tv Politics Nation MSNBC November 25, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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"politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts now. >> thanks, ed. tonight's lead, president obama builds a legacy of peace. that's causing right wingers to choke. as commander in chief, the president has made it clear that sending troops into harm's way should always be a last resort. that tough diplomacy should always be our first option. for the first time in nearly a decade, iran will freeze. iran has agreed -- inspectors will do the monitoring. in return, the u.s. has agreed
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to provide iran with relief from sanctions. it could be a first true step towards disarming iran. an advance the president said was made through diplomacy, not tough talk. >> we cannot close the door or diplomacy. we cannot rule out peaceful solutions to the world's problems. we cannot commit ourselves to endless conflict. and tough talk and bluster may be the easy thing to do politically, but it's not the right thing for our security. it is not the right thing for our security. >> there's no doubt this is a complicated issue. some members of both parties have voiced concern. but this deal with iran gets to the heart of what type of leader we have in president obama. he won the nobel peace prize because of this push for a world without nuclear weapons. he's a commander and chief who
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inherited two wars. he's seen the cost of those wars. and now he's ending them. this landmark deal with iran is about peace in the middle east and peace around the world eventually. american blood shed ending as well in that area, hopefully. yet republicans seem to think it's all about obama care? snartd john cornyn tweeted, quote, amazing. what the white house will do to distract attention from obama care and the right wing media agrees? >> these people will do anything to distract us from how bad obama care is. including let the iranians get a nuclear weapon down the road. >> now sparking many to believe it is another attempt to distract from the disastrous rollout. >> isn't that curious timing? look. john kerry pulls a rabbit out of
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his hat and changes the subject. it's handy for them. >> it is handy for them. put it that way. >> here's a hint to folks on the right. if the president was in the market for a distraction, he could have started a war with iran. that would be a distraction. but as the greatest country in the world, america shouldn't be afraid to use diplomacy first. >> i firmly believe in what president kennedy once said. he said let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate. i believe that. >> joining me now are joan walsh and former congressman patrick murphy. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> congressman, let me start with you. isn't it striking that the president is forging a historic nuclear agreement while the right make these ridiculous claims about obama care?
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>> it's crazy, rev. you know, mike schmidt is one of the best to play for the philadelphia phillies. he said playing for philadelphia you have to throw a victory and the agony of reading about it next day in the newspaper. that's what this deal is. this is a historic, great first step. and you have people like josh bolton who called it an abject surrender. you have guys saying this is like wag the dog the movie. this isn't hollywood. this is real life. this is leadership. this is about barack obama and john kerry leading the way so we don't have to fight unnecessary wars. >> you know, joan, but this is essential obama. this is what he ran on. >> right. >> this is what he said he was going to do. this is what he promised that he would try diplomacy first. but in addition to calling this a distraction from obama care, i'm talking about those on the
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right, they blasted the agreement with absurd comparisons. they said this is worse than munich meaning it's worse than appeasing the nazis. one right wing pundit even congratulated iran on its acquisition of the bomb. >> and i'm supposed to be surprised here, rev. i'm not surprised. these are the people also -- can we just say, these are most of the people that brought the iraq war that they lied us into and cost thousands of americans lives. and they have the audacity to criticize this man's moves to talk. we are talking to be talking. sanctions will be relaxed, they can quickly be imposed if they don't continue inspections. but you've got a crisis for the neocons right now. there are two things they don't believe in. they don'tiediplomacy,
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and they don't believe that barack obama can succeed. and so these two things together are causing an existential problem. >> the president also made another statement. we will trust but verify. listen to this. >> in these negotiations, nothing will be agreed to unless everything is agreed to. the burden is on iran to prove to the world that its nuclear program will be exclusively for peaceful purposes. >> now, when you contrast that position of go with diplomacy but we will verify everything. we're not going in blind. contrast that with what the famous video of gop senator john mccain from 2007. listen to this. >> when do we send them an airmail message to tehran?
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>> that old beach boys song bomb iran. bomb bomb bomb, anyway. >> i mean, quite a contrast. >> you're right, rev. and that's why this is so important. i mean, america at its best is the reluctant warrior. obama when he has to fight the wars, he comes through. he keeps our family safe. when you want to talk about gadhafi is dead, bin laden is dead. a few months ago syria, people wanted us to fight in syria. we didn't fight in syria and they're getting rid of their chemical weapons. that's a positive thing. now we have iran who is our biggest threat to our ally in israel enriching uranium and
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having u.n. inspectors on the ground immediately. that is a huge win. a huge win. >> let me push you a little there, congressman, because you were in the military in iraq. and you lived with the danger and the threat of losing your life and saw some of your buddies lose their lives. as you have these right wingers push, push, push, do you think the american people really understand what we're talking about, what we're doing to our own soldiers, our own military personnel when we keep pushing into these battles? >> i think, actually, rev, i'm confident the american people get it. who doesn't get it are these neocons that never wore the cloth of this country. and you're right, rev. this week i lost two men ten years ago this week. right before thanksgiving in baghdad. i lost 19 men total. these cats, they just don't get
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it. they just want to look for fights and these bloody engagements everywhere. i mean, let's start nation voting here at home. and with iran, this is an incredibly historic first step. no one -- john kerry and barack obama are not spiking the football saying this is all over. and it paves the way, it gives a space to make sure they continue to ratchet down their pursuit and reverse pursuit of a nuclear weapon which we can't allow happen. and this is what the deal does. >> joan, in addition the american people support the basic structure of this agreement. 64% support lifting sanctions in exchange for iran restricting its nuclear program. 64%. >> right. the president has the people on his side, and patrick's right. these neocons, they never met a war they didn't like. but they never met one they were willing to fight in. dick cheney famously got five
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deferments from the vietnam war. the rest of them are like that. this president is doing what he can to keep us out of war. you heard from democrats that were wobbly. they sound better today like they'll allow this the six months before imposing new sanctions. i hope that's true. we need to get people on the same page about this. >> joan walsh, patrick murphy, thanks for your time this evening. coming up, speaker boehner celebrated all weekend after signing up for obama care. tonight more signs from around the country it's working. and an exclusive interview with the speaker himself. well, sort of. plus rush limbaugh does it again. he's comparing filibuster reform to this -- >> every now and then some lunatic in the group proposes to change the rule to allow women to be raped. >> rape?
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this week millions of americans will deal with the massive winter storm that could cause chaos with their thanksgiving travel plans. the storm is expected to bring snow and ice to a huge part of the country. and affect thanksgiving for a lot of people. that's mother nature. that's something we can't control. but right now a man-made disaster is affecting people in every state. a human tragedy that could have been prevented. this thanksgiving is the first since devastating food stamp cuts went into effect this month. cuts that affect all 47 million americans who get those benefits. and now food banks across the country report a surge in people looking for help. help in putting food on the table. >> because of the reduction in food stamps, second harvest says
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more people than ever before are going to need food assistance in the coming months. >> before the food bank i would have been one of those people on the side of the road begging for food. >> this year there's just not enough food on the shelves to fill the need. >> she said the food shelves are the barest she's ever seen. >> we are anticipating maybe being short over the holidays. >> the recent cut to s.n.a.p. or food stamp benefits on november 1st caught a lot of people offguard right before the holiday season. >> food stamps in reality last three weeks if you're really good. now they're looking at two weeks worth of food. >> that's the reality for millions of americans right now. these food stamp cuts have hit right in time for the holidays. but republicans, they want to cut another $39 billion from the program. they don't seem to care who's getting hurt and who's going hungry.
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joining me now is e.j. dionne from the "washington post." thanks for being here. >> good to be with you, reverend. >> millions of americans have already had a tough time paying for thanksgiving dinner, and now republicans want to cut food stamps even more. >> you know, this is an awful thing. it's bad enough that we had the smaller cuts at the beginning of the month. and as you said, there are a lot of food pantries and feeding programs that are reporting real spikes because of the first round of cuts in your brooklyn the campaign against hunger which i believe is the biggest in the city are up 35%. if we let these further cuts go through, we're going to see a lot more stories like you showed in that peace. i think the good news is the senate's not going to accept cuts of the size that the house has passed. but the senate, you know, is
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already talking about some cuts. and are they going to compromise by having bigger cuts than they were going to have in the first place. so we've got to keep a real eye on what happens to food stamps. this is the program where the 1% rate of fraud. i mean, they've really cut back on food stamp fraud so people can't complain about that. >> even if they don't cut $39 billion and cut less. they're cutting on top of cuts that's already been made. >> that's exactly right. that's right. and what i'm worried about is if the republicans set the bar at $39 billion, how big is it going to have to be to get a farm bill through? and i'm afraid it's going to be bigger than the cuts that the senate has already contemplated. >> now, when you look at their agenda, the republican agenda, it doesn't exactly seem to be in the spirit of thanksgiving. they want to cut food stamps, oppose minimum wage, oppose extending job less benefits.
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i mean, this is not in the spirit of let's sit down and commune together and love each other's families. >> it sure isn't. i mean, if you -- this unemployment cut, if they let that go through and i think the president is going to be fighting to extend that and i hope he does, i mean, we are talking about a very high rate of unemployment in the country. there are 12 states plus the district of columbia that have unemployment rates of 8% or above. another ten states have unemployment between 7% and 8%. this is not like there are tons of jobs out there that people aren't taking because they want to be on unemployment benefits. these are people who are on unemployment benefits because they can't find jobs. and so until we get this economy back in shape, it makes no sense to discontinue these benefits. and these benefits are an economic stimulus.
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these people spend the money. they need to spend the money because they have to live on it. and it's bad idea for human reasons and economic reasons. >> you know, e.j., republicans could ruin holidays for people looking for work. 1.3 million people could lose unemployment benefits in the week between christmas and new year's. if the house republicans refuse to act. last week house democrats called out boehner and the republicans for their heartlessness. let me show you this. >> with just a few weeks left to act, speaker boehner is setting him up to be the speaker who stole christmas. >> for this country, the richest in the world to say to people at christmastime when you look in your christmas sock, you're going to find a lump of coal from the congress. that's wrong. >> i mean, this is a terrible, terrible thing to hold over people's head as we go into the
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holidays. and others are singing christmas carols and they don't know if they're going to have the unemployment. they don't know if their food stamps are going to be cut. this is heartless, e.j. >> i think maybe we should have every member of congress have to watch "it's a wonderful life" and have to read the dickens story. and sort of try to find a heart on this. >> yeah. >> it's really taken and takes you by surprise that unemployment insurance is not some wacky new program. unemployment insurance has been around for a long time. it's worked for us. it doesn't give people a lot of money, but it helps them over a hard time. and these folks have been through hard times for months and months and months. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. e.j. dionne, thank you so much for your time tonight. >> good to be with you, reverend. >> coming up, a "politicsnation" exclusive with speaker boehner. he's happily enrolled into obama care and will tell us how it's
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working. and listen to this very carefully, senator rand paul is opening an african-american engagement office. yes, that rand paul. we've got him. next. hey there, i just got my bill, and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. yup, you get it free each month to help you avoid surprises with your credit. good. i hate surprises. surprise! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score.
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the united states population is going to grow by over 90 ovemillion people,ears and almost all that growth is going to be in cities. what's the healthiest and best way for them to grow so that they really become cauldrons of prosperity and cities of opportunity? what we have found is that if that family is moved into safe, clean affordable housing, places that have access to great school systems, access to jobs and multiple transportation modes then the neighborhood begins to thrive and then really really take off. the oxygen of community redevelopment is financing. and all this rebuilding that happened could not have happened without organizations like citi. citi has formed a partnership with our company so that we can take all the lessons from the revitalization of urban america to other cities. so we are now working in chicago and in washington, dc and newark. it's amazing how important safe, affordable housing is to the future of our society.
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rand paul is getting all kinds of love from the republican party. in fact, republicans love him so much, they have invited him to launch a brand new gop office in michigan. quote, join senator rand paul as we open our african-american engagement office in detroit. rand paul on african-american outreach? did they think we forgot that he told rachel maddow that he wanted to modify antidiscrimination laws? >> there's ten different titles, you know, to the civil rights
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act. and nine out of ten deal with public institutions and i'm absolutely in favor of one deals with private institutions and had i been around, i would have tried to modify that. >> so should have been allowed to stay segregated? sir, just yes or no. >> what i think would happen -- what i'm saying is that i don't believe in any discrimination. >> yep. that was rand paul's first chance to do the right thing. and he blew it. strike one. next rand paul defended gop voter i.d. laws that suppressed minority voters. >> we have an african-american president. african-americans are voting at a higher percentage in the last election than whites. there doesn't seem to be any systemic problem like there was in the south with precluding blacks from voting. >> that's strike two. and then rand paul went to a
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historically black university and lectured them on black history. >> if i would have said who do you think the founders of the naacp are, do you think they were republicans or democrats, would everybody in here know they were all republicans? >> yes. >> all right. you know more than i know. okay, and that's -- and i don't mean that to be insulting. >> and there's strike three. the gop has a real problem on its hands with minority outreach, but senator paul, you're not the man to fix it. did you think we wouldn't notice you've got three strikes against you? nice try, but you're out. and we got you. lovely read susan. but isn't it time to turn the page on your cup of joe? gevalia, or a cup of johan, is like losing yourself in a great book. may i read something? yes, please. of course. a rich, never bitter taste cup after cup. net weight 340 grams.
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in obama care. today we're learning about more success stories. in kentucky over 56,000 enrolled. in california almost 80,000 enrolled. hold on. i'm being told we have a "politicsnation" exclusive. speaker boehner is here. he's agreed to talk to me about being covered. speaker boehner, first let me say it's a pleasure having you with us. welcome to "politicsnation." so let's get to the obvious questions. do you like your new plan? >> this really is a pretty remarkable change here in washington, d.c. >> a remarkable change, appreciate you being so candid tonight. do you feel a little silly now for calling the law a train wreck? >> i've never indicated that that was the case. >> that's okay. i know you're embarrassed. but what do you say to republicans who want to appeal
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obama care and take away coverage? >> oh, no you can't! >> i agree, speaker. glad we're on the same page. now i understand you have a little tee time. so thanks for joining us. >> good to be with you. >> so there it is. a fake interview that makes the real point. obama care is already working for a lot of americans. even if the biggest critics know that. joining me now are victoria defrancesco soto and james peterson. james, speaker boehner gets covered then spends the weekend trying to trash the law. why won't they justin embrace this? >> i don't know, rev. i mean, obviously the deal with speaker boehner, he's being means tested. he tried to politicize something th up being inaccurate.
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but the irony of this whole thing is when you look at working best in california and kentucky as you mentioned, it works best in the states where the states have taken control over the exchanges and made it sort of adaptable to their own states and to their own constituents. and it's the republican party that is always sort of touting states rights. they're always pushing the autonomy of the states. so it's a huge irony here that if they had worked through the processes that are consistent with their own ideology, they would have been more successful in this process. so i hope that more states sort of accept medicaid, but also more states create their own exchanges to offset some of the challenges we've seen with >> you know, victoria, after speaker boehner signed up friday, his office started putting out numbers claiming his premiums were increasing under obama care. but the l.a. times ran the numbers.
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and concluded there were dirty secrets behind boehner's -- those supposedly spiking premiums. quote, boehner's claim leaves out so much it's at best a half truth. and the contention that boehner's experience is at all representative jumps it from half truth to outright lie. l.a. times. >> the problem is here boehner's office is spended so much time of putting out the releases, not doing what congress needs to do. instead they keep on trying to attack obama care. it's the law. let's try to make it work. and i also want to emphasize a
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point that james made. i couldn't agree more with that puzzling nature. to embrace taking on obama care. and making it available to the states and the other point i wanted to add to that was the fiscal aspect to it. because in terms of not bringing it to your own state, you are incurring a tremendous loss in terms of state budget. so i'm just puzzled why the states that -- keep out of it. >> i mentioned over 56,000 people in kentucky have signed up under obama care. >> exactly. >> the wths went behind the numbers to a clinic in rural part of the state where the paper says the long uninsured are lining up. quote, one woman cried when she was told she qualified for medicaid. another man said, listen to
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this, well thank god. i believe i'm going to be a democrat. that what they're afraid of, james? >> well, yes. i mean, that's what -- you know, that's how they see entitlements and immigration reform as well. that it will increase the sort of democratic voting populous. let's look at it from a compassionate perspective. what's happening in kentucky is poor people, working class people, people who work and do not have health care now have access to health care. those are real lives, real stories. and it's unfortunate that we play politics around these things in washington when you look at a state like kentucky. and you see people lining up, people with real jobs but can't afford health care. this is what the affordable care act was supposed to be about. and so it just seems to me strange that we play politics with people's lives and with their health. >> but, victoria, the fact is that it is beginning to show
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signs of success. it is beginning to show that it's on track. people are signing up and people are being helped. is that what the republicans were worried about and that's why they want to derail it before it started moving down the track here. >> because it's the human face of it. once you see these people who are coming out and saying i had these pre-existing conditions. i could not get health care before. and now i can and now my family can. it gets to an emotional aspect of politics. we can throw numbers around, but once we see those people and we're hearing about the folks in kentucky who are getting health care, it pulls at your heart strings. that is much deeper and the gop knows that. >> james, you know, the thing that bothers me so, we're talking about people's health. we're talking about people that are going to need it, people that could suffer ailments. people that can get sick. young and old.
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at what point do we say this is going across the line playing politics. we're talking about american citizens' health here, james. >> exactly. and for me, we crossed the line when we eliminated the public option from the plan. and here's the dirty little secret. the affordable care act also controls cost. it's already controlling inflation and health care costs in the long-term by treating people with the ailments both later on in life and balancing out the insurance risks by getting younger people into the system, we're going to control costs for health care which is one of the greater sort of challenges we have in our economy. it makes political sense and compassionate sense. >> victoria defrancesco soto and james peterson, i'm going to
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have you leave it there tonight. >> thanks. it's called the knockout game and it's raising concerns. my commentary is coming up. and another day, another offensive rape mention from rush limbaugh. that's next. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...
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he was mad that the senate changed its rules to end the obstruction of the president's nominees, so he made this bizarre comparison saying the senate was like a group of ten people. >> the group has a rule that the men cannot rape the women. the group also has a rule that says any rule that will be changed must require six votes of the ten to change the rule. every now and then some lunatic in the group proposes to allow women to be raped. but they were never able to get six votes for it. they were always the four women against it and found two guys. the guy that kept proposing that women be raped finally got tired
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of it and was in the majority. he said you know what? we're going to change the rule, now all we need is five. >> mr. limbaugh doesn't have to like the senate rules, but what would we compare them to allowing rape? why would he compare nianythingo rape? and he ain't backing down. his spokesperson said, quote, rush limbaugh has spent 25 years illustrating absurdity by using extrapolated analogies. anyone who calls that anything different than that is simply lying. oh. rush was illustrating absurdity. his same excuse for this attack. >> what does it say that a college coed susan fluke goes before a committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. what does that make her?
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it makes her a slut, right? makes her a prostitute. >> that's rush limbaugh, the head of the republican party. when republicans ask young people to name the leaders of the party, rush limbaugh was at the top of the list. when the whole country con determined his attack on miss fluke, remember what we heard from the gop candidate? >> i'm not going to weigh in on that particular controversy. they are scared of rush. and what about rising gop star ted cruz? guess who he ran to as soon as he wrapped up his phony filibuster. >> senator cruz, we welcome you to the eib microphone and the program. great to have you here, sir. >> rush, it's fantastic to be with you. >> fantastic to be with rush.
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is the gop still wondering why it has a problem with women? i think we found the answer. joining me now are krystal ball and angela rye. thank you for being here. krystal, comparing a senate-ruled change to allowing rape. i mean, what's your reaction? >> it's unbelievable. and unfortunately, his spokesman said he has been doing this absurd analysis for 25 years. unfortunately that's true. rush limbaugh uses rape in a variety of circumstances to describe things across the board from workers organizing to changing the rules in the senate. i mean, this guy has a pattern of misogynistic, offensive, racist language that he has no intention of backing down from. and the one thing we should be encouraged by is the fact a lot of advertisers have realized they don't want to be anywhere near associated with this guy. and they pulled their ads from his programming.
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that's the one encouraging thing. >> people say they're offended. i've said things where i had to say wait a minute, that's offensive. but they dig in and go worse. angela, a lot of people raise the question to me -- i get e-mails and tweets all the time. why do you even mention rush limbaugh? president obama talked about the influence on the right. that's why i mention him. listen to this. >> i made this argument to my republican friends privately and sometimes they say to me privately i agree with you. but i'm worried about a primary from somebody in the tea party back in my district. or i'm worried about what rush limbaugh's going to say about me on the radio. >> so he affects the very politics that affects our lives. that's why we can't ignore him. is this why no one on the right
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challenges rush limbaugh, angela? >> yeah. he has tremendous influence with the party. you said before we started the conversation, that republican college students say he's one of the leaders of the party. i see him with rape here as dobo from friday. just because you continue to yell something doesn't make it right. he should try another four-letter word which is hush. he should not say anything else about rape. >> rush should hush. krystal, you know, we know republicans kept saying inappropriate things during the 2012 election. you know, especially in terms of women. >> uh-huh. >> but it's continued through 2013. listen. >> if it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
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>> even when live begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that god intended to happen. >> the incidents of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low. >> how did america get so mediocre? >> i think parents became -- both parents started working and the mom is in the work place. >> i say we need to be the great opportunity party. >> to ensure that women are treated fairly in the workplace? >> i think more important than that is making certain that women are recognized by those companies. they don't want the decisions made in washington. >> i mean, a republican actually had to tell congress members this year to stop talking about rape. i mean, have they spent so much time listening to rush limbaugh that it's starting to rub off on them? >> they've got some problem. if you look at the election in virginia, for example, terry
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mcauliffe won overwhelmingly there among unmarried women. even just the rhetoric, the fact you have to tell them don't talk about rape is unbelievable. they need way more than sensitivity training. they need to go home maybe and talk to their wives and mothers about what is appropriate in the way that you talk about women and the way you talk to women. >> you know, angela, the latest comment from rush certainly wasn't the first time he said something offensive about women. here are some of the low lights. >> feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society. women's movements especially behind it. look at what they're doing to women with their policies they're turning them into nothing but abortion machines. unmarried women are looking at
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government for everything. mcauliffe said, look, if you want to be a receptacle for male semon and not pay a price, i'm your guy. >> isn't this is a real problem to run with him if they want to win international -- or in some cases statewide elections. >> of course it is. i think the one thing we can glean from the comment was even his math is bad. he's talking about five votes. i mean, that's breaking even, clown. that's not a majority. you would need six votes there. with these other examples that you just showed, it's crazy. so it's not just that the gop needs to stop listening to him, we've been talking about this autopsy report ad nauseam. they need to have women in the party. we saw in the house earlier this year and at the beginning of the congress that they had to scramble to find a woman to put
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into leadership because they hardly have representation. they keep saying crazy things about women because none are running with that party. it's crazy. >> thank you both for your time. >> thanks. >> thanks, rev. >> and catch krystal on "the cycle" week days at 3:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. it's called the knock outgame. and wherever it's happening, it is wrong. my commentary is ahead.
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look at the polls right now. because the american people support immigration reform. by a clear majority. everybody win ifs we get this done. so there's no reason we shouldn't get immigration reform done right now. none. if there is a good reason, i haven't heard. >> we haven't heard a good reason either. why won't house republicans move on immigration reform? 63% of americans support immigration reform. and some are taking action. for 13 days, immigration activists like elicio vasquez medina have been on the national mall protesting by fasting. they vow to continue the fight and continue fasting, having nothing but water until congress acts. last week they walked to speaker
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boehner's office praying he finds compassionate leadership. and last friday, they got a visit from vice president biden who said, quote, we will win this. with these activist fasters dedicated to this fight, immigration reform must happen. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum. new from philips sonicare.
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shhhh! i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat that. it doesn't? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh what a relief it is! bigger, tougher messes was better leverage, he created a magic eraser with an attachable handy grip. it gives you the leverage you need to tackle tough kitchen messes and big bathroom grime, too.
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mr. clean's new magic eraser handy grip. wears off. [ female announcer ] stop searching and start repairing. eucerin professional repair moisturizes while actually repairing very dry skin. the end of trial and error has arrived. try a free sample at now to a dangerous street game raising concern for law enforcement. it's known as the knockout game. young people randomly target and punch someone just for some kind of sick thrill. the goal to knock them unconscious with a single punch. a video posted online shows an unsuspected woman getting punched in the face. here you see a 53-year-old teacher walking down the street not knowing about what he was about to get sucker punched in the face. this 17-year-old was caught
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attacking someone and is now in jail. >> somebody just throws out there, okay do this. and people go along with it and one thing leads to another. and it just goes all down hill. >> is it a gang initiation? is it a dare? some on the right are saying this is a trend nobody really knows how widespread it is or even what it's really all about. but here's what i do know. it's deplorable, it's foolish, and it's unacceptable. and i'll be working with others to fix this senseless violence. i also urge entertainers and people with influence on young people to speak out and discourage it. we cannot tolerate this from young people in any community. we'll continue following this story. i'm also glad to know that young
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activists in new york say k it was guided towards one group in the jewish community have said we must fight no matter who the victim is. that is what we must do. fight for everyone's rights. finally tonight, an important story from florida. a new miami herald report reveals a disturbing pattern of alleged police harassment and misconduct caught on tape. a convenience store owner installed a camera to capture what he called racial profiling against his customers and employees. one video shows a customer getting stopped outside the store and then thrown to the ground and handcuffed. another video shows an officer walking into the store and arresting an employee while he's working. that particular employee has been stopped and questioned 258
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times over the last four years. he's also been arrested for trespassing while working inside the store. the store owner is preparing a civil rights lawsuit against the police. we'll watch this case very closely also. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. obama goes on the offense. let's play "hardball." ♪ good evening. i'm chris matthews in miami. let me start tonight with this. president obama said he'd do it. he said he'd end this relentless push for war. he promised to get us home from afghanistan, promised most of all to abort a war with iran. and now he's gone and done it. and we've got the
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