we can do some of this stuff through diplomacy. we can do a lot of humanitarian aid to actually help people on the ground there are many solutions out there. but for the president or any other to say there is only one option, and that one option is war, and therefore if you want to do something, that is your only option, and we're going to do it through a limited strike, that's the false choice that many people are aware of, even many of president obama's own voters and supporters. >> and what would it take to convince liberals that this is the thing to do?
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you get a sense from your organization that has some million members to it. very progressive, very active supporting candidates in the thick of it all the time. what would it take for the president to convince them that this is the right thing to do, you think? >> i think people would need a very clear sense of what the goal is and a very clear argument of why a limited bombing of syria would actually achieve the goal. and unfortunately, when his secretary of state kerry was asked some of these key questions when he testified before congress, he said oh, we should talk than in classified committee, meaning we can't tell the american people the answers to those questions. honestly, the burden of proof is on those who are saying we need to go to war. it's -- i think it's completely acceptable for americans and democratic members of congress to have the default be we're not going to war until you make the iron-clad case that here is the goal, here is why this is the only acceptable option to reach that goal. and until we have that case made, the overall majority of
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americans and progressives say don't bomb syria. >> all right. and i would think that next week would be a very active week for the pccc. adam green, good to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. >> that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. rev, take it away. >> thank you, ed. thanks to you to tuning in. tonight's lead, the raging debate over military action in syria. that debate has taken mace in the halls of congress, in homes, and around the country and overseas. tonight president obama is in russia, meeting with world leaders at the g-20. it is intended to be an economic summit. but the major focus is syria. >> i also look forward to having an extensive conversation about the situation in syria. and i think our joint recognition that the use of chemical weapons in syria is not only a
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