tv The Last Word MSNBC October 28, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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wikipedia. i think rapnd paul is going to have to explain himself on this. we will keep you posted on what sort of explanation the senator will offer. now to "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. have a great night. >> tonight a federal judge has put it on hold. >> clearly unconstitutional. this is really all about politics. a better system of bipartisanship in texas. >> senators and governors both have to win statewide.
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>> finding common ground will always be our top priority. >> that's not how you -- >> i'm now a single issue voter. christie is off of my list. >> the shut down was so magnificent. >> in the end he did more harm. >> he was like a general. >> ann colter. >> we're going to bring in chris christie. >> romney will be the nominee.
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>> the argument that senator wendy davis made in her filibuster in the texas state senate against a restrictive abortion bill carried the day in court when provisions of that law were found unconstitutional. one third of clinics were set to close their doors when the law would have gone into effect. one provision required doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges of a hospital within 30 miles of that abortion facility. federal district judge wrote the admitting privileges provision of house bill 2 does not bear a rational relationship to the legitimate right of the state in preserving and promoting fetal life or a woman's health and in any event places a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a
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non-viable fetus and is thus an undue burden to her. the judge struck down some of the law's restriks on the use of pills used to induce apportion. wendy davis issued this warning during her filibuster of the bill. >> i'd say if you vote for this bill you're simply happy to ignore medical science and watch women and children die for no reason. >> texas families are stronger and healthier when women across the state have access to quality health care. i would rather see our tax dollars spent on improving our kids' schools rather than defending this law. greg abott immediately filed an appeal to today's ruling. joining me now, msnbc and
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planned parenthood in houston, texas, one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit. this must have been quiet a win down there today. >> yes, lawrence, thank you. this ruling is a victory for our parents. it's a ruling for women. it sends a clear signal across 50 states. it is unconstitutional for politicians to pass laws that take away the private personal health care decisions that women make in consultation with their physician. >> melanie, i just want to check one thing. the 30 mile rule of being knocked out, does that mean there won't be any facilities that will have to close as a result of any other provisions in this law? >> well, that remains to be seen. but what this does mean is that women across the state will have access to abortion care
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preserved for them. >> crystal, here is a george w. bush judge looking at what this lu legislature did and saying that it cannot stand. >> yes. and the piece that you highlighted that it was an undue burden, that is the judicial standard and what this judge found is that with a third of abortion clinics in texas likely to close as a result of this law, and no medical reason to require abortion providers to have admitting privileges, it just couldn't stand. what they call these laws is trap laws. essentially what they are is they are not designed to do anything other than force the closure of abortion clinics. in texas and in states across the country, 27 of these states have similar type trap laws where they pretend to be all about women's health but really
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their only purpose is to try to restrict access to abortion. >> now the attorney general running for governor, listen to an ad he is running now. >> we won't allow texas to be taken over by california style government. we will win this election because the people and values of texas are on our side. we know the power of the individual, what liberty means to the voters who go to the poles. >> wendy davis wants to turn texas into california. >> god bless her. >> california just expanded access to safe abortion by increasing the number of people that could provide it. california would be a much safer place for women to be compared to texas. i do want to temper the optimism. not all the provisions were
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challenged. there is still the 20 week abortion ban which were not challenged. so the supreme court has said that you can't put an undue limitation on women but there are still so many loopholes. >> i read what the judge did on the medication abortions. it seemed to me that he re-opened some possibility for the physician's discretion in how to handle that. >> yes. i mean, i have to agree with crystal. we are disappointed with that portion of this ruling. but on balance, this ruling is still a victory for texas women. >> this is snot the only state and the obviously where this is going on it is not the only part of our politics. i want to listen to what rand paul said in virginia today. >> in your lifetime, much of your potential or lack thereof
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will be known simply by swabbing the inside of your cheek. in the process, will we perhaps eliminate something, some part of our humanness or specialness if we seek perfection? will we be flying too close to the sun? my hope is that we don't lose our appreciation of the miracle that springs forth from tiny strands of dna. >> that was in the anti-abortion section of rand paul's comments, proving once again that rand paul is not actually a libertarian. >> a lot of folks who claim that label are not libertarians. rand paul supported the personhood amendment, opposes abortion in all forms. when we see the republican party gravitating more towards the libertarian branding we have to remember that is only in certain regards but certainly not when it comes to a woman's right to choose her own medical decision. >> wendy davis is in an interesting spot here where she
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can't overplay this hand because it's a tricky issue when you're running in a general election in texas. >> absolutely. i think they are trying to peg her as an extreme candidate, associate her with later abortion but i also think they overplayed their hand. you saw thousands of women stand up against this, people around the world pay attention. that gives her financial advantage, a lot of star power and a lot of grass roots enthusiasm. i think he is worried if he is running ads. >> abbott is the guy who two hours after the supreme court struck down a provision said we're going to go forward with the voter id laws and redistricting laws that were deemed diskrim that tory. those laws are so burdensome on women in particular that wendy had trouble herself when she
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tried to vote early. she had to sign an affidavit because her name on her driver's license does not precisely match her name on the voter role. and greg abbott is at the center. >> rick perry said they will keep fighting it through the appeals process. what is your sense of the prospects of this as it goes through appeals? >> we would hope that the appellate court would look through 40 years of the supreme court decisions protecting women's access to abortion and ruling out any medically unnecessary burden. >> it seems to be a very careful selection of what they think they can get knocked out here.
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>> the circuit court they are the ones who upheld texas's approach to defund planned parenthood. it seems in this piece that planned paraphernal planned parenthood and others were smart. >> they don't trust the current supreme court to uphold row. they don't want to give the chance to rule on something that may change the viability. >> going through that circuit on the way to the supreme court. >> they don't want to create a split on the circuit that will force the court. >> is that all part of the
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lingering that you have heard as the case has been moving? >> you know. >> the lawsuit was meant to challenge. the provisions that would have the most immediate, clear, and wide sweeping damaging effect to women. abortions past. 20 weeks around that is that we are weighing our options and looking to see what the best strategy is on the 20 week ban. >> melanie, crystal, erin, thank you all very much for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, ann coulter says she has a new love but someone should tell cruz that ann's love is a fleeting thing. and ann wants republicans to take a new pledge. i'm tony siragusa and i'm training guys who leak a little,
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>> ted cruz went to eyireland. bill clinton was also rehearsing campaign moves for hillary clinton when the time comes. we will have all of that coming up. the american dream is of a better future, a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪ like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. that's how ameriprise puts more within reach.
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♪ that's how ameriprise puts more within reach. at a ford dealer with a little q and a for fiona. tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event? your ford dealer. who has 11 major brands to choose from? your ford dealer. who's offering a rebate? your ford dealer. who has the low price tire guarantee, affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of tires? your ford dealer. i'm beginning to sense a pattern. get up to $140 in mail-in rebates when you buy four select tires with the ford service credit card. where'd you get that sweater vest? your ford dealer. >> i have to have a chat with my love, ted cruz. >> anne coulter has a new love. >> romney will be my new love.
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>> and romney was the nominee and anne fell in love with romney and i wasn't the only one to notice how fickle she could be. >> now you're saying if romney's not the nominee we're going to lose. >> and after mitt romney lost, anne could not quite find her way back into the arms of chris christie. >> i must sayer i have loved chris christie, i am a single issue voter and christie is off my list. >> so now anne coulter loves ted cruz. if ann keeps up this kardashian pace, she will be throwing ted cruz to the curb sometime next year. ted cruz went to iowa for the third time this year.
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ted cruz's reception was warm but muted. >> we didn't accomplish our ultimate policy goal in this battle and we didn't because unfortunately a significant number of senate republicans chose not to unite and stand side by side with house republicans. had we stood together, i'm convinced the outcome would be very different. >> joining me now, not a lot of hooting and howling there at every word that ted cruz would say unlike his reception in texas last week. >> a little bit different there. i think he gave a speech of about 40 minutes long at some point. i don't know who could sit through a peaspeech like that. i talked to some folks on tgroud
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there and they still think he is the front runner in terms of who the evangelicals like in iowa. he jumped ahead people like rand paul and marco rubio. they sort of had michelle bachmann and she was in the congress there and people thought she was a little bit goofy but now i think with ted cruz in some ways they feel like they have someone in a powerful position who can get stuff done or not get stuff done which is what they want to see happen. >> let's listen to what the winner of the last republican iowa caucus said on meet the press this weekend. >> in the end, he did more harm. i think it was not his objective. i think his objective was a laudable one. there is one thing to have a
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goal and another thing to have a plan to get you to the goal. >> so, rick santorum who doeses harbor thoughts of maybe doing this again, the running for president thing, very clear anti-ted cruz position. he thinks that's the bet for him to make? >> and lawrence, real quick, one sign that he might be running is no sweater vest. he has learned that hi might want to transition to the tie. >> he is running for the president this time instead of class president. >> exactly. there you see, that's the outer outer edge of the republican right in rick santorum. >> it used to be. now we have got this other ring. >> off the table. but that's the right edge saying the new right edge is too right wing. cruz has the right ideas and the wrong implementation. they lost the shut down debate and they lost it by deceiving and lying to their own base.
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that is number one. and number two with the coulter cruz connection. her policies do not match ted cruz because she is an incumbent aligned with an incumbent. cruz and others are saying that the primaries are fair game. >> she is saying she does not like primary sitting republican senators. >> there are 14 republicans up for reelection. seven are all right facing the conservative primaries. >> anne already said she needs to talk to her love about this disagreement. let's listen to norquist. >> what is your strategy and how does this work? i have never had a criticism of ted cruz's strategy because i have never been able to find it. >> i believe that is a criticism of ted cruz's strategy. >> that very much is.
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people like grover norquist is not a fan. people like john mccain are no friends of his at this point. when you have norquist, and he is sort of the money guy, the repeal all the taxes guy, that does not help him very much. we will see what happens with him over the next couple of years. everyone focuses on iowa. just ask president huckabee or santorum how good it is to win iowa in terms of your chances in the general or even your chances in the republican party primary fight. ultimately those chamber of commerce republicans really do matter. >> and what strikes me is there is safety in numbers, political safety, and so coming out against ted cruz, you have a lot of company in the republican party if you do that. >> that's the key part. he got to take this dance out farther than the incumbent
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establishment wanted. it blew up in everyone's face and they will continue to hang that on him. that's why we're seeing the louder noises and seeing bainer and mcconnel saying -- they don't always single him out but they say we're not doing this awful failed strategy again which everyone knows is the cruz strategy. he does still have the following whether people are making noise at a given event or not, he has the following of the right right. these are people watching the blaze, glen wbeck's network. >> that's good to know. >> that's where these guys are. and they have a subscriber base. it does not look like it's edging towards a majority but ted cruz can take cold comfort in that angry minority. >> we may see a ted cruz versus chris christie primary run off.
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let's look at this big endorsement. >> i don't endorse many politicians but chris christie is different. he is working with me. governor christie has given more funding to schools, given parents more choices and merit pay for good teachers. he's a good man -- excuse me. he's a great man. please join me in supporting chris christie for governor. >> the list is now three of candidates that shaquille o'neal has endorsed in his lifetime. al gore in 1999, barack obama for president only in 2012. only for reelection and now chris christie. >> he has a long list of products he has liked to endorse. gold bond powder, the icy hot patch is among them, too.
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what chris christie is doing, this is really about the black vote. he is trying to argue that he can get the black vote. it looks like he is on pace to get about 30% of the black vote. he has prominent endorsement from black preachers in new jersey. he is going to be making that argument in 2013 that he is a different kind of republican. between african-americans and latinos and he is going to get a pretty good majority or slice of that in his pam f -- campaign. will there be a republican candidate who can match george bush's ratings among black folks? did very well in key states. can he match that or can he even get -- nixon got about 17% of the black vote. was on the cover of jet magazine with sammy davis jr. i think that's the question.
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is there going to be a republican candidate who can match that and whether or not it's christie. >> and the question, does shaquille oec'neal have the endorsement power of sammy davis jr.? >> the black vote does matter. we should also look to the cartoons from space jam with michael jordan. who do they endorse at the end of this thing? >> all right. there's that. >> i didn't think about that. >> thank you both for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, howard dean on fixing the affordable care act website and in the rewrite, why daryl isa is not crazy enough for the tea party. we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up.
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been crashing and breaking and not working and breaking and sucking. tonight i have a number of friendly tips to help you deal with those technical problems. for example, have you tried restarting your computer? sometimes it helps to turn the computer off and then turn it back on. we don't know why, it just does. if our website still isn't loading properly, we're probably justover loaded with traffic. millions of americans are vis visiting health, which is great news but the site was only designed to handle six users at a time. >> joining me is the former governor of vermont, not a former democrat, but a former dnc chairman, dr. howard dean. i want to listen to what the governor of kentucky has to say about his successful start up in his state. let's listen to this.
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>> at 12:01 a.m., kentuckyians started swarming all over our exchange and our toll free lines and in about four weeks we have had over 300,000 kentuckyians trying to find out and finding out about affordable health care. things are not working on a federal level yet but it's going to. the advice i would give is take a deep breath. >> do you have the same optimism that it is going to work? >> i do eventually. i think the problems that the federal website is having is worse than the problems that the state websites are having in general and that's simply because of the size of the federal website. i think when obama care passed, nobody envisioned that 30 some odd republican governors would refuse medicaid.
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rsh let's listen to what jay karney had to say about this today. >> what everybody said all along is there will be changes brought about to create minimum standards. min numb services that everyone has to provide. there are existing health care plans that don't meet the minimum standards and therefore do not qualify for the affordable care ak. >> he is talking about one of the controversial aspects of the law as it's working now which is republicans say that people are being kicked off of their health plans. in fact, what's going on is that the health plans are being
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brought up to standard, up to grade where they will provide a greater value. >> right. we went through this. we did a lot and have done a lot of obama care. we did it about 20 years ago. we have gone through this. there is resistance because people like what they have but the truth is a lot of what people have had in the individual market which was really a disaster before obama care was inferior stuff. i used to have patients that got sick and were kicked off of their health insurance. the company golden rule took 50% of every payment dollar away and put it in their pocket. most insurance companies spend 80% of their premium dollars. one of the things that the government is doing is bringing order to chaotic markets where all kinds of stuff gets sold that shouldn't. some of this is consumer protection. i'm in favor of that. >> there is this notion that
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these changes in the health care plan are something that only would happen because of the new law when in fact insurance companies are changing the internals of your own plan all the time. >> the politics for obama care is a legitimate policy which protects consumers they take a lot of money. the hearing of the rollout in aspects of medicare part d.
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>> we americans are in this where everything has to be instant. tea, coffee, everything that we do and we're supposed to go out there and have a new program, put it in place and all at once it's perfect. >> i thought the auto enrollment process would go well because we already had those people in the computers and that we would be able to shift them over. we have had 14,000 missourians for whom the auto enrollment process failed. >> those that stand here and suggest that the whole thing should be thrown out may have forgotten that it took us 20 years to get the whole thing passed in the first place. >> that was rick santorum getting the last word defending the problems in that rollout. >> interestingly enough, change is hard. it is very complicated. obama care is more complicated than medicare part d. they both worked out.
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medicare part d worked out very, very well on the enld. -- end. in the end, let's not forget the best example we have. we know this works. the reason we know this works is mitt romney did it five year ace go. 95.5% of all citizens in massachusetts have health insurance. i think barack obama gets some credit for that. >> governor howard dean, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, in the rewrite, why the tea party has decided that daryl isa is now a traitor. [ coughs, sneezes ]
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>> i would love to get everyone to sign a pledge to take no pledges. i have a pledge to my wife and my country, but beyond that, no pledges. >> having refused to sign grover norquist's pledge to never ever raise taxes, his campaign was doomed from the start. republicans don't think you eyre a real republican these days if you don't sign the pledge they think they are a rino, republican in name only. now they are trying to use pledges. the tea party is running a new ad asking real conservatives to pledge to defeat republicans who
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voted to reopen the government. by pledge, they mean pledge money. if you are inspired to pledge to the tea party after you watch their ad you will go to their website and be led to this page where you will be asked to pledge at least $25 to run primary campaigns against house republicans. here then is the new tea party ad attacking 87 house republicans. see if you can count how many times they used the word "traitor". >> we need all true conservatives and stand up now to the latest r.i.n.o. betrayal. these traitors sold out america and voted to fund obama care, voted to raise the debt ceiling and voted to further expand debt spending yet again. the tea party intends to hold
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these traitors accountable. all of them. and to do that we need your support. with your help we will remove these traitors from office and replace them with true conservatives. sign the pledge to hold these traitors accountable. call now or go to our website. stop the to see the list of traitors. we must replace these r.i.n.o.s. with real conservative and sign the pledge to hold these traitors accountable. call now to sign the pledge. >> i got eight. eight traitors. you just heard the word traitor eight times in one minute. and here is one promised challenge. >> this was the targtdi itargete president's political enemies and lies about it during the election year. >> that's right, daryl issa is
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not insanely conservative enough so they are raising money on the promise that they will challenge daryl issa along with other house republicans including john boehner. they are lying, of course. they have no intention of mounting tea party challenges against 87 republicans, least of all, daryl issa, who is the richest member in the house and senate. his wealth is at least $350 million. he has the money to crush any tea party challenger who comes his way and the tea party knows it. the tea party is not going to go after most of the 87 members of congress, who they claim they are out to get. so republican world has become a game of the liars versus the trait traitors and boy do they deserve each other. na. tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event?
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your ford dealer. who has 11 major brands to choose from? your ford dealer. who's offering a rebate? your ford dealer. who has the low price tire guarantee, affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of tires? your ford dealer. i'm beginning to sense a pattern. get up to $140 in mail-in rebates when you buy four select tires with the ford service credit card. where'd you get that sweater vest? your ford dealer. a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪ like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. that's how ameriprise puts more within reach. ♪
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favoritability and remind people of the old clinton wars that everybody went through in the 90s. >> i would offer a counter point here. i stay in touch with this hillary clinton team virtually every day. i talk to her about two weeks ago about this. my genuine sense about her is what she says again and again in public quotations. she is still figuring it out. >> the official position of this show is that she is running for president, has already decided to run for president. >> i get that. i hear that. >> all analysis should take place -- >> it's worth noting that actually she has been more than at any prior point, very
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transparent about the fact that she is wrestling with it. we are seeing a preview of what her issues will be regardless of what she will be doing in a couple of years. her focus on youth, women, and the core issues she brought front and center while secretary of state. i don't think any of these recent events say loud and clear that i am reentering politics. >> it's clear. >> she never left politics. she did while secretary of state. >> she is without a doubt a leader who will always be invested in the political theme. the close friends indicate that there will always be a bat. not yet. how important is the virginia win for team clinton and their own ability to make these kinds of campaigns work? >> you know, it's a big win for
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them. it looks like we will. he is an incredibly weak candidate. but i mean, when you look at the clinton clintons it's like the 1990s. it very much a positive for him. the question is what does he do in 2014? will they be in kentucky? will they be in north carolina? georgia? i think that's the real question. looks like bill clinton may already have his mind made up what what he should do, too. >> she got beat to her left last time by barack obama when she ran for president. is there any space left to her
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now? >> look, i mean, the spark for this conversation is that there is so little space for other competitors right now. there is still time. i would point that out. in terms of the actual issues i really do think it's going to be the core issues that she brought front and center. >> is there a left space to hillary clinton? >> it's hard to see who that would be. maybe you got the governor of california. maybe he would get out there and run hard. maybe martin o'mally. he didn't do too well at the dnc. he is not a figure of people -- it's hard to see how she moves over or somebody gets to the left of her.
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can she hold the obama coalition? but also peel off some of the blue collar white voters who clinton was so adept at getting. never one north carolina. certainly that would be on their list of want to win states should she win. but it's hard to see that somebody was going to get in this race. >> i also think in the number of shows that people are craving moderation. there's a real opening for someone like hillary clinton who has a fairly mainstream body of corporation corporations. >> she's got an article saying it has to be a different team
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this time than the team she used in the last presidential campaign. >> that's right. a lot of fighting from that team. they sort of frittered away a lot of money in iowa. i still think the big hurdle that hillary clinton is going to have to pass is that she is from the 90s. sure she is a contemporary now. but presidential contests are always about the future. and that's why you get somebody in there like chris christie. he is going to be able to say he's something new and fresh, who wants to go back to the 90s. it's the same race that barack obama ran against hillary clinton in 2008. >> having worked with her, that is not on my list of worries. if she decides to run, she is somebody who is so vibrant about jumping on the new generation of issues and technology and communicating. i think increasingly she has shown herself to be amenable to
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that. >> i think she is -- >> i do. it's got to be -- >> i think the fact that you have to make the argument that she is on twitter and on new technology, i think that's a problem. >> secretary of state, the commitment to you? outside the box programs, offices like the one i ran for her. she was doing pretty out there stuff. >> all right. >> ronan gets tonight's last word and, nia, i will keep him after school. it's under way. thanks nia and ronan. thank you both. "chris haste" is up next. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. yes, the government shutdown is over. the sequester continues. and today, another part of basic government function turned off by republicans. one republican, to be precise. >> i'm going to blev
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