tv The Cycle MSNBC December 10, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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tour'e had to take a snow day. the weather cannot keep me down and the weather channel either. they are out and about and reporting for us. >> this day in history the world stops to remember nelson mandela. we woke up to a brief moment of global unity. we'll go live to south africa where the ceremonies continue into the night. >> something pretty amazing happened overnight. presidents past and present, democrat and republican flew together on air force one. i can only imagine what it must have been like to be on that bird. washington at work? congress made two major moves in the past 24 hours. rob sterling, are with in the twilight zone? no, it's just "the cycle."
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♪ >> from north to south, from east central and west, africa is in mourning together with the rest of the world for the loss of his greatest. ♪ >> around the world today, men and women are still in prison for their political beliefs and are still persecuted for what they look like and how they worship and who they love. it is happening today. we too must act on behalf of justice. we too must act on behalf of peace. there are too many people who happily embrace mandiba's legacy
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of reconciliation but resist modest reforms that would challenge poverty and growing inequality. while i will always fall short of mandiba's example, he makes me want to be a better man. he speaks to what's best inside us. >> 60,000 mourners gathered in a rainy soccer stadium this morning to pay tribute to noel s nelson mandela. heads of states all coming together. today's memorial marks the 20th anniversary of the day when mandela received the nobel prize with his former rival, the last apartheid president, also in the stadium today, paying homage to mandela's life effort to peace and equality and forgiveness. ron allen is in johannesburg.
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describe the mix of emotions that you saw during the event today? >> reporter: you're right, it really was a mix. a lot of very festive things happening in the stadium and people singing and chanting, part of the tradition here and culture here because this was ultimately a celebration of a remarkable life. of course, his passing was not unexpected. he was 95 years old, a very long time to live in this part of the world. he had been very ill for a very long time, not just the past 180 days but over the past couple of years, numerous health scares. i can tell you based on many trips down here in the past few years, people here, the country and nation and world, they've been preparing themselves foreman dell la's passing for some time. it was a very emotional moment
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and president obama in many ways really spoke to so many of the emotions there in that stadium and here in this country right now. because remarks were so personal and he really captured and told a personal story about how he was affected and how he became who he is to some extent because of nelson mandela. it was also i think a very warm moment comforting moment for the family. there were images of nelson mandela's widow, dignified and elegant. we have not seen her during his illness, just a moment of grace that she portrayed that was just very striking. and the children, it's a huge mandela family, 18 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren and many more. all of that was comforting to them and warm moment for this country. of course it was a tribute to nelson mandela, his life and to
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so many other soldiers and the cause here who fought to liberate this country. nelson mandela was the first person who would have told you he didn't do this alone. he was one person in this movement that changed this country so dramatically, brought freedom here. elimination the father of the nature but there are many sons and daughters along the way. lastly, there was political to some extent. there was a lot made of the handshake between president obama and president castro of cuba. the white house is saying the president did that as a matter of plightness. he shook hands with each of the dignitaries in apr certain partf the stadium sitting together to speak. those were the six or seven to speak. it wasn't anything planned. the white house as you probably are aware released a statement saying they are very concerned about human rights in cuba. and president obama also made the remarkable statement about how so many people in the world are embracing mandela's legacy
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but not living up to it. particular leaders around the world depriving their own people of liberty and keeping them in poverty. so, a wide range of emotions, thoughts and feelings, a remarkable day here. >> ron allen, thanks so much for your report. we want to bring in chairman of the special olympics and mandela champion for more than a decade. tim, thanks for being on the program. >> thanks for having me. >> you have a wonderful quote about nelson mandela. south africa's father but belonged to every nation. he really was a father for children with special needs in africa, a place where it's a huge stigma around the continent. talk about what he did for special olympics. we talk about mandela and racial empowerment but he did a lot for special needs children. >> it's true, luke. one of the misses was when we hear him referenced as a person who only thought for racial
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reconciliation, which we know was very political campaign. after the presidency he had a broader view. he recognized the primal nature of the racial divisions within south africa. but he also saw in the absence of freedom, the marginalization of many other populations and fought very hard to destigma ties people who had hiv and aids and fought very hard for people with intellectual disabilities that come to special olympics movement. he went to robin island on one of his visits back on behalf of people with special needs in south africa. he went into his cell and lit a certificaemonial flame of hope the person from the united states who was also in prison against his will. the two of them then marched outside into the courtyard to pro claim their shared campaign for freedom for people with disabilities. so mandela's agenda, i think
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started out politically and clearly focused on the enormous pain of the racial divide in south africa. after that, he began to set a much broader agenda for what freedom means for the world. >> you heard the president in his remarks today say he was not a statue in granite but a man of flesh and blood and spoke to his personality. you've spent time with him. what did you think of that remark and what do you know of him? >> i think the great thing about mandela was he was a unifier. he had a birthday party one year in south africa, dedicated it to children with special needs. we had thousands of children around him. tens and thousands in the stadium for a birthday party. he came in and in a golf cart, beaming smiles and cheering and raising his hands, kissing children, blowing out candles. he could see those who were left out. wherever he saw them, he seemed to have the knack to understand
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how to be a unifier. and i think the president's remarks were so poignant in saying we can't pay tribute to president mandela and forget those who are left out in our own cultures. i think the big challenge is to for instance young people, you don't have to wait to meet mandela, in your own schools there are children being left out. you can be a mandela-like figure simply sometimes by including someone in a game or sitting with someone in the lunch room or friending someone on the school bus. i think this is mandela's great legacy, it's not just about politics but it's about human hearts and being more open to being inclusive to all. >> that's so true, tim. i thought the president was in his element at the memorial today. let's listen to more. >> nelson mandela reminds us that it always seems impossible until it is done. south africa showed that is true, south africa shows that we
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can change, that we can choose a world defined not by our differences but by our common hopes. we can choose a hope defined not by conflict but by peace and justice and opportunity. >> it always seems impossible until it is done, i think that's an important message. >> there's such a hunger today for people all over this country who want to be a part of something bigger. they see in mandela someone who embraced such a huge agenda when he went to prison saying i want to fight for something but prepared to die for it. there are people today who want the same sense of participation in something bigger. it's time for our younger generations to assume that same mantle of leadership and em bral brace the idea. that this man that embodied such a big legacy is also a challenge to all of us today to find our own sense of something bigger. it's there for all of us.
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there are so many challenges facing our country. why not be a unifier would be his message. >> as we reflect on his life and legacy, it makes you realize the one impact an individual can be on society. are there social conditions that might give rise to another figure like mandela? >> i don't think there's any doubt about it. the grinding poverty facing billions on the planet is just an injustice that the world cannot sustain and we're looking now, all of us all over the world looking for the champion to teach us and challenge us to a more equitiable future. everybody says republicans and democrats are so divided and don't like each other. think about mandela. think he liked his prison guards and he needed to like them to have lunch with them? do you think people talk about his formal rival, his rival throughout life. when you see them together and see someone who is willing to have an open heart even if he
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had political disagreements. i think we can look at the great challenges facing people with intellectual disabilities, hundreds and millions of people system left out all over the world. we're looking for champions of unity. this is a time to celebrate that those champions need to be given life and birth and energy today all over the world. >> beautiful message. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> up next, presidents, dictators and priests and criminals all together today. what it would be like to be a fly on the wall. we'll spin for tuesday, december 10th. [ female announcer ] arms were made for hugging. hands for holding. feet, kicking. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well.
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back now in the spin where we'd like to consider for a second the sheer amount of global power that attended nelson mandela's funeral service of the on air force one there was the current president and first lady, his predecessor, president bush and former first lady and hillary clinton who many consider first in line for the 2016 presidency. that was before they linked up with bill clinton and jimmy carter. after party sounds like a great time. did we talk about when president obama shook hands with raul castro. i think this is absolutely cool and very unique thing to have four living presidents come together and pause for a moment, even for a few hours to reflect on a man that fought for equality and goodness. i imagine part of the flight was about nelson mandela and man he was. then i imagine what these three families have in common, the clintons and bushes and obamas.
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they have been elected to a second term in the white house. i imagine -- >> made fun of jimmy carter. >> probably not in front of him. >> didn't quite make the cut. >> i imagine the obama would probably ask, how did you handle the second term, a divided congress and poll numbers take a hit. then at the end of the day, you recognize they are all human kz and probably talk about their dog. they have a dog. i imagine president bush brought a few home made paintings. >> there was some reporting, i don't know if you can confirm, jimmy carter got the middle seat. >> what i found interesting, you have president bush who probably in his own mind i think would say i did a lot of -- interesting as the republican on the plane, done the most during their presidency, debatable but certainly a lot. if i'm president obama and
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talking with president clinton and hillary and michelle obama, i'm saying, bill, hillary, you want access to my data -- >> can you do it sounding like -- >> you can do that. if you get that to turn out the minority vote, youth vote, 2012, 2008, hillary clinton does well with working class whites and other demographics, how do we get all that together and cream whoever the gop nominee is? >> i think when you are a candidate for the presidency and when you have served as president of the united states, i think there's a bond there. these are only some people that can relate as fellow human beings, i would think there would be normal conversation, friends an family how it's going. i would like to think they were talking about is brain storming on who the president could possibly shake hands with that would drive the right the most
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crazy. they settled on raul castro and secretly laughing. >> that and the selfie, it makes no sense. put this on the surface for nelson mandela. michelle did not look enthusiastic. >> the impression that twitter is not focused on the substantive art of history and that was a surprise to me. >> shocker. >> but i take krystal's point and it is true, this is a club. the senate and house are much larger clubs and this is very singular, especially when you think about two-termers. i think w. probably looks at obama in a friendly way, how do you like that second term? and i think we heard w. talk about deciding is hard and this is hard work, said that on the
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re-election campaign. the other thing with michelle own hillary, hillary had a rough time as first lady, for a range of reasons when she tried to redefine that role a little bit. with michelle and hillary on the plane, hey girl, haters gonna hate. >> true. >> i have a great way to end the conversation. >> i think it's the ending. >> well, you decide. it's been a fun spin. >> anyway, up next, something 48 million of us have in common right now. that's a teaser for you. if i can impart one lesson to a
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have been found alive huddling in a canyon for warmth. they had taken their children to play in mountain snow and now at the local hospital for observation. rescuers say they are all in good shape, including the youngest child at 3 years old. >> thank goodness. that was a very scary story. other breaking news continues and it continues to be weather winter is making an early entrance. snow in new york and fridge it conditions in chicago and windy city is living up to its name and in california shivering from the cold weather. our team coverage gets started in charm city, jim? >> reporter: sunday's football games in the snow, the ravens were in the snow and eagles and steelers were in the snow and redskins were in the snow. because we had an overachieving system that produced 2 to 4 inches very close to and into the metro areas.
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as a matter of fact, all of the snow piles you see here are from that event. today was more of an underachiever. you can see behind me the harbor starting to become visible as the storm lifts out. a few leftover flurries and temperature warmed up. that's the other thing, sunday we were 30 and heavier snow. today we were 32, and light to moderate snow. just all of the different level of what happens in the city, a couple of degrees makes all the difference in the world. that said, you go 20 miles west, 20 miles to my northwest, 40 and 60 miles you're in the brand of 3 to 6 inches of snow and that's what the winter storm had to say. we're going to get cold thursday and friday here. we're going to start getting milder and wetter as we head into the weekend. a new storm developing and this time it looks like it won't be a difficult forecast. for new york, philly, d.c. and baltimore, mostly a rain storm.
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back to you. >> that's jim can tore, a few blocks from camden yards. let's turn to leesburg and mike seidel. >> reporter: luke, it was a quick hitter as expected. we had four hours of snow here in leesburg and that's going to be the case across the area. philly and baltimore and new york city and it moves in and moves out. fortunately here, in retrospect we have snow and ice over the weekend so the roads already had salt and they threw more salt before sunrise and at 6:00 a.m. the snow come in with a wall of light. the road was snow packed and snow covered. with temperatures running 33, 34 degrees, daylight traffic, they are very very good shape. not so at the airports, reagan, dulles, cancellations about 100. most canceled before the storm hit. the airlines were not slashed in the afternoon schedule. that's not so much the case in the tri-state area. the three new york city airports with long delays, an hour or
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two. newark international canceled at least 125 departures, it's going to be a tough day for travel in and out -- next on the weather map, cold air, all of this will freeze tonight, hopefully everybody shovels the slush and gets the snow off the driveways and car ports and sidewalks. tomorrow morning out here down to 15 and then thursday, the real cold day, coldest day so far for all of the northeast to new england, highs only in the 20s. the next storm on the weather map comes in this weekend. later saturday, saturday night, but right now we're thinking at the weather channel that new york, philadelphia and d.c. baltimore area will see mostly rain out of this one but the interior northeast, the ski resorts, including albany, syracuse, those areas could get a real dumping of snow. we'll be watching that. it's only tuesday. this is a saturday and sunday event. luke, back to you from leesburg. >> mike seidel, thanks so much.
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for more on what's coming, the weather channel's paul goodloe has answers. this is like an all-star lineup. >> i guess i'm bosh, huh? >> d. wade in my book. >> i'll take that. still watching snow push across areas of new england and still seeing it and still feeling big time delays. in terms of temperatures, mike mentioned 24 in buffalo. we'll have a big lake event snow event in upstate new york, 34 in boston. the rain is still fallingi. a foot to foot and a half of snow coming off. we're seeing an hour, hour and seven minute delay in laguardia because of winds out here and light snow falling. more snow falling in boston.
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look at the wind gusts to 21 miles per hour and helping to slow down these planes, we're talking an hour delay there. the next storm, here it is bringing rain on friday as as we head towards saturday, mid-atlantic and sunday we'll start seeing snow on pt interior, cleveland and pittsburgh, more football games as well as the giants, we could see more snow when the nfl takes the field sunday afternoon. back to you. >> you clearly took it in the paint there. most of the eastern seaboard is digging out of the snow. could washington be digging in and getting something done? today federal regulators voted to approve a law that strikes and bans banks from making investments that benefit only them and not customers. it's largely blamed for a lot of the 2008 meltdown. needless to say the markets are not thrilled about that new clarity in the regulations. on capitol hill, the senate confirmed the first of the expected ten of the president's judicial nominees and that move
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comes after democrats strip republicans of their power to filibuster nominees last month. fls, late last night, president obama signed a ten-year extension of the undetectible firearms act. a ban on plastic guns at a can evade security measures. there are some concerns on it doesn't could have everything, like 3d printers. there was one more task getting both chambers to agree on a budget for the first time since before the president took office. dana milbank is here to help us shovel through the snow. how are you doing, buddy? >> i've managed to get in the studio through the inch deep snow. >> nobody cares about 4 inches of snow. >> i want to get you people say
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wall street wins and banks own the senate and i'm critical of a lot of pieces of that. what we know right now, it looks like this thing is coming in to home plate with a victory and real restriction on the banks playing with other people's money. >> well, i don't know if you can transition from basketball to baseball just like that. but whatever sport it is you're doing, this is a surprise. and because i think, in a sense it's because congress really didn't have to do anything. this is all based on dodd frank. they did get the whole alphabet soup of the regulatory community to go along with this. very tough rule, infuriating some of the republicans on capitol hill already pretty well primed to be infuriated. so this is definitely something that will delight the elizabeth warrens of the world. it's going to disappoint wall
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street, no question about it. i'm not sure it's a progress, a sign of real progress in washington but it does show that the bureaucracy, we still have some teeth. >> interesting news reported by the new york times, john podesta coming on the administration as a counselor for a year. what should we make of this decision? how do you expect him to mesh specifically with dennis mcdonough who has been describes a gate keeper and point man on health care? >> i think it's very good news. the criticism that i and others have had of the administration is it's too ins lar. you've had too many people telling the president what he wanted to hear. that's why they had that sort of problem with the obama care rollout. he hasn't really had that sort of thing since rahm emanuel left. before it becomes a big problem out there in public.
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i would regard this as a very good thick as the president reaching out beyond his -- the people he's comfortable with in his inner circle. >> there's been a bit of a debate percolating around nbc, lifting the minimum wage. they are saying this could be a real winning issue for democrats to run on and inequality in general in 2014. >> i think it probably is a good issue politically. and you also pair that with the unemployment insurance which is probably another politically winning issue for the democrats. certainly has a lot of populist possibilities there. in terms of actual policy and getting things done, i don't think that's any sort of near term thing we've got to first do this next punt on the budget and see if we can avoid a shutdown but not actually achieve
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anything in terms of overall, longer terms problems with the budget. >> dana milbank, you are a reporter like me who always roots for the story. and the lone star republic of texas has given us a story in terms of gop senate primary politics. steve stockman, an outspoken man, only has 32,000 in the bank, running against john cornyn. he has had a few gems shall we say, including wanting to have a campaign sticker that said if babies had guns they wouldn't be aborted. put this in the context of the republican party trying to do move away from sort of the steve stockman mind set, and 2012, and minority voters, how will he play with comments moving forward? >> yes, he also said cla mid ya is more popular than obama care. >> class act. >> he is a classy guy and this
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was his second tour in congress. he was a homeless street vag rant and now he's back again. may be losing him now because he'll lose his seat in the house. he's not going to beat john c n cornyn. we don't want to touch this guy. >> that's a prediction from you? >> i think a safe prediction, you heard it here first, that steve stockman is sadly for people who enjoy irony and ridiculous behavior in congress, will not be with us that much longer. >> dana milbank, thank you auz always. with this talk of collaboration, we talked to our facebook fans about what it will take for our nation to come together again. steven loudy said, rational thinking and action should cover it. like us on facebook and join the conversation.
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we'll talk to you about all of the news. up next, boehner as the grinch, how immigration protesters are trying to get lawmakers attention on hill. outspoken advocate for reform, ken salazar is coming up. i'll be back to join you at the top of the hour at 4:00. we're aig. and we're here. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild.
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boehner as the grinch. mr. boehner thought he crushed their spirits the narrator read but the people were angry and their love was too strong, they came back even stronger, they knew he was wrong. there have been protests and reams of letters to push their party to immigration reform. ken salazar, until recently served as secretary of interior, former senator is rs calling on the house to act on immigration reform. thanks for joining us, secretary. >> thank you, krystal. >> we'll get to comprehensive immigration reform but i wanted to start with what the president could potentially do unilaterally on immigration reform. 29 lawmakers urged him to halt deportations of those who would be eligible to stay in the country under immigration reform. do you think that is the right course for the president to
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take? >> krystal, i think the president is doing everything within his power to get comprehensive immigration reform done, but the order last year was an important step for him to take. the system is still broken they need the house of representatives to act on this bill. i was down at the national mall with people who have been fasting to send a message out on the moral imperative to get comprehensive reform done. it's very clear all that needs to happen is senator john boehner needs to bring an immigration reform bill to the floor and it will pass. majority of members will pass it. we're a nation of laws and so the president has spoken out on the issue and supports a bill to pass the senate and would support and sign a bill that comes out of the house of representatives. it's just a matter of finding the political will in the republican party of the house of representatives to get this thing done. >> secretary salazar, luke russert here. i want to talk about the 232
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house seats held by republicans, only 39 are more than 29% latino. the average lat no populations is 12%. tasked with coming up with a house gop response to the senate immigration reform bill, his district is only 3.9% latino. you see the push by families and organizational groups for immigration reform. how is there the a path to 218 in the house where you see statistics like that when so many gop members see this as a bad issue for them individually, and it could be good for the party in the long term? >> well, i think whether it's 12% or 3%, this is an issue which has united the people of america in ways i've never seen before. i worked on immigration reform with senator mccain and with senator kennedy back in 2005 and '06 and president bush. here we have a circumstance where you have the faith community, the evangelical
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community, along with the chamber of commerce and local chamber of commerce. you have republicans and democrats who want to get this thing done. so i think the continuing voices and pressure on republicans is a necessity and i think it will happen. in my home state of colorado, there are four members of the house of representatives who are republican and i have been calling on them to simply walk down the hool way, go to speaker boehner's door and let him know they want him to bring it to the floor for a vote. we're going to make sure in our state of colorado, that we're going to keep these republican members of congress accountable. some of them higher percentages of hispanics in their districts than others. at the end of the day, this is not a hispanic issue but an american issue. we are a nation of immigrants and there's a moral imperative we get this done and every day that goes by. we have people who are dying and we have small businesses being hurt and major businesses that
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can't hire the high tech people they need and everybody united on wanting a solution. and all we have to do is get the house of representatives to vote. >> yet, there's no other issue where washington and the rest of the country are more pro found. you have those in congress that are starkly different from the majority of americans that support the democrat. 60% of republicans. what is left to do to bridge this deep divide? >> you know, abby, the fact of the matter is, just a leadership decision at this point in time. i know presidegeorge w. bush, a president barack obama because he and i served in senate today and served on his cabinet more than four years, you have a unity of purpose here. at this point in time, it's simply a decision by the house republican leadership to move forwards and get a vote on this bill. then it will get done. then we will have a system that will work for the decades ahead. >> we will continue to hold out
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hope for that. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> up next, his thumbs made and broke the careers of many in hollywood. now roger ebert has gone from film critic to film subject in a new doc with a list support. >> i met roger back in the 60s after he wrote favorably about my first attempt at the feature film. over the years, he really was kind of tireless advocate of my work. i know he did the same for many other people. he was more than a movie critic but someone who cared and acted on that caring. my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you.
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read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. the movie review shows burst on the scene in 1970s manned by robert ebert and gene sis kel. better to be up than down. >> this is one of the best films about american life that i have ever seen and i was for three hours i was just totally absorbed by the story of these two families really --. you have so many images in the movies of black intercity characters with guns and drugs and gangs. here are families struggling to make it. >> that review was from "hoop dreams", championed by ebert and steve is directing a new documentary on the life of roger ebert. it is based on ebert's best
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selling memoir, a candid look at life love and obsessions. he was granted access to his wife in his final months. ebert's a simple thumbs up or down because he was able to channel his own life experiences to tell an actually story. is that what made him such an influential film critic? >> yeah, i think you nailed it pretty well there. and he always viewed movie-watching as something -- the way a movie affected him. as if he's in the 15th row with his popcorn in one hand and watching the movie. and he also had a very sort of democratic idea of what film could be. that he felt like everybody should be able to get a film, even complicated films. >> steve, i want to play a clip that roger ebert -- it's from the documentary. i want to play this and get you on the other side. >> the purpose of civilization and growth is to be able to reach out and empathize a little bit with other oh people. and for me, the movies are like a machine that generates
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empathy. it let's you understand a little bit more about different hopes, aspirations, dreams and fears. it helps us to identify with the people who are shearing this journey with us. >> i mean, just such rich, beautiful words from roger ebert. is america and the world, are we losing that type of criticism and that type of vision when so many folks now just go on to rotten tomatoes to see whether or not they should see a movie? >> that's a good question. i think there are a lot of great people out there still writing criticism. and roger would tell you that. i think what roger did, though, was he sort of transended film criticism. he really spoke to people who weren't film geeks, although he spoke to them, as well. he spoke to everyday viewers, and sort of raised their level of appreciation of what movies could be. >> and steve, you talked about roger's democratic ideal. you funded this film through a sort of democratic process of crowd funding. why did you go that route? >> well, we got a variety of funding sources.
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but one of them is crowd source funding. and we just thought, it's sort of perfect way to sort of fund a film about roger, who really was a man of the people. and a democratic voice, and had so many followers. so with our campaign, we're trying to -- as much as anything, is build community for this film. of viewers, people who can see the film, stream the film before it's of out thee atcally, and now with the film being at sundance, we'll have the opportunity to actually watch the film live, while it's premiering at sundance and participate in the q & a afterwards or watch the q & a, which is exciting. >> and his legacy will live on. steve james, thank you so much. up next, krystal ball's guide to life in america. stick with us. hi honey, did you get the toaster cozy?
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♪ >> welcome to america. this guide will serve to orange you to your new home. if you work hard, you're going to do great. in fact, as you and your family settle in, the first thing to check off your to do list is finding a job. hard work is the cornerstone of the american ethos, and there are many great american corporations at which you could work. those unable to work due to disability or the prohibitive cost of child care or any other excuse popular among the growing class of lazy mooches will be treated with deserved contempt, and will be correct to feel shame accompanied with a diminished sense of self worth.
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but don't worry, this is america. and now is a great time. the economy is booming. stocks and corporate profits are record highs. the great american corporations have never been better. don't own any stock? perhaps you have no stock, because you have already invested in bonds. no problem. that market is also at record highs. but perhaps you have no stock, no bonds. you are poor. well, here in america, prosperity trickles down from the all-knowing makers to deserving members of the underclass. you'll gradually learn to ignore that overwhelming sensation that prosperity is, in fact, being sucked up to the top. warning. if we get does not trickle down to you, clearly, you are undeserving and might be subject to self deportation. for those of you with gumption, you will have a job at a great american corporation like walmart or mcdonald's, and you will be well on your way. you'll learn the value of a hard day's work, which we regret to inform you, is not that valuable at all. we will pay you the lowest wage
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allowable under american law. we do so with will he rubbing tans, as a matter of fact. we would desperately like to pay you less than the minimum, but alas, too barrd for the corpora bearance, it is not permitted. your job will provide you with a lad of opportunity to greatness or at least middle class stability. please note, ladders of opportunity are only available in certain zip codes. and to those who happen to be related to one of the all-knowing makers. the rest of you can take comfort in that stability that comes from being stuck in a permanent underclass. so the american dream, well, it's a bit of a nightmare. so you work full time, but still cannot afford to, for instance, feed your children. do not dismay. your children might eat yet. there are great serious statesmen of high principle in the nation's capitol building who have agreed to grant food stamps to children who cannot afford to be fed. you should be eternally grateful as some of the great serious statesmen of high principle were vehemently opposed to that. understand, they have allowed for your children to be fed only reluctantly, and with all
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imaginable condescension. after all, the free market has decided that your children do not deserve food. your kids are also going to love america. our world-class education system, which has been described glowingly as mediocre, provides the ticket to prosperity for your children. these educatal tickets to prosperity are widely available. assuming, of course, you live in the right neighborhood. how will you know if you live in the right neighborhood? well, a useful rule of thumb, if your neighbors are white and you are unable to afford to live there. so welcome to america. the land of opportunity. but some exclusions may apply. all right. that's it for us. and in case you missed ari after our c block, he is with you for the entire next hour. ari, it is all yours. >> i would love to do rage against the machine with you. >> some exclusions may apply. very good stuff, krystal. thank you very much. i'm ari melber, it is tuesday, december 10th. when it comes to the president's
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policies, actions do speak louder than words. >> congressman paul ryan and senator patty murray are reportedly close to striking a small deal. >> democracy in action is a beautiful thing. >> far from the grand bargain some were hoping for. >> most incremental, smallest, tiniest. >> the fact that we are, is telling about where we are. >> congratulations. you didn't shut down the government. hallelujah. >> unemployment benefits. how is that going to shake out? >> you're causing them to become part of this perpetual, unemployed group in our economy. >> you have presided over what is perhaps the least productive, least popular congresses in history. >> it ought to be judged on how many laws we repeal. >> there are too many of us on the sidelines, comfortable in complacency, and cynicism, when our voices must be heard. >> there is snow,
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