tv The Cycle MSNBC December 3, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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look for that right here. in the meantime, republicans are trying to keep the focus on the website's problems and targeting blue senators in red states reminding mid-term voters that senate dems voted for obama care so blame them for your troubles. as jonathan allen writes, if they aren't aware of the law's upside or can't remember it amid the problems with the rollout, democrats will be holding on to a anchor rather than a buoy which leads us back to the presidential pr pitch and peter alexander outside the white house. you just heard the president's speech. do you think the bully pulpit has lost its power at this point? >> reporter: a lot of people who paid attention to the last couple of months for this white house feel they've heard events not too dissimilar to this multiple times. this is the reboot, 3.0. the white house feels strongly this is the time it's going to work. the president made it pretty clear, krystal, you can make fun of me or kind of give me a hard
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time or website a hard time but you can't give this law a hard time. what was noticeable was the standing ovation when he said this law, affordable care act is not going to be repeal as long as i'm president and that got everybody on their feet, people who benefit from the law at this time. one of the real focuses is the young people, as much as the young people, it is their parents, the people that deliver that message to the young people, so important to make this situation work right now. the white house has indicated they feel it is working much better than it had been before the website specifically is workable. if not perfect. yesterday they had more than a million visitors to the site. today they were ahead of that pace -- excuse me ahead of that pace as of noon. they are not communicating how many people have signed up but one other issue that still persists is the issue of how many of those enrollments have gone through as they are supposed to, with accurate and complete information. insurers tell me they are going
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to have to wait until tomorrow to get the first real look since the white house insisted everything is working much better. it will be tomorrow when they'll have 48 hours worth of data to see if the transmitted information about individuals got to them sufficiently, accurate. in the meantime the administration says it's really on you, the person signing up to follow up with the insurer to make sure the information went through properly so you do have your insurance on january 1st. >> all right, peter alexander, thank you so much. >> let's turn now to congressman peter welsh from vermont. we see the website is getting a lot better. we see enrollment numbers going up. in your view, what is the greatest risk for this law at this point? >> well, two things, we had a real set back with the canceled policy and fiasco of the website. we're starting to get through those. second, the bottom line is going to be how do users experience it? there's going to be some
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difference in opinion on that. folks who didn't have insurance willen thrilled and folks who go on and able to get insurance at a lower cost will like it. some folks will pay higher premiums. this is going to be a work in progress and somewhat disruptive ahead. i think what the democrats have to do where we've sponsored this bill, acknowledge where the problems are and be totally engaged in trying to address them in a practical and concrete way. that means listening to consumers and small businesses. >> we just heard from the president. it's one of many essentially every day until the 23rd, focusing on different aspects of the law. it seems his approach is less about reminding people or rather about reminding people this is the law. this is really the time to let it resonate and breathe. while at the same time hitting republicans hard for not having an alternative plan. it seems that is the approach, to reenergy democrats more than anything else. is that how you take it and
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right approach? >> i think this is the approach. bottom line, i don't think what the republicans do by criticism or what we do by bragging is going to make a difference so much how americans experience the new health care bill. if they are getting it for themselves and their family, if businesses are finding this works out for them, they are going to sort it out at the end. and actually, the back and forth between the democrats and the republicans will be a lot less important in the actual real world implementation for americans. >> yet that back and forth continues. just today speaker boehner, your colleague was asked about what he calls a republican alternative health care proposal. nbc's luke russert asked him today, are you going to hold a vote on it? he said, we'll see. what do you make of that? >> they don't have a plan. that's the shallowness of the republican opposition. they quote repealed it 45 times. but they didn't a single time come up with an alternative plan. here's what americans know. frustrated as they are with the
12:05 pm rollout, they know the system is broken and also start being to hear the cost of health care is coming down. there's going to be a difference in terms of how the -- is it going down or going up? that's how americans will perceive it. but they know that these bumps were our fault and we've got to implement it and they'll come to their own conclusion whether this was better or worse than what they had. they can see through the boehner kind of argument that nothing is better than something. >> congressman, everybody believes obama care will be a center piece argument within the 2014 election. sort of a moving target. we don't know what it will signature fi because it's improving in some ways and arguments against it keep changing. if one of your colleagues, if a house dem came to you and said, what should i do here? should i run on obama care or
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kind of hide and move away from it, what would your advice? >> we own it but we have to be all in on improving it. i have a contrarian view, the american people know the health care debate is over, that we've got to make this work. the real issue is going to be the economy. the average wages of working americans declined in the past ten years, how do rewe restore growth in the pocket books not just in the stock market for the american people? we've got to lean in on that and start addressing the concerns of parents trying to send their kids to college, get them jobs. retirement security, these are things that have been put on the side and it's really a discredit that congress is focusing on middle class concerns. >> congressman, to that point, we're seeing a rising movement across the country in support of raising the minimum wage,
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something that republicans and congress seem to have no interest in doing. but are you hearing from constituents that that's a concern to them? do you think ultimately we could see enough pressure brought to bear that even republicans in congress admit that we need to raise the minimum wage that it would be good for the economy and lift a lot of people out of poverty? >> absolutely. when you see the stories about food service workers who are working full-time, these are people that work harder than most members of congress trying to raise -- >> is that hard to do? >> well, we work hard but don't get much done. the point very seriously, these folks are working hard and what can you -- they don't even have the ability to pay their bills. they need to be on food stamps because even though they work full-time they can't pay a grocery bill. that's not right. we can't have a race to the bottom where we compete with bangladesh on wages. we've got to raise the minimum wage, should be closer to a
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liveable wage. that will diminish by the way the burden on the taxpayer that has to subsidize these programs that are helping the working poor. >> another place they are struggling is detroit and that's a story we wanted to turn to. you've got a judge there just today clearing the way forward for bankruptcy. will be the largest urban bankruptcy in american history. why isn't congress looking at ways to deal with that. what can democrats do to try to give aid? we've given aid historically in these situations but this is the largest ever. why so little help for detroit? >> you know, politically it's not possible we're not even having a serious discussion about it. the speaker made it clear that's off limits. there's a lot of reasons, some of which were real bad politics in detroit and nobody wants to be bailing out and forgiving the sins of folks who just squandered things but there's real hardship story there about the disruption of the american
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economy when the detroit automobile industry declined. so there were things that were totally beyond the control of many of those folks in detroit, starting to come back, my view. the decisions we make are not just about the individuals there but about the strength of our overall u.s. economy and i'd like to see the speaker put on for discussion practical consideration of reasonable alternatives to just having this thing collapse. >> congressman peter welch thank you so much for your time. >> up next, what are republicans going to talk about once the website works? don't worry, they've got a plan and we have more ahead as "the cycle" rolls on for december, december 3rd. ♪ to think about where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes.
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friend of the show huffington post aegs very own howard fineman joins us right now. great to see you. >> hi, abby. >> there has been a quiet fear among some republicans about their own legitimacy once the website is fixed and the law perceived by the public as working. without any other ideas or alternatives to put forward, i assume republicans will try to turn attention away from the website and instead focus on the less popular aspects of the law like not being able to keep your plans and having to change doctors. how long can this strategy actually work? >> i think the president is hoping not very long. i mean, that's why he sort of relaunched, rebooted, whatever
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you want to call it, yes he's done it before. i know he feels he couldn't do what he did today until the website was fixed enough not to be the main story. and i think based on what we've heard the last couple of days, it's moving -- got enough momentum that he could begin doing this all over again. i thought the biggest news out of his 15 minutes on the stage today was that he called it obama care. don't forget nancy pelosi was saying the other week, it's not obama care, it's the affordable care act. what the president was saying, it's obama care. when he was really doing, i agree with you, talking mostly to democrats today, i think. he was saying if you want this not to be a political liability, then you have to go out and help me sell this and help me make it work. almost like launching another political campaign here where he's saying to organizing for america or liberal and progressive groupz and any supporters of the law or
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democratic elected officials all across the country, get people signed up. especially younger and healthier people so that this will work. he said, there's no going back. it's not going to be repealed not as long as i'm president. let's sell it and make it work. he was basically speaking to the troops today about what sales points they should make. >> you mentioned those troops and organizing for america, as you know, this was one of the most innovative campaigns ever, gathering 16 million on a network. and yet that part of the network has not been as effective at this stage of governing and selling. politico is reporting last week that they will actually share this valuable data and these campaign lists after months of grum bling from some democrats it was not completely available. so there's valuable supporter network exists and being shared with other democrats but not being pushed to take on republican governors who won't
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expand medicaid or do other things on the aca here. >> i think first things first for the obama white house. they want to get people signed up. they want to get a gathering sense of confidence that the law will actually work. he needs his own troops to do that. i think there's been some sterling examples of democrats really diving down in a place like kentucky, a southern state where the democratic governor felt he had no choice given the poverty of the state and number of people who need medicaid, et cetera, et cetera. nobody accused of steve bashir as being a washington base the leftist conspiracy or. an old fashioned kentucky politician who has gotten to work. he feels he could use any help he can get from groups elsewhere around the country. >> howard, you see people are diving down and getting into it in kentucky. you make me think about good old sec football and the republicans
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are like a football team with no offense and only a defense. they just keep trying to stop and never want to advance the ball. they have no strategies but they do have multiple defensive strategies. the repeal movement is now dead. the attack the website movement is slowly going away. but now we have a battle raging on in the courts. new york times notes a fresh wave of legal challenges to the laws playing out in courtrooms as conservatives make the case that mr. obama has overstepped his authority. the opposition never sleeps. >> they don't sleep and it is their organizing principle because i think for grass roots tea party conservatives and don't forget, some of the tea party popped up as obama care was being passed back in 2009 and 2010. there are some people who genuinely see it as the last big reach of government especially on something as personal as health care. there's an emotional sometimes bordering on paranoid fuel that some of the republicans are
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tapping into with that. and it's the only thing that seems to stir their base. and as far as whatever other counter proposals they have, they have weak tea proposals concerning vouchers and that type of thing, but they haven't argued it hard. you remember the other weaker cantor said here's our proposal on health care and held up a blank piece of paper. he did. his rather cynical argument was we don't have to make an argument because this thing is going to fail on its own. what the president was doing today, we can't -- we meaning the supporters of the law and democrats and so forth, can't afford to let that happen. they have to get out and make it work themselves. i was struck by the fact it was another political campaign he was launching today. >> start jotting down notes on the blank piece of paper would be a good start. >> unfortunately the sad fact
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and sad reality in politics is it's very easy to attack something when it exists so if the republicans did put up an alternate plan they would face a attacks on that. the website is working a lot better, it's not perfect but leaps and bounds where it was when this thing launched, but do you think the rockiness to put it lightly, of the rollout has done larger damage to the liberal cause of believing that government can do big things? >> i'm not ready to make that big of a statement. i think that's a risk but, you know, a month is a year and year is a lifetime in politics. and i think as the president rightly understands, the next several months leading into next fall will be absolutely crucial to spread the benefits of the law to new people, to millions
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of new people he would hope. there have been a lot of people signing up on medicaid, an underreported story. a lot signing up on medicaid. those people presumably will have positive thoughts about it. go back to 2012, in the hispanic community they cared about health care deeply than any other issue. i'm not convinced but the president knew he was taking on something big and why he was willing to take the risk of doing it only with democratic support. i know he feels this is something that democrats have tried to do for decades and bill clinton whom everyone feels is such a great political figure was unable to get this health care passed and he, barack obama, did. he knows he's taking a big gamble but i'm not willing to say the failure of the website alone will kill the deal and great society. i don't think so. >> howard fineman, you have the two boys very energized right now. >> sec. >> yeah, man.
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the news is weather, a powerful winter storm is slamming the u.s. and marching east in its wakes areas will be left with temperatures that are 40 degrees below normal. weather channel meteorologist paul goodloe is tracking the polar express for us today. >> again, look at this water vapor imagery. a massive winter storm so early in the season here. this is all snow here in the
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pinks and purples but overall the flow is bringing that cold arctic air down from canada already giving us plenty of mountain snow and really cooled us down. great news for the ski resorts from california to utah and wyoming and montana, getting slammed with this. snow across the central plains and upper midwest. duluth over 9.5 to 10 inches on the ground. we can see storm totals perhaps a foot to foot and a half of snow here. the snow is part of the store rixt the other big story i can mention is the cold arctic air on the way in. look at the high temperatures tomorrow, single digits to teens and they get colder still at night. we're talking some areas 15 to 20 degrees below zero. as we move towards thursday, the concern is it pushes to the south and southern plains and into texas, we're setting up a potential freezing rain and icing event. you cannot drive in ice. you can deal with sleet and snow. ice is a problem even into friday. we'll watch this swath from southern missouri into little
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rock into dallas and oklahoma city. this is the area borderline of seeing perhaps a paralyzing ice event or heavy snow event as well. we'll find through the forecast as we go through the next several days. southern plains could be hit by a ice storm on top of the cold arctic air which pushes to the east coast as we head through this weekend. back to you. >> there are new details this afternoon about that deadly metro north derailment here in new york city. a senior law enforcement official tells nbc news that the engineer did not in fact tell investigators he had fallen asleep before the crash despite published reports to the contrary. he told them he zoned out and was unable to recall specifics about the moments leading up to the impact. tom costello has more on what we've learned. >> reporter: a very engineer at the controls as his train hit 82 miles per hour going into a dangerous curve. power to the engine was cut back
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to idle six seconds before the train came to a crashing halt. at five seconds the brakes applied. by then it was too late. seven cars and locomotive were off the rails coming to rest just inches from the harlem river. >> investigators are still trying to determine if any of the train's equipment failed. union officials say the engineer is extremely distraust over the lost of four lives and still trying to piece together exactly what happened. andrew cuomo said today rockefeller should be disciplined and quote, an appropriate way if the ntsb finds him at fault. >> the largest public bankruptcy in u.s. history is a done deal. a federal judge ruled the city of detroit can shed billions in debt turning down objections of unions and pension funds who unlike creditors will likely lose under any plan to solve the $18 billion financial crisis the city is going through. it argued it needs bankruptcy protection in order to reinstate
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critical programs including police, garbage pickup and turning on street lights. >> that is your news. now the spin. if you ever had to wait a whole entire day to have a package delivered, well you can certainly relate to the next story. >> when amazon's overnight delivery of such items as 15-foot tram positive leans and 84 inch televisions has one fatal flaw. it takes forever. if i have to wait until tomorrow for my items to arrive, there goes tonight's plans to watch monday night football while doing back flips on my trampoline. jeff bezos, he gets -- he gets that this is a problem and he's doing something to solve it. >> these are effectively drones but there's no reason they can't be used as delivery vehicles. we can do half hour delivery -- >> half hour delivery.
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>> half hour delivery and carry objects up to five pounds, which covers 86% of the items we deliver. >> these amazon drones are a great idea and guaranteed to be safety thanks to the drone testing we've done overseas. worst case scenario, a few homes get carpet gifted with collateral generosity. >> that's amazing. >> that's not funny. >> i do want to start off by saying i'm a big fan of lilly the worm from busytown. >> he looks like that. the character is amazing and my son's nickname is lolly because of that worm. i think the idea of 30 minute drone delivery is super cool. i don't know what it's useful for. food delivery, documents, things of that nature, anything up to five pounds potentially he said. but that's -- it sounds like a pretty neat thing. people get freaked out any time you say the word drone because they think of those drones that
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are oversatiseas with the collal damage. if you're worried about privacy, if you're worried about these drones not collecting data, we're carrying around things with cameras on them all the time. we're being surveilled all the time right now. at this point you either have to push back on those things or get over it. >> i think the marines are already using delivery drones overseas. this is already happening and look, this -- i agree this could be very cool and very valuablva. i'm not sure it's going to deliver groceries just yet. >> fedex and ups and light mail could be really valuable for them, depending on if this is used the proper way at amazon, won't leave those yellow notes on your door programmed to catapult through your window, answer next time. hopefully they won't cat put anything through your window.
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but i imagine the possibilities for film for this are going to be extraordinary. the way we can use cameras with these drones is going to be really amazing. when the underground economy gets their hands on this as a way to transport green more incon speck uously, that could be very interesting, abby. >> i think it's another example of how unarmed aerial systems could change everything we do, from retail delivery to search and rescue missions. we talked about the military. i think this is going to be a turning point in terms of what we permit companies to track. we've been having this debate about our privacy versus our security in our safety. that was prompted from events like the times square bombing that happened in 2010. a lot of people weren't aware that were that many cameras watching. i think it will be a difficult conversation around allowing companies access to technology that could potentially i guess be harmful not to security but
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not allow us to have the private we want. i think that's going to be a whole other debate and this is just the beginning of that. >> i mean, when you heard jeff bezos say there's no reason that we can't use these, there is a reason. it's illegal not to rain on parade but it's currently illegal to do what amazon wants to do and tells a great deal but not only amazon and not to single them out. but a lot of corporations that look around at the world that binds most of us and the laws we have to follow as a private citizen, you get in a lot of trouble if you break the law. 60 minutes and charlie rose took it as a great new beginning that the faa will approve this kind of dhifrry -- >> do you think amazon won't be able to get the faa to make this -- >> that's not my point. not whether or not as a corporation they get out from under the current rules, which do bar this for a lot of good reasons, one of which is when you go into the sky like this, we don't necessarily want
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robotic unmanned delivery because of the risk. now there's always a risk reward. in the national security context, when it works well and doesn't have civilian casualties, it allows us to take out enemies, okay, there may be ways that's a method of war. it's not clear at all to me at this point in time that the tradeoff is worth while and as soon as people start getting injured by things dropping out of the air and bezos said the prototypes will not be supervised by human beings. i don't mean to go total recall -- >> that's the second level. first level will be manned by people. the second level -- >> on 60 minutes, you're looking at me skeptically. >> your point, your initial point was an interesting one that corporations or someone like jeff bezos looks at the world and doesn't think about is this illegal or not. >> there's no reason except for its illegal. >> or a society we want to live in. >> putting this aside, that's not necessarily a bad thing
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because if you're just trying to live within the world as it exists, that really stifles creativity and innovation. thinking in the blank slate world of if everything is possible what can we do, i don't think that's a bad thing. >> i think it depends but the tradeoffs here, the first person who gets injured by a 5-pound book falling out of the sky and hitting a child on the head. who was flying that drone? nobody. but it got you there -- >> we do get rid -- >> mr. buzz kill. let's move on. are we our own worst enemy in stopping killer diseases like canner and hiv? the answer has implications for the future of america. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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big health care problem stems from much older laws. peter huber says federal laws are holding back innovations to tackle cancer and alzheimers and diabetes right now. he argues these diseases can be treated with personalized cures tailored to each individual's body and the cure may not be the hard part. joining us now, peter huber, the latest book "the cure in the code." thank you for being here. >> pleasure. >> one of the things you talk about is the scientific breakthroughs. how would that work to give us sort of a more personalized care or cure for an individual? >> for first time in history biochemists and medicine in general can read everything that's happening in our our bodies down to the mole kul ar level. there's not been anything like this remotely closely for 100 years.
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the last thing was germ theory. we're getting very good at it. >> how much of this is created by regulations and approvals required by the fda? >> a good chunk i maintain. look, we can certainly read everything that's down there. we can see molecule by molecule everything, whether hiv virus or cancer, the drug designers are getting very good at developing targeted molecules. you show a drug designer a target down there, they can make a drug -- they have good technologies for doing that. the hard part is moving it through washington and learning how to get the same precision in how to prescribe that drug with the -- what you should be doing -- >> like anything else in washington. >> washington has its inertia, that's true. >> the idea is to make sure that i understand it correctly, essentially personalized medicine, where the same drug fort same illness may not be the same for you as it is for abby
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as it is for me or ari. but the challenge as i understand it, the fda is used to big drug trials and approving things. this is the drug for this illness or disease. how do you shift that framework? we obviously have to make sure drugs are safe? how do you shift the framework to evaluate each of these individualized personalized cures? >> well, the most important single obstacle is the protocols used for clinical trials. to work out how drugs interact, you can do a lot in the lab but the matly you do have to prescribe them to patients. this happens under an fda investigational license. they reregulate the whole process. those protocols are rooted if the rules implemented in the 1960s and don't let the doctors involved take full advantage of modern technology and track why is the drug working in this
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cancer patient but not in this other one who seems to have the same clinically defined disease? >> you make comparison to the industrial complex. you say there are incentives here and these pharmaceutical companies respond to whatever incentives are and i took that to mean you think they are off base? >> most dramatically evident in the area that is really tragic not doing it as well as we should, vaccines. government regulates everything. the prices now because they buy most of them and the science and what used to be a very inno vative industry is extremely slow and waiting a decade or more to get vaccines through and it's tragic, this is one of the best, best -- the tort system was a problem too but they passed a law changing that. and that's a very bad sign that
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these very important medications. >> if we were able to do away with the loopholes and get some things passed in congress and work with the technology that we have and use innovation at its best, where could we be today? >> i have -- i discuss these in more detail in my book, but i have not the slightest doubt they have the technology to beat cancer. this is said many times in the past. now with cancers, they do just quite stunning things, they find out what are the targets on the cancer cells and study them and go after them with two structure based designs, throw a bunch of biochemists at it and design a molecule or monoclone anti-bodies and most recently they've actually begun extracting white blood cells from patients and engineering those right down to target this and go inside and replicate
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1,000 fold. >> it's extraordinary to think about what some of the potential is. your book talks about the barriers if we clear out we can unlock innovations that are already out there. very interesting stuff. thank you very much for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> up next from the future of medicine to the future of driving. you and me may be obsolete sooner than we think. ♪ so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah,
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it's donut friday at the office. aso every friday morning they psend me out to get the goods. but what they don't know is that i'm using my citi thankyou card at the coffee shop, so i get 2 times the points. and those points add up fast. so, sure, make me the grunt. 'cause i'll be using those points to help me get to a beach in miami. and allllllll the big shots will be stuck here at the cube farm. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out and entertainment, with no annual apply, go to yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with new fedex one rate, i could fill a box and ship it for one flat rate. so i knit until it was full. you'd be crazy not to. is that nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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>> let's ask somebody here. excuse me. i'm sorry, excuse me. really? >> it's scary because it's new. >> vince sounds quite wise there. within a few years the driverless car could be neither new nor starry b rscary but all the road. they have driven 5,000 miles without an accident. the man behind the project says quote, once you make the car better than the driver, it's almost irresponsible to have them there. but google doesn't want to manufacturer cars and car companies like to sell customers on driving rather than driverlessne driverlessness. what's ahead for the driverless car. let's ask the author of aa fascinating article about this.
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welcome. please explain how the driverless car even works. how does it do what it does? >> they've got this amazing sensor system. they've got a laser on top and radars on every side and cameras and the computer in the trunk combines all of these views into this thing. if you see it on a laptop it looks like tron, this three dimensional wire frame version of the world. and they layer that with what you see in google street view and google maps and you get it unbelievably detail of the world. the car can navigate through that and avoid objects and protect pedestrians and find its way to its goal. >> people have a hard time of letting go of what they know and what they are comfortable with. even chevy had fun with this in a recent commercial. >> looking to trade the old girl? >> this a brand-new camry. >> this cannot be a brand-new
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car. >> what are you doing? >> look for a casette deck. >> the corporate manager of toyota reminded us it was only five years ago we eliminated casca casette players. >> i think that trust is already being incrementally developed and we don't realize it. when you think of power steering, power brakes and cruise control. now we have cars doing adaptive cruise control, automatically stay a certain distance from the car ahead. cars like the new mercedes that brake if they see a pedestrian. they won't change lanes but a lot are doing everything but full autonomy. >> parking for you. >> absolutely. we're getting used to it little by little. >> it still seems crazy. we sort of long been promised driverless cars and flying cars and all sorts of things. let's look at the 1939 gmc film.
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>> traffic moves at unreduced rates of speed. safe distance between cars auto control. >> okay. so let's put all the concerns aside and just sort of geek out on this idea of driverless cars. what if everybody had a driverless car. how would it change cities, traffic, what would it look like? >> start with the fact that most of us only use our cars maybe 5% of the day, at most. >> right. >> so suddenly, how many of us really would need to own a car? if we could have a car that would really instantly come and pick you up. imagine parking lots strategically placed all over your neighborhood and a car could come within 30 seconds and take you where you wanted to go. it would be like a personalized taxi service. if you had that, how many of us would need cars? and if only a fraction, suddenly you have skinnier roads, don't have cars parked on the street. they're all in one place. sergey brin, head of google, his
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idea is the urban landscape change. parking lots. much more pedestrian traffic and less actual car traffic. it's a pretty compelling vision. >> if you have automobile innovation that leads to fewer people needing to buy cars, buying cars, let's see, who would not want that? oh, yeah. car companies would not want that. and in your article, the companies are saying the consumers aren't ready. but the car companies don't want to create something that would sell fewer cars. >> it's a double edged thing. on the one hand, they're very worried about what happens to the market for their cars. they're also worried about becoming like mercedes or bmw are worried, because they build cars and charge a lot for them, because people love to drive. and suddenly you're saying, well, buy this beautiful car, but it's going to do the driving for you. but at the same time, i think that argument really is about the fact that they don't have the technology google has. they're not as far along. and they're trying -- they are desperately trying to get there.
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toyota has a secret facility, nine acres at mt. fuji. they have the beginnings of this technology, not as far along. a lot of people think it's merely a delay tactic. >> if they don't do it, someone else will. you actually rode in one of these cars, right? >> i commuted back and forth from berkeley to mountain view where google is with one of the lead engineers. >> is it freaky? >> i was not scared. i have to say. >> except for the moment when the car messed up. >> there was -- even that was a minor mess-up. it pulled out on an exit on its own. and it kind of accelerated a little too quickly and was tailgating a big truck. >> that's pretty scary. >> it's a little scary, but then again, i do that auto of the time. in perfect honesty, it was a better driver than i was on the highway. it was smoother, very kind of -- it's described as courtly in the article, this sense of yes, gently moving into gaps. it was smooth as can be.
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>> wow. i hope the transition society makes into driveless cars is as smooth as the ride you say it is. thank you very much. great story. looking forward to your next story. straight ahead, krystal ball's black friday on the picket lines, next. and q & a with her and you. you can check her out in a cycle group chat right after the show, 4:00 p.m. keep sending in your questions. [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. combinations of your favorite seafood from lobster to crab, shrimp and mussels in a savory broth. try one today, and sea food differently. now, try seven lunch choices at $7.99. sandwiches, salads and more.
12:55 pm
so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cash card from capital one, i get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally someone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
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exciting happened. a walmart opened just 15 minutes away in my home state of virginia. it was big news in my little teenage small-town life. my friends and i feeling the freedom of our driver's licenses would wander around the shiny new walmart on weekends spending the money we earned lifeguarding over the summer on colorful flip flops, $2.95 a pair, and other various trinkets that seemed total cool to me and my teens, $5 splurges. if you go to that walmart today, you will still find some of the friends i went to high school with. only now instead of buying flip flops, they're behind the cash register stocking shelves, working hard for the largest private employer in the country, trying to support themselves and young families, getting little money and maybe worse, less thanks for their effort. these are folks who don't like to complain, nor would it matter much if they did. one person from king george county, virginia doesn't amount to a whole lot in the multibillion dollar machine that is walmart. complaints would at best go unheard and even could lead to
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the loss of a job. that while not great, is better than no job. last friday, though, when i went to a walmart black friday protest in alexandra, virginia, i realized something. when those individual voices are combined with tens of thousands of others across the country in more than 1,500 protests, we begin to hear and to listen. and when they're joined with the voices of fast food workers in 100 cities across the country on thursday, they become even more powerful. and when they're joined by states like new jersey and cities like d.c. and localities like sea-tac, places where the citizens demanded better wages and are winning, you get the picture, it's power to the people. and finally, when they're joined by 76% of americans, including a majority of republicans who say they would vote to guarantee workers a better wage, well, at some point, that little trickle becomes a wave. and that wave knocks over everything that stands in its path. so don't tell me that a living
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wage is impossible. don't tell me that walmart is immovable. don't tell me that congress won't act. because what i realized on black friday was that that wave is coming, and you either get in front of it or you get out of the way. and what happens if they don't? let's say walmart says no way, no how, not now, not ever. gradually, and then quickly, just as my feels about walmart have changed is and i no longer feel good about shopping there, more and more people will find they would rather go elsewhere. maybe not go anywhere at all, in fact, and shop online, where the prices are just as cheap, and the location even more convenient. but don't worry, walmart. when that happens, your vast, vacant buildings just outside of town will still be put to good use. after mall, amazon's jeff bezos has to have somewhere to house those delivery drones. joy reid is in for martin. >> just had to hit the drones. good afternoon, i'm joy reid in for martin bashir.
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it's tuesday, december 3rd, and the president has a message on health care. it ain't going nowhere. ♪ for too long, few things left working families more vulnerable than a broken health care system. in america, nobody should have to worry about going broke because somebody if their family or they got sick. today the website is working well for the vast majority of users. this law is working, and will work into the future. my main message today is we're not going back. we're not repealing it as long as i'm president. back on offense. after two months of being battered by bad media mojo and headaches, president obis
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