tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC September 27, 2013 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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together. republicans are blaming the president. the president is blaming republicans. and some republicans are blaming other republicans. right now the house is in session, but they're waiting for the senate. the senate is going to vote on another bill around 12:30, but considering there is still no deal to fund the government, there's no end in sight to what's happening right now. here's a big part of the problem. there is a deep divide in the republican party that exploded onto the floor of the senate yesterday. a ten-minute long confrontation between ted cruz and barb corker. >> this has been a rather confusing week. i know that he must have made a misstatement. >> y'all have sent out releases and e-mails and you want everybody to be able to watch and it just doesn't seem to me that that's in our nation's interests. >> why is majority leader harry reid going to vote the same way you're proposing to vote? why is every democrat going to vote the way you're proposing to vote? >> you voted in favor of the thing you're filibustering and
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senator harry reid joins you in that too. >> i want to bring in jackie kucinich and m mano raju. >> have you ever seen this kind of infighting between one party? >> no. >> never? >> i've not seen anything quite -- >> so what does that say -- >> jackie, what's going on? >> well, i mean you know that cruz and mccain have had kind of an ongoing thing since before this man. but yeah, you saw this -- >> in a bad way, not in a good way. >> yeah, they have had a little bit of a feud going back and forth. that's where wacko birds was born. there is a big rift. you saw on the house side when leaders had to pull the debt ceiling bill, which they had planned to bring up today and this weekend. so leadership has a real problem right now corralling the people
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they need to back these bills so they can move on. >> and in fact one of manu's colleagues writes this. the gop suffers from ptsd when it comes to government shutdowns. it took the political hit for the last one in 1995-96 and many members worry about history repeating itself. so, manu, you cover him, you know him. is john boehner going to cave, give in on this fight, live to fight another day, say, in two weeks over the debt ceiling, what's going to happen yet? >> we don't know yet. one of the plans was to train the republicans to focus on the next fight, the debt ceiling fight and get past the -- >> 24 hours ago almost exactly, he comes out of the caucus and it sounded like there was a deal. >> well, it sounded like they were going to move forward on their own debt ceiling proposal in the house republican conference. but they probably don't have the votes for that plan.
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so how the speaker deals with what the senate sends over to him is a major question. as we know, the senate is a very slow-moving body. if the house moves a bill back to the senate, there's probably not going to be enough time to avert a shutdown if it's anything that's not to the democrats' liking. so this is a big, big problem right now. i'm not sure if the house republicans really know exactly how this is going to end up. >> and in the meantime with the clock ticking, the president talked about this yesterday. >> we're not going to submit to this kind of total irresponsibility. congress needs to pay our bills on time. congress needs to pass a budget on time. congress needs to put an end to governing from crisis to crisis. >> i mean the thing, jackie, is if you're in barack obama's shoes, what do you do? what are you hearing about the white house strategy at this point? >> there's a lot of frustration in the white house. i think you've heard that. yesterday on cnn with dan about
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bombs being strapped to them or something to that effect. they're waiting too because, again, we don't know how this is going to go forward. the white house doesn't really have any influence over republicans, fiparticularly hou republicans. if the house gets involved at all, that will probably make them go further to the right so they're in a box as well at this point. >> i want to bring in senator patty murray, chairman of the budget committee. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> you told "the new york times" there is no secret room where everybody is hashing something out. is there an escape hatch? is there an 11th hour deal you think is going to happen or is it a very real threat for a government shutdown? >> you know, there's such an easy answer to this. let's pass a clean continuing resolution that will allow us room for the next six weeks or so to put together the broader budget deal to determine where we're going to go for the next
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several years. >> but john boehner has already said no to that. >> well, john boehner is trying to figure out what he can do for his tea party republicans versus his other republicans and solve a problem in the republican party. they can have that battle in the republican party. let's not put our american families and the businesses in the middle of that. just pass the clean continuing resolution. there are big divides about where we want our budget to go in the future. it doesn't have to be decided by shutting the government down or not raising the debt ceiling and putting our economy in crisis. let's be responsible here, pass a clean continuing resolution, raise the debt ceiling as we have done to keep our economy going, and then let's go to conference with the senate and house budgets and hash out our differences and come back and n pass that in the next several months. >> did you see the display yesterday between ted cruz and barb corker? we have seen some clashes before although they tend to be much more moderated in the senate. they're usually between tea party and establishment wings in
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the house. but i'm wonder, you've been in the senate 20 years. have you ever seen anything like this? how different is it now to try to overcome this kind of animosity to get something done? >> well, again, the problem is within the divisions within the republicans right now. and, you know, i don't envy them that. they need to go home and figure out what they're going to do about their differences. but there are many republicans who are coming to me now as chair of the budget committee saying i know we have disagreements, but let's sit down and figure out how to move our country forward and not keep this constant crisis going. i urge those republicans to stand up, work with democrats, pass a clean continuing resolution and keep our government open and sit down and figure out those big differences. >> it's great that they're coming to you, it's good to hear that there are people who recognize that the american people want to get something done, but do you have any indication from them that they're going to the more radical elements of their party too and saying, come on, guys. >> well, i think you saw that
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yesterday on the senate floor. i think you'll see that today when we pass a clean continuing resolution. and i'm hoping that within the house republican caucus today, there are those of them who will stand up and say, yeah, we've got some differences here, let's work it out, but let's not put the american families in the middle of our republican party crisis. >> is part of working it out having to negotiate over the debt ceiling? because as you know, the president has said that this is not going to be a negotiation. but yesterday they blamed the president saying this is unacceptable for one side to refuse to negotiate. does he need to? does he bear some responsibility here. >> look, our debt ceiling needs to be raised. we need to as a country say to our businesses and the world we pay our bills. that's what we need to do. the republicans themselves can't decide over what hostage they want to take. they have a plan a minute that they can't pass. again, we don't need to do that. let's just pass a clean, continuing resolution, give us
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some time to work. raise the debt ceiling so our economy doesn't collapse and work together to find that budget agreement. democrats will have to give and republicans will have to give. that's the responsible thing to do. it's what the american people expect us to do. >> what are the democrats willing to give at this point, do you think? what are the things that are negotiable? >> look, i've been at the table for a long time. i was chair of the super committee, we tried to figure it out. democrats and republicans both understand that both revenue and our long-term entitlements have to be part of any long-term budget deal. but we're not going to get there by shutting the government down or collapsing our economy. we're going to do it by adults sitting down together and each giving some. that's what i want to achieve. >> let me ask you finally, and i know this is not a game, but put odds on it. what are the chances that the government shuts down? >> well, i sincerely hope that that does not happen because of the divisions in the republican party today. i hope that we can all rise
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above that little rift that's going on there and say let's do the responsible thing and give us some time to work out our differences. >> how worried that it will? >> well, i'm obviously very worried. it would be horrendous for our country to face that unease and calamity again. we don't have to be here, let's not get there. >> senator patty murray, so good to have you on the program. thank you. >> thanks. >> jackie, quick thoughts. how does this end? does the government shut down? >> i wish i knew, chris. really, it could go either way at this point. it's going to go down to the line. we definitely know that. we'll be there late monday is my prediction. >> do you have a sense of this, manu, as somebody who's on the hill all the time. if the government is not going to shut down, what's it going to take? who's going to be the key person here or what's going to be the sort of motivating factor? >> i think it will be the house republican leadership. it will be a decision by boehner to say, look, i can't afford a government shutdown right now. we'll accept something that the senate gives us or maybe they'll
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say we can't pass what we'd like to pass and we'll just deal with what the senate has sent over and put our focus on the next fight, the debt ceiling fight, and that's a much more battle. >> we'll be watching all weekend long long with you. thanks for coming on. meanwhile the united nations could vote today on a security council resolution to dismantle syria's chemical weapons. the u.s., russia and 13 over members of the security council reached that deal last night. it calls for repercussions if syria doesn't comply, but doesn't stipulate what those penalties might be. some possibilities could be economic sanctions, maybe even military action. the issue would have to be brought back before the security council first, but this is viewed as a great step forward.
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in fact we're having obviously some audio problems, but what samantha powers said is that this is very significant, the first time since the syrian conflict began two and a half years ago that they have imposed binding obligations on syria. in fact other officials said if you'd asked them two weeks ago if this was possible, they wouldn't have thought so, so it is a big deal. now, according to the "washington post" u.s. and russian officials say syria's stockpile of chemicals could actually be neutralized fairly quickly and destroyed in about nine months. [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor forty ti mes. that's how often a group of house republicans have voted against obamacare, just to prove their allegiance to their party's right wing. okay - they've said their piece. but now they've gone even further...
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female announcer: on a huge selection of clearance mattresses. get two years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. sleep train's inventory clearance sale is on now. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ some of the biggest names in music are joining forces this weekend for a1.4 billion reason. stevie wonder, alicia keys,
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kings of leon all performing in new york city at the global citizen festival tomorrow. it's part of the global poverty project to help end extreme poverty. >> this isn't about charity, it is about justice. and it is just us for all. realizing that inside we are 99% the same and 1.4 billion of us are stuck in broken systems, living under $1.50 a day. >> joining me now is the founder and ceo of the global poverty project, hugh evans. great to have you here, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> i want to set the stage for people because you know from whence you speak. tell us a little bit about your personal story. you got involved in humanitarian work very early in life. >> absolutely, yeah. it started for me at the age of 14 years old. i was given the opportunity with an organization called world division to go to the philippines and there was a night in the philippines that changed my life forever where i was taken into a slum called smoky mountain in the center of philippines. a slum built on top of a rubbish dump and placed in the care of a kid my own age, 14 years old,
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named sonny. my life was turned upside down that night when we lay on top of a garbage dump with caulk roaches crawling all over us. >> that's where you slept? >> that's where he lived. >> nearly one in seven of every person in the world goes to bed hungry, astonishing statistic, despite the fact that the world has enough food to feed everybody one and a half times over. what are we doing wrong? >> well, it's about a lack of political will. i think ultimately in the year 2000, all of the world leaders gathered together and made a commitment. this was a commitment to halve extreme poverty by 2015. it was called the millennium goals agreed upon by the united nations. we need world leaders to follow through on the commitments they make. this is what the global citizen movement is all about. the festival on the weekend is about enabling and encouraging world leaders on behalf of the citizens call on them to create
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change to follow through on their promises and deliver. one of the petitions we've been driving recently has been calling on the president of the world bank to actually -- he made a declaration earlier this year to actually see an end to extreme poverty altogether by 2030 and so tens of thousands of global citizens have been encouraging the president of the world bank to come to the festival and actually make a commitment to take the petition to all the world leaders later this year at the world bank meeting. >> because the numbers again are astonishing. the world leaders promised $21.5 billion to help end extreme poverty. $7 billion has been given. compare that to 8.5 trillion that's been given to government bailouts to companies like banks. >> exactly. it's not about a lack of money, that's the whole point. it's not about a lack of resources. we have the resources, we have the technology, we have the wherewithal to see an end to extreme poverty. we desperately need the political will and this is what this weekend is all about. >> so this big concert tomorrow
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is in central park. last year about 60,000 people, big crowd. initially it was supposed to be a one-shot deal and then stevie wonder, not a bad person to have on your side, helped organizers realize that a second show would help spread the message even more. tell me a little more about this year's show and what you hope to accomplish. >> so this year we were so delighted because when stevie wonder put up his hand and said i want to be part of it, all of a sudden kings of leon came on board, alicia keys, john mayer, and elvis costello, bono will be part of this weekend so we've got some incredible artists involved to lend their support. but really this weekend is it's about four key things. we want to see women's equality in the developing world and specifically we're focused on women having access to family planning services and getting the 31 million women who are currently denied a primary education into school. secondly, we're focused on global health. making sure that people have access to vaccines like the
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polio vaccine through the garvey alliance and that they're delivered. thirdly, we're focused on global education. getting the 57 million kids into school worldwide who have no access to education with the global partnership for education. finally, we want to build public-private partners for development. so we've got some amazing corporations who are stepping up and saying we want to not just be like the corporations of old, we want to actually set an example of what this could be like in the future. >> well, good luck this weekend. it's amazing when you're taking on. hugh evans, thank you so much for coming in. >> thank you for your time. well, she has become the international woman of mystery. there is a worldwide manhunt going on right now for this 29-year-old mother of three. she is known in britain as the white widow. samantha luthwaite's first husband was one of the suicide bomber who attacked london in 2005. she is wanted for planning to
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attack tourist resorts in kenya in 2011. she's also been linked to al shabaab and now investigators want to know if she had anything to do with the attack on the westgate mall. in fact british police are asking for dna samples from her relatives to see if her body was found inside that mall. ♪ [ male announcer ] riley is always there to give a hand with the groceries. ♪ that's real love. and so is giving him real tasty food. introducing new woof delights from iams.
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[ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? to politics now, where the white house says they don't know who's behind the adorable care act. the facebook tumbler and twitter feeds feature incredibly cute animals and captions about the health care law, like this. retweet to spread the world. health care until age 26 is good for cute kittens and human kids alike. or get your ducks in a row. visit to get coverage starting october 1st. looks like wendy davis is running for texas governor. she sent a couple of tweets making it pretty obvious, saying things like i'm announcing
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something big. i've got some news to share. davis, of course, became an overnight sensation after her 11-hour filibuster on a bill restricting abortion. guess those pink running shoes will come in handy. and just in time for season four, the cast is bragging about their private tour of the white house. jim carter, who plays carson, told a scotland tv station the tour was arranged with michelle obama's house keeper. how fun. if you read only one thing this morning, read this. we talked about it a little earlier, the world's most wanted woman. interpol has launched a massive manhunt for samantha lukewaite. she may haved a role in the kenyan mall attack. it's in "time" magazine and on our facebook page. ♪
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or is it the worst week ever? depends who you ask. >> he wanted to make a big splash and he certainly has, but he's done something that i think is unusual, which is he's made washington worse. he's made the polarization worse. >> america was built upon those willing to say politically speaking, hey, i'm going to do what's right for freedom, for liberty, and if i die, i die. that's what senator ted cruz is doing right now. >> who's right? let's ask democratic strategist tracy sepple and susan del percio. good morning. >> good morning. >> i thought it was funny the way dana milbank put it in the "washington post." he called it a bladder buster and also contrasted him with senator john mccain. he wrote mccain comports his colleagues to serve a cause greater than self. as he did as a prison of war in
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veetd naum. cruz acts as though the greatest cause is himself. >> he really did try to put on a 21-hour infomercial. that's what it came down to, a complete self-promotion. and unfortunately he's going to find out the hard way, as he continues his way in the senate, that he has to work with his colleagues to get things done and it's not just about him. and he is not in fact putting the country first, he's putting himself first. if he wanted to offer some real solutions, i mean even his vote, the vote that he tried to filibuster passed 100-0. so it's really time -- >> and he voted for it. >> it wasn't even a real filibuster, but it's disturbing. >> on the other hand, whatever you think if you're another member of congress, including many, many republicans or, you know, strategists or journalists, do we really know what the people out there in middle america think? or, if they think anything? maybe they just hear the name ted cruz, tracy, and now it's on their radar that three years from now or two years from now if he decides to run for
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president, at least he has name recognition and maybe nothing negative? >> well, name recognition in terms of being grandiose and pompous and, frankly, quite pious. those aren't necessarily qualities that are going to advance his image. he may be known more as the wacko bird than a lot of things. but frankly is it as memorable as the bladder buster about green eggs and ham or did he in any way advance the conversation with health care reform. what americans want to know is how it will work, when the implementation begins, when the markets are arranged for obama care to take effect. has ted cruz in any way helped explain this to the american people? that show was hardly helpful. >> and that's a great point. as someone who doesn't support a lot of what's in obama care, i would say what else do you have to offer? what are you putting on the table? and that's a really important part of the conversation is if
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you are going to try and make a name as far as defunding obama care, which isn't even a viable solution right now, you really have to put some solutions on the table and that's where i think the ted cruzzes are lacking. to go after someone like senator mccain or bob corker or senator coburn is just absurd when they have had such tremendous records in the senate. >> you know, you've had these memorable moments. call them what you will, whether he was talking about white castle or reading dr. seuss to his kids, during cruz's marathon speech, among other things sort of out of nowhere it seemed, he said this. >> john connolly thought he was on the right track in life. the son of a new jersey auto mechanic, he was the first in his family to go to college when he enrolled in rutgers in 2009. four years later, the 22-year-old found himself $21,000 in debt, without a permanent job and sleeping on friends' couches in new york and brooklyn.
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>> well, look who's here, john connolly, that student at rutgers university. welcome, first of all. >> it's great to be here. >> how did you even find out that ted cruz was talking about you? >> it's funny. a friend of mine called me the next morning as i was on my way to an optometrist appointment. >> and said, by the way -- >> yeah, by the way, while ted cruz is talking about why the aca is bad, he mentioned your name. i said that's funny, i'm heading to an appointment that i can only go to because of obama care. >> so the irony is there. i take it you're not a huge ted cruz fan. >> i wouldn't particularly say that, no. >> we did reach out to senator cruz's office, because obviously you didn't know. this was a quote from a "wall street journal" article and they said senator cruz cited and reported from numerous articles, polls and reports that were pulled from the public domain. what has been the reaction from family and friends to this? >> i feel like it's really interesting, just in terms of folks that had already read the
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article. it seems a little bizarre that he would even choose my story at all. >> why? >> because most of the people in the article, if you read it, student debt is mentioned as an issue 13 times. health care is mentioned once by a person saying he's lucky he has health insurance and a lot of his peers don't. >> and for the record, you're a fan of obama care. >> for the record, i would say that i don't think that the most pressing issue facing my generation is the fact that this is being funded. >> chris, i have to say at least senator cruz got one thing right. john is a real person and not a fictitious part of his imagination, so we'll give him that. >> can he fix this? and i mean this very seriously, because there aren't a lot of people who wouldn't say that he's a smart guy. he obviously has an incredible education. he has some skills oratorical skills. he seems to be -- have gotten off on a wrong path. can he come back or do we not want him to? >> he can come back, if he's coming back with some solutions
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and willing to work with his colleagues and not call them out if they decide to agree with an opposite party. that is absurd. people are sent to washington to govern. they're supposed to work together, to compromise, to get something done. so if senator cruz wants to wake up and say i'm for putting this country first and i'm willing to work with people, then he absolutely can turn it around. >> do you think, john, that students at rutgers are very aware of what's going on? are they concerned about a possible government shutdown? what's your take on where the political world is right now through the lens of people like you, who are going to school, trying to make it in the world? >> absolutely. i think for most young people it's nowhere near a partisan issue. it's very much an issue of half of us aren't working a full-time job. it's an issue of unemployment for ep poo el under 25 and under is around 15%. we want to work and give back to the country that we've been working in our entire lives, and we want politicians in
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washington who are actually going to be taking that concern very seriously and not just scoring shots at one another. >> how disgusted are they with people in washington right now, with whether it's the republicans or democrats, just in general, not getting anything done? >> i feel like, yeah, it's definitely -- i like to stay positive. i think a lot of young folks that i talk to are really impressed, for instance, with elizabeth warren looking at student debt and the relationship between sallie mae and the department of education, for instance. but for the most part a lot of us, yeah, we're looking for leaders who are going to be offering real solutions to real problems and there's not a whole lot of that happening right now. >> john connell kaunconnolly, w plucked out of his classes at rutgers. susan, always good to see you, tracy, welcome. thank you so much. let's check the news feed now. a united airlines flight had to make an emergency landing when the pilot had a heart attack in the middle of a flight from houston to seattle last night. the co-pilot was forced to make the landing in boise, idaho,
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getting all 161 passengers on the ground safely. a doctor on board tried to save the pilot, but he later died at the hospital. the nsa admits some employees have used their positions to spy on spouses and significant others. informally it's called love int, listening to phone calls, checking e-mails often apparently to see if they're checking. the nsa director downplays the incidents saying there have been one per year since 2003. summers will get hotter, winters will get warmer and the world's top scientists believe humans are to blame for radical changes in our climate over the last 60 years. overnight the u.n.'s climate organization released these details in a report, including some of its strongest language to date about global warming. they also predict oceans will rise more than two and a half feet by the end of the century. incredible video out of boston. look at this, a doctor walks right off the subway platform and falls onto the tracks laying
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motionless. several riders jump down to help him back up. the doctor said he had just two drinks to celebrate passing his medical boards and doesn't remember much after that. breaking news out of washington, the federal housing administration is getting a nearly $2 billion bailout. cnbc's michelle caruso-cabrera is here with what's moving your money. >> reporter: $1.7 billion and the reason is because they really stepped in after the housing crisis in 2007 to 2009, $70 billion of those losses come from loans that they backed back then when they were trying to step in and help. remember the housing market peaked in the united states, depending on whether you go by price or by sales volume in 2005 and 2 h006 and then really stard to crater. this is the organization that does a lot to try to help low income individuals buy houses. you can put down as little as 3.5%. they have also had an issue with reverse mortgages. that's a brand new product so
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they have had trouble getting the pricing right on that part of insurance so that's part of the losses. >> michelle, great to see you. thank you. i almost take a little personal offense to gq's list of the worst sports franchises of all time. number five they say charlotte bobcats. the l.a. clippers are fourth. the chicago cubs they say are cursed. they're third. the detroit lions take second. but not an individual team for number one, the gq says the worst sports franchise ever is every cleveland team. cleveland last celebrated a title four years before lebron's mother was born, or totally 152 seasons without a championship. but i just want to say my indians have won seven in a row. they may make the playoffs and i think that you're a really mean person if you don't root for them. so please, let us just have one
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little thing. a link to the entire top 20 is up at for the record as a long-suffering cleveland fan, i can't really disagree. audra fordin knows her way around a car. the owner of the great bear auto body shop, audra has made it her mission to teach other women how to take care of their vehicles and not get scammed. see how her women auto know workshops are helping change an industry on your business, sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. building animatronics is all about getting things to work together. the timing, the actions, the reactions. everything has to synch up. my expenses are no different. receiptmatch on the business gold rewards card synchronizes your business expenses. just shoot your business card receipts and they're automatically matched up with the charges on your online statement. i'm john kaplan,
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to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪ [ baby fussing ] nascar is ab.out excitement but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights
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that help nascar win with our fans. there's actually some great news today on the jobs front. the labor department says first time claims for unemployment benefits plunged boy 62,000 people last week. that is to the lowest point in more than six years so economists are hoping that will make a dent in the 7.3% unemployment rate. still, more than 11 million americans are looking for work and that's where our next guests come in. linkedin picked the brains of some of the best and brightest in the business to find out what they're looking for in potential employees. some of their answers might surprise you. neil blumenthal is co-founder of online eye wear retailer, leslie seymour and sally crawchek,
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owner of the women's network 85 brauds. it's good to see all of you. thanks for coming in. i have to say this report surprised me. sally, let me start with you because you're seventh on the 2005 list of the women's most powerful. you know a little bit about building a company. the shocking thing from you was you're not necessarily looking for the best person in the job. >> absolutely. in fact i'd say those are dangerous words out of business leaders' mouths. i want to find the best person. the best person typically looks and sounds a lot like me or, as we see in corporate america, often looks and sounds like a middle-aged white guy. so the question i ask is how can we put together the best team. and best team is a diverse team. >> how do you do that? there are people when they narrow them down bring them in to see how they interact with the team. is that a good idea? >> i think it can be. but it's also finding different backgrounds, different perspectives, different styles.
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i don't want the workplace to be comfortable, i want all of us to be somewhat uncomfortable. >> to me if it's a team, in publishing we really run a team. to me it's like an orchestra, i'm the editor in chief and i'm kind of like the conductor. you may want someone who just does the triangle and they're incredible at the triangle and the drums and you bring that up or down and it's a team effort. >> they say you only get one chance to make a first impression so let's talk about when somebody walks in the door. you have talked about an interview, watch out for a sense of entitlement. you're talking about the millennials. be brutally honest and shake them up a bit. >> i hire a lot of millennials and i love them. i'm the mother of a millennial. even among my son's friends, you'll see that sense of entitlement. they went to a great school, they really think they know everything. what you have to do is teach them from the very beginning, you know what, this is entry level and you're going to have to start at the bottom just like everybody else and you may be
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ange answering phones and xeroxing. you have to be brutally honest in your interview and not paint it as you're going to walk in here and be a writer and an editor so they're not disappointed. you can actually find these great kids. a lot of millennials get dumped on which really bothers me and they are fabulous, but you have to bring them in the right way. don't overpromise, tell them the truth. >> neil, this is pretty new to you, you've only been doing this three years. conceptually i think it's genius but it could have gone very, very wrong if you didn't have the right people so what have you learned? >> success is all about execution and execution is all about the right people. i think the common theme is that it's about collaboration in today's work environment. everything is integrated. so the way that people work together is paramount. so we spend a lot of time thinking about fit. two people come in, if they have that arrogance, forget about it because you're not going to be able to work with other people. so we spend a lot of time getting to know one another and
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also share a lot about worby parker so it's an informed decision on both sides. >> let me take some of the things that my generation heard about what you need to do when you go into an interview and tell me if they still hold. one is that put on your best suit, your nicest high heels. >> if suit is right for her business, it might be wrong for mine. this guy came up in a suit and it was inappropriate for my business. >> know the company you're interviewing with. >> do your homework. >> absolutely. and it's so easy to go. go online, learn about them and dress appropriately, but sort of like the job one above that you want to have. like the person you're going to be interviewing with. >> linkedin got some feedback from other power players. richard branson, never one to be shy about an opinion, says this is what he looks for in a new hire. look for a personality that fits company culture, just what you said. look at qualifications after
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everything else. >> very interesting. >> and bring in fresh blood that can reinvigorate a company. for me, sally, that's almost counter-intuitive. like look at what their resume says after you get an impression of them? >> yeah, for me the people who i interview, they're all smart, right. they have all been successful. who do i learn from in the interview. who makes me sort of squirm in my seat a little bit, makes me a little bit uncomfortable. you know, who's the memorable interviewee rather than the one where we hit it off immediately because we're just the same. >> where is the line, neil, between being confident and being obnoxious? >> you want to have an air of confidence, and actually most sort of arrogance comes from insecurity so it really is sort of true confidence. we look for people that are looking at things with fresh eyes and we're living in a world also where change is happening so rapidly that we need to innovate constantly. and you can't innovate
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constantly if you're always sort of just looking backwards and thinking, oh, this is the right way to do it. so we look for people that can say, oh, this should be slightly different and it goes to this idea of discomfort. we should always be slightly uncomfortable with the status quo. >> so honest question, if someone our age came in, would you immediately say, i'm not sure they're right for worby parker. >> definitely not, but we do try to sort of see in their job history, in their experience did they innovate, did they change things, did they shake things up, because if it is just somebody that's been working on that production line and isn't sort of thinking creatively, then they probably don't have a place there. >> so answer this question either generally or specifically. specifically would be great. worst mistake, sally, people make or have -- worst interview you've ever had, worst mistake someone made. >> i had someone threaten to kill me.
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actually, i'm sorry, hunt me down and kill me. >> oh, my. in an interview? >> it wasn't going so well. >> that one didn't get the job. but the flip side of that is i also look for optimism. someone who wants the job. if you've got two candidates, even one candidate a little above the other and one of them says they want it and tells you why and has a great reason, that optimism and can-do attitude wins out all the time. >> everybody always asks me what is the number one thing that pushes you over the threshold because you'll see a lot of people who are great, i think it's enthusiasm. that is the extra unknown thing. that person that comes in and they just seem like they are dying to start tomorrow and they're excited and they are excited by what you're doing, they're kind of jumping out of the chair, don't you feel? >> hard to get works and romance. it doesn't work as well in a job search. >> did anyone ever threaten to hunt you down, leslie? >> no, just on a regular basis on the internet. not in an interview, no. >> have you had a really
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unbelievably bad interview experience or is there a mistake people commonly make? >> i would say you've got to remember more it's all about women of all ages and we love the older woman because she's been around the track before, so i would say it's more, you know, somebody coming in thinking they already know all about us and they know it's already done and they can figure the whole thing out and it's really a learning process. >> the other thick that surprised me about this, they don't -- many of these ceos don't expect you to know everything. again, it's about enthusiasm, it's about doing your homework. any bad experiences yet? >> it actually came to dress. the person came in with a really fancy suit, which was okay. it means that they probably didn't do their homework in knowing what our office environment was like. but we hired them and they kept coming to the office in a suit. >> did you say something? >> and with shoes that would markup the floors. it drove me crazy. >> they could come to our place and wear interesting shoes. >> but another important point,
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the interviewees need to remember how important those first impressions are, right. do you stand up, do you give the firm handshake because all the research shows that people make decisions faster than they even know they do. and that first impression really sticks with folks, good or bad. >> they say ten seconds, isn't it? first ten seconds. you don't even know that's what you're doing but it's the first ten seconds of how you may sum someone up. you may continue the interview but apparently you've made it up. >> we're out of time but i think we helped people out looking for a job or file some things away for the next time. bring the "a" game. always great to have you here, come back, all of you. that was a fantastic conversation. >> thanks so much. meantime, somebody who's out of a job. baseball's best closer of all time walked off the mound in his home stadium for the last time. >> how's this for drama?
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mar yawn owe rivera was taken out by long-time teammates derek jeter and andy pettitte with hugs and tears. he tipped his cap to the thunderous crowd of more than 48,000. and today's tweet of the day comes from bruce beck, lead sports anchor at nbc new york. i never saw picasso paint or mozart play but i did see rivera pitch. #exitsandman. that's why you take charge of your future. your retirement. ♪ ameriprise advisors can help you like they've helped millions of others. listening, planning, working one on one. to help you retire your way... with confidence. that's what ameriprise financial does.
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$100 million fund-raising campaign. the 45,000 square foot library will be home to visiting scholars who will live at mt. vernon and research the founding era. a rare book vault will house dozens of books that washington personally owned. and that's going to wrap up this hour of "jansing and company." mara schiavocampo is in next for thomas roberts. after a week of headline making, texas republican senator ted cruz will sit down exclusively with david gregory, talking about his marathon talkfest on the senate floor. why he's fighting so hard against obama care and what comes next in his fight, it will be on "meet the press." [ male announcer ] running out of steam?
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didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. who gets the allstate safe driving bonus check. rock beats scissors! [ chuckles ] wife beats rock. and with two checks a year, everyone wins. [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 866-906-8500 now. [ dennis ] zach really loves his new camera. problem is...this isn't zach.
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it's a friend of a friend who was at zach's party and stole his camera. but zach's got it covered... with allstate renters insurance. [ female announcer ] protect your valuables for as low as $4 a month when you add renters insurance to your allstate auto policy. call 866-906-8500 now. what are you doing? we're switching car insurance. why? because these guys are the cheapest. why? good question. because a cut-rate price could mean cut-rate protection. you should listen to this guy. [ female announcer ] with allstate you get great protection and a great price, plus an agent! drivers who switched saved an average of $498 a year. call now and see how much you can save. just a few more ways allstate is changing car insurance for good. [ female announcer ] call an allstate agent and get a quote now. good morning. i'm mara schiavocampo in for thomas roberts. a game of congressional chicken, but what's on the line? an all-out shutdown of the american government. developing news tops our agenda this hour.
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both the house and the senate already in session. first, the senate where debate is under way on a house will that would keep uncle sam in business but also defund obama care. >> here we are, i guess this is like the movie "high noon." the two sides are walking down the street. i just hope that like the movie "high noon," i hope the good guys win. >> let us not shut down the united states government and make us look like fools throughout the entire world. >> the democrat majority in the senate has built a fortress around the obama care. they will not do it unless they're forced to. >> here's what we'll likely see today in the senate. they're expected to clear the final filibuster hurdle around noon and then senator harry reid will likely reduce an amendment that would restore funding for obama care. final passage could come tonight or tomorrow. the house then has two options. vote on the altered senate bill or vote
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