tv Morning Joe MSNBC November 27, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PST
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for their closer. >> here's one from michael. hey, "way too early" i'm thankful for "way too early." simple enough for you? >> i'm thankful for our audience. ♪ >>. >> thafg may be the best holiday we have her in america, but we take a sharp nosedive into what is the worst day of the year, black friday, which is a powerful reminder we are no more evolved than animals. some shoppers have been sleeping outside some stores since monday of last week. >> that is nuts, but it is a good way to get on the local news. >> the mac desktop. >> i probably need a laptop. >> how much are you going pay
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for that laptop? >> 177. >> compared to how much it will usually cost? >> $300. >> you were in line for? >> hopefully, there is something good when they open it up. >> was that toronto mayor rob ford? >> no. that's america. welcome, everybody, to "morning joe." good morning. it's wednesday, november 27th. oh my gosh and we are a day away. a day away from thanksgiving. with us on set, we have senior political analyst mark halperin. good morning. >> good morning. >> steve rapner with is us. by goodness, i thought you were cooking. >> i'm going right to the stove. >> or do have you legions of people cooking for you? >> down, mika. >> any of you boys cooking? >> i'm making a dish. >> i might toast an english muffin, by specialty.
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>> i might make a bowl of cereal. >> come on, guys. what about you? >> my friend's husband john campbell is going to put my turkey in a thing in the yard. >> a deep fryer. >> i don't think i want that. but they've talked me into it. i had to buy a special size and i'm fearing someone is going to get hurt. >> he's trolling mika. >> is that very bad for you? >> it macs the turkey come alive. >> in peanut oil. >> why don't you eat some fourteench fries in. >> i have been talked into it. i have to bring the turkey over at 1:00. he's going to take care of it and give it back to me. >> it will taste good. >> it will? ion if my parents will like that. that's what's happening. none of are you cooking. are any of you shopping on friday? i don't understand this black friday thing. all right. i would suggest others don't as well. right?
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>> it can wait until saturday. >> go online or save your money. >> go online. >> okay. so we're all getting ready for the holiday. it's one of the busiest travel days of the year. of course, on coup, the amount of storm system is threatening to spoil the thanksgiving holiday. is that possible? today most of the northeast and mid-atlantic are expected to be pummelled with snow, ice and rain and high winds could brown some of the larger balloons at tomorrow's macy's thanksgiving day parade. that's horrible. let's go to bill kierans who is tracking the storm and travel delays. bill, it seems to me they started already last night. >> yeah, the rain moved in heavy last night. if you are driving in southern new england this morning as tides. this is by far the worst time to be on the roads. the winter part of the storm didn't materialize too bad. there is a little ice and snow from buffalo to rochester chester also in your area around pittsburgh. it's not horrible. most of those roads are treated and it will be wet.
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it is the wind and flooding that developed now in southern new england. it's a concern. we have flash flood warnings. there it is north of new york city. that includes i-95 as it goes through southern portions of connecticut a. flash flood warning. 3 inches of rain is falling. it is torrential rain. a thunderstorm is moving up. it's kind of an eerie morning. temperature is 61 degrees right now in central park. that's a very high temperature for this time of day. this time of 84. notice, it's much chillier around d.c. so the front has already gone through d.c. and richmond. now, southern new england is a concern for the heaviest rain and the gustiest winds, notice the snow part of the storm. they have snow in west virginia. it's the windy conditions, a gust of 40s in new york city. ice we are picking up the winds in new port, rhode island. we may have minor power outages and we shouldn't see too many downed trees on this.
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my best advice, if you will be driving i-95, 81, across '80s, wait as long as you possibly can today. notice new york city by 10:00 a.m., a lot of the heavy rain is gone t. winds will be much lighter then. the same with philadelphia, baltimore, all the way down to d.c. into richmond. as far as new england goes, if you wait until 4:00 or 5:00, it will be kicking through, exiting, into boston late this afternoon, your weather will dramatically improve. the worst of the airport delays the worst of everything is now up until ability 7:00, 8:00 a.m. in new york city until about noon in boston. >> oh my gosh, that's horrible. at this point if you are traveling by plane, train, even automobile, you are going to be stuck. >> strain trains should be fine unless a tree falls on your tracks. airports will be playing catch up all afternoon. >> it will be incredibly crowded, though. >> i am cooking and shopping in the next 22 days.
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>> see i knew i'd find one. you metro detroit be a good man. >> don't let anyone know. >> i won't. the supreme court will hear another legal challenge to the health care lawless tan two years after the signature piece of ljslation t. court will take up the law's contraception mandate which requires insurer plans to provide forms of birth control, including the morning after pill. some retail chains with ties to the commission i christian community says the mandates enfringes on their believes and violates their religious freedom t. white house is firing back saying no institution has the right to deny contraception options for women. with just days to go before the dead lean for fixes to be implemented for, president obama went on offense yesterday against his critics. >> the product is good. people want it and we should not live in a country where people
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are going bankrupt just because they get sick and anybody who is gentleman to keep on pushing against that, they will meet my resistance because i'm willing to fix any problems there are, but i'm not going to abandon people to make sure they have health insurance in this country. >> that is not something we will do. >> i like that. i agree. meanwhile, new polling shows support for professional republicans surging over if botched rollout of obama care. according to a cnn research poll, americans now give republican law makers a slight edge over their democrat colleagues at next year's mid-term elections were held today. that's a 10-point swing from october when democrats were up 50 to 41% and mark halperin, of course, polling is terrible, especially in light of the botched rollout. but more and more you are going to hear about people who can get health care who couldn't and the option otherwise without this law is that we have the health care prices that we have been
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dealing with for years that has been bankrupt in this country yes or no? >> i'm not hearing it. the inmates have taken over the asylum. >> so i was just filling time here, doing my job. >> i knew they had to come in. it seems like questions like this. >> did you chop it up yourself? >> i did. >> there is no question that the president has got to start matching these stories of the plan not working with stories about individuals and groups where they're benefiting from the plan and there is already some of that and there will be more, but it will be trench warfare. >> it's trench warfare. >> and other stories. >> you can take ten bad stories and make them sound like 100 and there are many more bad stories out there but there will be many, many, many more good stories once this gets going. no, predom fantly americans who didn't have health insurance couldn't get with pre-existing conditions. let's think of the bottom lean of this law.
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it will be predominantly better. >> we can have a debate by an next dome. one thing that will happen now and between the mid-terms under the projection, 70 million people were supposed to be signed up by march 31st. i'm for the expert. it feels like a push to get to 7 million and that will give republicans more ammunition. >> absolutely. >> really, for every great story that there will be about somebody that had a pre-existing condition, i heard that, myself, we will also see what started this explosion. an l.a. times story a few weeks back that showed there was sticker shock, showed the people's policies were being cancelled. i mean, we den know how this is going to turn out. but any democrat that says, well, gee, there are going to be happy success stories, they're just ignoring the obvious. >> we talked about this yesterday and saw it yesterday, the president is now going benote the national media. he's going on the road to places
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where it's working and tell those stories. as steve points out, you have to be careful by making argument by anecdote. both sides have been guilty of this. here's this one guy that's done well, here is this one woman do iing because of it. >> that terrible story. it's a great story. but let's look at the data, let's look at how it plays out over time. >> speaking of data, can we talk about this congressional ballot? it's just one that shows that republicans are now favored when last woke they were losing by about 3 or 4 to beginning gis khan? doesn't that show how volatile this electorate is right now, really distrust on both parts, i'm not spining this to say, please, republican bloggers. don't say, gee, joe is trying to downplay this. i'm not. there has been a volatility over the past 20 years in elections from republicans in '94 to democrats in '96 and the
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majority in 2004 to nancy pelosi being speaker in tweeting. barak obama and 2010 barak obama elected. it's one of the most volatile 20 years in american political history. now we are seeing that played out month by month by month. >> the snapshot today, there are two things at play i think here. one is the president's party usually doesn't do particularly well in the sixth year in the mid-terms after re-election. the other thing is the president is not doing well right now. by some measures at a low point of his presidency politically and republicans will lyn win in 2010 simply by being the anti-obama party. >> remember, it was six weeks ago, joe, the shutdown was taking place and the republican party was dead. the obituary wears were written. >> that changed in a course of a couple weeks. >> so what happened? what did you say?
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so somebody set this up so it has alerts. yesterday this imploded. what did you do? what happened? >> there is some interest in america, in my views, on the affordable care act. i said something imprecisely. i was being interviewed. . i was asked about rationing or debt panels. i will try to say what i said on twitter. i didn't use the phrase death panels. i don't think there are death panels in the affordable -- >> there are not? >> but what there is at the point i was trying to make which i did make is what there is in the law is something that is intended to lower health care costs, which will produce rationing, whether you think rationing is a good idea or bad idea. >> however you want to call rationing, at some point we're going to have a health care reform system that doesn't allow people to have as many mris as they have. >> so the death panel happened there was something in the
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original bill that said people could get counseling near the end of life to get the best decision. sarah palen found this, went crazy, started talking about death penn panels. now the law says can you not change benefits, do anything to change people's availability to health care. >> they say that. the way markets work is if you start to really restrict payments to providers, it's going to have an impact on patients. >> and it will. >> it just will. >> it will happen, steve. >> we talked about the economics of this. i can talk about it in a very personal terms with my dad. it went to the hospital and it was hospitalized maybe 10, 15 times in the final year, year-and-a-half of his life. there were several times where i felt he was going just because he was scared. they get hospitalized and then it went on and on and on. i am certainly not talking about rationing. i'm not talking about health care. the expenses might add more health care expenses probably in the last three months of his
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life than he did in 78 years. >> and a lot of it was just unnecessary. >> so this is exactly the point. i don't remember the exact statistic, but it's something like 80% of all medicare expenses in the last 18 months of lie. my dad went through something similar to yours. this is the elephant sitting right there in the middle of this table that we're all trying to talk about which is how do you decide? who decides? i wrote a piece paper that said we should have a panel. i got them to see a lot of hate mail. hoy do you know in your last 18 months of life? how do you allocate these resources? >> the point i was trying to make. i actually didn't make is one they handled it pretty effectively, they sent it to a meat greeneder. >> whether we should have a system that has the government playing a role on how much, obama care does that, we will
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have a big national dewitt about i. part of the political challenge as president now is every one of these big things that wasn't discussed on passage, wasn't discussed in the context of the president's company is going to be controversial and the president will have to defend. >> obama care is completely beingwards, it holds down payments to providers, as you said, some providers say i'm not going to provide it. they're not making the right decision. willie is saveable but mark shouldn't get treatment because he is not saveable. those are the decisions. >> who makes them, though, who decides that? >> right now, it's the insurance companies. >> that's scary. >> it's very difficult to figure out exactly how to do this. nobody sheer suggesting the federal government step in and make these sort of decisions. but, willie, decision there is no such thing as a free lunch. i always laugh at my libertarian friends, who i agree on many views, who are enraged be i the federal government stepping in to health care. and, of course, i want the
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affordable care act wiped off the face of the earth, but something has to replace it because when a sing him mom takes her child to the emergency room at 11:00 at night or mid-notice and that emergency rom physician is the first provider, that's not a free lunch. >> that costs us all. in fact, that's a far, far less efficient way to handle things and a far more expensive way to hand him things because hospitals have to do it. they pass the expenses on in a very rough way, but these decisions ability end of life, if we're allowing people to continue to get hundreds and hundreds of to yous of dollars of care to prolong their life maybe a month or two, you can say, okay, that's great, but there is no free lunch. what you are doing is you are stealing from children, from child care, from middle class
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people. middle clools class workers. there is no thing as a free lunch. this idea that death panels are being so mean here. it's a ridiculous argument. when fdr passed social security, who were the poorest people in america? demographics-wise, the elderly. they are now the wealthiest. and children now are more children in poverty than any other age. so these are choices that we have to make. we don't make them. >> the problem is that everything else you do in your life i would pediatric and worry now in the holiday season, we're all going to go shopping. you will decide whether to boy this because it costs this much or that because it costs that much. health care is the one thing for more reasons people shouldn't have to make decisions based on what it will cost them. so then you need to find a way to make those decisions. >> i think that's one of the great mistakes is separating the 43 market from decisions that are made in health care. i've given a lot of examples.
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i won't give the examples again. >> please don't. >> when doctors come in and say i think you are okay. you'd like to have an mri? no, i'd like to leave, we'd be more comfortable with you having a mri. if i knew how much that mri was costing and iing to more of a hit tore that mri, i'd go, i'm good, see you. and i can give a lot of examples where we are told by our doctors, hey, you know what, have the mri. we'll just check it out. >> well, they're doing it preventatively. >> they're doing this stuff from being sued, willie. if they don't kel me to take that test and i end up with a tumor, i request go back and sue them, which is ridiculous as well. >> we've had this system for so long and taken our medical care for so long we take it for granted how crazy it is. it's the only transaction in our life we don't know how much anything costs. you accept what the doctor in front of you tells you, you
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don't shop around. that's the system we've had for so long that's the way we treat it. obama care in some ways tried to change that for having a marketplace. this is a country of 310 million people, everyone has a different idea of how to do it. this is president obama's idea and the law of the land. you don't like, you change it. >> and endorsed a number of ways over. one more story, pope frances is no fan of trickle down economics. did you hear this? yesterday, the leader of the catholic church blamed the free prrkt for the issues. the pontiff called for financial reform while criticizing businesses and wealthy individuals for chancing quote self serving tax evasion. he also took aim at what he called the idol try of money writing quote today's economic mechanisms promote inordinate consumption adding it is evidence that unbroidaled consumerism provided with inequality proofs double
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damaging to the social fabric. he also said the world must they thou shalt not to inequality bus such an economy kills. >> it's an extraordinary statement by the pope, but what will have far greater impact, mika, is what he said about the top down hierarchy in the catholic church, itself. boy, i bet a lot of those cardinals are sorry they went outside of europe to get a pope. this guy, what a surprise. >> she a beautiful person. >> by the way, there are a lot of people that might have read into his statements as liberal. a good practicing clrks ed morissey said he liked the statement because it addresses the excesses of capitalism. >> in this country especially such on a human basis, materialism, consumerism, you
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know, there will be multiple reports, you know, streaming on televisions across the country covering black friday and covering people shopping and spending money and we opened the show with a sound bit i think from jimmy kimmel. they interviewed people, where are they going to buy? one guy said, i don't know, something. it's something. >> so his points about inequality, we all know a lot about this. but there are some statistics yesterday that actually caught my eye, coincidentally, the last three years, top 1% of people average income up 31.4%. bottom 99% of people averaging come up to 0.4%. >> well. that's absolutely staggering. he talked about the tax code, it's something we talked about a good bit where it doesn't seem right to most americans that somebody, you know, i always say a hedge funds are up in greenwich, you know, mit be paying 15, 16, 17% taxes.
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his or her assistant paying 25, 26, 27, yeah, warren buffet talked about this all the time. and then a small business owner is, who is working around the clock and doing the best they can do to grow their business, hire as many people, she may be paying 39% in taxes. it's just, it's people don't understand that. it's unfair. >> all right. we have a lot to do including coming up on "morning joe," dr. jeffrey sacks jones us, an acclaimed law professor will be here. >> an eclectic mix. >> tony scott. later our conversation with oscar winning actress dame judy dench. up next, our top stories the politico play b.c. are you watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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>> it's time now to take a look at the morning papers. new york times, the u.s. and china are drawing lines over air rights in asia. the u.s. military sent two b-52s over a disputed area in the east chinese sea. the move comes after the chinese government announced it was expanding its air defense zone to include that area. the pentagon says it was a long planned unarmed drill, while there was no reaction on the part of the chinese, the incident underscores tensions in the region. >> and from the telegraph, former italian menster silvio berlusconi may be forced out of parliament. willie and i are disgusted by this. he is a good man.
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he just tried to bring a smile to the kids along italy as long as they were women. >> italy's senate will be voting whether this great american berlusconi can be stripped of his sea. he is right behind rob ford. anyway, if he is convicted of tax fraud and banned from holding office for two years, if he's expelled, he could actually face allegations of prostitution and bribery. >> yeah, because he's a terribly behaved person. >> that's not true. he's been framed in every single case. this is injustice along the lines of blogo. it was still, willie, is he not? he's still in prison, why is he in prison in illinois? >> a few reasons, no. 1 is trying to bring health insurance to little children that didn't have it. that was the primary offense. >> he loved america, too. he said he reminded himself of
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mandela. i don't know. just saying. that's all. he wanted kids to have health care. >> i'm wondering how long i should let you go with this. just keep going. it's all right. >> we can go all day. >> okay. the l.a. times, some medications may be doing more harm than good a. study finds high levels of, this is true, actually, high levels of sodium in powdered medicines may increase a person's risk of stroke and death. the amount of sodium in one dose is often greater than the recommended daily intake. good gracious. researchers say that sodium content should be labelled the same way it is on food packages. good job. >> and from t. winder olympics in russia is showing up to be the most expensive games. >> i want to go. >> we're banned. >> we are not allowed.
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>> why not? >> we don't get sent. >> oh the montreal 1976 situation with willie and i? we went streaking with members of super tramp at the time in montreal. >> i don't remember that. no. >> i want to go. willie, can you get us -- >> i'll make a few calls. >> willie is in the group. he gets to go. >> i know, he's in the club. >> i will talk to putin. i'll be glad. >> i'd love to go, actually. >> how much will it cost russia? >> a lot. more than $50 billion. nearly four times the original budget. mainly taxpayers and state owned banks paying the town. to put that in perspective the 2008 summer games if beijing cost $43 billion and featured four times the amount of athletes that will be in sochi. >> this from the hill, first lady michelle obama is drawing
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attention to a group of activists in a public push for immigration reform. mrs. obama personally tweeted yesterday and vice president biden met with the fasters in a surprise visit last week, thank god, willie, he found the right protesters. >> no, this is important. everyone who is in the area should go by and support them. let's go to politico, willie. >> what is now the chief excuse correspondent is mike allen. he has a lock at the playbook. good morning. >> good morning, happy get away day. >> a group of people can get away. let's talk wyoming politics. senator mike enzi under fire from challenger liz cheney. americans for jobs security has put up an attack ad tying senator enzi to obama care. >> mike enzi praised them. >> i like the exchanges. these exchanges can be good.
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>> good? yoem wyoming's obama care exchange has the most expensive in the country it's marred by glitches. >> i like the exchanges. >> tell mike enzi we don't leak these big liberal obama care changes, paid for by americans for job security. >> i would have stung out with it one more time i like the exchanges. that's a good one. we know the margin. he has a fairly comfortable lead over liz cheney in this primary. does this hurt him? >> no, because there the a basic problem with that ad and that is that senator enzi voted against obama care. he's soeted to defund it. he's voted to repeal it. people in wyoming will find that out. so this americans for jobs security, which is trying to help liz cheney, is actually undermining herbie putting out something that is so misleading. this race continues to be very personal. yesterday, mary cheney was
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cheney's sister, another daughter, the former vice president, sent out a letter for a gay marriage group in indiana and she used a phrase that her sisters used freedom in freedom for everybody. turning the knife a little bit on liz cheney's very opposition to gay marriage when mary cheney is in such a relationship and is a big advocate for i. >> so where does this go for liz cheney right now? she seems to have been caught up in this sort of family battle that is not what's happening in the state of wyoming. how does this race play out for her? >> willie, i have been talking to a number of republicans about what was liz's theory of the case, what needs to change here and republicans will tell you that she needs to get back on a positive message, something about herself. these conversations that wove seen on "morning joe" about fishing license and about the family feud are not helping her make her case. and an ad locate this that is
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misleading, easily misproven, usually, misloading ads are a little more clever just don't help. >> as you said, senator enzi voted against obama care in 2010, voted supported efforts to repeal it, defund it. mike alan, have a great thanksgiving, man. thank you. thanks, a lot, mike, more criticism for red 16s quarterback robert griffin, iii. while one opposing player says rgiii should not be on the field right now. and on monday, joe will be at america's finest institution vanderbilt university in nashville, tennessee, langford auditorium. check out are you listening to the smooth tunes of dierks bentley. >> willie, would they love me at vanderbilt? >> oh, they will love you. meacham says i could go
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robert griffin, iii. we talked about him yesterday. looked shaky last night. not looking leak the quarterback last year probably because of the injury. in monday night's game, rg threw for 127 yards, interception, sacked four times in the loss. even opposing players are starting to take notice of the problem. 9ers line backer ahmed brookes said he does not believe griffin fully recovered. brooks said, quote, i personally don't feel he should be playing right now. >> he shouldn't, man. >> we said it yesterday. >> lock at what the bulls are doing obviously with their franchise star. he's so young. they shouldn't have put him back out on the field last year and don't you agree? >> yeah, absolutely. he came back tooen soon last 84. as i said yesterday, he's getting hit on every play. he tucks it, runs it. it's going to be a short career if they're not smart about this for a guy that talented, it
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would be a shame. how about a little turkey day football. three nfl matchups. the packers probably without aaron rodgers will visit detroit to take on the lions. and an afc north matchup the rival steelers and ravens in baltimore, that will be the late game. finally, remember this guy, cameron rodriguez, the first of two oklahoma city thunder fans. they had two in a week. he's the first. well, he plays basketball at southwestern college. so now officials there are reviewing whether or not he can keep the money because of ncaa rules. >> come on. bo. >> yes, he can keep the money. >> keep the money. >> the rule says scholarship atmosphere lotz cannot use their sports ability for a financial reward. rodriguez says he'll do nate the money if the ruling goes against him. >> we should go see oklahoma city. >> ncaa strikes again.
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his scholarship is worth $4,000. they won't let him keep from hitting a fluke half court shot. >> why do they let him play? >> oklahoma stay fan, don't they seem incredible. >> oh my gosh. >> i'd love to go see them. kevin durant. we node to go see oklahoma state. >> go stillwater. >> we ned to go stillwater. >> coming up next, dr. jeffrey sax joins us from mika's must lead opinion passenger. we'll be right back with more "morning joe." [ music playing ]
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we have a new segment hasn't khamir cals then and now. >> then a lamp with only enough oil to burn for one night somehow managed to burn for eight nights. now, a comedy reference that should have lasted only one night somehow manages to drag on for three weeks. happy hasn't ka, everybody. >> so great. look at the traffic at reagan national airport already. we'll be covering the weather delays big storm. here with us now must read opinion pages the director of the earth institute at columbia university, economist dr. jeffrey sachs who just showed me the picture.
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i'm jealous. >> met the pope. >> what gives, how amaze something. >> he is the most believable thing. he's inspiring, he is changing the world. >> he is transformative. in what context were you able meet him? >> i was with a remarkable group called the great reform in italy. i gave a talk at their annual meeting and met the pope and phenomenal. absolutely phenomenal. >> so the president or the pope talked about the pope's statement yesterday regarding quote trickle down economics. >> right. hey, this is good church dock tren you know that the church always said we need a preferential option for the poor. that's right. that's what jesus said. that's what the church says. it's absolutely right. i think what the church has taught for ages is the economy has to have a moral framework.
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if the economy doesn't have a moral framework, we end up with not the kind of life we want. i think it's very important. >> the pope is to the left of jeffrey sachs. >> the pope and the church has been there a while. >> what i think is so what the pope is doing. i am far more excited about what he said actually about the bureaucracy of the catholic church which is so top heavy that people have had very little say for too long in the church. but he's a unifying figure, even conservative catholics. ed morissey yesterday came out and talked about the excesses of capitalism. even those of us who believe in free markets have to understand that it's not just a complete handoff approach to it. i mean, there is actually, when you have a figure, this big and this transformative, it actually begins a discussion that normally wouldn't happen. >> i think he does it with this incredible simplicity that's so
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wonderful but it goes back to the gospel words. that's why people around the world are reacting to it. it's absolutely extraordinary. >> i'm very excited about it. now people who ask me, who do you want to interview? i usually don't have an answer. this is it. have you as to work something out for us. let move to eastern. >> yep. >> go ahead, i don't have. >> let's talk about eastern. >> obviously, i have a lot of concerns about the deal it was a made, but a war wary american public does not. a 2-1 margin, 44% of marines favor the iran deal. they back the iran deal. only 22% oppose. and this to me it just has to be the result of 12 years of constant warfare in the united states. >> i think this is really give peace a chance and americans are for it. i think they're right to be for it.
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this is a good agreement. it's not guaranteed and a good provisional agreement. this is not the u.s. out on its own. have you all of the permanent members of the security council. this is china, russia, u.k., france, united states, germany, european union. so this is a world wide agreement that is i think very powerful and what the iranians have agreed to do is to basically reverse the enrichment that they have been taking above the 3.5% which you use or 5% which you use for a power plant or for research to reverse that and spend increases and to dismantle the mechanisms for enrichment beyond a very small wa
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way. >> this is six months where we will see what happens. >> this says go against ten years of u.n. doctrine, policy on lifting the sanctions. >> no, no. >> it doesn't. >> it does. >> it doesn't. because what's been happening is trying to find a way to get a guarantee that iran is now pursuing a nuclear weapons program and that's why the p-5 here. this is a u.n. agreement, a security agreement. >> what are your concerns? >> well, if eastern doesn't live up to the deal, we'll know during next six months. so this is step by step. this is how diplomacy needs to work after 34 years of complete -- >> jeffrey, how do we avoid the mistakes we made with north korea, the bush administration entering into agreements, trusting the north koreans and then weaking up one day and
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finding out they have a nuclear weapon? how do we avoid the same mistakes in eastern? >> what disagreement calls for is daily access of the international atomic energy agency. so this is an every day event and it's pretty clear i think the iranian leader has staked everything of his politics on this, if they blow it, we're really going to be in a far worse situation than we were two days ago. so i this i that the fact is, this is really a trust. >> it's terrible. the iranians. >> disaster. oh, no. they're putting everything on the lean. >> if they cheat on this, if they step out of line, netanyahu is given a free pass to do to protect his country. >> this is, joe, i think it exactly is ronald reagan's victim of trust but verify, because you take some small steps on both sides, but you verify, verify. we'll see how it goes.
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>> what we're giving them, we're giving them $7 billion of foreign currency back. >> of their own money. >> exactly. a small amount of trade relief and the question really is, joe, what is the military option? put aside america. as a technical matter this is not getting goes out of caves in afghanistan. these are sophisticated people who have taken measures to protect these facilities where it's in a very difficult place to get to it's not obvious that i know that militarily you have a great option here. >> there are no great options. certainly, and dr. aschs and i talked about this over the past six or seven years, you want to avoid military strikes at all costs. i will tell you the people of israel have every right to say. >> absolutely. >> the iranians will never have a bomb. >> president obama has said that, too. >> he's said it, the. i don't know how passionate he is about that, but he has said it. >> and what's interesting is the
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iranians have said it and now the question is verify and have it open and an arrangement where that is guaranteed. >> this is exactly what candidate obama said he would do and he is executing it and there is dissent in congress. he is going to pursue it. i think it is in the national interest that this succeed. >> all right. dr. jeffrey sax, thank you very much. still ahead, we'll reveal the new cover of "time" magazine. plus, how is this for a lineup? alan dershowitz, richard simmons and dame judi dench. i don't think you get that anywhere else. "morning joe" is back in a moment. [ music playing ] sfx: birds chirping.
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so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cash card from capital one, i get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally someone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! what's in your wallet? i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really.
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. >> another thing to be excited about. >> what's that? >> it might be the biggest professional tour of all time. it brought the stars. >> i love this. >> are you ready? >> of anchorman 2 to australia this woke. if are you wondering if thosegies cguys can really sing? ♪ going to find my baby, grab some afternoon delight ♪ my motto has always been when it's right it's right ♪ why wait until the middle of a cold dark night ♪ when everything's a little
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clearer in the light of day ♪ skyrockets in flight ♪ him boom ♪ afternoon delight ♪ oop ♪ afternoon delight [ music playing ] >> how great is that? >> i love them. aren't they the cutest thing? >> like the smothers brothers up there. >> they're the best. can we play that again, please? >> still ahead, gerald ford, jr. standing by. also, matt lewis joins the conversation. >> great. >> keep it right here on "morning joe." [ music playing ]
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. >> poor president obama, he just can't catch a brake this guy right now. i mean, he gave a major immigration speech yesterday in san francisco. it doesn't go very well. >> the heckler just kept going on with his criticism and it seemed to get more and more specific. it got weird. take a look. >> the cafeteria doesn't have enough dessert options. i have been eating banana pudding the last two weeks. please fix that. no more banana pudding. no more banana pudding in my cafeteria. have some brownie or crumb cake.
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>> boy, that was specific. wasn't it? >> very. the president of the united states, you are talking about immigration reform. >> i thought the president handled that situation quite well. >> that could have been much more awkward. >> banana and crumb cake. with us from washington, senior contributor for the daily caller and columnist for the week, matt lewis. >> hello, matt. >> here on set. msnbc political analyst, former democrat, let's begin with you, what thanksgiving plans do you have? >> lots of family here in town. very, very excited. >> the whole crowd coming out? >> my dad is coming out. my whole brother and sister. >> do you and your brother and sister revert a bit when you get together? >> they're 12 and 8, 12 and 7 respectively. they just -- my other brother is
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not. >> you got everybody piling in. >> it's a secret time. it's memphis takes him in. >> matt lou wes, what are your thanksgiving plans, my man? >> is it going to be a tension convention? >> we will talk about obama care. that's what we have been toll to do is to have a conversation over that. >> over thanksgiving day. >> nice. >> you are in here. >> no, i have two little kids, we don't play road games. we pan date people come to us, i'll be right here in the nation's capital area. >> wow, i can't wait. okay. that's a draw. a pan date, people come to you. fine. >> that's what i meant if you have a city kid, you got to come to us. >> are you cooking? >> no, actually that guy you said lives by you. >> john coampbell.
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>> is this guy from my hometown? >> everything in his yard, smoke is coming out of it. he stands there for hours cooking turkeys. this year, he is cooking mean. i have to bring it at 1:00. i don't know what he does, peanut oil. >> it's pretty good. >> is it healthy in. >> no. i wouldn't go overbird, but it's pretty good. >> you will do that. you will drop the turkey in. it's going to fry. >> if you knew beth campbell. if she told you to do something, you would know you have no choice. >> i know beth campbell, i would not let her destroy my turkey. >> you should have a backup, a couple turkey subs as a backup. >> have you ever had a tur-dunkin. wrapped in cherry, turkey. stuffing. cranberry sauce.
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>> this is going to be a great thanksgiving if you can get there. >> let's talk about the weather. >> we are headed into one of the busiest travel days of the year. we have a massive storm system threatening to impact thanksgiving day. most of the northeast and mid-atlantic are expected to be hit with torrential rain. western pennsylvania and western new york could get up to ten inches of snow. already, flights are delayed 90 minutes at la guardia and over an hour in philadelphia. bill kierans who will be joining us in a few moments says trains should be running on team. he will have the full weather travel forecast. get ready for a lot of waiting. that's just an example there. >> that is cape may, new jersey. there is traffic problems. there is going to be airport delays. >> it looks like an accident is there. >> so i would be really careful. i don't know.
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i think in some cases it may not be worth the travel that you will be sitting in the plane. >> there will be some cancelled trips. >> i hate to say that on thanksgiving. moving on, we will talk to bill in a few moments, pope frances, no fan of trekle down economics. yesterday the loader of catholic church and i think he's my fate person in the world criticize aspects of the free market system. the pontiff called for financial reform criticizing businesses and wealthy individuals for chasing self serving tax evasion. he took issue with the idol try of money writing quote it is evidence that unbroidaled consumerism proves double damaging to the social fabric. pope frances said the world thou shalt not to inecollusion such an economy kills. he also took aim at the church's
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top down hierarchy blaming excessive centralization for complicating the church's mission. while he ruled out the ord nation of women, he called for the church to embrace a greater female presence. wow, where do you want to begin? >> hey, matt lewis, so, let's talk about this. i think it's absolutely fascinating. you have actually written some really great persuasive columns. i talked about it for some time about how this presumption among media loads, the young evangelicals are immediately flocking complain i companies that are pro-life and quote pro family. those are the driving issues. >> that stopped being the case a long time ago, there are now what we would call matthew xbv christians, more concerned about feeding the poor and a variety of issues. you have written about the
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changing face of evangelicalism. i would guess you don't disagree with great deal with the pope, do you? what are your thoughts? >> not at all. lock. i think it is fair to say that america and the free markets and capitalism bring about prosperity and the alternative socialism or god fored be communism those economic systems are much worse. poverty is spread around equally. having said that, i think it's fair to have the critique of capitalism. right now i mentioned earlier about two little boys. what do we do going into the holiday season? the consumerism, commercialism. i am having them watch the charlie brown christmas special. he has that little christmas tree, it's pathetic. snoopy has the lights and the goddy sort of commercialism. that is really the message of that show. that's what i'm trying to pass on to my children is that it's not about getting gifts at this time of year.
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it's also about giving and helping others. look, i think on one hand we need to defend free markets, make the moral calls for capitalism. i think it does bring prosperity to a lot more people than any other economic system. by this same token, it's respectable pope frances is out there warning about the excesses of commercialism and of greed and i think that people of faith are really embureaucracying that message now. yes, you got to be pro-life i think if you want to be an evangelical. you also have to care about the poor and that's a part of the message that's been left behind too much. >> i think it really has. >> i love what you said. >> it's pretty remarkable what this pope said and again how he is unifying. he is unifying conservatives and liberals. catholic conservatives. >> the message, even mat what you are talking about, doing with your kid, that show also
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talks about the simple. have you so many choices, the choices are not always to shop. >> one of the things, i agree with matt. i think the pope is right. one of the things you need is a man to help grow the economy to invest in things and higher paying jobs. >> and help people. >> and the way you help people. you show me a community where people are working, where people own their home. i'll show you a community or a neighborhood where schools are performing better, where kids are graduating from schools. that's the long term plan. i think focusing on the poor is the right thing to do. focusing on the middle class, how you graduate is the right thing to do, you have to figure out how you create that. >> the question is this assumption that you help the poor by paying high taxes and writing that check to the federal government and then you don't have to feel any guilt anymore. you kind of let it go. somehow the federal government
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is going, if you are against huge government programs that somehow you are against the poor. from can be a debate. an honest, smart debate. exactly, but there is a debate on how you help the poor, how you help the working class. how we reverse this 40-84 trend of middle class americans falling further and further behind and the default answer, do you care about the poor and the working class, you know that isn't always a bigger government program. >> you know, i don't disagrow with that. i think it is a fact capitalism left uncontrolled in anyway will create this enormous inequal. >> that loaves it to the government to regulate capitalism in a way that's fair. i think the pope is implicit in the pope's remarks that if all of us don't do something about this incredible income in equality, you will risk capitalism and the free market
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because the reaction to it could be the opposite. >> you know what liberals said it? alan greenspan, he said growing income and equality is a great threat to american capitalism. i think we all can agree on that. >> absolutely. >> the rich under a democratic president as it was under a republican president as it was under a democratic president before, the rich keep getting richer. the more keep getting poorer. steve, what was the quote, the statistic that you talked about last year alone? >> last two years, if you, three years, top 1% your income went up about 31%. bottom 99%, your income went up 0.4%. >> matt lewis, i wast the the president's association last week. these governors were obsessed with the republican party figuring out a way to grow the economy. not just go back to the default of going out and chirping ideological leans. we have all been saying for 40
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or 50 years but to become. they were the anti-washington republican crowd. it was stunning that they were obsessing over solutions. it reminded me of heritage in lick '93 and '94 leading up to the republican revolution. >> absolutely, joe. i think it's exciting and refreshing and energizeing to see the governors, scott walker, bobby jindal. i think the states are these incubators of ideas. i think it's refreshing. they are grappling with creative solutions. i think if you lookt the past month or so people like senator mike lee, who have been talking a lot of issues like poverty. so as much as you can be pessimistic about the state of conservatism, i think there are a lot of reasons to be bullish, optimistic, that there are going to be solutions. i do want to say something an echo what you said a few minutes earlier, though, i think there is a danger in outsourceing
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charity to the state. arthur brooks, american enterprise institute has wren a lot about the moral case for free markets and about the value of people voluntarily being philanthropic. i think if you do have a situation where we count on the government to eredistribute wealth. it actually can have a chilling effect on charity. you know, when we give to other people. we benefit i think spiritually and just in terms of our attitude our happiness and so i do think it is dangerous if we have a regulatory society where government essentially disincentivizes proift giving. >> that is a danger we have to think about. >> you know, it is a constant blowning act. i've always said, if i believed the top down approach as i call it trickle down, you know,
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government if i thought trickle down government was the best approach, my faith would require me what jesus said and matthew xxv to be a liberal. i'm dead serious. i think history is jammed with one example after another federal governments that have gone too far and actually stifled growth and actually hurt businesses and actually hurt the middle class and the poor disproportionally. i'm not saying it nodes to be regulated. i am saying it is a balancing act. >> charity can't build bridges and subways and build airports and the new infrastructures. that's what i mean by. >> i agree with you. >> a new generation. >> you can get oil an gas in there. >> seriously. >> this holiday season, we need.
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it creates jobs and opportunities and prosperity. >> i want to get to this story. >> i have to go to bill kierans now. you don't read my faeshl expressions. look. look. >> let's talk about margaret thatcher 1979 and how margaret thatcher helped the working class in great bren by moving away from the creeping socialism, that's what her face is telling me, right? you admit na? >> i'm with you, i think thatcher was remarkable. >> unbelievable. >> you are scaring me now. don't look at me that way. >> what is my face saying now? >> it is saying you are going to fry a turkey tomorrow. >> what did thatcher say about weather delays? >> what did thatcher say about weather delays? >> i wanted to get to it later. >> i love steve. >> as we told you earlier, flights being delayed as a nasty storm hits a big part of the east coast. bill, it looks bad.
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>> let's build it up a little bit t. delays as expected, philadelphia and new york reporting significant delays. right now, philadelphia two-hour delays going in and out of the airport, la guardia is reporting about an hour-and-a-half, we are waiting for newark and jfk logan to give us reports, usually the first once come in 7:00 east coast time. expect something similar. so far, no reports of delays there, down around dulles. we have strong gusty winds t. worst of the weather is from new york city up into southern new england. it is very warm, eerily warm for new york city. 61 degrees. it's 41 in d.c.. the temperatures will fall in new york. the front is going through right now. we have wednesday gusting to 35 in new haven. we have reports of significant flash flooding. areas of i-95, southern connecticut. that's probably by far one of the worsto out there. boston up to 40. once you get to 40 to 50-mile-per-hour wind gusts, we will get power outages, too. the rain is heavy there.
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as far as the timeing, if you can wait to drive to your destination, do it. the later today the better. that's the story for the enter east coast. by 10:00, new york city is done with its heaviest rain. it looks like for boston, sometime around noon or so the rain will taper off. not completely done until about 7:00 tonight. again the snow not an issue out there. a little lake effect snow. as far as the other areas of concern, north carolina, some rain for you. the all scleer coming soon for atlanta. the only airport possibility delays is miami. still some heavy ran rote now. as we said, better as the day moves on. wait if you can. >> okay. bill, thank you so much. matt, harold, stay with us. up next, harvard law professor alan dershowitz reflects from his most intriguing cases from the pentagon paipts papers and o.j. simpson and wikileaks, his half a century on the front lean of the legal system. are you watching "morning joe."
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>> we are following airport delays across the country. massive weather system really botching thanksgiving plans for some people. this is mitchell airport in milwaukee. now, let's go to la guardia. oh, it's inside la guardia. just a lot of travelers. there will be delays. bill kierans advising travelers to try to wait until later. here with us now harvard law professor alan dershowitz the author of his 30th book, 30th. this one is about you. taking the stand, my life in law and it's very good to have you on the show. >> thank you. >> i can't think of a high profile case you don't have your finger presents on. is there one? >> i have been very fortunate i've had the most exciting cases. starting when i was a kid lawyer
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a. guy calls me and says i tried to kill somebody, he was already dead when i shotle. am i guilty of murder or attempted murder? to cases where i'm representing the president of ukraine, i'm involved with the case of the former prime minister of pack stavenlt i have been very fortunate in my cases. >> i mean i'm looking at the list of cases, it goes, mike the tyson, o.j., what, you have literally represented everybody, what is do you think the theme of the book that you discovered about yourself and your approach to law that perhaps you didn't really think about before in. >> well, in "taking the stand," i described i was a c-minus student, a terrible student. i made it barely through college and i tried to explore what happened and what motivated me and i just loved the law. i wanted to be a first amendment
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lawyer right from the beginning. i wanted to be a criminal lawyer. you know, i have this terrible things foms. fear of missing something. i wanted to be everything. i didn't want to pick and choose and being a professor has given me a chance to be a practicing lawyer, a writer, a litigator. so it's been a very full life. >> steve ratner. >> i am sure you will not want to discuss spevengs. but in generality, how often are you in a high profile cases defending somebody and you say to yourself i just don't believe this guy? >> it happens all the time. first of all the vast majority of people charged with a crime are guilty. thank god for that. it's not the united states. i never believe anything a client tells me. i start out with a presumption of guilt. i don't want to make a mistake. if are you a the you don't start out with a presumption of indy gestion, you start out with a presumption of serious
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illness. i let them persuade me of their innocence. often i'm never persuaded. >> i was going to say, if you are not persuaded, what happens? >> you is challenge the government. you show like i did in the o.j. simpson case the sock used against him with the blood of both the victims and the defendant was planted by the police. it had edta, a chemical put in test tube, not found in the human body. so you put the government on trial. you troy to prove the government engaged in misconduct. you challenge her to evidence and you let the jiri -- >> aren't you taking somebody who you think is guilty and you are setting him free? >> i'm not setting him free the is injure jiri is injury is set
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jury is setting him free. i have had cases where they have been innocent. i tell the story of taking the stand of two young boys sentenced to death, they came this close to being executed. i won the case. mike tyson, everyone thought he was guilty. if you read my chapter, i garden tee you will believe he was set up. so in order to make sure that we preserve our system under which only the guilty are generally charged, we defense lawyers have to vigorously defend everything, not unethically. i won lie and i wouldn't let him take the stand and deny he did it, but i'll let the government come to trial. >> has there ever been a case where you were sick to your stomach? >> oh, yeah, leon is that helmsly, i tell the story one day i was sitting in the hotel, they brought out tea. there was water in the teacup. she smashed it on the floor and
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told him to get on his knees and beg for his job. it was horrible. i said to her, i will never be seen in public with you again. i'm not your friend. i'm your lawyer. they called me into the office and he said i need to ask you something confidential about israel. he said can you do it? i said, mr. prime minister, does israel have nuclear weapons, i can't tell you this. my being has a lot of vignettes about people. >> ted cruz, who are some of the more interesting. what do you take from the students you talked to? >> the one thing i learned is liberals make a terrible mistake of thinking conservatives are done, very wrong. some of my best students have been very conservative. i may disagree with ted cruz. i'm not going to don't he was one of my best students, i had eliot spitzer. the onegy who i turned down
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twice, it was a guy named barak obama. he is still complaining. but i've had 10,000 students, many of them the best and the brightest. i look at my classes. i say, these are the future world loaders. in my book, i project forward 100 years. my students who are now teaching are going to be practicing law 50 and 60 years from now. that's the great thing about teaching, you can influence the world through your future. >> the book is "taking a stand." alan dershowitz, thank you so much. >> that looks fascinating. coming up, wall street is through the roof. >> that doesn't mean holiday shoppers think pride is positive. ratners charts, next on "morning joe."
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steve ratner charting consumer confidence ahead of the holiday season. steve. >> so we will see another disconnect on wall street. we have been talking about that implicitly for some of the show. let's take a look at what's likely to happen, starting most importantly with consumer confidence, what really drives a lot of what goes on in the spending world. what is interesting to connect this back to our washington lives is the effect that washington has on consumer confidence, if you look at this huge dip in consumer confidence back in 2011 the largest two-month drop in consumer confidence since hurricane katrina, that was the almost default of the federal government and the downgrade. if you lock at the smaller one here, that was the fiscal cliff at the end of 2012 and, of course, if you look at this one here, that is what is going on right now with obama care and all the dysfunction in washington that we have been talking about at the moment. so consumer confidence is weak going into this holiday season and i think we have washington to thank for a lot of that.
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solet look at what americans will actually thinking of doing. this is a survey done on plans for spending. so we look at 2011 compared to 2013. 2012 was just the same trend. so worry showing a two-year period. but you can see here that 39% of americans this year plan to spend less. only 24% plan to spend more. >> that is a reversal of two years ago when 33% were going to spend more. >> we were talking a couple days ago, always when i go in especially to small business owners, i boy something. i say, hey, how is business going? i never know the answer. that's why i always do it. because six months ago they might have told me things are bad. three months ago, hey, things are getting better, i'm feeling good, then i go in a couple weeks ago. they go, wow, we had a bad month last month. why? i don't know. it's retail. i mean it's restaurants.
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it's pretty widespread. i always pick up those trends, it's so frightening for these business owners. they just don't know what's coming next from they don't. that's a part of the nature of business. as i said, consumer confidence -- >> they use trend lines. it's far less easy to predict now. >> because you saw, because of the oscillations and confidence in turn driven by the craziness that's going on in washington. >> so when you put it altogether. i'm sorry. when you put it altogether, can you see what people are locking at for this holiday season. it does reflect the economic situation. you can see the big drop back in 308 during the recession. the second one, you see it recover. now for this year, people are projecting minus 25%. >> why are the markets doing so well? what are they drawing confidence from? why aren't they also upset by washington? >> the markets are really driven i think at the moment by two things. one, we talked a lot on this show about corporate profits have still been very strong,
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even though individual incomes are weak. so profits are pretty good. secondly, you almost have zero interest rates the fed pumping money into the economy. people are saying i'm earning nothing on my savings. so you have a lot of momentum propeling stocks. another day we can talk about whether the stockmarket is overvalued or not. certainly, it's a lot of people basically saying i will put my money there and let it ride. >> matt lewis, what can 23 expect? we have a couple more big days. a lot of people wondering whether the republicans are going to repeat the same mistakes that they made setting themselves up to fail. what are you hearing on capitol hill? >> right. so i think that's the thing. they were not in session very much. between now and the new 84, there really aren't that many more days. they essentially are going to have to grapple with some of the same things that are caused the problems before and so, the question is, are republicans going to try to drive a hard bargain in terms of budget issues again?
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it seems like they're not going to. my sense is that there is not much of a stomach. much of a tolerance for the kind of brinksmanship that we saw earlier this year and, frankly, i think that's not just fwd for the economy but at this point probably good politics bus the more republicans can get out of the way and let obama care and the failure of obama care be the big issue, i think the more they win. we've seen the polling that shows the republicans, the sort of the ballot that shows the average republican against the average democrat. republicans are doing a lot better. look, you want to talk about trends? how about the trend of republicans not stepling on themselves, not stepping on their own message. they tend to do better when they get out of the way and let obama care fail. >> i mean, that's, obviously, that's what we got, we republicans need to stay out of the way for a while. >> they are talking about putting together an alternative. >> we have been asking for one. >> there needs to be an
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. >> with us now, the editor of "time" magazine is here to reveal the new cover of "time" magazine. first of all, you are staying in town? >> yes, no travel for me. >> oh my gosh, aren't we lucky? we also want to talk about voting for "time's" person of the 84 in a bit. this is a fascinating cover and it's actually a problem that's been caused, you say, by some of the things we've done right over the past century. >> yes. the cover is called "america's pest problem." i want to say for the kids out there, no animals were harmed in
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the making of this cover. it is about the study enkurgs growth of wild life in america and the animals are coming too close. you probably heard bits and pieces of this story. ferrell pigs in texas. deer in the mid-west, turkey, a fox that has been cited on the white house grounds. the animals are coming very close, coyotes in new york and a lot of the reason for that is actually that we did some things right in the latter half of the 20th century t. white tailed deer, for example, on the cover was near extinction in the 1930s, partly because of the film "bambi" and the book, people got tuned into the idea this population was in trouble. they started taking measures to bring it being. now the deer population is 30 million and growing. it's more than when columbus got to america. there are reasons related to these animals. a lot of communities are stepping up hunting.
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>> so you have communities that say just hunting season now, maybe it starts earlier, end later. >> starts earlier,en later, the time of day you can hunt, it's a longer time span, in durham, north carolina, you can now bow hunt within city limits. people have to be careful. obviously, there are a lot of an pal rights activists who say, wait a minute t. truth is, once these populations get t a certain size, something has to be done to control them. if it's not going to be us, it will be they are dying of starvation, with i is nobody's idea of a good time. >> across the northeast, juster do population just exploding. >> i just want to show this one two to, which is worth price offed a mention right here. right here. >> what do we have here? >> this bear falling into a tarp. i don't know, i can look at this picture all day. look at their expressions. >> that bear is too close. what was it doing in that tree? unclear. >> you don't want to know. >> can i ask something else in
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this issue? >> sure. >> how about this piece by mike murphy, a republican consultant which flies in the face of the people you were saying at the end of the last segment republicans need to sit back and do nothing. mike disagrees. >> he says, republicans need to stop high fiveing that obama care isn't going so well and get rolling with a plan. they have their next convention in detroit, where, by consequence dense, he is from. >> i'm sure that's a part of his argument, yes. he is activateing activism for republicans saying this is not the time to sit by and gloat. this is a good opportunity to be advocating some plans. >> it's so interesting. it's such a huge disconnect from washington, d.c. same thing with mike murphy saying, you can't be something with nothing. harold, matt lewis and i were talking during the break. you don't leak obama care, get an alternative. a lot of conservatives. it seems like we're moving this
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way. the governor is obsessed with find agnew way forward, not just on health care but on the struggles, the struggles of the rich getting rich or the poor getting poor and the middle class getting squeezed. >> there is a void. democrats and republicans need to put forward better ideas. democrats six weeks ago thought the government shutdown and the debt ceiling debate they came out, according to polls, it would do well by default. republicans wrongly think the health care problems are so big and massive and bad, they need to put forward alternatives and ideas. >> let's talk about this article on new york's junior senator. keers ten gilibrand. >> we wanted to take a look at her. she is doing strong work in the senate, particularly for a junior senator. the things she's working on right now is a bill to take the arbitration of military sexual
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assault cases out of the hands of the pentagon and she says she's got the support for it. she is getting bipartisan support. we wanted to turn the spotlight on her and show some of the work she is doing. >> if you can tell us right now of, i think, you know, the day before thanksgiving, wouldn't that be a good time to tell us? who is the "time's" person of the year going to be? >> i can't tell you that, joe. you can go for the and cast your vote for who you think. we may or may not listen to you, but you should go and vote >> and the subsidiary contest, deer of the year. >> deer of the year if actually, if you have pictures of wild wild life in your home or yard, send them to us. we want to see them. tweet them with the hashtag timecritters. >> a bear jumping on trampoline, bouncing out of the tree. >> never repeated. >> we did that one like every night for about two years. >> so right now the vote
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getters, i read this a couple days ago "time" person of the year. >> it fluctuates. miley cyrus is making a iz. >> reporter: watch out pope frances and edward snowden. >> the new cover of "time" meteorologist, america's pest problem. mika, thank you for being with us. have a nice thanksgiving. >> coming up next, well, for something completely different, we'll be right back with richard simmons. i may actually take a break. >> no you are not. oh, no you are not. no way. .
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i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart.
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okay, who helps you focus on your recovery? yo, yo, yo. aflac. wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. pays you cash when you're sick or hurt? . [ japanese accent ] aflac. love it. [ under his breath ] hate it. helps you focus on getting back to normal? [ as a southern belle ] aflac. [ as a cowboy ] aflac. [ sassily ] aflac. uh huh. [ under his breath ] i am so fired. you're on in 5, duck. [ male announcer ] when you're sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. find out more at ng out of pipe.
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i'm really not sure how this is going to go. >> to to, stop it. >> i don't know how this is going to go. >> i'm in love with all of you and i have a crush on joseph. i got a crush on you ♪ >> thank you for being here. happy thanksgiving. good to see you. >> those are my grandchildren. second marriage. >> richard simmons is here. i watched you all my life. i'm a health nut and i'm not always healthy.
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would you read this? >> i'll read it in the car. >> it's about obesity and eating disorders and body image. >> i was a waiter at a place called the auto pub. i took my money and savings and moved to los angeles and i went to all these studios and i saw no overweight people and opened my studio. i have to say today in 2013, the end of it, more overweight children, more overweight teens who don't want to live. more overweight young adult who is have a college degree and have no idea what they want to do. more overweight senior who is lot of too many loved ones. it's just getting worse. >> talk about what you have seen since 1970 and the trend lines. >> what's gotten worse and better? >> i think it's a matter of low
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self worth. >> yes, and judgment. >> i call at least 30 to 40 overweight and obese people a day. many have been sexually abused and can't get a job because of their weight. they see gray clouds and i have to teach them to see rainbows. with all the -- we are in a really bad place. a really bad place. i do things like my workouts and i have a new into mercial project and a new hairdo, but all of that, my work is serious. i call people who die on the phone with me in a you nursing home and i'm the last person they talk to. >> people don't know your story. >> some people may not know your
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story. you grew up in new orleans, a great town for food. you weighed 265, 270 pounds growing up. what was the turning -- for people unlike us who are not aware of your story? >> i starved. i was bullied a lot. when i go to the bathroom they put lighter fluid under the stall and light at this time with a match. we went understand overweight people then and we don't understand them now. i went on crash diets and went down to 119 pounds. my doctor said do you want to live or die? we don't think that being on diets and ravishing our body that we are going die, but hundreds of thousands of americans and people around the world die of obesity-related diseases including heart attacks and high blood pressure. it took me rock bottom to say richard simmons, what do you
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want to do with your? i wanted to be a priest and i wanted to be a doctor and then when the king gets depressed he doesn't call his wife, he calls for the court jester. that's what i have been. trying to make people see their dreams. make people feel good about themselves and give them hope. with hope you can cope. >> mika, you started writing this book about obesity, you started a book that was far different than the book you ended with. >> absolutely. >> you were saying get into shape! once you started doing what richard has been doing his entire life and talking to obese people, you actually -- the book ended up being a very compassionate look at the discrimination they face. >> the discrimination they face in the minds of anyone who is not obese. whether you like it or not, you judge them in ways that are
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unfair and completely incorrect. we brought up examples of great people in this country who suffer from obesity. it is a condition. it is a disease according to some organizations. we have to look at it that way. if you have a friend with cancer or a friend with a broken arm, that's someone you have sympathy for and you have to have sympathy for people suffering from obesity. >> it's a fine line because you c can play hardball with them. listen to me now! then there is look, i love you and i'm sore if you have been hurt and let me apologize for those who have hurt you, but i have people like hannah cohen who lot of 2 hundred helped pounds and i have my studio next year will be 40 years. it's all about starting with the plan and looking in the mirror
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and saying these words. i am worth it. god could have made you a rose that lasted six days or a butterfly that lasted six months, but you are a human. i bury people who have wives and spouses and children and grand children. you need to reach out for help and not do anything crazy like i did. i did 30 laxatives a day and starved. none of that really works. >> it's not the way to go. this has been fascinating. richard simmons, thank you so much. >> i will be on the rocking turtle for the thanksgiving day parade. >> be careful out there. >> tonight tipper at russian tea room. what will you be wearing, joseph? >> chances are really good i will be wearing this sweater. >> i love to have dinner with mr. rogers.
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>> after labor day and before memorial day it's the sweater. >> if you would like to send sweater to joseph, send a bright color or a texture. take care of yourself and your family and know your worth and you will inherit the earth. >> richard simmons, this has been fantastic. >> festive. >> i love it. >> this was a great segment. as we go to break, can you sing? ♪ will you are with a group of people that are fabulous and they make you want to shot ♪ hallelujah ♪ ♪ watch the gravy and the pumpkin pie ♪ >> have you been in the parade before? [ male announcer ] welcome back all the sweet things your family loves
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>> thanksgiving might be the best holiday we have here in america, but we ache a sharp nose dive into black friday, a powerful remind they're we are no more evolved than animals. some shopper have been sleeping outside since monday of last week. that is nuts, but it is a good way to get on the local news. >> dvds for $1.99. >> i'm probably going to get a laptop. >> how much? >> $177.
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>> it's how much usually? >> like $300? >> you are in line for? >> something good when they open up. >> was that toronto mayor rob ford? >> no, that's america. welcome to "morning joe." it's wednesday 27th. oh, my gosh. we are a day away from thanksgiving. with us on set, we have msnbc and "time" magazine's mark halpern. former treasury official and "morning joe" economic analyst steve ratner. my goodness. i thought you would be cooking. do are you legions of people cooking for you in. >> down, mika. any of you boys cooking? >> i will make a dish. >> i will toast an english muffin. my specialty. >> you helping in any way some.
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>> i might make a bowl of cereal. >> my friend's husband john campbell is going to put my turkey in a thing. >> deep fryer. >> i don't think i want that. they talk me into it. i had to buy a special size. i'm worried it's going to get hurt. is that bad for you? >> oh, no. deep fried makes the turkey come alive. >> it's peanut oil. >> why don't you eat french fries and call it a day. >> i have to bring the turkey over at 1:00. he's going take care of it and give it back to me. >> it will taste good. >> i don't know if my parents are going to like that. none of you are cooking. are any of you shopping on friday? i don't understand this black friday thing. i would suggest others don't as well. go online or maybe save your
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money. >> go online. >> we are all getting ready for the holiday. one of the busiest travel days of the year and of course on queue a massive storm system is threatening to spoil the holiday. is that possible? most of the northeast and mid-atlantic are pummelled with snow, ice, and they could ground the larger balloons at macy's thanksgiving day parade. that's horrible. let's go to bill who is tracking the storm and travel delays. >> i'm more concerned about the balloons. things are improving dramatically. the later you can wait to travel in new england, the better it looks. we have all these gusty winds and heavy rain and not all that bad. it's not good, but not horrible. two hour delay and one hour atula guardia. we are at 30 at baltimore.
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so far they are good. no delays reported. there will be some. the worst weather is rolling through until about noon today. in dulles, i'm not expecting many delays. the weather is improving in areas of northern virginia. as far as the storms, the grown is the rape. torrential rain. very heavy rain shifting for providence to boston. another slug of rain from philadelphia over southern jersey through delaware and maryland that will come up into new york city. not a lot of snow on the map, but it's 30 and snowing good in cleveland and buffalo. look at newport. 40 mile per hour gusts. very windy on the cape. by 10:00 a.m., clear of the heavy rain from new york city to d.c. give it until about 4:00 or 5:00. we should be clear across new england and back up into areas of boston. the longer you can wait, the better the forecast.
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we have rain in eastern north carolina and the snow in the mountains. overall it could be worse. new york city, top of the rock. temperatures will be dropping and the winds pick up tonight and tomorrow morning. mika, the balloons are going to be a tough call. odds are they will have to hold them lower or not use them at all. back to you. >> thank you very much. the supreme court will hear another legal challenge to the health care law less than two years after they upheld the president's signature piece of legislation. they will take up the contraception mandate that requires insurance plans to provide forms of birth control including the morning after pill. some retail chains with ties to the christian community say the mandate infringes on their beliefs and violates religious freedom. the white house said no institution has the right to
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deny contraception options for women and with days to go before the dead line for fixes to be implemented for health, president obama went on offense against his critics. >> the product is good. people want it. we should not live in a country where people are going bankrupt because they get sick. anybody who is going to keep on pushing against that, they will meet my resistance because i am going to fix problems, but i am not going to abandon people who want health insurance. >> i like that. i agree. new polling shows support for congressional republicans surging following the administration's botched roll out of obama care. according to a research poll, americans give republican lawmakers a slight edge over their democrat colleagues at next year's mid-term elections were held today. that's a 10-point swing from october when democrats were up
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50 to 41%. >> no question that the president has to start matching the is it stories of the plan not working of stories with individuals and groups that are benefiting from the plan. there will be more. >> it's trench warfare. >> you can take stories on the other side. >> you can take ten bad stories and make them sound like a hundred, but there will be many, many many more good stories once it gets going. predominantly american who is didn't have health insurance and couldn't get it and had preexisting conditions, think about the bottom line of this law. it will be predominantly better. >> we can have a debate, but one thing that will happen, under the original projections 7 million people were supposed to be signed up by march 31st. i'm not expert, but it feels like a push to me and that will give republicans more
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ammunition. >> absolutely. >> for every great story, there will be about somebody that had a preexisting condition and i heard that myself, we are also going to see what started this explosi explosion. an l.a. times showed there was sticker shock and policies were being canceled. we don't know how this is going to turn out, but any democrat that said there will be happy success stories are ignoring the obvious. >> the president is going beneath the national media. as steve points out, you will be careful about making them by anecdote. >> one woman is dying. that terrible and great stories. let's look at the data and how it plays out overtime.
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>> can we talk about this congressional ballot. it's just one that shows that republicans are favored when last week they were losing by about three or to ghengis khan. doesn't it show how volatile this electorate is and the distrust in both. >> they don't say they are trying to downplay this. i'm not. there has been a volatility over the past 20 years from republicans to democrats in 96 to republicans in 2000 and the majority in 2004 to nancy pelosi being speaker to barack obama in 2008 and tea partiers to barack obama being elected in 2012. it's one of the most volatile 20 years in american political history and we are seeing that played out month by month.
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>> there is a snapshot today, two things play out. the president's party doesn't do particularly well in the 6th year and the other thing is the president is not doing well right now. by some measures the low point of his presidency. the anti-obama party has that much more of an agenda. >> it was six weeks ago that the shut down was taking place and the republican party was dead. >> the obituaries changed in the course of a couple of weeks. >> what did you say that got twitter going live? >> what's this? >> somebody set it up so it has alerts. yesterday this thing exploded. what did you do? what happened? >> there is some interest in america on the affordable care act. i said something imprecisely and i was being interviewed and i asked about rationing or death
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panels in the affordable care act. i will say it again. i didn't use the phrase and i don't think there death panels in the affordable care act. what there is, the point i was trying to make and did make is what there is in the law, it is intended to lower health care costs that will produce rationing when you think it's a good or bad idea. >> however you want to call rationing, at some point we will have a system that doesn't allow people to have as many mris as they want to have. >> it happened because there was something the original bill that said that people could get counseling near the end of life to make the best decisions. sarah palin found this and went crazy and talked about death panels. they did a 180 and the law said you cannot change benefits and do anything to change people's availabilities. >> the way markets work is if
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you restrict payments, it will have an impact on patients. >> it will. it will happen, steve. can we talk about the economics of this? i can talk about it in personal terms with my dad who went to the hospital and was hospitalized maybe ten or 15 times in the final year or year and a half of his life. it felt like he was going because he is scared. you get hospitalized and it went on and on. i'm not talking about rationing and health care, but the expenses. my dad consumed more health care expenses probably in the last three months of his life than in 78 years. a lot of it was unnecessary. >> this is exactly the point. i don't remember the statistic, but like 80% of all medicare expenses are in the last 18 months of life. my dad went through something similar. this is the elephant sitting in
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the middle of this table that we are trying to talk about. how do you decide and who decides, i wrote a piece saying we should have death panels to deal with this problem. i got a lot of hate mail. people say how does it work and how do you know you are in your last 18 months of life. how do you allocate the resources? >> the point i was trying to make is -- >> you get sent in when you turn 30. >> whether you have a system that has the government play a with how much care people can have, obama care does that. that's where we are headed. we will have to have a national debate about it. part of the challenge is every one of the things that wasn't discussed on passage and in the context of the campaign will be controversial and the president will have to defend it. >> it's backwards. what obama care does is holds down payments to providers.
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some say i'm not going to provide it. that should get treatment because he is saveable, but mark shouldn't because he is not. those are the hard decisions. >> very. >> who decides that? >> it's the insurance companies. >> scary. >> it's very difficult to figure out how to do this. nobody is suggesting that they make these decisions. there is no such thing as a free lunch. i always laugh at my libertarian friends who i agree with. they are enraged by the federal government stepping into health care. i want the affordable care act wiped off the face of the earth. something has to replace it. when a single mom takes her child to the emergency room at 11:00 at night or midnight and that emergency room physician is the first provider, that's not a free lunch.
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that costs us all. that's a far, far less efficient way to handle things and a far more expensive way to handle things. hospitals have to do it and they pass the expenses on in a very rough way. these decisions about end of life, if we allow people to continue to get hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars of care to prolong their life maybe a month or two, that's great, but there is no free lunch. what you are doing is stealing from children, from child care and middlittle class people. death panels, you are being so mean here, it's a ridiculous argument like social security when fdr pass that. who are the poorest people in america? demographics, it was the
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elderly. they are now the wealthiest. and children now. more children in poverty than any other age. these are choices that we have to make. >> the problem is that everything else you do in your life i would predict and we are now in the holiday season and you will decide whether to buy this because it costs this much, health care is the one thing where people shouldn't see price and shouldn't have to make decisions based on how much it costs. you need to find another way to make decisions. >> that's one of the mistakes. separating the free market from the decisions that are made and the health care. i won't give the examples again. >> please don't. >> doctors come in and say i think you are okay, but would you like an mri. no, i would like to leave. no, i would be more comfortable if you had the mri. phi knew how much it was costing
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and i took mer ore of a hit for that, i would say i'm good. see ya. we are told by our doctors that you know what, have the mri. we will check it out. >> they are doing it preventively. >> they are doing it to stop from being sued. if they don't me and i end up with a tumor, i can sue them. >> we had the system for so long and we have taken our care this way that we have taken for granted how crazy it is. you go in and accept what the doctor tells you and you don't shop around. that's the way we treat it. obama care in some ways try to change that. this is a country of 310 million people. everyone has a different idea. this was president obama's idea and the law. part law of the land. >> you don't like it, you change
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it. >> endorsed a number of ways over. >> the pope is no fan of trickle down economics. the leader blamed the free market for the world's economic issues. the pontiff called for financial reform while criticizing businesses and wealthy individuals for chasing "self serving tax evasion." he took aim at the economic mechanisms and inordinate consumption. it is evident that consumerism combined with inequality is damaging to the social fabric. he said the world must say thou shalt not to an economy of exclusion and inequality. such an economy kills. >> it was an extraordinary statement by the pope, but what
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will have far greater impact is the pop town hierarchy in the catholic church itself. i bet a lot of them are sore they went outside of europe to get a pope. >> the statistics that caught my eye, in the last three years, the top 1% come up 31.4%. the bottom 99% come up 0.4%. >> coming up, senator mike enzi voted against obama care, but you wouldn't know it with the attack ad. how they take down the long time incumbent. mike allen is next with that. we'll be right back. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "limit the cash i earn every month" card. it's not the "i only earn decent rewards at the gas station" card. it's the no-games, no-signing up, everyday-rewarding, kung-fu-fighting, silver-lightning-in-a-bottle,
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bringing-home-the-bacon cash back card. this is the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so ask yourself, what's in your wallet? everywhere, every single day. i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with new fedex one rate, i could fill a box and ship it for one flat rate. so i knit until it was full. you'd be crazy not to. is that nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. female announcer: sunday's your last chance sunday's your last chance to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale. through sunday, thanksgiving weekend, save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic. or choose $300 in free gifts
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>> china is drawing lines over air rights. they sent two b-52s over the area in the east chinese sea. the move comes after the government announced it was expanding to include that area. the pentagon said it was a long planned unarmed drill while there was no reaction on the part of the chinese. the incident underscores tensions in the region. >> from the telegraph, former italian prime minister berlusconi may be forced out of parliament. willie and i are disgusted by this. he was a good man who tried to bring a smile to the face of young kids as long as they were
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women. they will be voting whether this great american berlusconi can be stripped of his seat. he is the second greatest american behind rob ford, but if he is convicted of tax fraud he will be banned from holding office for two years and if he is expelled he could face prostitution and bribery. >> from our parade of papers -- >> this is injustice along the lines of blago. willy is still in prison. why is he in prison in illinois. >> he is trying to bring health insurance to children who didn't have it. >> he reminded himself of mandela. just saying. that's all. he wanted kids to have health care.
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>> i am wondering how long i should let you go with this. >> we can go all day. >> l.a. times. some medications may be doing more harm than good. a study finds high levels of -- this is true actually. high levels of sodium in medicines may increase a person's risk of stroke and death. the amount of sodium in one dose is often greater than the recommended daily intake. the sodium content should be labeled the same way it is on food packages. >> from buzz, the winter olympics in russia is shaping up to be the most expensive games in history. >> we are banned. >> i want to go. >> we are banned. >> i want to go to russia. >> we are not allowed. >> the month -- montreal 1976
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situation. >> i top the go. willie, can you get us? >> willy is in the group. he gets to go. >> you want to be in the club. shackman is in the club. >> i will talk to putin. >> i will talk to him actually. >> how much do you think it's going to cost russia? >> a lot. $50 billion. nearly four times the original budget with taxpayers and bankers paying the tab. the summer games in beijing was $42 billion and features four times the athletes. >> activists have been fasting on capitol hill and mrs. obama
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tweeted about the cause. vice president biden met with the fasters in a surprise visit. thank god that he found the right protesters. >> this is important. everyone in the area should support them. >> let's go to politico. this is mike allen. we have a look at the playbook. good morning. >> good morning and happy get away day. >> if people can get away today. mike enzi is under fire and the group americans for job security has put up an attack ad tying senator enzi to obama care. let's take a look. >> the obama care exchange was launched in wyoming. in a conference with barack obama, mike enzi praised them. >> i like the exchanges and the exchanges can be good. >> wyoming's obama care has the most expensive premiums in the
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country. it's marred by glitches. mike enzi we don't like the liberal obama care exchanges. >> i would have stung out with it one more thing. >> the exchanges? that's a good one. we know what the margin is right now. he has a fairly comfortable lead over liz cheney in this primer. does this hurt him in. >> there is a basic problem with the ad. senator enzi voted against obama care. he voted to defund it. he voted to repeal it. people are going to find that out. this americans for job security is trying to help liz cheney and undermining her by putting out something that is so misleading. this race continues to be personal. yesterday mary cheney, cheney's sister, another daughter of the former vice president sent out a
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letter for a gay marriage group and used a phrase that her sisters use. freedom is freedom for everybody. turning the knife when mary cheney is in a relationship. >> she seems to have been caught up in this family battle that is not happening in the state of wyoming. how does this play out for her? >> i have been talking to republicans about this recently. what was liz's theory in the case and what needs to change here? republicans will say she needs to get back on a positive message and something about herself. these conversations we have seen about fishing licenses and the family feud are not helping her make the case. it's easily disproven. the ads are more clever.
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>> mike, thanks. she is among the early front-runners in the oscar race. judi discusses her latest role. this film is supposed to be incredible. tony scott joins the table. that's next on "morning joe." ♪ ♪ you get your coffee here. you get your hair cut here. you find that certain thing you were looking for here, but actually you get so much more. when you shop at these small local businesses, you support all the things that make your community great. the money you spend here, stays here. in this place you call your neighborhood. this saturday is
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small business saturday. get out and shop small. so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron! whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one.
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>> my guess is that anthony was adopted and sent to america. >> i think i would like to go. i'd like to know if anthony ever thought of me. i thought of him every day. >> do you go for a walk? >> or we can watch big mama's house. it's about a black man pretending to be a black lady. >> what if he died or lived down the street or what if he was obese? look at the size of the portions. >> that was a look at fill meena. earlier this week we had the honor of speaking with the oscar winning actress. >> this film and your portrayal of your character in this film
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is so phenomenal and the story rooted in truth. a mother searching for 50 years for a child that was lot of in a convent give away is spectacular. tell us how do you involve yourself in such a story to the extent that it bleeds across the screen when you see the film? >> that's lovely that you said that. i met steve and he came to me and read the script to me. he and jeff of course wrote the screen play and he told me the story. i immediately then wanted to do the film. i was captivated by the story. that was very early on and quite a rough copy of the script, i think. i immediately wanted to do it
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and subsequently we did it. >> the interplay between you and steve coogan, some is highly comedic and the audience gets so involved in the comedic. it's a bitter sweet ending that you come to the realization of what happened to your long gone son. >> yes. steve as you know i'm sure is a stand up comic. very, very considerable and wonderful at his job. he has a great sense of humor. when i met the actual person before we started filming, the glorious thing about her is ha she has a great sense of humor too. none of that humor in the film was introduced through a false means. it was very much because of her
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attitude and the interplay between the two of them. >> tell us a little bit about what you hoped this movie will inspire in people. >> in the film, philomena said i don't think i want you to tell this story. i know this is what happened in real life. she said to me recently i'm terribly pleased it was told, the story. in case it will help other people. >> when people see the movie, none of us realized how widespread this was in the 50s and 60s in iowa. tell us about that. >> because of the film the magdalen sisters, we knew the practice was going on. like you, i don't want to give the end of this film away, but the film is about something other than the fact that her son was sold. >> philomena said it's stunning.
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the chief film critic tony scott writes about the future of the movie industry. he writes in part this. the creative flowering of television has exposed the complacency and conservatism that rules big money filmmaking at the studio level. within this landscape of bloat and desolation, there filmmakers determined to refine and reinvigorate the medium to capture it's newness and uniqueness and to figure out in an ag gnostic ekka, what the art of cinema might be. like every previous period of decline which is to say like every other moment in the past century, this is an age of wild and restless experimentation. >> a golden age? it doesn't feel like it. >> exactly.
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>> it's so much better. >> it's an incredible point. talk about the creative flowering of television. are you saying what i think you are saying? >> it's almost a common place to say the movies are so much better than the movies. >> netflix and hbo. >> probably since the sopranos and the wire and now we had mad men. breaking bad and homeland. >> it's movie night every night. >> for dominates the cultural conversation that movies probably used to. it's what everyone is talking about and people go online to see the recaps. >> what was the last movie that americans talked about in the office as much as say breaking bad or mad men? >> i think there a few every year. i think this year maybe gravity. they are talking about something different. they are not talking about the characters and the story so much as they are talking about this. >> not talking about gravity.
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>> which by the way, i asked the question. i don't think any of us have seen gravity. >> i did see it and i don't think it's something that captured the national consciousness, but thing it did do is the one thing movies have over is the 3d element and one of the first where it made sense and worked and enhanced the experience. it made the movie better. >> how do we move to a golden age? >> i think because we are now at a place where we can see the different thing that is the art forms do well. television has captured the long form narrative in a way. the serial narrative where you get involved every week or for seven hours at a time if you are binge watching on netflix. one group of people that you keep coming back to. movies can tell more unusual stories and more specific stories and can concentrate more on individual stories. i am thinking of a few movies
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that i like very much and people who have responded to 12 years as a slave. all is lot of. phenomenal movie with robert redford and robert redford not speaking in the indian ocean and trying to survive. the movie is so specific and detailed and it takes you so close to this individual's experience, i don't think you get that. i have never seen that on television and i don't think we have been given all of the ambition and creativity that we see on cable television that you could create some of that. >> what an achievement for robert redford. >> 77 years old. it reminds us what a movie star is. he doesn't have to say a word. no dialogue and doesn't express emotion, but for the whole 90 minutes, you are just watching. >> what's opening in the next 32 days that we should see some. >> about 400 more movies.
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>> which should we definitely see? >> i love the new conan brothers movie about the folk music scene in new york. what they did with oh, brother where art thou? they are doing that again with the help of the music adviser burnett and the movie. >> looks awesome. >> thea hair alone and the period costume. >> when does that open? >> on the 13th. >> great movie for kids, right? >> the big one at christmas that everyone is wondering about the wolf of wall street. mart
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martin. >> a slew of act awards with anchorman 2. >> exactly. thank you very much. i top the play like i'm singing again. a science teacher making a profound difference on one of the poorest districts. we will look at one of "people" magazine's teachers of the year. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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5:48 am
i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. >> last month "people" magazine awarded john herber as one of the teachers of the year.
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having experiments is having fun. >> we cook and read and stuff, but here you can do hands on stuff. >> this class i can go outside and learn more stuff. >> more than just a place for kids to come and learn. it's part of the community. every teacher embraces that and makes it special. >> congratulations to john herber and it's great work. >> thank you for everything. >> this is what a good teacher he s. we get yawn so come up on set and he refuses to do that. if you do continue to do that, the best of late night.
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♪ afternoon delight >> i just love that. >> will ferrell can be on before. can we get him for anchorman? >> no brainer. let him come in and anchor. >> we will do it on the air. >> dressed, i hope. >> if will ferrell comes in character, we will dress in 1972 garb. all have -- wait a second. i already do. >> for the rest of us it will be an adjustment. you guys don't remember. >> up next, what if anything did we learn? ♪ ♪
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>> well you are with a group of people that are fabulous and they make you want to shout ♪ ♪ hallelujah. watch the stuffing ♪ ♪ watch the gravy ♪ watch the pumpkin pie >> i think we know the answer to that. >> we learned what he just said. >> richard simmons is a force over many decades. >> you heading to boston? i didn't learn much, but i'm thankful. >> what it is one of the more moving things you found you are
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thankful for? >> people who are healthy and know it's good to have a job. simple stuff. >> mika? >> veronica corning stone. that's what i learned. what we are going to be doing. >> if we can get veronica corping stone on the show. seriously? you can see the pope. >> fair enough. >> if it's way too early, it's "morning joe." i want to thank everybody who works for us every day here and works with us. it's an incredible team. show us the control room. this is the greatest group of people you will ever meet. >> other than the guy that is there, i am not thankful for tj at all, but we have great people that work with us on this team. >> we are a family. >> we want to thank you guys for watching.
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