tv The Cycle MSNBC October 18, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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our entire government, our law enforcement and homeland security professions and troops and diplomats and intelligence personnel are all working together. that means working with state and local partners to disrupt terrorist attacks, to make our borders more secure, respond to national disasters and addressing anyone of these challenges is a tall order. addressing all of them at once is a monumental task. but that's what the dedicated men and women of the department of homeland security do every day. today i'm proud to announce my
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choice to lead them. an outstanding public servient who i have known and trusted for years, mr. jeh johnson. >> there you have it, within the last hour in the sunny white house rose garden, president obama nominated jeh johnson to succeed janet napolitano. it's been credit d with keeping the country safe in the 12 plus years since then, but the agency has faced charges of waste and mismanagement throughout the years. he was a top pentagon lawyer during president obama's first term. before that he was an assistant district attorney right here in new york as well as an attorney in private practice. johnson also oversaw the escalation of unmanned drone strikes and revamping of military commissions to try terror suspects o as opposed to civilian courts and involved in the don't ask don't tell policy
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against openly gay soldiers. president obama had nothing but praise for johnson. >> he's respected across our government as a team player. somebody who knows how to get folks who don't always agree to work towards a common goal. he's also earned a reputation as a cool and calm leader. jeh appreciates that any organization's greatest asset is its people. jeh believes in a deep and personal way that keeping america safe requires us also upholding the values and civil liberties that make america great. >> kristen welker is on the white house north lawn. i know you have reporting on nominee johnson but you're standing on sweet freshly mowed government grass. >> reporter: another sign things are getting back to normal in washington after the government shutdown. i think the furloughed workers relieved to be getting back to work. i hear sonny and bo excited to
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rome around on the lawn again. you're right, president obama did nominate jeh johnson to be the next homeland security secretary. the two have a long relationship. johnson was an early supporter of president obama's going back to the 2008 campaign. he was a legal adviser to him and donor back in 2008. he served as the top attorney on the pentagon as you mentioned. the two men really see eye to eye on a lot of things when it comes to national security issues. johnson did help to oversee the sort of ramping up of the drone program and also ending don't ask, don't tell and like president obama, he has expressed his opposition to this idea of an endless war against terrorism. it's reported that the two men really do have a strong rapport having known each other for quite some time. in terms of his chances for actually getting approved by the senate, i am told by one top senate aide, that there's no reason to think he won't get
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confirmed. there has been some opposition, senator john cornyn saying that he is essentially a donor to president obama because of the 2008 campaign and also expressing criticism of him for not having a strong background in immigration for example. i asked the white house official about that, other former dhs officials have said, look, someone who heads the dhs doesn't necessarily need to be an expert in every single national security issue. it's an important they are an expert in a lot of them and that is what jeh johnson brings to the table. there's no reason to think he won't get confirmed but now president obama has officially made the announcement, we'll hear views pour in over the next couple of days. >> thank you so much for that. let's turn to business insiders josh barrow, in tour'e's seat today. little upgrade there, we appreciate it. >> feels good to be here. >> really? >> hi, tour'e. >> josh, i want your take on
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what kristen was saying. do you expect we'll see pushback to the nomination from the left or right? >> i think there will be complaining like you've seen today but this doesn't seem like something with larry summers as a potential fed nominee where people might smell blood in the water. there will be republican votes against the nomination given the comments we're hearing, but i would expect him to be confirmed. >> josh, to krystal's shagrin, i'm still here, part of the show today and part of the issue of being from west palm beach, part of the issue around the drone program it's been too secret. that's a major complaint people and ari launched that on the show several times, rightly so. and the obama administration has been moving carefully and slowly towards something that we might term more transparency and i hope you think the jeh johnson nomination is another step towards that. earlier at fordham university speech, he said in the absence
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of an official picture of what our government is doing around drones and by what authority, many in the public fill in the void by imagining the worst. do you think this is going to lead to something more of what we might call transparency on this issue? >> i think he's been a voice, in particular, he was advancing that as an alternative to create an independent court, better transparency within the executive branch could serve as a substitute for that. at dhs he won't have oversight. there may be domestic use of drones but it will be for different purposes and fewer justifications for why the government is doing secret things domesticically, why it's doing secret things abroad. these areas where he's demonstrated the expertise, he won't use that in this job. >> there is something sort of complex going on you're alluding to. on the one hand we know from
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mostly his tenure, the top attorney for dod where the job was to be their strongest defender. he defended their secrecy when they were running a targeted killing program, mostly off the books which we felt was wrong, regardless of how you executor try to go after certain terrorists or accused terrorists. then we learn a little more as tour'e is mentioning out of office, as a private citizen, we do better when we're more open. we have seen this administration take what i consider small steps on that front, not enough. i guess my concern here as you mentioned, he's going into dhs, different role. i don't know which jeh johnson we're going to get. while dhs has less of civil liberties concerns because they are doing the defense i have been on the home front, not taking people out. from what we've seen, not fair to hold against him what he did in his job supposed to be a defender, i worry he is part of a group of people in the administration associated with
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secrecy first, accountability later. >> i think you would want to think about that piece by piece within dhs. what would this mean about policing the borders, how much money and energy they should be putting into defending the boarders and what the balance should be in preventing and using heavy handed messages. there's talk they may use nonlethal drone weapons and that would be interesting to know what he thinks about. you have other parts like fema which responds to natural disasters and customs agency, i think that what this record on secrecy, how he would oversee those parts. it points to why we should probably create a department of homeland security. it's hard to imagine what sort of candidate. >> if you're a candidate, we would say you're against homeland security. >> speaking specifically about
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dhs, it seems over time it's become less and less plitized and we remember you couldn't walk into the airport without seeing the color code, always seemed to be on high alert, causing unnecessary alarm and confusion. we forget how new this department is and how it's still very much in transition. >> the color codes were always silly. what am i supposed to do because it's an orange day rather than yellow day? you can only use those two bars if you put it up to red, people would frequent out. if you put it to green -- >> there would be like why was it green when this terrible thing happened? that was useless. but even after the dhs become less profiled, it's still doing these things that are very important and has hundreds and thousands of employees. the department is let plit sized but still important to have somebody managing these essential functions. >> josh, thank you as always for your insight and taking tour'e's
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place at the table. >> breaking news in the fight for marriage equality as "the cycle rolls in for friday, october 18th. [ male announcer ] pepcid® presents: the burns family dinner. why would i take one pepcid® when i could take tums® throughout the day when my heartburn comes back? 'cause you only have to take one... [ male announcer ] don't be like the burns. just one pepcid® complete works fast and lasts. [ male announcer ] don't be like the burns. at afraud could meanuld blower credit scores. and higher car loan rates. it's a problem waiting to happen. check your credit score, check your credit report at a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day
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the midnight oil officiating marriages the minute they become legal. meantime, our msnbc family is making news of its own, thomas roberts, married to his husband patrick, accepted an invitation to co-host the miss universe pageant in moscow. taking heat given the strict anti-gay laws in so chi this winter. thomas provides a simple defense, courage is contagious he says. indeed it is. let's spin. i fully support thomas' decision, what russia is trying to do is obliterate gayness and erase gayness. what civil disobedience does, has showing up in places where you are not wanted but doing that with great and dignity that highlights your moral right to be there, your moral right to exist. i look at what thomas is doing, a bit of upper class civil
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disowe bbedienc disobedience. it will be -- in the face of all of these people homephobic. let's not just issue on russia and new jersey, because in much of america, things are not going well. we have 29 states that have constitutional amendments prohibiting marriage equality and abby, i don't know when that is going to change any time soon. >> it's going to have to change. one of the best things that thomas roberts wrote about hosting miss universe was courage is contagious. and i think that says it all. it's all about the power of the voice of the american people. and we've seen how quickly this has transitioned over the past ten years. it was less than ten years when the first state granted a license to marry in massachusetts. obviously we have a long way to go. as tour'e just reported in new jersey, chris christie has been
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overrule the where they will not be allowed to marry on monday. i would argue for a party that was originally founded on individual liberty and equality, should be leading on gay marriage. i feel there's a strong conservative argument that can be made. there's nothing conservative about denying someone the right to marry the person they love. i think it's a real shame the party has not gotten behind that. in time they are going to have to. not because they have to do it to stay alive but because it's the right thing to do. >> you mentioned ten years. you can go back further, in 1965 we had a recognized privacy right to use contraception and in '73, privacy right to abortion, 2003, the first time that you actually had the supreme court recognize a privacy right to have sex in a gay content, to have gay sex, because prior to that, it was still legal to criminalize that activity. this is a -- >> still trying to -- sodomy
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laws on the book. >> some republicans still want to do it and the supreme court as spoken crisply this is a private right. it was a state's right and saying that states have the right to define marriage as they see fit. that makes it a step forward and to tour'e's point, it's something that only a minority of states want to recognize right now. but i don't think as a matter of history and what we know about the way justice equality and the law works, i don't think we will stay in this gray zone because i don't think it's tenable to say these steps are privacy rights. for example, gay people have the right to be together and to have sex, right and to spend time together, but they don't have the right as a privacy matter and federal constitution to actually build a marriage together, the high order thing we talked about? >> in terms of republican evolving on this.
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for many people it's an issue of religious belief and they can understand and separate that with politicians who -- >> but i have to say that's an important point but it's not -- religious belief tells them to go to church on sunday. but i have the right under the federal constitution not to go to church on sunday. >> right. >> and i think what abby is pointing to, remember after the 2012 election when the republicans were trying to figure out how could they be a national majority party again and they came out with the autopsy report, they need to reach out more to gay americans and soften their stance on social issues and thus far they failed miserably as being able to make that turn. even as they recognize that most of the country is moving away from their position, they are unable to make the turn on this issue just as they are unable to make the turn on things like immigration and every issue across the board. coming back to new jersey and chris christie, you can see here
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even where he is more moderate on a lot of issues, he's trying to hold the conservative line because he's thinking about 2016 and thinking about that 30% of the republican base that is absolutely positively terrified by the idea of marriage equality. he's trying to hold things back in his state. i'm glad to see the new jersey supreme court had other things to say about that. >> and ab, as long as the gop is bed with the christian right, it's going to be hard to move forward on this issue. to read the entire post, head to the facebook page and we'll direct you right to. we want to know your thoughts on this issue. post them on facebook or tweet us at the cycle msnbc. more breaking news here. you're looking live at pictures of a high rise apartment building that is on fire in los angeles. smoke pouring out of the building right now. fire officials say the blaze
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began on the 11th store of the 25 story structure. we'll keep you posted and we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] welcome back all the sweet things your family loves with 0-calorie monk fruit in the raw. it's made with the natural, vine-ripened sweetness of fruit, so you can serve up deliciously sweet treats without all the sugar. raw natural sweetness, raw natural success.
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new york city has gone an entire week without a single murder. that's saying a lot for a city that used to average six per day. new york's murder rate is down 26% this year, on pace for the biggest drop ever. last year's drop came even as the nypd conducted half as many stop and frisks. >> stephen colbert hosts annual gathering the roman catholic ee leets. he did not disappoint for anyone. >> i'm sure the cardinal is thinking, stephen, pride is a sing. well, cardinal, so is envy, so
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we're even. very tiny man. the real reason he doesn't want drink cups larger than 16 ounces, he's afraid he might drown in one. i didn't know how you could possibly tear yourself away from the excitement that is albany on a thursday evening. >> new york city is the only place in the world where the lesbian candidate was too conservative. are you here alone tonight or did you bring the whole biking gang? >> so much could have been said about tour'e. why did malaa skip school? there was a good reason. the 16-year-old met with queen elizabeth where she presented her highness with a copy of her book. earlier she was ranked as one of the top contenders for the nobel peace prize. >> the zoo is back open and a
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disappointed child who just wanted to see animals went viral. the panda cam is back up and running. check it out when oour done with the cycle. it marks the end of several dysfunctional weeks in washington, loud threats and ultimately that whimpering surrender. but will this resolution prevent the next round of brinksmanship. the big to reopen the government is about three months of funding. joining us now is current champ of up against the clock with steve cornacki. starting out with pessimism, it doesn't seem why we -- what the reason is to believe the washington sort of narrative this week that we're done with this. i spoke to some folks in the white house this week who said, look, it's fundamentally different. senator mcconnell, he's not
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going to try this game again. on the other side, speak to the 144 republicans who did vote for default and the fact that in the senate elections this coming 2014 elections, 7 out of 14 of the republicans basically have -- already have primary challengers. isn't there a lot of fundamental reasons we should be skeptical? >> right, one of the most amazing things we saw earlier this month was how some lawmakers in congress didn't seem to bat an eye when they allowed the government to shut down. at the beginning we were saying, boy, this hasn't happened in 17 years and it was a big deal. once it went in effect, the days kept ticking. then we eventually had 16 days of government shutdown before congress could even come to a deal in terms of raising the debt ceiling, as you know, it was the october 17th dead lip, a lot of folks didn't take that seriously. i do think that we'll obviously be watching this, house senate
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budget committee to see if they can hammer something out but i do think you're right we don't have a lot of reason to feel confident that they can reach something and we won't be seeing another fiscal showdown come january or even later in the year when they have to raise the debt ceiling again. >> i think you're totally right about that. when the government was shut down, the rhetoric coming from the right was this is no big deal but the things we don't like about it, it's the president trying to make people suffer. i don't think they've learned a lesson there at all. as you know, one of the things that came out of the deal that eventually raised the debt ceiling and reopened the government was an agreement to go to a budget conference, the house and senate will conference on the budget. it's going to be led by senator patty murray from the senate and paul ryan. they have a december 13th deadline to issue their conference committee report. and the goal as we understand it is to come to some agreement of what to replace the
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sequestration cuts with and one thing we should note here too, the way this works procedurally, if they do come to an agreement, that has to go directly to the house and senate floors and can't be amend and can't be fill busted. mj, how optimistic are you that they'll come to an agreement here, especially when some republicans are considering sequestration, basically a victory? >> i think the new standards that have been put in place are really not good for having a well functioning and not dysfunctional washington. and i think it's really important. we've been talking a lot about of course the politics of how all of this went down. we're not even talking about the economic and financial consequences of everything that happened in the last couple of weeks. i think sort of top headlines that we saw about the dow and stock market were relatively good in that it didn't tank and we didn't see a lot of panic. but a lot of investors and folks on wall street are really
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saying, this cycle of dysfunction and having a fiscal crisis every time we come to the deadline to raise a debt ceiling. if this continues, how much sort of confidence we're losing among foreign investors, that's not the kind of thing you can measure. this is the kind of thing that builds and builds and the more we see this happen the worst it is. >> continuing the theme of righteous pessimism that we've laid out in this segment. it appears the true head of the colonel curtz wing is jim demint from heritage, whose new wsj editorial titled, we won't back down on obama care includes this genius sentence. the best thing is to declare last year's election a mistrial on obama care. >> what? >> wow. once again elections don't really matter. so clearly the war on obama care is far from over. >> i think the ironic thing we
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saw in the last couple of weeks. this all started with some small faction of the republican party feeling so adamant they want to defund obama care. that didn't happen. it wasn't going to happen. the republican party you know, moving forward, are they going to try to sort of continue this crusade that some republicans are in favor of against obama care are or they going to try more piecemeal approach. i think it was interesting that we found out from the president that he doesn't consider the medical device tax, for example, to be a core part of the law. i think i mean, as far as obama care goes, it will be interesting to see how the republican party maybe sort of tweet their strategy or maybe they don't and we have other sort of crises based on fundamentally the republican party trying to weaken it. >> abby, i don't think mistrial means what jim demint thinks it means. >> speaking of obama care though, it seems that, mj, it
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was the only thing that benefited from the shutdown was the uneven rollout was overshadowed with the attention -- >> that's also correct. >> and now we're seeing the attention moving back to obama care. as robert gibbs said just this week on msnbc, we knew there were going to be glitches but these were glitch that's go quite frankly way beyond the pale of what should be expected and suggested that some people should get fired and washington examiner has pointed out that the website may not have even been tested until a week before the launch. we're already seeing a number of problems reported. how do you see this playing out now that it's being brought back to the forefront of the attention for the obama administration. >> you make a good point. the last couple of weeks could have been the key sort of window of time and opportunity for the republican party to really, really hit democrats hard and the obama administration hard for failing to have a smooth
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rollout. some of the mistakes or some of the problems that we heard about with this rollout, when people tried to use the website. the mistakes were little technical mistakes you think would have been able to be avoided if they had -- as you mentioned, if they tested it enough. that wasn't the case and because washington was so wrapped up in this bigger fiscal fight, republicans really missed that chance. i think that certainly with all of this behind us, the party will try to make that their focus. i do think the two or three weeks they missed. they can't gain that back. >> yeah, mj, we want to look at the highlight reel from up against the clock. >> todd, that would have won you the game and you fall to 100 points and mj with 500 points. you win the game. mj, congratulations. a dramatic and exciting victory, let's tell her what she's won. >> as our champion, you'll have
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your name in exquisite sharpie and show it off to friends and local school children for exactly one week. you'll receive an appearance this coming week on msnbc's "the cycle" airing weekdays at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. >> your victory does make you the first georgetown university grad who majored in government and chinese to win the context. how does that feel? >> that's not specific enough. >> you also crushed lawrence o'donnell's dreams. >> i think, krystal you have the score to beat -- >> her name is krystal ball after all. >> you could be back at the buzzer again some day. this saturday's contestants, liz winstaed and basil speckle and
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back to the breaking news out of los angeles where more than 100 firefighters are battling a blaze. you're looking live at pictures of the scene. all residents have been evacuated safely. we'll keep you updated on any new developments as we get them., one of the web's best loved companies because its legendary focus on customers but not everybody loves amazon. those who work there saying the culture inspired by jeff basos
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is much, are you lazy or incompetent? if i hear that idea again, i'm going to have to kill myself. after a presentation, why are you wasting my life? which i've said to ari several times. if it's true nice guys finish last, you understand why hes had a lake front mansion near gates' and worth $25 billion thanks to the everything store, which is also the title of brad stone's fascinating best selling biography out this week. brad, you talked to jeff many times for this book. there were other people doing websites selling books when amazon started. what is it about jeff basos that made him be able to take this book selling website to be this internet global monster? >> right. just 19 years. a couple of factors, one, he got a tremendous head start. 1994, he was on wall street. he saw the internet dawning and
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moved to seattle. ultimately was able to raise a lot of money. and amazon went through its own share of turbulence. there were a couple of years during the dotcom bust when the share price went down into the single digits but what distinguished bezos, he never blinked. he never gave up. he had this vision for the everything store and wanted amazon to sell everything online. while he had to let employees go and shrink the company down for a few years, he basically stayed true to the original idea and now we see today that's paid enormous dividends. >> it's well known he was adopted and through the book you were able to find his birth father who had no idea who his son was. walk us through how that happened and how the adoption actually impacted the man that he's become. i find it interesting that steve jobs was also adopted and you
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compare the two off and on in the book as well sfl just to be clear, his mother is his mother, and he has a great father who married his mom when he was 4 years old. but it's true. like steve jobs and for that matter president obama, he didn't know his biological father. i thought that was a missing piece of the puzzle. you really want to understand someone as my complicated and driven as jeff bezos, i did search for the biological father and incredibly found him running a bike shop outside of phoenix. when i introduced myself, he had no idea that his son had become this famous billionaire and businessman that charge changed our lives. >> never blinked. and you write about how one of the original ideas for amazon was relent, if you type that in, it still directs to amazon because bezos bought it all of those years back. how did that emotional and
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philosophical drive, being this relentless and tough on people as tour'e was explaining, how did that work with evolving corporate strategy? sometimes the company needs to do different things. >> we see this in other parts of business. sam walton at walmart and steve jobs at apple and bill gates, of course, these leaders who you don't stop and don't -- arnt satisfied with the status quo and want the best out of everything around them. in amazon's case, it makes it a tough place to work. the turnover rate is very high. it also is probably responsible for a good deal of amazon's success. bezos is not kplasant. we saw a lot of those early internet companies like aol and yahoo! founder and amazon has come up with the kindle and tablets because he never stops and always inventing new things. >> brad, as you know, bezos'
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latest project remaking the "washington post" which he purchased recently. why do you think he decided to buy the post and what do you think he's going to bring to that? >> the first opportunity presented itself, we know the graham family was shopping the post. we learned this week the ebay founder was also interested. so the opportunity was there for jeff bezos it's pocket change. but he also believes his mix of long term orientation and innovation and operational discipline can revive the newspaper. i bet we see interesting ways that the post helps amazon. even though he owns it independently, maybe there's a subscription to the post for every member of amazon prime. we'll have to see. >> brad stone, great book. thank you very much. a quick note, we want to correct a mistake made on msnbc last how. we showed the wrong picture involving the death of tom
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foley. msnbc regrets the error. $100 million santa barbara he state, a new york apartment overlooking central park and country mansion on 52 wooded acres, all of them empty. the latest twist in the true life mystery behind one of america's richest families and the fight for millions when "the cycle" returns. ♪ [ male announcer ] maybe you've already heard what they're saying about the nissan altima. ♪ and we have to admit, that it's all true. but don't just take their word for it, check it out for yourself. the award-winning nissan altima. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a $179 per month lease on a 2013 nissan altima. ♪
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here's a true story. if you try to sell it as a movie script hollywood would tell you, are you kidding? who would believe it? it involves hundreds of millions of dollars left to his daughter, who had three mansions, this vacation home on the west coast and am multimillion dollar apartment on fifth avenue and spent the last 20 years living mostly in a hospital despite being in good health. when she died at 104 in 2011, she left millions to one of her nurses and stiffed her relatives. the story is a new book, empty mansions, mysterious life of houghette clark. and investigative journalist joins us now. how much money are we talking
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about here? >> she died with a little more than $300 million. her father in 1911 was thought to be as rich as rockefeller. the"the new york times" said we can't decide who is the richest. his name disappeared into history. imagine, he was 22 years old when the civil war began and his daughter was still alive living in new york city during the obama administration. >> that's wild. >> incredible. >> talk to us a little bit about the woman at the heart of this tale. you would think a woman with that fortune would not look like someone as you described out of a concentration camp. she spent the last 20 years of her life alone in a hospital. talk to her about her and her -- what made her tick? >> the end she got sick and went into the hospital and felt more comfortable decided to stay. being in mid-80s and being on fifth avenue may not be the safest place to be.
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she was shy, reserved quiet. imagine the publicity she grew up in. her father was a united states senator and left before a bribery charge. paternity suits, he was on the front of the magazine covers of his day, lampooned -- >> not easy being a political kid. >> she grew up in 120-room mansion on fifth avenue for a family of four in a very public place, the doors were thrown up on the weekends for the public to come in and tour the five art galleries. after the father died, the mother and daughter said, we're going to have a quiet life. they withdrew to apartments and had music. how did the farther earn the fortune to start with?
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his story is up by the bootstraps story. he was born in pennsylvania, went off to colorado during the civil war ahead of the draft. then made money as a merchant and banker and world in montana and arizona. had a great collection of art. bought his way into the u.s. senate. resigned. then was re-elected and served a full term and then retired with what he wanted, which was the title of senator. >> and oget was actually the product of a second marriage. >> so imagine while her father was serving in the u.s. senate, he announced that he had gotten married three years earlier, and already had a 2-year-old daughter, and his new wife is 39 years younger than he. john edwards had nothing on w.a. clark. >> quite scandalous. >> and you know when you die, you only leave two things behind that are living, your family and your will. and depending on how your will works, it can be a real living document that has an impact on a
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great number of people. this will, explain to us, had something like 19 relatives who got nothing. the nurse got $30 million plus. unpack that. >> well, so she signed a will at first, just to leave $5 million to her nurse, left everything else to wherever it would go, that would be the relatives. six weeks later, she put a more thorough document she signed and it cut the relatives out entirely. so that brought the relatives in saying she was mentally ill, that she was defrauded by her attorney and the accountant. that's the claim the relatives were making. it turned out she was quite lucid. my coauthor, paul newel spoke with her on the phone for ten years and you can hear the audiotapes in the audio book. she recalls the name of the hotel she stayed at in waikiki in 1915. she recalls having tickets on the titanic. she was very lucid and with it. she left most of her money to charity. the biggest beneficiary in the will is a new arts foundation to
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be established at that california home. >> and to a nurse. >> yes. well, the nurse in the settlement, the state attorney general got in, the family got in, and there was right on the eve of trial, there has been a settlement. and the nurse gets nothing more -- this is a nurse who received $31 million in gifts. she gets nothing more and has to give $5 million back. she'll be okay. she still has a bentley. she is okay. >> she is going to make it. >> yes. >> the family gets $30 million. $34. several other benefit niche areas get what was coming to them. the attorney, the accountant, get nothing. it was an attempt by the state attorney general to keep those in confidential relationships from profiting. and still benefitting the charities. >> right. >> well, the work is truly fascinating. thank you so much for being here. we appreciate it. >> thank you. up next, more strange family dynamics. parenting tips for dealing with the tea party, courtesy of papa t.
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could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ohhh...oh boy! i'm falling. everybody look out! ahhhhh...ugh. little help here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. anybody?
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no! wire hangers! what are the wire hangers doing in this closet when i told you no wire hangers ever! >> replace wire hangers with obama care and faye dunaway or joan crawford and you have what happened,im temper tantrum throwing adults starting out as children. and if the tea party is committed to temper tantrums as legislative strategy, then the president and the dems should pull from a parenting playbook
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for strategy on how to deal with them. my kids were small, my wife read the new basics by dr. michele he cohen, and it helped us understand how to deal. here's a few of dr. michelle's rules that we followed, and how to translate them to the tea party. number one, ignore bad behavior. giving it attention only fuels it. let's look at a master of ignoring bad behavior. >> give me some chicken. hey, what are you doing? i want chicken! give me some [ bleep ] chicken! >> i'm not going to acknowledge the child's attempt at aggressive, dominant behavior. now you eat the chicken. >> now give me some chicken. i want some chicken! >> we won't reward him until he's in a calm, sub missive behavior. >> give me chicken. >> the president will do better ignoring the tea party's demands, just as caesar milian ignored cartman. he ignored their demands and ended up giving up nothing. he's learning. the president and the dems must be consistent, as dr. michelle
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says, stand up to your kids early and consistently. every joan crawford starts out as a veruka salt ♪ ♪ and if i don't get the things i am after ♪ ♪ i'm going to scream >> the tea party is as spoiled as vurka. this time it was obama care, next time it will be something else, giving kids love does not equal giving them whatever they want. sometimes good parenting is about denying the kids what they want. the dems must deny the tea party until they learn to be civilized. and number three, sometimes children must learn the hard way. if they refuse to put on their coat, dr. michelle says, let them go out and be cold. the adults told the tea party a shutdown was a horrible idea that wouldn't work, but they
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wouldn't listen. they were as tempted as stitchy was when faced with not pushing the history erasing button. >> this button? >> don't touch it! it's the history eraser button, you fool! >> so what will happen? >> that's just it. we don't know. maybe something bad. maybe something good. >> can he withstand the temptation to push the button that even now beckons him closer. >> both stimpy and the tea party couldn't resist pressing the button and it's good the president didn't stop them because that's the only way they would learn. but have they really learned? nowadays, parents are counsel i willed to never spank kids but the tea party is in need of a good whooping. guess those who support the president will just have to do it the american way, at the ballot box. that does it for "the cycle." martin it's yours. >> thank you, toure. it's friday, october the 18th
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and when the government now open, republicans are asking if there is anyone who can shut down ted cruz. ♪ >> can you make some sense of the week that just was? >> there are no winners here. >> thank god. >> john boehner, you know the orange guy? >> mitch mcconnell says -- >> a government shutdown is off the table. >> those who can't stand strong, heck yeah, they've got to be primaried. >> people kept saying congress was acting like a bunch of kids. >> it was a fool's errand. that's why some of us became so angry. >> some think they can control the republican party. >> are you referring to heritage? >> of course i am. >> this was seen as the ted cruz shutdown. >> really strong language. from your own fellow republican senators. >> there is an old saying that politics -- >> ted cruz is doing a fabulous job of being ted cruz down the field. >> i'm not serving office
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