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tv   NOW With Alex Wagner  MSNBC  October 15, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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♪ just because it might avert disaster doesn't mean it will pass the republican house. it's tuesday october 15th and this is "now" live from washington, d.c. faced with a bipartisan senate deal that would reopen and fund the government through january 15th and raise the debt limit through february 7th, this morning speaker john boehner alluded to the fact the house would put forward its own bill with the same extension dates but with a few modifications. >> there are a lot of opinions about what direction to go. there have been no decision about what exactly we will do. we're going to continue to work with our members on both sides of the aisle to try to make sure
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there's no issue of default and get our government reopened. >> his deputy eric cantor stressed the importance of fairness in any deal. >> we also, though, as the house republican conference think is very, very important for us to stress in whatever proposal we move forward will reflect our position on fairness. >> to the house republicans fairness looks something like this. their bill will reportedly include two-year delay of medical device tax and prohibit members of congress and members of the president's cabinet from receiving subsidies for the nation's health care law. it will eliminate health insurance protections for labor unions which are outlined in the senate bill. and it would prevent the treasury from using extraordinary measures to extend the debt limit. you know, just in case we get into this mess again. the house republican meeting reportedly began with all members joining together to sing "amazing grace" though apparently without any
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acknowledgement that the very same group of people who pushed the country into crisis were praying for divine intervention. the man with the best source inside the conference tweeted, "boehner's plans has its critics but only from hard-liners not the group of 150 sometimes swayed by the hard line block of 50. house leadership says they are not whipping votes and they expect the house plan to pass. in response to that vice chair of the caucus offered his analysis. >> i'm going to make a prediction. the bill the republicans will put on the floor, if it is drafted in the way we believe it's going to be drafted may not even pass the house. even if it passes the house, i predict it will never pass the senate. >> indeed the battle is far from over. hours ago the white house released this statement. the president has said repeatedly that members of congress don't get to demand ransom for fulfilling their basic responsibilities to pass a
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budget and pay the nation's bills. unfortunately the latest proposal from house republicans does just that. in a partisan attempt to appease a small group of tea party republicans who forced the government shutdown in the first place. the president will circle the wagons with senate democrats at 3:15 today and the house is expected to vote on its own bill tonight. joining me today from bud feed john stanton, james bennett and senior white house reporter for "politico" and joining us from capitol hill luke russert. luke, i have to say, words came out of my mouth. already the time for that wisdom has pushed. i got a push update on my phone from the "new york times" saying the house deal has collapsed. what is the latest on the hill? >> well, alex, it's an amazing country we live in where we can have an entire cable tv show talking about deals in the house
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that have not been formally introduced nor has anyone seen concrete language. from what i understand from my sources in the room is that when this house bill that you just put up on the graphic was introduced, some of the ultraconservatives were upset about the fact that the subsidies for health care benefits that they would eliminate for president, vice president, cabinet members and members of congress, they were okay with that but they wanted that to extend to staffers as well. they wanted that to extend to the person answering the phones omega $29,000 a year, which if you were to extend that to staffers, folks on both sides told me you would see a brain drain on capitol hill of outrageous proportions, so much so that the entry level jobs on k street, their jobs would drop because there would be a flood on the market leaving government. >> one could argue those hard core conservative offices have already seen quite a bit of a brain drain already.
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let me ask you, you're on the hill. >> yeah. >> the vitter amendment, which is what we're talking about here, how do hard core conservative congressional candidates say to their staff, this is what i'm going to push for, this is what is meaningful to me, and it will hurt you. how does that play out in the halls of capitol hill? >> i can't find a single staffer, maybe they exist, i talked to many of them that are supportive of amendment or see the logic behind it or something else that it makes a political play. i spoke to older staffers who have been around for a while. they came to me appalled this is what's holding up this bill right now. as one said to me, i don't understand -- i'm paraphrasing here. i don't understand what they get out of screwing over their staffers so much. it's an odd angle. why? when you think about this, the government shutdown, all right, we're about to default on
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thursday. the hang-up about john boehner being able to try to get leverage with his conference is whether or not someone answering the phones making $29,000 a year can get their health benefits paid by their employer. this is what we're dealing with on capitol hill right now, alex. it's a very odd worry. what happens now. they pull the bill back. they are going to have to figure out what they are bog to do. do they put the full vitter in there to try to get to 218. if anything this does give the house a vehicle to send it to the senate, maybe have something by thursday. this deadline now, it looks iffy at best. >> nbc capitol hill correspondent luke russert trying to explain the inexplicable. >> i wonder how he got here so fast. he must be in the batmobile.
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>> we haven't let him talk yet. i want to bring independent senator from maine. senator, a busy day on the hill. i have to ask you about the house proposal, harry reid said it's an attempt to torpedo the bill arranged in the senate and the house one being pushed by extremists. in your view is this house bill doa? >> of course. let me say at the outset, this whole thing about congressional health care is a gigantic fraud and hoax on the american people. my health care plan is exactly the same as a park ranger in yellowstone park. for 60 years the federal government has been contributing to health care just like 90% of major american companies do. there's nothing different, nothing special, not gold plated. the idea these folks want to throw their own staff under this ideological bus is beyond me. my comment this morning was what planet are these people from.
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the planet mean is what i think it is. it makes no sense and it is a big fake. it is a total political stunt that caters to people's suspicions about congress that we have a special deal. there's a contribution. by the way, we all have to go on the exchanges, because that was an amendment to the affordable care act. but to say we're somehow exempt is just nonsense. most americans get their health insurance through their employer. their employer pays a part of the cost and it's the same thing here. so this is just absolutely ridiculous that these people are putting the whole country at risk to try to score some cheap political points. have i been clear about how i feel about this? >> yes. yes. look, i'm in complete agreement. it looks like a fraud, sounds like a fraud and therefore is a fraud. i do want to ask you about the house retaliated this morning. certain senators were saying they felt blind-sided by this.
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were you surprised the house came back with the outlines of their own plan? >> they can have their own plan, i understand that. that's how the process works. but to throw something like this in at this hour is ridiculous. they have tried it before and didn't get the votes. you know, lets move on and solve this problem. we're beyond this kind of nonsense now. we're within 48, 72 hours of a serious deadline. these guys are playing russian roulette with the u.s. economy with five out of six bullets in the chamber. it's beyond ridiculous. i don't really know how to characterize it. i worked for two weeks with susan collins and joe manchin and john mccain and a group and we came up with a pretty good plan. the leader harry reid and mitch mcconnell worked and they came up with a pretty good plan. we ought to do this. i think at this point, this so-called hastert rule in the house has to go by the boards. you can't allow 50, 60, 80
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people to keep the whole government hostage. that's just ridiculous. this whole thing could be solved in 15 minutes with an open vote on the house floor and just move on. >> the independent senator from maine angus king, that you so much for your thoughts. >> thank you. >> john stanton, welcome to washington. i want to ask you first you have a piece about the dynamic between mcconnell and boehner. mcconnell isn't going to agree to anything he doesn't think can pass the house, a senate gop leadership aide said. adding mcconnell has absolutely been providing boehner with updates. a difficult primary and general election ahead of him, mcconnell isn't looking to be held a bag conservatives oppose again. how does this morning change that? here it seems like conservatives are opposing the bag mcconnell was trying to check at the house of representatives. >> if you look, he's canceled his meeting with his members of
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the senate side to brief them on this deal. this could have a big impact on what's going on over there. if boehner is unable to move his own piece of legislation, even beyond this idea of putting staff in. once conservatives figure out the sum total of three years of tea party -- obama care, you give a subsidy to medical device manufacturers, i don't think the bill can get enough votes on the republican side even if you don't add in this language e if he can't do it over there, i think it hurts mcconnell's ability to move any deal he's working on. the two deals were very, very similar. >> as we've been talking about all week fundamentally, glen, shows the breakdown of the republican party. the senate republicans basically crafted a deal and the house has rejected it. where do we go from here? >> i will go back even further. i'll go back two years. imagine if john boehner had been
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able to sell these guys on the grand bargain two years ago when the president was at this point of extreme vulnerability on the deficit, making all the right noises, pivoting in their direction and they completely sabotaged that deal. so can you imagine, we have gone from having what could have been this enormous multi-decade attempt to sort of rein in the deficit, which was their stated goal, right? >> right. >> to talking about, as luke said, the full vitter, which i thought it meant something else. >> full vitter. i don't want to get into that. >> also a little paradoxical in the end, the end game is to force as many people as possible into the exchanges and raise the deficit. when you step back, i guess like everything else in this insane standoff, it makes some sort of sense in context. when you step back -- >> this morning, glen, i would go back to you given your experience and time at the white house, there was a lot of i wouldn't say premature dplee but
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this idea that the democrats had won and boehner was going to give up because inevitably he had to because we're going to default on our credit in 48 hours. i'm unclear as to where we stand on all that now. the president is meeting with senate democrats. what does he say to them? >> i'm with chuck todd on this. i think this was a pretty lukewarm counter by boehner that was intended to be the vehicle for some sort of larger deal. i know as john rightly pointed out, this may have consequence for mcconnell. but i think ultimately the intention of this was kind of a fig leaf. five out of those six bullet points apart from medical device tax are incredibly small. my question, i think it's a good one, are democrats in the zone where they are slightly overplaying their hand. would it been nice to give a little hat tip that boehner for the very first time accepted basic rules they applied longer term extension and end of the government shutdown. that happened to do and that
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seems to be sub sumed by rhetoric. >> that could hurt boehner's ability to push through the fig leaf. i think they are running the risk of snatching the victory from the jaws of defeat here. >> that's the thing. we talked about the political kabuki theater. i'm going to have to say that for the rest of my career in broadcasting, which may be long or may be very, very short. the notion, though, that the president has to help the president save face at the end of all this, he doesn't seem to be operating from that playbook. the statement he put out so far has been you guys get nothing. i think he said this as much, there is a historical precedent the president believes this represents. if he goes back to the bargaining table, no matter how small it sets the stage for the fiscal cliff any time.
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>> the republicans didn't believe it based on prior history of negotiating with this white house. certainly harry reid acted from the beginning as if he has the hold cards. >> let me ask in terms of lets assume for a minute the deal does come to pass, glenn, in some fashion. is it a win or loss of the conventional wisdom from the outside is the democrats have won. if you look at the timetable we're going to be relitigating this in an election year, well before november, looking at republican spending levels. ultimately somehow there's going to be some concession whether it's medical device tax repeal or whatever it is, the half vitter that the democrats are going to need to accept. >> the half vitter is cheaper. the point on spending levels is absolutely right. democrats are playing essentially on republicans home turf on this to begin w i do think the dynamic -- this has been such a debacle. polls are really, really stark.
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what did peter harkey say, this is nothing he's seen before. democrats are greatly advantaged here. >> you know what they say in pollic particulars, never go full vitter. the jury out who stands to lose the most politically plenty of americans playing for capitol hill's game of chicken. we will discuss just how much fiscal brinksmanship is costing us when a man javers joins us next on "now." ♪ [ male announcer ] staying warm and dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people. so we improved priority mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship. now with tracking up to eleven scans, specified delivery dates, and free insurance up to $50 all for the same low rate. [ woman ] we are the united states postal service. [ man ] we are the united states postal service.
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>> in this case, time is money. time is money. it's going to be very costly to our economy. >> with bills moving through
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both the house and senate, the nation's first government shutdown in 17 years just may be coming to a close. but in the 15 days of shuttered services we've already inflicted pain on millions of americans who either work for or depend on the government and millions more in the private economy. according to market research firm ihs shutting down the u.s. government costs the economy $160 million every workday. we passed the $2 billion mark on october 9th. on friday goldman sachs chief economist predicted the shutdown would cut economic growth by a fifth this quarter alone. a shutdown also increases the deficit. the government estimates the twin shutdowns of 1995 and 1996 cost the government $1.4 billion. according it macroeconomic advisers an estimated 900,000 jobs lost through budgetary crisis through the dawn of republican led fiscal brinksmanship in 2010 for a party that continually celebrates its concern for job
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creation and fiscal prudence, the reckless behavior in congress would be a public and painful lesson in hypocrisy. joining us from capitol hill is cnbc's a man javers. from that introduce y electroyow i feel. how republicans are behaving, no closer to a deal 48 hours out. is there going to be some kind of panic? >> absolutely. wall street wants to see this thing resolved. as of morning markets are fairly copacetic bearing this wrinkle we had today to some extent. we're already seeing interest rates on treasury move, short-term debt, that window whatever it is they say we're going to have a renegotiation of this. you can see impacts already. some talking about not accepting short-term treasuries as collateral. already some of the things that
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the economy does are being slowed down as a result of this gamesmanship and brinksmanship in washington. i just came from nancy pelosi's press conference and it doesn't seem there's any progress to report at all in washington. you're asking the right question is when do markets absolutely lose their minds. as of right now it seems they kind of feel this is typical washington boilerplate and we're going to get a deal. they are very confident a deal is coming here. if they are disappointed to the downside, it could be really ugly, alex. >> i want to bring james in. we were talking in the break about various forms of brinksmanship here. you were alluding to the brinksmanship between market and congress. >> there's this whole other game of chicken going on between washington and wall street. it's as though capitol hill wants to be rescued, wants the excuse to move by the markets
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crashing. the markets having been there, not to anthropomorphize. >> you were down when the market went down 777, crowley standing on the floor saying look at the dow. it's almost as if this is totally built into the way it works. >> i do feel we're at a different point in history. eamon, part of me wonders, republican party has been the party of wall street, at least in recent years. given what the republican party is doing to the economy, not just at this point but previously, the job losses we're seeing, addition to the deficit, something they rale about all the time, in reality creating more deficit and debt problems for the country in this fiscal
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brinksmanship. at what point does wall street say maybe this isn't the party we should be in bed with. >> still simpatico with wall street, overall capitalist enterprise in the country. when you look at tea party republicans, you're looking at a group of people, politicians, who resent every stripe, they don't necessarily buy what wall street is selling. when lobbyists come down and make the pitch on capitol hill, this debt ceiling is real you see a lot of tea partiers talking about prioritization. i don't believe what treasury department is telling me, what wall street is telling me. they simply don't believe the debt ceiling is a big problem, that's something wall street has been trying to bang into heads as best they can. a lot of those republicans don't listen to wall street in the way as you say the republican party in the past has done. >> they have also -- the other problem they are having, tell republicans we're not going to give you money for campaigns. the republicans they are talking
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to, tea party types, ted cruz and others, we don't really care. >> they don't need it. >> ted cruz can ostensibly gone along supported by folks like the koch brothers. koch brothers are businessmen, business interesting, they may have laws but they can't alienate all interest in the economy. >> koch brothers company has come out and distanced itself from the shutdown tactic. we never endorsed this as a tactic. we don't like obama care but we never said this is the way to go. even with the koch brother's broad enterprise saying, wait a second, this isn't something we want to do. >> by the way speaker boehner is coming by my position right now. >> why don't we bring him on camera and ask him questions. >> he's not telling us anything. >> not surprised there. >> here he comes and there he goes. >> there he goes. >> "new york times" reports
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several trade associations warned they were going to wage primary campaigns against republican lawmakers who had the standoff in washington getting primary in the middle. >> that's the big question. chamber of commerce selected these guys. where is the united states chamber of commerce, the guys who put the four-story middle finger to obama facing the white house two years ago. if they came in and threw 50 to $100 million to the districts this dynamic would change tomorrow. where are these guys. where is tom donahue. >> where are they? where is the chamber of commerce, eamon? >> chamber of commerce has been in favor of establishment of republicans. they would like to see spending cuts ultimately, some kind of broader debt deal if we can get one. that doesn't seem to be where we're headed. we seem to be a short-term kick the can down the road. i remember the good old days we used to complain all washington was good at kicking the can down the road. now they are not good at that
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anymore. that's the one thing they had. >> searching in the garbage can for something like an orange peel to kick down the road. schlessinger makes a very important point if you regularly wrestle on the edge of the cliff you're eventually bound to tumble off. i don't mean to be overly pessimistic but we get closer and closer to the edge every time. as eamon says kicking the can down the road seems like the great hope, the light at the end of the tunnel. eventually we will default. i don't understand how we pull ourselves back from this? >> yeah. your cliche, kicking a can, game of chicken, patrick moynihan defining deviantsey downward. outside it makes no sense at all.
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the party of business, again, what businessman would deliberately put his credit rating at risk with some notion it would advance his business. >> in order to kneecap his secretaries. >> hopefully we'll be spared lectures about running government like a business in the future at least. >> eamon before we go, in terms of the next three days, assuming we're still operating in muddy waters, assuming john boehner's position remains as opaque as it does today, will the markets rally to send a signal to washington? >> markets are not going to intentionally send a signal to washington. what's going to happen, market sentiment will turn. when it turns it's like an under tow. it goes really fast and hard. it's difficult to guess when that will happen. it will happen at some point. my guess is october 17th deadline has a little cushion. if you look at the payments the
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united states has coming due, it's really november 1st when they have $67 billion of payments that have to go out the door all on the same day. >> stop saying that. >> thursday. >> the question is whether or not markets will start to freak out on thursday or tomorrow when we get closer to it and looks like, hey, wait a second, looks like this thing isn't going to happen. unpredictable. >> if there isn't pain come thursday, a lot of members don't believe the debt ceiling is a real thing at all. they are going to dig in further and say why should we do anything. if it's not hurting my people back home, why should i care. >> this is like katrina coverage. i remember in the early evening katrina barreling towards new orleans, not so bad. a couple of hours it went dark and then we woke up to half a city under water. >> part of it we're much like hurricane katrina in uncharted testimony, we don't really actually know what happens when
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you breach the debt ceiling. >> we don't. we've already done damage to the united states, the financial system. you saw the chinese calling for a deamericanized world. we're undermining our credibility as a global leader and financial center by playing these games. this is a rich, powerful, successful country that is crippled at the knees here because of an internal political conflict that's totally unnecessary at this point. >> we have cut our own economic growth by a fifth this quarter alone. cnbc's eamon javers, thanks as always, my friend. >> used his ties with then candidate barack obama tovillify the illinois senator. we will talk bowed co-founder bill ayers about his relationship with the democratic left and his new book just ahead. ayers about his relations with the democratic left and his new book just ahead. bill ayers relationship with the democratic left and his new book just ahead. [ male announcer ] campbell's angus beef & dumplings.
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to some he was nope as co-founder of weather upd ground. before 2008 much of america was unfamiliar with bill ayers that is until sarah palin opened her mouth. >> this is not a man who sees america as you and i see america. we see america as a force for good in this world. our opponent is someone who sees america as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorist who targeted their own country. >> we will talk about the self-described one-time road kill of the right when he joins us coming up next. [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion,
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isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ famously a co-founder of the weather underground, a radical group that bombed buildings to protest vietnam war he may be most familiar to younger americans as right wing caricature as a domestic terrorist a man sarah palin accused barack obama of pennsylvania paling around with. new book, "public enemy" ayers writes there's no way to prepare what would hit me. the locomotive designed to hit barack obama would run me and others down as some unavoidal
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collateral damage, the inevitably road kill. presence of predatory camera crews all finally ended in chicago's grant park november 4th, 2008, when barack obama was elected president. i felt wave after wave of liberation, writes ayers like a weight being lifted from any neck, an albatross or yoke i'd forgotten was there because it was with me day and night and i'd grown accustomed to it. i surprised myself again and again bursting into tears all evening long. the co-founder of underground activist retired professor from university of illini, bill ayers, "public enemy, confessions of an american dissident." thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> you write about that and i ask you as we do today a fractious minority has a strangle hold on american democracy, what have you thought
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about in terms of american democracy and politics since that night in grant park. how would you grade us, if you will. >> i'm not going to grade us. i'm an old time educator and i don't believe that much in grades. for me the most important thing about that scene in grant park, the end of the bush era, something oppressive for many of us. i never believed and i don't believe that barack obama is anything other than how he described himself. that is all through the campaign he said i'm a moderate, middle of the road, pragmatic politician. the right looked at him, no, secret socialist, pals around with nationalist, terrorist, the left looks at him and says he's winking at me. but he wasn't. he described himself accurate. the most compelling thing he
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said in that campaign when asked who would martin luther king support in the early primary. he said king wouldn't support any of us, he'd be in the street for justice. that tells me where i ought to be, most of us who dream of a better world we ought to be. not the sites of power we don't have access to but the sites we have access to, neighborhood, street, community, classroom and that's what i do. >> to follow on that, bill, the notion that change and progress are happening on the local, municipal and state level i think is absolutely right, but at the same time repealing reproductive freedom happening at the state level, voter sup regulars at the state level. are you optimistic forces of good will try up over darkness. >> i'm neither an optimist or pessimist. both those folks think they can predict the future. i'm a work in progress. we're living in a dynamic
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history. what we do or don't do make a difference. i wake up every day hopeful but not optimistic. hopeful because is the only way to get out of bed, hoping to make a difference, trying to make a difference. it's up to us. we should put the on us on ourselves. if we don't build movements for social justice, peace, racial justice we have no one to blame but ourselves when we get there. it's not a matter of the rulers doing for us what we need to do for ourself. a quick look at history. lyndon johnson never part of the black freedom move fdr the labor movement, lincoln not part of an abolitionists parties. those three presidents were remembered because of fire below. >> let me ask you about the question of racial injustice. a huge part of the president's legacy is the fact that he is our first black president. he has in recent months waded more into the question of race, after the trayvon martin case, after the verdict came down he really made one of the most meaningful statements on race,
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which was totally extemporaneous and yet it feels very much like we are incredibly unsettled as to the race in america and the dialogue goes in fits and starts. given your work on questions of barriers existing, racial injustice that still continues, do you think that america is more comfortable tackling the subject of race if not closer to the end of that battle. >> i don't think the end of the battle is in sight. i think white supremacy is a deep, deep streak that runs through our whole history. i write about it quite a bit in the book. i think any one of us, alex, you, me, anyone watching if we were alive in 1840 we would like to think we would have opposed slavery. of course most people didn't in 1840, most people went along with what was in front of them. today we see mass incarceration as another expression of white supremacy, racial injustice. i think building a movement against mass incarceration is something that is going on. we ought to all join it. that's the kind of way we can
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feel not cynical or hopeless about the future but get involved in activism which is an antidote to hopelessness. >> bill, i can't say enough how important it is to reiterate being active, participant in democracy is really the beginning of the key to end both the stalemate we're seeing now but also building a better american society. the book is "public enemy, confessions of an american dissident." bill ayers, thank you so much for your time and congratulations on the book. >> thank you. >> suspect al libi set to make his first appearance in the courtroom. in just a moment we'll discuss that coming up next. it's likely your detergent. cascade platinum's triple cleaning formula delivers brilliant shine finish gel can't beat. it even helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. cascade platinum is cascade's best. a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die.
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san antonio. al libi stopped eating and drinking while aboard the navy vessel worsening his chronic health problems. he arrived on american soil late saturday after being formally taken into the custody. the organizer of the bombings in kenya and tanzania is waiting to face trial on terrorism charges. coming up the plot thickens in paul ryan's political future. the former running mate to the romney is about to face a new challenger. for his opponent it's personal. that's next. jc: lunch at that one restaurant we all like? ron: i'm sorry, who are you? jc: i'm your coworker! c'mon guys. i'm driving. hey, you guys comfortable? it's best-in-class rear legroom. and with a turbo engine that gets 35 highway m-p-g. you know j.d. power ranked passat the most appealing midsize car two years in a row? i bet, uh, dan here wishes somebody found him most appealing two years in a row. ron: it's ron jc: ron... exactly.
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republican house budget committee chair and workout king paul ryan has a challenger, son of a victim in the sikh temple
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shooting. his father died last august when a white supremacist shot and killed six members of the sikh congregation, he then committed suicide. that would be the shooter. i want to talk about this run, john, because it gives me an opportunity to talk about paul ryan did not win by a huge margin. he won with 60%, in 2012, he won with 55% of the vote. he could maybe be vulnerable here. >> i don't know. i think part of that was he was on the national ticket and getting beat up by the dnc constantly. he does a very good job of playing to the home court when he's in a regular re-election race. the labor folks there. it is a very democratic district generally speaking. they go for president obama. i think he generally has -- it's a weird fit for him but they seem to like him. i'm not sure in an off year if
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it's as hard for him. >> i do think, james, to some degree the question of whether 2014 is an off year is probably up for debate. i think there already is more attention paid to this 2014 race than there was for 2010. don't let us forget we will probably be relitigating the funding of the government and debt ceiling again before the november elections. the question is does anybody pay a price for what is happening right now. does paul ryan pay a price? he's involved in this. >> i'm not going to venture a prediction on this one. we're two days away from a possible government default. we have no idea how it's going to play out politically and the consequences. one hopes actually they would be fairly severe for a lot of people who brought us to this point. >> the district. his district is one of the few out there that aren't written so he has a very hard line sort of republican base there. in that sense, he could actually face -- >> he does have a ton of money
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and he will have a ton of money. >> he's already raised $1.7 million in the first six months of the year, just shy of what glenn thrush raised in the first months of the year. in the final art of getting over our skis if paul ryan does win, there's a question of who takes john boehner's place, if john boehner is out. who is next in line. >> three words speaker louie gomer. >> you don't think that's going to happen? a chill ran up my side. >> everyone assumes eric cantor wants the job. i don't think he wants the job now. >> ted cruz. they could make ted cruz speaker. >> and get him out of the senate. to this race specifically, though, his father was killed in the 60s shooting and gun safety is something he runs on.
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in wisconsin 40% favor stricter gun laws, 43% say laws should be kep the same. do you think he can gain any traction there? we have seen in states like colorado movement on that at the state level because it seems to be easier to get things done though obviously naum of recalls in colorado. >> not to put too crass of a point on it. he's a very sympathetic person. the public there very much reacted to the attack. the sikh community is part of the community. a lot of the people don't -- at least in that district don't view them as outsiders. it took people aback a bit. if there's another kind of mass shooting, which is always possible in this country seems like between now and then, certainly it could play a factor. >> it will be an interesting race and interesti fro h is probably going to get painted as extreme in some months to come and win over his voters in wisconsin, who if we take you word, which we do for the most
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part, tons more moderate. an interesting race for 2014. we have to leave it there. thank you to john, james and glenn. that is all for now. i'll see you back at noon eastern when i'm joined by sam stein, jonathan capehart and economist justin wolfers. "andrea mitchell reports" is coming up next. ♪
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i'm falling. everybody look out! ahhhhh...ugh. little help here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. anybody? right now on "andrea mitchell reports," beating the clock, the senate inches closer to a deal to end the shutdown. now house republicans are calling a time-out. >> we're talking with our members on both sides of the aisle to try to find a way to move forward today. >> president obama and democrats say that's just another legislative roadblock. >> speaker boehner decides to light a match and throw it on the gasoline that's already all over the place.
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i hope he will desist. >> will they break the stalemate before time runs out? the president calls house democrats to a crisis meeting at the white house this afternoon. and are you a don draper or jack donaghy? >> why are you wearing a tux? >> it's after 6:00, what am i, a farmer? >> despite d.c. dysfunction our new profile shows americans are not as divided as congress. chuck todd joins us with all the answers. good day, i'm andrea mitchell in washington. we may be on the verge of a deal that could end this governmt