tv Martin Bashir MSNBC November 13, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm PST
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no. >> i had no idea obama care was for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. going to be exclusive. >> look for issa to get into the [ hans ] toaster strudel! [ angelic music plays ] nitty-gritty. >> using it were as easy as or buying a television don't overthink it. on [ hans ] warm, flakey, gooey. this is an insult to go live and toaster strudel! explode on the launch pad. even vista launched better. >> so now i'm the boss? from the game of politics to >> you mean the president. >> this is the gop plan for the a game of chess. here are today's top lines. rest of the year. checkmate. why? they don't have anything else to do. >> nobody in this country >> senator, i will commit to believes the republicans want to fix the website. >> the american people do not working with you. >> no, i'm not asking to want to see a kangaroo court. working -- >> insurance system. >> this is not a partisan >> no, no! hearing. this was -- >> the pac panic is set in. >> instead of --. i am inclined to give you what >> the president didn't honor you need. the commitment the federal >> i'm not asking for your government made. >> i'm inclined to agree with inclination. as much as i admire and appreciate you -- bill clinton. >> hillary clinton is looking to >> the arrogance of you run away from obama care. people -- >> unless you can tell me you >> we're better off with this law than without it. were given the information. >> i don't think this is ever >> who are you? going to work. >> i cannot support your >> i'll join anything that won't nomination. >> why do you get to decide have me. that? let me in, earth, wind and fire! >> i am inclined -- >> i'm not -- >> why does the government get to decide?
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>> i will not support your nomination. >> are you pro choice? >> until i get a yes answer. >> you got me there, sean. >> checkmate. a very good afternoon to you, and in spite of aggressive >> president clinton, i'm sure attacks by its opponents, in you love president clinton, right? >> forget it. spite of zealous campaigns to >> he said the president ought prevent its passage and to keep his promise. implementation, it may surprise >> let them keep what they've some of you to learn, the got. >> do you agree with president clinton? patient protection and >> that was certainly revealing. affordable care act is, in fact, >> i don't think the president ever meant you will have the alive and kicking. exact plan you have. >> i know that consumers using just moments ago, we got the long awaited enrollment numbers have been frustrated. for the month of october. >> i can't tell you the frustration i've felt. >> that's impossible. hhs secretary, kathleen >> this thing isn't working. sebelius, announcing on a conference call that just over >> everybody in america with health insurance knows, their 106,000 signed up on the aca plan changes every year. >> today the president's second private exchanges in the first month. term problems got worse. as the white house has warned, >> will you now end your threat not up to their own or anyone to place a hold on the president's nominees? else's expectations but there's more. nearly 400,000 have now been >> no. >> and you've got nominees like accessed as eligible for medicaid, or oh the children's jeh johnson. >> i'm -- health insurance program. >> tomorrow it's janet yellen. and nearly 1 million customers >> shocking when you think about have gotten all the way through the nominees blocked through the application process but have filibuster. yet to select a plan. >> cannot get more important
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than the head of federal reserve enrollments are improving, and homeland security. >> let's get right to our panel. uninsured rates going down, joining us now is political growth in health care costs is slowing, and even that troubled strategist, angela rye. website is getting better. malika henderson of the but whatever you do, do not try "washington post" and josh marshal, founding editor of telling that to darrell issa. just look at what happens. josh, the newest target for >> more and more individuals are republican obstruction in congress is jeh johnson. successfully creating accounts, allow me to give you a logging in, and moving on to apply for coverage and shop for curriculum vitae. plans. >> we are not able to process president's nominee, former general counsel of the nearly 17,000 registrations per department of defense, the former general counsel for the hour or 5 per second with no errors. u.s. air force and first black >> if you can tell us 17,000 are partner at the law firm of paul signing upper hour why is a weise, arguably top law firm in the country, if not the world. subpoena unanswered as to how and yet congressman mike mccaul, many have signed up? is please, don't answer yet. republican chair of the house, home land committee, calls him a >> don't answer that. hack. the chairman has not called this really? he's a hack? hearing for witnesses to answer questions. don't be ridiculous. mr. mccaul must be a toad. and listen here. it's not for democrats to ask >> well, it's par for the questions either. course. you have these very >> the gentleman's time is accomplished, qualified people. expired. >> mr. chairman, i would just but the plan right now is ask the same amount of time you basically objestruction, to kee had. >> i let you and the question everything locked down.
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you saw it with the shutdown. after your time has expired. it's all of a piece. it's all of a piece. the gentleman is recognized. the -- >> you're not going to run a >> and the driving force is what? fair hearing, you're just going to go out and do this all the >> well, it depends how big you way. >> the witnesses are being want to cast -- badgered. >> kangaroo court is quite an >> what is it, philosophically accusation and i hope the gentleman from tennessee when he such a hatred of government, uses the term kangaroo court in they want to see government fail? >> i think it's a little more the future will think better of than that. making an accusation. i think it's that right now the >> that is quite an accusation. right wing of the republican party, the people who back the that's right, it's right up there with monkey court. right wing of the republican but there is a different party, see the country moving in accusation getting serious push dfs back from the white house the direction that is away from today. a report in the "washington what they know. post" that is away from what they are comfortable with. unlikely to work fully by the end of the month, as the white it's a -- it's an america with a house has promised. and the white house press secretary responded to that this different sexual politics, with afternoon. more racial diversity. all these things scare these >> the fact is, on november people. and i think there's a perception that it's going to be hard to 13th, we are not where we will be and want to be by november win elections for those people going forward. the house is locked down, the 30th. but it remains the case that we presidency is difficult. still having problems with the believe the site will be working senate. so what they can still do, smoothly for the vast majority though, is say no. of users by the end of the and basically, shut everything month. >> mr. carney said the website down from the house of error rate is now below 1%. representatives.
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and that's kind of the underlying thread. and as the house prepares to you see across everything that's vote on a keep your plan bill at happening. >> angela, the department of the end of the week, carney said homeland security, as you know, to expect an announcement from is regarded as one of the most troubled agencies in the federal the president on improvements to government. the affordable care act sooner 40% of its leadership positions rather than later. what great news to greet the are currently empty. it's almost in a permanent state of shutdown. return of john boehner, just but perhaps that's exactly what back from a fun in the sun mr. mccaul and other two-week recess. anti-government fan nationalics he must be delighted. >> when you look at obama care, want, is it? >> well, i don't know if it's what they want, martin. frankly, i don't think there is a way to fix it. but it's certainly is a problem i don't think this is ever going to work. that now you have sitting before the senate today jeh johnson, and certainly, unaffordable. who could be very well fixed the >> just a friendly reminder, mr. challenges with 40% of the speaker, as the nonpartisan vacancies open. the fact that his potential spot congressional budget office has said all along, the affordable is open. you need to allow someone the care act will reduce the deficit. opportunity to fix some of those let's get right to our panel. holes to repair some of those with me here is my friend and breaches. and instead of taking the time today to really talk about his colleague, krystal ball, co host of "the cycle" and democratic qualifications, senator mccain, for example, went toe-to-toe with jeh johnson about the strategist, professor bob shrum. border. the border is the most secure professor shrum, i need to read that it has been in years. you another tedious statement that has been fired off by and meanwhile, speaker boehner speaker boehner. has pledged not to pass any form these numbers underscore the urgent need for president obama of immigration reform during
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to allow people to keep the this session of congress. plans they have and like. so instead of taking that battle up with jeh johnson, martin, he above all, this report is a symbol of the failure of the should be taking it up with the lower chamber. president's health care law. >> absolutely. it is a rolling calamity that malika, senator lindsey graham is another key player in the must be scrapped. republican block party, as you know. he's in so much trouble with the >> he's a stupid sound bite in a tea party back in south carolina that he's threatening to block suit. he's a profile in cowardous. all presidential nominations in the senate. is he going to be able to do all he cares about is keeping that, do you think? his speakership. >> well, technically, he could so he's going to keep saying all do that. if he wanted to do that, and we this stuff about obama care. >> you could have taken that have seen lindsey graham have statement at any month over the past three years. these fights over nominations. >> that's what i mean. this is just red meat for his and linking it to benghazi time caucus. because he doesn't care about and time again. whether 30 million americans get he did that with susan rice -- health care. >> but that's a complete frauld. in fact, he would take the health care away from 30 million americans to assure that he has that's a complete charade. we know why he's doing it. a car, a driver, a bunch of >> yeah, we do know. servants and a big office that here is lindsey graham, folks in is reserved for the speaker. >> absolutely true. south carolina, very much, at and krystal, what do you think least some republicans think of the disingenuousness of these he's a rhino, has got some people who are suddenly discovered people in this republican challenges now. smaller -- smallish area, 5%, on and his way is to prove he's a the private insurance market krcht is to talk about benghazi that they never mentioned over the last ten years? >> no, that's exactly right. and you have seen him do that time and time again.
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and bob hits the nail on the he did that with the hagel head. i mean, where was -- where is nomination. their concern for 30 million he wanted panetta to testify. that happened. people? he hasn't blocked all of these where is their concern for the people that if they were to nominations. i do think some of this is actually repeal obama care would theater. and you see john mccain be left out in the cold, as they obviously engaging in that have been in this health care system for years? today. they don't care about any of whether or not this goes down to that. just as they don't care anything the wire and these folks don't about these anecdotes they're get confirmed, hard to see that putting forward of people whose happening. this same thing again happened with hagel, tom perez. prices are going up or people whose plans are changed. he eventually got confirmed over they don't care about these at labor. people. they care about making a so i think eventually, you know, political point. and with darrell issa in these folks will get -- will get a hearings, i wish he would just good hearing and an up or down realize that what he is doing is vote on the senate floor. not even helping his side. >> josh, isn't it utterly his going over the top, his reasonable that an individual lying about the facts, his like senator lindsey graham stretching the truth, his outrageous behavior in this should use his power to block hearing and in hearings that he has had throughout this the functioning of government in order to protect himself from challenges? administration, totally >> you know, i think -- undermines his credibility and the credibility of his party to >> is that really what we've come to? act as reasonable spokespeople >> well, i think what it is is and partners in fixing this law. >> you know, krystal makes the that all of these things have existed in the past to a degree. point about resolving the problem. but what you have seen over the i understand the need to improve last 15, maybe 20 years, and the website. you do, krystal does. increasingly over the last six you have all been critical of or seven years is all of the
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it. but here's what they're doing. they're now introducing this norms that keep things in check. yes, you can block nominees. marco rubio bill that is going but you use it for something to target navigators, so that very specific, usually. and then you work out a deal. the idea that to -- the idea they should be -- it's called the privacy and anti fraud act that someone would do what graham is doing now, the idea and targets criminal background that you would shut down the checks, fingerprinting and a credit report. what they're doing is swamping whole government over obama care -- the process in plenty of red >> over a law that has passed tape, again, to achieve their and been affirmed by the supreme court. >> right. goal, which all along was that these are -- again, a lot of it they didn't want this to work. has to do with none of the norms >> make it break down, all this seem to apply. and when you don't have norms -- stuff about criminal background norms are sort of like the checks, fingerprints, all of that. same kind of thing they're doing connective tissue in the with voting. they want to take away people's skeleton of government. and without that, everything can right to vote. they want to take away people's grind to a halt and nothing right to health care. works well. and i think that's what you see and look, when the bush happening here. >> right. prescription drug benefit was angela, republicans argue that introduced, in the first few government doesn't work. then they get elected and prove months, "slate" magazine had a it. can you imagine what would piece that was typical, called happen right now if republicans it a fiasco. had full control in washington only 1 million of the 21 million rather than just the house? seniors signed up on their own >> i can't imagine it. for the prescription drug and i don't want to see it. benefit. the prices weren't what was >> well, please try. try to. promised. democrats worked with the bush i just think at this point, administration to fix the martin, with this process. it got fixed.
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and today if you were to propose filibuster-proof majority issue and the fact that president obama is being micro managed repealing that, you would be from the hill. dead politically. they talk about they're not and that is what they're passing or allowing these judicial nominees to be terrified. ted cruz admitted it during his confirmed, because they don't want folks legislating from the faux filibuster. once this takes effect, once bench. what they're micro managing from they see it, there will be no the senate, it is just as bad if way to get rid of it. not worse. in fact, if they get rid of it, and so we really have to make sure that we're following what mother jones estimated 137 the constitution says. the president has a right to million americans would see their health care adversely appoint people. he has a right to fill vacancies impacted. not just the people who had the insurance taken away. in his administration and but people who got letters judicial nominees have a right saying, by the way, your to be seated, sworn in and preexisting condition is no confirmed. long so the senate has a job to do, longer covered. and it's not just obstructing by the way, your kids can't stay on the plan. the president. that's not what the filibuster was ever designed for and it's time for it to be put back in by the way, you have a lifetime its rightful place. limit. this is barbaric politics in far >> so final question, what do you expect to see tomorrow when right wing ideology. janet yellen, the president's >> krystal, the president and nominee for new fed chief harry reid shared a telephone appears before republican lawmakers? more theater? >> i think you will see theater. call late last night and here's what the senate majority leader >> theater of the absurd? had to say about the call. take a listen. >> you have seen these >> obviously, the panic has set confirmation hearings and any time someone comes before the in on the other side. congress to testify, this is everything we predicted was going to happen with obama care what these are. has happened. this is what they always have it's pretty clear now that been.
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in terms of this fight going on around the d.c. circuit court, there's a stampede developing that has always gone on around among house and senate democrats that court. it has, i think, reached a new away from obama care. level, as republicans are trying >> i'm sorry. to limit the amount of people that was a different piece of sound, and it was of mitch who are on that court from 11 mcconnell, of course. and he was talking about a panic and take it down to 8. so that is, i think, a new level stampede and total mayhem. is that true? >> it's not true. i mean -- i will say, this is in this fight. but i do think this partisanship the whole strategy of the republicans. they don't care about health has always been there in terms care, they don't care about of these nominations, as well. people being insured. they don't care about any of >> angela rye, malika henderson that. but they do care about power. and they care about trying to make things uncomfortable for and josh marshal, thank you very democrats that are running in much. coming up, the typhoons difficult districts across the country, where this law has been aftermath. demagog to the point where it is and the brady bill and so much not popular and people are afraid of it. that is what they care about. work to be done. so marco rubio's bill, you know, one nation under the gun. the efforts to have this sort of stay with us. >> to protect and defend. magical, okay, you can keep your plan bill, which won't even that's our first responsibility. work. those are all efforts to make it's an honor to take that oath. democrats uncomfortable and to score political points. they have nothing to do with but i'm ashamed to be here to care or concern for the american face all of you not having people. >> do you agree with that? >> oh, yeah. and you know, the state where it's working is one state where finished the job yet.
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it's working incredibly well is [ mixer whirring ] kentucky. mitch mcconnell just apparently hasn't noticed that. the governor in that state, steve beshear, has been very brave and very conscience in making those exchanges work. he's not playing to the politics my turn daddy, my turn! of the state. and suddenly, people all over hold it steady now. i know daddy. [ dad ] oh boy, fasten your seatbelts everybody. kentucky who probably never even thought of voting for barack [ mixer whirring ] obama, are signing up for obama care. bounty select-a-size. >> krystal ball and professor it's the smaller powerful sheet, bob shrum, thank you for joining us. coming up, a new school of that acts like a big sheet. look! one select-a-size sheet of bounty thought. the president's vision for is 50% more absorbent than a full size sheet universal pre-k begins to take shape. next. of the leading ordinary brand. [ humming ] ♪ [ dad ] use less with the small but powerful picker upper. [ woman 1 ] why do i cook? bounty select-a-size. and try bounty napkins. to share with family. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain... [ woman 2 ] to carry on traditions. ♪ [ woman 3 ] to come together ready or not. even when we're apart. [ female announcer ] you can be up there. here i come! [ male announcer ] in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and more, [ female announcer ] ...down there, around there... swanson makes holiday dishes delicious. and under there for him. tylenol® provides strong pain relief
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that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. ameriprise financial. more within reach. help is on the ground and much more is on the way. but the relief effort in the philippines has been plagued by more severe weather. and as desperation rises so violence has begun to flare. thousands without food or water following typhoon haiyan which has affected 11 million people. ian williams is in manila. >> reporter: the philippine government is describing this as the biggest logistical challenge it has ever faced. they insist this huge aid effort is now gaining momentum, but not nearly fast enough for those desperate communities who need basic items, which only are most middle class parents trickling down to them. can't afford a few hundred bucks clean water, food, shelter, med
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a week for a private preschool. sen. now, the desperation has been on and for poor kids, who need help display. the most, this lack of access to one crowd storming a government preschool education can shadow rice store. an act of self preservation, them for the rest of their lives. rather than looting was the way so tonight, i propose working a government official described it. eight people died in the crush. with states to make high-quality we have also seen reports of preschool available to every single child in america. people digging up water pipes, trying to crack open the water pipes in a desperate bid to find >> that was the president in his drinking water. state of the union address the government here is very much outlining the academic and on the defensive, saying they're doing everything they can, but economic benefits of universal conceding that the aid has not pre-k. today that legislation was been getting to communities that introduced in both the senate and the house. need it fast enough. the bills have four main they blame that on debris on the measures, including, quality scale of the devastation. preschool for low and middle-income families and also the fact that local governments were decimated. increasing the quality of infant and toddler care. there certainly weren't people and we're delighted to welcome to administer the aid. and, of course, in four to five the man helping to shepard the legislation, the secretary of days, we'll see the arrival of education, mr. arne duncan. the "u.s.s. george washington" slowed down by bad weather, but good afternoon, sir. >> thanks for the opportunity. will bring some much, much >> explain what this program needed help when it does arrive here. will do for the nearly one in four children who live in martin? >> ian williams, thank you. and if you would like to poverty.
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because in our research, we contribute, there are plenty of actually found websites decrying ways of doing so. you can donate to the american red cross online at big government and indock tri nation when, in fact, the or opposite is the case. >> yeah, well, i think about what we can do over the next you can also give to unicef at three years, not to improve education for the next three years, but for the next 30, the as well as to the u.n. world next 3 decades and arguably at food program at the top of the list, making sure our babies have access to all of this information is high-quality, early learning opportunities is the best available at our facebook page, investment we as a nation can make in our children, in strong which is families and ultimately the coming up, 20 years after country. for poor children coming from the brady handgun violence disadvantaged communities, martin, the average child starts prevention act was signed into law, what now? kindergarten at 5 years old, a but first, a market wrap year to 14 months behind. with cnbc's seema mody. and quite frankly, far too often good afternoon, seema. >> hi, martin. we never catch up. here's a look at how stocks i keep saying, we have to get stand going into tomorrow. out of the calf catch-up the dow settling at a new record business, our babies off to a high for the 36th time this good start. year, gaining 70 points. this is a huge day to seek folks the s&p 500 up 14, and the on both sides of the aisle, working together to introduce nasdaq up by 45. legislation to make that vision that's it from cnbc, first in a reality. business worldwide. >> mr. secretary, you say that, but we are currently in the [ male announcer ] what if a small company middle of budget negotiations,
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where as you know, republicans want to slash spending. studies actually show universal pre-k could help reduce income inequality, raise college graduation rates and actually reduce crime. now, the president recently said, if you think education is became big business overnight? expensive, then wait until you ♪ find out how much ignorance like, really big... then expanded? costs. but isn't the republican ♪ response to this, we prefer or their new product tanked? dumb? >> well, i think all of us want ♪ to use taxpayer money wisely. or not? and folks like james heckman, a what if they embrace nobel prize-winning economist at new technology instead? ♪ the university of chicago, talks imagine a company's future about a 7-1 return on with the future of trading. investment. so for every dollar we invest as company profile. a research tool on thinkorswim. a society, as a country, get back $7. less teenage pregnancy, less from td ameritrade. crime, less dropouts, more folks her busy saturday graduating from high school, begins with back pain, when... going on to college. hey pam, you should take advil. why? becoming prod i have taxpayer you can take four advil for all day relief. so i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil? citizens, a goal we can unite behind. it's the right thing to do for you're joking right? for my back pain, i want my aleve. taxpayers, for young people to strengthen families and ultimately for our nation.
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>> let's again go back to the reality of where we are, sir. sequestration has severely injured the head start program. bloomberg reported in august the cuts not only cost 60,000 poor children their preschool slots this year, it's actually leading to some parents losing their is what makes us different. jobs to care for those children. i know that oil is a precious we take the time to get to know you resource. and your unique health needs. and the oil industry benefits then we help create from huge subsidies. a personalized healthcare experience that works for you. but when did our children become and you. and you. less precious than oil? with 50 years of know-how, why has there not been a and a dedicated network of doctors, health coaches, and wellness experts, stampede to prevent these poor children losing their preschool we're a partner you can rely on -- today, and tomorrow. places in the same way that speaker boehner would erupt with we're going beyond insurance fury at any mention of closing a to become your partner in health. humana. tax loophole? >> well, sequestration has been an unmitigated disaster. there is no up side. and quite frankly, that's not how any other high-performing country is managing their education strategy. education is an investment, it's not an expense. it's the best investment we can make.
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when you see tens of thousands of children, again, disadvantaged children, lose access to head start, we're cutting off our nose to spite our face. as a nation, we need to come together, put politics and ideology to the side. education has to be the ultimate bipartisan or nonpartisan, nonideological issue. we have to come together to make sure we're increasing high school graduation rates, reducing dropout rates, and ultimately leading the world again in the number of young people graduating from college. we can all unite behind that goal, forget politics. >> secretary of education, arne duncan, thank you, sir. and thank you for your commitment to this absolutely crucial issue. thank you. >> we've got to get this done. thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, it's a house party. indeed, speaker boehner, armed with a fresh suntan, reveals his primary objective for the remainder of the year. but first, the heavy burden that comes with being the face of the health care website. >> you have been dubbed glitch girl, the most despised face on the planet.
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have you ever experienced anything like this before? >> well, this is actually a reason why i wanted to be here. because as a kid, i never went through that. but now i am. it's sort of bullying. ♪ i'm here for my 16-year-old hey mom. yeah? son, blair holt, murdered may we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. 10th, 2007. >> i'm here for my son, brian, yes! well, i found this new thing called... 12 years old, died december [ dennis' voice ] allstate quickfoto claim. 24th, 1997. [ normal voice ] it's an app. you understand that? i'm here for my beloved brother, just take photos of the damage with your phone marc anthony harris junior shot and upload them to allstate. really? and killed july 14th, 2014. so you get [dennis' voice] a quicker estimate, >> i'm here for my son, kenzo, quicker payment, [normal voice] quicker back to normal. i just did it. but maybe you can find an app shot and killed in may 29th, that will help you explain this to your...father. 1994. [ vehicle approaches ] [ dennis ] introducing quickfoto claim. >> those heart-rendering just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. testimonies from an event earlier today to mark the 20th anniversary of the brady handgun shhhh! violence prevention act. i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] every year, thousands have i better take something.
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[ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat that. similar stories and with 90% of it doesn't? americans supporting expanded background checks for all gun [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms purchases, it's clear that plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh what a relief it is! americans do support greater gun safety reform. plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. yet despite this overwhelming i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. majority, the senate voted against expanded background my employer matches my charitable giving. really. checks in april. for more, i'm joined by i get bonuses even working part-time. democratic strategist, steve where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. elmenddorff and jonathan capehart. steve, this is the 20th i got education benefits. anniversary of the brady act, a i work at walmart. law that has blocked an i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. estimated 2 million handgun i manage produce. purchases. and your firm was engaged by the i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. brady campaign to extend vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. background checks to online sales and gun shows. and yet, with over 30,000 deaths i've got a nice long life ahead. from firearms every year, it's big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, the campaign to prevent gun i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. violence an abject failure? >> no, martin, it's not. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, i worked on the brady bill when i worked -- you may know it only covers about 80% >>it not? how is it not? of your part b medical expenses. >> well, because, you know, we the rest is up to you. have to be persistent. it takes time. it took us three presidencies, call now and find out
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about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, six years, seven votes to pass the brady bill. we're not going to go away insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. because it's hard or because like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, john boehner won't schedule a vote. you know, we have 55 -- 55 it could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. senators and a bipartisan people call now to request who passed it in the -- voted your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. for it in the senate. we don't have 60 yet. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. but we're going to work hard to try and get there and work hard [ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit to do it in the house. any doctor or hospital >> more power to you. that accepts medicare patients. >> we're not going to give up. and, you know, you listen to plus, there are no networks, those families talk about -- and virtually no referrals needed. >> oh, yeah. >> their losses. see why millions of people nobody is giving up here. have already enrolled it may take more than one in the only medicare supplement insurance plans congress or more than one presidency, but we're going to endorsed by aarp. get it done. >> john, we have seen a member of congress shot in the head. don't wait. call now. we have seen 20 small children at an elementary school murdered. we have had a shooting at a naval yard, movie theater. you name it, we have had it. you may be muddling through allergies. police investigating at this try zyrtec-d®. moment are shooting in the area powerful relief of nasal congestion around a pittsburgh high school. and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. where reportedly teens have been zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. shot and wounded. isn't it time, perhaps, that we stop maybe deluding ourselves and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. you get your coffee here. you get your hair cut here. and congratulate the nra on the
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best performance of lobbying in you find that certain thing you were looking for here, the history of lobbying? >> i think that happens every but actually you get so much more. time we go through one of these mass shootings. when you shop at these small local businesses, i remember being here on the day you support all the things that make your community great. of sandy hook and being horrified as the events unfolded the money you spend here, stays here. to find out something we had in this place you call your neighborhood. never seen before. children slaughtered inside a small business saturday is november 30th. school. and it set off this national get out and shop small. conversation, national debate that we hadn't seen in a very long time. and even then people were poo-pooing the efforts that were to come to try to get background the man supposedly in charge of the house republicans, the checks or some sort of gun addled speaker, john boehner, violence legislation out there. was asked a very simple question today about what is holding up and it hasn't happened. and i think steve raises a very major legislation like immigration reform. good point. that the nra is expecting his answer did not come as a surprise. people, those families that you >> is this more of an issue of showed, to give up, to back wanting to focus on obama care, and not dealing with the down, because they don't have the money that -- or the brady divisive immigration? campaign doesn't have the money >> no, this is about trying to to compete against big guns. do this in a way that the american people and our members but persistence and heart are can absorb. what's going to make this >> in other words, no, and yes. happen. but it's going to take a very
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joining us now is democratic long time. so every time there's a mass congressman, keith ellison of shooting and people rise up and minnesota. say we're not going to take it good afternoon, sir. >> good afternoon. how are you? anymore and it dies down, that >> it's good to have you. i understand, sir, that the only in itself is an implicit message thing that republicans currently that, oh, nra, you have won agree on is opposing the again. >> steve, florida voted last affordable care act. week to uphold their stand your but when do they actually look ground law. this just days after an unarmed beyond their pet project and do 19-year-old girl in detroit was something that might actually shot in the face when she sought benefit the country as a whole, help in the middle of the night like reforming the immigration from a homeowner, and who was armed, of course, with a system, which we all know would shotgun, and presumably benefit the nation economically protected by a stand your ground law there. and in all other ways? if we can't curb the ownership >> well, martin, you know, they of lethal weapons, isn't it have tried to repeal the time, say, to focus on repealing affordable care act 44, 45 times. they tried to destroy it in the these stand your ground laws, at supreme court. and they shut the government down 16 days all over it. least start chopping away at those? >> martin, we've got a lot of so i don't suspect they're going things we're going to do and to ease up any time soon. we're not going to give up. i mean, the bottom line is, they i don't think we can say that the nra has won. have many reasons why they must they never give up and we're never going to give up. try to stop affordable health and we're going to go at those laws and background checks and care from reaching americans, we're going to go at every law which is one, they can't allow we can get. government to prove they have understanding that this is a very hard issue. done some good for americans. that's against their ideology. it's always been a very hard
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issue. it took a long time to do brady. two, you know, they literally -- but we worked hard and got it done and we're going to work the industry as it exists now hard and try and get this done. >> john, a final question to makes money by kicking people you. does any legislation move in the off health care and basically near to short term? doing it the status quo way, >> no. nothing is going to happen. when you have the speaker of the preaffordable care act. and, of course, they know that house saying that comprehensive if the democrats actually immigration reform -- today he said this. is not going to happen? successfully implement the what makes any of us think that affordable care act, they will gun control legislation is going be in trouble politically for a to happen today or in the long time. future? >> indeed. bill crystal admitted that to me we must continue fighting. just a few days ago. steve, thank you for your work on this. >> but mr. ellison, what is your jonathan capehart, as always, thank you. we'll be right back. reaction when you hear someone like speaker boehner simply, noncha chantly say, yeah, immigration ain't happening. what is your reaction to that as khan academy is a not-for-profit with a mission a dedicated lawmaker, as someone who wants to resolve the predict of providing a free world-class education for anyone, anywhere. for almost 12 million people in if you look at a khan academy video, this nation? >> well, it's incredibly they cover everything from basic arithmetic frustrating. to calculus, trigonometry, finance. mi you can really just get what you need at your own pace. i mean, you know, look, immigration, blisteringly important issue. and so, bank of america came and reached out to us we're ignoring it. but not only that, what about gun safety? you know, there was another mass and said, "we are really interested in making sure
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shooting just recently. that everyone really understands personal finance." and so the bottom line is that we're like, "well, we're already doing that." there are so many things that and so it was kind of a perfect match. call for a legislative fix, call for congressional attention, an important message for americans eligible that he's ignoring. an important message for why? because he's gleeful he's gotten for medicare. hold of an issue with regard to the annual enrollment period is now open. the affordable care act and the now is the time to find the coverage that's right website thing. and they're just going to ride this pony as long as they can. for you the right price. but at the same time, we still the way to do that is to explore your options. have massive income inequality, you can spend hours doing that yourself ... we still have wages that are or you can call healthmarkets, and let stagnating. we still have a situation where us do the legwork for you - with no cost or obligation. preschoolers are not getting we'll search a variety of plans from nationally access to the head start. recognized companies to find the coverage that's we still have a lot of problems. but they don't want to deal with the best fit for you, at a price that those problems. they just want to sort of fits your budget. and we'll do it at no charge to you. maximize the public's outrage at you can talk to us over the phone ... or meet with a glitchy website. a local licensed representative in person. that's where they're at and that's where i think they're going to stay. >> you just mentioned raising why pay a penny more than you have to for an the minimum wage. and that's another issue that's insurance policy? very, very popular among in the past 3 years alone, healthmarkets insurance americans. gallup found that just over agency has enrolled americans in more than three quarters of voters would support a law, raising the 1.1 million insurance polices ... put our free service minimum wage to $9 an hour.
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in fact, almost 60% of to work for you at no charge. republicans support the raise. so why are we still at $7.25? >> well, you know, one more fact, if i may, martin. you know, people celebrate the election of governor christie at 60%. well, 61% voted to raise the minimum wage in new jersey. so you're absolutely right. americans want to see the minimum wage increased. when are we going to get that done? you know what, it's a long-term battle. but the people who support and [ male announcer ] over time, you've come to realize... fund the republican party believe that raising the minimum [ starter ] ready! [ starting gun goes off ] wage is going to cost their -- [ male announcer ] it's less of a race... their constituency, not their yeah! voters, but their donor [ male announcer ] and more of a journey. constituency money. so they don't want to do it. and that keeps you going strong. in fact, some of them have even at unitedhealthcare insurance company, we get that. gone as far as to say that increasing the minimum wage will with over 30 years of experience, cause job losses, because -- and we'll be there -- ready to go as far as you. actually, increase jobs, they should get rid of any minimum so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, wage. this is the ideology these people carry forward. >> okay. insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. so we've addressed immigration. they don't want to do anything with that. like all standardized medicare we have addressed minimum wage. they don't want to do that. supplement insurance plans,
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gun violence is another issue these help cover some that appears to unite the of what medicare doesn't pay -- nation. and could save you 90% of americans say they're in in out-of-pocket costs. favor of extending background you'll also be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. checks. again, nothing, zero from republicans. call or go online today >> that's right. >> do you sometimes wonder why to request your free decision guide. go forward with passion. so many have sought public and never settle for good enough along the way. office when their sole intention aarp medicare supplement insurance plans, upon entering government is to stop government from doing insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. anything? why do these people run for go long. office? >> you know, it used to perplex me martin, but i've learned, the katy perrsure how many? town. can we get tickets, please??? insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. thank you, thank you, thank you! people who they are actually seriously? i get 2x the thankyou points on each ticket. representing send them here. most of these folks are going to the citi thankyou preferred card. leave congress and walk into now earn 2x the points on entertainment, with no annual fee. some extremely lucrative contracts. and that's kind of how they do go to business. many of them are already very rich anyway. so they don't really care. what does darrell issa care, you thanks so much for watching on this wednesday. know, about these issues? we remind you to follow us on he's already, you know -- his twitter at bashir live. coming up right now is "the ed show" with my friend and grandkids can't spend the money colleague, ed schultz. he has. so they're already comfortable. but for the overwhelming number of americans who need congress
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to work who need common sense gun reform, immigration reform, increase the minimum wage, it's just not working. we do need real reform in the area of campaign finance reform, and we need to tell people, this good evening, americans. and welcome to "the ed show." is a time to get more involved. live from new york. let's get to work. don't check out. don't get cynical. you've got to check in, and ♪ really bring about a situation >> the american people can where you have responsive understand that you're only as strong as your weakest link. government and responsive congress in place. >> well, thank you, sir, for >> never fear the heart of the emboding that commitment. snake. >> our problem is the people you democratic representative, keith work for won't give us the ellison of minnesota. thank you, sir. >> thank you it, sir. documents. >> mr. chairman, we have staff stay with us. it's a full-blown block party in who work just as hard as yours. today's top lines. but first, a quick recap of >> i wasn't insulting your -- today's city council meeting in >> well -- >> protected by viper, stand by. toronto, where the affable mayer, rob ford, stated his >> you call witnesses who are case. >> i think you're referring to being asked to fix a plane while the st. patrick's day party i it's in the air. had in my office. >> i have had it with these monk some of it was true. and some of it was false. key-fighting snakes on this that is not a crack house. monday to friday plane! >>ho he can't just make these hypothetical situations up. i said it would not happen again and it has never happened again at the air canada center.
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i've been -- >> hold on. >> a few isolated incidents. >> this is not funny, folks. >> i'm not part of gang bangers, i do not support them. >> have you purchased illegal drugs in the last two years? >> yes, i have. ♪ but every song is like gold teeth chipping in the bathroom ♪ ♪ blood stains ball gowns in the hotel room ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this is brad.
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