tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC November 13, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PST
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operation is now a race against time. >> a week from now will be too late. there are people that are suffering tonight as it's raining on them with a second tropical storm. we need to mobilize tonight. >> triage on the hill. pressure sr. building to change the health care rollout. >> this was a monumental mistake to go live and effectively explode on the launch pad. >> and the iran rescue mission. john kerry heads to the hill today trying to head off more sanctions that he says would kill a nuclear deal. bob menendez will be here to explain why he thinks the secretary is wrong. and is there still a deal to be done? last night, stephen colbert explained why the deal broke down in the first place. >> folks, france knows a
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sucker's deal. they're the ones who sold us louisiana. we should have saved the receipt. and now our president's been out-toughed by the french. that's like being out-sobered by the toronto mayor rob ford. good day. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. the growing death toll in the philippines has risen to more than 2300 today. chaos has erupted among some survivors desperate for food and water. eight people were killed today when mobs overran a rice warehouse in tacloban, the island hit hardest by the storm. the mayor is urging residents to leave the city. security forces exchanged fire with a gang today while trying to maintain order. ian williams joins me now with the latest from manila. ian, this situation getting more
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and more desperate. what can you tell us? >> reporter: that's right, andrea. we're hearing promises of more aid, of gaining momentum for this massive aid effort. but the reality on the ground is that still very little is getting through to these desperate communities. the u.s. ambassador a little earlier today was put on the spot by local television. he said the assessment phase, as he put it, is now over and expected efforts to be rapidly stepped up. of course, that was diplomatic language, far more diplomatic than we're hearing from these local communities. not only did we see that hungry crowd storming a government rice warehouse, we also heard reports of people within the area literally digging up water pipes to try and find drinking water to crack them open. now, the government is very much on the defensive. today the presidential palace conceding that they weren't getting the aid through to where
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it was needed. again, blaming this on the debris, on the devastation but also saying that the entire local government structure had effectively broken down, that there were no longer people there to administer the aid and the need was for them to put fresh people in. now, there are u.s. marines in that area. tacloban airport will soon go 24 hours. they're putting in equipment to make that happen. but of course -- which should help enormously in getting aid in. still, for all the promises we're seeing, for all the pledges of help, it is really still a trickle getting into these areas with enormous amounts needed, andrea. >> what is the latest on the aircraft carrier coming from hong kong? i gather weather has slowed it down. it would take at least a couple of days in any case. when will that ship arrive with all the other air support? >> reporter: that's right, bad weather appropriately slowing her down.
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they're saying four to five days, which will mean early next week. that will be much needed. we have not only the aircraft carrier but also support craft on board the george washington. 5,000 crew. another two ships coming down from japan, which will have amphibious vehicles on them. that will help enormously in terms of getting stuff ashore. you'll recall this was the same sort of thing we saw happening after the tsunami up there. that will be enormously welcome when it reaches here. we're still four to five days away from that, andrea. >> ian williams in manila, thank you so much. we will have more later in the program from dr. nancy snyderman, who's been visiting the health facilities, or what passes for health facilities. today the president's second-term problems got worse as another of his crucial nominees faced opposition from a leading republican. jo
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jay johnson ran into a buzz saw from john mccain. >> what is required for us to have 90% effective control of the border? can you assure this committee of that? >> senator, i will commit to you to working with you -- >> no, i'm not asking to working with me. i want to know if you will give this committee the exact metrics that are needed, sector by sector, so we can obtain 90% effectiveness on the border. not working with me. answer yes or no, please. >> i'm inclined to give you what you need. >> i'm not asking for your inclination. i'm asking for a yes or no answer. i don't think that's a lot to ask. as much as i admire and appreciate you, unless you can tell me that you'll give me the information which this committee has the right to have, i cannot support your nomination. >> i am in kleined to give you what you need, sir. >> let the record show you will not give a yes or no answer, therefore i will not support your nomination until i get a
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yes answer. >> joining me now for out daily fix, chris cillizza, msnbc contributor, and of course nbc capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell. kelly and chris, this is sort of the mark of what happens when a president's second-term poll numbers go down and you've got nominees like jeh johnson. tomorrow it's janet yellen. can't get more important than the head of the federal reserve and the head of homeland security to have people in place. and you've got threats from lindsey graham. you saw what john mccain just did. last night the filibuster of yet another nominee for the d.c. court of appeals, the second highest court in the nation under the supreme court. kelly, you're up there. what are the soundings? lindsey graham is not going to back down, he says. >> lindsey graham says he'll hold up all the appointments unless he gets more information on benghazi. the questioning we just saw with john mccain is sort of home state john mccain, representing arizona and wanting to be able
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to go home and talk about more security along the border. also an important piece, if immigration, which was passed in the senate could ever move forward in the house that, border security piece is essential. this is one of mccain's sort of home state with national security implications issues and he pounded away at jeh johnson, wanting to get more of an answer. johnson saying he needs to talk to the people at dhs to know what he can provide. there's been a long frustration there. but it is the sort of second-term blues for the president with the kind of focus on nominees where the senate can use its power of advise and consent in the constitution to lemp leverage the administration on things like, this wanting to extract information. so the good friends mccain and graham are taking different approaches here, but it's a similar tactic in trying to get something out of the obama white house and administration.
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>> and this as, of course, was on trial today on the house side. another one of darrell issa's hearings. chris, when you look at this, and diane feinstein now coming out in favor of a fix that would fundamentally change the structure of the affordable care act, todd park, the i.t. guy on the firing seat today. take a look at congressman micah, referencing bill clinton and what bill clinton had to say yesterday in that interview about changing and living up to the promise. i think we have that, congressman micah mentioning clinton. >> yesterday we saw the former president of the united states bill clinton throw the current president under the bus so to speak on this issue. >> crocodile tears from the republicans about what bill clinton did to the president.
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>> andrea, you point out diane feinstein has signed on to this bill to allow people to keep their insurance if they so choose. there are now six democratic senators who have signed on. that includes usual suspects. huge targets in 2014. it also includes jeff merkley of oregon. not someone in real danger of re-election. this is what happens. it happens both to your opponents as well as republicans. when the president's sort of political power starts to wane, and you look at any poll, all of them suggest the president is really losing altitude, both in terms of his job approval and personal popularity. people start to look around, particularly people in your own party. they see a weakened president, and they think, well, i've got to find a way to distance myself here, particularly if i'm
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running in louisiana or montana or arkansas or alaska. i think that's what you're seeing happening. unless they can turn this thing around, you know, by that november 30 deadline, which there are real questions about, you're going to see more, not less of it. >> in fact, what i think bill clinton really cared about in what he said yesterday is mark pryor. you have to know about clinton/pryor relationship going back. this is important to be clinton. he does not want to lose that arkansas senate seat. >> that's absolutely right. i think clinton is aware sort of as the big party strategist, he's aware -- bill clinton is a numbers guy. he understands the politics, particularly the southern politics. he understands that if maryland rue is painted as an advocate of obama care with all the problems we've seen, at least in this rollout of the website and in president obama's statements about keeping your insurance, she could lose a race that is quite winnable. same thing with mark pryor. same thing with with the open
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seats in places like montana and south dakota. those seats are tougher for democrats. but this is an issue that -- i think i mentioned this yesterday. it fits so perfectly into a 30-second attack ad. it's very hard for a democrat running in a swing or conservative leaning state to win that fight at the moment. >> chris cillizza, kelly o'donnell, thanks so much. coming up, actress jennifer garner in her new role of ambassador for early childhood education. plus, hawaii is a signature away from becoming the 15th state to legalize same-sex marriage. governor neil aber control bee said he will sign the law today. they expect it to be a big boost for tourism. also, it ends more than two decades of debate in hawaii where two women in 1990 famously applied for a marriage license, sparking a court battle and eventually a national conversation on gay marriage. >> i hope that we honor each other's differences and
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celebrate the life that we have together in hawaii irrespective of the diverse views we hold on this subject. life is too precious not to care for one another with compassion and respect. we all have our tricks. mom swaps my snack for a piña colada yoplait. and when mom said i was going out too much, i swapped it for staying in. [ shouts ] guess who's going out tomorrow. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait.
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persmore than half of the nation's 3 to 4-year-olds are not enrolled in preschool, despite overwhelming evidence that early childhood education helps with the gap. bipartisan legislation before congress would provide federal money for children under the age of 5 from impoverished families and encourage states to support pre-k for families of that
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income level. the nonprofit save the children organization is a prime mover for early childhood education. i'm joined now by two leaders in that effort who have been meeting with members of congress all day. jennifer garner is their artist ambassador and award-winning actress. mark shriver is the senior vice president of save the children. thank you, both. i know you've had a busy day. jennifer, what kind of reaction are you getting from members of congress to this appeal, which is now bipartisan for more pre-k education, both the state and federal support. >> it's a really exciting day here, actually. there's a lot of energy. there was a lot of energy in the room, a tremendous amount of support from everyone there. we had a sheriff talking about the difference that this would make in the future. you can either pay now in helping kids get the right start or pay him on the back end in kids needing to go to prison for a long, long time. you had, you know -- there was a big round of applause when we
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talked about that we had -- maybe we had the first republican there, but it certainly wouldn't be the only republican. this is a win, win, win across the board. no one can say anything against educating our nation's kids. it's about getting people to actually vote for this bill and vote for -- and put their money where their mouth is. >> in fact, you know, your point, jennifer, is so strong because, mark, we can see the results. we can see what pre-k education does. we can see how children fall behind so quickly and how many children from poor families don't even have children's books in their homes. they need to be in these classroom environments. >> that's absolutely correct. you see it from an roi, return on investment perspective. the nobel prize winning economist out of the university of chicago said that this is the best public investment we can make as a country. oftentimes kids that are living in poverty at the age of 4 are 18 months behind kids that aren't living in poverty.
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we spend billions of dollars as a country trying to remediate that. it's critically important that we invest in those first five years of life, this legislation that jennifer just spoke about, had support from the business community, support from military, support from law enforcement, had such a wide range of support. as secretary duncan said at the event, governors across the country, majority of whom are republicans, are investing in early education. it's just the leadership here in washington that hasn't put the dollars where so much of the conversation is going. we need to go to save the children's website. they can take action. they can call on their elected officials to invest in early education. >> jennifer, i know this is very close to your heart. you came from west virginia. you saw a lot around you growing up. tell me how your childhood experiences, your family experiences helped energize you and engage you in this cause. >> i was always away of the disparity between what my middle-class family had and the children who were growing up around me, the kids that i went
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to first grade with who were still in first grade when i was in third and who after third grade dropped out. i never saw them again. i was always aware that because my mom had grown up in such poverty in oklahoma, such unbelievable, you know, depression era poverty that i could so easy have been, and because poverty is cyclical, should have been one of those kids. i made my way out. the reason i did is because my parents found a way to get educated. i know that education is the way out of poverty. i know that states like west virginia need it so badly. there are 16 million kids growing up in poverty across the united states. it's not just about my hometown. it's about the united states. the more you learn about educating them, about helping catch kids up and giving them the right start, the more you learn the earlier you start until you realize you've got to start at birth. school has got to start earlier than kindergarten. >> and mark, when we talk about this, here we are with no budget, living under sequester.
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we don't even hear about the conference committee report. you know, what do you say to those who will say, well, there are a lot of important things. food stamps have been, you know, hurt. these same families are being disadvantaged on so many different levels from so many different programs. how do you energize and mobilize congress in this kind of environment? >> i think this issue at this time in our nation's country, we have to look at it as an investment. this is not a federal intrusion into public education. this is a federal partnership with states. this is trying to address the gap until head start funding because head start is only reaching about 50% of the kids. early head start is reaching only 3% of the kids that are eligible for it. there are a lot of competing demands out there. you're absolutely correct. the real question is, if we really believe as political leaders say that kids are our most important resource and kids are our future, but they don't fund children's programs, they don't fund public education, then shame on all of us for not standing up and holding these
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political leaders accountable. it's really amazing that we talk about it, we hear about it, but we don't invest. i think this is a step in the right direction. it's got bipartisan support. representative hanna showed a lot of courage today. as jennifer said, he said, i may be the first republican on this bill, but i'm not the last. there's a lot of democrats that need to step up to the plate and make kids a priority, to say it but also to invest in it. >> and, you know, one of the things you said just now is that only 50% of our nation's children are in head start and only 3% in early head start. that's unbelievable. >> 50% of the kids who are eligible. >> that are eligible. >> yes, so there are other kids that are not in the head start financial constraints but aren't accessing pre-k or kindergarten programs across the country. it's a country wide issue. it's not just for poor kids. this piece of legislation, as you know, reaches kids up to 200% of poverty. that means for a family of four making about $48,000 a year
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would be eligible for this pre-k all day program. >> and jennifer, from your experiences on the hill, you had a good experience today. you got people to respond. how do you follow up and how can our viewers follow up? >> i'm so glad you asked. every time that i've come here with save the children and sat down in these rooms with mark, senators and congressmen and congresswomen tell me how passionate they are about early childhood education. this time they need to act. now we are going to start holding them accountable. one way to do that, they all tell us, look, we pay attention to who calls our offices. call your congressman or congresswoman or senator's office and tell them you care about early childhood education. go to save the children's website. we will connect you through. call and stand up for the kids, if not in your community, from the next community over. it'll make a difference to all of us, just one generation from now. >> it's a matter of national
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security as well. >> absolutely. >> jennifer garner, thank you so much. mark shriver, great to see you. thanks for what you're doing with save the children. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thanks for being with us today. and up in toronto, embattled mayor rob ford had to answer to his city council today after admitting he bought illegal drugs. he answered questions and reaffirmed his commitment he's not going away. >> i have talked to my family. we are moving forward in a positive direction. >> is there some way you can explain to us why you don't want to take a leave of absence? >> there's no need for me to take a leave of absence. aisle returning my calls. i'm going to committees. i'm watching every single dime that's being spent here. i've done it for 13 years. i'm going to continue doing it for another five years, one this time and four more after october 27th. i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really.
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its nuclear program stalled over the weekend in geneva, but it's not over yet. a new round of talks will begin next week. what will it take to reach a deal? joining me now is ben rhodes, deputy national security adviser for the obama administration. thank you, ben. good to see you. first of all, i know john kerry and others are going to the hill today to argue against sanctions, against tightening the sanctions on iran. there is broad bipartisan support to tighten the sanctions. if they got to the table in the first place, why not add more on? what's the harm? >> well, we have to remember that sanctions are a means to an end. nobody has done more to enforce these crippling sanctions than the administration. but right now we see indications that sanctions could be having the effect we wanted, which is iran is changing its calculus with respect to its nuclear program. we want to test these negotiations and see if we can get an agreement and see if they roll back elements of that program as we negotiate a conference of deal. our concern is new sanctions are
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not necessary right now and could derail those negotiations and unravel the international unity that has brought iran to the table. >> the head of the international atomic energy agency and the nuclear inspectors have said today in an interview there's been no change in the rouhani government in iran, no lessening of iran's efforts toward a nuclear program. >> well, that's why we're at the table, andrea. it's not enough for there to be good words out of the iranian administration. there have to be changes in action. and that's what we're pursuing through these negotiations. let me be clear. if negotiations don't succeed, and we should know that in the coming weeks, then we'll be ready to move to new sanctions and additional pressure. that's what we've done all along, is give iran the opportunity to reach a diplomatic resolution but hold out the threat of pressure. we have seen more substantive progress in these negotiations than at any other time in the last several years. we want to test that proposition to see if we can achieve our
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aims diplomatically, get a peaceful resolution to this issue that prevents iran from getting a nuclear weapon. >> is the deal breaker iran's insistence that it keep the right to enrich uranium? >> well, andrea, first of all, we don't recognize a right to enrich uranium as a part of the nonproliferation treaty. iran has insisted on that in negotiations, but that is not a right that we recognize. it's important to note, though, that in the first step that we're talking about, the first step agreement, what we'd be getting at is halting the progress of iran's program, rolling back elements of that program as we then negotiate the more fundamental issues. the question is, do we go forward with negotiations and allow iran to make progress with its program during the course of those negotiations, or do we essentially hit the brakes, roll back elements of that program as we can see if we can get at a more fundamental, comprehensive resolution to the iranian nuclear program. >> when you say roll back elements, the israelis and some
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of our arab friends and allies would say, but they're not giving up their centrifuges, they're not rolling back their ability to quickly break out, to build up, to create a bomb very quickly before we could do anything. netanyahu says this could lead to war. what do you say to netanyahu? >> well, what we say is we're looking at the core elements of the program. when we talk about halting its progress and rolling it back. that includes centrifuges. that includes the level at which they enrich uranium. it also includes addressing the plutonium reactor they have in iraq. we're halting progress there. it also involves putting in place much more intrusive inspections so we can learn more about the program and have greater eyes into the program to prevent that break-out capacity. just achieving that, we believe, will give us greater insight into their program, will put time on the clock as it relates to their break-out capacity as we pursue that broader resolution. let's be clear. on the broader objective of preventing iran from getting a
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nuclear weapon, we are united with the israelis and our gulf partners. i think right now the question is can we achieve that through negotiation. we believe that has to be tested. ultimately, a peaceful resolution to this issue is far preferable to the alternatives, particularly the need to use military force. >> president obama talked to president hollande of france today. did they iron out their differences over the strategy? >> yes, basically where we are now, andrea, is we are united with all of our p-5 plus one partners, particularly france and the united kingdom, heading into this next round of negotiations. we have a common position that we'll be presenting to the iranians. frankly, the onus therefore is on the iranians to accept this deal. again, we've seen criticism, but there's no deal reached yet. i think we've shown in the last round of negotiations we're not going to take a bad deal. we have certain things that we insist be a part of this negotiation and that's where we're in agreement with the french w the british, and our other partners on this.
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that's what we're going to bring to the table in the next round of talks in geneva next week. >> win rhodben rhodes, thank yo much. >> thanks, andrea. >> it was a triumphant moment. ten years in the making. ryan ferguson left prison yesterday a free man after a court vacated his murder conviction. he was found guilty in 2005 for the beating and strangling of a newspaper editor on halloween night in 2001. he was sentenced to 40 years in prison. ferguson was only 19 at the time. the appeals court ordered ferguson to be released after it ruled he did not receive a fair trial. prosecutors will not retry ferguson. this morning he told the "today" show what it means to be a free man. >> it's beyond my comprehension. definitely look forward to the day and just going to be with my family and take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. [ sniffles, coughs ]
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we need food, only food. no money, no television, no cell phones, no technology. food. we need food. >> survivors of typhoon haiyan desperate for food and water as the threat of disease is now looming over the homeless. decimated cities are filled with the walking wounded. the injured seeking medical attention at makeshift clinics. nbc's dr. nancy snyderman is among them. >> reporter: good afternoon, andrea. we're now starting to see a real wave of problems following the crisis of the typhoon five days ago. for a few days, i think, these hard-hit areas were almost in shock, so people were looking for fresh food and water and taking care of burying the dead. but now it's come to survival. we were in a clinic today where literally the walking wounded were coming in. people who were hit by flying debris during the typhoon are now presenting with infected
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wounds, deep lacerations, fractures, and there are signs of violence. two reports last night, a shooting at a local airport and a multiple stabbing in one of the coastal towns really points to the desperation that people aren't getting the aid they need and they're frankly running out of patience. it's hot. people are hungry and they're thirsty. none of this bodes well for people being satisfied and doing well, especially as we expect infection rates to increase. andrea? >> and thanks to dr. nancy snyderman. the united nations world food program is the lead organization providing aid in the philippines, overseeing relief efforts from the international community. joining me now from new york is wfp spokesperson. thank you so much. i know you are -- it's an overwhelming situation. tell us what wfp has been managing to do so far. >> yes, thank you so much for having me. we have really launched a global response to this crisis.
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when nature strikes like this with such force and the whole world has to come together, and i think the world is really responding, we had people on the ground within 12 hours. we have been able today to bring in food to 50,000 people together with the philippine government. we brought rice in so that people together with the canned food they're getting from the government have something to eat. we brought in today with c-130s one of those big gigantic airplanes these high-energy biscuits. these are the things that keep people alive. as you can see from that woman who was just speaking, she has lost her home. she's waiting for food. these are the biscuits that we are bringing that keep somebody alive. they cost 10 cents. a couple of these here will keep you alive. biscuits for 30,000 people will be distributed tomorrow. we also have launched a big response supporting the
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philippine government in the logistics. we have mobilized our humanitarian response depots that we're running, flying in aid materials from malaysia, dubai, other places in the world on behalf of the u.n. and international aid community. shelters, mobile offices, warehouses and other things, they have arrived in the philippines. they need to get to tacloban. of course, that airport that is their one real sticking point, everybody is working on making that more operational. >> what about water? how do you get enough water to people? >> water is also being brought in. we're working with our u.n. sister agencies on that so that people also will get water. as you know, in the first few days, water is one of the big issues. the health concerns are, of
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course, really large. this is something that will take a while. we have to see that this is incredibly complex. the philippine government is trying to do its best. we are trying to help them. from the debris on the ground, you know, you have to transport also on the ground. the degree is on the roads. that has to be cleared away. we're looking for other ways of gets food and other aid supplies in with ships, for example, and roads. we have 500 tons of rice that will come in by road on trucks and will be brought over by barges to tacloban. so it is all coming up. the other thing that's also important is if you think of it as a big airport here in the united states were destroyed, you might still have the runways, but all the buildings are gone. if you bring in a lot of supplies, you need to have warehouses. you need to store the stuff so it doesn't rot. you need to have camps for aid workers. we're getting that set up so
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they can operate. what the world food program especially is doing is the i.t. and telecoms for the aid workers so they can communicate. satellite phones, cell phones, the internet. all of that is crucially important, but i think there has been a real lift in the actions on the ground. >> thank you so much. thanks for taking the time to explain. for more information on how you can help, you can go to our website, and all of the information will be there. as the massive r ivive relief o continues, we're getting a better picture of the scope of this devastation, the destruction in some of the hardest-hit areas. take a look at these before and after satellite images. you can see the buildings and landmarks that have simply vanished, wiped out by this storm's high waves and winds. as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires.
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and right now at the nuseum, national security adviser susan rice is being interviewed. let's listen in. >> even though democratic government was removed, that removal came with the support of perhaps the vast majority of egyptians who are grown frustrated with the misgovernance and poor policies of the muslim brotherhood. and we have tried to indicate to the egyptian people and the egyptian government that we support them in their transition back to an elected democratic government, but that government needs to be inclusive. it needs to be brought about through a process in which all
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egyptians can participate and without violence. so when in august in the process of trying to clear the protesters from some of the squares in cairo, over 1,000 people were killed, the united states i think quite rightly said, you know, we have a problem with that. we can't pretend to conduct business as usual in a context of a government, however friendly, taking that kind of action against its people. >> so how did you make the decision to cut some of the assistance being done to egypt, and is that reversible? what would make you reverse it? >> we've said very clearly -- first of all, we've withheld certain assistance. we've kept other assistance going, particularly that which benefits the egyptian people and fosters our counterterrorism operation. >> as susan rice continues to talk, secretary kerry is heading to the hill today, asking the senate banking committee to hold off on new sanctions against iran. he claims talks with tehran are
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at a delicate stage. opposition to a pending deal is growing, and it is bipartisan. join manager me now is bob menendez. senator, why do you think sanctions should be increased? what is your position on increasing sae ining sanctions considering the administration is calling for a pause? >> andrea, i'm looking forward to secretary kerry briefing the banking committee members in a closed session to hear the specifics of what's on the table. and everything that i have talked about is a path towards a diplomatic solution. the question is, how do we get there? i remember that the sanctions that i have offered were resisted at different times. yet, they're the most significant embraces to bring iran to the negotiating table. from my perspective, depending on what i hear today, if the reports i've heard are in
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essence of an interim agreement, that agreement doesn't do much to degrade iran's nuclear facilities and its ability to continue to produce. so it seems to me that it is both an insurance policy for the united states and its allies if iran ultimately doesn't pursue the path of the negotiations and the u.n. security council resolutions that have been passed. and as an incentive to iran to understand if they don't strike a deal, then here are the consequences. now, we have proposed looking at sanctions that can ultimately self-destruct if an agreement is reached so that the new sanctions wouldn't even go into effect. any sanctions that were proposed and have passed into law, take anywhere from six months to a year. so its effect would not be there, but its process of being able to move forward and understanding what is pending is, in my mind, an incentive to ultimately achieve the diplomatic solution we want.
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>> what is your bottom line, senator? does iran have to give up centrifuges? does it have to fore swear enriching uranium? does it have to agree to stop construction on the plutonium reactor? >> well, look, the long-term goal, i hope, will be what the security council resolution has said. that's not even a u.s. position. that's a global position. they have said iran must cease to enrich, and it must have a more robust protocols, which means further inspections not only of the sites that we have somewhat access to but, for example, the military site where we believe weaponization is taking place for a nuclear weapon. so at a minimum, it would be what the united nations itself has said. iran has the right to a civilian peaceful nuclear program, but they have no right under international law to enrich. that is a fundamental
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difference. our neighbors, canada, mexico, have a civilian nuclear program for nuclear energy. but they ultimately don't enrich in domestically. so that is a critical issue. when we look at the iraq iraq plutonium reactor, the reactor moving towards the production of plutonium, i have to be honest, that bewilders the world because it is ultimately to create the type of plutonium that gives it a track towards nuclear weapons. at the conference at the museum, quote, netanyahu can't judge an iran deal because it's not even done yet. should we give veto power to israel over this negotiations? >> no, i don't think we should give veto power to anybody in the world. my perspective is what is in our own national security interest on the iraq plan, yes, it's not finished but if doing the interim period from the public
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reports you allow them to continue to construct a move towards conclusion, a conclusion that one's fuel makes it no longer a target to dismantle and pathway to nuclear weapons, that's problematic. it seems to me they can cease their construction during a constructive negotiation period without losing any opportunities for the future of an agreement cannot be achieved. the insistence on marching on its construction is worrysome because it's only march can lead to the type of plutonium route that creates a nuclear weapon. >> senator menendez, thank you very much. interesting session today with secretary kerry. and speaking of foreign policy, the swearing in ceremony yesterday, while i clear my throat, made it official, caroline kennedy is now our ambassador to japan. the first woman to serve in that post. they will be leaving for tokyo tomorrow. in a reception last night here in washington she participated
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in a tea ceremony before telling guests that japan remains the united states most important ally. and there was a very touching moment, two young japanese girls recited the road not taken by robert frost for the new ambassador. huh...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. medicare open enrollment. of year again. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes.
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happening behind the scenes. we know the pressure put on to get this right. >> they said at the hearing they could not guarantee, kept ducking the question of whether to get it right by november 30th. >> we've got chris van hollen to discuss what happened in this hearing and his feelings regarding the deadline, the self-imposed deadline they placed in getting this up and running by november 30th. also, the latest out of florida, as marisa alexander, after her 20 year prison sentence. she fired a warning shot at her allegedly abusive husband. she could be set free pending a new trial. and the firestorm over what "washington post" columnist richard cohen wrote about bill de blasio and his family. cohen says it's not racist even though some people would gag at the thought of a interracial
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hi, everyone, i'm tamron hall. following another big hearing on capitol hill where members of the administration were repeatedly asked about the deadline that the website will be ready to go by november 30th. >> mr. park, will it work on november 30th? properly, fully? >> the team set a goal of having function smoothly for the vast majority of americans and they working hard to meet that goal. >> can you give more more specific? >> the goal that has been laid out is for site not to be perfect by the end of november -- >> functional people can logon. >> vast majority of americans will be able to use the site completely. that's the goal we're going for. >> the white house
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