tv MSNBC Live MSNBC November 2, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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berty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is. same grin, same walk. and the same beautiful hair. [ female announcer ] nice 'n easy. in one step get expert highlights and lowlights. for color they may just think you were born with. [ rob ] i'm a lucky guy. [ female announcer ] with nice 'n easy, get the most natural shade of you. i'm shocked. i'm absolutely shocked. i don't even know what was going on -- had no idea. >> i was just mind-boggled. i just couldn't comprehend that. just didn't seem possible. >> shock, sadness and confusion after the deadly shooting at l.a.x. good afternoon. i'm richard lui in for craig melvin on this saturday.
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we know who he was and how he did it. but why did 23-year-old paul ciancia open fire in one of the busiest airports in the world? obama care is a classic example of what people are tired of. they're tired of politicians like the president making promises that they can't keep. >> in the hot seat, the obama administration is promising to fix the befuddled health care website. now the ceo of the first private insurance exchange is offering to help. we'll talk to him ahead. a community calls for justice in northern california after a 13-year-old carrying a toy gun is shot and killed by a police deputy. was his race a factor there? we'll talk to a civil rights leader who's joining the call. and later, hip-hop, humor and public health. it's today's "big idea." we're going to start in the west where travelers at los angeles international airport are seeing an increased security presence today. it could be days before the
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airport returns to normal after friday's shooting that left a tsa officer dead and others wounded. nbc's miguel almaguer has been covering the story for us over the last day. good day to you, miguel, and what's the latest? >> reporter: good afternoon. we know that terminal three where the investigation is taking place where the shooting happens remains shut down to the public. they are allowing some passengers who were inside that terminal during the shooting to come back this afternoon to retrieve some of their personal belongings. as you know, this shooting took place yesterday at 9:30 in the morning. it was the middle of the weekday commute at the end of the week when police say 22-year-old paul ciancia walked through the front doors of the terminal, pulled out an assault rifle from a bag and opened fire, first hitting tsa agents. they say it appears he was targeting tsa agents, killing one before moving on through the terminal, past security. about 100 yards deep into the terminal where police engaged him in gunfire.
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officers tell us he was shot multiple times, then taken into custody. we know that at least one person is in critical condition this morning although we haven't been told the identity of that person. the hospital can't release that information to the media. we know at least seven people were injured during this shooting. we saw passengers pour out of the terminal. they ran onto the tarmac. many cowered inside restrooms hoping to avoid the gunfire and the bloodshed. l.a.x. was disrupted yesterday to say the least. some 167,000 passengers unable to make their flights or were delayed or canceled. that ripple effect we're still seeing today as they push to reopen the terminal. >> it could be days. miguel almaguer, thank you so much. miguel will be back later with more on background of this shooter. let's bring in california democratic congressman adam schiff from los angeles. representative, good to see you. in light of yesterday's shooting, do you think the tsa,
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tsa officers should be armed? >> i really don't think so. this is one of three terrible incidents we've had in los angeles. you might recall we had a terrible shooting at santa monica college. someone drove onto the venice boardwalk and injured people. and now the shooting at the airport. we can't arm everyone where these events of gun violence take place. going through the training and arming of potentially tens of thousands of tsa agents, i just don't think that's the course we want to take. >> i want to switch gears here. you said on the house intelligence committee, you wrote an op-ed in "the l.a. times." you called for changes to be made to the nsa's massive phone data gathering program and say it's the evidence that it has made us safer is limited. instead it appears that the utility of the metadata program
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has been conflated with the success of other collection efforts. how do you determine how much surveillance, then, is too much? >> i think we have to weigh what is the size of the program, what is the magnitude of the collection and what are the results it's getting? and even more than that, even if it met that test, even if the metadata program was very successful, we also have to ask, is it necessary to collect all this data or can the program be restructured? in my view, the program can be restructured in a way that has the telecommunications providers retain their own data. i doesn't require the government to get all that data. when we suspect that a phone number is connected to a plot, then we go to the phone company, much as we would do in a criminal investigation. so i think we can get the same information we need. we can continue to protect the country. we can continue to use whatever successes we've been able to derive from the metadata program without the necessity of gathering all this data. >> a part of this discussion is the source of many of these nsa
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disclosures, edward snowden, he's appealing to washington to stop treating him like a traitor. he made the appeal in a letter that he gave to a german politician who visited him in moscow. what do you think of snowden's request here? >> i think we've had a very important debate that's been kindled by these leaks. but i have little sympathy for mr. snowden. he's done enormous damage to the country. if he were a man of conscience as he claims to be, he would have in a civil disobedience way, face the music here at home. but he fled to those authoritarian regimes that care nothing about privacy. part of what he is doing is designed more to inflict damage on the united states than to make a cause out of privacy. >> part of that here, snowden offering to testify in germany about american eavesdropping methods. if germany grants him asylum there, what would you do to stop that?
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>> i hope germany won't make that decision. germany understands just as we do that we can't have people working within our intelligence community or people working within theirs decide unilaterally, i don't like this policy and i'm going to ignore it and leak classified information. i think the german government understands that quite well. if germany wants to interview snowden, they can go to russia and do that. some of the parliamentarians have already done that. but i would hope that germany wouldn't do that. >> congressman, thank you for your time today. >> you bet, thank you. parts of will be taken offline for repair in a few hours. it's the focus of republicans in their weekly address. >> too many americans still cannot even access the online exchanges and for the few that have, they're experiencing sticker shock. the president told us that obama care is more than a website. i agree. it is more than just a website
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and the problems run far deeper than a few technological glitches. >> the obama administration says it is pulling out all the stops to try to fix, including drafting experts from google and other tech firms to help patch up the ailing website, this as we learn that only six people signed up on the first day and 248 people by day two. let's bring in the chairman and ceo of e-health, handled more than 20 million visitors last year. good to see you. thanks for stopping by, gary. give us a sense of how this is more than a website? we have this graphic from xerox which lays out the exchanges. where do you think they got the rocky start here in all of that? >> we're really not an exchange. you're talking about e-commerce. and e-commerce is complex. it's not easy to do. you think about ebay and amazon, it's taken years and years to
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get those sites, those e-commerce offerings to the point that they're at. it's been the same thing with e-health. we've been at this for 15 years. tremendously complex. i haven't seen your diagram but i'm sure it looks like the plumbing in a nuclear power plant or something. >> it does. >> this is difficult stuff to do. and the government's tried to do it in a couple of short years. there's a lot of good people in the centers for medicaid and medicare services in h.h.s. working on this. but it's probably not surprising that this is hard to get up and off the ground. and the real key here, however, to obama care isn't the website. it's got to work, obviously, and it will. but it's enrollment. we have to get a lot of people enrolled, a lot of young people. and these are young people who are online all the time. >> they estimate 7 million for the first year. a big part is the system connected to the government. irs servers, talking about technology that goes back to punch cards and the 1960s, talking about social security administration.
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they're stopping down that part tonight. how important is that functionality connecting to the stuff that goes back so many decades? >> well, anyone who is subsidy eligible, lower income person, is completely dependent on that working. that's got to work. i can imagine how complex it is. we're dealing with a lot of legacy systems here. systems that go way, way back. and we're really trying to connect them to this very modern today technology. going to be a difficult thing to do. but if anything must work, that has to. >> the data hub that connects to all of those is down today. is that a good indication? you've done this before, been running it for 15 years. is that a good indication of moving forward? >> well, i'm sure they're taking it down for good reasons. which is to do repair work on it. but all of the stuff should be working now and should be working really well. >> you were on "morning joe." you offered your expertise to
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the white house to help take up some of its tasks here. what kind of response did you get from the white house? >> well, i think the white house and others are very focused on getting this site going, that is and they will. we've had some recent discussions with some people. we're operating in these 36 states today that the federal government is in. anyone who wants to buy health insurance that isn't -- >> they did nothing like that say yes? >> i haven't heard yes yet. >> not as of yet. when do you think we'll know whether their tech surge is working? >> they're saying by the end of this month. let's hope that's the case. every day is precious with this. >> gary, thank you so much today. >> thanks, richard. one in seven americans are on food stamps. one in four of them are kids. today, they're all seeing the amount they get to buy food drop dramatically. inside syria, the civil war there has left more than 3 million kids at risk. and now they face a foe many thought had been eradicated from
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the earth. plus, president obama rarely ups up about his faith. now we're getting a new look at how the most powerful man in the world views the higher power. many cereals say they're good for your heart, but did you know there's a cereal that's recommended by doctors? it's post shredded wheat. recommended by nine out of ten doctors to help reduce the risk of heart disease. post shredded wheat is made with only one ingredient: one hundred percent whole grain wheat, with no added sugar or salt. try adding fruit for more health benefits and more taste in your bowl. it's the ideal way to start your heart healthy day. try post shredded wheat. this has been medifacts for post shredded wheat.
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topping our saturday headlines, climate change could present a risk to the world's food supply, according to a leaked draft report by united nations panel on climate change. scientists saying that rising temperatures will have beneficial effects on crops in some places. but globally, it will make it harder for crops to thrive. president obama has issued an executive order to create a task force to help the administration respond to climate change. it effectively takes congress out of the mix in climate change reform. the u.s. ambassador to pakistan has been summoned to the capitol to answer to criticisms of yesterday's drone strike that killed a taliban leader in that country.
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officials say the u.s. is sabotaging peace talks with the taliban. president obama likes to keep certain parts of his life private. his family, his friends and his faith, until now. we're learning about one of his private practices. how the president has worked with a pastor to seek daily inspiration. the president touched on this earlier in the year. take a listen. >> every morning, he sends me via e-mail a daily meditation, snippet of scripture for me to reflect on. and it has meant the world to me. >> before he checks his blackberry and dives into the day, the first thing the president does, we hear, is read the meditation sent to him from the man dubbed the white house's pastor in chief. josh joshua dubois joins us right now. very good to see you here today. what was the last devotional you
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sent him and why did you send that to him? >> one of the ones i've sent recently was about joe louis, the boxer, who always bounced back even when he was knocked down. he wouldn't stay down for a count. it was a devotional meditation on resilience. that's one of the ones that i've recently used. >> did anything happen on that day that you can tie together with what you sent him about joe louis? >> no. really i try to focus on eternal principles, i don't want it to be like the president reading his morning news clips. i try to get to bigger issues like how to grow closer to god, how to love our neighbors, things that both apply to the president of the united states but also to all of us. >> president obama right now in the midst of a challenging time in his presidency. you've been watching it, his signature program, health care reform, under a lot of fire. a large majority of the public in some polls thinking the country is going down the wrong track here. where does the president's faith, from what you know about him, how does it factor in for him at times like this?
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>> i would say a few things. one, his faith gives him a sense of perspective that this is a long life we live. many of us also believe in eternal life even after this one. there are going to be challenging that come and go. but you have to hold onto the fact that this is a very long life and we'll have positive moments even after the negative ones that come. his faith also gives him a sense that there are things that are even greater than politics. even after a very busy day in the white house, he gets to go home to a wife who loves him and two wonderful daughters. i think that really grounds him as well. >> he said it means the world to me about those pieces of scripture, the devotionals that you send him. how did you react to that when he said, it means the world to him? >> i was very honored. this whole thing just sort of came by chance, by the grace of god when i first started working for barack obama. i had no idea i was going to send him devotionals every morning. i was helping him in his 2008
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campaign. i saw that this was a person who had a lot of different support around him. i wondered who was thinking about his soul? i decided to send him an e-mail. didn't know what was response was going to be. but he said he enjoyed them. >> you're no longer working inside the white house. why did the president allow you to publish this very personal window into his faith, given how private he's been in the past? >> i think the president realized that the same challenges that he processes every day, from learning how to love folks who he disagrees with, to learning how to grow closer to god are the same things we all go through. if these devotionals have been helpful to him, perhaps they will to others as well. i think through the essays in the president's devotional, he get to see a side of the president we haven't seen before. from mentoring me when my father passed away, to marriage in his life to difficult tragedies like that horrible day in newtown, connecticut.
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so i think part of the book is shining a light on the president that we haven't seen before. i think that's a helpful thing. >> talk about that day in newtown. how did the president turn to you -- how did he turn to the devotionals, to scripture, to his faith on that day to gain strength? >> it was an absolutely horrible day. it's one of those days where we're really driven to our knees, to paraphrase president lincoln. because we have nowhere else to go. a mind-bending tragedy. i saw as the president was trying to comfort those families and trying to provide a measure of solace, i saw him lean on his faith, scripture and prayer. it was a big part of that day. >> do you decide which scriptures to send him based on the ebbs and flows of what may be happening in the white house? >> i try to sort of disconnect from the daily news cycle. again, send him something that will edify him beyond a given
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political crisis. but there are times -- and i note this in the book -- there are times that they have been key to particular days. there was a devotional that i sent that was related to his state of the union address. another one i sent about jackie robinson on the anniversary of robinson breaking into the major leagues. so there are some occasions where there's overlap with what's happening in the news. but hopefully both for the president and for other people, they'll be more focused on eternal principles. >> you mentioned your father passing away. you mentioned that happened in 2005. you were in the white house at that time and you say this -- you write in your book, he paused and looked at me in the eye, then he told me about his dad, his father's troubles, what it was like to learn from him as a teenager about basketball, about jazz, how it felt when he got the news that he had died. he concluded by giving you a hug you say. he said, i'll be praying for you and i want you to let me know if you need anything at all. how has the president's faith evolved over time, since when you first met him until today?
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>> i think it's grown. it's strengthened. because he's cultivated it in quiet ways. he prays with pastors in the oval office as often as he can. he'll take his family to church quietly, sort of walk across the white house lawn and go to st. john's episcopal church there as they did this past sunday. he also has a prayer call every year on his birthday to pray for him for the year ahead with pastors from around the country joining in on that. it's not the sort of thing that he shouts from the rooftop or wears on his sleeve. but his faith is quietly a very important part of his life. that's what i get into in the book. >> fascinating insight. joshua bdubois, appreciate you stopping by. >> thank you very much. if you've always wanted to own a piece of oprah winfrey, now's your chance. she's auctions off more than 300 personal items today in a yard sale to benefit her girls academy in south africa and make room in her santa barbara home. items hitting the auction block
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range from artwork to furniture and-paraphernalia. but the gear is not cheap. so check your credit before you bid. we're going across america to let people try the deep sweep power brush by oral-b for the first time. wow. it's "wow," you know? wow. wow. that feels "wow." [ male announcer ] oral-b deep sweep, featuring 3 cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles that reach deep between teeth to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. it seems like it gets more to areas of your mouth that you can't reach with a regular toothbrush. [ male announcer ] guaranteed "wow" with deep sweep from oral-b. #1 dentist-recommended toothbrush brand worldwide.
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there's a live look there for you at l.a.x. airport where terminal 3 remains closed to the public at this hour. police continue to investigate friday's shooting spree that took the life of a tsa officer. passengers who left behind items during the chaos were allowed back in just a short while ago. police are still investigating the crime scene. officials saying ticket counters are open for ticket questions and purchases only. but flights will depart from other terminals. i'm richard lui in for craig melvin. joplin, missouri, police are trying to determine what led to a movie theater shooting in a parking lot. a suspect is in police custody. scary moments at last night's denver nuggets game. the man inside the denver mascot costume passed out. he was motionless as he was lowered from the ceiling. the team says he got the wind
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knocked out of him and is doing fine today. and iraqi nuri al maliki is back home in baghdad after a strained visit to the white house. in his meeting with president obama on friday, he asked for new support to fight al qaeda factions. there's new evidence today of the massive human toll of the syrian civil war. a report finds neighboring jordan is, quote, imposing undue restrictions on access to the country to people fleeing syria and violating international law by forcibly returning refugees from jordan. this as the world health organization reported this week that new cases of polio have been identified in a number of syrian children. nbc's reporter recovers the region. we're lucky enough to have him here in new york today. you've been watching the number on refugees. from what we know, at least 800,000 have now entered lebanon when we're looking at the refugees.
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and that now constitutes a quarter of the people in that country. >> the lebanese government has been very reluctant to acknowledge it has a refugee problem by setting up refugee camps. they don't want to create problems they've had in the past. what's made it unique in lebanon is the syrian refugees have been putting more strain and pressure on the local lebanese economy and the humanitarian situation is getting worse. even in countries like jordan which has a tense border with syria, a lot of the border skirmishes we've seen has cost lives of refugees, syrian refugees in jordan. now the jordanian government has closed its border to these refugees. a lot of these smaller countries are not able to cope with the pressure. they are not able to cope with the humanitarian crisis. >> a day, $700,000, i was
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hearing, in terms of electricity costs in one of the camps in jordan. this is a massive undertaking. >> the refugee camp in jordan has become the fifth largest city in that country to give you a sense of how big -- >> fifth largest? >> yes. >> wow. let's talk about the issue of the deadline for chemical weapons removal. evidently that has been made, at least one of the initial deadlines. but has that focus on chemical weapons taken away the focus on the civilians themselves? conventional weapons have caused most of the injuries and deaths to these civilians. >> that's the criticism that some of the syrian opposition is making, that this intense focus on the chemical weapons is really distracting what this conflict is about. that is the civilian toll. the fact that the syrian government is committed to this process now means the president is likely going to stay in power until the complete destruction of all these chemical weapons. many critics are saying this has now bought the assad regime more time and solidified his place in
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power until at least the middle of 2014. >> this has bought him political time and political power. does that work -- is that in the scope of the region? is it also in the scope within his country and civilians? >> the syrian opposition believes by getting into this international agreement between the syrian government and the united nations and others, you have now solidified president bashar al assad's rule in power until these chemical weapons are destroyed. it's an ambitious timetable to destroy the chemical weapons. but it's going to keep him in power. >> senator john mccain said this about support of the united states of syrian rebels. take a listen. >> senator, we do not think there is a military solution to the conflict in syria. i agree you -- >> you believe -- do you believe that if bashar al assad has the military advantage on the ground, that there is a solution? >> i don't think bashar al assad
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can win militarily either, senator. >> so he is pressuring the ambassador to syria -- the u.s. ambassador to syria about this issue. yet al assad is saying, you have to stop support of the rebels before we'll continue talks. how is this all ending out here? >> both sides are getting weapons from outside. it's not playing out militarily. right now, it is purely a military problem given what is happening on the ground. you have some of the u.s.'s closest allies in the region, saudi arabia, qatar and others, sending arms and weapons to the government. the syrian government is receiving weapons and money from russia and others. this is a military conflict with a dire humanitarian catastrophe. it may not be enough to tip the balance in favor from one side to the other. that is why you're hearing these calls for trying to come up with a diplomatic solution. but there's been no such solution in the past 2 1/2 years. >> thank you so much today. the family of a teenager shot and killed by a california sheriff's deputy is filing a
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federal civil rights lawsuit against sonoma county. andy lopez was shot several times last week while carrying a pellet gun. deputies mistook it for an assault rifle. fernando chavez is an attorney. thank you for being with us today. the deputies at the scene later said that, quote, as the subject was turning toward him, the barrel of what he thought was the assault rifle was rising up and turning in his direction. and that the deputy feared for his safety. does the family have a strong case here? >> well, it depends on the facts. as i understand, some of the witnesses now are saying that the officer did not identify themselves as police officers. if you take a look at the situation and assume the young man was walking away from them as he was and someone says, drop your gun, you're turning to look to see who it is, not
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necessarily turning with the intent to aim the weapon. and the fact of the matter is that the kid knew it was a play gun and it wasn't a real weapon. so i think that's a concern. one of the other issues, too, is the amount of time that transpired between the initial call that there was someone with a potential weapon and the shooting was something -- within ten seconds, which is really, really -- that's pretty tight time line. >> critics of what had happened there are asking, was lopez's race a factor in the shooting. >> well, i don't know, if it was a factor or not. i think that there's been some gang activity in that area. and the police are actively involved in that. i'm not sure if you could tell he was latino or not. but i think the bigger picture here has to do with the issue of automatic weapons. police officers are often faced against individuals who are
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carrying more gun power than they themselves have. if you see someone like this, i could see how the officer may have overreacted under these circumstances. but that's where you require top-notch training so you don't get on exaggeration in a situation like this. >> lopez's death has led to some massive protests and rallies in the area. some have called it a divided field there where you've got workers on one side and everybody else on the other. i grew up close to that area. if you drove through sonoma county, you wouldn't necessarily see that at first glance. is there a history of racial tension in this community with law enforcement? >> you know what, i'm not sure. but what happens is when you're dealing with violence and you're dealing with gangs and you're dealing with minority communities, unless there's an outreach to that particular community, then you have situations like this that really instigate and really bring to light the underlying, fuming
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issues that you have between minority communities, not only latino communities but african-american communities as well. >> many taking part in those demonstrations have been students. that does that say to you about this new generation that your father had fought for, about equality, whether it be for latinos or others? >> someone asked me that. i think that's a fascinating thing happening there. you have not had individuals, young people, high school people, very young individuals, who have organized and demonstrated against this type of police conduct. i think that says a lot to what's happening to our younger generation. and i think social media has a lot to do with that. from that perspective, i think that's a very positive sign, not only for what's happening in santa rosa but in many communities across this country. >> fernando chavez, thank you so much for your time today. time to flash back to this
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day in 1948 when one of the greatest upsets in presidential election history caused a serious black eye for "the chicago tribune." votes were still being counted between truman and dewey. the paper published an early edition with the headline "dewey defeats truman ". but truman triumphed defeating dewey with just over 2 million votes. fast-forward, 28 years, jimmy carter was elected on this day 1976, becoming the first u.s. president from the deep south since the civil war. and in 2010, republicans took back the house in mid-term. largely seen as a referendum on president obama's just-passed health care reform law. >> this is something that i think every president needs to go through. i'm not recommending for every future president that they take a shellacking like i did last night. awarded j.d. power's most appealing midsize car,
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an official product of the national sleep foundation. there are cameras,, police, guards...ds us. but who looks after us online, where we spend more than 200 billion dollars a year. american express can help protect you. with intelligent security that learns your spending patterns, and can alert you instantly to an unusual charge. so you can be a member of a more secure world. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. nearly 48 million americans
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are wondering how they're going to feed their families because a food stamp supplement program expired friday without congress passing an extension. it's the first across-the-board cut in the program's history. a household of three will lose the equivalent of 16 meals a month, according to the center on budget and policy priorities. but these cuts are just the tip of the iceberg. a bill recently passed by the house calls for $39 billion in food assistance cuts over the next decade. let's bring in the executive director and ceo of new york's river fund food pantry and a writer at good day to both of you. what have you seen? >> what we've been facing, i think, is a steady decline in fighting poverty and hunger. it started back in the recession. and i think it's only continually gotten more dramatic and more severe of a situation, compounded by sandy and now with cuts to s.n.a.p. which will
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continue if it continues in this direction. i think it's a catastrophe in the making. >> s.n.a.p. or the food stamp program. >> that's right. >> ned, you went down with chris hayes' team to the food pantry and you spoke to some of the folks there. i'll play a little bit of that. >> it's very hard. if they cut it, a lot of people are going to suffer. >> i pay taxes and work so hard. and i believe that i should get some help. look what happened now. >> so you were down there with the chris hayes team. what's the disconnect here? the world's richest country yet we have this number of individuals, 48 million who need assistance. we've seen the number grow by 77% since 2007. what's the deal? >> i think what happened was when the 2008 financial collapse happened, there was this massive infusion of money into the food stamp program to deal with what
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they foresaw would be a huge increase in hunger as a result of the recession. what happened was they were able to stabilize the increase in hunger but it never went down to pre-recession levels. what's happening now is this money is getting phased out as a result of the stimulus expiring. >> where's the voice in congress? why don't they have a voice? >> there are a couple of people drawing attention to this. jim mcgovern has been a loud advocate on behalf of food stamp recipients. however, i think there's -- a lot of it has to do with a lack of interest, i think. there's not a lot of understanding even within congress of how the food stamp program operates or how food pantries operate. >> california democrats, barbara lee, is outraged. this is what she said about what republicans are doing to cut funds. >> it's a moral disgrace. this is not the american way. people deserve to eat. many people go through challenges in their lives. the majority of people on
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s.n.a.p., food stamp benefits, actually are working. they're part of the working poor. they're making $7 to $8 an hour, mind you. >> on an average, according to cbo, $8,800 a year. that certainly is below the poverty line. what are people telling about how they're working and trying to balance this objective, just to feed their family? >> yeah, i spoke to one person who actually works at a food pantry and is also a regular customer of the food pantry. people are really struggling. there is a misconception that a lot of the claims are being made by the republicans right now about this $39 billion cut they want to institute, is we're doing this so people will incentivized to work. they're already working. >> what happens is as these benefits get cut back, they go to places like yours. how are you going to balance the demand? >> we do everything we can at our level.
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we advocate for more food wherever we can. we work with food banks, harvest, united way, private companies. and meeting the demand is much -- i think the face of poverty has become this issue of housing and jobs. for the people who we're serving, as you said, the amount of money, you could never support your family or kids on any of that. so s.n.a.p. being reduced or eventually if it's cut would actually devastate the population. they could never manage to do this. >> what do you see in the next week or month as the true effect of the cutting -- or the reduction, i should say, of food stamp funding is really hitting the road here? when the recipients do really feel it? >> it's actually hit. it actually hit last week. people are starting to get notices. today one of the clients we deal with, he's in a wheelchair, has m.s. he just got a letter saying his food stamps are cut by $35. what will he do?
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reality of food stamps, how it works is usually food stamps kick in for the first or second week. and then the third week, it starts to be running out. food stamps running out of food. you take a little bit more and where are we going into one or two weeks that a family supports food for themselves. children go hungry is an absurdity. >> you could really feel it in week three or four on the food pantry level. thank you both for your time. you can read ned's full story on the hunger cliff on our website, hundreds of thousands of red sox fans flooding the streets of boston this morning to celebrate the team's world series victory. the red sox took down the st. louis cardinals after six nail-biting games this week. the world series champs made their way through the city pausing for an emotional stop on boylston street to honor the victims of april's marathon bombing and recognize the city's resilience in the aftermath. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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♪ entertainment that saves lives. that's today's "big idea." this rapper is a board-certified medical doctor that sings parodies on health care. now he's channeling his frustration into a new innovative clinic set to open this winter called turntable health in downtown las vegas. founder and ceo joins us. good to see you, doctor. >> great to see you, richard. >> why are you making these music videos and why about flu shots? >> well, what i notice is doctors communicate very poorly about very important scientific
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things. they talk to the mind and not to the heart. so what we find is people don't listen. vaccines are safe and effective. then jenny mccarthy comes in and says, no, they're dangerous and here are a bunch of stories. none are scientifically validated. i found by communicating with humor and music, you engage people in a memorable way. people on the fence will start to make the right decisions. >> i want to show -- this information comes up on the screen at the end of your one ingeneratii injection parody video. how does that fit in with what you're trying to do. >> what we're focusing on is prevention. in this country, we spent 4% of our money on prevention. something as simple as a flu shot can decrease hospitalizations by 70%. it has a huge rippling effect. and if everybody gets vaccinated, we have something called community immunity where
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everybody is immune. our clinic is hoping to increase that volume of prevention. >> and is that what makes your clinic different and more effective than perhaps other clinics that are out there right now, this new one you're putting out in las vegas? >> we're a membership model. we want you to see us even when you're well so we can keep you well. we're not incentivized to do things to you but for you. the healthier you are, the more likely -- >> what do you pay? >> it will be around $75 a month or $85 if you're older and if you're an employee of a company that partners with us, it's free through the employer. if you are a member of the nevada health co-op, one of the not-o not-for-profit insurance companies, you can get federal subsidies to use us. >> talk about the perspectives of doctors. it's common for patients to be frustrated about not getting
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enough time with doctors. but you saw doctors are frustrated, too. >> it's tremendous. people don't realize, it's a crisis in this country that the providers are burning out at record rates. over 60% won't recommend the career to their kids. i went through this myself being ten years at stanford, experiencing burnout. if we change the culture of medicine and focus on the things that we went into medicine to do, change the system and the administrative burden, we can fix health care for insurers and providers as well. >> doctor, thank you so much for your time. you have a good one. do you have a big idea that's making a difference. tell us about i by e-mailing us. up next, the latest from l.a.x. and what the deadly shooting there might mean for this weekend's travel and beyond. plus, a third of texas abortion clinics are now shuttered. more on what it means for the lonestar state and the nation with a texas attorney who argued roe v. wade before the supreme
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so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cash card from capital one, i get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally someone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, she's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. [ groans ] all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. would you like apple or cherry? cherry.
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oil...or cream? definitely cream. [ male announcer ] never made with hydrogenated oil. oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] always made with real cream. the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy. he was very proud of his son who played football and he always talked about how big his son was and he was bigger than him. and his daughter, my heart goes out to his daughter. >> a friend of the tsa agent killed on the job at l.a.x. on friday. good afternoon to you. i'm richard lui in for craig melvin. you're watching msnbc. what the deadly terrifying shooting at one of the nation's busiest airports will mean for air travel this weekend and beyond. we're trying to raise the safety standards in abortion facilities. >> it's very concerning. >> a big swath of abortion clinics in texas are closed today because of a court decision. we'll talk to the texas lawyer who argued roe v. wade before the supreme court.
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i'm excited. i shouldn't be but i am. >> and chris christie, on the campaign trail. his win in the garden state may be inevitable. but are his eyes on another prize? straight to our top story this hour. los angeles international airport is slowly making its way back to normal today. the fbi is still on the scene investigating friday's deadly shooting in which a tsa officer was killed. nbc's miguel almaguer is at l.a.x. with the very latest for us this hour. miguel, there's the background of the suspect here. >> reporter: we know that he's 23 years old. he was a resident of los angeles, paul ciancia. but he hails from new jersey where his family lives. his family was being investigated -- excuse me, was being talked to by the fbi yesterday. they were at this front door but they were not speaking to the media. we know he lived in the los angeles area for about the last 18 months or so. but no red flags came up in terms of a criminal history. when we talked to people that knew him, including his
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roommate, he said he was a quiet, unassuming guy. he'd lived in his apartment with him for a little over a year. but there were no major issues. when our local flath asked his roommate if he was surprised he had a gun, he said he was shocked because he'd never shown a gun in the home before, never shown any type of difficult behavior. we don't know much about the suspect. that picture will emerge as the days come forward. police looking into the motive. why would he want to shoot these people. >> we can hear the planes are taking off and landing. what's the status of terminal 3? >> reporter: terminal 3 remains shut down to the public. the tsa is allowing some passengers who were ticketed passengers during the shooting when the shooting broke out to come back into the terminal to retrieve their luggage so they could either go home or move on to their next flight. the terminal is still considered a crime zone beyond the safety checkpoint. they're not allowing the media or the public in there. but those ticketed passengers inside the terminal during the
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gunfire are allowed to return to pick up their personal belongings. it's still a crime scene. >> miguel almaguer, thank you so much. the election of the next mayor of new york city is just three days away. one of the first issues awaiting him to be the city's controversial stop-and-frisk policy. the city is appealing a ruling that found it unconstitutional. the policy could be reinstated until the appeal is heard or the new mayor decides to take action. brad lander is a new york city councilman representing parts of brooklyn. you're opposed to the stop-and-frisk program. what do you make of that ruling this past week? it was certainly a setback for those who are against it. >> it was a setback. let's start at the beginning. we all want safe communities but we can't keep our communities safe by profiling our neighbors based on their race. it violates their civil rights and it just doesn't work. that's unfortunately exactly what the bloomberg administration's been doing in
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ramping up stop-and-frisk. that's why the judge found the way the bloomberg administration has been abusing the tactic unconstitutional. so the second circuit's court delaying that decision, pushing off justice delayed is justice denied. the good news is new yorkers have spoken loud and clear. they did in the primary and i believe they're going to again on tuesday and we'll have a new mayor, bill de blasio who will bring change. >> you expect him to win, as the polls do as well. >> no one can take it for granted. but i'm optimistic. >> he is against this program as well. what do you expect him to do with it? >> a lot of what the judge put in as a remedy, ways the federal monitor could be appointed to help the nypd reform their practices, lapel cameras, looking at stops, making sure they have the proper training and moving toward a model of community policing that helps keep communities safe but does it without racial profiling. >> so the bloomberg administration has said, yes, this is a program that works.
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this has helped to reduce crime. why do you think that that argument does not hold water? >> there's no data. during the bloomberg administration, stops went from about 100,000 up to nearly 700,000 in 2011. and yet shooting stayed about the same. guns taken from those stops stayed about the same. study after study shows just no correlation between the rampant increase in stop-and-frisk and any reductions in shooting or crime. >> is there a happy medium between this policy and no policy? >> well, you can do stop-and-frisk. the police have the constitutional right to do that based on a suspect description, based on reasonable suspicion of the officer that they're about to commit a crime or have just committed a crime. we're not saying don't ever use stop-and-frisk as a tactic but it can't be based on racial profiling and the number is too high. >> brad lander, thank you so much.
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texas' tough new abortion law is in effect despite the legal battle still raging. is the first step to a supreme court showdown this? we'll talk with the texas attorney who argued roe v. wade 40 years ago. and the fight for immigration reform brings together unlikely allies. will their partnership lead to a breakthrough in enacting reform. and time to set your clocks back. it happens tomorrow morning at 2:00 a.m. set your clocks back one hour before you hit the sack. the american dream is of a better future, a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪ like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. that's how ameriprise puts more within reach.
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and try charmin basic. i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. ♪ [ male announcer ] old el paso frozen entrées. now in freezers.
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p.m. tonight until 9:00 tomorrow morning. the government says people can apply for health care coverage through the marketplace call center while the website is being worked on. joplin, missouri, police are trying to determine what led to a shooting in a movie theater parking lot overnight. one person was killed. a 39-year-old suspect is currently in police custody. could d.c. be the next area to legalize marijuana? the d.c. council is poised to approve a measure to make possession of less than one ounce of pot cost a fine of more than $25. bipartisan support came to washington tuesday to pressure house republicans to pass immigration legislation. they met with over 150 lawmakers in an effort to move legislation along.
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joining me now is glenn mccall who joined the group's lobbying effort and brent. glen, i want to start with you. previous bipartisan efforts have failed basically. tell us about who and what in your group makes you think it will be different this time around? >> well, first, thank you for having me. what i think will be different this time around, speaker boehner and the house republicans, they understand this time around that we don't need some massive obama-style bill to move this forward. i think the folks that were there were not asking for amnesty or open borders but something that will allow, as you mentioned in the opening monologue, for business folks, for just evangelicals and
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manufacturers around the country to have some way to making those that are here legal. what i mean by legal, giving them some way to have legal documentation where they can move about our economy -- >> let's get down to brass tacks, though, glenn. you have to get those votes in the house. getting a report from a major advocacy group that is estimates there are about 150 gop swing votes in the house on immigration. when you look at those numbers, do you agree with that number, first of all? and what's your strategy to try to get to swing some of those gop votes over to what you want? you can see it's just all across the country basically, whether it's in the south or the north, east and west. >> well, i think what it is is presenting the case again that it doesn't have to be all or nothing as the senate bill. and it can be broken up into
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pieces and taking on using commercial business practices to implement a smart -- that's what i like about the house, the house members are thinking about this more strategically, more step by step, of what can be implemented, what do we have to come back and really tighten up as it relates to our immigration laws on the books today. >> brent, i want to swing it over to you. you saw that map and the estimation of some 100 potential gop swing votes. from your perspective, as you try to move immigration reform forward. you can get a certain number of them. but you need at least 17 if not way more than that to get something passed. do you think this miss of business and political leaders can get it done? >> richard, we certainly appreciate their effort. it's really unprecedented to have the level of business leaders, of faith leaders of conservatives coming -- over 600 came this past week to washington, d.c. and pressing their own leaders, their own republican party members to
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support comprehensive immigration reform. we think with this team, with this coalition, it's just a matter of time before we are successful. the question is how long to get folks to move forward? i agree that there are probably 100 republicans that could swing our way. we're going to need a bit more than 25 or so because of the majority -- of the majority rule that is in place, the so-called hastert rule. we need to get a solid majority of that republican caucus to say, let's do something on immigration reform. we appreciate the effort that glenn and the rnc have been doing in pushing this issue forward. they want a new face for the republican party. we appreciate that. we think that's the right move on their part. i think we can get this done. we certainly hope to get it done before the mid-term elections. >> you brought up the question of when. the road signs say nothing is really going to get done. nothing is going to get down to the house floor and get voted on anytime soon on immigration. what's the strategy if you want to wait till after the mid-terms? after 2014 to get what you want?
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>> well, i have to disagree -- i think behind the scenes, there's a lot of activity that hasn't made the headlines. i do think they're moving forward. i don't think it's as quick as i would have wanteded. obviously we would have hoped to have had something passed in august. but i think we have a great chance of passing comprehensive immigration reform before the mid-terms. if it slips past that date, i think that's going to become a big issue for republicans in the mid-term elections. and i think that will work against them, once again, and hopefully then of course right out of the mid-term elections you'll see a new willingness to reapproach this issue and get something done very quickly. >> glenn, give us a sense. you were at that pep rally with grover norquist this week. what did it feel like to be in that unexpected mix, if you will, of people? did you think, this is not what i would have expected to have seen ten years ago but here i am seeing grover norquist leading an immigration rally. >> well, i think it was -- you
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know, immigration reform is not a partisan issue, not republican or democrat issue. it's what's right for the country. and seeing grover and others there who understand from an economic standpoint, what does it mean for our country to allow these folks that are here -- the 11 million, to come out and to have documentation and also be able to fill the void that we have today due to a broken system. so i think it's the right thing to do. it was very encouraging talking to house members. and i'm optimistic that something -- at least pieces of reform will take place before a mid-term election. >> what's the next step you're going to take? what's the next step your group is going to take there? >> well, we contacted our house members in washington. but we will also be contacting district office and soliciting others to get involved in this movement because we hear stories
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every day. i was honored to be on the rnc growth and opportunity project as a co-chair, chairman priebus understands the importance. we heard it as we traveled the country and submitted our report. this is one area that we feel very strongly about, that reform has to take place. but it's up to the house members and the senate members to define what that reform is. so we will be contacting them -- our house members in the district and just keep it going. we want to put action to our words within rnc. we're looking forward to the opportunity to further this. >> we'll have to leave it there. glenn and brent, thank you. as of yesterday, people flying on jetblue and delta air lines will no longer be told to power down their electronic devices thanks to new faa rules. the very first flight to allow passengers to stay plugged in
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from gate to gate departed from jfk last night. jetblue documented the historic moment. take a look. >> you guys are lucky enough to be here. >> all right. 1, 2, 3. building animatronics is all about getting things to work together. the timing, the actions, the reactions. everything has to synch up. my expenses are no different. receiptmatch on the business gold rewards card synchronizes your business expenses. just shoot your business card receipts and they're automatically matched up with the charges on your online statement. i'm john kaplan, and i'm a member of a synchronized world. this is what membership is. this is what membership does.
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[ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® new restrictions on abortion are now in effect in texas. one-third of the state's abortion clinics are no longer able to perform the procedure because one of the most hotly contested provisions just upheld by a federal appeals court requires doctors doing abortions must be within 30 miles of a hospital. >> we're trying to raise the standards to the level of other type of health facilities. >> what we're doing is putting huge barriers in place between
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women and these services, in particular for low income and rural women. it's very concerning because it puts their health at risk. >> abortion rights advocates are now concerned this could fuel other states following texas' path. joining me now is sarah weddington, a former texas legislator who was one of the original lawyers to argue roe v. wade before the u.s. supreme court. she represents a texas woman who was denied an abortion in 1970. sarah, thank you for being with us today. you're very aware of this 30-mile limit. why is that number relevant? how does this provision make getting an abortion safer? >> it doesn't make it safer at all. and most of the people who were responsible for the legislation who passed it, they really want to do away with abortion availability whatsoever. they can't do that right now because of roe versus wade. so they're just thinking, what could we do to make it harder
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for women to have access to abortion? that's one of several measures they've come up with. texas is the most restricted access at this moment. we had a federal district court judge who said this obviously is not really relevant. you see, to actually have the right to admit people to a hospital really depends much more on how many people you admit to the hospital, not just for one procedure, for any procedure. and so if you say, well, i don't really ever have -- abortions are so safe these days. almost never would a doctor have to admit somebody to a hospital. and if they had an emergency situation, they would send the woman to a hospital and the hospital would take care of her. >> so you're saying here this is a political maneuver, in effect, to shut down abortion clinics? >> yes. and to make women have a really
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hard time and have to go extra distance, which costs extra money, extra child care, loss of employment -- not loss of employment, but of time, money through not being there. so what's happening right now is that people around texas who are pro choice who think woman ought to have the right to make their own decisions, that the government shouldn't do it, we are setting up funds so that women who need some help getting to some other place will have some help. what's so sad to me, richard, is this goes back to before roe versus wade when having an abortion -- even if you could make it illegal as the opponents want to do, it doesn't mean there's not going to be abortion. it just means it's going to be done under really dangerous situations. >> sarah, do you see this approach being used in other states now that it has worked in texas? >> oh, definitely. in fact, there are a number of
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states that have had many measures passed. and it's the same basic group that's going to legislators and say, look, we have this packet of all kinds of things you could pass to try to be sure women can't have access to abortion. we'll do all the background work. they've got a lot of lawyers -- i know you're a lawyer just as i am. we can do all the work for you that you need as a lawyer. and the reason i'm smiling is because one of the people they got to sponsor all this in the house of texas is a woman. and during the debate about this, somebody said, well, there's not even an exception to any of these procedures for someone who's been raped. and she said, oh, no, you don't need that because a rape exam would take care of any pregnancy. well, that's ludicrous. it's not true at all. >> sarah, you brought up just moments ago that landmark case
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you were involved in 40 years ago. you won your argument to legalize abortion four decades ago. yet in just the past three years, over 200 abortion restrictions have been passed across the country in 30 states. most of them designed here to make it more difficult for women to get an abortion. >> right. >> why do you think after all this time, after roe v. wade, a woman's right to choose is still being debated? >> well, first, i think there are people who for a long time have been absolutely opposed. the national conference of catholic bishops has put a lot of time and effort into organizations that are trying to find ways to make sure women cannot have access. so i think the opponents have really organized and been funded and they're determined. what is now happening, i think, and some of the shots you were showing from the texas legislature with people crowding
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our main part of the building and on -- i think what's happening now is finally people are beginning to see that the opposition is having success. and if they want to be sure that women do have access, they're going to have to be politically active because the opposition has managed to get more people opposed to abortion elected. >> sarah weddington, thank you so much for your time today. >> thank you, richard. was a lunchroom prank the final straw for the miami dolphins' jonathan martin? the offensive tackle walked off the team monday. his breaking point, according to published reports, bullying. a source tells nbc news martin endured a year and a half of bullying and hazing. as a result it affected his playing level. the nfl players association is looking into the matter. martin says he still wants to play football but in a less contentious environment. ♪ [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-potato chip decoy bag. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness.
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pakistan's information minister is criticizing a u.s. drone strike that killed a taliban leader on friday. pakistan also claims the u.s. is sabotaging peace talks with taliban leadership. i'm richard lui in for craig melvin. here's a look at the top stories making news right now. thousands of muslim brotherhood supporters taking to the streets today to protest against the military government ahead of the trial of ousted president mohamed morsi. organizers vowing to demonstrate every day until monday when the trial is set to begin. parents in one california neighborhood are on high alert. that's because police are looking into claims that candy-laced with acid was given out on halloween. according to neighbors, a woman ate her daughter's candy bar and was taken to the hospital with symptoms consistent with those someone high on acid. the common application is the only way for high school seniors to apply to hundreds of
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colleges. but the website is having several technical problems. when you logon, including giving you time-outs and not accepting forms of payment. due to the glitches, 46 universities have pushed back their early decision deadlines. while president obama's signature health care law is going through growing pains, one state has a bigger goal in mind when it comes to health care reform. vermont wants to become the first state in the country with a universal health care plan, also known as single payer. here's what the plan projected for 2017 would do. replace employer private insurance with universal coverage, increase efficiency and lower overhead costs. it would also try to ensure every vermont resident is covered for primary, preventive bernie sanders has been championing this type of program for years. when you look at the plan, some might say, is it too ambitious given what we're seeing with the you
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can't help but make some of the parallels here. >> quite the contrary. i think what we have to understand is compareded to the rest of the world, the united states of america is the odd guy the system that we have in this i should say the non-system we have, allows 48 million people to have no health insurance, many more to pay high deductibles and co-payments. and despite all that, at the end of the day, we are spending almost twice as much per person on health care as the people of any other country and our health care outcomes in many ways are not as good. i think in vermont, we're beginning to see two points. number one, should health care be a right? r-i-g-h-t, for all people? most of us believe it should. the governor does. our legislature does. second then, how do we provide quality, cost-effective health care to all of our people? i think the conclusion that we have reached is that a medicare
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for all single payer approach is the best way to do that. we already have a very, very strong children's health care program. it's called the doctor dinosaur strong community program providing primary health care to a lot of people. we're making good progress. >> there are some concerns here. a spokesman for the national trade association for the health insurance industry telling the "associated press" this, quote, this plan could disrupt coverage consumers and employers like and rely on today, limit patients' access to the vital support and assistance health plans provide and put vermont taxpayers on the hook for the costs of the health care system. say to his criticisms? >> it's understandable. he's paid by the private insurance companies to represent their interests. i'm sure other spokespersons
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will attacking us from the pharmaceutical sector. these people are the reasons why we are spending 30% of their health care dollars on administration and bureaucracy. we pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. and we have a system which does not emphasize disease prevention, does not emphasize primary health care. these guys make zillions of dollars in profit off the system. and they're going to oppose any state that wants to go forward in a new way. >> as you know, universal health care has been the goal of democrats for decades. i want to play a little bit of sound from then-senator obama and senator clinton talking about in the 2008 presidential campaign. take a listen. >> the very first promise i made on this campaign was that as president, i will sign a universal health care plan into law by the end of my first term in office. >> it is time for us to come
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together and start living up to our own values, to provide quality, affordable health care for every single american. and i intend to be the president who accomplishes that goal finally for our country. >> senator, obama care is not universal health care, of course. >> no. >> is that ideal for another >> well, we've got to continue fight. i think with a great deal of the only nation in the providing universal quality health care to all people as a right. so the fight has got to the point that i would make is that health care -- >> but when do you see that happening, based on that ideal? >> well, i think it's a frankly, if vermont can lead the way and if vermont can show that health care to all of our people in a cost-effective way, taking the health care burden, by the way,
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off of small business -- this is not only a health care issue, if vermont can succeed, new york state or california may go next. and then you will see state by entire federal government will move in that direction. need some good models out there to show that a single payer system can work. i hope vermont leads the country in doing that. >> vermont senator bernie sanders, thank you for your time on this saturday. >> thank you. two governors, two hugs and now two different parties. former florida governor charlie crist is back in the headlines today. he led that state as a republican until 2011. but was shunned from the party after embracing the president at a public event. now crist is running to reclaim his seat. another hugger is new jersey's republican governor chris christie on the campaign trail today with election day around the corner for him. christie, of course, locked arms with the president after hurricane sandy and some now are wondering if he's got his eyes on the white house in 2016.
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let's go to our brain trust this day. we have kristin niedermayer, keaton dawson and david nakamura. charlie crist ran for governor as a republican, now back, evidently, as a democrat. can he get democrats on his side? >> it's going to be difficult, particularly in a state as large as florida. but -- >> the four states of florida. >> the four states of florida. given the divisiveness down there. but if you move from the crist issue over to the new jersey issue, you have a governor that's hoping to plan as bush did in '98 -- maybe i'm jumping a little bit ahead here -- but to use that as a springboard for president when he has some difficulties and will when he's trying to moderate himself to
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win in new jersey and then will need to become more conservative to gain the support of the base of the republican party. >> did you see this one coming? >> oh, sure. in terms of crist or in terms of -- >> crist. >> a lot of people did. he burned his bridges with the republican party. but perhaps katen is better able to answer that. >> david, new jersey's chris christie is also on the trail today as chris was alluding to, he's running for reelection. he is barnstorming the state right now. he's very popular in new jersey. but we have to look nationally. how seriously does the national republican party take chris christie? >> very seriously. he's running for reelection. he's going to win comfortably. the question is by how much. can he appeal to hispanic voters and african-american voters? christie's made a point to try to do that. across the country, he's developing a fund-raising apparatus that spans many of the states and the big republican
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donors and a network out there. maybe going out across the country and making the case -- i think he may be the head of the republican governor's association. he's an important figure. he's a formidable figure and making all the steps that look like he's going to run. as some of the bigger names like ted cruz, marco rubio, rand paul fight it out in the senate, christie has this advantage of being out of the fray a little bit. >> for now. get us into the playbook. as a bush insider for so many years, you know the approach here. kind of reminds us of george w. in 1998 when he was running for reelection as governor. but was it really a reelection for governor that was looking at an election for the presidency? >> well, very much difference in texas than in new jersey. texas is solid in our column every cycle. reliable. rick perry's the governor, one of the longest governors there. new jersey's not in our column. even when the governor weighed
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in on the senate race, we couldn't get it in our column. he's a unique politician in a unique place in history. he brings a lot to the republican party, to the table. but when you leave new jersey, colorado, south carolina, florida, tennessee is not new jersey. so once you move to that bigger stage, people are going to start examining -- >> how will he do that? >> that's going to be difficult. he is a charismatic individual. he's going to win what the demographics are, no matter. once he's a competitor and moves to the next level and once you've been on a presidential campaign and the vans fill up and follow you and you have the real reporters with you, things will change. >> during the hurricane a couple of years ago, because he showed up with obama during that storm, you've got the romney end of the party and others who are still holding grudges against him for that. and in addition, you've got the issues of the conservative next
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to the moderates and you're still going to have that issue of can the republican party stand for what they want to stand for and broaden themselves? that's what they say they learned the lessons of two years ago. if they do that, then christie can come into the center. if they don't and they continue in the right wing vein they have, it's going to be difficult for him to get the nomination. >> primaries are different animals. >> absolutely. >> and they're different animals in the republican party. >> and animals must change their spots sometimes. >> absolutely. >> we'll talk about the tint a little bit later. next, biden versus clinton. a dive into how the new revelations of how the 2012 election could still haunt them in 2016. my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay.
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obama's team left vice president joe biden out of campaign strategy meetings and even considered replacing him with then secretary of state hillary clinton on the 2012 ticket. the white house and campaign staffers are vehemently denying this. david axelrod tweeting, v.p. swap was never in play, biden's taken on many tough assignment. he's been loyal friend and wise counselor. potus is lucky to have him. chris, what do you think? were they thinking hillary possibly here? >> i think bottom line, it's much ado about nothing. it's more an effort to sell a book. >> it will sell books. >> it will. i've been involved in many of my own campaigns. typically you have a plethora of names of candidates in there. bill daley indicated he was one of the staffers in favor of this. frankly, even if there was, hillary probably wouldn't have jumped on the ticket. she's better off if she wants to
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run running without running whatever baggage in a second obama term. >> as a matter of process but never a serious consideration? >> yes. >> david, white house spokesman jay carney asked yesterday if president obama knew about any potential v.p. swaps, listen to this -- >> you're saying he was aware of this or was not -- >> i think if you ask the people who were more directly running the campaign that question, they might have an answer. i'm not aware that he was aware of it. >> in those conversations about kicking biden off the ticket here, is it possible the president may not have been aware of those discussions happening around him? >> i think chris is right in what she said. i covered the campaign. there were moments where the president seemed to have losst some of the momentum he had four years ago. hillary clinton was riding high in the polls as secretary of state. there was public talk among pundits and so on.
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i'm sure the campaign were thinking about every potential option. whether it reached the level of president obama or was serious, it looks unlikely. david plouffe is adamant about that. i think this is a lot of talk. biden's role in this white house has been periodically questioned about how serious a contender he is, all these gaffes. but he's a serious person. i think someone tweeted yesterday, daley is gone and biden's still there. what does that say? >> what's your thought on this? >> the president didn't know -- i won't buy that. the president obviously didn't know about the nsa, eavesdropping, about the irs and didn't know the website wasn't going to work. not surprised. i remember the poll numbers. they got reelected. i remember thinking it was going to happen. i remember thinking what a brilliant move. gasoline prices were up. there were a lot of reasons not just -- of why he shouldn't have been reelected. at that time, his numbers were sagging.
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so i thought it was reasonable. and i was hoping it wouldn't happen. >> you thought it was mathematical and you did want it to happen -- >> i did not. that took any chance i thought we had. and i thought we had a good shot regardless of what we nominated. i thought we had a really good shot. when you have gasoline prices, an economy, still at war, we had a lot of things any operative would say, how is that guy going to get reelected? >> this book, chris matthews, "hardball" host, chris said this about what that book might mean. take a listen. >> i'll tell you the big news in this book, joe biden's running for president. and has been running for president since 2011. and joe biden will be running for president and will have certainly decided to run long before hillary clinton makes any public or private indication whether she's running or not. >> chris matthews there, host of "hardball," saying that. what do you think, chris? >> far be it from me to disagree with chris matthews who i like very much. >> is biden running for 2016? >> both he and hillary are
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running in different ways, to keep their name out there, to keep their bases of support out there. what the book message for me, the strong message, and this is an anti-obama message in a way, he says he didn't know who didn top five bunglers were in campaigning. barely knew george soros. i'm agreeing with my friend about this showing a president who needs to get into the details. i worked in the clinton administration and the difference you had is when bill clinton was president, he would roll up his sleeves and get into legislation, negotiate on the hill and whether -- >> no surprises. >> i think president obama's been a good president but he needs to become the chief executive officer better than he has and this is an example in this book is that he's really a hands off, whether it's the campaign trail, some of the things going on in the white house and this day and age you can't be above the fray as much as he is.
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he needs to be involved and i suspect some of the staff people are trying to do. >> about biden, if it is or hillary, how does it change republican strategy? >> nothing ever does in republican primaries. they don't even worry about who it is over there. we're so busy circling the wagons and shooting each other. we have a factions in the party. principles and ideological and i'll compliment the democrats. at least the liberal left is not organized to take people out in primaries. we have got a big fight financially. the republican party has to find its soul. we have to find a leader to be behind. >> stick around. up next, this week's most overlooked and underplayed stories. sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new passat, awarded j.d. power's most appealing midsize car, two years in a row. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. get zero due at signing, zero down,
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and get a document shredder free. call the number on your screen or go to we are back with the brain trust and we want to know what they thought was the most overlooked and underplayed stories of the week. chris and christin and david. david, kick us off. >> richard, this might have been overlooked everywhere but "the
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washington post" newsroom. jeff bezos going to a hot new blogger. bob woodward is coming back and doing more urgent and quick stories than his books. we're excited to have him and working with him. >> that's interesting. let's go to you, christine. >> "the new york times" had a story and didn't get a lot of coverage on the air yet and that's that the u.s. chamber of commerce playing into the congressional primary seats. alabama, one in michigan. if they start to do this now and more next year and they're going against tea party candidates in red districts and will, in effect, help the democrats to get rid of some of the members of the house behind the shutdown and who are stringent, strident and don't let the chamber and other democrats deal in a reasonable manner in washington, bottom line is it can be a plus for the country. >> of course, the concern of moderate republicans is the
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business, if you will, funding will move outside of the gop altogether which has been discussed at some point. what is yours? >> well, the difference is the president was awful lucky we had an affordable care act all week because of the foreign policy and here israel dropping bombs in syria on missiles that were sort of underreported was to me a pretty big deal. i mean, we have that problem that's still there. we have the middle east and an i iranian problem and did drop off the screen. i thought that was very important. >> what about obama care? you were telling us earlier repeal and replace with what, right? >> it is not just repeal and replace and go back to vermont. i don't agree with anything but they're doing something different and republicans have to get into exactly what they think it's resetting obama care, redoing it. that's still for another day. >> thank you so much. christine, kayton, david, all thank you so much.
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thank you for watching. i'm richard lui. i'll see you tomorrow right back here at 3:00 p.m. eastern time but first "disrupt with karen finney." [ male announcer ] this is claira. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, she's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. [ groans ] all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. for my pain, i want my aleve. there are cameras,, police, guards...ds us. but who looks after us online, where we spend more than 200 billion dollars a year. american express can help protect you. with intelligent security that learns your spending patterns,
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