tv Martin Bashir MSNBC November 26, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm PST
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and that means we've got to do what it takes to make sure this industry and every great american industry keeps that competitive edge. so that more folks can find career paths like many of you have. and get good, middle class jobs that allow you to support a family and get ahead. nothing is more important than that right now. and as melody mentioned, when i came into office, we were going through a severe crisis. five years later, america has largely fought our way back. we have made the tough choices required. not just to help the economy recover, but to rebuild it on a new foundation for stronger, more durable economic growth. we refocuseded on manufacturing and exports. and today our businesses sell more goods and services made in this country and the rest of the world than ever before. our manufacturers are adding jobs for the first time since the 1990s, led by an american auto industry that's come roaring back. american cars are really good now.
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we decided to reverse our dependence on foreign oil. so today we generate more renewable energy than ever. double our renewable energy. more natural gas than anybody for the first time in nearly 20 years, america now produces more of our own oil than we buy from other countries. that's good news. when i took office, america invested far less than countries like china did in wireless infrastructure. and we have now narrowed that gap, and we have helped companies unleash jobs and innovation and become a booming app economy that's created hundreds of thousands of jobs. six years ago, only 5% of the world's smartphones ran on american operating systems. today more than 80% do. and, yes, we decided to fix a broken health care system.
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and, you know, it's interesting. i was talking to some of the studio execs here, and i said, look, the rollout of new health care marketplace was rough. and nobody was more frustrated about the problems with our website than i am. and yet here in southern california, and here across this state, there are thousands of people every single day who are getting health care for the first time. for the first time. because of this. and, by the way, the website is continually working better. so check it out. but as a country, we're now poised to gain health coverage for millions of americans
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starting on january 1st, and that includes more than 350,000 here in california who have already signed up. and thanks in part to the affordable care act, health care costs are growing at the slowest rate in 50 years. employers-based health care costs are growing at about one-third the race of a decade ago. and that means that if the studio is here and your employers aren't having us spend as much on health care, that they can hire more folks. and reinvest more in the business. and come up with those cool technologies that i don't exactly understand how they work. but -- were really neat to look at. and by the way, we've done all this while bringing down our deficits. after years of -- of trillion-dollar deficits, we have reined in spending. you would think sometimes listening to folks in washington
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that we haven't made any progress on that front. we wound down two wars, we changed the tax code that was too skewed towards the wealthiest americans at the expense of the middle class. you add it up, we have cut our deficits by more than half, and they continue to go down faster than any time since world war ii. so all totalled, our businesses have created 7.8 billion jobs, america has gone farther, recovered faster than most other industrialized nations. but as melody said, we've got more work to do. stock markets are doing great. corporate profits soaring. but too many americans aren't sharing in that success. and everybody here -- >> good afternoon, i'm joy reid in for martin bashir. we've been watching president obama wrapping up his three-day west coast tour, speaking on the economy at dreamworks, the force behind animated hits like
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"shrek" and "kung-fu panda" and a place the president mind working, he joked. it was a chance for the president to refocus on what has been his top priority, job creation and the economic recovery. the president highlighted hollywood and the entertainment industry as part of what makes the american economy so exceptional. but while hollywood's action and adventure are exported around the world, the president will head back to washington later this hour, where the supreme court today took up the latest challenge to his health care law, in a series of december deadlines awaits, including december 1st, when is supposed to be working, and december 13th when negotiators are supposed to get a bemidji-walkeret deal done, or unleash the sequester, the sequel. we're joined by bernie sanders, live from burlington. is it possible, at all possible, that democrats could gain the upper hand in these budget
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rounds, because republicans simply do not want to take their eye off the ball of going after the health care law? >> well, i think that's a real possibility. and i think the main thing that we have going for us is most of the people in the united states of america do not believe that at a time when the wealthy and large corporations are doing phenomenally well, that we should move toward deficit reduction, simply on the backs of the elderly and the children and the sick and the poor. poll after poll shows that most americans think that very profitable corporations who in some cases are paying nothing in federal income taxes, that we have got to end those loopholes, and they have got to contribute to help us create jobs and deal with the deficit. >> i mean, and you do hear the president talking about jobs in california, senator. and jobs in the economy have been the focus of most americans' anxiety, including going into this holiday season. is there any chance, in your estimation, that something could get done in that budget deal
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that would actually impact jobs and the economy. any new investments in infrastructure, anything like that? >> joy, that is a great question. and that is precisely what the american people want. people legitimately are concerned about the deficit. we all are. but what people are concerned about even more is that real unemployment, counting those people who have given up looking for work, and those people who are working part time when they want to work full time, that real unemployment in this country is close to 14% that youth unemployment is close to 20%, and we're seeing greater and greater income and wealth inequality in this country. so i think that that is precisely what the american people want us to do. i have fought very hard within the budget committee to put a significant sum of money into rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure into energy efficiency. and if we do those things, we can create a significant number of decent paying jobs. >> now, senator, in trying to do
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that, you obviously have an opposition in the senate. i'm curious for you to give me your estimation, just how big is the ted cruz caucus, the opposition caucus that swirls around the let's do nothing in the senate. how big is that caucus, do you think? >> well, you know, you have -- a republican party which has moved over oh the years to the right. and then you have the extreme right. of, you know, cruz, of rand paul, of a few others. they are not -- they are not very significant in terms of numbers. but what they have been very impactful about is being very aggressive in their obstructionism, and making sure that congress does not address the real issues facing the american people. so over and over again, we are seeing the demand for 60 votes on presidential appointees slowing down the process and making it impossible for us to deal with jobs. for us to raise the minimum
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wage. deal with gender equality in the work force. to deal with the crisis of global warming. we don't even discuss those issues. because we're so engaged in these parliamentary procedures. >> and clearly, the republicans did take a polling hit after the cruz-inspired shut skroun and seemed to chase them for ten seconds, senator. but they have come roaring back. and now do you have republicans who are holding, you know, an advantage or at least have evened it out with the democrats in terms of 2014. how worried are your democratic colleagues with whom you caucus about 2014, and how confident are the republicans with whom you serve, that they might be able to take over the senate? >> well, i think, you know, who knows who will take over the senate. certainly the republicans could do that, and certainly the democrats could retain strong control over the senate. we've got a long way to go to the election. i think what the democrats have been very concerned about is the rollout of the affordable care
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act. and the republicans have been all over that issue. i think what the democrats have going for them is that our republican friends believe that the way you deal with the deficit, which, by the way, is as the president just mentioned, has been cut in half in the last four years. that you do not. but the democrats are -- most democrats, at least, believe we don't cut social security, which republicans want to do. you don't cut medicare or transform medicare into a voucher program. you don't make massive cuts in terms of medicaid, education, or nutrition programs. all of which the republicans want. and all of which is massively unpopular. and what the republicans also want to do is defend the wealthy and large corporate interests and prevent them from paying their fair share of taxes. so i think if the issue resolves of involves around how we create jobs, deal with wealth and income inequality. and by the way, the pope today just made an extraordinary
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statement on unfeddered capitalism and what it means when so few have so much and many have so little. i hope that's a lesson congress can absorb. i think if you focus on the economy, i think the democrats will do just fine. >> all right. and a fitting message as we head into the thanksgiving holiday, focusing on inequality. thank you so much, senator bernie sanders. >> thank you. coming up, we get into the supreme court decision today to take up contraception and the affordable care act. but first, let's head back to glendale, california, to hear the president speaking at dreamworks. >> how important it is for folks in kentucky can can. a state, by the way, that did not vote for me. and if kentucky can do it, then every state should be able to do it. we should be able to expand medicaid all across the country. there are millions of people who right now, even under the law, may not get health care that they deserve, because their governors have refused to do it, just for political reasons,
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expanding medicaid. fortunately, california, obviously, is not one of them. but this is a fight that we're going to keep fighting. because it's worth fighting. and that's what melody referred to. it's true. i'm not an ideological guy. but there's some things i really believe in. and part of what i believe in is that the essence of this country, what makes this place special, is this idea that hollywood has glorified and held up. but i actually think it's true, that here more than any place else, no matter what you look like, where you come from, what your last name is, who you love, you should be able to make it, if you're willing to work hard. that's what i believe.
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and there are certain values that make that a reality. you know, i have my critics, obviously. but since we're here in hollywood, i want to think about something that the late, great chicago film critic, robert ebert said. and i was fortunate to get to know roger ebert and was always inspired by how he handled some really tough stuff. but kindness, he wrote, covers all of my political beliefs. kindness covers all of my political beliefs. and when i think about what i'm fighting for, what gets me up every day, that captures it just about as much as anything. kindness, empathy. that sense that, you know, i
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have a stake in your success. that i'm going to make sure just because malia and sasha are doing well, that's not enough. i want your kids to do well also. and i'm willing to help to build good schools so they get a great education. even if mine are already getting a great education. and i'm going oh to invest in infrastructure and building things like the golden gate bridge and the hoover dam and the internet. because -- because i'm investing for the next generation. not just this one. and that's what binds us together. and that's how we have always moved forward. based on the idea we have a stake in each other's success. and that's what drives me. and that's what will continue to drive me. i believe that our every kid should have an opportunity. i believe our daughter should have the same opportunity as our
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sons. i believe that jeffrey's kids should be able to aspire to whatever they can dream of, but i also want to make sure that the person who is cleaning up jeffrey's office, that their kid has that same possibility. and we may have different ideas and different policies on how to do things. but that shouldn't -- it shouldn't negate that core vision is what we're fighting for. and we should be able to sit down together and to keep dreaming and to keep working and to make sure that the american dream that's been described here in southern california is sustained for generations to come. and what's stopping us is not policy details. it's not technical issues.
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it's to summon the courage to put politics aside once in a while. and remember that we've got more in common than our politics would suggest. and as long as i've got the privilege of serving as your president, that's what i'm going to keep on making sure that i do. to put politics aside once in a while and work on your behalf. so thank you, dreamworks, for what you do. thank you, jeffrey, for your hospitality. god bless you! god bless america! can't wait to see your next movie! i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n.
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a very important question is headed to the supreme court. can a for-profit business claim a religious right to deny you birth control coverage or any other kind of coverage, for that matter? the court announced it will review two cases that reached opposition conclusions on that question. one the citizens united case found the owners of the retail story the hobby lobby may indeed avoid the contraception coverage mandated in the affordable care act due to the owner's religious objection to birth control. in a different case involving a mennonite-owned business, the court sided with supporters of the health care law. the white house has already issued a statement, saying no one should be able to dictate decisions to women regarding their bodies. while john boehner says businesses should not be forced to provide services that contradict their faith. the decision the nine justices
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reach has the potential to not only change our definition of freedom of speech but also undermine our already perpetually threatened national health care law. and joining us now, zerlina maxwell, contributor with one of the best publications in the universe, and irin carmon, national reporter, they're both equally awesome. and you are equally wearing blue and look lovely. zerlina, corporations, we know, are people. >> yes. >> who knew -- >> according to the supreme court. >> according to mitt romney and the courts. and apparently now they're also religious people who can then apply their corporate religious beliefs to the people who work for them. how does that work? >> it's really disturbing. i think one of the things i think about is the phrase slippery slope. and i hate to use that phrase, but it's appropriate here. this is a slippery slope for your boss, who may or may not be religious, catholic, protestant, whatever, to strip away other rights. so if they are, you know, opposed to the fact that you
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have hiv, and they have a moral objection, are they now going to be able to say, we're not going to cover your hiv medication, or, you know, any other medical things that people need, mental health services, for example. >> transfusions. >> exactly. >> certain religious. >> vaccinations is another. thing is really disturbing and this case sets up a precedent. think progress is setting up reporting on this. it's now going to lead to stripping away gay rights, as well. so if your employer has an objection to the fact that you're gay, they can take away benefits to gay couples, using this decision, no matter how the supreme court decides as, you know, the basis for taking away rights. >> i think one of the other questions that people have, too, is whether or not this were to go through. if the supreme court were to say that a business can take or leave the mandate in terms of providing contraception, does it actually undermine the health care law itself? >> right now with the companies that sued, and there are about
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43 companies that sued, and in various stages, what they're asking is to be exempt, just them, from covering contraception. in the process of them asking to be allowed to say that not only do the -- do the owners of the company have religious views, but the owners of the company's views are the same as the company, even though when they incorporated, they became a company and not -- >> right. >> they kind of want to have it both ways. you shield yourself from liability by being a company. >> correct. >> but you then get to pick and choose and say i am a person too. >> so corporations are people, and the people are your clone. >> right. >> and corporations have religious views. >> the religious views of the bosses, not the religious views of the employees. so right now all they're asking for is they want to be able to opt out. they want to prevent their employees from getting birth control coverage. if the supreme court agrees with the he 10th circuit, they are setting up the precedent that zerlina mentioned, which is basically opting out of these services piece by piece. and that does yiundermine the health care law. let's remember, why do we have
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this provision in the first place? this is preventive care services. if you make it easy for people to access preventive care, you're going to lower costs down the line. women are going to switch to things like the iud, if they're interested in doing that. more effective, but more expensive up front forms of birth control. >> that they have to pay for. >> so it does undermine the health care law if vital preventive services that are basic health care for women become harder for more women to access. >> and speaking of the hobby lobby, the most adorably named yet somewhat frightening company in america. i want the to play you a little sound from steve green, who is actually the president of hobby lobby, and he discussed the intersection of his faith and the law with none other than glenn beck. take a listen and i want your response on the other side. >> there is a certain comfort that we have that when things are not in our control, that it's in god's control. and in that sense, we're in good hands. >> so zerlina, the idea that essentially mr. hobby lobby wants to put the family planning
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decisions of the women who work for him in god's hands, right? >> exactly. and i think that's really disturbing. i can imagine a scenario where you're on a job interview. say you're a married woman without children and not on birth control. your boss can say are you on birth control and you're probably not going to get hired because the likelihood you're going to have a baby is high. it already happens now to women who are mothers or, you know -- going to have children in the very near future. they're discriminated against in hiring. that's why we have the wage gap. >> although it's illegal. >> it's legal illegal, but happens all the time. i see an opening for that to happen. also, i think this impacts men, as well, right? so women not having the freedom to be able to choose whether or not they want to use contraception, impacts whoever they are in a relationship with as well. and i think we should want talk about this as a woman-only problem. this impacts all of us. this impacts families, as well. >> and it's a woman-only problem oh, but i always wonder about the political dimension of this
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for particularly young, unmarried women, one of the sort of lowest turnout voting cohorts, particularly in mid terms. and you're both very young women. is this in the generation of young women who are for the first time discovering that contraception -- not birth control, but contraception is a controversial issue for the religious right and one they're willing to legislate on. is this something that will spark, finally, young, single women to think more about politics off year? >> i think that it did last year. this started with defunding planned parenthood or attempting to defund planned parenthood in 2011 the moment the tea party got into the house. we did see a tremendous ground swell of young women, particularly young, unmarried women or women of color turning out for president obama in 2012, in part based on this issue. this was an issue that was politically debated throughout 2012, both with the amendment in the senate and the president himself saying governor romney wants employers to be able to decide whether -- what kind of health care their employees get. and is so, you know, we actually saw what the voters think about
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this. the supreme court may end up superseding what voters thought. but it did motivate younger women and young people in general. so i think it's possible that if this does next year, if the supreme court -- these republican judges would be the ones that would strike down this requirement or severely undermine it, i think we could see a real backlash. john boehner thought it was politically wise to come out and say, well, the administration -- this administration policy is wrong and against religious liberty and the supreme court should strike it down. they clearly are operating in a world where birth control is -- >> controversial. >> controversial. >> dwight eisenhower, republican president in the 1950s, said birth control, not the government's business. throwing that into the nerd hopper. thank you so much, appreciate you both being here. and you both look fabulous. home or bust. the latest on the major winster storm threatening to freeze holiday travel plans. stay with us. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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at this hour, a massive storm system is pushing north along the eastern seaboard, packing heavy winds, rain and snow just in time for the thanksgiving holiday. this leaves one question. will you make it home for oh mom's stuffing? nbc's gabe gutierrez is live from the nation's busiest airport in atlanta. so, gabe, let's start with the flight. very important we all know there can be a change reaction. >> reporter: it remains to be seen, joy. we hope we can get home. we have been dealing here in atlanta with some rain all day, but thankfully, the temperatures have stayed above freezing. there have been upper 30s and low 40s. so we really haven't had to deal with the ice. and that has kept delays and cancellations here in atlanta to a minimum. according to, in the last hour or so, we have seen delays start to creep up. they're averaging 27-minute delays here in atlanta. and as this storm moves north,
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it is on the move. and we're even hearing of some reported delays at new york's laguardia airport because of low clouds. this is supposed to heavily impact travel tomorrow when the busiest travel days of the year, more than 2 million passengers are expected to travel by air tomorrow. so we will continue to watch it. again, right here in atlanta, about 27-minute delays or so. no major delays reported so far. but that could change in the northeast. joy, back to you. >> okay. what about driving conditions, gabe? can you give us a quick take on how those are looking? >> right now, you know, driving conditions were heavily affected other the last day or so in texas and okay okay. there has been, as this storm system moves north, snow and ice. but so far, no huge, you know, travel delays reported on the roads either. back to you. >> thanks so much, nbc's gabe gutierrez. stay with us. the day's top lines are coming up. appease me!
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[ female announcer ] not just clean, steamboost clean. now save $15 by mail-in rebate when you purchase a swiffer bissell steamboost starter kit. from the front page of the "times" to the streets of tehran. here are today's top lines. don't get smoked. >> front-page story in the "times" today. obama places an emphasis on dplaems. >> who among us would not prefer diplomacy. >> that strikes me as a terrible deal. >> the worst deal since munich. >> how many times have we heard munich in the last 24 hours? >> the modern day equivalent to chamberlain's piece in our time. >> how many times have we heard the word munich in the last 20 years. >> you can't tell me what nephew i will chamberlain did in munich. you don't know what i'm talking about. >> the reaction in iran, they're
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spiking the football in the end zone. >> iran's foreign minister and his negotiation team returned to tehran. >> the jubilation in the streets of tehran. >> greeted by hundreds of cheering supporters. >> was not they're going to continue to build a bomb. >> it's actually a disaster for iran. >> thinking the sanctions would be lifted. >> a doubling in poverty. >> inflation officially running around 40%. actually closer to 80%. >> what do you do if you're israel now? >> israel is not bothered by this agreement. >> the sanctions are not going to work. you need to give it up and accept one of two propositions. >> we cannot and will not allow -- >> the most likely pron session is, iran gets new nuclear weapons. >> iran will have a nuclear weapons capability. >> it's been interesting to see the knewo cans come back out of the woodwork. >> tough talk and bluster may be the easy thing to do politically. >> they hate our freedoms and
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all that talk we heard back after 9/11. >> but it's not the right thing for our security. >> we don't have to kill everybody that disagrees with us. >> and let's get right to our panel. joining us now, ambassador dennis ross, counselor at the washington institute for policy. and msnbc contributor, jimmy williams. i've got to start with you, ambassador ross. you are a diplomat. you served both republican and democratic administrations. you also served as president clinton's envoy to the middle east and expert on the region who clearly does know what the references to munich mean. i want to roll it back a little bit, though, for our viewers. as you obviously know, the british and the french met with adolph hitler in munich, germany, in just before world war ii and created a deal in exchange for assurances he wouldn't start a larger war. and that is, of course, where the reference is to munich and appeasement come from. so the british and the french sold out their allies back then, and now republicans are essentially saying that the president is doing the same
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thing to israel today. based on your understanding of the region, does that analogy even work? >> no. i think it's a false analogy here. first of all, let's recognize, this is a first step deal. it basically puts a cap on what the iranians are doing. it puts a cap on the sanctions. it provides a very modest rollback. it's not a breakthrough in terms of dealing with the nuclear program in iran. nor is it something that puts the iranians on the brink of having a breakout capability to a nuclear weapon. it puts us in a position where we can can test the possibility of whether or not there is a bigger deal that can be possible. there are some legitimate concerns that can be raised and should be addressed. there are concerns, will this deal, even though it doesn't change the architecture of the sanction regime, because it eases the sanctions to some extent. will it begin to have the sanctions fray, in which case it reduces leverage on the iranians
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to, in fact, roll back their nuclear program. this is what i think the critical issue is. what we should be focused on, how we make sure that, in fact, the iranians understand they're not going to get the sanctions lifted unless they roll back their nuclear program. and there are steps we can take to reassure the israelis and others. and that we are ourselves should want to communicate to the iranians so they understand, they're not going to get the kind of sanctions relief that would make a fundamental difference in their economy, unless they're prepared to roll back the program. this is not a case of appeasement. >> and, you know, jimmy, as the ambassador has just described it, what i just heard sounds a lot more like what ronald reagan, right, did with mikhail gorbach gorbachev, reaching out totten me, trying to reduce the risk of war, nuclear war through dmoemcy. do you agree? >> trust but verify. and listen, our number one enemy at that point in time, and had been for the prior 30 years. i mean, you are remember having to do -- bomb tests and
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bombshellterring tests when we were in school. that was the cold war. ronald reagan ended that cold war. and guess what, he did it with trust but verify. they were our oh number-one enemy. had just as many nuclear warheads as we had. and guess what, we went in, and we did it. and guess what else happened? the united states house of representatives and the united states senate led, by the way, by the democrats in the house and the republicans in the senate, let reagan go do his job and did not criticize him for what he did. this is the same thing that we're doing today. i think the ambassador is exactly right. we can go to the peace table, we cannot do war mongering and warfa warfaring, and we can also verify they're actually adhering to what was just signed. there is nothing wrong with that. kneo cons, all they want is war, war, war. which, by the way, republican dwight eisenhower warned us against. >> eisenhower, two mentions in the show, i think he's winning. i want to stay with you. besides mentioning eisenhower, which as a nerd i love.
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as a practical matter, what you just said is borne out in the polls. the american people have no appetite for another war in the middle east. so given that fact, and the fact that the neo cons had really been set aside by the tea party, what is the practical reach why republicans would even try to stop a deal from going through on iran in the senate? >> because most republicans, or at least most republicans from that ilk, if you will, still there from a cold war mentality. if you don't believe me, just look back six years ago to the bush administration, to the bush jr. administration, and you had paul wolf owe wits and armitage out there running a war state, if you will. we were in war mode. now, granted, yes, we were attacked. no doubt about it. and we responded and should have responded. but we are still, to this day, sitting in afghanistan in a war that cannot be won for all intents and purposes. we pulled out of iraq. and thank god we did that. and now what's next, the neo cons want us to go and bomb
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iran? do they actually want us to bomb iran? i can't think of anything that would be more unsettling in the middle east at this point in time. and so i guess, listen, they love war, we love peace. and you remember the lbj ad when he ran for president, the girl picking the daisy and the nuclear mushroom cloud, the liberals love peace and the republicans love war. i'm not sure that that's always true. but you get what i'm saying. >> yeah. no, absolutely. and one final question to mr. ambassador. you heard john boltton say one of two things has to happen, iran gets the bomb or we should support an israeli strike. is that something you can conceive of actually happening, the second of those two? israel striking iran? >> i don't conceive of it over the next six months, given the nature of this deal. i do think if at the end of the six months, nothing has changed. if all we have done is frozen the iranians at the level they're at, they would have the potential for a breakout capability. i do think that the israelis, if they think that iran can can break out to a nuclear weapon,
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that the prospect of an israeli strike goes up dramatically. i think they want to see diplomacy work, as well. they are questions whether we're giving up leverage right now. if it freezes them at 20,000 centrifuges, that leaves iran in a situation where they would have the potential to break out. i think our challenge right now is, let's see if the diplomacy actually can roll back the program. if we maintain our leveraging, if the sanctions stay intact, i think there is a possibility. the reason they're at the table is because of the sanctions. >> indeed. a very important discussion, ambassador dennis ross and freshly tanned jimmy williams. thanks to both of you. we'll be back in a moment. but first, laughter is the best medicine? some self deprecating humor from the president this afternoon, explaining his unique connection to dreamworks studios. >> there is a natural connection between me and dreamworks. i don't know if you know this,
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a connecticut judge today order ohhed the release of the 9/11 tapes from nearly a year ago. the tapes will remain sealed until december 4th, pending an appeal. what has been released is the summary report from newtown, which still doesn't give us a clear motive for why 20-year-old adam lanza committed one of the most horrific mass shootings in the history of our country.
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but it does give us a clearer picture of who this killer was and how he lived. according to the report, adam lanza had significant mental health issues that affected his ability to live a normal life, and to interact with others. he had a familiarity with and access to firearms and ammunition, and an obsession with mass murders. in particular, the april 1999 shootings at columbine high school in colorado. and he would only communicate with his mother through e-mail, even though they lived in the same house. we also learned from the report that lanza was, as suggested early on, a fan of violent video games, including a computer game called school shooting, where the player controls a character who enters a school and shoots at students. but lanza also liked the dancing game called "dance dance revolution," which he would spend hours playing at home and at a nearby movie theater. we have confirmation that all of the firearms and ammunition involved in the shoot prosecuting legally purchased by adam lanza's mother. and if that were not enough, his
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mother, who was also his first shooting victim, intended to buy him a cz-83 pistol for christmas and had even prepared a check for that purchase to give to her son. but perhaps the most chilling finding in the report focuses on just how quickly adam lanza was able to forever alter so many lives. according to the report, in fewer than 11 minutes, 21st graders and six lults lost their lives. for more i'm joined by jonathan capehart. jonathan, the question of why adam lanza did what he did seems almost sort oh of insignificant, compared to what we have learned about this clearly troubled young man and more importantly, what his mother must have known. we have seen pictures of his room. she must have seen the blacked-out windows. she must have known at some level about the video games. at what point do we set aside the fact she is a victim but have to blame this mom? >> yeah, i mean, parenting
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clearly is at issue here. and when the report came out, and there were -- the headlines were no motive given, i thought, so what? there are 20 children dead. six adults dead. to me, it really doesn't matter what the motive is. it was the result of his actions. and now that we're finding out that violent video games were at fault, that his mother was at fault, buying him these -- buying him these guns and the ammunition, knowing full well that her son was not well, not mentally well, says a lot about her, her parenting skills, and i feel, you know, badly about slamming a parent. but when your child goes and massacres an elementary school? something is wrong with what you're doing. >> and i mean, obviously, again, clearly, she is deceased and one of the victims in the shooting so you have to have compassion for her. and we don't know what was going on in the home. but we do know one thing for sure. and that is that there were a
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lot of guns in the possession of this young man. and magazines that were capable of firing so many rounds in such a short amount of time. and we also know that in situations as in the gabby gifford shooting, when the shooter has to reload, when they have to stop and reload, lives are actually saved, because there is a moment when people can get away, overpower the shooter. why do you suppose that the newtown shooting has not provoked at least consensus on the idea that we should reduce the number of magazines or the level of fire power that people can can buy in terms of those magazines? >> look, i mean, after newtown, there was a renewed spark and renewed energy to do something about gun violence, do something about so-called gun control. and, you know, bills -- pieces of legislation were introduced. there was a lot of hope. and then we saw what happened on a bill that had overwhelming support around the country. the background checks bill.
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it went nowhere. that could have gone somewhere, were it not for the unbelievable power of the national rifle association and its ability to cow members of congress to keep them from doing what the american people want. we could -- we could get limitations on magazines, we could get background checks, all these things done that seem like common sense to those of us not in congress to get done. if those folks on capitol hill had the courage of their contributions to do the right thing. there is no way you could look at the faces of those 20 children and 6 adults. no way you could look in the eyes and the faces of those parents and not do something. >> be yeah. and what a time to have to deal with this, so close to thanksgiving. thank you so much, jonathan capehart. you have written a lot of compelling articles and i appreciate you being here. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] if you're a rinse user,
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