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tv   The Last Word  MSNBC  September 17, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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your keys at the bar and get a cab ride home. who knows if house republicans are going to sober up before government funding actually does >> the conservative editors of "the wall street journal" are now just absolutely terrified by john boehner and eric cantor. >> we can't blink in the face of adversity. >> we are for freedom. >> god bless the tea party. [ cheers and applause ] >> tea party people are tearing this place apart. >> you guessed it. a manufactured republican crisis. >> i'm convinced there is a brand new pair dime.
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paradigm. >> they're not normal members of congress. they're not legislators. >> oh, my god. they're not normal members of congress. >> what in the hell are they supposed to do, mr. brooks. >> there is a cage fight on the republican side. >> john boehner has no idea. >> it is about congressional dysfunction. >> the president put forth the compromise. >> obamacare is the number one job krimmer. >> we have got to defund it now. >> the continuing fight against obamacare. >> how about we defund the whole damn thing. >> are you willing to tank the economy to win. >> the markets are going to react violently. >> it would be catastrophic. >> america has the to pay it bills. >> why is everybody fighting this? >> this fight is about backbone. >> this is when we make our stand. >> we can't blink in the face of adversity. >> we're for freedom. >> we demand our freedom back.
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>> oh, my god, they're trying to actually oppose this. >> that's a terrible approach. >> this morning the conservative editors of "the wall street journal" made public their greatest fear. and it is nothing that president obama might do. their greatest fear is that republicans in the house of representatives will force a shut down of the government. the editors of "the wall street journal" know that john boehner and eric cantor don't want to do that. they're being pushed by the tea party wing to shut down the government if president obama does not agree to defund or delay affordable care act. "the wall street journal," lead editorial had to admit they themselves at the journal have urged on the crazies in the past. we have often supported backbenchers who want to push gop leaders in a better policy direction.
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but freeing to stop the crazies who "the wall street journal" have supported is not quite so easy. how bad an idea is shutting down the government for republicans according to the journal? this is the one event that could reinstall nancy pelosi as speaker. mr. obama could spend his final two years going out in a blaze of liberal glory. the editorial called the defund obama care strategy "a kamikaze mission." "the new york times," republican columnist thinks the problem is cruisism. >> what you might call the rise of ted cruisism, the senator
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from canada, through texas is basically not a legislator in the normal sense. does not -- have an idea that he is going to congress. create coalitions. make alliances. he is going in, more as a media protest person. and a lot of the house republicans are in the same mode. they're not normal members of congress. they're not legislators. they want to stop things. and so they're just being, just want to obstruct. >> but according to rush limbaugh. obstructionism is republicanism. >> what in the hell are they supposed to do, mr. brooks? this is what every one of you ought to be doing. why do you call yourself a republican if all you want to dupe is lay down and agree with obama and the democrats why. don't you switch parties if it is so much better over there. what in the world has is he supposed to do. he was isn't there to stop this. he was sent to washington, specifically, to try to stop some of this.
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and the popular assumption, mr. brooks among most republican voters that's what the republican party at large is supposed to be doing. >> nbc news is reporting tonight that as of now -- the kamikaze mission is likely a go. the latest house republican leadership plan is to pass a bill that continues funding the government at a lower level and -- and defunds obamacare. joining me now is former economist for vice president biden, jared bernstein, congressman steve latourette, and crystal ball. former congressman latourette, don't you miss the place, wish you were there to work this one out? >> the good news i left in january. after watching it i decided i really wasn't the problem. >> yes, i think you have proven that, that your leaving was not what we needed to do in order to make the place work better.
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i mean you understand the bind that john boehner is in. obviously doesn't want to go this route. and it seems like he is being forced to go this route. is it going to be one of the plays where he gives the tea party what they want. and takes it to a vote. and they see that that gets nowhere. and then, goes back. how do you see it playing out? >> well i was here for the government shut down in 1995. my first year in the congress. that didn't play so well for the republican party, as i recall. >> congressman, did you see it there. when you were in the middle. newt gingrich was leading your party into the shutdown. was your feeling, i know you were a freshman and new. did you think, yeah, this will work for us? >> no? i had some questions. it wasn't a government wide shut down. one bill. labor hhs bill. and there really was this chest bumping going on between president clinton and newt gingrich. and if you look at george stephanopoulos's book.
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everybody was sort of weighing public opinion as who were they going to take this out on when we reached the conclusion that it was us we reopened the government. >> so, again, what do you see of the flow here. given the deadline -- october first. getting something done. make the senate vote on obama care. have a clean cr, continuing resolution. that would keep the government open at sequestration levels. rejected by the 20, 30 folks who have really called the tune since the 2010 election. so, the title of "the wall street journal" editorial is the power of 218. when you deny john boehner 218 they have no leverage or ability to govern. it goes into chaos. any bed that thinks they will send this to the senate. harry reid and democrats will say you, know what we were wrong all this time.
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and, president obama is going to say, you know, what was i thinking. is smoking something. that is not going to happen. and we are going to have the same sort of -- theatrics that we had with plan b at the end of the fiscal cliff. end of the last congress. and it is not going to have a happy ending. >> crystal ball, we saw this is tearing the republican party apart. i was really struck by how far david brooks went. in talking about ted cruise. the little swipe at him about, canada through texas. >> unnecessary. >> necessary if you are talking about the policy. seems like david brooks, a very calm and modest republican -- has been driven crazy by this. >> and as he should be. and i think the way he called him a media personality. not really even a senator. some one who just is there for his own glory. has the no interest in governance at all. is exactly right. and he is leading this wing of the party that really only wants
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what is best for them. in their own narrow short term interests. you know, the country be dammed. even their own party be damned. they don't care they're putting john boehner in an awkward spot, or setting obama up for a liberal blaze of glory reinstalling nancy pelosi in 2014. they care about winning their battle with the base so they can look like the true conservatives with the spine of steel and the ones who are not blinking in the face of the gop establishment. even if you put aside the obama care piece of this. even if you put that aside. john boehner was going to have a very hard time passing a cr that would satisfy them in terms of draconian cuts to have any shot getting through the senate. >> jared bernstein, republicans in the house have scared their cheerleaders at "the wall street journal." i have never read an editorial where they were, more afraid. i mean the language they're using, kamikaze language. kind of extreme even for them.
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>> yes, i watch you frequently, lawrence. can't remember the last time you approvingly cite aid "wall street journal" editorial. >> listening to the discussion we are having here. thinking about rush limbaugh and his comments. something strikes me as probably correct. i am not sure how we deal with. which is in fact, people like ted cruz and the other members of his caucus, we can call them the crazies if you want. but the fact is that they really do seem to have been sent here to obstruct. i am with the congressman who was sent to get things done is critically important. not to mention things like syria or gun control. the idea of accomplish thing through compromise. must strike most people who can
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hear my voice right now as precisely the way to go. limbaugh probably is correct when he says, that's what they're sent here for. and david brooks, you know, you are being really old school there in talking about actually get things done. >> steve, latourette, sound like an important point. the limbaugh point, actually that he kind of agrees, with david brooks in terms of ted cruz's mission. no he is not here to put more new laws on the books. the cruz side of the party, don't they believe that we have enough laws and enough programs in america. and their legislative mission to the extent there is one is to dismantle some of what we have? >> well the amaze thing to me in that argument is why people who want to shut down the government want to be elected to serve in the government. that is an oxymoron. but you are right. in some ruby red districts. you get big points. slaps on the back for being, just saying no.
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you know i made the comment when i retired. we could send monkeys to the congress to push the red button on a continuing basis if you rewarded them. that's not really legislating. republicans control the house. democrats the senate and the white house. the constitution sort of sets up this scheme if you want to get something done you have to find consensus. the guys are equating consensus, surrender, being spineless, a rhino. that's not right. consensus is you give something you get something. so does the other guy. also. they're undermining. their own goal of "limited government" and budget cuts. what they're essentially doing is handing power over -- to nancy pelosi. the way things are going to go down. if we are going to avoid a shutdown. and they are so unwilling to work with him on this at all.
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>> jared -- go ahead, jared. >> if i might extend on that a bill. it is not just the strategic part of this they're getting wrong. it is in fact if you repealed obama care, what would be, 25 million fewer people would have health coverage. and you do have the polls where, tea partiers say -- oh, yeah, we really like medicare. but we want to shut down the government. we have record, we have poverty income, equality stuck at record levels. not only may they be acting against their political interests. i can't speak to that. they're acting against their economic and health interests. >> steve, what your advice would be to someone elected, a republican, elected to the house or to the senate who says to you, ted cruz, says, look, steve, i am against how much big government we have piled up here. i don't want to add to it.
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want to reduce it. bring everything i can to bring it down. make it smaller. if possible get rid of obama care. i would like to do all those things. the legislator's genuine philosophy. do everything i can to reduce the size of government. how would you advise them to handle themselves in the current congress? >> first tell them to get to the nearest psychiatrist. because they sought this office. second of all, the deal was, the deal that john boehner and the president tried to make in august 2011. and, you have to have a recognition on the republican side that revenues have to be a part of that equation. tax reform moving throughways and means can get you some of the revenues. and on, on the other side. my friend, democrats have to say, plans that were developed, medicare, social security, 1935, 1965. maybe they need a little updating. and you work it out. but, but, and you can get there. but you not if you look at -- i think the sum total after we had all of the fiscal cliff and
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everything else. the amount of money that was saved between fiscal years, something like $8 billion. for all of that nonsense. you could save 10, 20 times that if you sat done and said here's what i want. what do you want. let's get it done. >> crystal ball, jared bernstein, steve latourette. thank you. >> breaking news from "the new york times" on the navy yard shooter and how he was stopped from buying an ar-15 assault rifle just days before he killed 12 people. and what you didn't know about the obama re-election campaign. richard wolf knows it all heft -- all. he will join me to reveal secrets from behind the campaign. ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. serious eye problems may occur. ask your doctor and visit for safety information and a free one-month trial.
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first lady michelle obama is expanding her lets move health initiative with one little addition. easy to do. drink more water. which, of course, like all healthy things michelle obama
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pro poses is an absolute outrage to rush limbaugh. the first lady's drink up program its what they're calling it, drink up program, encourages people to drink just one more glass of water a day. very, very good advice. for rush limbaugh. he doesn't seem to realize that. >> this is really absurd! drink more water. none of their business. why do they care. you drink when you are thirsty. i don't think there is a water shortage, is there? >> next, the other obama program republicans hate. obamacare.
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so, i'm working on a cistern intake valve, and the guy hands me a locknut wrench. no way! i'm like, what is this, a drainpipe slipknot? wherever your business takes you, you can save money with progressive commercial auto. [ sighs ] [ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> at fordable care act takes effect next month, "the wall street journal" poll shows americans oppose it believe it will produce damaging results. 52% believe the law will raise their health care costs. its everybody wrong? >> yes, they are. >> that interview broadcast on telemundo tonight. the president explained what he
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is up against in trying to sell the merits of the affordable care act. >> the problem we have is that over the last four years billions have been spent misinforming people about what this law is about. all of the -- horror stories that were talked about have not come true. it is going to be a good deal. and we expect that -- once it is fully implemented, a year from now, two years from now, five years from now, people look back and, they'll be asking -- what was the argument about. why is everybody fight this so much? >> steven colbert highlighted the most ridiculous tactic employed in opposition to obamacare. >> the godfather of the tea party movement, freedom works recently announced a burn your obama care card campaign. only one small problem with this burn your obama care card plan.
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there are no such things as obamacare card. the freedom works isn't letting a little thing like not existing get in its way. >> freedom works is going to design the obama care card ourselves. put that online. share it with people in the hopes that they will burn it, tear it up. mark on it. >> jonathan, a columnist for new york magazine and the author of the new peace the plot to kill obama care why it drives republicans to madness. and the vice provost for global initiatives and chair of medical ethics and health policy at the university of pennsylvania. also joining us. jonathan, when you see that guy, with the completely straight face saying we are going to create the obama care card as if this is a way, reminiscent of burning of the draft card. madness -- with the word in your
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title, is obviously what applies here. >> that's right. i mean -- the interesting thing is that, all of the wings of the republican party, the right-wing. far right-wing. and farthest right-wing are in agreement of the merits of the law. where they are splintering now, just what level of extremism they should use tactically to try to destroy. but they have spent the last three years, whipping themselves into a real frenzy about the law to the point where -- i think it is really difficult for them to think straight about it. a lot of members of the party are unfortunately taking seriously, the rhetoric some of the party leaders have used in a manipulative way. they thing the law is going to destroy the country. we have to save the country first. >> zeke, when you were working in the obama administration, getting this law passed, did you guys anticipate that this fight over the implementation and over just the very preservation of it would continue unabated after you passed the law.
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>> thought there would be opposition. didn't thing it would be this intense. more importantly we didn't thing it would be this sort of free effects. you cite the obama care card which is reminiscent of president clinton's health security card. where he did produce a card. but i, you know, paul ryan announced the best thing we could do for the budget deficit was not implement obama care. the fact is, of course, the cvo, congressional budget office, repeat lead said, obama care reduces the deficit. it has a mixture of taxes and savings. that will save the country money. he doesn't care about the facts. he goes on, saying what he says. regardless of what the reality is. and that -- the fact that they have been doing this for four years, i do think is shocking. for, you know, certainly people who proudly consider themselves republican, you know seeing this kind of buffoonery is awful. you can't have a debate about
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the merits -- you can have a debate about the merits of various things. this isn't a debate about mare its. we have more facts. zeke, you couldn't say what premium levels would be, what costs were going to be for individuals. let's listen to what jay carnie said about it today at the white house. >> today the department of health and human services released a new report, showing six of ten americans who don't have coverage. can get coverage less than $100 a month under the health care law when the market place is open for business with help of tax credits and medicaid. that's 23.2 million people. this news after the census bureau reported the percent of uninsured americans fell in 2012. in part thanks to gains in coverage of young adults on their parents' policies thanks to the affordable care act. >> john than, that's the thing
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the republican opposition doesn't attempt to take on. it seems to me. the notion that it, what he was just saying. most of the uninsured would be able to got their health insurance for less than $100 a month. there is a real number. a real thing you can get in. and, challenge, or, or not. it seems like, the republicans don't want to challenge it. because they actually, sound like a pretty good deal. >> a real cocoon effect within the conservative media. i watch it. i see what they're saying to each other. there is really no attempt to engage with any unpleasant facts. wished away. imagined away. truth is look there have been a lot of bad news coming out about obama care. parts that are delayed. not quite ready. not what they thought. like any major undertaking in government or business. doesn't always go like you want. they have create aid their rely constricted way of looking at the news.
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they keep hyping all kind of bad news. inventing bad news. and locking out completely pretty major good news that is happening. they can't get a remotely balanced picture within their own minds of how this is working. i think a lot of republicans are self deluded about how the law is going to go. >> i think this will be a case where they will be surprised. as the president did say on the clip. you had. that in two or three years. people are going to say, you know this is going pretty well. it's actually cheaper than weep -- than we thought. getting good care. allowing us to do things. the republican party will be dumbfounded. they won't know what to do. i think 2014 is going to be the last election we will fight on this bill. by the time 2016 rolls around. most americans are going to kid it part of the woodwork of the country. we are not going to be fighting. if anything, democrats are campaigning on how good it is. i think the republicans won't know what to respond because the hype won't have any basis because most americans will experience something belter
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through the exchanges or through the fact that they're costs have come down in various ways. >> john than, you wrote that, you cannot just assert that it is, that the, that the law is going to work perfectly. you can't just assert that it is a disaster. there is going to be, some parts of it that, obviously don't work as intended. we have seen that. with some elements of the bill. did not end up working as the authors intended. which is understandable, something that big. and complex. seems to me, the republicans have almost lost the ability to do fair criticism of it. because the they have said so many crazy things up till now. that if, if, in the implementation there is something that develops in a credible way. they won't beep credible as critics. >> part is a cynical calculation. like you say. part is genuine self dilution. you have conservatives who believe it is just logically true that -- that obama care is a big government initiative. and big government initiatives
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must fail. this is a fact of the universe. nothing that actually happens can, change that fact. many believe the law is failing in collapsing them. what i think -- honest analyst would say, some glitches and things going wrong. actually just like, utter total disaster happening before our eyes. i think they belief that. >> john than, and doctor, thank you for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> up next. we have breaking news from "the new york times" about how the navy yard shooter was prevented from buying an assault weapon.
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breaking news from "the new york times." the times reports the gunman who killed 12 people yesterday at the navy yard in washington, d.c. "test fired an ar 15 assault rifle at a virginia gun store last week but was stopped from buying one because state law there prohibits the sale of such weapons to out of state buyers according to two senior law enforcement officials." instead, 34-year-old former naval reservist purchase aid remington 870 shot gun which he used in the massacre. federal law enforcement officials tell nbc news that yesterday morning the shooter got into his rental car and drove from the residents inn in washington to the navy yard. he used his own security i.d. to drive onto the navy yard base. his credentials did not allow
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him entry into building 197, the building where he opened fire. once on the base, the gunman went into a bathroom, assembled the remington 870 shotgun he carried in with him in a bag. he walked out of the bathroom with the gun. shot a police officer and a security guard to gain access to building 197. and took at least one of their handguns before continuing on a shooting rampage throughout building 197. the headquarters for the naval sea systems command. the gunman went to the fourth floor of the building and sprayed bullets into a crowd in the atrium below at the other -- at the others on the third floor balcony. at least one man on the fourth floor corridor. for more on what we are learning about the alleged shooter's life leading up to yesterday's tragedy. here is nbc national investigative correspondent. michael, what is the, "the new york times" report tonight
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about, sounds like we could have had a much worse body count if he had gotten his hands on that automatic, that assault weapon. >> well it was pretty bad. as it was. of course, lawrence. actually it was not just on the last week. it was on saturday. less than two days before -- before the rampage. alexis goes to the gun store in, in lorton, virginia. northern virginia. practice tests. not clear whether he tried to buy it or not. the owner of the gun store, says he has no information to back that up. clearly, he rented the rifle as i was told. i think what is really the most
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disturbing aspect of all of this from what we are learning. how he got access to the base. and continued to have that secret security clearance. given everything that we have learned about him. he -- he enlisted in the navy reserves in 2007. he blows out the tires with gunshots from the neighbor. he suffered a blackout. fueled with anger. according to the public police report. his father -- tells police he has anger management problems. because of -- because of his rescue efforts during 9/11. >> is that a record that would normally pop up in this kind of background check? >> well it depends on how thorough the background check is, that's one of the big questions that lawmakers on capitol hill are asking now.
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he would have had to have filled out, there is a very extremely detailed -- questionnaire. that you need to get for any kind of -- security clearance. and he certainly would have been asked about -- his arrest record. now whether he lied to federal investigators on the background check. whether they checked beyond that, certainly, if he lived in the community. checking with local police. and something that in any standard practice background check one would do. but then, go beyond that, lawrence. he gets the back, he gets the security clearance, march 2008. then in 2010, he gets arrested again. in the incident in fort worth. he was discharged. navy officials said because of a pattern of misconduct. what leaps out here, he kept the security clearance. the security clearance was good for ten years.
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not clear, the navy, if they had all the information that caused the discharge here. ever went and took steps to -- revoke the security clearance. so when he goes to work for the contractor, the experts, that's the florida it firm. he -- he maintains the security clearance. the experts -- they say, that's the name of the company went to dod twice in june of this, as recently as in june of -- this year. does he still have the security clearance. and was told in the affirmative he does. >> thank you for joining us with the latest to night, michael isikoff. >> thank you. >> coming up the things you did not know were happening inside the obama re-election campaign. richard wolf knows it all and has got all the secrets. he will join us. i think farmers care more about the land
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in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. ♪ the vast majority of americans think this is common sense the we can protect the right of law-abiding citizens to use guns in legal ways for sporting, hunting and self defense. but we have got to keep, do everything we can to keep guns out of the hand of those who would misuse them. >> senator dick durbin speaking on the senate floor. could have been any time in last few years, any time in his senate career, after gabby giffords was shot and six people murdered around her, could have been after 12 people were murdered and 58 were wounded in a movie theater in aurora, colorado. it could have been after 20
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first graders and six educators were gunned down to. but it was today, after 12 were wounded, within walking distance. congresswoman carolyn mccarthy lost her husband in a gun massacre on the long island railroad. her son was gravely wounded in that massacre. that is why she ran for congress. in 1996. after the massacre at san diego elementary school, she asked this question. >> how many people have to be killed before we do something. we do know the 20 children murdered at sandy hook were not enough to make us do something. the 12 people murdered in washington yesterday are probably not enough to make us do something. we know that the 32 murdered at virginia tech were not enough. 32.
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that's the record for mass murder by firearm in america. and we know that every one of the shooters since then has been trying how to break that record. trying to kill as many people as they possibly can, and we know that the next time someone mows down children in a school, or students in a college campus, or people who mistakenly think they're safe in their work place, the people that work hard, to allow this to happen, will be silent. as they were today. wayne lapierre, and those at the rifle association who make sure that america's mass murderers are the very best equipped mass murderers in the world will be silent the day after the next mass murder. the people who know we have to do something will speak out once again. and sadly their speeches are already written. >> the american people support what we're trying to do.
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but we're not hearing their voices. >> guns kill. and it is a shame that we allow the ghost of the nra to ride in to this place and smack down common sense. >> the best way to prove our sadness, the best way to prove that we really care, is to take action to protect the young innocent lives. >> this is our first task as a society. keeping our children safe. this is how we will be judged. >> we can't tolerate this any more. these tragedies must end, and to end them, we must change. >> that most fundamental set of rights to life and liberty and pursuit of happiness. fundamental rights that were denied to college students at virginia tech. and high school students at columbine, and elementary school students in new -- and kids on
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street corners in chicago on too frequent a basis to tolerate. and all the families who never imagined that they would lose a loved one to a bullet. those right are at stake. we are responsible. >> our weak gun laws allow these mass killings to be carried out again and again and again in our country. >> no one can know for certain if this senseless act could have been prevented. but we all know we have a moral obligation, a moral obligation to everything in our power to diminish the prospect that this could happen again. >> the status quo is not acceptable to the mounting legions of families who have lost loved ones due to gun violence that could have been prevented if we had had, the courage, to stand up and do something in this chamber. if we had had the courage to
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take on the gun lobby. and make some common sense changes that the majority of americans, mast majority of americans the support. >> i said that eight were wounded yesterday in washington. i wrote the number 3, the number
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>> i said that eight were wounded yesterday in washington. i wrote the number 3, the number 3 was on the prompter. i said the number eight. that happens from time to time. but to carolyn mccarthy's question -- how many? we're not there yet. >> i always thought they were going to win.
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>> i always thought they were going to win. i didn't think the republicans had a candidate that could beat the team. the obama team had many more problems than we realized. he has a back out about that. he will join me next. capital to make it happen? without the thinking that makes it real?
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don't tell mom! don't tell mom. okay. don't tell mom. don't tell mom. don't tell mom? yeah. the best stories you'll ever tell start with, don't tell." don't tell dad. start yours in the new santa fe. from hyundai. >> the obama re-election campaign had a problem they didn't have as much as the romney campaign for ad time. they had to get the most impact for tv advertising dollars. and they had to run better ads than the romney campaign. >> some said our best days were behind us. but not him. he believed in us. fought for us. and today, our auto industry is back. firing on all cylinders. our greatest enemies brought to life by our greatest heroes.
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troops are home from iraq. instead of losing jobs we're creating them. 4.2 million so far. we're not there yet. it's still too hard for too many. but we are coming back because you don't quit. and neither does he. >> joining me now is executive editor and richard wolf, his new book "the message, the reselling of president obama" is out today and in my hands. this is so exciting. >> wonderful. >> richard. this book tells the story of just how difficult it was in every way in the obama campaign in all sorts of things i had no idea. were difficult. even that they had the problem of having to talk about things getting better as opposed to actually being better than they were. when president obama got elected. >> right. you go into this saying, we want to say it is morning in america. you want to have. >> everything is better for everyone. what if it isn't?
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>> what if it isn't? unbelievable amounts of debate about, is it, we're not there yet. is it getting better? is it already better? could the president take a credit for it? what they call accomplishments, how much of the accomplishments could they have? we see these ad. i get that. yeah, nice pictures. there is a huge effort that goes into those 30 second, 60 seconds. that leads to an incredible amount of conflict and tension among very smart people, very experienced people. about how you package this up. because the re-election isn't about who this guy is, it's not about what he has done. it is how you talk about it. and vast amounts of money, a billion dollars go into it. i was fascinated with that story. how did that come about? and -- and you know, overcoming the economy is one thing. overcoming that internal debate is its own challenge in itself. >> a they ran other ads. better, more impact. the ad.
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average person looks at that. makes sense, not that hard to do. there is so much putting that together. the way they bought the tv time was absolute genius. they didn't have as much money as the romney campaign. and the romney campaign, we ended up learning at the end, ended up wasting it. by throwing it out to audiences that were in effect, way too, the audience was too large for the ad. it wasn't targeted. explain thou that works. >> so, when people write about campaigns. they focus on things that were impressive. like the ground game. some of the technology. but some of the core technology that really made a difference was -- looking at the best value for money. in obscure corners of the cable universe. tv land. local sports at 3:00 a.m. they would try to find a tiny sliver of the audience. ranked every voter in the country. scale of 1 to 100. the likelihood of who would vote. the 45-65, not the 1s, not the 100s.
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msnbc represented the 100s. people would vote for them. no trot. 45 to 65. tv land. reruns, obscure places that if calculated this algorithm, how cheap to reach the biggest number of people they would rank from 45-65. no one has ever done that before. they made the distinction between smart tv and dumb tv. dumb tv, neilson numbers. the things you and i live for. that was dumb tv. smart tv was layering over all of the things that quantify who, what channel, how much did it cost, no one has ever done that before. that's changed elections for the future. >> i can't remember ever seriously criticizing the obama campaign first time or second time. i never once felt i have a better idea than, what i see them doing.
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why? let's play "hardball." ♪ good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start with this tonight, the mass killing in washington where we're still looking for a motive and explanation of how the shooter got this kind of access. later in the show we'll get to the power of women in the democratic party. does defeat of larry sommers mean they have veto power? and does the russians on syria prove obama is down right lucky and the right is to weaken the economy? pete williams first, we have 12 people murdered.


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