tv Politics Nation MSNBC September 7, 2013 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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or up to 60 days to pay without interest, or both each month. i'm nelson gutierrez and i'm a member of the smarter money. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, making the chase. on the last day the president announced he'll deliver and address on syria this tuesday. >> i will make the best case that i can to the american people as well as to the international community for taking necessary and appropriate action. and i intend to address the american people from the white house on tuesday.
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>> the president said today he understands the skepticism over launching a military strike. >> hey, i was elected to end wars, not start them. as a means of meeting our international obligations and protecting the american people. but what i also know is there are times where we have to make hard choices if we're going to stand up for the things we care about. and i believe this is one of those times. >> the president has his work cut out for him. videos from town halls in arizona captured a move. they show one senator who supports action in syria, john mccain, getting an earful from
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voters. >> how much is a life of american servicemen worth? to me it's worth a whole lot more. >> sir, there's no contemplation. >> enough is enough. we do not want another especially gaugement in the middle east. >> this is democracy in action. these are serious questions on a serious matter. very soon the country will hear this president lay out his strongest case in its entirety. joining me now is james peterson is and e.j. deion. thank you both for coming on the show. >> good to be with you, reverend. >> what do americans need to hear on tuesday? >> to be honest, i'm not sure he will ever get a majority for now saying this is a great idea. he almost conceded as much and said even if a majority is
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against the congress has to decide if it's the right thing to do. there are a number of things he has to explain. number one, he has been reluctant to intervene. why does this chemical attack change his own calculus there. there he needs to make a strong and i believe legitimate moral case. if the world just lets this go by, it's much more dangerous for us in the long term. the second thing he has to do is make clear this will not lead to american troops in syria but there is a long-term strange that could lead to a solution there. i think it's a makeable case. and i think the key is to reassure a whole lot of democrats who really do not want to vote for this but who do not want to cripple their president in foreign policy. and i think there will be enough in the end for republicans who don't want to do that either if he can make a compelling enough case. >> before james peterson, before we get to his convincing him
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that it won't be long term. >> >> right. >> let me ask the questions on the minds of a lot of people that has not been raised. what if congress does not give the authorization. will he go forward? >> i put this before congress for a reason. i think we will be more effective and stronger if, in fact, congress recognizes this action. i'm not going to en in parlor games right now, jonathan, about whether or not it's going to pass. when i'm substantively about why this is important. >> so he would not give a direct answer. he's going to really keep the pressure on congress to take the vote. but does that put more pressure on voong in terms of voting, or does that put more pressure on
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the president in terms of making the case to the public. >> it puts pressure on both. it is very, very important. you get a chance to see the reluctance that the american people have to enter into war. i don't think ultimately this intervention makes sense to me or to the american people. so people are going to be very, very interested what the president has to say. hopefully this will set a new precedent where we have this kind of conversation. >> e.j., let me say this. somewhere in your answer i heard exactly was tearing at a lot of people, including me.
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concerned about the military strike but at the same time worried about security, if there is a security, a real potential problem there. i live in new york where 9/11 happened. i was here that day. let me play that. maybe the understanding will put him in the realm of the argument that needs to be had here on therefore why should we go forward. >> i knew this was going to be a heavy lift. i said that saturday when i said we're taking it to congress. i have a current sense of with
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what the popular opinion. for american people having gone through a decade of war now, with enormous sacrifice, any hint of entanglements will be dealt with suspicion. >> if he understands that, will he be able to frame his argument in a way that relieves some of that weariness or make people say this is necessary? >> he is challenging some of the things he has said up to now. he said all along it's time for nation building at home.
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he said all along that it's time for nation building at home. that's what most americans believe. he has been reluctant to take sides in the syrian war where we know that not only is bashar al assad a bad guy, but there are some bad guys on the other side, even if they're not the dominant forces in the opposition. and so he's got to say despite all this, because breaching this norm about chemical weapons is so important, because his word and america's word is so important, because if we're going to confront iran down the road, he and our country need credibility, he's got to take this step. and i think he's got different arguments to make. to his own side, he's got to say this is not about a long-term commitment on the ground. to some of the republicans he's got to say but i have a strategy through negotiations over the long run to get rid of bashar assad. it's a very hard case. i think it's a makable case. >> but at the same time, dr. peterson, "the new york times" is reporting that the president has directed the pentagon to expand the list of potential targets in syria. now, does that -- and let me give you the quote. the targets reportedly would
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include military infrastructure used to protect and distribute chemical weapons. does this go to the heart of the congress's concern about a military -- about a mission. >> and to the heart of the american people. because we're on a slippery slope. the president's got to explain i think a few things. one, has to explain why we can't double down on humanitarian efforts. if the crisis is about a human crisis, why aren't we focused on the humanitarian efforts there? that to me makes more sense. and this is a tough road here, but he's got to explain to the american people how is it that the government, especially the congress can assemble, can pitch in, can come together, can collaborate, can have substantive discussion about military intervention in syria? we can't do that for gun control here. we can't do that for education here. we can't do that for a budget deal here. >> for jobs. >> for jobs here in this nation. it doesn't make sense to us. it doesn't make sense. >> james peterson and e.j. dionne, thanks for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you, rev.
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coming up, whatever you think about a role in syria, it can't be about politics. but some republicans are going there. plus, the president's plan to create jobs is working, but so is the right wing obstruction machine on the right. the one and only arsenio hall is here, and he is heading back to late-night tv. stay with us. you're watching "politicsnation" on msnbc. ♪ ♪ we go, go, we don't have to go solo ♪ ♪ fire, fire, you can take me higher ♪ ♪ take me to the mountains, start a revolution ♪ ♪ hold my hand, we can make, we can make a contribution ♪ ♪ brand-new season, keep it in motion ♪ ♪ 'cause the rhyme is the reason ♪ ♪ break through, man, it doesn't matter who you're talking to ♪ [ male announcer ] completely redesigned for whatever you love to do. the all-new nissan versa note. your door to more. ♪
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over the past three and a half years our businesses have created 7.5 million jobs, a pace of more than two million jobs each year. we put more people back to work, but we've also cleared away the rubble of crisis and laid the foundation for stronger and more durable economic growth. >> we are on our way to a stronger economy. things are better than they were when president obama took office. and in many ways, it is. look at this. before the president came into office, we were losing private sector jobs left and right. and since obama, we've seen growth months after month. in fact, today we learned that
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we've had 42 straight months of private sector job growth. but that's not as strong as it could be. the gop obsession with cuts continues to stifle our economy. the gop obstruction machine is still working overtime and is hurting the country. joining me now are labor secretary thomas perez and msnbc contributor victoria defrancesco soto. thanks for coming on the show tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> a pleasure to be here. >> where would we be if we didn't have this constant austerity measures that are being pushed through by the gop? >> well, we'd certainly have an unemployment rate that is far lower. let me give you one example. you're correct. we've had 42 consecutive months of private sector job growth to the tune of 7.5 million jobs. during that same period, we have lost 500,000 jobs in government. and who are these jobs that are being lost? they're primarily teachers,
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firefighters, police officers at a local level. i have three kids in the public schools in my neck of the woods, and they're seeing larger class sizes. they're seeing that there is less teachers in the school. there is less teachers aides in the school. if we had simply been able to keep that number flat, and i have never seen a recovery -- i'm unaware of a recovery where you had no growth in government jobs. if we had been able to keep that flat, we would have an unemployment rate under%. so that's simply one example of a self-inflicted wound. something that didn't have to happen. if the american jobs act the president's better bargain for the middle class had been in place, we'd have more teachers, we'd have more firefighters, we'd have more police officers, we'd have road projects, bridge projects that are desperately needed, and people at work in middle class jobs.
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>> you know, i want you to weigh in on that, victoria. you know, the day we found that unemployment now stands at 7.3%, it's progress, but it's not as good as it could be. isn't it proof we need to ditch this gop cut mentality that they have with the public sector is not growing at all? >> absolutely. reverend, we've seen slow progress at the general level, but let's not forget that our minority communities are still hurting. they're still being held back. >> absolutely. >> the latino unemployment rate actually ticked up slightly. it went from 9.1 to 9.4. african-american unemployment still very high. so in the public sector, it's not just something to growing the economy in general, but those who lost the most are in the great recession, the minority communities who faced hits of 60%, 50% of their wealth are the ones who are having the toughest time going forward. and this is where we need that push.
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>> and they are largely minorities, blacks, hispanics in the public sector. >> absolutely. >> and secretary perez, that is where the gop budget cuts target programs and the jobs that are related to them. they've targeted programs like head start, for example. they've slashed $400 million from head start. and it's not only the jobs, it's more than 57,000 children were eliminated from the program. >> the evidence base is overwhelming about the value of head start, investing in our children from the youngest ages. education is the great equalizer in america, and we need to start as young as possible giving our kids a chance to succeed. that's why our president has invested so much in education, growing the economy from the middle out, making sure that people have the skills to succeed. at the department of labor, we're the department of opportunity. and we invest heavily in helping people get those skills so that they can tackle and get today's jobs and tomorrow's jobs that
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provide those ladders of opportunity. for too many people, they're working harder and falling further behind. and that's why we're working so hard to raise the minimum wage to invest in roads and infrastructure to make sure we pass immigration reform, which is a job creator. it will secure the social security system for another couple of years. it will raise gdp. it puts people to work. it's jobs, jobs, jobs. we're growing the jobs numbers again, reiterate that the economy is steadily healing and moving in the right direction, but we should have our foot on the accelerator, not have our foot on the brake. the president has his foot -- >> and that's the real point, the foot on the brake. when you look, victoria, not only are we talking in the area of head start, look at the farm bill. look at how we've seen the gop cut food stamps. the house gop's new farm bill would cut $40 billion from food
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stamps. six million people could lose food assistance. now, the right also demonizes those who need vital programs like food stamps, make them look like they are less than what they really are, and that's people in need. watch this. >> administration is encouraging parasites to come out, and, you know, take as much as they can with no remorse. and this is how a country declines. this is how we become a weak nation. >> why does the left promote dependency? 50 million or more on food stamps. this is their business plan. this is how they stay in power. >> do you think people are better off on food stamps or are they better off with a job? >> and the people that are on food stamps, many of them do have a job. but why, aside from the fact that i need help because i can't make ends meet, because there are layoffs, because minimum
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wage, i've got to be a parasite on top of that, victoria? >> and you're also being demonized at the state left. at the state level you see cuts. my home state of texas, where governor rick perry is cutting, and he doesn't want to accept medicaid in terms of the affordable care act. so we see our poor populations, populations that can't make ends meet being stretched further and further. and it's just something that is at the federal level and the state level. >> secretary perez, we're running out of time. but what is the president's message? what is the president and the administration's message to people that are still out trying to find a job? >> we're doing everything we can to help you. we're growing the economy from the middle out. we're making sure we invest in roads and in infrastructure. that physical infrastructure. we're going to invest in the human capital infrastructure, skills helping you the succeed. we're going to pass immigration
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reform so that we grow the economy that way. we're using every tool in our arsenal to ensure that everybody has an opportunity to climb the ladder of success and achieve good middle class jobs that are the road map to self-sufficiency. >> well, secretary of labor thomas perez and victoria defrancesco soto, thank you both for your time this evening. >> thanks. >> my pleasure. coming up, the politics of war. all of the sudden the hawks in the republican party are changing their tune. i wonder why that is? plus, the one and only arsenio hall is returning to late night tv. but first he stops by "politicsnation's" studio. you don't want to miss this.
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the biggest warhawks are changing their tune. they wanted to invade iraq under bush, and now under president obama they don't want anything to do with syria. and the last person that should be weighing in is -- >> my personal view is what he has proposed is not something that will have a sufficient effect that it's worth doing. and i would personally not be in favor of supporting what he is proposing. >> rumsfeld is not alone. they're lining up to flip-flop.
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it's the question everyone is debating. what to do about syria. it's not an easy decision on either side of the aisle. but one thing is certain. it should have nothing to do with politics. but listen to this. gop congressman michael grimm favored action in syria until he sent out a fundraising letter today. quote, i've decided to withdraw my support from president obama's proposal. will you stand with me and opposing president obama's plan with a donation of $25 or more right now? what? trying to fund raise off what is supposed to be a question of conscience? gop senator john cornyn supported intervention in syria. today his spokesperson said if the vote were held today,
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senator cornyn would vote no. and this is the big one, donald rumsfeld. yes, that rumsfeld is all over tv, attacking the president's plan. again, it's a tough moral decision, but this trend on the right is all about one thing, president obama. joining me now are dana milbank and maria teresa kumar. thank you for being here. >> dana, you can certainly disagree with the president. but trying to fund raise off of it? what do you make of that? >> boy, there is a real profile in courage, isn't it? i think you can call the republicans right now the contrary caucus. what it is it doesn't so much matter what the issue is if president obama is for it,
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they're against it. so he needs to start using some reverse psychology the way you would with a child. if he came out and said i really want some more tax cuts. they'll say no, no, no, we won't support any more tax cuts. maybe he needs to do this in reverse. at some point they have to know they're voting against their interests, voting against the national interests just so they can say no to this president. >> but we're talking war in dealing with this, maria. we're talking about whether or not there was chemical weapons. we're talking about children dying. can't we expect, should we expect our people in congress, our leaders of political parties to rise above partisan politics when it gets this serious? >> i mean, the fact that you do have republican leaders such as mccain saying we need intervention is an indication of the serious problem we're facing in syria. when we're talking of syria of chemical weapons, it's not just contained to syria itself. the u.n. says there is over 3.5 million refugees expected by the end of the year and they're
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spilling over into incredibly vulnerable countries already, of iraq, egypt, lebanon, jordan. there is such a concern of such an influx of refugees. so unless we actually figure out how do we do a smart, surgical strike on syria that basically contains the problem and sends a serious mental, we need to continue making sure that we have it stable as possible. and short of that, it's not just going to affect syria, but it's going to affect the world internationally. >> all right, well, dana, here is "the washington post's" running tally on support in the house for military action. and i should know there has it's been changing throughout the day. but as of this tally, 222 house members are either against a strike or leaning against. 186 are undecided. 25 favor military action. now here is the thing. of those 222 who are against -- leaking against, 160 are republicans. now, it is surprising to see so
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much opposition to a military strike from the gop? >> it's -- i would venture to say it's unprecedented. what makes it particularly extraordinary you have house speaker john boehner, majority leader eric cantor out there saying we support the president on this. it shows that they have just -- the leaders have lost control of this. and what is really driving this right now is these conservative groups like heritage action, club for growth, tea party-related organizations. and these guys are casting their votes in terror of that. john cornyn, you showed him, he is in terror of ted cruz, the other republican senator from texas. the leaders have no control here. it's a problem a little bit on the democratic side too, but particularly on the republican side. >> and to that point, i think, dana, reverend, basically, it actually shows the continued friction within the republican party where the tea party is very much an isolationist group within the party. >> right. >> and they have an incredible -- they have incredible control, even though they are the minority within the republican party. so when you're talking about
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that they don't want to spend money on war. they want to cut the deficit. they want to defund government as much as possible, and in this case they want to be as isolationist as possible, it really is contrary to the overall republican leadership. >> and you hear from the queen of the tea party, sarah palin. she says so we're bombing syria because syria is bombing syria, and i'm the idiot? and then she added, let allah sort it out. i mean, this kind of extreme and offensive language when you're making that last quip is where we are seeing this go. but another republican, dana, criticizing president obama on syria was congressman paul ryan. he said, quote, the president has some work to do to recover from his grave missteps in syria. he needs to clearly demonstrate the use of military force would strengthen americans' security. but back when he was running for president, ryan agreed with the president's stance on syria.
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let's listen back. >> what happens if assad does not fall? congressman ryan, what happens to the region? what happens if he hangs on? what happens if he does? >> then iran keeps their greatest ally in the region. he is a sponsor of terrorism. he'll probably continue slaughtering his people. we and the world community will lose our credibility on this. look, he mentioned the -- >> so what would romney/ryan do about that credibility? >> well, we agree with the same red line they do on chemical weapons. but not putting american troops in other than to secure those chemical weapons. they're right about that. >> so if -- if ryan agreed with the president's red line on chemical weapons, how can he
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accuse them of grave missteps now, dana? >> first of all, when sarah palin is asking am i the idiot here, i think she does not want us to answer that question. but i think paul ryan has said that, and he said it on other occasions too. nothing has changed here. the only thing that is changed is the grassroots of the party have moved in a different direction, and paul ryan realizes that if he wants to stay out in front, if he wants to be a presidential contender in '16, if he wants to knock boehner out as speaker of the house, he has to be on their side of this issue. and it is destroyed because it is -- i mean, the old saying about politics stopping at the water's edge is completely gone now. there is nothing but politics left in this. >> maria, and we have also hearing from the former defense secretary donald rumsfeld, the man who planned the iraq war. >> right. >> he has been attacking the president's handling of syria. watch this. >> the essence of leadership
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really is clarity and a vision. and there hasn't been one. the so-called commander in chief has not been acting as a commander in chief. he's not provided leadership. >> now, why do people criticize this? well, you want to blame somebody. if you want to learn how to blame, watch our president. just one time you would like to see him suck it up and take responsibility for something. >> the so-called commander in chief. one time we would like to see him suck it up. this is from the man who brought us into iraq, and now he is not only out there making attacks, he is also making some very ugly statements about the president. >> and this is also from a person that basically has no regrets and says he didn't make many mistakes with iraq. talk about a myopic view of the world and not taking consideration his own challenges when he was helping leading that effort. i think by undressing the
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president in such a way, he not only undresses president obama, but the office. and that's uncalled for. something that is unprecedented when it comes to time of war. and this is an incredibly delicate situation where we have to really better understand it. back to the way sarah palin was discussing syria, again, we're looking through a myopic lens as if syria is self contained. it's not. it's areas that can be very vulnerable and explosive to the rest of the world when we're talking about the middle east. >> dana milbank, maria teresa kumar, thank you so much for your time tonight. >> thank you so much, reverend. and good luck tonight. >> thank you. coming up, a tv moment that lives forever. bill clinton on the arsenio hall show. arsenio is back on late night, and he joins us, next. [ male announcer ] this is brad.
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his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. your husband left his cell phone on. and you're not necessarily proud of that. but tonight, he made the pizza. ...with johnsonville italian sausage. the premium cuts of pork and perfect blend of herbs and spices gave every bite even more flavor. and everyone loved it. and you're definitely proud of that. johnsonville. served with pride since 1945. gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it?! where's the bacon?! (news anchor) bacon popular, story at 11. yummy, crunchy, bacon bacon bacon there in that bag!
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[ applause ] >> the big man. >> but arsenio hall, the man who could make politicians cool, also made news, like in this groundbreaking interview with magic johnson, his first public appearance since announcing he was hiv positive. >> i'm not fearing it. i'm not down. i'm here say hey, i got it, but i'm going to live on. and you don't have to run from me like oh, here come magic, uh-oh. you don't have to do all that.
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>> you were the lakers, and there was only a bench for the lakers. but now you're with a team that is comprised by the entire world. and we're going to win this one, man. that's number one. that's the first thing i want to say. >> a powerful news-making interview, and a man who brought us these moments isn't done. arsenio hall returns to late night tv monday night, 19 years after the end of his first show. the dog pound is back. joining me now, the one and only arsenio hall. thank you so much for being here. >> this is wonderful. of all the things i've done since i've been in new york, this is the one i look forward to. sir, i've known you for a long, long time. as i'm going back to this talk show, i remembered long before i had stage 29, you and i sat on stage 28, and we sat this on the set of "solid gold" in the dressing room where you were sitting in the corner very quietly with james brown. >> oh, wow. >> because james was on "solid gold" that day as dionne warwick's guest.
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and james introduced me to you. i always thought you were his cousin or brother. but i knew there was a follicle synchronicity that you and he had. i was like that brother style his hair just like james. they have to be close. and i asked james one day. and i said mr. brown, who is that gentleman? and he said reverend. and that was it. >> he is back, y'all. he has already started. let me ask you. you returning to late night after 19 years. >> yes, yes. >> are you nervous? >> i'm very nervous, sir. but i'm so excited to show my son why he goes to a private school and how we're able to afford it. and it's going to be so exciting for him. he is serving as my little creative consultant. >> your son? >> yeah. he is 13. and if you involve your kids, they understand the mission in going with you in a sense. he told me, he says dad, first week i would like you do to do mack miller. a you see if you can do lamar.
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and uncle magic would be good. >> you're going to do magic? >> third night, magic johnson, george lopez, and noz. by the way -- magic here yes! >> at the apollo. >> he is in the hotel, advancing the dream he said. >> he is doing advancing the dream with me tonight at the apollo. we'll be on live tonight at 10:00. >> that's incredible. you know what is interesting about that whole dream thing? i watched a lot of coverage during the 50th anniversary. >> right. >> i didn't realize that the whole dream element was not in the speech. >> right. >> he didn't plan on doing that. >> it was -- he did it extemporaneously. there is one thing about your late night show that a lot of people don't give you credit for. you were one of the ones that made it okay to bring politicians on, even though it was an entertainment show you. brought on bill clinton, hillary clinton. i remember a lot of people even in civil rights you went out there on the limb and brought on. >> yes indeed. i had jesse there probably more than i should have.
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mr. jackson, if you're nasty. but the bottom line is tried to do everything that was interesting to my demographic. and there were nights when there were riots in los angeles. >> right. >> i would feel like i can't just not do a show. because i remember paramount saying don't do a show when we had the riots in south central. and i sent for people from first ame church because they signed waivers. paramount didn't want me to have an audience. >> reverend murray. >> yes. reverend murray brought 200 people to the show, and they signed waivers because paramount didn't want people out that night and to be responsible. they wanted to be indemnified for that. i called mayor bradley and i called edward james olmos and sean penn. and we had church. we had a show that night. >> wow. >> you got to do it. >> what have you been up to in the last 19 years? >> wow. trying to do things for me, trying to balance my life. and i didn't know what that meant when i left the show. i remember michael bey calling
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me and asking me if i want to do bad boys. i knew what an opportunity that would be. he said if you don't call me back i'm going to will smith. i had to make a decision of whether to further the balance of my personal life and my spiritual life. because when you're doing this kind of thing, you're working 24/7. and as soon as you finish, you start working on the next one. and if you're the ep of it, it's even more in-depth. >> right. >> i remember leaving and not knowing why. but, reverend, i have a 13-year-old son. it taught me a little bit more about the meaning of life. it made me a less selfish man, because hollywood will make you nuts. and the bottom line is i think it's made me a better person. and he is my little creative consultant now. he tells me what i should do and keep my ear close to the street. and i'm happy for every moment. see, i was a latchkey kid. and i wanted my son to experience a childhood different than mine. when i look at my parents' photo album, there aren't a lot of
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pictures of me trick-or-treating or playing baseball because they were working two and three jobs. they were doing their thing. i was latchkey kid who go in the house and fix me a cheese sandwich. i wanted my son to have a different life. and god blessed me with the paper i have and the success i have. so i decided to take some time away. and i did it the way i want to do it. and now he and i are both back, and we're on a mission. he wants to know why people bark at daddy. and i'm getting ready to show him. >> well, let me show you something. >> okay. >> i talked about politicians. everybody remembers that night that bill clinton was on your show. >> uh-huh. >> let me show you something. >> okay. >> and that is something that i heard a political analyst talking about recently. he said you kind of were -- i use the word chilling out. he said you were pulling back a little bit. you had been instructed not to say as much or be as outspoken? no? >> i've heard that, but i never know who says it. i think it's wishful thinking on the part of some people. >> now, what is amazing you made
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politicians cool. i mean he did his famous performance on your show, hillary clinton. and ironically, you're back, and some of the same people are still big names. are they coming back too. what kind of politicians would you be interested in in your new show? >> well, we can start with hil-dawg in the beautiful yellow suit there. if hillary shows up on my new set and just holds a saxophone, it will be the greatest moment in my professional career, because that will be an announcement here comes another clinton about to go through arsenio to the hill and to the white house. >> don't -- don't forget you made the offer on this show. let me tell you something else that was always striking to me about you. is you really engaged your guests. you had a way of zoning in. and one of the most memorable was the night you had muhammad
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ali on and brought out mike tyson and sugar ray leonard. let me show you that. >> okay. >> scared of this one? >> he is a sweetheart! >> he is a real champ. >> really? >> i think so. >> yeah, you're a real champ, man? >> you're a real champ. who would have won if you fought this man in your prime? >> ali, ali! >> ali! wait, wait, wait. >> he is a dance master. >> i wasn't that powerful, i was so fast. and he hit me. >> sugar has told me many times that you had a great influence on him. >> this is my father. my father, looking for you. daddy! >> i mean, how did that moment come together, though?
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>> well, you know what? i had ali a few times on the show. that particular moment sugar ray put together, because we were talking one day, and he said i know he is your idol, i know he is my idol. let's do this. and we called mike, and mike said i'll be there. >> wow. >> and that was a wonderful thing for a kid from cleveland to be able to do. he is truly the greatest. >> there is a lot of people on late night tv, but nobody has ever been you. you're not worried about new day, new era finding a new audience? >> you know what? it's very crowded. i understand that. but i don't think it's so crowded that i can't find an audience, because the more people who don't have a late night host than do have a late night host. and, sir, i've prepared for every scenario. if i fail and i'm canceled on tuesday, i will tell america it was a special. >> arsenio hall, thank you so much for joining us. and "the arsenio hall show" debuts in late night nationwide this monday. you got one fan. i'll be there.
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>> thank you, sir. i love when you say "nationwide!" coming up, advancing the dream, live from the world famous apollo theater. that's next. with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card.
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hollywood, tyler perry, the musical genius who inspired the world, stevie wonder. the political leader fighting to reimagine our cities. and the little girl from alabama who walked the world stage as secretary of state. my exclusive with condoleezza rice. it's ms. rice as you have never heard her before, talking about the 1963 birmingham church bombing. she lived through it as a kid. >> my dad's church was only about two miles from 16th street baptist church. so it was like the ground. for kids in birmingham of my age, i was ate, it was how could people hate us so much? >> she also talked about the challenges of growing up under jim crow, deep in the heart of
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the old south. >> you were always aware that you couldn't go to a movie theater, couldn't go to a restaurant. i've said sometimes very often that my parents couldn't take me to have a hamburger at the woolworth's lunch counter, but they had me absolutely convinced i could be president of the united states if i wanted to be. >> none of my guests tonight would have made it were it not for dr. king and the civil rights movement. it shows the progress we've made and where we have to go. it's a night to celebrate america's promise and look toward its future. we hope you can join us one hour from now, 8:00 p.m. eastern. we'll be live from the apollo theater. and don't forget, the only prerecorded interview was condoleezza rice. the rest will be there with me live. and we're going to talk about things they never talked about as we figure out how we go 50
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years forward. live from the apollo tonight in one hour. 8:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. making his case. president obama with a new message today on syria. it comes just days before he makes a national appeal. polling the public. in town halls across this country, people voicing their pps on the syria question, will they back any action? >> scary moments. a high school football friday turns frightening. what's remarkable is the end result here. in big money headlines, new facts about the latest car sales numbers that might surprise you. good morning, everyone. welcome to "weekends with alex witt".
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