tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC October 25, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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by fall the unprecedented unity displayed during the shutdown fight seems to be unraveling. call it the great freakout over obama care. a clear political maneuver by vulnerable democrats to i think so late themselves from an unpopular national story. today nine democratic senators joined to encourage extending enrollment beyond the deadline. it's unsure if it will affect administration positioning. after all the white house is used to fighting battling on its own. yesterday if they were concerned they weren't showing it. typical of the longview that obama tends to take, white house aides say, he didn't believe last week's shutdown victory would suddenly transform his relationship with hill democrats. neither is he worried by this week's rebellion. harry reid is urging calm, strongly disputing the idea the law is becoming a political liability for democrats.
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>> i think quite the contrary. i think it's a great asset for democrats. they have tried 45 times to do the same thing, and they lost every time to defund obama care. now we have a new deal. what we're going to do is hold a bunch of hearings and try to embarrass the president this way. all their yelling and screaming about obama care, what is their alternative in they don't have one. >> that came after nancy pelosi made it clear she believes it was the bank bailout affectionately known as t.a.r.p. and not obama care that torpedoed them in 2010. >> i don't buy into the idea we lost the election because of the health care. one of the most damaging votes our members had to take was the t.a.r.p. that was really the vote that sort of soured people. they didn't like that vote at all. >> still even as some red state
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democrats go to survival mode not all are climbing aboard the freakout train. one said, if jeanne shaheen thinks it helps her in new hampshire, then you know what? go do it. pam stein, political reporter at national journey alex wall, msnbc contributor jimy williams and host of msnbc's disrupt karen finney. i'm going to you first since i did the disrupt. >> and i'm the only onwoman. >> they aren't exactly an army of strength. when any glitch or a media frenzy that makes it uncomfortable, they run. >> i disagree with hyperbole. these are democrats vulnerable in tough races, tough states
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frch from a receipt or caliper suspective it's good for them. they support affordable care act overall. not like they are defecting and in the ted cruz camp and calling for repeal and replace. i think there's less hysteria around this. i think we like to find where the fractures are but not going to make a big deal. >> there is 10 democrats who sent this letter to kathleen sebelius. given the existing problems with and other state run markets that depend on the website we urge you to consider extending open enrollment i don't know mar 31. individuals should not be penalized for lack of coverage if they are unable to purchase health insurance due to technical problems. there's seven up for re-election. there's some surprises sheehan, pryor in arkansas, red states, hagan, udall in colorado, tom udall in new mexico.
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dianne feinstein, a surprise because she's in california where exchanges are working. bennett in colorado, heinrich in new mexico. those three not up for re-election. what is behind democrats to do a full embrace and do what they did with shutdown and hang together. >> all politics are local. you're finding senators, most in cycle. they are looking at their state and saying i don't want that extra headache. why should they -- as a democrat and by the way, swo someone who signed up for obama care, i don't have a problem moving this. if that's what it takes, fine. lets them get re-elected, fine. shouldn't mary landrieu represent the state of louisiana the best way she can. let her do that democratic congress is not monolithic. that's just not how they roll. >> part of big ten politics. >> first of all, good luck with the obama death panels. it was nice knowing you. >> enjoying the segment.
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>> secondly, i think there's two points to make here. one is jimmy's point, there are policy issues they want to consider. if you are going to have problems with enrollment, which happened. if that's going to carry into march, you shouldn't penalize someone who can't have access to insurance because they can have access to insurance. that's one. two, this is not unique. a lot of these same democrats wanted to delay individual mandate or talk about delaying enrollment during the government shutdown. however, they were never going to do it with the threat of shutdown upon them, certainly wasn't with the debt limit debate. it's not like this is bubbling to the surface. there was concern and anxiety before, we're just in a different context. >> is the right politics for the white house to aseed to wibs of white house. it's critically important for white house and democrats in congress. is the right play for the white house to say you know what, we'll give you additional delay which would give cushion to the seven of ten up for re-election.
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>> too early to tell. see how it will work. a couple of days or week or two to fix, stick with the current plan. if not, this is an entirely reasonable policy. this is the way nancy pelosi ran the house much more effectively than john boehner did. she knew there were red state democrats that would not like votes and she would let them go when she got to the level she needed. important to keep in mind here, them saying we need to do this, splashing water on obama care doesn't matter. they needed votes on the shutdown. that's important to keep it together. this is rhetoric essentially. >> besides the fact at the end of the day if the rollout goes as planned, by march, april, may, june, people signing up, this website glitch story will be in the rearview mirror. in massachusetts, the example, we have a chart that shows it dramatically, you had very few people signing up in the beginning anyway. it was really towards the end when out to the deadline that the bulk of people signed on. >> that's part of why this question, do you push back the
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deadline for people to sign up based on if you think there was not enough time or do you assume pretty much everybody is going to do it at the last minute anyway. i also think, lets not lose the forest for the trees. this is one part of health care reform. i don't want us to lose sight of the fact it is making a difference in people's lives all across this country. yes, the website has been problematic. but geez, that's one thing in the scope of something that will literally change the country. >> it's such an important point. particularly in southern states not doing exchanges, relying on federal exchanges and expanding medicaid, it's a huge part of affordable care act, not just website. >> there's a political thing to this we're talking about. every senator all voted for obama care. so the house is going to be used against them. playing this like saying delay the mandate if you will is very
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smart for them. that's politics. from a policy perspective, i think you have to let the thing work. karen is right. this is a sliver of it. i was thoroughly irritated by the fact it took me three weeks to do it. i had to pick up the phone and call somebody. that took three times. i got it done, now i'm going to go shop, figure out which plan i want. i live in virginia, a state that didn't participate, didn't do medicaid expansion, so i'm in the national exchange. >> that's one of the things i'm curious about, why the politics wouldn't also, alex, be statewide elected democrats turning the spotlight on their own governors in their home states saying my governor is preventing -- we don't see florida people here but you have the navigators, humans that are supposed to help you, being thwarted or medicaid not expanded. that seems to be missing from the democratic strategy. look, my state isn't doing this right or fully. >> absolutely. this is incredible cognitive
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dissident here, medicare, leaving it to the government, turning around screaming when people have access -- have trouble getting access to this law you tried to undermine. states doing it themselves like kentucky, it's working much better than the federal program. i wonder if you're going to start to see that. >> yet incredibly effective at turning narrative 100% to the website. >> i completely agree. there's an opportunity for democrats here that i hope they don't pass up. i'm 50/50. morally this is disgusting. we should be shaming these governors. basically they are putting ideology above the health care of their people, poorest people. in addition to that by not being part of creating their own exchange. in kentucky part of what they know is what do people in kentucky need the most. lets make sure it suits our people. federal exchange is mine in other places. some states governors are basically saying -- >> i will agree with karen,
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administration handing a burden they can't anticipate when states said you're on the exchange. that said i don't think the administration should get that much of a pass on this. they put a promise out to 7 million or so people supposed to buy insurance from the exchange they would have access, get the medical coverage they needed and they have not delivered. that is a fact. the administration should be held accountable for that. i will say this. it is creating an image for them that's not a good one, which is they cannot administer this president's signature domestic achievement. >> i don't disagree with you on that but i don't want us to lose sight on what the republicans blocking this have done. it is really morally disgusting. they should not get a pass. >> medicaid expansion. ironically they are turning around saying -- >> big deal. >> i know. >> the other issue on the exchanges specifically, the very states that said we don't like the big, bad federal government
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but come and run our exchange, then we're going to undermine the experiment any way we can, it's sort of ironic what they are demonstrating to their own people in their states, look, the federal government can't do it. we don't want them to. >> some of these red state governors acknowledge part of their goal was to put additional pressure on the federal system with the assumption people would go on and have a tough experience. i don't agree with sam, the fact they have had a bad experience in some cases is problematic. personally i think it is disgusting that the president of the united states of america had to go out on monday and defend this thing. but at the same time i just keep going back to people are getting health care. you can't lose sight of that. >> at some point, i think the republican party has to understand that the president will be the president until 2016. no matter what they do, this law will be the law, until 2016. they have to at some point say how can we make this law better in our own vision, our own
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ideology. they are not there yet. they still want to get rid entirely. at some point they have to come to that realization. >> the irony is in the state, the states rejecting it, they could own it as an issue, the federalism they dream of, entirely a state matter. they are the ones introducing the federal government into it. after the break, as wacko bird ted cruz flies off to iowa, the republican empire strikes back. we'll discuss the latest chapter in the gop "star wars" next on "now." [ female announcer ] so how long have you been living flake-free with head & shoulders? since before jeans were this skinny... since us three got a haircut. since my first 29th birthday [ female announcer ] head & shoulders. the number one dermatologist recommended dandruff brand. her busy saturday begins with back pain, when... hey pam, you should take advil. why? you can take four advil for all day relief. so i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil? you're joking right? for my back pain, i want my aleve.
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caucus state of iowa today to woo would be 2016 voters. cruz's victory lap has many wondering how did we get here. back in 2004 corporate lobbyist and former republican house majority leader dick armey found a right ring group called freedom works, they sought to replicate grassroots successes of groups like movon and bring as many right wing republicans to congress as possible. that same year oil billionaires kach found add similar group, americans for prosperity with the goal of rolling back regulations on things like energy companies as well as tax rates on the wealthiest americans while cutting benefits for the nation's poor. in november 2010, establishments astroturf investments had dividends. record spending, stoked fear of health care reform, to whip conservative voters into an anti-obama political frenzy,
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remember the death panels, republicans took control of the house of representatives. now nearly 10 years after this odyssey began and with the government shutdown tanking support for the tea party, the republican establishment is trying to put the angry genie it created back in the bottle. they have launched new republican main street partnership which seeks to raise $8 million to beat back tea party challenges to mainstream republican incumbents. said la turret, hopefully we'll go into eight to ten races and beat the snot out of them. karl rove, evil genius in the 2004 presidential elections only to be cast aside after failing spectacularly in the 2012 election has launched conservative victory project. the goal, to avoid nominating tea party candidates deemed unelectable by rove, the very republicans who created tea
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party monster are trying their darnedest to defeat it. coming back out to the panel, it seems ironic you had dick armey's group loved the tea party and glommed onto it, now most afraid of it. >> hate to be nay sayer. i will believe empire strikes back when i see it. $8 million is what we're talking about. if the entire business community really wanted to take down the tea party we would talk about tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. there's no short supply of cash here. they are talking about a few special elections. i feel like the same story with labor and progressives against democrats. they make a lot of noise but i'm waiting to see. >> it sounds like dr. evil, $8 million, it's not that much money. it's true. if you look at the spending on the tea party side and aggressiveness, it isn't just the money. these tea party groups, senate
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conservatives, they are extremely aggressive. >> they are very aggressive. remember in 2010 establishment republicans were kind of excited by the tea party because they represented energy and represent, right, motivated. then they were like uh-oh, they are really motivated, they have a lot of energy and they are crazy. that's what they figured out. what i want to take us back to. >> god was on their side very much. >> in 2010 as this movement was spreading, i think all of us missed what was going on. it took a while for people to focus on the fact there was asta astroturf piece and some genuinely believed what they are saying. when some folks came out and say crazy things, forget they were there in 2010 as well. we glossed it over because basically what happened, freedom works came up on top of it and made it look and feel like this big, national energizing moment for the republican party.
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>> i still remember in 2008 at some of those sarah palin rallies, had people with curious george dolls, images of barack obama as a terrorist and yelling out frightening things. there was already a nation rage rumbling underneath republican establishment and the tea party group sort of grabbed it. >> no one flew gadsden flags, the yellow flag with snake on it where i'm from until barack obama ran for president of the united states. tea party wasn't tea party until barack obama ran for president of the united states. i don't think it was all because of barack obama. i think much of it was george bush. dick armey, former house majority leader who shepherded through tens of hundreds of billions of dollars of spending on the house floor. >> of pork. >> i'm completely behind as a
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former staffer, everyone goes wait a minute. i remember him sending when i walked for carl icahn, the billionaire, i sent a let toter saying we want him to give us millions. i threw it away. >> trying to keep the blue ship health care plan because he didn't want to trade it in for medicare. this isn't what you would think of a grassroots tea party guy. they were able to capitalize on it. some had gop offices sharing the same space. it's coming back to bite them from behind. they used it and needed it. >> dick armey is no longer with freedom works, we should add. >> yes. >> secondly to your point i'm sure koch brothers thought the $8 million was cute. that's adorable. >> while you're talking about the cuteness, can i show you how cute it is. the difference in spending, americans for pror peter $36
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million, freedom works $19 million, american cross works $104 million of other people's money that karl rove blew. >> there is hope, theorizing last shutdown will have altered the dynamics here in which basically republicans say, man, what have we done. we're risking personal bottom lines by supporting these politicians. i'm skeptical as you are. we'll wait to believe it. if you look down the line, the club for growth, i don't understand. it seems to me they are more in line with obama. they support immigration reform. they don't want to shut down the government, flirt with default. on the major substantive issues of the day they seem to be in line with the president. >> isn't that because bush republicans -- george bush started out the gate we've got to be immigration reform, a push
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for more hispanics in the party they are completely out of step with the republican party. >> depends which issues you prioritize. for a lot of guys tea party is good deal. they are embarrassing but regulation, taxes, stuff that hits your pocketbook -- >> the most active voters in republican primaries. if you're running a presidential, even a senate campaign where statewide you're thinking i'm going to have to appeal to some other people than the white folks in this state, they vote. >> republicans have been making dirty deals with their people for decades. don't forget what lee atwater did, he tapped into the theory you're going to go and appeal to people's god sense nature, their religious affinity of those are the people you'll get out to the polls. the tea party is nothing more than a natural blossom off of that. by the way, be careful what you
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ask for. >> it's interesting they have been able to marry that religious fervor along with the idea of sticking it to the poor, the opposite of the jesus message. you can't forget -- i have this quote i have to pull out, nixon strategist, kevin phillips who said more outrageous things about what the republican party needed to do to grab the south, take the south away from democrats, the author of emerging republican authority. he said, the more negroes that register democrats, the sooner negrophobe whites will quit democrats. they are so successful snatching away the dixie south now they are stick with it. they have a party monochromatic and idea logically monochromatic. >> here is the problem. those white people die. >> not from death panels. >> okay. coming up -- >> on that high note. >> a republican election official in north carolina has reportedly been forced to resign
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cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. there are new ref layings in one of america's most chilling and captivating cases. after the murder of jonbenet ramsey, the grand jury indictment of the parents indictment has been sealed. prosecutors never charged them in the murder. lets get to nbc's mike taibbi following these developments from bolder, colorado. what have we learned from these documents? >> what we learned was 14 years ago this grand jury felt what a lot of people felt john and patsy ramsey were the ones responsible. there's nothing new in the information released beyond the
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fact the grand jury signed an indictment which the d.a. did not sign and declined to prosecute. what they are saying and one local reporter put it this way. the grand jury said they knew john and patsy ramsey were in the house that night, 1996. they knew something violent and tragic happened that resulted in the death of jonbenet ramsey and so they were to be indicted for that. the language was ambiguous. they said each did knowingly and recklessly let a child be placed in a situation where there was injury and death of jonbenet ramsey. i'm paraphrasing. each of them did knowingly assist another person unnamed in the indictment who was a suspect of the crime of first degree murder. that was it. no new information. the status of the investigation remains inactive but open. we're no closer to knowing what that 17 years ago. >> nbc's mike taibbi, thank you. so hard to believe that's been
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17 years. thanks. after the break, when it comes to restricting voting rights, nobody messes with texas, except maybe north carolina. we'll discuss the latest efforts to block the vote and republicans who say the darnedest things when the nation's ari berman joins us next on "now." this morning dare to turn up the volume and make it last all night. [ female announcer ] pantene volume, with collagen-inspired plumping effect. thick. full. 24-hour volume. get volume from the world's number one haircare brand, pantene.
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with advanced hardware and innovative software. using data predictively to help power entire cities. so the turbines of today... will power us all... into the future. ♪ i think the issue we have with the north carolina law, what's happening in texas and cases where suits are filed in other places, this whole notion of voter fraud and the need to come up with voter id to combat voter fraud is really a solution in search of a problem. it's inconsistent with our history. we've always been about expanding the franchise, not constricting it. these attempts that are to do at best partisan and at worst maybe even racially motivated --
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>> this was attorney general holder criticizing certain voter id laws throughout the country. one of the most not or reduce states for restrictions, texas, rolled out new voter id law this week. it was embarrassing. intended to rule out pesky voter fraud even though there was only four cases of voter fraud last year. that's four. this week we got a glimpse of what kind of despicable voter id crime that would rule out. meet sondra watts, a texas state judge, a woman who has voted lawfully in the state of texas for the past five decades. judge watts was flagged from voter fraud and almost barred from the polls because on the driver's license judge watts maiden name is her middle name. on her voter registration it's her actual middle name. what happened to sandra watts isn't likely to be a one off occurrence considering 34% of women don't have documents proving their citizenship and bearing their current name.
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texas id voter rollout was hardly the voter id story of the week. that honor goes to the state of north carolina, the state with the strictest in the nation and whose republican precinct leader was forced to resign this week after this happened. >> north carolina precinct chairman and gop member don yeltsinin thinks his state's new voting restrictions are just fine. >> the bottom line is the law is not racist. >> of course the law is not racist and you're not racist. >> well, i've been called a bigot before. let me tell you something, you don't look like me but i think i've treated you like everybody else. as a matter of fact, one of my best friends is black. >> one of your best friends was black. >> yes. i had a picture one time of obama sitting on a stump as a witch doctor. i posted that on facebook.
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for information i was making fun of the white half of obama, not the black half. >> you know we can hear you, right? >> yeah. >> you know we can hear you. >> yes. >> joining us contributing writer for the nation ari berman, the struggle for voting rights from 1955 to today. ari, we can hear you. we can hear everything you're saying. that clip is insane. we're going to talk about how crazy that was. first, i want you to give us a substance. what is the justice department doing vis-a-vis particularly texas and north carolina, voting laws. >> they have sued texas and north carolina under section 2 saying both laws are discriminatory. the real problem in north carolina is not the comments, the problem is the law itself. the comments were insane but discriminatory law is still on the books. north carolina is just arguing right now the lawsuit against it should be dismissed. we have to look at the substance here. yes, there are republican officials saying crazy, racist
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things, admitting the law is about kicking democrats in the butt but the bigger issue is that so many people in north carolina don't have ids early voting, same day registration, allowing vigilante poll watchers, public funding, judicial elections, all these bad provisions in the bill. >> lets put up a little of that, sunday voting, no more straight ticket in north carolina, requires voters to show government issued voter id. as you said eliminating same day voter registration. it's interesting how blatant the laws are targeting exactly what kind of voters. now a republican official saying, yup, i've been called a bigot. it's all crazy. it's the substance that's the problem. >> they are not hiding the ball. obviously this happened. demographic changes are putting states like north carolina and texas considered a democratic target down the road. it's one of these things we're talking about, sort of a last
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grasp to hold onto that southern strategy in a way. ari knows better than i. there's deep concern in legal communities the channels eric holder has to fend these off are dramatically limited. how long will these legal challenges take to may out. >> the texas law blocked under section 5 of the voting rights. this law shouldn't be in effect now. the roberts court overruled that decision. now goes into effect. lots of people disenfranchised. litigation could take up to a year. >> is there concern it could drag on past 2014 elections? >> absolutely. concern in both north carolina and texas this could drag on. they basically have to hope for preliminary injunction. the proof on the federal government, not the states discriminating to prove discrimination. >> quickly, could you also see because of stripping the bark off of the voting rights act things like purges you're seeing
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in florida and virginia. in the case of virginia we're talking about an election this month. >> remember all these states throughout the south had to clear with federal government. they had to prove they were not discriminatory before they went into effect. now they don't have to do that anymore. these changes go into effect and justice department has to object or voting rights object. that's a huge shift. >> to the point it's obvious who they are targeting, the woman gets on the ballot in texas, all of a sudden we have to change the rules. interestingly enough women decided 22 of 23 senate races in 2012. if you don't have original documents, it's a $20 fee generally. women are going to pay attention. we've got to pay for my birth control, now making me pay to vote. women are going to get enraged about this. interestingly enough women in red states have higher rates of divorced. if you're divorced you're less likely to have the document -- umm have to have your divorce papers as well as your id to vote. shot themselves in the foot with
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this one. >> you can also vote with a gun permit as opposed to an id with your legal name on it. >> you can't get a gun permit if you beat your wife. that goes to the point of women divorcing their husbands. the only way to fix the problem, congress has to fix it. congress has to go in and pass another voting rights act. >> that means it's never going to happen. >> they can't get an immigration bill. senate passed. judiciary committee not a liberal republican by any means has said, listen, we need to do something about this. great, is it going to get us 40 wacko birds from the caucus to get a bill off the floor, pull it through committee, is the chairman from virginia chairman of the judiciary committee going to move voting rights act? absolutely not. >> they have no self-interest. >> republican party not just in the south, spread north and west. that's why we're seeing voting restrictions out of pennsylvania and ohio who weren't in on the
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game previously. congress does have responsibility. they passed voting rights act in 1965. they have reauthorized it four times. the more we hear about what's happening in north carolina, the more we hear what's happening in tech, judges getting ensnared by laws, i think it will put pressure on congress. congress that just shut down president isn't going to pass voting rights. it's inevitable. >> supreme court called on congress to pass another version of the voting rights act. >> that was punting fig leaf put over a horrible 50 year anniversary on washington, snatching away voterights. >> calling on congress to do things in their most basic interest. >> in 2017 when rand paul is president democrats will attach this to the debt limit deal and demand it. that's how it's going to happen. >> problem solved. appreciate it. the nation's ari berman, thank you. we're just getting new information on the affordable care act.
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jeff zients, the man brought in to fix he told reporters in a conference call he expects it to run smoothly by the end of november. qssi has been appointed as a general contractor to oversee the changes. we'll have more on this as we get it and we'll be right back. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap
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drone strikes coming at the request of pakistan's government. pakistan's governor under intense pressure denies the government has been involved in recent drone strikes p meanwhile new strut any from the drone program due to a report by amnesty international which claims continuing. new limits on drones in a speech last may and strikes in pakistan have slowed to a five-year low, no signs u.s. prepared to halt these operations entirely. next week pakistani man who lost his mother in a drone strike and featured in the amnesty international report will speak on the hill. laura's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult.
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candidates each offered radically different visions for combating gun violence. >> i'm a strong supporter of the second amendment, i'm a gun owner and hunter. but i support universal background checks. >> i'm an a rated nra candidate. >> that's basically it. he's an a rated nra candidate. it's incredible what's going on, sam, in virginia. you now have looking at the polls terry mcauliffe, no extremely popular fellow crushing ken cuccinelli in the post, 46-38, women voters up 52-32, just lapping cuccinelli, then cuccinelli's anti-woman policies at the heart of it. opposed to abortion, birth control mandate, sterilization mandate. this could not be a worse candidate except for the other two people on the ticket. >> yes. i live in d.c. and i get the advertisement for northern virginians.
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it is almost all contraception related. it is literally targeting every single voter in northern virginia. that said, i will say i think ken cuccinelli will probably be the first candidate affected by the shutdown and will lose because of the shutdown and sequestration, too. the shutdown really hurt him. there's so many government jobs based in virginia depending on the government to stay open where people literally got their lives disrupted and were hurt financially. they saw the republican party as the main problem there. i think ken cuccinelli. he wasn't doing well before the shutdown but that zapped any possibility of coming back. >> a lot of federal employees, going back to women's issues, i don't think we can skip over, we talked about on the break, emblematic on the republican party running strong on policies that alarm and terrify younger women. >> beyond that, it also offends them. the language of some of this legislation makes it sound like you don't think these women have
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any self-control to do anything. that's what the republican party misunderstood last time when we went through this 2012 cycle that women were just offended by how they were being talked about. i will just say as a person who has done campaigns, it makes me a little nervous. great terry is up high, he's going to have to turn out obama coalition, high turnout. it's an election. you never know what's going to happen. also if people think, well, he's 40 points ahead, i don't need to vote. that will hurt him. >> couple of points. first, it will be closer than what the polls are showing. ken kucuccinelli and bob mcdonnl won by a landslide. women look at him and say i don't trust him but they trust bob mcdonnell. i don't get that. ken cuccinelli is running a terrible race. mcauliffe doesn't have to run a
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good race but he has to get -- >> mcdonnell didn't have hugh jackson. brooklyn residents kayla phillips swarmed by four undercover nypd police officers after literally purchasing a purse from an upscale clothing star. she had received her tax return and decided to splurge on the bag. trayon christian handcuffed and detained two hours after he bought a ferragamo belt. he saved up from a work study program. now both filing against nypd and barney's to fight alleged discrimination. according to his attorney, he said his only crime was being a young black man. alex, you have this strange thing happening. stores make a lot of cache on associates like jay z and
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hip-hop figures actually arresting people for coming in and spending money after they have spent it. >> this is 2013, new york city. it's important to remember. it should not be happening. brings me back when obama came out after trayvon and spoke about how he had been in a department store and he had been trailed. all these conservatives saying that didn't happen. it's just another example. this is one of many. this is another example. this is going on. we still need to talk about issues, we're not over race. >> the fact his name is trayon, too similar for words. extremely ugly. another piece, apparently edward snowden is not the only one leaking information, former movon director riding the train yesterday. great story. he overheard former nsa cia director michael peyton bragging about his spy tactics. former nsa spy boss michael hayden on acell, a behind me blabbing on background as a former senior admin officials,
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sounds defensive. hussein was bragging about rendition. snowden in russia, he snagged a pic with the spy boss. were you on the train. >> i was in the quiet car. i needed peace and quiet. i'm killing myself i was not sitting in the next to last car. i e-mailed him, where are you, next to the last car. actually, stay right here. >> every staffer's nightmare. i can tell you, when i worked with howard dean we would have the conversation when you're on the train and doing these calls, it's not really call time. everybody can hear you. >> how crazy do you have to be to be administration and understand the only people on the acella are journalists. >> we were both on the acela a few weeks ago each with a view of chris christie. i was desperately trying to -- he was good. he knew not to say anything
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ridiculous. my advice to any politician. actually i went them to speak. if i were advising them, get your am track cheese platter, bring it to the quiet car and chill out. >> thank you so much. don't forget to watch karen every weekend on "disrupt" 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. that is all for now. alex is back on monday at noon eastern. "andrea mitchell reports" with peter alexander sitting in for andrea next. announcer: where can an investor be a name and not a number? scottrade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates.
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state. hunting ground. the search on for two americans captured off the coast of nigeria. we'll have a man who lived out this scene in real life warns of the growing danger at sea. >> this is the mo for nigerian army. it is dangerous out in the gulf of guinea. >> also today spy games. we're going to talk to the tweeter who turned tables on former nsa chief michael hayden. this as germany and france demand a sitdown with the u.s. to air their anger over reports nsa eavesdropped on the conversations of 35 world leaders. jon stewart seemed to think they should consider this a good thing. >> get over it, turn that frown upside down, don't think of us as overly aggressive superstar, think of us as what anyone is looking for in a partner, a good listener. a
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