tv The Ed Show MSNBC December 10, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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good evening, americans. and welcome to "the ed show." live from new york. let's get to work. we refuse to let detroit go bankrupt. >> i'm a son of detroit. i was born in detroit. my dad was head of a car company. i like american cars. and i would do nothing to hurt the u.s. auto industry. >> dude, where's my car. >> mitt romney wrote in the "detroit free press," let detroit go bankrupt. in other words, let them die. >> you said, quote, if general motors, ford and chrysler get the bailout their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the american automotive industry goodbye. >> that's exactly right. if you write a check, they're going out of business.
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>> they would come back sooner if they had taken the advice of mitt romney. instead of spending all those dollars of taxpayers' money that otherwise could have been done more effectively. >> i don't want to run auto companies. ♪ ♪ let me go >> for the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight. >> ooh. yeah. um, i'm going to have to go ahead and sort of disagree with you there. >> the taxpayers have recouped $39 billion of a $49 billion investment. >> we ought to be singing the hallelujah chorus. this is so fabulous for every american listening to this story. >> i bet on american workers and american ingenuity. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. put a big smile on your face, because president obama and the government, they're no longer in the car business. they got rid of all their shares yesterday, and the conservative media, where's the story?
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i remember when you were calling this guy, the president of the united states, a lot of things when it came to saving the automobile industry. in fact, i think he's the worst socialist ever. he told us all along he didn't want to be in the car business. well now i guess he was telling the truth. because government motors is now history. we start our show tonight talking about great news for the american manufacturing base in this country that was saved by the liberals. the auto loans of 2008 and 2009 saved 1.5 million jobs. that means this many people over the christmas holidays -- they don't have a war on christmas. they will be at the dinner table eating and having fun, because they have a job. thanks to government motors. gosh, you thought that might have led fox news every hour. americans, around the dinner table, breaking bread and turkey
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over the christmas holidays, because they got a job. but oh no. obama was involved in that. without these loans, our nation could have slipped into a deeper recession. maybe even a depression. because with the consequences probably today, still would have been felt. if we had not done this, where would these people be? this is just the hard number. the trickle-down effect. the domino effect. who knows what that number would have been. the whole mess started in late 2008 after the stock market crashed. ceos. remember this videotape? of the big three automakers. well, they had all the answers. what they did is they flew their jets right into washington, d.c., asking for taxpayer dollars. >> looking for billions to keep their companies from going broke, the big three ceos pleaded their case on capitol hill. >> our industry, which represents america's real economy, main street, needs a bridge to span the financial
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chasm that is open before us. >> we're willing to provide full financial transparency. we welcome the government as a stakeholder. >> now, this is a very important fact that we as liberals must come to grips with. in december of 2008, george w. bush, president of the united states, approved a $17.4 billion bailout for general motors and chrysler. at the time, bush was one of very few republicans who were supporting the move. >> i think this is a bridge loan to nowhere. these companies basically are -- have failed, are failing. >> it now appears that much of what you have heard in the media about the auto bailout being about jobs has been misleading. >> we can't call it a bailout, because that might be too honest a statement to our citizens. so we call it a bridge loan. actually, it's a bridge loan to nowhere. >> we give them significant
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amounts of money, $15 billion, so that they go through that process. so that they start that discussion. so that they come back to us months later with a detailed restructuring plan. engli i think the average american would say, what, isn't that putting the cart before the horse? isn't that -- to use a common phrase, just ass-backwards? >> there's no question if you just write a check, you're going to see these companies go out oh of business, ultimately. >> so they were all wrong. but let's go back to this gentleman right here. bush 43. $17.4 billion. why did he do that? president bush knew that he had to do something to save the automobile industry. but the difference between this republican and all the republicans of the montage we just played for you, well, he didn't want to defeat obama. he didn't have any skin in the game after he was going to leave
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office. but the whole plan was to obstruct and make life miserable for the first african-american president in the history of the country. fast forward to february of 2009, and the automakers were asking for more money, decision time, here we go. this time, it was under president obama, and he had to make a decision. >> general motors and chrysler have just turned in their viability reports to the treasury department, and they both say the same thing. they can fix what's broken, but it will attack a lot more money. claiming they are leaner and moving to become healthier. chrysler and general motors are telling the government they need billions more to turn around their businesses. >> just think about that. in tough economic times, the guys that show up in washington say we need a whole bunch of money. kind of a gutsy call, wasn't it, to give them a loan when they had some problems. when it was all said and done, the federal government provided
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$80 billion to general motors and chrysler, and their suppliers. to do what? well, save them. so they could have future turkey dinners at home and happiness over the holidays. and our economy as a whole has profited from it. $49.5 billion of that money went right to general motors. the federal government announced that it has sold off all of its remaining shares in government motors. or excuse me, in general motors. obama motors. obama used car sales. obama-bama, obama, everything is wrong with obama. guess what, it rebounded big time. overall, taxpayers lost $10 billion on the deal. this is debatable. i think it's a very small price to pay for saving 1.5 million american jobs in our economy, and also the domino effect of all the suppliers. and i think it's very important to point out that the republican caused the government shutdown.
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well, how much was that? $25 billion. think about that. oh, we throw a little bit of money out on the car lot. but $10 billion isn't a bad deal. to save the american automobile industry. both rounds of auto loans face massive opposition from republicans. especially when president obama took office. luckily, back in 2009, the white house was held by the democrats. and the senate held by the democrats. and the house under democratic control, as well. now, think about this. do you think boehner -- do you think mcconnell -- if they had the power they would have done anything to save the automobile industry? thank god the right people were in power. they took action in a timely manner, and there was no doubt president obama and the democrats are responsible for the success of the automobile loan. dammit it, where is the mission accomplish banner? i want to see it. president obama did release a statement monday saying, quote, when things look darkest for our most iconic industry, we bet on
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what was true. the ingenuity and resilience of the proud, hard-working men and women who make this country strong. no. mcconnell and boehner, they're not capable of saying that. they don't believe it. the president is spot-on. not only did the government save general motors and chrysler, they saved countless other jobs. the people who manufacture, let's see, what goes into a car? there's glass. there's rubber. the plastic guys would have a job. let's see, the engine parts. the brakes. the pads. and the countless other parts that are needed to make a car. just some numbers, just some absolut absolutes here. general motors last year made $4.9 billion. chrysler made $1.7 billion. this year, chevy civil raddo is the number-two selling vehicle in america. i got one.
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deerson motors in detroit lakes, minnesota. the place with all the cars. 360,000 sold. that is up 21% from last year. in other words, it's still growing. what was the story on this program last night? the big three that the republicans are concerned about? minimum wage won't get it. food stamps, they want to cut it. unemployment benefits, we're going to get rid of that too. 99 weeks is too long. that's their big three. the big three this guy is concerned about, created millions of jobs. and had a ripple effect through the economy where it turned things around. so when i talk about jobs and when i talk about commitment and infrastructure, and investment in america, this guy has had it right all along. au all the way back to 2009. and is here we are in almost 2014, and all the republicans could do is be against the
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working folk of america? merry christmas. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question. will republicans ever admit saving the automobile industry was the right thing to do? text a. for yes, text b. for no to 67622. you can always go to our blog at we'll bring the results later in the show. i'm still waiting for the story on fox. they ought to be jumping up and down underneath the christmas tree, saying, we're out of the car business! we're finally done. it's over oh. whew. we dodged that bullet. no more obama motors. for more, let me bring in the mayor of lancing michigan, and leo gerard. great to have you with us tonight. >> happy to be here. >> i know you're busting at the seams, because michigan state, beat ohio state. i've got to remind our audience, you didn't have anything to do with that, you're just the mayor of lancing. >> go green! >> all right.
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verge, what does this mean for lansing, michigan, if the automakers had not had this opportunity? >> look, this is phenomenal. i mean -- and on behalf of working people, including my dad, a gm retiree, let me say thank you to you, ed, for being such a mega phone for the working people of this country. you are a treasure. look, this saved millions of jobs. maybe 2.6 million jobs. you alluded to the supply chain, of course. it's not just people making cars, but the entire supply chain, all the things that go into the car. $284 billion in payroll that would have been lost across this country. something like $300 billion in tax revenue, you know, to support government at all levels. and an incredible -- something like a 700% return on investment. and think about the things we spend money on, ed. think about -- to put in perspective, people talk about $10 billion. what an investment, what a return on investment. we're fighting two wars right now. we're spending something like $1.2 trillion a year on those
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wars. what's the return there? we're spending on foreign aid $30 billion a year. $30 billion annually. and we're talking about a one-time $10 billion investment in the auto industry that is reverberating around this country. what does it mean for lansing? we're outing out one of the best cars in the world, the cadillac cts, motor trend car of the year. we gave these people, these workers, an opportunity to do what they do best, which is to make tremendous products, they're in demand, all across the world. >> leo, gerard, what would it mean for manufacturing if mitt romney had gotten his way? what would be our story tonight? >> ed, the story would have been that manufacturing would have collapsed. the fact of the matter is, i'll just speak for our union. we have 350,000 of our members that make something that could make it into an automobile. if we had followed the mitt romney or the republican line, i never heard these guys crying, i never heard them complaining when we bailed out wall street, but they cried and complained when saving the auto industry.
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the auto industry is the cornerstone of america. you mentioned some of it, tires, plastic, glass, steel, aluminum, auto parts, seat belts, engines, mufflers, all of those pieces. there's people out there that work that make that. there's people that make the steel. people that make the aluminum. if you follow that supply chain, we're talking about millions of workers. and i've got to say, ed, the reality is exactly what you said a minute ago that i was listening to. they don't want this president to succeed. he's been right on every call, and the republicans have stymied him. elections have consequences. imagine what would happen now if we had a democratic house, a democratic senate, and a democratic president. we would have an infrastructure bill we would be fixing roads and bridges. ed, there's 66,000 bridges in america that aren't qualifying for heavy traffic. we -- we've got 2.5 million miles of pipe that's more than 60 years ol. president was right about infrastructure, he's right about automobiles, he's right about the supply chain. and what we need to do is make
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sure the public knows that without him, we would have lost millions of jobs, and he was right. romney was wrong. he was right, republicans were wrong. >> well, what does it mean, verge, do you think, that the government is totally out of this now? what would you compare this to? >> it's a huge -- i think back to the days when chrysler was first saved, when lee eye awoke awas there. people are responding today, ed. people are buying american. we're seeing the power of patriotic purchasing. i think really, the near-death experience of the auto industry, a lot of people took stock and said we've got to give the domestic autos, we've got to give gm, ford, chrysler, another chance. and they did. and when they test-drove those vehicles, they loved them, because the quality of the american worker today is incredible. and i wanted to say to ad to leo, very important. the innovation. people say, well, you know, gdp manufacturing doesn't really matter, because it's only 13% of the economy. it's 90% of the patents. it's the innovation that you
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lose. if we were to say goodbye to the auto industry, we lose all that ingenuity and innovation that takes place on the factory floor. >> weren't you called the angry mayor on fox? >> absolutely. that's what they dubbed me. and, of course, i got a little angry, because when you think about saying goodbye to all of those good things. we make the things that make america great in places like lansing and the manufacturing hubs around. they try to call us the rust belt. we ain't rusty. we're making some of the greatest products in the world. >> leo -- >> let me just jump in. i -- verge and i are very close political and economic allies. and i agree with everything he said. i get outraged when i hear them talk about the rust belt. when you see what goes on in these facilities, it's high-tech, it's advanced manufacturing. let me flag a concern. we've got trade agreements. we've got to make sure we defend ourselves against improper trade. we've got to defend ourselves against illegal trade. china has said that they'ir objective is to export $100
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billion of auto parts to america by 2016. they can only do that if they cheat. we've got to stand up and make sure that we defend this industry. they make the best products in the world. our members have the best deal, best aluminum, best glass. >> you mean they would cheat? you don't think they would cheat on the trade deals. >> they haven't stopped cheating. i just did a called today, ed. since 1994, america has accumulated a $10 trillion trade deficit. >> and hats off to leo gerard and the steel workers for fighting those cheater and winning at the international level. keep up the fight. >> all right. gentlemen, great to have you with us tonight. thanks for your time on "the ed show." appreciate it. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen. share your thoughts on twitter at ed show and on facebook. we always like to know what you think. coming up, a colorful depiction of tea party senator, ted cruz. plus, conservative media adds fuel to its anti obama care
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our commitment has never been stronger. time now for the trenders, social media action out there is always heavy with "the ed show." here's where you can find us, and my radio show on sirius xm 127, monday through friday, noon to 3:00. ed tour 2014, find out more at first stop in ft. lauderdale. i was in below zoer weather last week. ed show social media nation has decided and we are reporting. here are today's top trenders, voted on by you. ♪ take a look it's in book ♪ ♪ reading rainbow >> number three trender, color we ted. >> cruise to the future.
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this is about sitting senator raphael edward ted cruz. it's sort of a comic book, as well. >> not funny, ha ha. >> ted cruz has a new book to keep him busy on the senate floor. >> i love this story so i'm going to read it to you. do you like green eggs and ham? i do not like them, sam i am. this page, he is simply holding green eggs and ham on a fork. thank you. thank you. sam i am. >> the number two trender. new territory. >> conspiracy theory confirmed. >> we come in peace. >> area 51 has actually been one of the government's worst-kept secre secrets. >> president obama jokes about area 51. >> when you first become president, one of the questions that people ask you is, what's really going on at area 51? >> img sure they're still doing alien autopsies. >> when i wanted to know, i called shirley mcclain. >> when i was 18, there was a ufo buzzing around the capitol in the white house. >> don't run. we are your friends. >> i think i just became the
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first president to of publicly mention area 51. >> in today's top trender, heated rhetoric. >> obama care extinguishing our nation's volunteer fire departments? >> the irs considers volunteer firefighters that spend more than 30 hours on the job as employees towns they volunteer for could be forced to provide health insurance for them. >> conservative media continues to fan the anti obama care flames. >> the latest concern is that your prescription drugs could be taken away too. >> for those governors that decided, i'm not going to take these free money for two years, they are now fielding the backlash from the administration. >> you may lose your plan now. you may lose your doctor, and you know what, it could get even worse. >> and your house might burn down too. joining me now, ej dionne, msnbc contributor and columnist for "the washington post." i'll tell you what. now they're throwing in the firefighters. i'm going to have a story on this show coming up on friday
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about exactly what is happening with some firefighters when it comes to, quote, obama care. ej, great to have you with us tonight. >> good to be with you, ed. >> i want to start with the republicans pivoting away from repeal on obama care. wisconsin senator ron johnson told national review online the republicans have lost in their efforts to repeal obama care, and they need to start talking about transitioning. he also said, am i opposed to state-based exchanges, question mark? no. he says, it may be that they can be usable. what's your reaction to this -- to these comments? what are they really saying behind closed doors? >> well, it only took the republicans three years to get back to the position they held in the first place. i mean, these state-based exchanges were a republican and conservative idea. and i think what you're seeing now is vindication for everybody
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who said that once obama care begins to take effect, it is going to be very hard to repeal. not because big government is big government. but because people would start to realize that there are real benefits here to them. it's not simply the people who are getting insurance through the exchanges. it's not simply the people who are getting insurance through medicaid. it's the folks, the seniors saving money on the doughnut hole. it's people who have their kids on their parents -- parents who have their kids on their policies. and so i think republicans are realizing that the shutdown was a disaster for them. so i don't want to go that route. and they better come up with some alternatives that don't take away all these benefits that obama care confers. >> it's an absolute. a small hole can sink a big ship. and i think slowly the conservative narrative is sinking. and for the democrats, and those who are in favor of obama care, and believe in it, and are understanding and seeing the
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significant advantage of it, it's kind of keep the message simple, isn't it? the website right now, it works. it works. now, you've got a network that is pretty much anti obama care, running those stories 24/7. what's the best way to combat that? is it just a matter of time? >> well, i think that's true. i mean, i am very fond of the old adage that a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth gets its shoes on. but a lot of these lies, there's been a lot of pushback not only on the progressive media, but also in the mainstream media, because some were so outlandish. and some of those stories really completely turn on themselves. somebody who was getting a really bad deal on obama care and you suddenly discover, no, actually, they got a better deal than they had before. now i think there's a curious silver lining in the cloud that was the launch of obama care. i think most obama care supporters wish it had gone well. but it's now become news,
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because it was bad at the beginning. it's -- the media don't usually cover good news stories. but you're seeing a lot of stories now that are saying, hey, wait a minute. after all this thing is working. and after all the terrible predictions, this looks a lot better than people expected. >> well, i think it's a hey, wait a minute moment when you have a united states senate who has been banging away on obama care and the president for everything he has done. ron johnson from wisconsin, who says, well now it's time to start talking about transitioning. what kind of transitioning is he talking about? preexisting conditions, competition in the marketplace. state exchanges. now he's saying the state exchanges aren't that bad. this is the hole in their boat that is eventually going to sink what they're all talking about. now, i've spoken with a number of democrats who feel like they have really been beaten up because of the law's rollout. how do they recover from that? i say it's simple. i say the website works. i mean, the people are going to find out. 95% of the people who are going to the website are finding that it is functional, it is working. and they are coming away with
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results. this is a mar huh thon, not a print. how focused do the democrats stay ton this at this point, ej? >> i don't know. and nobody has any idea how this is going to play in the election almost a year from now. but i think that the notion that because a website fails in the first instance, you fall away from the whole idea. it was a terrible idea. and there was a period when democrats were a little shaky, particularly maybe understandably, the ones from really difficult states who have tough races next year. but the fact is, you -- having put this in place, democrats are accountable for it. and i think instead of being ashamed or being worried, they ought to be proud of the fact that a whole lot of americans who never had it before are going to get health insurance. and part of that is because the website is finally working. >> and we'll bring a story from a fire department coming up later on in the week, folks. ej deoranges great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. coming up, rush bishop mclaw's nasty comment about
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him in the mouth and say, come on, dude, let's get it right? there's something about being a classy person in a diplomatic situation, especially when you're at ai memorial service. i'm very proud that the president of the united states extended a handout to raul castro and was a classy human being and exchanged, i hope, pleasantries with him. our next question is from erica brown. she wants to know, do you have a favorite state or city? well, yeah, detroit lakes, minnesota works just fine for us. i must say that when we first moved to new york, i thought, holy smokes, how is this going to work out? i love new york. i do. new york has everything. it's a lot of fun. but when it's all said and done for the fat red head, it will be detroit lakes, minnesota. it's a town of 6,000, resort town kind of fun. stick around. rapid response panel is next. but i'm not retiring for ten years. give me a break.
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i'm morgan brennan with your cnbc market wrap. the dow dropped 52 points, the s&p last 5 and the nasdaq down 8. a sign the job market is improving, the number of job openings jumped to a five-year high in october. up to 3.9 million. wholesale inventories up 1.4% as businesses restocked their shelves. gm, meanwhile, has named mary bara as the company's first ceo, also the first woman to head a major car company. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide oh. tro of pr. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price.
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otherwise look at or otherwise admire or otherwise dream about or otherwise fantasize about or otherwise look at and laugh, whatever, women. but there's a way around this, guys. you've got to have fun with this kind of stuff, as you know. so let me offer -- first suggestion. the first way to deal with this. that came into my mind. you find yourself staring, looking at, casually glancing at a woman. but you know that it's now socially taboo. you shouldn't be doing it. and you think everybody is noticing you doing it and condemning you. you walk up to the woman and say would you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes? try that. >> welcome back to "the ed show." rush limbaugh has spent decades spewing this sexist garbage. monday, he was making light of sexual harassment and the
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objectivification of women. last year, he called george lawson and sandra fluke a prostitute when she spoke up for affordable contraceptive coverage. the nrc can talk about how to speak all they want but it doesn't matter as long as the right wing noise machine is spouting this hate. limbaugh serves as a constant reminder of the problem republicans have with women. as more people pay attention, it's damaged his reputation and career. you could make that argument. he's toxic to advertisers, and he's taken down talk radio with him. limbaugh is set to be demoted from major a.m. radio stations in los angeles and san francisco, beginning on january 2nd. in this both cities, limbaugh will broad oh cast on smaller, clear channel owned stations, which will be rebranded with all conservative lineups. take a look at the before and after coverage area for the city of los angeles. it's definitely progress incur tailing limbaugh's influence if
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you want to be political about it. and, again, the before and after coverage area in san francisco. bottom line, fewer people are going to be able to hear the signal in those markets. but here's a serious catch. the move and conservative rebranding of those stations could be a huge blow for progressive talkers in those cities. joining me now, our rapid response panel, holland cook, and terry o'neill, president of the national organization of women. great to have both of you with us tonight. terri, you first. what's your response to limbaugh's latest comments? why does -- what does it say about the broader issue of republicans and the problem they have with women? >> it's a classic example of the ongoing problem that the republican party has with women. and let's remember that the republican party is deeply interconnected with rush limbau limbaugh. in fact, rush limbaugh is one of the biggest influencers in
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republican leadership. folks on the hill and high republican office-holders, high leaders on capitol hill are to this day afraid to compromise, to take any kind of position that rush limbaugh would like, for fear of what he would say about them on his radio show. so he is extremely powerful. >> how do women take action against stuff like this? >> you know, one of the things the national organization for women has done is to call advertisers. in fact, we have had various chapters of n.o.w. around the country, sometimes holding their nose and listening to the rush limbaugh show, just to find out who advertises on those shows. and then calling the advertisers and saying, look, you're losing women listeners. women are not going to listen to this kind of garbage. rush limbaugh is a massage inconsistent, and as long as you support him, i'm not buying your products. so that has actually had an impact. >> holland cook, there is this thing we have, and we have had in the industry a long time called the demo tape.
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that audio that was just played off of limbaugh's program, how do you take that to an advertiser and is say, hey, this is a guy that you really want to be with? >> i couldn't believe what i was hearing. i sat in the car with the key on accessories in the driveway when he was doing that, thinking that same thing. and this doesn't happen casually. this is garden variety shock jock stuff. because if you're rush limbaugh, your job is to get us talking about you here. he's a provocative ur who calculates what to say day after day that is just offensive enough that it will get quoted but not so offensive it will get him fired. it's scared away the advertisers were an entire format. and those coverage maps you showed before are going to be a bit of payback. because for years, he and some of the other righties on talk radio have been cackling about how the progressive talkers have failed to gain traction.
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radio 101. you can't hear it, you can't listen. now he's going to have to go sit at the kids' table and let's see how he does a year from now on these lesser signals. >> but that last audio we just played, and some of the things he's done, just underscores that the sandra fluctuate issue really had no impact on him. this is damaging the entire format, the very format he helped bring to its prominence he is tearing down. >> and he may figure he has nothing to lose, because those advertisers aren't coming back. what terri said is something i encounter every day. the boycott effort is very well-organized. and sponsors who show up in that show, even by accident, hear about it. so he's got nothing left to lose by playing the shock jock card. >> does this mean, holland, that right wing radio is going to be less influential in the midterm in years to come if this continues? >> the midterm is going to be interesting to watch. but the trend was already there.
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there was already a ratings erosion problem at the station in l.a., kfi, a great big station that matters a lot to the financially fragile company that owns it, and rush limbaugh. his problem is demographic, as well. because the millenel ials will will spend 1.2, t, trillion dollars, do not want to hear this crazy uncle stuff day after day. all this has left the building demographically. >> is it impossible, terri o'neill, for the republicans to recovery if they continue to embrace limbaugh with women in the demographic? >> sure. absolutely. the republicans have a policy problem with women. they don't so much have an image problem. they have an image problem, but driven by the policies the republicans embrace. and as long as they are afraid to be anything but radically right wing, because rush limbaugh will punish them if they're anything but radically
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right wing, republicans are going to continue to have major policy problems with women voters. >> and holland cook, the financial issues with clear channel well documented. moving him, the big gun, for years off the big stations really is a statement that he's not the guy to bring him back into the black. >> yeah. that company recently offered to double the interest it owes its competitors on some $20 billion of loans coming due that they don't know how they're going to pay. just to kick the can down the road. and guess who is replacing him in los angeles? nobody. they're extending the shifts of the adjacent hosts so that expense just goes away. >> work harder and longer is what it's all about, right? holland cook, terri o'neill, great to have you with us tonight. coming up, john mccain lends a hand in criticizing president obama. he is trying to shake up controversy by invoking the name of adolf hitler. did you know more coffee drinkers prefer the taste of gevalia house blend over the taste of starbucks house blend?
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and in pretenders tonight, mr. john mccain. he has his knickers in a ccain. senator mccain has his nickers in a twist because president obama shook the hand of castro this morning. the man who made sarah palin a household name is now playing the hitler card. >> it gives raul some propaganda to prop up his kick tor i can't tell brutal regime. that's all. of course not. why should you shake hands with somebody who's seeping americans in prison? what's the point? chamberlain shook hands with hitler. >> i do believe mccain shook hands with gadhafi.
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bipartisan budget act of 2013 at the top of the hour. 6:00 eastern time. details of the proposal will be released at a news conference coming up in just a few moments. in other news, negotiations for the trans-pacific partnership have ended for 2013. 12 perspective members of the multi-national trade deal failed to meet a self-imposed deadline to reach an agreement by the end of the year. they wrapped up a meeting in singapore and agreed to start talks in 2014. it has been listed an international trade deal -- an international free trade deal, but it's about giving power and wealth to the large corporations. the tpp will devastate service and manufacturing jobs in this country. four years of negotiations have been held behind closed doors in a cloud of secrecy. all we know is the deal verifies
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multinational corporations' control. and it is bad for american workers. larry, if i may ask you, your hopes in this budget deal first. that is the news that's going to break here in just a few moments at the top of the hour on capitol hill they have reached a deal for 2013. in your opinion, what has to be protected here? >> unemployment insurance for more than a million americans. it will expire at the end of the year. trade adjustment assistance quite linked to these bad trade deals we've had for 20 years. the social safety net, social security that allows seniors to continue to keep up their standard of living. hopefully those things are protected. >> we know republicans are saying no new revenues. what kind of deal could there be if there's no new ref knew on the table? >> it's a question of what got cut. we would say clearly those categories need to be protected. these are the americans that need that safety net. and this is what allows them to
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continue to live at at least some level of decency. >> turning to the tpp, the trans-pacific partnership, the fact that they -- i think this is kind of a victory for your team in that it did not get fast tracked in 2013. >> definitely a victory. the ministers have kicked the can. we need to keep kicking it and kicking it and kicking it because there's nothing in it for working americans and frankly for working people around the world. as you've said so well, it's all about the multi-nationals. we act as if it's only about exports. and i'm not sure we do a good job on that. korea only two years old, we now doubled the trade deficit with korea in just two years since that deal was done. so it's about time we looked at america's working families, what works for us. >> in some memos that have been leaked clearly show the pharmaceuticals have been heavily involved in this and
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that the cost of generic drugs could go up. which would undercut everything that obama care is all about. i'm curious where the president is on all of this. your thoughts. >> i'm speechless when i saw that 20 year patents are not long enough and they want more. in the latest drafts apparently they got them. that's exactly right. that's about a third of our health care costs linked to those form suit kpharmaceutical. 20 years is enough. do more research, we'll give you patents again. but extending these patents, that doesn't work for american families and even worse for those families in southeast asia where these drugs are out of reach. >> isn't it about time the president steps up in front of the american people and does some explaining? >> it's beyond time and probably my greatest disappointment of this administration is they keep on these deals with the multimf nationals without any of us and
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then turn around and want fast track to congress has to pass it up or down. millions of americans, we say no. it's not just here in the beltway. it's all across america. >> and this coalition is growing in congress that aposes this, is that correct? >> yeah. they're wonderful. the representative delara, over 150 names. representative jones, a republican, about 25 republicans and then others. and it's growing every day. >> what's going to be different when they resume negotiations in january of 2014? >> i think they're just coming back to the massive gaps they have. they can't get the other 11 nations to go along, and we have to keep encouraging them and build this coalition broader and deeper every day across america. we want trade policy that works for us. not just for the multi-national corporations. >> all right. larry cohen, good to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. >> again, that press conference coming up momentarily.
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patty murray and also paul ryan to announce the budget deal for 2013. i'm ed shultz. "politicsnation" starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, republican hypocrisy on the world stage. today leaders from around the world gathered to honor nelson mandela. but instead of celebrating the man, many republicans focused their attention on something else. this hand shake between president obama and cuban president raul castro set the right wing off. senator john mccain led the charge. >> should he not have done it? >> of course not. why should you shake hands with somebody who's keeping americans in prison? i mean, what's the point?
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