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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  November 22, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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politics nation with al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, standing up to the bully. for the past five years, the gop has denied this president's legitimacy. they didn't know it the mandate of the past two presidential elections, dismissed the idea of compromise. but now the president and democrats are saying enough is enough. they made the bold decision to scale back senate rules that republicans have used to block the president's nominees. and would you believe it, the gop, the same obstructionist party that ended political civility in this country is now whining. >> i mean, now we've got a big bully, harry reid says he's going to break the rules and make new rules. basically he's become the dictator of the senate.
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>> senate paul doesn't like bullies. this is a man who called president obama un-american. and who compared the president's rise to that of hitler. but his feelings are hurt. and so are senator mcconnell's. >> if you want to play games, set yet another precedent that you'll no doubt come to regret, say to my friends on the other side of the aisle, you'll regret this and you may regret it a lot sooner than you think. >> democrats will regret this? this from the man who proudly declared that he wanted to make president obama a one-term president? and how about this? >> this action today creates a perpetual opportunity for the tyranny of the majority because it permits a majority in this body to do whatever it wants to do any time it wants to do it. >> a tyranny?
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really? just last month senator alexander voted to block this man mel watt from a position with the federal housing finance agency. he became the first sitting member of congress to be successfully filibustered since before the civil war. and yet senator alexander has a problem with tyranny? here's what republicans really don't like. by invoking this option, the president will be able to get things done. just look at this. right now there are eight judges on the powerful d.c. circuit court. four democrats, four republicans and three sets are open. with that split in power, the court has overturned the president's regulation on financial reform on recess appointments. most recently, a panel on the court struck down obama care's contraception mandate. but with yesterday's decision, this court will become 7-4 democratic. one of the biggest road blocks
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to the president's agenda will be gone. growing up in brooklyn, i learned one thing, you have to stand up to the neighborhood bully. president obama and the democrats have done just that. joining me now are melissa harris perry and susan milligan. thank you both for coming on the show. >> absolutely. >> thanks, reverend. >> melissa, let me start with you. >> yep. >> are republicans angry about this change because they've lost a tool to obstruct the president? >> i think that's right. i do think that members of the u.s. senate take very seriously these rules. they see themselves in this 100-person, you know, body as sort of these gentlemen who do work this way. but what we can see just --
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there isn't a time where the president hasn't been able to fulfill supreme court decisions, but just the people who work for him, right? it is a basic assumption that a president ought to be able to hire his own appointees. and they have made it impossible for that to happen. so i do think part of it is just some outrage that rules have changed. but for the most part, i think it's because they recognize that at least in the short-term it'll make it impossible to continue to block these low-level appointments. >> susan, at one level, you want to say as melissa has some of them are so respectful of the senate procedures and customs and traditions. but they made a perversion out of them using them in all kinds of ways, extending it beyond the boundaries they have that it is against anybody's procedure that we've seen the last 150 years, to block a sitting member of congress or to not have the president pick his judicial choices. so many ways, they themselves had began disrespecting senate procedure and tradition. now, they want to be selective on which ones the president and
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the democrat should uphold when they've already tore down a lot of them? >> well, you know, look, when the vote was over -- and by the way, it was a somber vote. it was really -- nobody was happy about this. and senator mccain who i truly believe really respects the institution. but he came out and said i'm not angry, i'm very sad. first i felt sad too because it seemed like a part of the old senate had died. and all the reality is, that part of the old senate died a long time ago. and it died when they stopped using the filibuster just as a rare thing to sort of keep the majority in check and reject appointees who might be incompetent or corrupt. they started to use and the democrats did, as well, because they thought someone was too extreme and that's in the eye of the beholder. then it got to the point where they would filibuster somebody because it's not the person they would have picked. that's not your choice, you're not president. i get they don't like this president, i get they don't like this presidency. he was elected, he gets to pick
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his cabinet. >> and it has consequences. and i'm not saying we should click our heels in the air, but look at the fact we can get things done now, melissa. with the gop, aren't they angry because the filibuster change will boost the president's agenda? there are currently 93 judicial vacancies that he'll now be able to fill. how important is this filling judicial vacancies given the political and legal obstruction against his policy? >> so, actually, i think this is more important than the question of the president's agenda. in other words, the house of representatives is so obstructionist right now, still in gop control that it may not do much to get president obama's policy agenda through. but here is what it will do. it will impact president obama's legacy. there is nothing more important that a president does in terms of things that go on long after him than those federal judicial appointments. and particularly that d.c. court which is the feeder court for the supreme court of the united
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states whomever becomes president in 2016, democrat or republican, it will make an enormous difference what those federal vacancies on the bempbl, how they are filled. this was the last opportunity for president obama to have a meaningful legacy left in the judicia judiciary. and that was the thing these republicans in the senate were most interested in obstructing. >> susan, not only his legacy, but the progress and the moving forward for american people on policies that we could not move because of the obstructionism, practice in a real, real hard way by the republicans. >> well, that's true. because some of the appointments that have been held up were held up because the republicans didn't like the law that person was going to be administering or supporting. so, for example, richard cordray for the consumer board, he was held up because they don't like that board that was created under the financial reform law. other people have been held up because, you know, they're
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trying to get something on another issue. senator graham has been holding up all appointments because he wants information on benghazi. i get he wants that information, those documents, but you can't mix the two. and also, what we're doing, is why would anybody want to go into public service anymore? peter diamond is a nobel prize winner in economics. and he was filibustered to be on the fed board. why would anybody bother anymore. what kind of people are we going to get seeking office? >> that's my point and it hurts the american people who need that kind of talent. you know, senator mcconnell is outraged now, melissa. but he had a different feeling about the filibuster in 2005. then he said, quote, regardless of party, any president's judicial nominees after full debate deserve a simple up and down vote. >> yep. >> now, there's been progress here on both sides because democrats have taken a different position. but republicans say democrats are hypocritical too. but look at the obstruction
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under the -- under president obama. it's been unprecedented. in all of u.s. history. under all previous presidents, melissa, a total of 86 presidential nominees have been filibustered. but during the past five years, republicans have blocked 82 of president obama's nominees. that's nearly the same as all of the previous presidents combined. >> you cannot overemphasize this point. and i want to connect it back to susan's earlier point. what that means is here the president is reelected. reelected by a strong majority of the american people -- >> correct. >> who are saying we want you to go back and govern. with all the problems of the republican house, but go back and govern. when this president calls people around the country and says i want you to come and serve your country. i want you to serve your country on this board or in this role or this level, people are going to say, well, of course not. why would i put myself in that position. and they can say that because they can look at a track record
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that at this point is appalling. i think the important thing here to know is -- the hypocrisy thing, whatever. the point is that neither democrats nor republicans wanted to change these rules. democrats ended up changing these rules because they felt there was no other option. >> melissa harris perry and susan milligan, thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> thank you so much. >> and mr. sure to catch melissa harris-perry weekends at 10:00 a.m. right here on msnbc. coming up, obama care is working. don't believe me, just ask john boehner, big news from the speaker today. plus, the right wing championed george zimmerman to push gun rights and made him the poster boy for stand your ground laws. now the people that know him best say he acted like, quote, a monster. where's the right wing now?
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and we're learning more about why new mexico police shot at a van with five kids inside. we hear from the mom and a new tape you have to see this. >> open the door! open the door! my commentary on deadly force is ahead. stay with us. say hello to the new jodge family. the new jodge durango. the jodge dart and the jodge charger. [ director ] cut! ok, it's pronounced dodge! i don't wanna tell you how to do your job, pal but i'm pretty sure it's a soft d. [ director ] let's just try dodge. alright -- hello america. say hello to the new dodge family. the new dodge durango.
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the dodge...oh god this thing is going downhill fast. it's definitely jodge. ♪
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conservatives champion george zimmerman before and during the trayvon martin trial. >> is there anything you regret? do you regret getting out of the car to follow trayvon that night?
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>> no, sir. >> no regrets. but this week, there's silence from the right wing. but why? that's coming up. ting? o ccas constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy.
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[ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® from day one, speaker john boehner has been one of obama care's biggest critics. take a look. >> this health care law needs to be scrapped now. we want to repeal obama care -- the law's a train wreck. it is a train wreck. it has to go. >> tough talk, but guess what, tonight he's covered. that's right. john boehner is now enrolled in
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obama care. he signed up yesterday as required by the law. congratulations, speaker boehner, you have reason to smile. you're now one of millions of americans who are benefitting from obama care. he didn't reveal what plan he got but the numbers were crunched to produce a good guesstimate, a 64-year-old smoker, boehner is said to smoke two packs a day who lives in washington earns $200,000 a year, he can get a bronze obama care plan for $370 a month. that's less than 2% of his income. great news, speaker boehner, maybe you can share with some of your fellow republicans, like congressman darrell issa who kicked off his anti-obama care road show with a hearing in north carolina. or governor rick perry who said that expanding medicaid under
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obama care would, quote, be like putting 1,000 more people on the titanic. extending health care to the poor is like a disaster that killed innocent people? really? republicans are out of touch and need a reality check-up. joining me now is congressman emmanuel cleaver, a democrat from missouri. thanks for your time tonight, congressman. >> yes, good to be with you, reverend. >> now that speaker boehner is happily enrolled in obama care, any chance he'll have a change of heart and join you in trying to make the law work better? >> no, i don't think there's any chance because i think the republicans have designed a pathway to retaining the house and winning the senate and maybe even the presidency ultimately by attacking obama care. and they're going to continue to
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do it even as they are all enrolling in it with their families. and they perhaps don't understand or need to be reminded that it is foolish to blow out a candle if you don't have another candle that's brighter and bigger to eliminate the darkness. and they don't have a candle. that's the problem. they cannot present light. so the only thing remaining is to attack, criticize. it's always important to find out the purpose behind criticism because it then reveals the legitimacy of criticism. there's nothing behind this but politics. >> boehner's not the only one signing up for obama care. look at these new numbers from california. 30,000 enrolled in october. but nearly 50,000 signed up in less than three weeks of november. in fact, the "washington post" reports, congressman, there's a november surge in enrollment nationwide.
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will republicans admit that the law is gaining steam? >> no, they won't. and if you go back and look at the predictions, we knew from the very beginning it was going to be slow enrollment. if we had cooperation from all the governors and all the cooperation from the members of the house and the senate, there's no question that we can do quality health care, affordable health care for all of the people in this country. and they're not going to back up -- i don't care how great the statistics look in california or in missouri, any place else, they're not going to back up. as i said earlier, it's about politics. >> now, you know, the other huge story this weekend is how obama care is reducing the growth of health care spending. in the three decades before obama care, spending rose by an
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average of 4.5%. in the three years after obama care, spending rose just 1.3%. that's the best ever. the law is working. when will the right wingers admit this, congressman? >> well, i was glad to see those new numbers about how the cost is dropping. and almost any reasonable person would say, hey, we're moving in the right direction. but i don't think -- i think reason has been thrown out the window when it comes to the affordable care act. even though it is really something that was picked up from the heritage foundation and redesigned. and so this is really a republican plan. and that's why i'm confused over all of the hatred. anybody can criticize. no talent is required. no vision is necessary. no deep thought is entailed. you just criticize. and if you are legislatively
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lifeless, which is what we see right now with the leadership in the house, then you've got to do something. so you just talk and criticize. >> congressman cleaver, thanks for your time. have a great weekend. coming up, rush limbaugh's latest vile comment trying to attack obama care and the democrats. plus, remember all those conservatives who were praising george zimmerman as a champion for gun rights and stand your ground laws? why are they totally silent now? but first, on a day to remember president kennedy, conservatives are trying to rewrite history. that's next. a can of del monte green beans?
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today on the 50th anniversary of john f. kennedy's assassination, we remember his legacy as a strong democrat. and a strong liberal. but the right wing is distorting his record, trying to claim jfk
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would be a conservative today. >> if you could bring back the politician that jfk was, he wouldn't be accepted by the republican party because he would be a tea party radical. he wouldn't even recognize what this country had become. >> what if i told you he was more to the right than the left likes to admit? >> i think jfk today would have been in terms foreign affairs conservative, and domestic affairs, a tax cutter. >> he was not in any way a liberal as you know liberals today. >> actually, president kennedy was exactly the kind of liberal we see in america today. the right wing has it all wrong. for example, on taxes, president kennedy proposed a 65% tax rate on the rich. that would be laughable in today's gop. the top rate under president
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bush was 35%. got to protect those millionaires. modern day republicans have voted repeatedly to gut medicare. but president kennedy is the one who proposed the original version of medicare that passed after his death. here's what he said about it. >> this cooperation between a progressive citizen and a progressive government is what has made this country great. what we are now talking about in our children's day will seem to be the ordinary business of government. >> progressive government doesn't sound too republican to me. and modern right wingers cheered when conservatives on the supreme court gutted the voting rights act. the act that was a critical part of kennedy's call for civil rights. >> it'll be possible for american citizens of any color to register and to vote in a free election without
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interference or fear of reprisal. >> the truth is, president kennedy embodied the best of american liberalism. those who say otherwise don't understand his legacy at all. nice try, but we got you. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box.
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it's been a damning week for conservatives who tried to turn george zimmerman into a right wing hero. zimmerman was arrested on monday on charges he pointed a shotgun at his girlfriend. a claim he denies. on tuesday, the world saw him in handcuffs in a jump suit. once again facing a florida judge. on wednesday, a reporter revealed on this show zimmerman's girlfriend said she was afraid of him, felt threatened and said he was fascinated with guns. and on thursday, zimmerman's es stran estranged wife spoke out and had
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her own story of fear. >> it certainly seems like like something snapped in his spirit. >> and made him behave like what? >> like a monster. >> like a monster. far from what the right wing painted after he killed trayvon martin and the months leading up to the trial. he was treated with kid gloves in his prime time interview. >> is there anything you regret? do you regret getting out of the car to follow trayvon that night? >> no, sir. >> do you regret you had a gun that night? >> no, sir. >> do you feel you wouldn't be here for this interview if you didn't have that gun? >> no, sir. >> do you feel you would not be here? >> i feel that it was all god's plan. >> and time and again hannity would use his show to play devil's advocate for zimmerman.
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>> if this was some type of racially motivated killing and george zimmerman does not seem to fit the profile as somebody who mentored minority children. there's a bounty out on the head of george zimmerman. there's been this rush to judgment by so many. >> this idea that zimmerman was being unfairly criticized by the media was a major theme on the right. >> who's going to protect zimmerman? if zimmerman is harmed, i blame the president of the united states. >> a good citizen, george zimmerman cared about his neighborhood that had been inundated with crime and burglaries. >> if anybody had a crime committed against him to get this thing started it was zimmerman. >> so why would they champion a man who killed an unarmed 17-year-old? in part, to make a political argument. to oppose gun laws and to
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support the controversial stand your ground law. many of those same voices have been silent this week. joining me now are jonathan capehart and goldie taylor. george zimmerman has been in the news all week, yet silence from the right. why, jonathan? >> well, could it be that they're embarrassed or embarr s embarrassed by what george zimmerman has been doing since he was found not guilty in july? i mean, this guy has been in our faces and in the news and, you know, involved with law enforcement since july. yeah, they're the parking tickets -- or is it the speeding tickets? that's one thing. but the 911 call from samantha this week, the 911 call from his ex-wife back in september. >> right.
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>> both domestic violence calls, both involving the police. this is something where understandably the right wing wouldn't want to wrap their arms around this guy. rev, these things happening right now are things that folks who have been following the case very closely sort of knew would happen. these things that he -- that police have been -- >> because the media wasn't bringing this out. >> well, remember, thanks to the sunshine laws in florida, we know a whole lot more than what could have been introduced in the florida courtroom. so, for instance, 2005, a restraining order was taken out by george zimmerman's fiancee against him, he took one out against her. there were anger management classes and assaulting a police officer. these are all things we knew in the media. and also that had been reported but never made it into the courtroom. >> but these are things that were known but still they made
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him a symbol and a hero for stand your ground in gun laws. >> well, certainly. you know, the idea that rush to judgment maybe was in place really cuts both ways. we are more inclined to believe the narrative of someone who really fits our agenda. and that's what happened on the right. those few minutes that trayvon martin encountered, unfortunately, george zimmerman that night really became the embodiment for a lot of issues on the right wing in terms of gun ownership, at the so-called right to bear arms in terms of stand your ground. you know, this whole boogieman of black on white crime out there. there were a lot of things that came together out there. so it was easy to lift up. now the issues have gone away. now that the real george zimmerman has stood up publicly and done this again and again in terms of domestic violence issues. you know, they're beginning to see a george zimmerman they
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would not want to have seen before. and so they're confronted with that. you're seeing an awful lot of silence. i would say there have been a couple of pundits who have pointed to the notion that george zimmerman is in trouble. they pointed to the notion maybe he got into this trouble after the death of trayvon martin. it probably started happening long before that. >> that's exactly right. i think that's the point. and on both sides, zimmerman's defense team tried to portray trayvon martin as aggressive. including a notoriously incorrect statement by mark o'mara, jonathan, listen to this. >> keep your mind open when we present to you the videos of him at these fights, not just as a pure spectator, but refereeing, one and being involved in taping one where two buddies of his are beating up a homeless guy. >> now, this is in the courtroom to the jury. but a few days later, o'mara
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apologized and admitted there weren't any such video of trayvon martin's buddies. but the statement was already out there. implying it was plausible that zimmerman was merely defending himself, jonathan. >> you know, that was the courtroom strategy that we knew would be employed by the defense team and that mark o'mara employed. trying to put trayvon martin on trial, trying to make trayvon martin look like he was threatening, he was a predator. he was the one who was as george zimmerman said in his 911 call up to no good. and it was -- it was a painful thing to watch and a troubling thing to watch, especially knowing what we knew that was never going to be introduced in court about george zimmerman's background. >> now, and i might add that i know that o'mara's statement was in open court. i believe it was to the judge.
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i'm not certain, i don't think the jury was there. but this week shelly zimmerman, goldie, who stood by george during the trial talked about what her husband's personality was like. listen. >> i found out he was lying about a lot of things. and he became like a pacing lion. very unpredictable. i haven't seen him in a couple of months, but it certainly seems like something snapped in his spirit. >> and made him -- behave like what? >> like a monster. >> it seems as if george is a ticking time bomb. i mean, given all these incidents, these run-ins, you know repeated incidents over just this last year. what do you think is going to
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happen to him? >> i don't know. i certainly hope that there are no casualties. i hope that there's no violence. but he does seem like a ticking time bomb. i know i'm certainly afraid. >> now, here is his wife. here is a woman that stayed with him seven years using terms like a ticking time bomb. all these kinds of things. where is the outrage on the right? i mean, you could be misled, you could feel something and find out later it wasn't that. but they've said nothing. and they knew he had these questions in his background. they've gone radio silent. >> again, we're talking about protecting a narrative here and that george zimmerman, this george zimmerman is no longer useful to the narrative they needed to advance. listen, you know, fame and glory and spotlights, they don't change people, they simply reveal them. and so george zimmerman under
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this national -- no really this global glare has really been revealed for who he is. and i think there's a lot of emotional and instability there that hadn't been checked before. but unless something -- and i have to agree with this wife here, unless something gets in his way, whether it is jail or therapy and counseling or some other kind of intervention, we all have to fear what george zimmerman might do and to whom the next time. >> jonathan and goldie, thanks for your time tonight. have a great weekend. >> thank you. coming up, the late night comedians going nuclear. and a new video of a police shooting at a van with five kids inside. it's raising questions. stay with us. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer.
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the senate changed its rules and the comedians are loving it. >> thank you for joining us on this the last day of america. because folks, it is all over. they used the nuclear option. that'll give congress radiation burns. too late. >> good one. anyone else want to pile on? >> at one point he said, well, the american business is far too important for the rules. well, how far do you take that? you could ignore the house, have a military coup. >> there's a ton -- >> a military coup, hilarious,
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comedy gold. who else is throwing out the zingers? >> if they want to nominate communists to be judges, there's no stopping them now. >> avowed communists becoming judges, look out jimmy fallon, here comes rush limbaugh. but the late night war is just getting started. >> tonight, this administration proved just how low they will go to push through the radical agenda. >> ended up throwing gasoline on the brush fire of partisanship. >> perfectly comfortable with tyranny. they really are. >> this is becoming the most lawless regime in the history of this country. >> hilarious. but just one problem, they aren't comedians. they're the republican party. >> really, it's almost now one party -- whatever they want to do, they're going to do, they're not afraid of any ramifications.
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what obama will now be able to do is pack this court. and there's no stopping him. so if obama wants to nominate, oh, i don't know, bashar assad to the ninth circuit court of appeals, there's no stopping him. >> president obama would nominate a brutal dictator to a judgeship? forget late night comics, this crowd is a bad reality show. joining me now are patricia murphy and joe madison. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> joe, they can be unhappy about the rule change but what do you make of this language? >> well, i -- i usually don't disagree with you, reverend sharpton, but i'm going to take strong disagreement on you this one. they are comedians. they are funny. there's no if, and, buts about it. and the thing they don't understand in all seriousness,
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the senate is the deliberate body. that's what they're known as the most deliberate body. and that's why you heard in your previous segments with melissa saying that, look, no one wanted to do this, we were forced to do this. and here's what they're very upset about. they've lost again. they lost in 2008. they lost in 2012. they've lost the birther argument. they've lost every argument that they've put forth and they have now lost and here's the great thing about what is happening. i think most americans are very pleased with this. they can -- they can't do anything about it. because when you don't fill judicial seats, you have justice delayed. justice delayed is justice denied. >> you know, when you look at the fact that the head of the republicans rush limbaugh made another ridiculous comparison
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about the senate change, he compared the senate to a group of ten people that was -- that banned rape and needed six votes to overturn the ban. listen to what he said. >> every now and then some lunatic in the group proposes to change the rule to allow women to be raped. but they never were able to get six votes for it. there were always the four women voting against hit and there was two guys. well, the guy that kep propot proposing finally got tired. and said, you know what, we're going to change the rule. now all we need is five. >> you know, patricia, it seems like it's par for the cause. a republican making a wildly inappropriate comment about rape. >> that comment's disgusting, it's totally uncalled for. nothing to do with what happened in the senate. i actually don't think that the democrats should've changed
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those rules. i think those rules are nonpartisan. i think that by changing the rules they have played into republicans' hands and who want to call them tyrannical and want to say they're doing a power grab. i think they should have tried to beat the republicans within the rules and not by changing the rules. that's my personal opinion. but there's no reason, no justification, no way under the sun that you can compare that to what rush limbaugh compared that to. and it's just another example of trying to win people over through distortions and through disgusting comparisons and something that has absolutely nothing to do with facts. >> but isn't that the problem, joe, that even when they may have some basis of making an argument that many in the middle, some independents might hear, they over jump the runway. they go way to the extreme and turn off their own potential support. >> and where i disagree and i understand exactly what's being said here. but let me just respectfully
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disagree. that approach that you just described would be great if you were dealing with honest brokers. you're not dealing with honest brokers. when the leader of the republican party in the senate says, what, just a year or so after the election if not that long, my number one legislative goal is to do whatever it takes not to help america but to defeat this president. even if it's not in the best interest of americans, then you're not dealing with an honest broker. and so as i pointed out, i'm certain no one wanted to do this. but if nuclear destruction comes something we forget this called mutual assured destruction. and that's exactly what the republicans have done to themselves with all this record filibustering that you so aptly pointed out earlier in the show.
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>> and i think already the republicans cast a lot of the house, senate rather traditions and protocol to the wind. i mean when you've got 150 years you're going to deny a sitting member of congress. when you're going to deny every nominee that the president nominates to a court and not even go down the record. and then the president is being accused by the right of acting as a dictator. and that's a frequent attack. but they also accuse him of being weak at the same time, patricia. what is it? are you a dictator or are you weak? i mean, listen to this. >> every time i hear him say he's not a dictator, he doesn't complete the statement but i wish i was. the absence of leadership, which is what we've got here. >> my next guest has decided to stand up to king obama. >> obama is weak.
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he's an appeaser. >> i mean how can he be both a king and an appeaser? doesn't this show there's no substance to these attacks, patricia? >> i think they're entirely personal. i think the personal attacks are the weakest part of the attacks against obama from the republicans, certainly from talk radio. and i think we didn't hear similar attacks under the bush administration when it was the most massive expansion of executive power in american history. i think if we had heard those kinds of attacks during other times when there actually was an extensive expansion of executive power, it would be easier to take them more seriously. i think if president obama were a dictator, he could do things like fix the website. if he wanted to do anything he wanted, he'd be doing more things. i'm sure these attacks are personal, demeaning and well beneath the country these people say they want -- >> demeaning to the office. patricia murphy and joe madison, thank you for your time tonight. have a great weekend the both of
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you. >> you too, reverend sharpton. >> thank you so much. coming up, learning more about the new mexico police shooting at a car with five kids inside. a new tape you have to see. and the mother speaks out next. >> open the door! open the door! is. is. no matter how many ways i try to cover up, my psoriasis keeps showing up. all her focus is on me. but with these dry, cracked, red, flaky patches, i'm not sure if i want it to be. this is more than uncomfortable, it's unacceptable. visit where you can get refusing to hide, a free guide filled with simple strategies for living well with psoriasis. learn more at and talk to your dermatologist.
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we're learning more about that new mexico traffic stop from early this week that went very wrong. a mother driving with her five kids in a minivan was pulled over for speeding. she was asked to wait but disobeyed and drove away. when she was stopped again, chaos ensued. her 14-year-old son engages the officer and they scuffle. today, new tape from that moment including a video of more kids getting out of the van. >> get back! >> get on the ground! get on the ground! get on the ground! get on the ground!
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>> get on the ground! get out right now! get out! >> get them out. >> open the door. open the door! >> the police officer that shot says he was aiming at the rear tire. we're also hearing the mother's side. she writes in a local paper about injustice at its best. quote, as a single african-american mother of five in this country, things are tough enough. i should not have to endure harassment at the hands of someone who has been hired to protect the citizens of the land over an alleged speeding offense. no one should. the mother did disobey the
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police by driving away. and she was speeding and authorities say drug paraphernalia was found inside the minivan. there are lots of details we still don't know about this case. but here's what we do know, nothing justifies using deadly force on a vehicle with five children inside. that just shouldn't be acceptable. we'll keep following this story. ♪ [ male announcer ] this december, experience the gift of true artistry
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as tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc, i'm very proud of it and i hope you'll watch. thanks for watching, i'm al sharpton, have a great weekend. coming up are two special documentaries, first "jfk: the day that changed america," and at 8:00 p.m., "the kennedy brothers." stay tuned. hello, i'm chris matthews. welcome to our special night of programming to mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of president john f. kennedy. jfk's legacy as an inspirational leader is as large as the day he was hit by the assassin's bullets. ten years ago on the 40th anniversary, msnbc asked prominent americans where were you on that fateful day when time stood still? we talked to a variety of people from public figures to eyewitnesss to folks from jfk's inner circle about what his loss meant to them and to the country. sadly with t


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