tv The Cycle MSNBC September 13, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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superstitious to be in session on friday the 13th. a new gallop poll shows american's confidence in congress on problems like immigration and the budget, when it comes to international problems, only 49% has confidence and first time syria is among under the nation's biggest problems but it's way behind the economy. trying to improve on those numbers, john kerry is in day two of talks in russia on a plan to put syria's chemical weapons under international control. chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell is traveling with secretary kerry in geneva. >> there's a sense now here in geneva that these talks have probably gone as far as they can towards nar rowing their differences. there's still big zwremts on how to enforce any potential agreement on getting rid of assad's chemical weapons, whether the use of force could be a mechanism through the united nations or should be
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taken off the table. that disagreement is what caused tension in first day of talks. now they are pretty much close to wrapping it up. they could even possibly conclude tonight or they could lapse over until saturday. at the end of the day, there is going to be some sort of framework for the next steps. back to you. >> thanks, andrea. syria applying to the anti-chemical weapons convention after insisting they didn't have chemical weapons. it is freaky friday indeed. cia intel analyst kel pollacck now at the brookings institution. his book is now on sale "unthinkable." be sure to pick it up. ken, iran is syria's closest mid eastern partner. we have a sense russia is feeling this, if you believe the things coming out of moscow
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nowadays. how does iran feel now? i've got to imagine they are pretty happy it looks like assad will probably be helped to staying in power. >> we have to always be careful with the iranians, it's hard to know what they are thinking. they come at things from angles that no one would expect. but it's a safe bet to say the iranians did not want to see a u.s. military strike against syria and they are looking at this resolution as being perhaps the best they could have hoped for. >> if they just put an op-ed in the new york times, we would know what they were thinking about. >> sometimes that's all it takes. we're looking at what the state actors are saying, which is important, russia/syria and what's happening in syria with the opposition groups. take a listen to something that was told in nbc yesterday. >> the russian administration are just playing game and
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wasting time to delay the strikes. and if there are any strikes in the future, we are preparing our fighters, preparing ourselves for new -- >> basically saying the diplomacy is a game and they are going to up strikes if they don't get action here. how should we evaluate this view from one part of the syrian opposition? >> you've got to imagine if you're general idris, this is frustrating. eve been looking for greater american support both for his own forces and to take action directly against the assad regime for almost two years now. he thought he was about to get it. he really thought he was that close and now looks like it's being taken away and being taken away for a diplomatic am bit that he think is obnoxious. for good reason that these guys
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are liars and never going to comply. he believes that the united states is either being snookerred by assad and the russians or is deliberately going along with this because the u.s. doesn't really want to get more involved in syria. either way, he sees it as bad for himself and his forces. >> and part of that frustration has to be now assad i think incredibly is putting more demands saying he will not embrace this arms control negotiation until the u.s. not only takes the threat of force off the table but also stops arming the rebels. so he's base beiically saying i don't have my chemical weapons, wouldn't we be in a stronger position here, assad feels like he can put the demands on the table. wouldn't we be in a stronger position if we did have an authorization of force so that if he knew if he did not comply there was a real threat of force on the table? >> yeah, i think that's an
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interesting point. obviously bashar feels he is in a much stronger position. you're right about that. part of that is the russians, that feels they are fully on his side. they have stepped in in a helpful way to help. we're being differential to the russians, that's good for him. he's probably interpreting what went on in the last few days as a sign that the u.s. really doesn't have it in us to actually come after him. that's giving him the strength or the confidence to start putting demands on things. in some ways that takes you back to general idris's statement, this is what you always see from these guys, they say yes, but. when the but finally comes out, it invalida ates the yes. >> taking a step ahead here, assuming the chemical weapons agreements does happen, what are we getting ourselves into? as "times" points out, they have
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1400 tons of saren and mustard agents and this is certainly not going to be in and out sort of mission. >> no, absolutely not. it's a very important thing to understand is that syria's chemical warfare arsenal is as big if not bigger than iraq's war at the ends of the war. it took four years to dispose of iraq's arsenal and longer than that to con vings saddam hussein he needed to give this up entirely. let's remember, we're also looking at a situation where we're doing this in the middle of a civil war. it was hard enough to do that with iraq saddam tried to cheat and keep things from us. everyone feels assad will do the same. in iraq the situation was stable and calm there wasn't a civil war going on. that adds two or three orders of magnitude to the kinds of difficulty that we're going to be experiencing. you've got to think about the
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inspectors going to go in there. they are really going to be subjecting themselves to the potential to come under fire from one side, from the other, stray mortar rounds, this is going to be extremely difficult and it's not going to happen in a month or two or even a year. >> why is it so important for iran that assad stay in power? is it just a rereal estate play where he gets to maintain his connection, physical connection through syria to lebanon and have the hezbollah area directly against israel, or something more with assad in particular? >> you're putting your finger on. it's the iranian entree into the one of the most important areas of the middle east. iran sees itself as one of the great powers of the world and what it believes the most important power in the middle east. they want to have a say in all of important issues in the middle east. one of the most important issues is the arab israeli conflict and
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the ties are critical. they are what gives iran, for lack of a better word, a seat at the table when the peace process comes up. not literally but everyone has to take iran into account. they have a roll to play. they can make a problem for anybody in there. syria and hezbollah are ultimately very closely tied and i think the iranians fear if they lose assad not only are they losing their one remaining national ally in the region, but they are also losing that conduit to hezbollah and if you have a hostile regime in syria, that ultimately might make it impossible and the iranians might lose their entire position. >> you were pointing out how difficult it would be to take control of all of assad's chemical weapons but is it beneficial in and of itself to have syria sign onto the
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anti-chemical weapons convention and at least have some of those chemical weapons destroyed? >> sure, i think that's true for several different reasons. first of all, it would be great to have assad on record signing the cwc because once he then uses the chemicals, it's harder for him to deny that he did because he didn't have them. he now has a legally binding commitment that opens him up to legal action and makes it easier to set the legal precedent for the use of force. remember, this time around, that was one of the biggest problems the obama administration had, especially with our international allies, there were lots of countries saying it would be illegal to use force against assad. this starts to the lay the predicate to how to make the case internationally. seconds, if you can get inspectors in there in some way and take the chemicals away, you are starting to erode the regime's capacity to use them.
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you're also probably eroding to a certain extent the regime's mora morale, that they don't have complete freedom of action and are subject to these kind of international constraints. >> if syria signs it, you have a disincentive to people below the level of assad, they'll think if they end up at the international court if they lose power and break laws they are signed into. i know we've got to go. >> ken, thank you for that. >> thanks for having me. tea partyers aren't the only ones who don't want to raise the debt ceiling. it's quts the cycle" and it's friday the 13th. this is for you.
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♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor
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just in case you thought we moved past the debt limit debate, a new poll shows that overwhelmingly americans do not think congress should raise it. during a time dominated by syria, let's not forget the battles brewing back here at home. we're set to hit the debt ceiling as early as next months and republicans seem content with letting us default. the politics guy at the business insider. the latest battle has been over the continuing resolution, republicans having to sort of embarrassingly pull it from the floor because tea partyiers did not think it went far enough in terms of defunding obama care. obviously sparking frustration with leadership and jonathan in new york magazine said, when
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reporters asked john boehner if he had any idea to keep the government opened, he replied, do you have an idea. one aide privately, they're screwing us and yet another when asked for comment, sent reporter indicate nocera this clip. >> doesn't anyone notice this, i feel like i'm taking crazy pills. >> crazy pills. that was awesome. >> isn't a person who actually benefits from this situation and the group that benefits nancy pelosi and the democrats, they are ultimately going to have to rely on some democrats to keep the government from shutting down, aren't they? >> when that happens, they get to dictate terms for what the spending bill that gets passed will look like. john boehner is desperate to get something to pass from the republican caucus that is a plausible bill to keep the government open, they want all of the cuts in sequestration
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through for the next year with possible exception of some cuts in the defense department. but if they can't get anything through the republican caucus or only thing is a poison bill defunding obama care, democrats will be able to say that's not serious, you're looking to shut down the government. whatever comes out of the democrat controlled senate will drive the decision what spending looks like for next few months and next year in the federal government. republicans really are shooting themselves in the foolt on this policy issue. >> who really doesn't benefit, the american people. it's a nonstarter if republicans can't come to the table united. you have a number of republican senators hoping to strike a large fiscal deal with democrats and the white house but you also have paul ryan leading this submission in the house who basically wants nothing to do with it. this is what he said in politico, it doesn't matter what they do, doesn't matter what john mccain and others do on the taxes and rest. if they want to give up taxes for the sequester, we're not going to do that. it doesn't really affect us.
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but it does affect us and the american people if republicans can't find common ground here. >> there are two separate issues, one is the thing john mccain is working, he and others would like a fix for the sequester. they are concerned about cuts in defense spending and willing to make significant concessions to democrats in exchange for unwiding those. in the house there's not a lot of appetite. house republicans are happy to keep spending levels, which are quite low, both for the military and nondefense parts of the government. they are happy to keep those going forwards but that's a separate issue from keeping the government open. i don't think -- i think paul ryan is right, you're not going to get a deal between the house and senate that reshapes the federal budget and makes changes in taxes or entitlement programs you would need but you will have to get some sort of fundsing bill that is status quo, what the government spends next year will look like what is spent this past year. that's the thing house republicans are choking over getting to the floor. eventually something will have
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to pass, probably will nancy pelosi's help. >> josh, just five scheduled legislative days stands between the house and government shutdown and as of now republican leaders have no idea how to stop it. we have a group of republicans dying to do in this case to stop obama care, including shutting down the government and another group saying, that doesn't make sense for us long term legislatively or short-term legislatively. can this party get out of its own way? >> eventually they'll have to. we've seen this happen over and over again. it happened on the bill to deal with expiring tax provisions at the end of last year when the bush tax cuts were expiring. republicans tried to move their proposal for the house, couldn't get 218 votes and pulled it from the floor. nancy pelosi saved them on that. it happened on the farm bill. it got defeated unexpectedly. the republican leadership thought they had the votes to pass it and they didn't. a deal will have to be worked
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out on that. we saw it with an alternative in obama care, the big initiative was supposed to be a nod toward having something to say other than repeal obama care. this happened before and they always find a way through. there will be more -- >> are they going to be able to find a way through vis a vis obama care? >> no, when they have to. the government can't shut down and the republicans understand that is a political disaster for them. they will find a way to pass a bill that keeps the government open. they don't know what the way is yet. they are supposed to go back into recess around the 20th of this month. i don't think they'll be able to do that. they'll have another week in session to figure it out. >> there was also action on another expensive big government program the massive nsa surveillance, just this week ruled and i'll read from the "washington post" after seeing documents declassified by the government that showed surveillance quarter was ripping
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into nsa in 2011 for an unspecified compliance violation and misleading the court, now we know precisely why it was so angry. more than 15,000 people's phone lines were wrongly targtded because they didn't meet the standard for reasonable suspicion by the court. 15,000 people, it's a lot. then just today we have a ruling basically granting a request from the aclu to discuss more secret opinions. everyone remembers this as part of what the president and congress have been fighting about. what do you make of the two court rulings and how that affects a congress that is close to defundsing the nsa? >> we'll know when we see the court rulings, not knowing what's in them, we don't know how congress will react. they might find something they find objectionable and come back and change the nsa program. as you note, 24r6s a close vote on restricting the phone records
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program, 205 members of the house voted in favor of an amendment to restrict the nsa activity. the coalition that the white house has backing up what their actions here -- it includes leadership from both sides of the aisle but not a large majority. if they see something they are bothered by, you might see a tightening of various surveillance programs. >> thanks as always. >> thank you. up next, new research reveals what americans are really getting up to in the air. get it? up to. >> hey? >> oh, my, that is refreshing. >> would you care for some slippers? >> sounds lovely. [ laughter ]
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the historic flooding in colorado leads the news cycle ones again today. thousands are being ee vakt waited at this hour. the interstate is closed. all of that water is moving downstream and spilling rivers and creeks over their banks. leanne gregg is in the middle of the disaster zone. >> reporter: the massive amounts of water have wiped out roads and bridges and homes turning streets into rivers. >> we're just now beginning to try to assess the scope of the damage. >> reporter: the governor urged residents to take every precaution. >> we're asking people tore exceptionally careful and to if at all possible, stay off the roads. >> reporter: now the long cleanup will continue following the state's historic flooding event. from floods to fire, the massive blaze that destroyed one of the most iconic portions of the jersey shore boardwalk is nearly contained. they are still battling hot spots and it could take days to get it under control.
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destroying five blocks of the seaside park and seaside heights communities, including 32 businesses. this is the same area that survived super storm sandy and business owners are left with an unimaginable loss. jetblue flights nationwide were delayed for hours today because of computer problems. for some people they were experiencing an average delay of about 90 minutes. many frustrated passengers went on social media and what did they do? they aired their frustrations. >> oh, my god, 90 whole minutes. wow, by the time you get on an airplane you're so stressed out from the long lines and getting felt up by tsa and bossed around by airline employees who seemed like they were dictators in a former life, and you can imagine this actually happening. >> i can't stand it anymore. i've got to get out of here. i've got to get out of here. >> calm down, get ahold of
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yourself. >> let me handle this. >> calm down, get back to your seat. i'll take care of this. calm down! get a hold of yourself. >> you're wanted on the phone. >> everything is going to be all right. >> it's no surprise that arm r airlines are making money from selling alcohol on flights, even more so than food. >> no actual women were harmed in that, stage hitting, nobody was hit in that clip. >> if you do the -- like it's scary if you see it but it didn't happen. >> it looked real. >> we can do stage hitting after the show and -- >> i'm good, actually, thank you. >> this segment is about stage hitting and that ruins everything. >> i already need a drink. this conversation has just begun. >> the stress of flying and anxiety of that abby feels might go down. people want a drink. i want two or three when i get
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on a flight especially deals with someone next to you, won't stop talking. >> and 5-year-old and infant next to you. >> or 90 minute delay. talk about first world problems. 90 whole minutes. >> you wouldn't be first to complain. >> ari is the one tweeting that. i was not. you never seen any complain about a airline delay. whatever, this is the way it is. selling stuff on the plane makes me think this could be a valuable little sort of in-air mall for services -- i haven't fully thought it out. >> i have. >> but there's other services that could be sold like imagine if you could get a massage on the plane. >> exactly. >> i would never do that. >> i would buy into that or imagine if there was a baby-sitting surface on the plane. >> done. done. >> the baby sitter is taking care of your kids back there. you could make a little money for everyone. >> i'm in favor of food rubs on the plane. they've got to get that going. i understand the whole drinking
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thing because i'm one of those really nervous flyers. i don't sleep for nights before i have a flight. >> you sound like somebody who used to be on the show. >> i know, steve hates flying too. there are a number of people that are freaked out to flying for whatever reason. i heard the stats, it's interesting, you're more likely to die from a shark or donkey -- >> or a sharknado. >> i know you're wondering how you die from a donkey? >> what about donkeynado. >> that's not a thing. so silly. >> in all reality i understand this idea. people don't realize though that because of the air pressure changes it makes alcohol that much more potent. >> that's right. >> that's why we drink in the air. >> it reminds me of the scene on bridesmaids, can we take a look. >> hey, buddy. how are you doing? >> i'm good.
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i'm so much more relaxed. thank you, helen. i just feel like i'm excited and i feel relaxed and i'm ready to party with the best of them and i'm goneto go down to the river. >> wow, it looks like somebody is really relaxing now. >> well, a serious segment like this called for some serious expertise, i personally booked an aviation expert. our senior aviation correspondent steve car knackky. to toure was floating the idea of services inflight. what would your ideal look like? >> that takes place outside of a flight. the conversation abby with the statistics she's quoting,
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obvious industry lies, i've been saying for years -- >> i have one more. you could fly on average once a day for 4 million years before a fatal plane crash. >> i checked and it's heart disease and cancer and plane crash. every year one of those is the top killer in this country. you know, it takes an awful lot to get me on an airplane. it's very rare i'll step foot on one. court order might get me on. ambien episode. when there's a delay when i'm going to be in an airplane, i call it a stay of execution. those 90 minutes would have been the best of my life. the other thing i want to say to the kids, i think segments like this give kids the wrong idea. >> stop. >> get out of it while you can. >> any tips? >> can i ask you a question? >> happily. >> when you were watching the leadup to this segment, did it help you when he yelled it was a silly segment, do you find that useful? >> this is the message you're
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setting for children toure. >> steve, i understand you're doing something this weekend involving a 70s game show on your show? >> yes, this is a great tradeoff, i'm talking about my airplane paranoia in exchange for this plug. if you're confused or indifferent or interested in what's going on in washington, we'll put it in classic 70s game show form. >> of course. >> microphone, loud plaid jacket, great cheesy music. wait until you hear the voiceover. >> steve, those '70s game shows were the height of american television history. i salute you for taking a page from them. you should reformat your whole show around them. >> i hear a little wink martindale in your voice there. >> i'm looking forward to seeing the loud plaid jacket personally. >> steve, that concludes this episode of the dating game. up next, the new film being called a horror movie for smart people. we'll be back in two and two.
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five years ago this weekend layman brothers filed for bankruptcy, a single event that would change the course of american history. the first domino to fall bringing the u.s. economy to the brink costing millions of americans their jobs and homes and leaving the public of a dislike and distrust of wall street that lingers to this day. only 14% have a positive view, 42% harbor ill will according to a new wall street poll. like it or not, most aspects of ours lives from the price of gas to the food we buy depends on what happens in wall street and what happens here. u.s. federal reserve, the money printer that keeps big banks and wall street flush, a new acclaimed documentary takes viewers inside the institution showing us the impact of every decision the fed has made and
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will make sfwl there's a natural inclination that things are fixed, but things are not fixed. >> printing money doesn't produce goods and services. it doesn't hire people. it may seem like the right short-term medicine but can the cure be worse than the disease in some cases? >> the way the healthy economy grows people earn money and go out and spend it. the way an unhealthy economy grows people borrow it and go out and spend it. >> the united states consumed more than it produced for at least a decade. what country, ask yourself, in history can do that indefinitely forever? >> and joining us no is film maker jim bruce, the man behind "money for nothing" inside the federal reserve. debuting tonight in d.c. and new york. the fed really is the wizard behind the curtain, isn't it? >> absolutely. we try to reveal in the film the huge impact fed policies have had on our economy, our society
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and really people's lives because i feel it's a great untold story, the impact of this institution. >> jim, one of the things you unpack in the film are the real winners and losers in the financial crisis and bank bailout. >> somebody is paying the price for employee interest rates, it's you and me who have money market accounts earning.27% which punishes the elderly and people on a fixed salary. i worked to save that money and now in one swoop the fed decides i get nothing for that money in order to bailout the banks. that to me is outrageous. >> the bailouts were paid for on backs of the poorest and elderly and most vulnerable in society. that seems incrediblien fair. >> if you look at fed policy, it's regressive, when they support the economy or try to
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support employment, they stimulate the financial sector and that tends to go to the biggest banks and stock market and goes to lately it's been going to housing. you can argue maybe that's going to work and help our economy recover but you can argue we've done this before and had stock booms and housing booms and the average person isn't better off. >> jim, to that point, i would say the film is fairly critical of current fed policy and ben bernanke in particular. aren't they just doing the best they can in the face of congressional inaction with the tools that they have? >> absolutely. congress is not doing its job. that's clearly part of the story. but you could also ask with the stock market going up 25% a year, what motivation does congress have to launch a stimulus bill or make hard choices about our economy? i worry -- yes, the fed is the only game in town, trying to do whatever they can. i just worry that what they do is they create big booms in
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financial markets and they've done it lately. the stock market obviously more than doubled from 2009. maybe that's a good thing but maybe we're already back to a point where it's going to fall again. you have to ask, are we dog the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? today's policies are so similar to the policies and rationale and justification they used in 2003 and 2004 and 2005 when they knew housing prices were soaring and mortgage were growing and they thought it was a good thing. it was in short term maybe for some people, but if you look at the long run, there's a huge damage. i worry that the fed is going to make that same mistake again. >> jim, if you're starting a country from scratch, you could have the president or congress set monetary policy itself. we have a system where we've deliberately tried to insulate the fed from political pressure. one interesting thing about your movie, you couldn't have released it at certain points when the fed was out of politics
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and the headlines. from everything from the libertarians saying audit the fed to liberals taking a close look at the rezbresive consequences of standard monetary policy, what do you make of the fact at this moment the fed has become a political football? >> i think that's a big worry. i think historically there's a reason you want to have an independent central bank. that's an important thing that i support. and i worry that the fed is in some ways without willingly doing so risking its own independence. when you get involved in things -- when you directly support the stock market, chairman bernanke in september of 2012 a year ago announced qe3 and he was saying, what it would do is push up stock prices and housing prices. i think there's going to be push back if this doesn't work out. >> it seems the perfect time for this documentary. the film is "money for nothing" opening in new york and d.c. tonight and then coming to a city near you. in other wall street news,
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hi, there. we're going to talk about love now. since ancient times men and women have seen love differently, as you probably know. some guys think this is what a woman wants. >> i love you. you complete me. >> i can't tell you how many times i've said that to toure and women think this is all guys are looking for. >> you got three really big weeks ahead of us. it's wedding season. >> we're going tons and tons of ladies that their going to throw their inhib ikss to the wind. >> who's going to catch them. >> grab that net and catch the butterfly. >> they are actually looking for more of this. >> do i look okay? >> something is missing. >> nothing else is going to fit
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in this dress. >> maybe something in this box. i don't want you to get too excited. it's only on loan. [ laughter ] >> laughter -- >> especially julia's laugh. >> love and laughter go together. people say they want a lover who laughs at their joke. a majority of women fell in love with a man based on his humor. a majority of both men and women say jokes are a turn-on. joining us to break down the funny and sexy, the scientific adviser for dr. helen fisher. >> thanks for being here. >> i want to start with a quick dating tip from jay leno. take a lesson. >> on the first day the women said do you want kids? let's get coffee first. >> can you use laughter to also
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avoid things you dont want to talk about on a date? >> absolutely. there are two places you should avoid any humor, that's in bed with somebody and the other is during an argument. even at the end of an argument it could lighten things up. it drives up the dop amine system in the brain and advertises your creativity and boosts the immune system and creates intimacy. both men and women like somebody with a sense of humor, but women more than men. >> they are different types of sense of humor. >> absolutely. >> there's sarcastic and dry and cheesy, i don't even know how to describe your sense of humor. >> i know about the cheesiness from listening to your jokes since you joined the show but i'm hoping -- >> good one, ari. >> but one of the questions in the survey, which sitcom
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relationship to people aspire to the most and the winner was monica and chandler. they are my favorite too. >> when is joey going to be home? >> i was kind of hoping we could do this without him? >> all right. now, leave the gloves on. >> but i just cleaned the bathroom. >> yeah, why don't relose the gloves. >> this is the quintessential funny guy lands the hot girl. you look at david spad who landed a number of beautiful women over the year, the list goes on and on. it seems like if you are a funny guy, you really can land -- >> it reduces pain, it really creates intimacy. when you're being funny, you're advertising your intelligence because you're advertising that you're creative and creativity is naturally linked with intelligence and versatility and with mental flexibility. and with imagination.
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so men want to be funny and for good reasons because women want funmy men. when we asked whether you would leave a person who wasn't funny, 28% said men did. >> wow. >> there's reasons to be -- >> so having someone leaving you because you're not funny, that's no joke. >> well, i mean, but actually, to that point, what if you just aren't funny? are you, like, doomed to a life of solitude? >> no, find somebody -- i think you'll find somebody else who is not funny and enjoy a lot of other parts of life that aren't that funny. i was amazed. >> relationships void of laughter. >> we asked, do you want people to laugh at your jokes. and i was just sitting here listening to you guys and i was thinking, well, 80% do want people to laugh at their jokes. and 20% do not. so -- >> who are those 20%? >> the unfunny ones. >> a little weird. >> we were talking about this. from an evolutionary perspective, why do we have a sense of humor in all these
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benefits that -- to our brain from it? >> yeah. it's really an interesting question. and i don't know if i've got the whole answer. the bottom line is all kinds of animals like to play. and they like to play for the same reasons we like to play, because it really relieves boredom and really is good for the muscles and bones and brain and et cetera, et cetera. so probably sense of humor came from the fact that people like to -- all kinds of animals like to play. i know that chimpanzees really like sort of these slip on the banana peel jokes. >> yeah. >> we all like those. >> you see these humorous -- one person plays on words, funny, witty things. and the next guy is really just, you know, throwing pies. >> the banana peel is so classic. >> it is. >> and you laugh every time. i can't tell you how many times ari makes jokes and it's dead silence, because we don't get it or we're not sure if he's joking or not. people like the response of a laugh. >> absolutely, they do.
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we found very good data for that and people are going to leave you if you aren't funny. >> can you diagnose as a doctor, i don't want to put you on the spot whether abbey's passive-aggressive represents humor-based attraction? >> i need more time. >> and there is a gender gap. you were looking at people specifically doing online dating and you found at least within that group, women by 50% said they liked to be the funny one in the relationship. that's about half. which sounds randomly like, okay. but with men, 79% of men said they need to be funny. what's that about? >> they've got the payoff. because women want a funny man more than men want a funny women. >> where does that come from? >> i -- sense of humor is so good for you that -- and i think women are trying to preserve their health. >> and they see david spade with all these beautiful women. and think that's what i need. >> bottom line, women are just as funny as men and we found
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that and women just as likely to be entertainers. >> men and women equal in all things. thank you for being here. up next, you're not going to want to miss this a love letter, a version of the putin editorial. that's next. ♪ my imagination will make that moment live ♪ eat thins. who's gonna take your wheat thins? i don't know. an intruder, the dog, bigfoot. could you get the light? [ loud crash ] what is going on?! honey, i was close! it's a yeti! [ male announcer ] must! have! wheat thins!
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open. and -- how dare! how dare! >> a lot of people read vladimir putin's editorial with disgust. it's hard to edit putin, but when the "times" saw the original version, they knew they had to get it changed. here we go. dear america, ha-ha-ha, it appears your beauty president needs help now. guess who is here to help him, uncle vladimir. he feels he needs to attack syria to prove his manhood, but he lacked russian blood. he cannot drink vodka like a man and knows al qaeda will take over. you want al qaeda nation? no, you should not want assad.
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he's nice guy. sorry. he would never use the chemical weapons on syria people who are trying to kill him. no, his wife was in the vogue. no one doubts poison gas was used in syria. but maybe the rebels used it to make bashir look bad. he does not have the chemical weapons. what are you talking about? i, uncle vladimir could make him get rid of the chemical weapons he does not have. see, russian believes in peace, unlike the united states, so into war lately. military intervention is common for you now. how is that working out for you? you know it is your attacks on people that make people want to have nuclear weapons to protect themselves from you. dictators come to me and say i need money and weapons of mass destruction or the u.s. will treat me like iraq and i say i understand. do you think you are exceptional you are like teenager with your we are special, we want blue jeans, we want to be loved, we want to beat everybody you up. you are more annoying than
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france. speaking of france, remember when you took credit? good times. we can work well together. any time you want me to come and solve your problems, just ask. want the me to solve any other problems you have? is i hear your government is about to shut down. that sounds awkward. and this is happening against the president's will? weird thing, this democracy. if people get in my way in my country, i jail them. why bother with all the talk, talk, talk. democracy is so weird. everyone must compromise and no one gets what they really want. strange way to run a country. in russian, i say i want something done and it gets done. so i'll talk to bashir and see if he has the chemical weapons. and if he does, i'll have him send them right over. as you would say in your country, the check is in the mail. you're welcome. signed vladimir v. putin, president of the world. as you can see, that obviously had to be edited down a lot. that does it for this cycle. jonathan, if you were his editor on that piece, i am sure you would have been horrified to get that as a first draft. >> oh, yeah. my best to natasha. good afternoon, i'm jonathan capehart in for martin bashir.
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it's friday the 13th. ooh. but don't freak out, mr. president. high-level talks under way in geneva. >> we had a constructive conversation. >> it's constructive, it's positive. >> those conversations are continuing. >> the stakes are high. >> in the press conference yesterday. >> a bad start. >> the propaganda of a homicide al clepto. >> is something getting lost in translation. >> this is not a game. >> with vladimir putin. >> looking to share his super bowl ring. >> extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional. [ bleep ] you. >> i like john boehner. i like him. >> it's time for the president and his party to show the courage. >> we need to be the caucus with the will to defund obamacare. >> another republican-manufactured crisis. >> when i was a ki
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