tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC October 18, 2013 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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good morning. i'm richard lui in for chris jansing on this friday. now that the government is back up and running, president obama is setting up his priorities for the rest of the year. pass a budget, comprehensive immigration reform and a farm bill. at first glance nothing seems too controversial on this list, but if you take into account the way washington has been operating, it could be. >> i understand we will not suddenly agree on everything now that the cloud of crisis has passed. we shouldn't fail to act on areas that we do agree or could agree just because we don't think it's good politics. just because the extremes in our party don't like the word "compromise." >> minority leader mitch mcconnell saying another government shutdown is off the table. he told the national review, quote, one of my favorite sayings is an old kentucky saying. there's no education in the second kick of a mule. the first kick of the mule was in 1995. the second one was the last 16 days. a government shutdown is off the
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table. we're not going to do it. but senator ted cruz is not ruling that out. >> i would do anything, and i will continue to do anything i can to stop the train wreck that is obama care, and i think our focus should not be on d.c. politics. it should be on the people who are getting hurt. >> all right. so here are the key dates that we're watching. december 13th, the deadline for the new budget report for the house and senate. january 15th, the deadline for funding the government. and the debt ceiling deadline, that comes on back on february the 7th. i want to bring in our company, karen tumulty and perry bacon. great to see both you have as we move through the rundown. karen, back to the president's agenda, the budget, immigration, the farm bill as well. which of those, of those three, is most likely to get done? >> well, i think the farm bill is by far the most likely to get
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done, but i think the most interesting to watch is going to be the budget negotiations. >> no doubt. >> this is something that congress has not sat down as a conference committee on the budget since 2009. and this really is what passes for regular order in washington. now, patty murray, the chairman of the senate budget committee, and paul ryan, the chairman of the house budget committee, have been having informal meetings for six months now trying to work out a few things. but i think that is going to be the real indicator of whether this shutdown and this entire crisis has done anything to change the way business doesn't get done in washington. >> yet, they are far apart on some issues there. you know, perry, what do you think of those three goals the president set for the end of the year? >> i think all three of them are actually very difficult. i think we'll have appropriations bills, but in terms of a longer term budget, the problem quickly is republicans are opposed to tax increases, democrats are for
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them. remember earlier there was a debate about the farm bill. the question about the farm bill is food stamps. the republicans want to change the food stamp program. what is in the farm bill works and democrats are opposed to those changes. there is a huge divide between the parties. the house republicans want more border security. president obama wants a path to citizenship so i think all three issues are complicated and i'm not sure we'll see much progress on even one of them by the end of the year. >> so all three of them could be difficult. karen, i was reading your front page recall and you were saying the gop establishment is going through soul searching. we've got mitch mcconnell who's saying a government shutdown is not going to happen again. that's part of the soul searching. then you've got ted cruz who won't rule it out, as we were just showing. have republicans learned a lesson from those 16 days? >> well, again, we will see, unfortunately, is the answer to everything right now. but i do think that there is a recognition on the part of a lot of members of the establishment that they really do have to do something to save this party
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from itself. and, you know, the problem here is that the tea party plays very heavily in primaries, so that most republican incumbents in congress are way more scared of some candidate coming up, some other republican coming up and challenging them on the right in a primary than they are even in losing a general election. we saw sarah palin yesterday, yes, she's back, and she was threatening mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham and, you know, lamar alexander. i mean they are still going to play in these primaries. >> in pretty clear terms she was doing that. perry, patty murray met with paul roin and all the budget committee chairs. they have already ruled out a deal with new tax revenues and large scale changes to medicare, medicaid and social security. instead they're looking at a more modest confidence-building measure to replace the sequestration cuts in 2014. but when you look at super committees, they don't have a
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high success rate here as of late. is this time any different? >> i don't think it will be in terms of like big changes. like you said, richard, in terms of medicare, social security, raising taxes, the things that would be sort of a big grand bargain that president obama was talking about a couple of years ago, i think those things are unlikely to happen. what you're looking for is more can the sequester be changed in some ways to where it's less painful for military cuts the republicans don't like or domestic spending cuts the democrats don't like. that's where the range is much more narrow than it would have been before. an i think there can be some kind of progress in reducing the effects of the sequester, but i'm not sure the parties can even agree on that right now. >> stand by, if you would, just for a second there, perry and karen. i want to bring in congresswoman nita lowey, a democrat from new york just named to that brand new budget conference committee that we've been talking about. congresswoman, thanks for being here. >> it's a pleasure. >> your colleague, chris van hollen, says everything is on the table. is it, everything? >> i think what's important to note here listening to the
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commentary is this was such a shameful episode in the history of the united states, and standard & poor, i believe, just said that the economy took over a $24 billion hit. and when i go to my district and i talk to small businesses, they lost a huge amount of money compared to their overall numbers for the year. so i think there has to be an incentive to move this process along and this is why i am cautiously optimistic. >> what is that incentive? >> the incentive is there's so much suffering out there. you talk to somebody who was furloughed for two weeks. this is critical to that family. they still have to pay their mortgage. they still have to go to the supermarket. they still have to go to the mall to get essential for their kids. so there's real havoc out there and i think that's the incentive to work together. >> is everything on the table, as chris van hollen had said? >> i think everything is on the
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table. but one of the priorities is closing loopholes. this is essential. the giveaways to the oil industry, the gas industry, the farm subsidies, all that is on the table and we have to look at everything. but most important of all as an appropriator as you begin this process, the budget committee has to create some kind of an agreement so we can begin to design the large 12 appropriations bills for the 2014 cycle. remember, if this isn't done after january 15th, the defense establishment loses $20 billion. this is affecting small contractors in particular. >> so everything that you're saying is on the table, but yesterday "the new york times" reporting the budget committee chairs already ruling out tax increases as well as entitlement reform. so what can get done here. >> wait a second, i don't call it tax increase, i call it closing tax loopholes. there's a big difference between
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increasing taxes and closing giveaways. so when you look at the tax loopholes, i think that's a place we can make progress. >> you're going to go up against that idea is what you're saying? >> i think what they're going to do first is look at a number. remember, the house and senate haven't met as a budget committee, identifying a number so that the appropriations committee can begin designing the bills. >> let's talk about something you care about and that's health care. i want to go to a tech expert that spoke with tom costello. >> it doesn't work. >> if this was your product, what would you say? >> i'd be embarrassed and i'd use language with my development team that couldn't be on the air. this is ridiculous. >> ridiculous is the last word there. you know, we're looking at this, what, after 18 days we still have problems here. >> look, i'm not going to defend the problems. they have to be corrected, they have to do it immediately. but look what's happening in new
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york. because it's a new york state exchange, over 40,000 people have already gotten insurance. these are people who never had access to insurance. >> and you're not happy about this, right? you want it to be fixed? >> i think the computer glitch is outrageous. but let's keep our eye on the target, providing affordable health care to the thousands and thousands of people across the country that need it. so we have to fix it. i am encouraging strongly to get it fixed immediately. >> congresswoman, robert gibbs even saying sh somebody should be fired. some republicans saying that person should be health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius. should she be fired or should she go in front of the house as she has been requested to by one committee to explain why there are problems right now? >> you know, i don't want to take weeks or months in terms of blaming who did it, i want to fix it. and if sebelius has the responsibility to fix it, she gave out the contracts i'm
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assuming or other in her department to those private sector firms that were supposed to develop this system, if they blew it, they have to be held responsible and fix it. we can't waste any time because there are too many people out there waiting to buy this insurance, people who never had health insurance before, and were going to the emergency rooms and you and i were paying for their health care. so let's fix the system, let's get the program rolling, let's provide that health care to all the people who need it. >> all the best to you as you undertake that work in the budget conference committee. there's a lot ahead for you. thanks so much, congresswoman. appreciate it. bringing back, karen, the site we've been talking about has had 17 million unique visitors but we have no official numbers on how many people have signed up to this. the president telling kcci, quote, i am the first to acknowledge that the website that was supposed to do this all in a sammiless way has had way more glitches than i think are
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acceptable. karen, what do you think? what needs to be done? and in what amount of time to turn this around? >> well, i sort of agree with robert gibbs. i do think there needs to be some accountability, and that is -- makes you wonder why the people who set this up are still on the job. this is not just a question of too much volume, as the white house and the administration tried to portray it. the fact is that even in the test runs, before this, the insurance companies were warning hhs that people were not going to be able to get from the starting point to the ending point. so i do think just because this has become -- they can probably fix all this, hopefully, fairly quickly. but this has really struck, i think, at the credibility of the whole system. >> perry, jim demint on that note has an op-ed in "the wall street journal," we won't back down on obama care. the headline in the washington post, republicans are not done fighting with the new health care law. this is not going away,
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certainly. in fact as you may have heard, marco rubio saying this is going to be an election issue, big deal in 2014. what's your thought? >> i do think it could be. it depends on how this works. remember, the en rollment process is designed to have people enroll from now until next march. so we're still pretty early on. if these website problems still exist a year from now during the election cycle, that's a big problem for president obama and democrats in congress. i do think right now the republicans will pull back slightly from this anti-obama care push. i know ted cruz is important and so is jim demint, but mitch mcconnell runs the senate and is probably the most important republican in washington. the fact that he's saying we're not going to shut down, we're not going to keep pushing the way we have been on obama care tells you that the party itself is a little wary of what's happened these last few weeks and will probably focus more on fiscal issues than defunding obama care again as they tried to push this last month or so unsuccessfully.
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>> we'll see how that narrative evolves. perry bacon, karen tumulty, thank you. edward snowden says he did not take any intelligence documents with him to russia. he handed all the encrypted documents over to journalists while in hong kong. he did not take the files because, quote, it wouldn't serve in the public interest. snowden said he was protecting the documents from russian intelligence and chinese spies. p with olay regenerist. formulated with a skin energizing complex, it penetrates 10 layers of the skin's surface, because energized skin is younger looking skin. ♪ is younger looking skin. life with crohn's disease ois a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can't hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need,
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that would make a huge difference in our economy right now. >> the senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill back in june, but speaker boehner has refused to bring it to the house floor so far. let's bring in democratic congresswoman luis gutierrez of illinois. good to see you again, congressman. >> good being with you, richard. >> crystal ball for us, where and when do you see an opening for immigration reform being taken of? >> i still think before christmas this year. let's let the raw nerves settle down a little bit. a pretty contentious rough couple of weeks there. but the sun is going for come out, it's going to dry up. i think someone was on msnbc just yesterday, one of my colleagues, saying he was from -- a new freshman from wisconsin saying, hey, you know, budget guy is going to be paul ryan negotiating there, and at the same time he's been very consistent for comprehensive immigration reform. let me just move forward just a little bit. i think what the president said is very important. you notice that we're all
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talking about immigration again. that's what the president can do. he puts a spotlight on something and he changes the conversation. i think he needs to continue to do that. i'm very thankful to him. i also think that given the raw nerves maybe he should pick up the phone. call boehner, call the judiciary chairman, all the republicans. democrats we're good, right? bring them in, talk to them and see where that sweet spot is at so that we can move forward. but i think we can get this done before christmas. >> you are a very hopeful congressman. i want to talk about congressman raul labrador who said this wednesday night, quote, after the way the president acted over the last two or three weeks where he would refuse to talk to the speaker of the house, they're not going to get immigration reform. it's done. so based on your hopefulness here, what's your strategy to build compromise when you do see another congressman across the aisle saying, oh, no, this is not going to work. >> i have a great degree of respect for raul and his efforts on immigration reform. but let me just say this.
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i was here in '96 in the congress of the united states andugly. newt gingrich shut down the government because he felt spited by the president when they took the trip to israel. but look what happened. we got kennedy-kassebaum. the president had vetoed twice the welfare reform bill but got some major concessions from the republicans and signed that. so, look, two major pieces of legislation come immediately after the shutdown of government. >> but congressman, on the flip side after this last 16 days, republicans could be womanton o giving anything more to democrats because of a perceived victory. >> richard, i think the answer to your question is are they going to think strategically so that we understand that in any facet of our lives, especially in politics but in any facet, whether it's sports, you name the facet, when you have a defeat, right, what's the best way to get over that defeat?
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with a success, with a victory. and here is an opportunity. you see those 80, 90 republicans that did vote to keep the government open? in that mix of republican members of the house of representatives are the necessary numbers to get comprehensive immigration reform. there are republicans that want to get this done. the question is, is the speaker going to do this and think strategically. i think the role of the president is to help them get there. >> though there are many who would like to see this done, the question might be why would these republicans want to go along with it? usa today says this, democrats are hoping that republicans mindful of the party's poor performance in recent national elections against hispanics will support a comprehensive bill that tackles many issues such as citizenship, visas and border security. we've seen this play through in the last debt ceiling, does this
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argument deal with immigration reform? >> what did we get for it? i went back to the democratic caucus and there were people looking at me cross-eyed, why are you hanging around with paul ryan, he's our enemy. more importantly, what did paul ryan get? he got hundreds of thousands of negative ads in his district, yet he is still standing up. let me tell you why. because you cannot simply ignore principle. and that is that there are men and women in the republican and democratic party who it is abhorrent to us to see what is going on. and if those values, that is the values of fairness, justice and good play in america, i think we can build a relationship. look, we don't need 218 republicans to do this. we need 45, 50 republicans to do it. they exist and my hope is that they will be able to go to the speaker and that they want to have a more moderate view and say, you know, it's our turn also to be able to work with the other side of the aisle.
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>> congressman, that is if the speaker does bring it to the floor. >> that's why i go back for the president to call them in. call the speaker in, let's have a conversation. >> thank you so much for having a conversation with us. >> yes. >> have a great weekend. thank you. >> all right, richard. an intense manhunt under way in florida for two convicted killers left out of prison by mistake. investigators say joseph jenkins and charles walker forged release documents that they used to then walk out of jail about three weeks ago. the paperwork had the signature of the chief judge, who you may remember as a judge in the casey anthony trial. >> anyone with any computer skills can look at a document and take that document off of the internet and lift the signature and paste it somewhere else. it's very ingenious. it's a breakout without having to break out. >> judge perry back in the news. officials saying a third convict tried the very same thing earlier this year.
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to paul 96 nolitics now whe booker will marry same-sex couples before he leaves his job as mayor of newark. buzz feed reporting he'll conduct them at 12:01 a.m. monday when a new state law recognizing gay marriage takes effect. chris christie is at odds with booker on same-sex marriage but the two have worked well together on several other projects. at a ground-breaking yesterday, christie took light-hearted jabs at booker and the hapless new york giants. >> i'm happy for the mayor today with his victory last night. it was the first win the giants have gotten all year. little did tom coughlin know he was going to have to depend upon a washed up tight-end from
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stanford. >> all right. at fortune's most powerful women's summit, chelsea clinton was asked whether she'd ever seek political office like her parents and she said it depends on whether she loses faith in her representatives. >> if at any point in time that stopped being true, where i had a question about their ethics or their competencies and i thought that i could make a disproportionately positive contribution in the political arena in the same way that i feel very grateful that i can do now through the foundation, i'd have to ask and answer that. >> let's take you to the annual al smith charity dinner in new york last night. comedian stephen colbert having them doubled over in laughter. he took aim at mayor michael bloomberg and even new york cardinal timothy dolan. >> in that cape and red sash, you look like a matador who's really let himself go. tonight is really about the littlest among us. speaking of which, is mayor
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a new poll confirms the fracture within the republican party. 51% of republicans see the tea party as its own separate entity and not part of the gop. the atlantic puts it this way, quote. what was once an uneasy alliance between tea partiers and republican loyalists is increasingly marked by hostility and many on the right now want a divorce. joining me now, executive director of the conservative advocacy group, public notice, gretchen hamel and former press secretary, doug thornell as well. good friday to you. gretchen, divorce? is there a group? is there a voice in moderate republicans or conservatives here that are saying let's get rid of that three dozen tea partiers that are causing the shutdown discussion? >> you know, i think when you look at the party, both parties, you do have a side on the right,
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a far right and a side on the far left. there's no reason to divorce those people. that is part of what the party system is and they have to have that debate about what the conservatives want and what the liberals want and how to make those things meet in the middle at a negotiation table. >> isn't it dragging down the moderates in the republican party? >> i don't think that it's driving down the moderates, i think the moderates have a great opportunity to work, especially with the debate that we have coming up. look, we just prolonged this debate on spending. and we have a great opportunity, moderate republicans, who have a lot of people on the left who are concerned about fiscal issues as well. >> it doesn't make things easier, certainly. doug, senator ted cruz not ruling out another government shutdown, speaking about tea partiers here. what's the democratic strategy to keep the heat level here low so some work can get done in d.c. as we work towards those three objectives the president would like to get done? >> well, i mean hopefully ted cruz and others will, you know,
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step to the side and allow some of this work to get done. but to your earlier pointing, the fact is that the tea party right now and ted cruz are the heart, the brain and the soul of the republican party, especially congressional republicans. that's really problematic because their popularity is dropping very quickly. their antics so far have caused real damage to the republican brand, if it can be damaged any more. it's hurt speaker boehner. it's hurt the chances of them retaining the majority. and for establishment republicans who want to maintain the majority, who want to compete in presidential elections, they are going to have to figure out how they regain control from ted cruz and the tea party who are basically driving 100 miles per hour right now blind folded and taking the party right off the cliff. >> here's a suggestion from president obama, take a listen. >> you don't like a particular policy or a particular president? then argue for your position.
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go out there and win an election. push to change it. but don't break it. >> gretchen? >> what the president did yesterday is no different than what those ted cruz have done and that is go out and stake a position. the president basically went out yesterday, he spiked the football, he drew a line and said go win an election and then that's when we'll talk. that's not leadership. >> it's really not the same though, is it, gretchen? look, if you'd like to make change, get alekelected. >> and these folks did get elected and this is a democracy where we have debates about the importance of policy. it's this -- who won and who lost in d.c. that has gotten us off of focusing on what the real problem is here and that is a country that is about to go off a fiscal cliff. be pragmatic and come to the table with solutions instead of just saying, no, i'm not going to negotiate because you didn't win. >> first of all, richard, the party that was taking the country off of the cliff were
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the republicans back in -- back a year ago and the party that voted, you know, 147 or so house republicans voted against this deal a couple of days ago. so the president has all been about negotiations. house democrats have been calling for a budget conference since april and republicans have resisted doing that. and i agree, this isn't about winning and losing, but the president's point is that he argued his policy ideas in the election of 2012 and he did win. and the american people supported his direction. and if republicans want to push forward their ajegenagenda, the going to have to start winning some national elections. i think having ted cruz as the face of your party and having the tea party driving the car is really problematic for them because the american people just simply don't buy the tea party agenda right now. >> i want to move on to what former governor sarah palin posted on her facebook as well as said this early thursday. quote, be energized. we're going to shake things up in 2014.
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rest well tonight, for soon we must focus on important house and senate races. let's start with kentucky, which happens to be awfully close to south carolina, tennessee and mississippi. okay, gretchen, she is clearly hinting here at some major senate races. mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham, those are two key senate seats we're talking about. >> yeah. she should have a right to feel energized. in politics if your opponent is imploding, step aside and let them implode. right now the democrats have a big problem on their hands and that's obama care. that's not meeting expectations and not allowing people to sign up like they promised. >> but does this infighting really help when you're talking about the pragmatism that you need to go forward and congeal as a party? >> when you talk about the pragmatics and congeal adds a party, i think you'll see the party come around on certain issues. the american public is not happy with obama care. there you go. they have got that. the american public two to one want there to be spending cuts. with the fiscal debate they have a great opportunity to actually
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have the mantle of a fiscal conservative principled discussion and debate and some real reforms. >> richard, i'd like to point out that this whole idea of obama care being unpopular is not born out by the polls. if you look at what the polls tell you right now, the public wants to see it implemented and fixed when necessary. and that's born out by a number of different polls. in fact obama care has grown in popularity. i would actually bet it's probably more popular than house republicans right now. so the reality is, is that, look, the house republicans, if you look at what has occurred over the last three weeks, the generic ratings in these races for house -- democrats versus republicans, democrats have expanded their lead. you saw 14 races change in the direction of house democrats by the cook report. so they're really, really struggling right now. and in the senate you've got a couple house republicans who are starting to tank who were supposed to be people who were going to compete in battleground senate races and right now they're not doing so well. >> we've got to leave it there.
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appreciate your time, gretchen hamel as well as doug thornell. you guys have a great weekend ahead. checking the news feed this morning, this afternoon president obama expected to announce jay johnson as his pick to be the next homeland security security. john un is a former pentagon security who had a hand in ending the military's ban on gays. if confirmed he'll replace janet napolitano who left to run the university of california system. a federal air marshal is accused of using a cell phone to take pictures under a woman's dress. a southwest airlines flight from nashville was delayed about an hour while barsh was removed from the plane and arrested. the tsa says it is in the process of suspending or firing him. it's going to be a hairy friday morning rush hour for 400,000 commuters in the san francisco bay area. transit workers there are on strike after negotiations broke down after health care and pension benefits. the union had been delaying a strike all week long. it's the second strike there in four months. malala presented the queen
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with her new book "i am malala" and called the meeting an honor. >> when i met her, it was quite good and she was really nice. she's really nice and she talked to me in a very friendly kind of way. >> malala now lives in england after receiving treatment for i gunshot wound to the head in a taliban assassination attempt. forget black friday. it may pay to wait to do your holiday toy shopping. michelle kbrus owe kbrcre michelle, when should we start shopping? >> there's a website that crunched the numbers and they say wait until the first two weeks in december and all of the toys on the big fab 15 list that comes out from toys r us, a good percentage are knocked down in price, some as much as 37%. so waiting a little bit. now, there is a trade-off.
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if the toy is super hot, it might be gone. >> but at least it's two weeks and not two days, for those who are procrastinators and can't get there. let's talk about the pumpkin bubble. >> the spice, the flavor, right? so we've had ten years of the pimp c pumpkin spice latte at starbucks. now there might be a pumpkin bubble. take a look at what is new. there are now pumpkin spice minimumm & ms, that is a target exclusive. there's way better snacks has something called a sweet pumpkin cranberry tortilla chip. there's a spreadable pumpkin cheese from alouette. and my favorite, if you don't want to eat it you can spread it on your face with a michael todd pumpkin facial mask. >> really? >> i know you have some at home. >> i don't. do you? >> no. >> maybe we have -- we'll buy it in the first two weeks of december. that's what we'll do. >> great.
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when it's discountied yes. today's tweet of the day comes from the new york post. pumpkin spice is the james franco of flavors. always popping up in places it has no business being. ng to cose an arm and a leg. that's hilarious. sorry. you shoulda taken it to midas. get some of that midas touch. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. next time i'm going to midas. high-five! arg! i did not see that coming. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) i have obligations. cute tobligations, but obligations.g. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs.
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♪ "first day of my life" by bright eyes ♪ you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. hey! glad y'all made it. sorry we're late. did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yeah. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yeah. yeah, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go-- yeah, sure ya did. [ male announcer ] introducing at&t digital life. personalized home security and automation. limited availability in select markets. ♪ why would i take one pepcid®
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when i could take tums® throughout the day when my heartburn comes back? 'cause you only have to take one... [ male announcer ] don't be like the burns. just one pepcid® complete works fast and lasts. feeling tired? your mind may affect your body. new research compared the physical endurance of people after they played a strenuous word game against others who watched a movie. the group who played a word game tired 13% faster, even though their muscles were equally fresh. so what's late night going to do now that the shutdown is over? david letterman took a shot at
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speaker boehner. >> are you tired of waking up in the middle of the night with phone calls from angry constituents? does passing any legislation seem impossible? that's why you need boehnex. the first drug designed to help the speaker of the house control his caucus. side effects may include emotional outbursts, facial discoloration and sudden bouts of hysteria. >> i think it's important. >> being speaker of the house is hard. boehnex can help. >> it's time for the reputation report. jansing & co.'s weekly look at who's hot and who's not. we're joined by howard bragman here with his exclusive analysis. howard, good to see you. >> good morning, richard. >> i guess we should start talking about john boehner. it's been a tough couple of weeks for him here. >> you know, john boehner is the face of the house of
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representatives. and as we saw in some recent surveys, head lice are more popular than the house of representatives. he's our -- he's down. i would call him our loser of the week. this is a guy who led a fight that took him nowhere. everybody realizes it, even his own party. and didn't end up very strong, richard. very tough couple weeks for the speaker. >> and you've got a couple of sample tweets that person fifie what you're saying. >> somebody please get boehner a dictionary. he doesn't understand what the words compromise or negotiate mean. hash gop temper tantrum. that's what parts of the gop showed during the shutdown. >> let's switch over to the senate, harry reid, mitch mcconnell.
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>> they're both trending two to one positive. 65% positive. i think mcconnell has come out very statesman-like. you saw in the last few days they were talking about my friend, the majority leader, my friend, the minority leader. that's what the american people want to see. they want to see their politicians working together. and even though republicans as a whole got bashed, senator mcconnell came out strong and he said in the last couple days i do not want to go through this again. whereas people like ted cruz maybe do want to go through this again. but mcconnell at least is wise enough, statesman-like enough that he sees a different path to the future. >> and you saw some interesting tweets out there on this? >> yeah. harry reid tweet was couldn't agree more with the washington post editorial board. the house gop has nothing to go for its government shutdown. and then on mcconnell's side,
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hope mcconnell can find a way to put a credible option on the table to keep spending at budget control levels and open government. so that's his task is keeping his base happy while keeping the government going. and people think he's doing a good job of that. >> you know, it's been a while here, howard. we haven't brought up her name so let's do that. sarah palin, now back in the headlines. howard? . >> you see these barricades and you have to ask yourself, is this any way that a commander in chief would show his respect, his gratitude to our military? >> so when you look at this and you see the barricades and you have to ask yourself, is this any way that a commander in chief would show his respect, his gratitude, that's what she was saying to our military, that's what she was saying in her bite.
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how is the former vice presidential candidate faring with social media? >> well, probably as you would expect, richard, huge volume. there are people that love sarah palin, there are people that love to hate sarah palin. i just -- i love the hutzpah that her tea party associates are the ones that essentially shut down the government and she stands in front of the barricades and gets to blame the president. she's -- you know, the girl's got something going on there. i love her -- i love her brazenness. i guess that's a fair word to use. >> she's always a subject of discussion, isn't she? howard bragman, thank you so much. we'll see you next week. music fans, pollster is out with a list of the top concert tours of this year. finding that justin bieber is number five, averaging 1.2 million per city for his concert tours. fish is fourth with 1.5 million. then beyonce 1.7 million.
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taylor swift is the runner-up to $2.7 million per city and kenny chesney edges out taylor swift with $2.8 million. a link to that full list is at take a look. ♪ [ male announcer ] with only minutes left before kickoff, thousands of tailgaters realized they needed one thing...and fast. mom, i need a bathroom. [ male announcer ] that's when the charmin tailgating potties rolled in, providing real relief to everyone. it felt like i was at home. that was an awesome experience! [ male announcer ] clutching victory from the seat of defeat, charmin saved the day. we scored a td with this tp. [ male announcer ] tailgating potties. one more way the charmin relief project is helping people enjoy the go. one more way the charmin relief project life with crohn's disease ois a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps end our night before it even starts? what if i eat the wrong thing? what if? what if i suddenly have to go?
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11 years ago this week, the washington, d.c., area peril li -- paralyzed with fear. people were looking over their shoulders because of the d.c. sniper. ten people were killed, three more hit during the shooting spree. let's flashback to october 24th, 2002. our own chris jansing on the air as police finally found their suspects. >> extraordinary developments in the sniper case. let's get you up to date. two men under arrest. they are being questioned in the d.c. area sniper attacks.
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42-year-old john allen muhammad and 17-year-old john lee malvo were arrested after they were found sleeping in a car overnight at a roadside stop in frederick county, maryland. msnbc has learned authorities seized a rifle from the car that fires the same time of high-speed bullets used in the sniper shootings. >> the interesting development here, chris, is investigators saying that they believe that the snipers fired through a hole in the back of this car. the chevy caprice, which you see here in this home video, was configured in order to make it easier for the sniper to shoot from this car undetected. it's not visible from merhere. but the sniper could fold the back seat down, lie down, put the barrel of the gun out the back of the car and fire the weapon without being seen. >> we're looking for this car, the chevy caprice. it has a new jersey license plate.
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and within hours, take us back into maryland, there in frederick county a very alert person there at that rest stop sees the car and this is the scene that we have gotten exclusively on msnbc. later in the day after the two suspects are arrested. bob, i have to believe there is a huge sigh of relief being breathed there and throughout the washington, d.c., area today. >> chris, you've got it. the huge sigh of relief is palpable. >> and flashback friday has its own home on our new website. check that out at that wraps up this hour of "jansing & co." on this friday. thomas roberts is up next. >> richard, good morning to you. have a great weekend. hi, everybody. the agenda next hour, back to work for real this time. president obama vowing to tackle immigration reform once again. i'm going to talk to a member of the house's immigration gang of eight which is now just a gang of five but maybe less is more. we'll see. and then obama care
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glitches. we get a reality check on what's working and what isn't and how the administration is troubleshooting the open enro enrollment process online. plus the donald, i'm going to speak to donald trump with the upcoming miss universe pageant. it's going to be held in russia. did you know that i'm going to be co-hosting that with mel b.? you can hear about my rationale coming up in the next hour. over the taste of starbucks house blend? not that we like tooting our own horn but... ♪ toot toot. [ male announcer ] find gevalia in the coffee aisle or at of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal.
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to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade-proud to be ranked "best overall client experience." hi, everybody, good morning. i'm thomas roberts. topping our agenda, the po post-shutdown gop civil war. wins can't seem to get on the same page after their shutdown shellacking. on capitol hill both the house and the senate are in recess today. behind the scenes republicans are triaging any political wounds and plotting the next step forward. here are the dates that matter for you. january the 15th, the day the current deal to fund the government expires and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell saying republicans will not go down the same shutdown road again. here's what he said in an interview. one of my favorite sayings is an
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old kentucky saying. there's no education in the second kick of a mule. the first kick of the mule was in 1995. the second one was the last 16 days. a government shutdown is off the table. we're not going to do it. but texas senator ted cruz, who spearheaded the shutdown strategy is singing a completely different tune. >> i would do anything, and i will continue to do anything i can, to stop the train wreck that is obama care. and i think our focus should not be on d.c. politics, it should be on the people who are getting hurt. >> does somebody at some point tell him to stop? >> the other tea party members will go back and be told you're doing a great job. >> ted cruz is not about how to move the republican party down the field, ted cruz is doing a fabulous job of moving ted cruz down the field. >> so he's not alone. former senator jim demint, still a conservative powerhouse of his own penning this op-ed in the "wall street journal" entitled we won't back down. president obama who sentn
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