tv The Cycle MSNBC November 20, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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skirt. turns out they are everywhere. ♪ >> we will get to mean girls coming up but first the mean truth. the new cbs poll showing the president's approval at its lowest ever, 37%. a 9-point drop in one month. it is lower than recent polls from nbc, "washington post" or qui quinn pea yak. 31% of americans approve of it, that's a 12-point drop since october and thanks mostly to declining approval among independence and some democrats. still, it's not all bad news for the president's health care law. the poll found only 43% of americans say the aca should be repealed. a larger percent say it needs some changes.
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meanwhile on capitol hill tuesday, one of the men who built testified up to 40% of the i.t. systems still need to be built. another congressional hearing cyber security experts said the entire website might need to be taken offline and rebuilt. joining us at the table is john stanton recently featured in the buzz feed list of all 23 reasons why john stanton should be on hill's most beautiful people list. >> i love that. >> welcome. >> comments on that? >> my mom loved it. >> i heard your mom loves -- a buzz feed fan. >> you interviewed nancy pelosi yesterday for buzz feed and she talked about the branding of the affordable care act. let's take a listen. >> yes they could have done a better job describing it. i'm really disappointed that the technology, you can imagine coming from northern california what i think of that.
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notice i always call it affordable care act. i've always called it the affordable care act. everybody may not love obama but everybody loves affordable. and the -- i love them both. >> a lot of love in that room there. >> yes. >> the first question for you, talking to her, she's speaking to a branding challenge that a lot of democrats have had. they tried to embrace and pump up obama care but beyond the obama piece which she spoke to, isn't it also a problem that deeming it obama care makes it sound like a product rather than what it is, a set of rules and regulations and enter state funding. >> absolutely. also, there was a notion within the white house they should embrace and take the power out of it. but it is definitely turned back against them now that they are not going all over the website, it becomes a product they are
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being sold. this undercuts a lot of things that happened, they did not do a good job of telling people about the for instance, if you're a kid you can stay on your parents insurance and preexisting conditions and things like that. the law has already been in place and they have done a poor job of saying this is just one small part of this sort of now two-year process putting this in place. i understand why they are trying to back out of the obama care branding or rebranding, but i'm not at this point it's going to work. >> you have to say, they could have come up with something catchier than affordable care act to start with. >> like obama care. >> i have to point out, apparently the cycle team finds you cycle. they booted me out of my seelt. we're ten days before the self-imposed deadline and we've been assured the federal side will be improved and functioning. but the realities appeared less assuring, you have the chief architect for the federal
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exchange testifying yesterday on the hill, 30 to 40% of the project is still being built. we're talking the payment and accounting portions of the site, which don't need to be operational until 2014. but still, john, this suggests a problem that won't be fixed any time soon. why no listen to experts say let's press the pause button until we get things up and running properly. that seems like the rational thing to do. >> it does on one side. but it does create a whole series of policy problems if you create a six-month or year-long delay and sort of allow this process to go forward, there are serious policy implications that come along with it. politically the white house also wants to muscle through this as hard as they can to try to get past it. they don't want to have this thing come back and bite them in the butt again in three months or four months. i think they are trying to not have that linger. >> look, they've had a conservative opposition that was more cooperative, just
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relatively cooperative, then they could talk about maybe delaying, but we have this defund fantasy caucus, any delay leads you defunding and leads you trying to end the law. i want to deal with the idea that how this plays out clinically will work state by state and not just as a national sort of piece. how obama care is working in each state makes a difference in how it plays politically as slate points out, exchange enrollment is surging dates that have working websites not trying to fight against law and obstruct the law. california, kentucky, minnesota, washington state, connecticut are all surpassing enrollment expectations. so it's going to depend on where you are and how it's working out. we're already seeing attack ads on the air in red states where it's not working out so well. let's show you the one being used by the koch brothers. >> people don't like political ads. i don't like them either. but health care isn't about politics.
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it's about people. it's not about a website that doesn't work. it's not about poll numbers or approval ratings. it's about people. and millions of people have lost their health insurance and millions of people can't see their own doctors and millions of paying more and getting less. obama care doesn't work. it just doesn't work. tell senator hagan to start listening. >> i wish you could have seen a split screen to see how krystal was laughing and john stanton. kentucky, things are getting a little tougher for mitch mcconnell as brian boyler has pointed out. mcconnell has to be leading the van guard of the aca coalition. with a candidate with a strong general election opponent ahead of him, he'll run on platform of taking insurance away from tens if not hundreds of thousands of
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his own constituents. how is this going to play out will depend on where you are? >> i agree to a certain extent. however, i would point out, if you look at the way people view these kind of thiksz, often times people conflict local regulations with epa. and i think republicans are banking on that happening here, in a state like kentucky where there is an operating system, that there is essentially obama care and starting to get up on its feet. people look at that as a state thing and not going to complete the two things even though they are the same thing and mcconnell can continue his obama care attacks. it's going to be tricky if that doesn't play out. >> people may well be signing up through kentucky connect and never realizesing it hassing in to do with obama care. >> you may not recall the republicans shut down the government. >> i remember that. >> they shut it down overhealth care. is that part of the republican caucus feeling sort of
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vindicated right now and emboldened to try the same thing all over again in the new year? >> they are definitely feeling vindicated. the problems the new administration is having is making those people less inclined to shut down the government again. which is sort of counter intuitive motion. they told us they don't see much reason to try to make the government funding bill or debt ceiling right now contingent on obama care. they feel the white house is doing enough damage to themselves, they don't have to try to step in on that. >> who's that on your left arm? >> that is saint francis desals. >> patron saint of reporters. >> can you show -- >> good piece of ink, next time we have you on, we'll find out whether you have more tattoos or more skull rings. that's a macro tease for the next time you're on the cycle. up next, just released for the
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50th anniversary, for the first time ever, time life has a frame by frame analysis of that iconic and tragic footage and the president paid tribute to the man who came before him. a look at that as "the cycle" rolls on, november 20th. i like a clean kitchen. i don't do any cleaning. i make dirt. ♪ very, very heavy. i'm not big enough or strong enough for this. there should be some way to make it easier. [ doorbell rings ] [ morty ] here's a box, babe. open it up. oh my goodness! what is a wetjet? some kind of a mopping device. there's a lot of dirt on here. morty, look at how easy it is. it's almost like dancing. [ both humming ] this is called the swiffer dance.
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this year it's a little more special because this marks the 50th anniversary of president kennedy establishing this award. >> paying tribute to jfk's legacy, president obama today, bestowed the highest civilian honor, the presidential med medal of freedom, was killed to honor of recipient. the president laid a wreath at jfk's gravesite, the eternal flame. the monument was restored leading up to the anniversary of jfk's assassination, those moments were captured for eterni eternity. he originally left his camera at home in 1963 but his assistant urged him to keep it. they set up shop across from the texas box depository building,
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that's them on the left moments after the fatal shots were fired. in the chaos that follows, he gave copies of his film to the fbi and secret service but didn't want to release it to the media. he had a nightmare of a man hawking tickets to see the president's murder on the big screen. he needed someone he could trust to handle the film and the clause he included with it, good taste and dignity, true to his wishes, we'll only show the film in its entirety, including the gruesome moments when the president was hit. the film was 8 millimeter so there's no audio of what happened but the iconic images speak for himself. the men he trusted with his film was dick stoly, ran the la bureau for life magazine. featured in a new book "the day kennedy died" 50 years later, the man and moment. it includes an essay by his granddaughter and frame by frame look at the famous film.
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there's also a full print of life's issue covering the assassination. it is a chilling book. you almost feel you were reliving the moment for those who didn't live it, living it for first time. explain how you first met him and how you were able to gain secure rights for life for the film? >> i flew in from l.a. to dallas, got a phone call that same night after the assassination, that a dallas businessman had been in dealy plaza and photographed it. i had never been in dallas before. gave me the name, ran my finger down the zs in the phone book and there it was, abraham, telephone number. i began calling at 11:00 friday night, this weary voice answered, yes yes, indeed he had taken a film and yes, he had seen it. i said, can i come out and see the film right now, sir? he said, no, come to my ofls at
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9:00 in the morning. i got there at 8:00. i was the first reporter to see the film. i saw it with two secret service agents, which i tell you was a very chilling moment. to see it with two men who had been responsible for the president's safety and had failed abysmally. >> it's an extraordinary book as abby said visually and the writing, one of the things, the birth of camelot, we think of jfk and jackie and kids as camelot, but it's really theodore white, the great presidential chronicler who pushed that idea in his essay that followed the president's death and years afterward, teddy and jackie would look back and say, maybe a bit much. he came to dismiss the idea of equating kennedy years with a myth of camelot. jackie admits that the
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comparison was overwrougt. the camelot mythology had some history to it or some truth to it but only some. >> well, it is mrs. kennedy who brought it up, they used to listen to recordings of that musical play. and she brought it up to teddy. teddy is smart enough, good enough reporter that this was a wonderful way to end the piece which he did. everything connected with that day has been blown totally out of proportion. conspiracy theories, single gun, i think the only piece of evidence that is not changed, still has the same validity is that 26 seconds of film. you can't change film. and it tells the truth. >> well, and so many people say that they'll always remember where they were when jfk was shot and it's certainly true for
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you. i'm wondering from your firsthand perspective what it was like on that day receiving the news and covering the news as a journalist and also experiencing it as an american? >> i think most journalists understand when they are in an extremely emotional dangerous situation, they put all of those feelings behind. and that day, all i knew was i had seen this film. it was an incredible piece of film "life" magazine was the place it belonged and we had to get it. everything i did that day, was aimed at that. i didn't begin to understand what the nation had gone through literally until i wrote the story for this book. i relived those days and went back over reporting i had done back then and looked up and suddenly, last fall, i realized for first time what america had gone through and i -- i will confess, i had tears in my eyes
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as i was writing my essay. >> and richard, ari here, i want to ask you before i let you go, one of the moving passages in this book by zarruder's grandmother, his home movie ended up exposing the details of his gruesome death and robbing him of his indignity. it's no wonder my grandfather forever wished he had never taken the film. he no longer took home movies after the assassination and found it very difficult to even look through the lens of a camera. tell us about that piece of the trauma. >> it's absolutely true. i mean, he was traumatized when i was negotiating with him a few weeks after the assassination. i called him up and said, mr. z, it's clear to me you don't have a copy of this film. you gave me the original and all of the copies. i said i want to send you a good first generation copy.
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there was a pause on the phone. he said, i do not want that film in my house. and he did not have a copy. >> wow. >> the book -- the only way i can describe it as chilling. it's beautiful. for those who didn't experience it, i feel like, i don't know about you krystal and tour'e, you feel you're living it for the first time. thank you for being here. our facebook fans are honoring our 35th president by remembering his greatest legacies. richard fritz said it is keeping us out of world war iii over the 1962 cuban missile crisis. jfk's greatest legacy is what he did for civil rights. make sure to like us on facebook and let us know what you think. up next, we'll roll through the new cycle and mean girls report, there's new research on aggressive female behavior. >> i have an appointment with emily charlton. >> andrea sacks.
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>> great. >> human resources has an odd sense of humor, follow me. that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. [ male announcer ] campbell's homestyle soup with farm grown veggies. just like yours. huh. [ male announcer ] and roasted white meat chicken. just like yours. [ male announcer ] you'll think it's homemade. i love this show. [ male announcer ] try campbell's homestyle soup.
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congressman trey radel pleaded guilty of cocaine possession. he said he purchased 3.5 grams from ab undercover officer and acknowledged he hit rock bottom and realizes he needs help. for now he claims he has no intentions of stepping down. according to our political unit, no member of congress has been arrested and convicted for cocaine use while in office. >> time for a change, that is how the american people feel about u.s. military policy towards sexual assault. the "washington post" poll found 6 in 10 want an overhaul. claims are handled by victim's own commanders instead of in a separate court of law. john kerry has reached an agreement with afghan officials over the future u.s. troop levels. details will be announced tomorrow.
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the afghans want some 2024. the pentagon hinted at the shorter time frame. we'll find out more tomorrow. wall street is pulling back from the early gains. a surprisingly big bump in retail sales last month. jc penny which struggled for years is leading after the sales rose for first time since december of 2011. the fed signaled it could curb its bond buying program in the coming months. set three indexes, especially the dow jones industrial average dropping. turning to a bit of science that caught our eye according to new research, mean girl behavior is real. >> you're wearing sweat pants. it's monday. >> so? >> so that's against the rules and you can't sit with us. >> whatever? those rules are aren't real. >> they were real that day i wore a vet. >> because that vest was disgusting. >> you can't sit with us!
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>> wow, the new study published in the new york times found when it comes to interacting with members of our own sex, women are as aggressive if not more aggressive than men. see how women reangted to a rival. they put two female college students in a room and introduced a good looking woman, either wearing something plain like a t-shirt and jeans or something provocative. the results are what you would expect. the woman in jeans barely got a look. once the woman in the mini skirt left, reported conversations caught comment on her appearance and insults about her intelligence and jokes about the likelihood she would have sex with her professor. let's spin. eventually the conclusion they come to in the research, these women were acting out by evolution nar programming that these -- the rival woman who came in who was good looking was somehow their sexual competitor so they were trying to undermine
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her. there may be something to that. there may not be. the research totally convinced me. if i was sitting in a short skirt and bustier, people would talk smack about me too, not because i'm a sexual competitor because it would be a weirdly inappropriate outfit to be wearing in this setting. to me it seems the women's remarks were just as likely out of a sort of setting the norm this person is violating the norm of what a normal outfit and normal apparel would be, rather than reeding into this evolutionary sexual predator piece. the other piece i want to point out, they is he specifically in the research that media influences haven't changed the way that women per see themselves haven't changed this aggressive dynamic between women. there's a whole other body of research that points to the fact as women portrayed inhe media
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have gotten thinner, the incidents of eating disorders and women having negative self-perception about their image have both increased. there very much is something to media portrayals of women feeding into this whole dynamic. >> you make a lot of great points but what this survey -- i thought showed me, it confirms what i already thought, what many people already thought that suppression and this pressure from female sexuality in many ways stems from women, not necessarily men. if you think about especially the world we know live in with more men working than ever and in school than ever. we are in the way of each other's success. we are the biggest threat to where we can eventually be. this stems back over time and evolution, women have always been this way, whether in villages competing to get the best looking husband if you were mormon and in polygamy or wife number 20, you could be competing to be wife number one.
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i don't think this is new information. i found that study real interesting with the different outfits because i'm sure you can relate to this. on weekends i'm totally a cowboy, baseball hat and sweats. i can't tell you how different my interactions are with people at the store or at a restaurant -- >> with women specifically. >> women specifically compared with i'm dressed nicer. i do think that's how we are wired as women. we don't like to see they are animals, but i think it goes back to that. we're competitive as women in nature and little bit of insecurity as well. >> there was a biological piece to this, to some interpretations, which is a funny thing. if i say i'm hungry or they are city, we know this is visceral physical like a animal. when we talk about sex and love and procreation it gets uncomfortable. they try to decouple those
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stigmas from the conduct and look in an aggregate level. i was looking at one of the journals that the studies appear in and talks about, when they did control an aggregate level, they found women were much more impacted by their friends around their body image and confidence than other factors like pop culture and movies and media. which isn't to say they are zero. there are studies that go in a different direction. the other piece of the article that's interesting, you mentioned norms. you might be right that it's the norm being violated. i think part of what these studies try to excavate, where does it come from? they have this term where they mention that female pro miss cutie by other women, shut shaming, trying to devalue women they see as too promiscuous and
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because of these other evolutionary competitive factors. these problems, or these competitive activities, are occurring more according to the research in afluent societies than in more traditional society. you say maybe this is an instinct but being excavated to some degree in a place where we have the time and money, et cetera to media's influence as . >> women have some play in this dynamic. part of the reason for culture competition within women comes from the the massive role men play in these dynamics. it has been used for centuries to suppress women's sexuality and enhance pat tree arcual domestic nation and we discuss
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rapes and talk about ways women are to be blamed or women can do things to keep themselves from being raped, rather than saying men, don't rape women. that's actually a really valuable thing. >> but that's obviously part of the conversation. >> as well though, what makes me uncomfortable about the study, it seems like it's saying, women are naturally catty and keeping each other back. >> to hear you say that women are the greatest barrier to other women's success, it makes me really sad women are not your greatest competition and keeping you back or keeping other women like you back. it is men. and men being greedy with the power. >> as always -- >> there's also been historically only a few slots for powerful women at the top of the hierarchy. >> that's still true.
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up next, one of the nation's top female legal minds is blocked from becoming a judge, in part because she agrees with the law of the land on abortion. this really happened. just a piece of the story. much more to come in "the cycle." ♪ ♪ by the end of december, we'll be delivering ♪ ♪ through 12 blizzards blowing ♪ 8 front yards blinding ♪ 6 snowballs flying ♪ 5 packages addressed by toddlers ♪ ♪ that's a q ♪ 4 lightning bolts ♪ 3 creepy gnomes ♪ 2 angry geese ♪ and a giant blow-up snowman ♪ that kind of freaks me out [ beep ] [ female announcer ] no one delivers the holidays like the u.s. postal service. priority mail flat rate is more reliable than ever. and with improved tracking up to 11 scans, you can even watch us get it there. ♪
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you can even watch us get it there. especially today, as people are looking for more low, and no calorie options. that's why on vending machines, we're making it easy for people to know how many calories are in their favorite beverages, before they choose. and we're offering more low calorie options, including over 70 in our innovative coca-cola free-style dispensers. working with our beverage industry and restaurant partners, we're helping provide choices that make sense for everyone. because when people come together, good things happen.
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have had enough. >> appointing judges to fill vacant judicial sorts is not courting back, it's the president's right as well as his duty. >> this is becoming a pattern, embarrassing pattern in the united states senate and this court is exhibit a in the abuse of a filibuster. >> the president of the united states, nominates judges with the advice and consent of the senate. there's no clause that says except when that president is a democrat. >> when is the last time you saw elizabeth warren that fired up? why are more judicial nominees facing filibusters? let's look at the last four the republicans blocked from a vote to get on the d.c. circuit court of appeals. looking at those faces, let's see why would gop senators say these nominees don't even deserve a vote? well, women's groups like now argue republicans are blocking female nominees even as under one third of active judges are
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women. republicans counter it has nothing to do with who the nominees are but rather the d.c. court isn't busy and doesn't immediate nor judges. caroline frederickson worked in the senate, clinton white house and president of the american constitution society for law and policy. how are you? >> great, ari, great to be on the show. >> good to have you. if someone is watching and not super into following judicial nominations and feel like, well, i've heard about this before, don't both sides do it? >> well, ari, they do to some extent. but there is doing it and there's doing a lot of it. what the republicans have done is done so much of it it's become completely out of hand. and we're at a point where the obstruction -- you showed that chart with the number of filibusters that the republicans have brought against obama's president obama's nominees on the judicial sides, 34 of those were for judicial nominees and
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that's twice of number of cloture votes they had during the whole george w. bush administration so i think it really is a telling tale about how different the sides have been. the filibuster has been used by democrats but in very different circumstances and very much less often. >> speaking of the bush administration, you can think about miguel estrada, he's too extreme, can't vote for miguel. you couldn't use the same rationale for republican senators to say obama's picks are too extreme for us? >> they could, except let's remember what really happened during the bush administration, which is that president bush, except for estrada and one or two others, got almost every single nominee blocked by the democrats on the bench at the end of the day. janice rogers brown on the d.c. circuit who just handed down that incredibly terrible decision on the con ttraceptive
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provision of affordable care. if you want extreme, there's your example. >> we heard harry reid talk about court packing. they are trying to court pack it. an interesting quote from mother joans nominating judges for ordinary form of vacancies is a disingenuous claim. there are only 8 people on court right now. so is it court packing to fill all of the seats? >> it's silly. it's so silly. you don't want to really give it the time of day to answer. but it's like saying i try to come up with any silly analogy. if i go on doubles court and had two people on my team, we would be packing tennis court. it's silly. it's the number of judgeships on that court. when judgeorge bush was the
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president they filled them all. all of a sudden, what, the d.c. circuit doesn't have enough work and its workload declined so extraordinarily. the fact of the matter is the republicans during the bush administration said this is the most important court right after the supreme court. it's business is so important and now, you know, we need to get -- >> they don't need those judges, not important. >> i think what's so egregious too, the republicans even before they knew who the nominees were going to be were indicating they were likely to block them. we have seen some movement, harry reid who is a sort of senate institutionalist who was opposed to any sort of filibuster reform all throughout the president's first term is now signaling that he may be ready to go with the so-called nuclear option and change the filibuster rules with regard in particular to judicial nominees. doesn't this sort of behavior by republicans demonstrate how necessary and critical that
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reform really is. >> i mean, i think it's really -- it's been almost forced upon the democrats. what can you do? president obama has three years left in his second term. if this is the way it's going to go, every single nominee, congressman what, who's been blocked, the first sitting congressman in decades blocked for a cabinet position. in all of the judicial nominations and who knows what other vacancy will need to be filled, critical positions in the government. if the republicans are putting a brake on and saying, no, anybody but obama's nominees, we'll hold this open until the next presidency. we'll have a crisis. i think a rule change is what's necessary and it's what's going to have to happen. >> it's hard to play tennis without two people on the court and hard to govern without people in these courts. thanks for spending time with us. >> thank you so much. >> up next from the judicial bench to the nfl locker room,
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it's every fan's dream. for the entire year gets to live and breathe the new york jets. he's going to tell us what he found up next. [ sniffles, coughs ] shhhh! i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat that. it doesn't? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh what a relief it is! [ camera shutter clicks ]
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thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. lately the nfl has been taking hits off the field, harder than its biggest linebackers could deliver on the field. the bullying scandal unearthed a locker room culture that some
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find frightening and tony dorsett's revelation has increased that -- the intense appeal of this violent endeavor be maintained while keeping the sport from being so dangerous that it's like a slow motion hunger games? our next guess, welcome, nicholas davidoff. you say mike tannen balm was told by bill parcels, this sport is not for the well adjusted which makes me think of the dolphin bullying culture. did you see anything during your time in the locker room that led you to think what we have heard about the bullying culture in the dolphins locker room is more widespread in other places? >> not like that at all. to the contrary, what i mostly saw was a culture -- i mean
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football culture, the nature of football culture it's pretty conformist and that's necessary because it is a collective team endeavor. within the realm of the team, you need to think of a football team in the sense the games are very, very distinct exceptions and most of football life takes place in a nfl facility. what goes on in the facility is a little bit like what goes on in a typical office. there are lots of people -- a typical office where people are working very hard, very long hours on a committed activity. people when things are going well, people get along better generally than when things aren't going well and more stress, little things amount to more. in my experience in talking to even some of the players subsequent to what's come out in miami, this was a really big exception. that being said, however, i can see how something like this almost casually could develop. the things i did experience there, there's a lot of teasing and a lot of sort of people are
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noting all sorts of differences. they were noting differences in me. s an suv culture, they were pointing out i drove a mini cooper. i was eating beat salads. >> now i want to tease you. >> i like beet salad. >> anybody can tell the difference between teasing that is affect nat and brings people together and something that is mean spirited. what was going on in miami horrified the people i've talked to subsequent to that because it was so laced with cruelty. >> nothing like mini coopers and beet salads to bring you together. we're learning more and more about the realities of life post-nfl among players who
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suffered serious brain injuries and brett favre was one of them and spoke out recently with matt lauer on the "today" show. let's take a list in. >> if i have a son, i would be real leery of him playing and that sounds -- in some respects i'm almost glad i don't have a son because of the pressures that he would face, but also the physical toll that it could possibly take on him, not to mention if he never made it. he's going to be a failure in everyone's eyes, but more the physical toll it could take. >> brett is one of many who opened up but not even remembering day to day things. you were there when running back joe mcknight suffered a concussion in the preseason. did you sense players were concerned about this at all or more concerned about the here and now?
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you have to be a certain kind of person on the field. part of that is someone who can't think about the pain or potential for injury because that's a good way to get hurt. it's a very, very violent sport. it's a dangerous sport. if you think of violence and danger, that's not going to do well for you on the field. i didn't get the sense -- i sort of existed in two worlds, the world in which i walk in my regular life, what people wanted to talk about. but at the facility, people only talked about concussions if i asked them about it and most people were -- i thought there were two reasons, the one i just expressed. but also, i think people felt football is a difficult and rigorous game to be successful at. they seeded that whole conversation to someone else. this was the medical business and they were grateful, i think that people are concerned about their health and well being. but it's so hard to make it in the nfl that the players are
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really thinking about what to do to stay on the field. i would stress, however, that one of the things that several players talked about was the evolution of the feelings about health and about pain. even if their time in football. it used to be if you were concerned about injuries and things when you had them, you were considered soft. now they would say that you know, the object is to get people on the field in healthy a capacity as possible. the whole culture whether or not you go into the training room has changed. i would say nfl culture has been a fairly conservative culture that is slow to evolve. i think it will evolve and i think that these public conversations that people like brett favre are having about concussions, the conversations that we're having now about bullying, those are good and healthy things for football as they are for society because it means football will have to change. >> all right, thank you. good luck with the book and beet salad. it's donut friday at the office. and i'm low man on the totem pole.
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medicare open enrollment. of year again. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare you feel...congested. beat down. crushed. but sudafed gives you maximum strength sinus pressure and pain relief. so you feel free. powerful sinus relief. sudafed. open up. you can fill that box and pay one flat rate. how naughty was he? oh boy... [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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you've probably heard there are some oh problems with the obama care website. what is obama care, that is a certi serious question. i keep hearing huge confusion over what this law does. and that's not an accident. lots of politicians try to confuse people about it. here are three things to know about this policy. first, obama care is not a health care product. it's a set of rules to help every american get health care. so there is no obama care doctor. there is no obama care insurance. instead, the law creates rules to protect americans against
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insurance companies using unfair practices. so the law prevents companies from discriminating against sick people, and from cancelling your health care as soon as you get sick. that's federal law today, applying to everyone. and that's a good thing. second, obama care does not create a new government health care service. it builds on programs that already work. so it adds some benefits to medicare, like preventive services and prescription drugs. and it offers money to states so they can expand medicaid. that's key. many americans are uninsured, because they're simply too poor to buy health insurance. obama care tackles that by offering medicaid funding for those people, whom the law defines as families of four living on 600 bucks a week or less. usually a lot less. so that's now happening in 26 states with about 400,000 more people getting covered. and that expanded coverage brings us to the final thing people don't seem to get about obama care. it's tackling the crisis of the uninsured by expanding both private sector coverage and public coverage.
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to see that, you have to look at the entire health care market in the country and put the website drama to the side for a minute. about half the country gets health care through an employer. another third gets it from popular public programs, like medicare and medicaid. then, about 5% of people buy it themselves, that's the individual market, and that's where folks are having problems with accessing that federal website. and then there's the 15% of americans who have no health care at all. these people need health care. a lot of us believe we have a moral obligation to cover them. and even if you don't feel that way, they still do get public health care when they go to the e.r. and it's much more expensive than just covering them in the first place, which is, of course, why most developed democracies already do that. right now, obama care is working by cutting down that 15%, and replacing it with the other parts of this chart. it's expanding public programs. expanding private coverage in the states. and expanding private coverage
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through that federal website. now, as we know, and as i said 30 seconds ago, the problems with the federal website have definitely slowed that part of the expansion. last month, 1 million people who applied for coverage of some sort logged off without actually formally choosing a plan. but the problems haven't stopped this expansion. let's be clear for a minute about the data. more americans are getting health care with more options and more funding. over 500,000 americans now have health care and millions more, as we know, are eligible for funding to get covered. that was objective, regardless whether politicians under it or critics root for failure. our health care system has been a mess for generations. that needed to change. and that's what this law aims to do. hoping it will fail is not a policy, and it's not responsible. republican politicians need to hear that, and understand it's
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past time to root for success. that does it for "the cycle" today. martin, all years. >> thank you, ari. good afternoon. it's wednesday november the 20th. and whatever the policy, the republican answer is simple. no, thanks. ♪ all of us have moments when we wonder, what the heck was i thinking? >> president obama is kind of getting all the late night jokes now. >> better him than me. >> i have quite a bit. >> there is an opportunity, taking the negative and making it a positive. you're talking about young people. you talk to them about doing something that the system didn't want you to do. >> one side of capitol hill is invested in failure. >> this health care law needs to be scrapped. >> the so-called establishment side of the republican party seems to be rising up against the tea party. >> president obama, he'll enforce this law, not enforce another law. that is impeachable. >> are you to say kentucky is a success
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