tv The Cycle MSNBC December 9, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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delivering an early punch. mourning monandela. i'm luke russert in for tour'e this week, we're on the ground in south africa to honor the man who laid the groundwork for an entire generation. >> sports and sports and more sports. luke is here and not talking about the bills but he is talking about the bill for america's favorite past time and who's picking up the tab. you've scored a front row seat with "the cycle." >> president obama is heading to south africa for nelson mandela's memorial service. when he returns, expect him to refocus on what he says is his administration's target for the remainder of his presidency. a tale of two americas,
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candidate obama vowed to heal a polarized nation but that is proving increasingly difficult. his first term ended by tieing jouj l george w. bush as the most polarizing year ever. look how far the lines really are. it's no surprise since over the past decade the nation's seen a rise in liberal democrats and conservative republicans, it's which way politics to the fringe or center. we search far and wide to find someone who knows politics and elected as a republican governor and served four presidents including one democrat named obama. and the only name we could come up with is huntsman. yes, that's my dad jon. welcome to "the cycle." we've banished luke to the remote camera so you can be surrounded by beautiful women, a man with five daughters -- >> i have to say, i've been at a lot of tables but never been so intimidated. and so honored, i have to tell you, it's a great treat to be
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with you. >> we love having your daughter as well. >> i came to see whether she's been naulgty or nice and tour'e isn't here to give me the straight scoop. >> he wishes he could be but dad, you've been in politics a very long time, before i was born. your first job was advance man for reagan. have you seen it this divided? >> no, i think historically you have to go back to the 1890s when we've been this divided. people feel that divided system, they sense it in all of the discussions that take place on capitol hill. and the fact of the matter is we are divided. and something needs to be done. we have to move towards problem solving and solutions and crossing the the divide. we have no other place to go. people say, why are you hopeful about things? i'm hopeful because there's this generation and they see the world differently. they are problem solvers and pragmatic and seen the mistakes of my generation. they are ready to roll up their
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sleeves and go back fixing some of them. >> governor, you talked about the division. i think to that point the reason why the division is seemingly huge is because of the way in which the gop has done their outreach or not. we have the gop autopsy report that came out in march. then you have this new strategy to try to reach out to women so there are these outreach tu torials for women. talk about whether or not you think those are legitimate ways to right the ship, pun intended? >> yeah, we're divided for a whole lot of reasons, we're divided because of high structural unemployment and divided because we've had involvement in the middle east for which there hasn't been an adequate explanation and divided because there's no sense of direction or strategy for this country going forward. people feel we haven't put points on the board in a very long time. does america matter? does it matter in the lives of its citizens? we're kind of drifting as it
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were. the republican party has to win back key demographics that it has lost. it's about basic math at the end of the day. it doesn't matter what you're seeing at the bully pulpit. it's done through ideas. you have to show that they are not just ideas but they are ideas that are realistic and not just pandering a base, they are realistic and have a connection with people's aspirations and where they want to see their lives and country go. we have pencil sharpening to do on that one. >> governor huntsman, issue that have been quite beneficial for the republican party in 2010 and now is the issue of health care, it did lead to a government shutdown. but there seems to be sort of questions when it comes to what is the republican alternative to obama care? i asked john boehner this question. i want to get your reaction. >> what is a patient driven health care system that the gop talks about and will it be a viable gopal tern tif to obama
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care in 2014? >> when you look at obama care, what you see a government centered health care delivery system. that's not what the american people want. the american people want to be able to pick their own type of health insurance and want to be able to pick their own doctor and pick their own hospital. that's what a patient centered health care system looks like. >> will that be up for a vote in 2014, a bill for that? >> will that be up for a vote in 2014? >> we'll see. >> it looks like there won't be a concrete alternative to obama care in 2014. does the republican party move forward saying the 40 million uninsured, should they have a real concrete plan? >> we lose elections when we write things off as political sound bites. the fact of the matter is when you actually try to reform the health care system, which is the size of the gdp of france,
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around $3 trillion, the most complicated area of public policy anyone could imagine, when you actually try to roll up your sleeves and do something about fixing the drivers of cost and expanding the insurance markets and reimbursement rates, it's become a very complicated thing to do. it's an area that lends itself nicely to kind of one off sound bites but doing something is really tough. the reality is this, the reality is republicans have answers and democrats have answers. i think the president would be very well served if you were to call the 50 state governors together and say, folks, i don't care if you're a republican or democrat, we have an interest in fixing the system from what it is today. you have answers and all tried a little bit of something in your individual state and all kind of done an exchange program and exceeded to various degrees. i'm going to sub order nature my ego and approach this in a humble fashion. so should all of you. but let's now put pieces together. realizing full well it's not going to be a one year effort
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but probably a multiple year effort to begin to get this back on track. i think that's the only way we make sense out of this longer term. >> i think you and luke are hitting on something, it's a lot easier to be opposed to something than it is to embrace a whole policy and the difficulties that may come with it. i wanted to get your take on another issue that's really heating up, anew gallop poll shows 76% increasing the minimum wage and we see workers at walmart and fast food workers protesting and demanding a living wage and the taxpayers subsidize these larger corporations because folks that work there can't afford health care. do you think we should lift the federal minimum wage and do you think corporations like walmart have a responsibility to provide their employees with a wage that their workers can live on? >> i have to be honest with where i was with governor an i supported a living wage. i supported an increase in the
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minimum wage. we have to be realistic about what this economic storm has done to this country. it has ship wrecked a lot of people. a lot of families and destroyed marriages and left a lot of young people without opportunity. for us to say that isn't the reality of it all is being disingenuo disingenuous. let's get on with compensation, minimum wage, a living wage that makes sense in today's environment. but let's also as i tried to do as governor, couple it with pro growth measures to allow the country to do what it wants to do. this economy wants to take off and things want to grow. we want to rebuild our manufacturing base. to my mind it's not just the minimum wage, that's part of it. we can't for get those who have been left behind. we have this very dangerous thing called structural unemployment in this country. i don't think we've seen this since the great depression. it's the mcdonald's versus
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apples. companies require fewer people and investors are doing better and private equity firms are doing better but leaving in its wake people who aren't trained for the economy and have nowhere to go. that's the reality of where we are and the economy will proceed more in this direction as opposed to the mcdonald's side. >> that's what's scary in the jobs we have now, our largely service jobs and largely low wage majority of the groupz created out of the recession are low wage service jobs. does that responsibility to push the wage up, does that fall just to the states and federal level or do you think corporations themselves have a responsibility to their workers to provide a living wage? >> of course corporations ought to be part of this discussion, it's incomplete without them. you have groups like the business round table and chamber of commerce all of whom should be part of this discussion. individual state governors play an important role in this as well. they have to make sure their state books are balanced and
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ceos their corporate books are balanced and make sure that people are all participating in the opportunity of the united states. that's what's broken, the opportunity ladder, people can't climb it anymore. the wrungs are not in place as they use to be and that to me spells a frightful future until we rebuild steps, the job entry, job training parts, that must be part of the opportunity ladder in the united states. that's where we've always been. the middle class that has sustained our success is growing smaller and smaller over time. for any nation state to succeed, you must have a strong middle class. >> that's exactly right. i want your take on china before we let you go. the administration's pivot to asia. how would you evaluate his trip? do you feel it had the intended effect? >> i think the vice president has an opportunity to play a pretty important role in china. he knows the new leader in
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china, he's been chairman of the foreign relations committee of the senate. understands a lot of these issues. but we're not going to know the results of his visit as it relates to the island dispute for some time. he gave the points. they were a little mixed in terms of the consistency of their message. one day they send b-52s on freedom of navigation exercise into the air defense identification zone, then the next day they kind of shift gears in terms of commercial aviation and mix their talking points up with our allies in tokyo. i think all of that they had to dial in and fix just a bit. but we're not going to know the results of what he did for weeks and months. for example, if tension is lessened, if a dialogue ensues between tokyo and beijing, if we come up with the way to alleviate tension and roll back incidents if they occur in the region, then i think he ought to consider it a success.
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fw it remains a very red hot zone in terms of the number of reconnaissance missions and surveillance missions, that's where the danger lies today. you have six countries doing surveillance and reconnaissance missions in a very compact piece of geography. you up the possibility of an incident quite substantially. >> what are you doing tomorrow at 3:00? want to fill in for tour'e? >> don't tell tour'e. >> thanks for being with us. he changed his country but inspired a generation to change the world. the activism sparked by nelson mandela as "the cycling" rolls on for december 9th. [ female announcer ] arms were made for hugging. hands for holding. feet, kicking. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.
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tomorrow leaders from across the globe will gather at the memorial service for nelson mandela in johannesburg south africa. david cameron, the prime minister of the united kingdom mobilizing what it's calling the tightest security plan ever at the stadium where the service is being held. ron allen is in south africa for us. ron? >> reporter: good afternoon. angela. it's night fall here, a little after 10:00 p.m. you can still hear people chanting and singing out here in the streets. there's been something of a celebration going on all day and
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since thursday night when mr. mandela's passing was announced. tomorrow will be truly significant and unique event. there are perhaps 95,000 people who will be allowed into the stadium and there will be tens and thousands more who will be try to be near there. the event of course is captivated the country and the world. security will be unprecedented. the south african security forces used protecting mr. mandela, the secret service and security forces here are sfam with protecting with mr. mandela. this is not an unknown island. of course, anything is possible about the they are taking unprecedented steps to make sure the stadium is secure. the treats in the area near here will be closing down in a couple of hours and private vehicles will not be allowed anywhere near the stadium. it is expected to be an emotional day.
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the program has just been released and there will be remarks by several of mr. mandela's grandchildren and comments from a former political prisoner along with him who served 26 years on rob bin island and remarks from heads of states like president obama and leaders of brazil and china and cuba. cuba has been a long time friend of this country. unprecedented day and may rival the size of the funeral and services held for pope john paul ii, a huge day of celebration and security will be extremely tight and a lot of emotion from well wisher here and around the world. >> thank you, ron for that very important update. this weekend much of the subject talk centered around nelson mandela and his lasting impact. >> the world remembers nelson
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mandela, thousands are turning out in his country as south africa holds a national day of prayer. >> apartheid and first democratic government -- >> in depth look at the world leader whose courage and determination changed the course of world events. >> with that in mind, we would like to turn to craig hill burger, international activist and founder of free the children, focused on education and breaking the cycle of poverty. he's a winner of the nelson mandela leadership award and spent time with africa's greatest son. train the child in the way he should go and when he's old he will not depart from it. my father tells me my first protest about anti-apartheid when i was only two, of course, i don't remember that. but talk about the mandela legacy to you and young people all over the world, particularly those who may only read about
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all of his accomplishments online and in books. >> he inspired a generation here in south africa, you see children who are laying roses. they were waist high, writing poems and laying them at the staut tus. when you engage young people across the world filling stadiums, this year showing images of stadiums full of kids seeing them stand and chieer in ovation, and raising funds to build 100 schools to honor mandela. something they started six months ago. so he inspired a generation who's continuing his legacy to this day. >> craig, nelson mandela no doubt was a tremendous inspiration and brought racial equality to south africa. but the racial equality has not turned into economic
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empowerment. two thirds of south africans under the age of 25 cannot find employment. what needs to be done now to carry on mandela's message to make that number go away so the unemployment rate is lower? a lot of folks in south africa, especially young folks can find themselves in a better future? >> mandela spoke of his dream and it was always to young people. that's the theme you hear in south africa and all of the celebrations, the quotes and images on television, and the images of him giving his dream for the next generation. 6 million south africans hiv positive. there's a million aids orphans in this country alone and unemployment rates are staggering. some of the highest for middle income country in the world. what needs to happen. his foundation and so many organizations were dedicated to providing education offers for young people in south africa,
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secondary school, not attainable for most students. his greatest dream for continent to create a africa where a child went to school, not just in laying flowers or laying wreaths or speeches but for world leaders to commit themselves. >> you are a testment to that legacy. you were on the front lines doing that and we much appreciate you doing that work and kind of to luke's point, are some of the problems that south africans face and americans face today, almost trickier to combat than directly discriminatory policies when you can't point at them and say that law is racist but you still see in america, african-american unemployment double that of white unemployment, you know we still have a problem. are these problems in some ways
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even more challenging to address and galvanize a moment around today than they were previously? >> i had the honor to ask mr. mandela with a his philosophy was on leadership. we think of him as this great president who took on enormous challenges, 27 years in prison and said his greatest lesson he learned as a young boy. he grew up very poor. he was a shepherd growing up. when he was leading sheep he would have to go to the back. you have to make sure they don't wander too far left or right. his greatest lesson on leadership, he led his flock from behind. an amazing humility to make sure no one strays too far. or back in america, employment, skills training and basic social safety nets to ensure every child thrives, we need more
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leaders with his humility to put their needs first and always make sure that they get to where they need to be and for children that's hopefully one thing we can leave behind. >> this is a time for reflection but time to look forward. who in your mind are the up and coming voices you think will best carry on mandela's legacy? >> an impossible task, is there a single statesman or woman to command the respect like mandela. i don't know. before being here moments ago he was with desmond tutu along with peter gabriel, the singer and mary robinson, the former president of ireland, they are part of something called the elders. lee leaders around the world that tackle the greatest challenges. i was talking to peter and this group and posing that question
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about legacy of mandela for young people. although he was an elder in the fullest sense of the word, an elder statesman and leader, the dream has been for the next generation to carry that mantle. they joked and said we don't need the elders, we need the youngins to take on the challenge for this new generation. i don't think there's one name that will ever come to mind. i can tell you that what we do with kids across north america, we had 140,000 kids in stadiums since the fall in cities from minnesota to san fran who watched clips of mandela on jumbo screens and rose and cheered his legacy, young people, 12, 13, 15, learning about him in school. this generation raising funds to build schools and helping out with causes, there are so many kids thanks to technology and social media and most importantly thanks to great heroes like mandela to inspire him and ready to follow in his footsteps. we need youngins. >> craig, thank you so much for
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your inspiring words and best of luck with your organization. up next, breaking news the weather is frightful out there. we'll tell you when it will get better next. ♪ did you know more coffee drinkers prefer the taste of gevalia house blend over the taste of starbucks house blend? not that we like tooting our own horn but... ♪ toot toot. [ male announcer ] find gevalia in the coffee aisle or at to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us. and gave america back a profit. we're here to keep our promises. to help you realize a better tomorrow.
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it is on the roads behind us too along with the salt spread this morning. this is interstate 93, traffic moving from left to right going down towards boston. everything is moving along fine. we should have a fine rush hour this evening as most of the major thoroughfares are just fine. notice this parking lot. if we don't see this stuff removed by time wednesday morning rolls around it's expected to be in the low teens and single digits here. all of this will be one big cake of ice. now, there's more snow in the forecast. who will be impacted by this? it looks like the i-95 corridor. 3 to 6 inches possible for d.c., baltimore, even philadelphia in play. this will be during the heat of the rush hour tomorrow morning. all right? so there will be major airport delays and travel delays. once the storm moves north, new york and boston get in the snow as we get just past the rush hour, we'll see airport delays and travel delays also move north as well. everybody gets into the deep freeze. we will see more airport delays,
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1300 today, 700 of those in dallas ft. worth. where we had the ice two days ago and they can't seem to escape the deep freeze. luke, back to you. >> indeed. thanks, jim. time for the weather channel's paul goodloe. what's coming up? >> as jim mentioned we're expecting more snow across the northeast. he was in boston and the snow was pushing out of there but we're still seeing rain. this is the moisture for the next system. as you mentioned we could see some areas picking up 2 or 3 or 5 or 6 inches of snow. new hampshire and ver metropolitmont and maine. the rest of the i-95 corridor is drying out unless you head into areas of virginia. forecast for tonight, more rain showers here but as the moisture continues and cold air starts to settle back in again, we'll start seeing snow. once kben from mid-atlantic up through philly and into new york city and hart ford and boston,
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more snow as we head throughout tomorrow and tomorrow afternoon. how much more snow can we see? in this shade of blue, maybe 2 to 4 inches, does include you in hart diagno hartford and boston. philly picked up more yesterday than all of last winter and you can see another 3 to 5 inches and virginia and maryland as well. the temperatures are not helping things as they stay at or above freezing. we'll see more snow as we head through tuesday. luke? >> paul goodloe thanks so much. snow does turn into ice and you don't want that on the roads. now the spin nearly a year after leaving foggy bottom, hillary clinton's time at the state department is getting the traditional d.c. media slice and dice. a new article in politico poses the question if she was a good secretary of state.
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and goes on to quote, aaron david miller said hillary was risk adverse kerry is risk ready. explains part why she didn't own anni issue of consequence. there was only a matter of time. what do we think? i'll go first. >> thanks for clarifying. it doesn't matter about her time at state -- >> a conversation hold -- >> it's going to be about domestic issues. number two the the mud the gop will throw at her will have to deal with benghazi, these conversations about what's her place in history, is she dean rusk, john kerry? where does she fall? that doesn't matter for vote ares not to mention she won't get hit with that in the primary
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so the democrats can control her narrative of time and benghazi or everything else. she was able to get away from the health care debate and debt limit debate not having to get into domestic politics for that few years at the state department was best gift. >> the mix of foreign policy to describe her time in state and seem to all agree he was a more cautious secretary of state. but i think that can stem from a number of things. i think she by nature is a more cautious person and maybe thinking about 2016 and also could have been a lot of pressure from the administration to be cautious. i'm with luke, i think the american people have short term memories and b i don't think foreign policy is on their radar. if you look at things they care about, foreign policy is nowhere on that list. they only care with foreign policy as it connects to the economy. if anything, her time at state will benefit her. if you can picture her on the
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debate stage with chris christie, who doesn't have any foreign policy experience. if you look at it that way, i think it only benefits her. i think benghazi is not going to define her legacy long term. >> speaking of benghazi, there's something we need to compare, the two secretaries of state that preceded her, you find they had several ben gazdyes and it's worth noting there were 13 throughout bush's tenure. the other thing that's important, if you want something to not have a benghazi like debacle you have to fund embassy security. i would never describe hillary as cautious. she was the most traveled first lady in history. even surpassing nixon's wife and i think she is hardly cautious. >> i actually think she does take less of a risky approach and did during her term as secretary of state than john kerry. i think that more cautious approach does typify her
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approach in politics. if we want to look at this, i agree with you, i don't think it's going to matter. benghazi is a republican issue. most people will dig into her time with details with secretary of state. it does matter if there was a foreign incident that people care about. she is not going to win the presidency with a play it safe strategy. it does not inspire people. to the extent her time as secretary of state is reflective of what her campaign may be if she thinks this is sort of in the bag and she can just play it safe and slow and steady, that's going to be -- that's going to get her to a win, that's a very problematic idea. she's got to be leading and got to be out front and taking risks and not taking anything for granted. >> playing it safe didn't work to well in 2008. >> exactly. >> what's sure to be a big player in 2016, big money. if you think you know who's in
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whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one. geico anywhere anytime. just a tap away on the geico app. we just talked about hillary's prospects in 2016 and one thing that's sure to once again play a role there is money. 2012 shattered the record for most expensive presidential campaign ever with both candidates raising more than a billion dollars for the first time ever. it may also have been a wake-up call for big money interests that were supposed to pave the way for mitt romney's presidency. the next guest says the candidate simply didn't match the public's mood and republican lawmakers on the hill aren't doing much better. businesses are leaning further towards moderate candidates and those leans could decide 2016 and 2014 as well. joining us now is sanjay, a
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contributor for "time" who worked for some of the world's largest investment banks. you argue the main point of your piece is that the business sector's thinking has changed since 2012. why do you think that is? >> i think it's just acknowledgement of reality of what's going on in the political world. after the government shutdown and down to the wire game that republicans and democrats played with debt ceiling, wall street and business sector in general has gotten a little spooked and want to see a return to sanity in our political establishment. with the money wall street and the business sector has to influence politics, i think they are in a very good position to do that and realizing that now, which is why they are trying to back more moderate candidates or rather say fiscally sensible candidates. >> sanjay, in order to get through the nominating process and the way we determine presidential elections, you pretty much have to have the blessing of corporate money.
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it helped president obama in '08. but the corporations have a lot of power, chamber of commerce and those organizations have a lot of power. wouldn't it be better suited for them to put efforts more in terms of what happens at state level races in the house of representatives and statehouses and with governors where they can have much more of a direct impact? because the government shutdown, mitt romney that's not his problem or john boehner's issue so much, that is a small number of extremely conservative members that don't want to play ball with the chamber of commerce. >> they are making contributions on the state side, right, ken cuccinelli, the tea party favorite in the virginia gubernatorial race lost to terry mcauliffe, largely due to the fact that chamber of commerce and other business entities pulled support from him. brad burn from alabama won a congressional seat there and part of the gop establishment, not of the tea party ilk. on the federal side, the reason
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that i think wall street money and business sector money in general is going to go more and more towards shaping federal politics is because the fact that the white house and congress in general needs to wake up and realize that they cannot keep playing chicken with the u.s. economy and with our business interest, as well as people's personal interest and they are nervous about that. they are going to be trying on both sides. the problem has reached that magnitude now. >> i don't think it's the white house that's been playing chicken with the economy but -- it seems to me that the problem for more quote/unquote moderate or establishment candidates isn't money, it's energy. i mean, the tea party has a lot of grass roots energy. those are the folks that will show up at the town hall meeting and yell at you. if they are mad they are going to send you letters and call your office until you go crazy. does throwing more money towards moderate candidates, does that really shift the equation?
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especially when tea partyers embrace the anti-establishment cred. >> i disagree a little bit that the tea party is the result of a spontaneous grass roots movement. it was fueled and created by very big money -- >> sure, they have money too. that's part of the problem, they have money and energy. >> right. and i think in order -- but money creates a fair amount of energy in our political system. and so if the money finds these moderate candidates like perhaps a governor chris christie or hillary clinton, it could energize their base and energize workers at the polls. >> i think businesses want to win and recognize the far right isn't doing a whole lot of that. sanjay, thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> can't we all just get along? apparently we're wired into warring factions, so says our next guest and we'll ask him
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that. >> in that famous scene from "speed", he is faced with a moral question, would you hurt one in order to save many? his answer is yes. would you make the same decision? our next guest asks questions like this while monitoring people's brains to better understand how we make moral decisions. his findings offer fascinating insights into everything from family matters to political infighting. joshua green is from harvard university, department of psychology and author of the new book "moral tribes." joshua, thank you so much for joining us. let's start there. what does drive our moral decision-making? >> well, i think our moral decision-making really comes from two places. we have strong gut reactions about things and then we also have the ability to step back and think about the things and think about the feelings we have about them and that gives moral thinking efficiency and we have a point and shoot response but it also gives it flexibility if
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we're willing to use it where we can shift into manual mode and think about things in a more deliberate way. >> another part of what you talked about, how we evolve us m terms. you don't have to look further than congress to see just how bad that is. where does it step from? >> well, so we think of morality and cooperation and kindness as purely nice things. and in a sense, they are. but if these things evolved by natural selection, which i and most behavioral scientists think they have, that means they must have conferred some kind of competitive advantage. and that competitive advantage is essentially teamwork. that is if you're nice, cooperative, helpful to the people within your group, then you as a team can outcompete other groups. so from a biological perspective, it makes sense that morality is a kind of double-edged sword. that we are naturally very nice to the people we work with and cooperate with in our local communities or otherwise. but that at the same time, we have a skepticism, if not antipathy towards people outside of our groups.
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i think the modern world has changed that to a large extent, but not completely. >> joshua, your book also discusses meta morality or global world philosophy. i'm thinking about age-old conflicts that exist in the middle east or racism in america or the ongoing battle between labor unions and big corporations. how do you practically apply these types of principles to conflicts that we have seen for decades, if not centuries? >> to make a long story short, i think a lot of what gets in the way is dressed up in terms of rights. so if you take what's going on in the middle east, we'll have one group saying, we have a right to protect ourselves. we have a right to develop nuclear weapons. we have a right to destroy your nuclear weapons. and what rights function as a moral discourse is a rational veneer for our gut feelings. so arguing about rights is not
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really going to get us anywhere, or at least not as much as people think. instead, the kind of thinking that i propose really goes under the name of pragmatism. let's think about what's going to produce the best results without thinking about necessarily what we feel we have a right to. i can that's more likely to lead to progress than kind of the table thumping that goes along with proclamations about who has which rights. >> fascinating stuff. joshua green, thank you so much. >> thanks. >> and up next, i pass the torch and let luke play sports correspondent, just for the day. just in time for bowl season. >> excited. >> down the sideline! 72 yards!
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and we're back. student athlete. it's a romantic term, meant to conjure up an image of all that's good in america. yet it's a term that was created by the ncaa out of a entire to protect universities in the 1950s from work mans compensation claims in the event of a significant injury. by being a student participating in extracurricular activity provided by the university, a football player at risk from a traumatic brain injury was no different than a kid in the frisbee club. he was a student participating in athletics. shortly around the time of this definition, a man by the name of walter buyers, the first executive director of ncaa, signed a deal with nbc, worth $1.4 million to broadcast ncaa
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football. universities got paid in 1952. and so on. despite fuzzy commercials about athletes going pro and something other than sports, after graduation, the top priority for the ncaa has always been about money. universities make millions, the athletes get a standing ovation. case in point, after this play that got auburn to the national title game and millions of dollars in the bcs bowl, auburn coach gus malzan got a contract ex text worth $8.5 million and $250 each year after that. chris davis, the player who ran the ball back, he got a standing ovation in geology class. that's it. this could be changing. last month, a california judge ruled to partially certify a class action lawsuit against the ncaa. brought by former ucla star, ed obanin. the trial is set for next june and a possibility a judge could decide to grant college athletes
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nonprofit trade association status. and i say good. the ncaa could finally be on the hook for royalties from the jerseys, posters and video games they have ever sold off the backs of unpaid players. now the ncaa says what they do is fair. players in return for their service get a free education. yet the scholarships are not indefinite. they're renewed on a yearly basis. and many schools could care less whether athletes get a degree. they just want to win. you're not producing, you could be cut on the hook for tuition. another thing the ncaa likes to say, but these huge tv contracts that are in the billions of dollars that we get, the money preserves, the nonrevenue generating olympic sports allows more kids to play. that's fine. but more often than not, that's being done at the expense of the field hockey players' lower income classmate on the football team. in this era of insane conference realignment, where geographic identity and travel time takes a back seat to profit, where the tv rights keep soaring to record levels, where a kid cannot sell
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his jersey or risk getting an ncaa sanction but the university can sell $100 jersey in the school store, it's time for the ncaa to admit, they're a multibillion dollar entity. and give student athletes an appropriate stipend. later in life, walter byers wrote, quote, the college player cannot sell his own oh feet. the college does that. nor can he sell his own name. the college will do that. this is the plantation mentality. resurrected and blessed by today's campus executives. and indirectly blessed by all of us who watch weekly and enjoy college football and basketball. so next time you watch the rose bowl or the final four, remember, you're feeding the beast that makes everyone but the players rich that does it for us. if you're wondering where ari has been, and those of you who know who you are, he's up next here at 4:00.
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the pride of the university of michigan, who is last cut, i believe, ari melber. how are you, my friend? >> doing well, thank you so much, luke. and good afternoon, i'm ari melber. it is monday, december 9th. and you know what that means. five days to make a deal on the budget. holiday season is a time for remembering the bonds we share. >> democrats and republicans on the verge of coming up with a budget deal. >> our obligations to one another as human beings. >> does not involve ted cruz and a cliff. >> negotiations moving in the right direction. >> experts predicting that a steadily improving economy is actually on the horizon. >> the unemployment news this week positive. >> unemployment fell to its lowest level in five years. >> i do support unemployment benefits for the 26 weeks. >> extending unemployment insurance isn't just the right thing to do for our families. >> if you extend beyond th
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