tv The Cycle MSNBC September 12, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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all that, plus can you fake your way to a longer life? new research on our brains. and no more "knock knock" jokes. >> as we have been spending a lot of time on the syria issue and making sure that international attention is focused on the horrible tragedy that occurred there, it is still important to recognize that we got a lot more stuff to do here in this government. >> president obama meeting with his cabinet today, shifting back to domestic priorities like the budget, raising the debt ceiling, and implementing obama care, much to the demise of some republicans. but of course, syria and russia are still on his radar. russian president putin placed an op-ed in today's "new york times". he says he's on board with the plan and welcomes obama's interest in holding talks. and for the first time, syrian
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president assad says he'll hand over his chemical weapons one month after he's allowed to join the anti-chemical weapons convention. so i guess now he's admitting that he has them. and secretary of state john kerry is in geneva meeting with his russian counterpart to work on the pro proposal. congress is also refocusing back on domestic issues. buried in wednesday's focus on 9/11 tributes and the president's primetime speech, house republicans snuck in a delay, pushing back a vote to keep the vovt open past the end of the month. they don't have much time to act. the september 30th deadline is growing closer by the day with only a handful of legislative days on the calendar. eric cantor is hinting he might add more dates. and washington's sitting on yet another deadline, the debt ceiling. that's expected to run out before thanksgiving. the white house is cancelling its annual congressional picnic.
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that's a real bummer. all right. manu, no picnic? what is congress to do? >> they're not happy. that's for sure. >> but seriously, though, how much of obama's handling of syria will impact things this fall? i mean, there are lawmakers on both sides of the aisle who have raised concerns about his leadership through all of this. you have senator bob corker who was standing with the president up until his speech on tuesday night. he's changed his tune. he said today, quote, it is just complete muddlement the president just seems to be very uncomfortable being commander in chief of this nation. he's a diminished figure here on capitol hill. some pretty tough comments about the president. do you think this there hurt his credibility as we move into the fall and have a lot of stuff to debate? >> i think it won't help. corker, when i was speaking with him yesterday, was very, veryar.
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corker is the kind of guy the president needs, not just on syria, but on the fiscal issues. remember, there are some republicans, of course, who will oppose the president virtual on most items or whatever he does. but there are groups of members -- groups of republicans who are willing to work with him, people like bob corker or even john mccain. john mccain himself very frustrated at the way the administration has handled this issue on capitol hill. you know, the problem is that for a lot of republicans who are the handful at least who stuck their neck out on the syria issue, it makes it harder for them to stick their neck out again on another issue, particularly on fiscal issues. as you saw john boehner back the president on syria, i don't think you're going to see john boehner back the president when it comes to some of these fiscal issues. that's going to make things much harder when it comes time to making a deal on a lot of these issues that are pending. >> and speaker boehner said he was insulted by putin's "new york times" op-ed. what is some of the reaction you're hearing on the hill to this op-ed?
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i have to think the american people in general, but particularly maybe the american lawmakers, don't take too kindly to having the russian president tell them what they should be doing in the policy arena. what are you hearing from folks there? >> yeah, i mean, the loudest anti-russian voices are certainly coming from capitol hill. i mean, you've heard people like chuck schumer and john mccain for months really bashing putin and russia, you know, on this issue. they're in a bit of a delicate spot because the negotiations are happening. they're very sensitive right now. so members don't want to get too far ahead of where john kerry is, where the administration is in dealing with these issues. but you heard harry reid earlier today make a joke saying that, hey, maybe vladimir putin, all he wants to do is show off that super bowl ring. >> do you watch "breaking bad"? >> i don't. i'm sorry. >> well, you should. it's an incredible show. but here's the point i'm trying to make. on the end of the last episode,
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hank was in a corner, and it looked like he was near death. then they cut to black. that's sort of like immigration reform. last we saw it before we went to talk about syria, it was near death. then it's sort of like the tv show that was immigration cut to black. now we're looking at what the house is doing on legislative stuff. it was near death before. is it still near death? are we going to get some sort of pathway to citizenship? >> i don't think a pathway to citizenship right now could get through the house. the only way it could happen is if there is -- the house passes a peace meal immigration bill, something that just deals with one narrow issue. say they pass a bill just dealing with border security. that creates a conference committee with the senate, which of course has a much bigger bill that includes the pathway to citizenship. maybe in that conference agreement it comes back with a pathway to citizenship and there will be one vote in the house and the senate before becoming law. now, that is still -- the
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prospects of that are still very grim. the politics are very sensitive here. republicans are largely opposed to what came out of the senate. there's a lot that needs to happen before that can occur. really, that seems to be the only -- the best chance for folks who want to see a pathway to citizenship for that to actually happen. >> do you watch the millennial hipster show "girls"? >> apparently i'm just not hip enough. i don't watch that either. >> i just wanted to ask you that as a prelude to my question for no reason whatsoever. the laws in colorado by democrats here who tried to step up in response to this shooting and regulate arms, regulate guns, how is that playing on the hill? are you hearing any discussions about the implications of that? >> you know, the gun issue, i think, for the most part is certainly dead, i think, for the foreseeable future.
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there is, of course, a push for the senate to bring back up universal background checks or at least the background checks bill authored by joe mansion and pat toomey earlier this year. but that's a challenging issue, even for democrats. i'm not sure harry reid wants to bring that up, bring the heat back on a lot of those red state democrats who are up in 2014 who voted against that plan. people like mark proyor from arkansas. he doesn't want to put heat on those guys necessarily. it's hard to see how the dynamics have really changed here other than the fact the nra still holds a lot of clout and could kill that bill if it comes back up. >> i'm sure you've seen "house of cards", right? >> i have. one for three. >> i know you have. that's a lot more in line with what we're actually talking about. >> whoa! >> in all reality, though, you paint a really dreary picture
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for the fall, which is frankly the reality of it. fiscal issues, that's going to be tough. immigration is going to be tough. when you look at when we can actually make progress in, is there anything? do you think we'll be able to come together on a debt ceiling? that's probably the most important, right? >> yeah, the only thing they could probably get together on is avoiding a major economic calami calamity, which i'm not even sure they could do that at this point. if they do reach a deal on anything, it's going to be a short-term deal to keep the government operating. it's going to be a short-term deal to raise the debt ceiling. but it's just so hard to see what exactly that deal looks like, particularly on the debt ceiling side. remember, republicans are demanding cuts to go along with the debt ceiling increase and the white house does not want to negotiate at all on this. they say, let's just pass and increase the debt ceiling, not risk a debt default. it's hard to see anything other than a potential economic calamity in the fall. >> why is that funny?
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a potential economic calamity is a punch line to you? syrian rebels are to ari. what's going on today? >> we're covering capitol hill. >> that's true. also sounds like you have some tv to catch up on. thank you, as always, for being here. we appreciate it. >> absolute lly. thank you. >> all right. up next, a new brand of democrat that could be trouble for hillary. i kind of like where this is going. we'll spin as "the cycle" rolls on for september 12th. constipated? yeah. mm. some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. but phillips' caplets don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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a decisive victory. he's expected to win the general election. he ran as the most liberal candidate with a big emphasis on economic populism. >> if you live on park avenue, you got everything you need. nannies and housekeepers. wall street has hit all-time highs. bloomberg's taken care of wall street, not middle-class people, working class people, poor people. >> that argument resonated with a broad spectrum of voters. he led among all income groups and among white and black voters. he had his strongest backing from democrats, who described themselves as liberal, while he trailed among moderates. can a populous platform power democrats to these diverse and liberal coalitions? in a new essay today, he offers economic reform for a political type of generation. he defines that as, people who are formatively impacted by the recession and who are moving
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past the debate between reagan's arch conservative and some of the careful moderation of clinton and obama. in fact, he predicts millennials will keep pulling blue states to the left given their views on social equality and economic mobility. this wave could even overtake hillary clinton in 2016. so we spin. toure, do you think the idea of a new left coalition got a foothold here in new york? >> i thought it was a fantastic article. i'm glad to see a progressive moving back to the forefront of the new york city mayor's office. i think it was more of a classic progressive, modern progressive multiracial campaign talking about income inequality and talking about criminal justice inequality. those are the two things that took them over the top. we have two cities -- progressives are always talking about this. we have to lessen the inequality thanks to conservatives and talking about criminal justice inequality. the pride that he showed in his son let us know it was more than just lip service but that he's skin in the game. he really needs this to be changed because his son is
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exactly the sort of person who could, would be stopped and frisked in bloomberg and ray kelly's new york. when bloomberg said that that was racist of him to use his son was idiotic, was desperate, was despicable. also shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what racism is, saying i'm proud of my son is not racism. racially profiling most of the black and brown men in new york, that is racism. but when the de blasio campaign heard that comment, they said 47% is now shorthand for i've said something that will torpedo a campaign. >> i'll never understand why kids put their kids out front and center of a campaign. it's crazy. no idea what they're talking about. i think the millennials are the most important part of this conversation. >> that was good dead pan by the way. i was like, are you serious? >> it was an ari move. >> less awkward than how i would do it. >> you are always awkward. i agree with that. but millennials, for the most part, regardless of republican or democrat, have demonstrated sort of this openness to whether
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it's immigration or gay marriage, for example. you look at the polls, over 70%, you can see here, are more in favor. that's just the direction this country is moving. i think new york does not represent the rest of the country, but it's certainly an incubator for -- as is california -- for the direction that this country is moving in. millennials, as we've been talking about, they understand the realities of the times better than anyone. they have been hit the hardest by this economic sledge hammer. if you look at the stats, we have the most educated millennials -- millennials are the most educated in american history. yet, they are getting hit the hardest with jobs out of school. they're all getting, for the most part, jobs they're underqualified for. so i understand this frustration. i understand the fact they want their representatives to get them. >> let me ask krystal, they say, youth is wasted on the young. to some degree, influence is wasted on the influential. what we saw in this city was a
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lot of the leaders and influentials lining up behind different candidates. it was only this shift at the end, young people and the coalition toure's talking about, that changed the whole race. >> that's absolutely right. there are echoes at the national level, the obvious parallel to draw with 2008 where hillary clinton was sort of the anointed one and young people in this new emerging coalition came together behind barack obama and made him the eventual candidate. one of the things i thought was interesting and somewhat surprising to me in the piece was he points out not only are millennials, you know, more generally liberal on things like immigration and gay marriage, they're also more pro-union and they trust unions more than government and more than private corporatio corporations, which to me is surprising given the fact that overall union membership is on the decline. even as there are fewer members of unions, young people are feeling more pro-union. abby, you mentioned california as a model in some ways as an
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incubator in the country. while the whole country has lost 400,000 union members in the last year, california has seen an increase of 100,000, driven by their large latino population and the changing demographics that they really are sort of ahead of the country as a whole on. >> you think about it, today racial and ethnic minorities make up more than half of americans under the age of 5. this is going to be a huge change for the republican party. if they want to figure out how to move forward, how to be competitive again, they really need to be listening to the millennials. i cannot tell you -- >> well, you said some of those people are under 5. >> they are. >> they can't listen to you because they don't know ho talk. >> they still would be well served. >> some of them don't know how to talk. >> you're on fire today. that's absolutely right. no, i mean, deblasio putting together -- don't do that to me. >> sorry. >> de blasio putting together a multiracial coalition, which
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progressives have been doing for decades now, that is something that republicans are going to have to learn to do. you're not going to win with a 90% white party when we've seen the decline of the white chair of the electorate every election since 1980. >> and that's exactly what de blasio did. he listened to the people. he understood what they were frustrated with. that's what the republican party has to do. >> ari, good for you and me because we got someone from brownstone, brooklyn, in the mansion. >> bkl, brooklyn's finest. >> who are you today? >> something he points out that i thought was really smart is you can't just put up a young candidate and think you're going to appeal to young people. the person that he held up was elizabeth warren, who has a deep following among millennials despite the fact she isn't the youngest candidate. so just putting someone out there like a paul ryan or a marco rubio is not going to get the job done. >> just like you can't put out chris quinn and expect all the women in new york will vote for
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her. >> or sarah palin. >> bingo. >> it's a great point. we've talked about identity politics. your point goes to the fact that, yes, elizabeth warren is considered cool by a lot of young people. cool for good reasons. cool for standing up to the banks. not cool because she's doing shoutouts to music or cultural stuff. >> it all goes back to the tshs. it goes back to taking a stand on these policies. >> look, i love elizabeth warren. still think she's far too left for the national stage yet. >> i love you, and i disagree with you. that will have to be for another day. >> you mean you think we're going to talk about 2016 before the election? >> don't make predictions in the news business. we'll see. 2016 could come up again. up next, we have a rare glimpse at a job that dick cheney calls more powerful than the presidency. >> such a lawyer response. >> being the white house chief of staff was unquestionably the toughest job i ever had. >> it's brutal on you. it's brutal on your family. nothing, nothing, nothing ever comes easy.
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you know j.d. power ranked passat the most appealing midsize car two years in a row? i bet uh dan here wishes someone found him most appealing two years in a row. ron: it's ron. jc: ron... exactly. what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over!
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breaking news. we are following this afternoon at least three people are dead, several others are stranded after heavy rain created massive mudslides in colorado. in some areas, the mud is three feet deep. emergency crews are having trouble getting to people because many roads are blocked. national guard crews are using a helicopter to save people trapped in their homes. the area has gotten 6 1/2 inches in the last day. also in the news cycle today, california governor jerry brown is pushing for a minimum wage increase that would give his state the highest rate in the country. brown argues wages have not kept up with the cost of living. that is true. he wants it raised to $10 an hour. right now it's just $8. no surprise here, republicans call his proposal job killer. mean while, nfl commissioner roger goodell seems to be softening his stance about renaming the redskins.
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he says if even one person is offended, the league needs to listen to their concerns. critics have been argue for a long time the name is very offensive to native americans. britain's prince harry is done in the military. william served for more than seven years. he'll now focus on his royal duties and probably his baby. all right. from princes to presidents. the only job tougher than being the man may be being the most trusted aed a -- trusted advise. it was mcdonough who's largely been the push this weekend, appearing on all five sunday major shows. of course, if the effort in syria is successful, the president will get credit for that. if it's not, mcdonough will join the long line of white house chief of staffs will join the
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list. >> you meet with foreign policy team, the economic policy team. then you meet with the white house staff. then you'd have a larger meeting to talk about what you were going to try to get accomplished that particular day. in an average day, you would deal with things like bosnia, northern ireland, the budget, taxation, the environment, then you'd have lunch. >> all 20 living white house chiefs of staff tell all in the two-part discovery event that culminates tonight. we're now joined by one of them, jack watson, former white house chief of staff to president carter and chris wipple, executive producer of "the president's gate keeper." jack, you have been in this position before with president carter. what is it about this relationship between the president and the chief of staff that there seems to be an incredible amount of trust? what is it about that
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relationship? >> well, the relationship between his president and chief of staff is both personal and professional. the president needs to have someone who can listen to him thinking outloud, to the president thinking outloud much in the way i think that happened with dennis mcdonough and president obama on the walk on the south lawn. the president also need someone who will keep the trains running on time, so to speak, and be an honest broker. one of the most important responsibilities of the chief of staff is to ensure the president hears the range of voices and the range of different opinions that he needs to hear in order to make informed decisions. so the relationship between the two people, president and chief of staff, is a personal, intimate in some ways, and professional relationship. >> chris, this film talks about one of the most famous moments for a chief of staff, when andy carr delivered the news about
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9/11 to president bush. let's take a look at that clip. >> the president sits in place for nearly seven minutes, minutes that seem like an eternity. but they're an opportunity for carr to take action. >> i was really pleased that the president stayed in the classroom because everybody would have gone to him, and he would have barking out orders, and everybody would have to turn and then start to do what he ordered. instead, i could say, get the fbi director on the phone. get a line open to the vice president. get a line open to the situation room. to the crew of air force one, get back on air force one and to the secret service, turn the motor kad around. >> we have heard a lot about what the president's day was like on that terrible day. what was andy carr's day like? >> well, you saw obviously the iconic seven minutes that he spent at the beginning. what you didn't see and what you can see in our show is that immediately thereafter, when they boarded air force one, an
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irate george w. bush demanded that card turn air force around -- air force one around and return to washington. card simply refused. he simply, in this case, speaking truth to power, telling the president that, no, mr. president, i cannot recommend that. bush was a very unhappy person. now, we say -- and james baker, the iconic chief for ronald reagan, argues that the white house chief of staff is the second most powerful man in government. for those seven minutes, you can argue andy card was the most pauf powerful. >> jack, with you look at these people interviewed, you can see they are all men. what do you make of that, if anything, and the personalities involved in this role? >> it's just a matter of time before a woman becomes the president's white house chief of staff. i think historically the circumstances have been such, so far at least, that the people
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who were closest to the presidents, who were closest to them in their election campaigns and in their policy considerations and so forth have been men. that's not something that will continue indefinitely. i wouldn't be at all surprised if in the very near future a white house chief of staff is a woman. >> i think you're absolutely right, but let me go to you, chris. i think my favorite moment of the whole piece showed how hard the job could be and the impact it has on some of the guys. let's have a look at that. >> in the middle of the meeting of the national security council, i fell sound asleep. it was the kind of sort of arms out, head back, snoring loudly. you know, if you'd awakened me and accused me of falling asleep, it's the kind of thing you'd say, i wasn't asleep. i was because they took pictures and got the shot of me sitting right next to the president of the united states. just totally out of it. >> so this is government literally sleeping on the job.
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i'm not sure if i should be understanding of that or a little horrified. >> well, for sure it's a side of dick cheney you don't often see. i think that's, you know -- partly that's because cheney, you know, he loved being chief of staff to gerald ford. he loves to talk about -- he says he remembers every -- almost every detail of being chief of staff to gerald ford and would rather talk about that frankly than being vice president. but i think that that's true not just of cheney. i mean, you'll see, for example, tonight, 9:00 on discovery, you'll see george h.w. bush and james baker talking about the '92 election and why they believe they lost it, because of a personal vendetta that ross perot was carrying out against president bush. something bush 41 hasn't talked about on television before. there are lots of revealing moments like that. of course, jack watson, one of the most eloquent of all the chiefs, taking us inside the oval office with jimmy carter during the hostage crisis in
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1979. so that's the beauty of the series. >> and jack, the big difference with the presidency from so many other government jobs is that there is simply not enough time for all the legitimate requests and decisions to be made. how did you decide in some sense for the president what decisions to make, who should get in there, how do think really for him? >> well, one -- as i said a moment ago, one of the things the chief needs to do with most assurance is to be an honest broker, to be careful that the president is hearing different opinions. incidentally, sometimes opinions that the chief of staff himself might disagree with. but the objective is to see to it that the president has the full amount and the full range of information of valid, legitimate, factual information
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and opinion on which he ultimately can base his own decision. that's one of the really important roles of the white house chief of staff. >> absolutely. fascinating to get a better understanding of what goes on behind closed doors. you can check it out tonight at 9:00 on discovery. jack watson, chris wipple, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> my pleasure. up next, a group of people sharing the future of politics, arts and cuisine and you may not even realize it. it starts with something little, like taking a first step. and then another. and another. and if you do it. and your friends do it. and their friends do it... soon we'll be walking our way to awareness, support and an end to alzheimer's disease. and that? that would be big.
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place right now. >> now, ricky -- >> hey, hey! >> "i love lucy" is not just a legendary show in american history, not just a show that was extraordinarily popular in the 1950s, but it was largely popular to the hispanic community. ricky was sophisticated and successful, living in the suburbs, achieving the american dream. for many hispanics, he was a source of pride as well as a source of subversive laughs when he uttered things in spanish. he was a tv star long before j-lo. today, according to the pew hispanic center, there are over 50 million americans with spanish roots. they've been positive contributors to america for centuries, which ray suarez explains in his new book "latino
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americans." it's become a three-part documentary series that premiers next tuesday. ray, latinos are viewed by some people as other or perhaps not beneficial to america. but as you argue, as you point out, they have been part of the rich history of america for a very long time. >> and there's really no other immigrant group like it that was here when the country was born, already here for centuries and has come in large numbers since. so an immigrant group but also one of the original founding groups of this country. >> i think the militarization of the border had an interesting impact on the people who have become mexican-americans. at one point, people would move back and forth seasonally and not really consider america their home. but when the border became militarized, you couldn't move back and forth. they stayed, they transplanted their culture. they started to say, hey, we need rights. others said, hey, do we need to give them rights? they started to welcome others
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to come join them. sot militarization of the border has perhaps had the opposite effect those who were behind it wanted it to have. >> the unintended consequences of making the border a more impenetrable fact of life instead of a place that was just an invisible line on a map. you know, if you're working largely with other men and often living with other men, it gets lonely after a while, for most of these young fellows. when it becomes impossible to go to your hometown for six or seven months a year so you can just be in america during high season, you smuggle your girlfriend in. or if you have a wife and child back home, you get them over here, too, because you're not going to be able to go back and forth following the seasonal nature of some of the jobs. >> and ray, you talk about the sort of broad history here. you also talk about some specific latino-americans, including two of my idols.
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tell us how their lives and their role fits into latino-american history. >> you know, cesar chavez is such a celebrated man. his own postage stamp, a huge auditorium at the department of labor dedicated in his name with a large portrait of cesar there. i wanted to spend a little more time in the book with deloris, who's still alive and kicking in her 80s. she outruns people half and a third of her age. she was the one who was negotiating contracts with the growers, who didn't want to do business with any mexican, much less a woman. she was totally busting down barriers both inside her community and outside the community. you know, it wasn't that easy for these mexican migrant workers to know that their fate was somewhat in the hands of a woman as well. there was a lot of chauvinism on both sides of the negotiating table. >> and ray, in politics you hear
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about latinos or hispanics, but of course as you point out, there's also these other ways to think about it with all the different countries represented. how does that affect this sort of immigrant experience? >> it's important to remember that mexicans are by far the largest group, two out of every three latino-americans trace their roots to mexico. but now in the more recent decades, that portrait of who we are in the 21st century has been changed so much by new arrivals from central and south america. recently for the first time, cubans were nipped as the third largest group among latinos by salvadorans. it's a tremendous change. in new york, the home of puerto ricans for a century, since the spanish-american war, we're now moving toward a new york where puerto ricans will only be the second most numerous group behind dominicans. it hasn't happened yet, but it's coming. >> in the book you talk about
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the political power of cuban-americans. of course, we have two men who are considering a run for the presidency who have roots in cuba. the cuban-american population is extraordinarily powerful in this country. >> well, they came as middle-class people, the first big wave of refugees was heavily populated by professionals, by people who had educations and influence and a little capital to bring with them in many cases. also, a lot of people who saw their dreams dashed when they left cuba as a doctor and ended up as a cab driver or a truck driver in miami-dade because they couldn't transfer their credentials, but they pushed their aspirations on to their children. they've been very successful in this country, and because of the cold war were able to be disproportionately influential in the affairs of this country. >> that's why some of the racial profiling is so heartbreaking. people who are brilliant come here, can't translate it, but
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they're still brilliant people. ray suarez, thank you so much for the book. thank you for being here. up next, can you think your way to a longer life? who ever thought? we've been bringing people together. today, we'd like people to come together on something that concerns all of us. obesity. and as the nation's leading beverage company, we can play an important role. that includes continually providing more options. giving people easy ways to help make informed choices. and offering portion controlled versions of our most popular drinks. it also means working with our industry to voluntarily change what's offered in schools. but beating obesity will take continued action by all of us, based on one simple common sense fact... all calories count. and if you eat and drink more calories than you burn off, you'll gain weight. that goes for coca-cola,
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be brave, go to the doctor. ovarian and uterine cancers are gynecologic cancers. symptoms are not the same for everyone. i got sick... and then i got better. how can i be a more fun mom? hmmm. can you dance? ♪ bum ba bum ba bum ♪ bum ba bum ba bum no. no? can you make campbell's chicken noodle soup? yes!
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[ wisest kid ] every can has 32 feet of slurpable noodles. now that's fun. mom, you're awesome. oh yeah! ♪ bum ba bum ba bum [ gong ] [ wisest kid ] m'm! m'm! good! when you think of someone in their 70s, 80s, or 90s, what comes to mind? someone who's maybe, maybe a little forgetful, maybe prone to the dreaded senioritis? or someone more like this?
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>> feel great! >> me too. >> you wouldn't [ muted ] me. >> my god, i'm telling the truth. >> why should he feel good? i feel tremendous. i'm ready to take on the world. ♪ >> well, i bring you good news for people who are already in their senior years or those of us who are heading towards them. we do not need alien pods in a pool to avoid the stereotypical images of old age. all we need to do is to think. in the new issue of "time," science editor jeffrey kluger examines the surprising connection between creativity and the ability to add years to our lives. jeff joins us now. there is this stereotype.
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i mean, i think of the fields medal in mathematics, who's only awarded to people under the age of 40. you do your best work and your brain is at its highest level when you are young. you say that's not the case in all endeavors. >> that's exactly right. there are certain kinds of cognitive work that age isn't kind to. it's something called fluid intelligence. so math is fluid intelligence. it's physics, chess. these are all the things that are accomplished -- >> i'm bad at all those anyway. >> me too. when you have that fast clicking, nimble mind you have in your 20s and 30s, as you get older, you have an ability to integrate, to synthesize, to take all of that information and refract it in different ways and look at creativity, imaginative things you can do with it. >> what do you want people to take away from this article? is it about doing what you love for a longer period of time, or is it about being open to new things? you look at like a betty white or a bill clinton who continue to do what it is they love.
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it's also their career. then you tell a story about a nurse who retired at 60 and went to painting school and is still painting at the age of 97. george w. bush, you were talking about, took on painting. what is it you want people to take away from this? >> first of all, your brain wants to do that. even as we lose certain brain capabilities, other ones take over. you get walls that come down between the left and right hemisphere. so it's no longer just art in your right hemisphere and language in your left hemisphere. those walls come down. suddenly you can create sharper metaphors because you're drawing the art over into your language center. all of these things happen. your brain operates in a more o holistic way, compensating for some of the raw horse power you lose. this all lends itself to creativity. an important thing is creativity isn't just art. you can be a creative shopkeeper. you can be a creative schoolteacher, accountant, edge
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fund manager. >> or a grandparent. >> exactly. >> so you're saying as we get older, we maybe underestimate our creativity. >> we're very much underestimating our creativity. the more creative we allow ourselves to be, the more our creativity. >> yes, and the more creative we allows ourselves to be, the more years we buy as well. there are studies after studies in the same way we all say at work, work expands to fill the time you have to do it. time expands to fill the years with which you plan to do it. you actually extend your life. >> are there artists you can think of who did better work as they got into these senior years who are examples of this. >> sure. stravinkky and frank lloyd wright and the guggenheim opened months after his death when he was 92 and he was working on that right up to the end. this is in the air when the average lifespan was 35. >> anything we can do to sort of
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tap into some of the that creativity earlier? >> being open to experience and continuing to try new things and i realize that sounds very an on dine. it is hard to know what to do with that. look at things in new ways. get out and do new things. take a class. take an art class. go teach. volunteer. volunteer work alone has been shown to reduce the risk of illness and early mortality by 22%. >> we make fun of president bush but that's what he did. >> and his dad, i have so much admiration for his father when you are 85 years old and you say five years from now i will jump ut of an airplane again. george burns, on his 95th birthday signed a contract to appear for two more years in vegas. >> awesome. one of the things i definitely got from the article is that happy mind helps to lead to a healthy body which is something that we can all take at any age.
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thank you so much for the article and your time today. >> thank you for having me. >> we asked our facebook fan what is they do to keep their minds young outside of watching the cycle of course. larry says i tweet and blog a lot on everything and anything but mainly politics. richard harris says being a musician ic constantly write, practice and learn new material. like us on facebook while your mind is young enough to remember. up next, just who are the rebels in syria, the answer is not a simple as some want you to think.
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today the "washington post" reports the cia's weapons are reaching the opposition in syria. several disputed the report. whether they deploy u.n. weapons inspectors, both risk deeper involvement in the civil war and that means deeper engagement with the rebels. who are they? that is often neglected in the debate. theres no single opposition army and as secretary of defense panetta told congress last year. >> it is not clear what constitutes the syrian armed opposition. there has been no single unifying military alternative that can be recognized, appointed, or contacted. >> okay. instead, there are about 100,000 rebel fighters according to the state department and there is the syrian opposition coalition and the u.s. and several countries recognize it as the political representative of the syrian people instead of assad. linked to that, the supreme
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court military command with representative grouping of many factions, the group is supposed to help coordination but it is important to note the authority is based only on the military power of its members. unlike, say, a civilian government, it has no independence legitimacy. then there are the individual rebel groups, the largest is the free syrian army with reportedly 50,000 fighters. this is important because this is the group that the cia says it is arming and led by this man, general soleen edris. it is not actually an army. it is a loose network of hundreds of units, some secular and some extreme. analysts say they are seizing more power and more on that in a minute. you also have to consider the syrian islamic liberation front that has over 10,000 fighters. it is something of alternative and it is more national list and a lot more dependent on regional backing. beyond these networks already
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terrorists fighting assad. the u.s. previously designated the front and the islamic state of iraq in the terrorist groups which vladimir putin noted in his new op-ed. al qaeda funds it which practices suicide attacks. government analysts previously stated they're trying hijack the entire syrian rebellion through this group and you can see the preview of what a victory would look like in northern syria today. the fighters set up courts that handout extreme punishments including beatings for allowing women to remarry and various rebel fighters practicing torture and execution that violates international law. the point being assad is not the only lawless thug in this civil war. the rundown i am offering you here is just a snapshot, but the nature of the syrian opposition i think suggests at least three reasons for caution. number one, with no organized opposition that actually shares our values, it is hard for the u.s. to responsibly take sides. if the enemy of your enemy is al
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qaeda, then i think the enemy of your enemy is still your enemy. there is no guarantee this conflict will remain assad versus everybody. there are hundreds of groups here with different motivations and they may be nominally aligned until assad falls and then without him they could fight each other and that's already happening. last month a free syrian army battled al qaeda. and finally, the hawks like to say that our core fight in the united states is with violent islamist extremists around the world. many of them are in these armed rebel forces. we don't want to help them. how many of these rebels are fighting for radical islamist state, a state more extreme than assad's regime in we only have estimates but they're very high. a top military official said extremist islamist groups constitute more than half of the rebel force and it is growing by the day. so my conclusion and my question, who is the real enemy here, that's something to think about after all the talk of international law, human rights,
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and defending our values. that does it for our show today. >> ari, thank you so much. good afternoon. it is thursday september 12th. the secretary of state has a message for vladimir putin, this is not a game. >> vladimir putin has spoken. >> the russian government indicated a willingness to join with the international community. >> the credible threat of u.s. military force brought us this diplomatic opening. >> it has to be real. >> it is not a love letter to the united states. >> the whole purpose is to try to weaken our resolve. >> vladimir putin lecturing about god and equality and democracy in the "new york times." >> i was insulted. >> he is a pretty good writer. >> i almost wanted to volume it. >> the vodka and caviar are flowing. >> he closed with with one simple line, i must break you. >> we have a lot more to do many in government. >> there are also of this
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