tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC September 16, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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this is what you stay with. >> they said the stock markets are discounting mechanisms. 175 points in the dow. >> i like the look of mark where he looks like he fled to brazil. >> the 90 second u.s. senators. only three. >> three in the center. >> elizabeth warren and she and john mccain are paprtners. >> chuck and "the daily rundown" is next. >> we have breaking news right now. going on blocks from capitol hill reports an active shooting scene at the washington navy yard. unfolding as we speak. we will have details as soon as we can. we will get them to you. this morning, summer's end. president obama pulls his name
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to be the next fed chair. could janet yellin be the first woman to hold the job? president obama is excited about that idea. what do edward snowden and the in nra have in common. the surprising legal leaning on the gun rights group. good morning from washington. this is daily run down. we have to get to the breaking news. security forces have just entered the building in search of a gunman who remains at large according to navy officials. an active shooting here in washington, d.c. somebody opened fire, a lone gunman at this point is all we know. we have folks going out there immediately trying to get the situation. no reports of any fatalities, but it aer 52s to be a loan gunman. we have a former fbi profiler and cliff, we are all getting quick first reports of what's going on. loan gunman and no fatalities
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yet. this is the navy yard. could be dealing with ex-military. what are you thinking about? >> where the shooting is believed to have taken place is in the fourth floor of a building that holds about 3,000 people that work there on a normal work day. we know the shooting supposedly took place at about 8:30. there reports of multiple people wounded as you suggest. we don't know about anybody being killed or motive or weapon. we know the d.c. police are on the scene. of course there will be military police on the scene and the fbi will have jurisdiction, but it's a fast moving situation. the question is is this alleged gunman still in the building that contains upwards of 3,000 people? that will be a cmonumental problem. they will try to help anybody
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who is wounded and try to evacuate and find the shooter. >> we canal t you this. the navy is put on release, one confirmed injury at this point. we want to dip over to the friendins and colleagues at wrc for coverage. let's take a listen. >> a lot of information coming out. we know there is an active shooter inside the navy yard. it may be on the third floor. again, person has been confirmed down. we are hearing that there may be other folks down as well. we are down. i can tell you we have everybody responding here. we have every federal and agency and s.w.a.t. teams and canine units on the scene here. we have air units in the air. we have seen medivacs. i have to tell you from the looks on their faces from the federal law enforcement folks
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responding here, this is a serious situation on the scene. we will see if we can get accounts of what happened. a lot of people heading to work and on foot. as of right now, we don't know where the active shooter is. he is in the building, but we don't know what part of the building that person is in. again, we are just getting a release that security team, a s.w.a.t. team is getting ready to enter the building to start locating this person. we will work the scene to get updated information on how many people have been confirmed down. that's all i can tell you right now. >> as you can see from the live picture there, there going to be several street closures around this area as law enforcement search for this active shooter at the navy yard. apparently law enforcement saying this lone gunman is in the naval sea systems headquarters command building,
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197. as you saw from the live picture, there tons of emergency vehicles and command centers being set up and locking roads. we will get you the latest on which roads to avoid. there is a live picture right now. fire trucks completely blocking that section. >> from that picture and d dot confirming that second street to fourth street at m closed right now. the 11th street bridge closed as well. we will get the latest to confirm the other things, but reports at this point that the southeast, southwest freeway is being impacted. there may be back ups there outside of rush hour traffic that will have a huge impact. there will likely be closures along south capital street which is the main intersection at the western end of m street there. >> metro also reporting closures to the navy yard metro station near the scene. we imagine at this point there going to be closing the
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entrances to the metro stations and as transit police work to support the law enforcement on the scene. we want to recap what we know right now. we know at this point there is an active shooter, a lone gunman on the scene. >> i want to bring in cliff van zandt, when you are doing a lockdown of this size, explain both the struggle and is it easier to do a lockdown because this is a military installation and frankly these folks are a bit more trained. >> with the military naval base in the united states, they will have to set up this strong outer perimeter and keep people except
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law enforcement and first responders out. that inner perimeter, chuck, that will have to be around this building. this is a massive building. 3,000 people. there going to be people evacuating from every exit, perhaps even windows. law enforcement will have to separate them. more time, if there is an active shooter still shooting, they will have to practically move in and find that shooter before anyone else is hurt. >> all right, clint. stick with us. we want to bring in jim miklaszewski. you are getting word about this about 20 minutes ago. you heard multiple victims potentially. so far the meaf is only confirming one injury. what more do you know? >> according to naval officials i have been talking to, a lone gunman opened fire in the navy systems command at the u.s. navy yard in washington, d.c.
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several people are reported to have been wounded. no reports of any fatalities at this time. no idea whether the gunman is a sailor or civilian. apparently there was ongoing activity. at the initial burst of gunfire in which several people were wounded, there were reports sometime later there was additional gunfire in the building. d.c. s.w.a.t. teams and security officials entered the building i would say about 10, 15 minutes ago in search of the gunman. reporting several people have been wounded in this incident. no reports of fatalities. the identity of the gunman is unknown. no idea yet as to what kind of weapon this gunman was brandishing. >> i want to add a couple more things.
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wrc our local affiliate in washington reporting two people inside the building have been shot and one of those shot was actually on the roof. the question of course is, is that where the gunman is now? we don't know. casey hunt is one of the capitol hill reporters who happens to be in the area right now on the phone. casey, what can you me about what you are seeing. >> hey, chuck. it is a chaotic scene here at the navy yard. there multiple fire trucks and police cars and ambulances. we were just moved across. a few minutes ago this is still an active shooter situation. they don't have it under control. there multiple agencies down here. the police have taken the lead that it is here. the police are also involved. the capital police and marshals
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with long rifles. when they warned us to move back and said we were in physical danger standing too close to the yard itself. >> clearly no shortage of law enforcement at that part of washington, d.c. with everybody that is involved. at this point it is our understanding that d.c. police is taking the lead on this. is that everything you are hearing? jim? >> as far as i know. there some security personnel at the navy yard. but i can tell you in terms of a rapid response to this kind of incident at the navy yard, it would be the washington, d.c. police involved. according to navy officials, those security forces have entered in search of this gunman. again, several people reported wounded by a lone gunman whose
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identity is unknown and quite frankly as far as we know, that s.w.a.t. team is going room to room, floor to floor in search of this gunman. no report that he has been apprehend apprehended. >> not to say that you know the inner workings of every military building under the red,white,and blue rick of the navy, but is this civilian or uniformed personnel or an even split? >> it's a combination of both. you will find in most of the military installations here across the united states and around the world, there is quite a heavy civilian workforce. again, we don't know if the shooter is navy or civilian at this point. once you get past the outer perimeter inside, there is not necessarily a high level of
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security in the building. it sounds as if it would have been somebody who would have had open access to the base somehow. a government id whether civilian or military. once inside, whoever it is. >> clint, the concern is going to be is he taking hostages and where is he holding himself up? is all of the situations in there are probably trying to identify him and given that he is likely to have gotten where he got with the government id, it should be fairly easy to identify him. explain everything that is going on. the ones that are trying to work to id who this guy is and dealing with the active situation. >> one of the things they will do is shut this building down as mick was saying. the navy issued a command shelter in place. that tells everybody working
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inside that building, going in your office and lock the door and get under the desk and barricade yourself in. that's good to save the lives of people inside that building, but it's a tremendous challenge for the tactical teams who have to go as mick says floor by floor, room by room. you have to clear every room to see if anybody has been injured and number two, to get innocent people out of the way and number three, the shooter may be there. realize a shooter could do anything from what you are suggest of taking hostages to throw down his gun and pretend he is more victim and try to escape that way. law enforcement has all of those scenarios to deal with. a terribly dangerous situation. >> we have a few more bits and pieces of information. police are asking and saying the immediate area -- i will bring
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>> later as the gunman worked his way through the building, there was a sound of more gunfire. i don't know if there additional casualties. people are wounded and there no reports of any fatalities and this is still a hot situation. >> mick, where did he first open fire? do we know? was it in the lobby or on the ground floor? do we know where? >> don't have that detail yet. it would be unusual for. >> i want to bring in bill
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rains, an eyewitness who is down in the area right now. an employee at the dga. me what you are seeing right now and what you saw. >> i just had a -- almost a motorcade style group of 15 cars and all the sirens go by to the scene. it's hectic right now. cars are still -- police cars are still rolling in. >> did you hear any of this chaos before you were -- did you hear gunshots or anything like that? >> i didn't hear gunshots. i was walking on the way to the metro here on new jersey and m to head to work. i saw what looked like a gentlemen on the ground with cpr being performed. i don't know if that was related to the incident. i am about a block block or a half block from the navy yard.
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they have it roped off and cars are still rolling in. i went to the metro to try to get on the metro for work and probably two seconds after that, a couple of police officers came down and ushered everyone out of the metro. i don't know what is going on with that. >> i appreciate that. here's the update we have on metro. transit police have been deployed and the entrance and the new jersey avenue side is closed. metro is working on the entrance right now. the trains will continue to run, but any bus trading near that area is detoured or delayed. we are getting reports from with, rc that montgomery county support in a s.w.a.t. team and there patients, vehicles of these gunshots that are en route to washington hospital. we are going to dip in to the coverage of our affiliate here from wrc.
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>> i am hearing more shots. >> we will go back because we lost the signal. this is stung information we are getting. go ahead and finish what you were saying. >> we are here right now and we are hearing that shots are being fired right now. the vehicles are moving in and we have a chopper circling overhead. we are hearing multiple shottings being fire and there is an officer down. we don't know if it's one of the three that were shot, but seconds ago we heard multiple shots being fire and officer down. we have multiple units here from d.c. we saw folks running towards the scene. as you can imagine, this is evolving second by second. this active shooter situation is still going on right now. we know that person is inside the building with a rifle and possibly a shotgun right now. right now we will toss it back to you to gather more information from the scene.
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>> we will give you time to do that. 18 machines after 9:00 on a monday morning. i want to reset for everyone who is joining us or watching with us. >> we are dipping in and out of our affiliate at washington, d.c. he just heard shots fired and unconfirmed reports of an officer down. i want to go back to casey hunt, our capitol hill reporter on the scene right now. casey, i know you just heard and saw some more emergency vehicles. what can you tell us? >> yeah, there is park police helicopter that is circling over that just arrived. you saw hem open up the gates to the navy yard and a black s.w.a.t. truck went through. they closed the gates behind that. we haven't seen anyone coming out of the navy yard. there reports of people shot. ambulances are moving around and parked outside with their backdoors open.
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the scene here, they are clearly prepared to deal with the wounded. >> and casey, i know you said you are hearing a lot of chotering. how many are overhead? >> as of right now, only one is circling low. it came low enough to see the park police logo. it's unclear and looks as though it might be landing, but it might be flying down low in between the buildings and coming back over the top again. clearly what's going on here is not resolved. as we talked to the occasional police officer who wandered by to push the growing crowd back away from the scene, they haven't had new information other than to say this is going on. >> i want to bring clint van zandt back in. we are dealing with unconfirmed reports and wrc are talking about active shots being fired a few minutes ago. unconfirmed reports of an
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officer down. if that is true, what does that tell you about the gunman as you are profiling him right now? >> sounds like a moving situation, chuck. at 8:20 this morning, shots were heard fired in believe 197 is what is being reported. anywhere from to three people down depending on whose report you deal with, but this latest report is disturbing also. what we don't know is where that alleged officer down report was. was it inside the building? was it inside the navy yard? or could this be a running shooting situation with the subject as he tries to escape? perhaps it's even unrelated. that's always the challenge as you know when we are trying to report the fast moving situations. you don't want to report something as fact when it's not sourced yet. what we clearly know is this is a traumatic situation.
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there hundreds or literally thousands of people trying to get out of that area and there the gawkers trying to get into that area. law enforcement and first responders are somewhat in between. this is going to take a while so they can sort this out. realize they still have to deal with one or more victims we are told have been shot and perhaps even a police officer and an armed subject who is carrying two different reports. one says a rifle and another says a shotgun. some type of long gun that the shooter is allegedly carrying. perhaps as used in this situation in the last hour. >> stick with us. thanks very much. i want to go back to jim miklaszewski. i understand you have updated information. >> we are hearing reports from here in the building that the gunman may be armed with an ar 15, a military style assault weapon. that is issued to all four of
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the services, the army, navy, air force, and marine corps. but still unclear whether the person was in uniform or whether he is a civilian or whether he is military. nbc's justice department correspondent pete williams has been told that the shooting began outside of either the building or the navy yard itself. there some photos being posted now on some of the social media sites that show people attending to a person on the ground right outside the u.s. navy yard there in washington, d.c. as the information filters in, this is all sketchy. a lot of these facts have not been confirmed, but the photo appears to confirm that one person appears to have been wounded outside the navy yard. they are seen lying on the sidewalk and being attended to
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passers by. this is still an active shootingas we heard from the wrc comrades over there at channel 4. they are hearing shots inside the building as the security forces work their way through to locate this gunman. >> right. and right now just to update folks, we believe it's a lone gunman. there is one confirmed injury, but as nick reports, there more than one victim. at least one that the navy confirmed. wrc reporting that patients are being taken to the washington hospital center. there is a lot of unconfirmed reports out there and that's where we are being careful. mick, i understand you have something else. >> we talked to navy personnel who say they had talked, the navy has talked and investigators have talked to a lone witness who managed to flee the scene. that witness is one who first
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saw the gunman open fire inside the navy yard and reported that at that time there was one person wounded. again, according to navy officials, they believe that several people have been wounded and they are not clear about the exact count. so far again, they have no reports of any fatalities. >> let me update you on the reporting coming from wrc, our affiliate here, channel 4 in washington, d.c. of the reports of an officer being shot. they have a few more details. the officer was shot in both legs. he is being removed from the building. so far it appears at least two people have been shot in the building. on the roof and another victim at new jersey and m street. told you about the officer that is down. the belief is that it is a lone gunman. you heard that he apparently is
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carrying an ar-15. a lot of this suf is moving quickly. we are trying to be careful and that's why we haven't posted photos yet, but that is everything we seem to know at the moment. we want to dip back into wrc and take a listen to their coverage as we continue to gather more information. >> in terms of an active shooter for the safety of the employees who work there. there 3,000 people in that building alone. that's why the active shooter originally we hear or confirm fire at about 8:20 this morning. we have the transportation reporter who was trying to go over which roads are closed and the impact this is having on the area. what can you tell us right now? >> obviously all you are to do is take a look at the scene on m street down by the navy yard and the ballpark. anyone who knows that area of the city knows that is a very, very busy commuter route. the bridge comes across that
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area and is the 11th street bridges are being closed. you are not going to get through any police blockade like we see on the screen right now. metio just tweeted saying that the new jersey avenue entrance of the grown line has been reopened and so right down there at the navy yard station, there two entrances. the navy yard and the half street entrance. metro saying that the navy yard station entrance has been reopened. a sploud situation and we will keep a look. >> we want to go back to casey hunt and talked to an eyewitness who ran from the shooting scene. >> this woman doesn't want herself identified at this point. she is a civilian employee with the navy yard and standing with a group who works at the navy yard. i am not sure about all
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civilians, but they are calling people that they knew who were working in and around this area. an area of cubicles. they were talking about where the shooter was attempting to get to us. he was wandering through the building. they have been able to account for most of the colleagues and say that one has not picked up his cell phone. >> i appreciate that and i want to bring in clint as you gather information from the law enforcement sources and from what you have been hearing on reports. how do you assess the situation right now? >> well, as for the shooting that took place, if this koops inside this building where we know the shooting koops, it would suggest that law enforcement has the shooter isolated in that building. that's the good news. the bad news is that 3,000
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people work in that building. they have to continue their efforts to clear the building to remove the wounded. we are hearing reports of three or more people wounded. that probably includes the police officer who you know is reported to be shot in both legs too. that suggests an obvious confrontation between a first responder and the gunman. the question is if this dpunman is armed with an ar 15 or m 16, that's a lot of firepower in a building. law enforcement will have to get there quickly before others are injured. >> i want to update with wrc, it is their source on the officer that was shot is from the d.c. firefighter union actually. that's what the reports they have been hearing. an officer was shot in both legs and has been since removed from the building. an obvious confrontation that
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must have taken place. mick, what more are you learning from your end? >> we are getting additional information and what appears to have been this gunman's opening. we are getting reports from u.s. military officials that a base security police officer may have been one of the first who was shot and apparently seriously wounded in addition others who were shot during this unidentified gunman shooting spree. we know in addition to the one local washington, d.c. security official who was shot in the legs at the opening cells of the shooting incident at the yeaf yard. apparently it was a base police officer who was shot and appeared to have been seriously wounded. several others are reported wounded. their condition unknown. no confirmed reports of any fatalities.
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>> we have another report that said they cannot confirm that the shooter is necessary low in the building. law enforcement do not know for sure whether the shooter is still in the building. we have the updates from you and the dwe and you identified as being one of the first vehicles whether it's the same or an additional officer down. >> this would have happened well before the d.c. police showed up. this is from an eyewitness account at the on set of the shooting incident. >> we believe, mick, just to summarize and get people up to speed, we believe this shooting took place sometime around 8:30 or 8:45 this morning and it was a lone gunman opening fire. help me reset the situation. >> it's in that approximate time frame that the gunman opened fire at the u.s. navy yard in
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washington, d.c. somewhere between 8:30 and 8:45. according to an eyewitness, one of the first to have been shot was a base security guard. not clear whether that person was military or civilian. there is a mixture of both. there were additional shootings after that. apparent low as the gunman moved through the building. it's still being described as an active shooting scene even though local authors are saying it's not clear that the gunman may still be inside the building. again, one security police officer according to eyewitnesss shot and seriously wounded and several others are wounded. no reported fatalities and the search goes on whether he is in that building or not. >> all right, jim miklaszewski, keep working your sources. clint, everything we are hearing with more information, what do
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you need to understand the current situation. law enforcement doesn't know where the gunman is. that seems clear right now. >> that's the challenge. there also things we don't know. we have seen situations where they isolated the gunman and they are not going to release that information. what we know and mick reported that one more time either a civilian or military law enforcement officer is one of the first to confront an active shooter. this takes us back to major nadal hasan in ft. hood where they had to confront him. one more time that's going on. the challenge here is the level of firepower. if the shooter has the semi automatic and fully automatic assault rifle inside that building, law enforcement will have a major job going floor by floor. these resores are not available immediately. we know on television for 45 minutes, the swagds are
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resolved, but you have to get them on the team and start the search and get the innocent out of the building. this is a big undertaking for them. >> that's for sure. we have a upon choer being used to deal with this. this is priority one. wrc is reporting total so far is that four people have been shot. apparently the first victim of this lone gunman and of course the situation about the exchange of gunfire that apparently took place a few minutes ago. i want to bring in frank thorp, a reporter on the scene. tell me what you see and what you have heard. >> it's still heavy police presence outside the navy yard. there was a group of people that
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were in the office when the shooting happened. the woman that was there for the shooting department want to talk to the press, but they were going through a list of people from the office and making sure they had a list of everybody was who safe. they said one person in the hospital. they are rattled. man said he was in the building and said he was walking through the hall ways trying to get an older woman out of the building. he got out safely, but right now there is a heavy police presence. s.w.a.t. vehicles are still being driven in. still being circled by helicopters here. people are definitely rattled. >> thank you, frank. let's get you up to speed. here's what we know. at about 8:20, a lone gunman fired at least three shots in the naval sea systems command headquarters in the naval yard
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section of washington, d.c. the gunman is still at large. they confirmed four people have been wounded. reports at least two of them were shot in the building. another shot possibly on the roof. nbc said it may be a base security guard who confronted the gunman. it's unclear if the go uhman is a civilian or military purpose, but the individual is believed to be armed with an ar 15, a military assault-style rifle. a very active scene. unclear where the gunman is. they descended on the area and 3,000 people in the building where the shooting took place and where the dpunman may be. they are told to shelter in place right now. i want to bring in pete williams. you heard our run down of what we think we know up to the moment. what can you add? >> i will give you a bit of information that undoubtedly
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will change as we go through the next several minutes, but that's the and two victims were police officers. is from d.c. and the other is a federal officer that's the initial information on the scene. seven victims. they think they identified the weapon the gunman is using. >> no, they didn't. >> somebody used your name to say the reporting came in. what else can you tell us about the response, fbi, d.c., law enforcement and d.c. police have taken the lead on this? >> i don't have a lot to add.
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a lot of law enforcement can help out. this is washington, d.c. a wash in law enforcement agency. you point out this is in the capital hill area. everyone and one of the main goals was to establish a perimeter. clint van zandt was talking about that earlier and that has been done. that takes doing because of the fact that it takes a lot of coordination to get all the people in place. they are confident that no one is going to slip out all the action on the inside. there seven victims, five either civilian or military and two from the police.
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>> in locking down this building, certain things are heavy low secured and certain are lighter. this is one of the lighter ones because it's a mix of civilian and military. >> just about every building includes from the pentagon to the more remote ones. there is really a large civilian presence in the installations. over the last couple of years, the whole theory about what people should do with an active shooter situation has undergone something of a change. it used to be the thought was lock the door, hide, and do nothing. there is an emerging theory and a lot of training on this. homeland security and the fbi has done a lot of this training. if you think you are with the shooter, fight back if you can. whether the people in this building received that training, i don't know. i suspect it's not been a
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widespread training throughout the federal government. for the simple reason that this sort of thing where there is an active shooter in an off site facility doesn't happen very often. we have seen several instances of somebody entering the pentagon. it's a drawing point for people who have grudges and mental problems that are armed. to go into a place like this which is in a sense, we are to think of this as a workplace shooting. that's the assumption. it's a place where people work. if someone had a dispute with someone who worked there or with the way 245ir7 handled, we will have to wait and see how that washes out and wait and see where the actual shooting began. whether it started outside and moved in or started inside the building. those questions remain to be answered. the top priority is to get this shut down. >> i will let you go back to
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reporting. i want to bring clint back in. our updated information is at least seven victims and two of them uniformed. one in a d.c. metro officer. a base officer likely the first person that confronted and tried to stop this gunman. the good news is no fatalities have been reported at all. hopefully that will continue to be the case. they have their perimeter set. >> we hope that's the case and continuing with violence and at least three different choices that employees and any civilian government building has in a shooting situation. that's usually the best way to get out of that building and that facility. run and get away.
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shelter in place, lock your door and get under your desk and put your phone on i have brit and hunker down and hope that guy doesn't come in. number three is just like we saw. there comes a time where there is no other choice and you have to fight back. i know this guy has an ar 15 allegedly and that's a very heavy caliber weapon. if there is no other choice, you get two or three people and you get the other weapons and that may be a lamp or something from your desk. you fight back. we will find out later on today what the various employees chose as the best route to do. again, we don't recommend people do anything that is going to bring more danger to themselves. unless they feel there is no
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other choice. then you make that same choice that many americans have made. you are going to fight back in a situation like this. >> it's hard to imagine ow instincts don't get in the way when it's your survival at stake. clint, continue to stick around and i want to go back to kasie hunt, one of our capitol hill reporters. they are being tough on reporters trying to keep them away which is understandable. >> it's definitely understandable. they are sharp in there, urging us to get back. i was told the man inside was potentially near his gun if i wasn't moved across the parking lot. that's the message that they have for the crowds. they talked about the area with local schools. there is not many blocks. i used to live a few blocks from
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her, but a lot of people do work from the nearby marine barracks a couple blocks away. you are seeing police cars driving down the streets and coming in. we saw several what appeared to be s.w.a.t. officers jogging down the street in front. here's another black s.w.a.t. truck that looks like it is about to pull in. it doesn't look like it abated just yet. >> if we can attest to this, this is a new residential area. this was not as residential as it has been today with the navy yard. the combination of residential and business. it was commuters where people worked and it would be abandoned on couweekends and at night. >> that's the reason this area
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has grown. they are redoing one of the warehouses nearby into residential kocondos. the area has changed a lot and it's impacting the neighborhood at the moment. >> gather information if you can. i want to show you the first pictures from this shooting scene. the communications director for the nevada congressman, he tweeted a couple of photos from the scene. it appears to be one of the injured being attended to. this was in the earliest stations, the earliest parts of the situation when this was tweeted and before the area was locked down. i want to go to another eyewitness that we have on the phone. i have jim cavanaugh, specialist to tell us and explain to us what is going on. how the lockdown is working and how the different law enforcement agencies are
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communicating with each other. >> chuck, exactly right. i heard the discussion with clint there. what police are doing here is locating the operations. they are trying to locate the shooter and then they will try to isolate him in a part of the building or a room. if he is still in there. they have to locate him first and then they want to isolate him. then they can deal with him. >> right and obviously if he is a government employee, he used his id to get into the perimeter. they would help them identify this person a lot faster than now. >> exactly. if they can get him behind a locked door if he's alone, they can start trying to negotiate and talk with him. if he is holding people which is a possibility if he can get someone, they will have to negotiate with them as well. if they can get it stabilized. the active shooters we have seen
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have been different. they are going in and when police arrived, they are engaging the mad shooter immediately. so is he going toa as soon as he is confronted, start shooting again? that could very well happen. it's very, very active at the moment. don't discount that he could escape as well. these things are chaotic and people can get out. >> here's what we think we know. the shooting appeared to have taken place around 8:20. the lockdown e-mail, two employees in that building to the navy employees, both civilian and military in uniform. the lockdown obstruction came in at 8:38. of course that instruction came before they had enough on the
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scene and before of course that i had the perimeter secured enough where they are confident the gunman had not gotten away. >> lockdown is going to prevent them from coming into certain areas, but maybe not from escaping the building. the fire escape and people there. they may want to get away from the shooter. generally they prevent access and not necessarily egress. the person went in and shot everybody in the unit he was upset about, he possibly could have escaped, but he could be in there. it's very fluid at the moment. >> jim cavanaugh will stick on the phone with us. i will go to tom costello who has gotten to the scene. this appears to be and could be the medivac helicopter. one landed at seventh and l in southeast to possibly take away one of the victims here.
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this could be what we are seeing now. what have you learned now that you are on the scene? >> are let me give you the scene where i am. i am at first and m street. i have an echo. the bottom line is we have seen a tremendous amount of assets rolling in and mobile s.w.a.t. teams in the last three minutes or so. a tremendous amount of police activity rolling in. hot red lights and sirens. one ambulance coming in hot and at least or two plnambulances standing by. the scene is five or blocks down. you can see the tremendous perimeter they established here. we have another ambulance now that is coming by and this is a d.c., fire, and ems unit. they established a big perimeter. one would assume they have rings
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around that and we are on the outer ring. if you go down four or five blocks, that's where the activity is. we have seen d.c. police and the transit police and unmarked police which federal agents as well, and military police move in here at a very high rate of speed. and not a lot of civilian activity at this point at all, chuck, so being kept four to five blocks away, we don't have access right now to anybody who has substantial information. we're just seeing the assets move in here at a very high rate of speed. still, more than an hour, of course, after this incident first occurred. >> tom, we should remind people that always the initial reports, we're getting one source, it's raw material in many ways that's coming in. some of it's from police scanners, some of it's from sourcing on the ground and we know that a lot of the information changes as this goes on. we want to obviously warn viewers of that who have become accustomed to knowing that
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stories change in various ways as the facts sort of get confirmed and we learn more information. go ahead, tom. >> reporter: i just wanted to point out more police assets moving in here now, unmarked vehicles. this has been all morning. i came driving down the george washington parkway to get here from northern virginia, and so as you can see, let's see who gets out of this vehicle here. they look like they're wearing body armor, helmets and bulletproof vests. as they get out of their vehicle, you can see a d.c. fire ambulance went further on do your here. just to give you a sense of how many police and emergency vehicles have moved in here, i left the northern virginia area up near i-495 and george washington parkway, for people who know this area, that's probably 20 miles away from this scene. all the way in, all the way driving here, i was passed by more and more emergency vehicles rolling in. most of those coming from northern virginia would have been federal, of course. >> right.
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we also know, for instance, montgomery county sent their s.w.a.t. team to help out d.c. so we know the entire metro area law enforcement community is on this. here's what we know right now or what we think we know right now. seven victims, seven shooting victims from this lone gunman. two of which are law enforcement personnel, one a d.c. metro police officer that according to wrc was shot twice in the legs. the second victim believed to be the first person to confront this lone gunman and we say gunman, we haven't had confirmed reports man or woman on this for what it's worth, but this lone gunman appears to be the first person this base security officer that this person was also shot. no fatalities have been reported so far. the gunman is believed to be inside this building in the naval yard, but it's unenclosure if he is. law enforcement officials haven't been able to confirm that fact but they believe they have their dragnet in place. let me get clint back in here.
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so clint, it's been over an hour since that naval building was put officially on lockdown when that e-mail went down warning those employees to get into lockdown mode. i imagine if they're going room to room, this could take hours. this isn't going to be resolved in minutes. >> yeah, this really can. now, part of what the tactical teams will be trying to do is trying to, as jim had suggested earlier, contain, isolate and if you can negotiate. get the shooter, if he or she is inside the building, get them isolated someplace and stop the shooting. that's what we're trying to do. but chuck, you have to imagine if you were part of a tactical team, you've got helmet, you've got goggles, you've got all that equipment on and now you're moving probably three to five officers, tactical agents in a team moving from door to door. any door you open could have that shooter behind it ready to take you on when you go through. so they would have to have multiple tactical teams. that's one of the reasons you
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see so many s.w.a.t. teams coming in is because you're going to have to assign parts of each floor, maybe each floor to multiple tactical teams to search. and again, the challenge in a situation like this, chuck, is always communications. can we talk to each other. can the navy talk to the fbi. can the fbi talk to the marshal service when we're doing something like this. and you have to have those reserve forces on the ground. if this shooting of this police officer took place outside the building, that could suggest the shooter is on the run. so you have to have police officers, tactical teams, both to set up perimeters as well as to be able to deal with your shooter. notwithstanding to get the civilians and other employees out of that kill zone, which everybody is right now, until we find out differently. >> you know, clint, just watching the situation, you don't see -- you don't see folks running, you don't see a lot of movements to other parts of
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washington or other parts of the navy yard. just their actions, they haven't been able to confirm whether in this navy building whether they think the gunman is in there or not, but it seems as if they're pretty confident of it just from the way they're not moving. is that fair to say? >> well, you go with what you have or you go with what you don't know. we don't know that he left, if it's a he, so we have to assume the shooter is still there until we hear otherwise. but, chuck, as you well know, there's other things going on in d.c. not only are schools being closed to protect children, but other government buildings, capitol, other military buildings, federal agencies, they are all increasing their security on the off chance this is not just one lone gunman but perhaps some type of terrorist incident that this was the precursor. there's no indication of that whatsoever right now but every agency who has protect if
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opportunities has to enhance the protection until they find out this situation has been resolved. >> okay, clint. thanks for that. i want to check back in very quickly to casey hunt, who of course is our capitol hill reporter who has been on the scene. i know that you've got police officers trying to push you farther and farther away from the scene. what can you tell me what you're seeing right now? >> reporter: i've been walking along some of the blocks across from the navy yard and you can just see, as tom was reporting, the presence here from law enforcement and first responders is just continuing to increase. i'm now seeing six fire trucks in a row from all over the city, different engine companies printed across them. there are clearly clusters of people who have seem to come out of the navy yard who are milling about along the street, which cuts down in front of me. one thing about this building is the entrances are controlled. you have to have, as you mentioned, a government i.d. to get in there, so the question at
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this point is whether or not he's still inside. the first responders here seem to think that he is. that's the guidance that they have at this particular moment. i talked to one firefighter as he was heading down to the scene. obviously he didn't have very much time to talk to us but they did say that they're operating under the assumption that he's inside the navy yard. >> casey hunt, thanks very much. well, it's an active manhunt right now. here's what we know. at least seven people have been shot and wounded inside naval c-systems command headquarters at the naval yard section of washington, d.c. the gunman is still at large and all reports indicate that it's one gunman. at least two officers are among the seven that have been wounded. there are no reported fatalities. the gunman is believed to be armed with an ar-15, a military assault rifle. that hasn't been confirmed yet but that is according to one report. 3,000 people work in this building where the shooting took place. those employees were told at 8:38 to shelter in place. they are still doing that. chris jansing will pick up our
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coverage from here. chris, take it away. good morning, thank you very much. i am chris jansing and we are following this blereaking news multiple shootings at the washington navy yard. seven people have been shot, five civilians, two are police officers. police and security forces are on the hunt for the shooter who is still at large at this hour. just moments ago, nbc station wrc got this footage of a helicopter using a basket to apparently pull up one of the injured and rush them off to the hospital for treatment. it's important to say we have gotten no word of fatalities. we also received this twitter picture from a spokes noon congressman steve horsford. schools are in lockdown mode. u.s. capitol police have increased security around the capitol but this is only as a precaution. we just got word from the white house that the president has been briefed several times about the unfolding situation at the
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navy yard. the by the deputy chief of staff. the president has directed his team to stay in touch with the federal officials, that would include naval officials, the fbi, local officials. there is a huge presence on the scene there and continues to grow from s.w.a.t. teams, d.c. police, naval security personnel, park police, capitol police, u.s. marshals, an enormous presence there. let's go now to nbc's pete williams who has been following this for us. pete, what can you add? >> reporter: okay. so we have a little more information here about what's going on. there are initial unconfirmed reports, and i think this is what everyone is concerned about at this point. it does sound like this is winding down here. there is a report of a location where the person with the gun, i guess we can say confidently now
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it's a man with a gun, was. they were responding to that scene. we've heard conflicting reports on whether they had gotten to him or not. but it does sound like this is in the last phases here, at least of the active shooter part. there are conflicting reports that the shooter is wounded, but it does sound like that's what most of these reports are beginning to indicate now and that they're responding to see precisely whether he's still alive, what his condition is, whether he's still a danger or not. in any event, he was heavily armed when he came into the navy yard building this morning. he was carrying at least one kind of long gun, either an assault rifle or a shotgun. we don't know which it was yet, and a handgun. so obviously a person who was heavily armed. we're told he's a black male and we don't know whether he's civilian or military. we don't know where the shooting
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