tv News Nation MSNBC December 11, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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statement saying in part i'm doing tens of billions of this modest spending restraint, it's shameful and must be opposed. i cannot support a budget that raises taxes and never balances nor can i support a deal that does nothing to reduce our nation's $17.3 trillion debt. senator cornyn had this to say on "morning joe". >> it's not anything i can support. if you think we ought to be doing or job, we ought to be doing the hard work. >> there's been opposition from conservative groups, the ceo wrote an op-ed calling the deal a step backward. that forced john boehner and paul ryan to push back. >> using our members and using the american people for their own goals. this is ridiculous. listen, if you're for more deficit reduction, you're for
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this agreement. >> it's a strange new normal, isn't it? it is what it is. group is going to do what they are going to do. it matters that i'm doing what i think is right and i'm sticking to my principles and am i listening to my colleagues who have a -- >> selling plans of lawmakers on the right is proving tough. this morning, the deal is far from what they wanted but expressed optimism about what it could mean going forward xgt. >> we would have preferred something quite different but we do recognize the value of coming to a decision so that we can go forward. >> it is a small step in the right direction because we are able to restore many of the cuts that would otherwise take place as a result of the sequester. >> very, very a.m. bif lent about where all of this was going. but i'm pleased. >> the house will begin
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considering the bill as erarly s tomorrow. tim ryan joins me now. thank you for your time. >> great to be with you. >> so our audience members may not know the highlights, one of the things that republicans pushed back on but democrats applauded, reduction in the automatic spending cuts snoen as sequester by $63 billion. it raises cap on discretionary spending to just over a trillion dollars. some of the pushback from those within your party who are concerned that this does not deal with the extension of unemployment insurance and that it increases pension contributions by new fed employees and increases fees for airline travelers, what is your assessment of this deal so far? >> we have a briefing at 4:00 with the budget committee. and i want to get a chance to talk to my colleagues too. i haven't had a chance to see today. at the end of the day i think you articulated the concerns.
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we have three americans applying for every one job that's available. so to knock 1.3 million of those people off the unemployment insurance roles a couple days after christmas i think is insensitive and i don't know how smart that is economicallialy a then 1.9 million. i'm very concerned about that. as speaker pelosi or leader pelosi stated earlier in your segment, there have been some cuts that were restored to nondefense discretionary programs in education and others. while there are still cuts, those cuts aren't as severe as what the sequestration would administer. so at this point i want to look. it's a tough call. you could almost argue this either way but we don't want another government shutdown. i want to learn moreover the next few hours before i make a decision tomorrow. >> the president has called this a good first step. to your point, i think a lot of members of congress are still digesting the details and that would be the case for the
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american public just learning these details as well and trying to figure out what this does mean regarding our budget conversation, as well as what this will or will not do regarding the upcoming debt ceiling debate we'll see again in the summer. but i want to show you some of the poll numbers out. our new wall street journal poll shows that 51% of americans believe that this is one of the worst congress that that i have seen. do you believe that members of congress, yourself included are taking notice to the lack of confidence that people have with our members of congress and perhaps this deal that was brokered is a show of good faith that compromise does exist and perhaps if you have some democrats who aren't happy, some republicans who aren't happy, that that means you men and women are willing to take one on the chin so that compromise can exist? >> well, let's be clear. a lot of those polling numbers reflect the lack of leadership of speaker boehner.
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the infighting within the republican party, the radicalization of the republican party, the extremism of the tea party. that is exactly what is polarized congress. but i do think as a body, and as a member of this body, we are looking to try to get and generate some momentum for larger deals that may come down the pike. and try to start stitching this thing back together. because we are at a low point in our country's history, at least in modern history. so that's one of the things -- one of the elements you have to look at. you go through all of the programs and money and the investments that are or are not made. at the end of the day you have to look at the big picture, how do we start generating momentum for us to start legs lating again and doing our jobs again? >> you mentioned your concerns regarding the leadership of speaker boehner. do you have any confidence if democrats find that they can compromise on this deal, some of the things they do not like, some of the things they do, that
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speaker boehner can rally his caucus or will he yet again see those the most conservative in the house beat him back? >> well, i do think there's going to be some democrats who will be supportive of this, but at the end of the day, this is coming out of a democratic senate. so you have to look at the democrats as a whole. if it gets out of the democratic senate then it's speaker boehner's job really as leader of majority to be able to produce votes on this side. i think there will be democratic house members who do vote for this. i'm not sure where i'm going to be until a look closer at it. let's hope that we can get off to a good start for 2014. >> that is a great hope to have. thank you so much for your time. we greatly appreciate it. >> great to be with you. >> joining me now, washington bureau chief and michael smerconish, also a msnbc contributor. we know this is a good first step overall, everyone is not saying that on the hill but we
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are back to this common theme of whether or not speaker boehner can get the most conservative members of the house on board. and i think that we heard that common theme before reflecting on 2013, that seems to be the constant debate on everything from gun control, to where we are now with this deal. >> well, it seems like in recent government shutdown he was unwilling to extreme element within his own party and you know how that turned out. he was very quick to jump on board with paul ryan and let the forces know that this was an agreement with which he was comfortable. of course, the lingering threat for the gop and speaker pelosi doesn't face this, is the issue of primary challenges. these republicans need to look at this bill and determine whether voting for it as a republican house member brings someone out of the wood work to run against them in a very conservative primary process.
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it welcome the same kind of consideration in the senate. you know there are a number of i think very conservative members of senate who are facing tea party challenges in next year's cycle. >> let me read what marco rubio said regarding this deal. he says, quote, this budget continues washington's irresponsible budgeting decisions by spending more money than the government takes in in placing additional financial burdens on every day americans. paul ryan responded to rubio's statement on fox news. let me play that. >> i haven't talked to marco about it. i do expect some people may vote against it for the various political reasons. he has his reasons. in the minority you don't have to pass things. there's a luxury or not that people have in the senate. >> we have not heard a lot from paul ryan since the general election but now he's emerging with in deal that conservatives are balking at and one of his
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rivals if he chooses to pursue the presidency again, marco rubio is already going after him. what do you believe is going on? >> i think rubio doesn't have to get things done. he's not a committee chairman. and ryan has to produce legislation, what is the alternative? everyone will admit this is imperfect, i have in my inbox xplants from a giant labor union because they don't like it didn't include unemployment insurance. i also have the complaint from the chamber of commerce, doesn't like it from the other side. they say the two-year deal is just an excuse, tamron, not to address entitlements. so ryan can say what part of compromise don't you like in this? no one is saying it's perfect but as wise people often say, don't sacrifice the perfect for the good and rubio doesn't have to get anything done. ryan has to deliver. >> wise people might say if both
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sides are complaining, that means it might be a fair exchange? >> yeah. fair maybe not. it's a test of equities and reality politics and you and i live in a world of real politics. the senate and white house are controlled by democrat and house by republicans. what part of that don't you understand, forcing compromise on the discretionary numbers to hammer out details, which is all this really does is put a regular order back in play and let congress hash out things and conservatives will be able to pick apart things that labor and liberals can try to bolster as we return to a process to figure these things out. >> some of the pushback from conservatives is a that the rollback sequester will be up in smoke if this deal goes throughout f through in its form
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currently. i want to put out another number from our nbc news/wall street journal poll for 2014 on folks who were asked, 44% said they would at this point prefer republican control and 42% would like to see the democrats in control. what do you believe that they are seeing here as i guess a view of next year? >> well, those numbers, of course were generated from a poll that came before this deal was crafted. so i don't think this deal is driving those numbers. i think health care is. i think those numbers would be far better if the rollout had not been as rocky as it's been for the last nine or ten weeks. >> greatly appreciate it. we'll talk more as we get more reaction from members of congress and learn more about this deal. >> we're following more developing news from capitol hill, the chief of staff for lamar alexander is under
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investigation under allegations of child important og fi. this is video of him leaving his home a short time ago. senator alexander said i'm stunned and surprised and disappointed by what i've learned and i immediately placed mr. loskarn on administrative leave without pay what do we know regarding this investigation and this arrest? >> reporter: it's stunning not only to those who worked alongside ryan loskarn but senator alexander from tennessee and up for re-election. one of those shocking moments where we don't have a lot of facts yet but a real jolt to his colleagues here. what we know is this investigation was carried out early this mork at his home not far from capitol hill. once the senator was informed, he put out that statement expressing his own shock and dismay, putting his chief of staffs on administrative leave without pay pending this
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investigation. he's a well liked staffer on the hill, working in various offices, prior to being the chief of staff to lamar alexander, he worked broadly for not republicans. we don't have details about the specifics. there is of course, further investigation being done, including the computer system used here on capitol hill as well as the personal search that was executed at his home. limited details at this point but a real jolt. >> so kelly, he's not been charged, correct? what is his status? >> reporter: that's my understanding, that he was taken into custody under investigation. we don't have more specifics about that. there's a presumption of innocence and so forth. but in terms of the surprise factor, very significant here. the subject matter very distr s distressing and not many details but certainly getting a lot of attention and the kind of thing
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that causes people to feel great concern about what circumstances brought this aabout and a lot of details what led to this we'll n need to get from law enforcement. >> still ahead, the people's pope "time" magazine names pope francis its person of the year saying, he quote captured the imagination of millions. we'll talk with "time's" international editor behind the decision. plus kathleen sebelius back on the hill to testify about the health care law as new figures show the number of people enrolled quadrupled over the last month. will it help the president's approval ratings? our new nbc news poll. we'll take a look and talk about it. plus -- >> you are hilarious. i never knew you were this funny. >> yes, giggly girl time. inside mariah's home for the holidays. we're stepping away from
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politics for a minute at the end of the show because we'll go behind the scenes with grammy winner and miss christmas as b dubbed by her husband nick cannon and then i rap with mari mariah. can you guess which song we chose? no tweets about my rapping. we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. hands for holding. feet, kicking. better things than the joint pain and swelling
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pope francis has been named person of the year by "time" magazine. he beat out syrian president bashar assad and ted cruz and edward snowden. the title goes to the person who has the most impact on the world and news for better or worse over the past year. announcing this year's choice, the magazine credited pope
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francis with pulling the papacy out of the palace and into the streets, committing the world's largest church to confronting its deepest needs and balancing judgment with mercy. joining me now, bobby gosh and host of the catholic guy on sirius xm. bobby, your vote, you're part of the staff at "time" -- >> it was pope francis. >> this is quite a remarkable pope in very, very short time, just nine months, he's changed the tone of the church, the focus of it and perception of it. he's changed the tone from being judgmental to being merciful, the focus from being all about doctrine to being about compassion and he's changed the perception for outsiders after an institution being out of
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touch with one that is humble and welcoming and wants to help and wants to address the big questions of our age and not thee logical questions. >> the magazine put it this way, in less than a year he's done something remarkable, not change the words but changed the music and complexity of acknowledging risks that a church obsessed with own rights and righteousness coulden flikt more wounds than it heals. what was the discussion like behind the scenes, particularly that it came down it appears to pope francis and edward snowden. >> if we can pause for a second. think of how remarkable it is that a year ago very few people in the world had heard of -- and now they are today now the dominant figures of the year. edward snowden was a very compelling figure. whether you thought of him as an american hero or you thought of him as other people do, as a traitor to his country. he was a very strong compelling
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candidate. we had an interview with him by e-mail and just at the end we felt the pope was speaking to a larger audience, reaching a larger number of people and the change, the surprise that he's able to change -- this is a 2000-year-old institution he's changing. this is astonishing. >> part of the statement, reaction from the vatican, the holy father is not looking to become famous or receive honors but if the choice of person of the year helps spread the message of the gospel, of god's love for everyone, he will certainly be happy about that. let me bring you in and some of the images from the past year when the pope was in brazil and just mobbed by the crowds there, so eager to catch a glimpse of him. there was another image of the so-called selfie seen around the world. three young people took a selfie showing his embrace of modern technology and his love for
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young people and selfishly, my personal favorite, the pope with the little boy on stage who ran past security and at one point even sat in the pope's chair, only to continue and the world marvel at his compassion. but he's not without his critics and within the church you have those who believe the most conservative that perhaps the pope's expression regarding gays and other controversial issues in the church are not what they are ready to accept are here. >> he's controversial for a lot of reasons. that's what i love about him and a lot of people love about him. he's not afraid to ruffle feathers. if he's in brazil and offered a drink, he's going to drink it. little kid running on stage, he's going to say, i embrace me. some kid wants to take a picture with a cell phone, let's go for it, to get people the message of jesus christ.
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that is the job of the pope. if he's going to upset conservatives and liberals, he's going to say, my job isn't to make everybody comfortable. the message of christianity is not necessarily a message of comfort. you can't label him conservative or liberal. a lot of people will be for better or for worse he's person of the year and some people go worse, it's worse he's person of the year. >> his focus regarding the church on certain issues, he said to earlier, we cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of con tra septemberive methods. the teaching of the church for that matter is clear and i'm a son of the church. but it is not necessary to talk about all of these issues all the time. you hear from people and we were discussing this, who are catholic and say there was a time when they were embarrassed to be catholic. but now this pope in their words and some of your colleagues said
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this, bobby, in a sense, they are bringing some catholics out of the shadows and who are embracing this message of ininclusion from the pope. are you hearing the same thing? >> i absolutely him. there's a balance here, not that one pope only talks about judgment and this pope talks about mercy. it's getting the right balance. most people do know what the church teaches on all issues and it shouldn't be a great surprise that christians are for mercy and not judging people. that's supposed to be part of the christian message but it can be revolutionary because jesus was a revolutionary. we should be very happy. catholics and not catholics as elton john said, pope francis is just a miracle of humility in a sea of vanity. >> the reaction not just from catholics but everyone you've heard so far, your twitter handles and facebook lighting up. what's the reaction? >> he's been able to reach out beyond the catholic world.
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i think it's very smart the way he's able to use social media. the fact that even before we made him person of the year he was already the most common, most popular name in the facebook world. social media has been showing love for this pope long before "time" made him person of the year. which suggests it's not just a question of 1.2 billion catholics, he's reaching out across because his message is universal. when he talks about economics and says trickle down economics don't work, that's not just -- that's not just for catholics. >> absolutely. bobby, thank you very much for joining us today. before we go, i want to mention, he'll be broadcasting his radio show, the catholic guy at two u.s. bases in germany for a series of prechristmas shows with the troops and that is why you have one of my favorite shows on sirius xm. michael smerconish, i give him love every day but that is one
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of the reasons i like you so much. thank you so much, lino. >> the family of an honors student shot and killed by a campus police officer in texas is now calling into question the officer's reasons for pulling the trigger. >> it's beyond anything i can fathom. >> as thousands continue too pay tribute to nelson mandela, there's a new controversy. this one over the sign language interpreter that many much us saw at yesterday's memorial. there are accusations that the man you see there made up his own signs. we're going to live to south africa to find out what happened there. we're aig. and we're here. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us. and gave america back a profit. we're here to keep our promises.
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hospital where it will be held overnight. all day thousands of people have lined up to file past mr. mandela's flag draped casket. it was placed in the same amphitheater where he was sworn in as south africa's first black president. ron, this was the first of three days of public viewing foreman de mandela's body. >> reporter: it was solemn and striking contrast from yesterday at the memorial stadium. today was profound. people walked by the casket, by mr. mandela's body very slowly. at one point it was estimated as many as 2,000 people per hour would do this. when we spoke to people after they had the viewing rng the emotion was very heavy. for many people it was drove home the magnitude of what had happened and drove home their
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feelings about nelson mandela, which are very strong as you can imagine. two more days to do this. the lines are long and process for many people took six to seven to eight hours. it was warm and sunny. i met one woman who was 94 years old and came from a town about an hour away with the help of her children and said she had to be here to see it for herself and come to peace in her mind that mr. mandela was no longer with us. that's the depth of the feeling we're experiencing here today. >> 94, one year younger than mande mandela. what can you tell us regarding the issue with the sign language interpreter, all of us saw this man on stage and now the south africa's leading deaf association, has called him a fake. what do we know about this? >> reporter: there are deaf and hearing impaired people in the country calling this man a
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complete fraud. it's unclear whether he was actually doing some sort of sign language and doing it very, very poorly or whether he was perhaps even just making up the whole thing, which seems absurd. we've asked the south african government about this and ruling party and they have not given us a clear party. they are looking into it. but yes, he was there. this interpreter when president obama was speaking and other dignitaries. if you watch him closely, many people in the deaf and hearing impaired community will tell you it seems obvious that the things he's doing with his hands don't make any sense. also, in sign language you're supposed to use facial expressions, he did not do anything resembling that. it appeared this man was at another event with president zuma and reports he may have been working in the judicial system in this country. trying to get to the bottom of it but it's something people are very angry about. >> obviously. number one for those hearing
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impaired watching and need to see him so that they can follow along with the program, but also security reasons. this guy is right there on stage and if he is a quote, fake and able to get that close to the president and other world leaders we talked so much about security, that certainly puts that into question if these allegations are true. >> yeah, exactly. it appears that he didn't just walk in and just start doing this. it appears he was connected in some way. there was a statement from the one official who said he volunteered for this job and that he volunteered in the past for other events. so there was some connection, some screening. but the bottom line, yes, obviously a security question but the people in the hearing impaired community are livid that this man would represent himself and purport to be doing this and just the depth of
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feeling we're hearing from social media and interviewing people here in south africa, they are embarrassed and angry and just a fraud they are saying he was. >> thank you very much. what a bizarre story. still ahead, another contentious hearing over health care. >> told you, sir, who is enrolled. >> that's why we're frustrated because we don't get -- >> this isn't -- >> the administration announced major progress on the health care law today but that did not stop the tough questions for health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius, back on capitol hill today to discuss the new numbers out in first read. new developments on the crash landing that killed three people in san francisco back in july. tom costello will join us more on why the pilot said he was concerned about the approach. we'll discuss it. ladies... kitchen counselor. it's likely your detergent. cascade platinum's triple cleaning formula delivers brilliant shine
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released new numbers showing signups increased substantially last month. almost 260,000 people signed up in november on both federal and state exchanges. that's more than double october's enrollment. however, the two-month total is far less than the 1.2 million they originally predicted by november. the new numbers were unveiled as kathleen sebelius appeared at another congressional hearing. she faced more tough questions from republicans. >> but you're telling us that those who shop are enrolled. >> i told you who is enrolled. >> that's why we're frustrated. >> joining me live now, nbc news senior political editor, mark murray. you've got the new numbers on enrollment but we also have new numbers on the president's approval in this poll. >> well, tamron, what's been interesting on our nbc/wall
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street journal poll, showing how health care has driven almost all of president obama's numbers. his disapproval ratings at 54%, highest point it's been in his presidency in overall health care goes on to explain what's going on. the numbers that came out today about enrollment are a positive story. they are still far from out of the woods on this. they haven't met earlier expectations but they are a sense of improvement. back in october, it was just about 100,000 enrolled through the federal and state exchanges combine. now it goes up to 365,000. they are expecting a big number in december. they were before the website was operational for the administration standard it set for december 1st. all of the numbers we'll see in december should be much bigger and people have up until march 31st to be able to enroll.
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>> the continued line of hearings we're going to see and have been seeing and the strong pushback from republicans as the party strategyizes and this enrollment increase, there's no sign that this will change as far as the number of people who continue to enroll? >> back in october the october numbers were very good news for the republican party because it became a pretty big embarrassment that at that point there was 26,000, 27,000 people and then every month it goes by because of that low bar comes a better success story for the administration. they have a long ways to go. but with a functioning website and starting to have a virt uous cycle of better stories to tell, they fear they are in a better position than they were a couple of weeks ago and a month ago. >> thank you very much, mark, we'll see you tomorrow. >> thanks, tamron. >> new details about the deadly
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asiana airlines crash in san francisco. documents released before an ntsb hearing today show the training pilot on the flight told investigators he was nervous because a system that helps planes land was disabled for runway repairs. three people lost their lives and more than 200 others injured. tom costello joins us live from washington with more. there's new video of the crash as well released by the ntsb, right? >> this is pretty dramatic video. this was taken from a surveillance camera, apparently near the airport. you can see this plane coming in and watch what happens, dramatically coming down and hitting the sea wall and cart wheel down the runway before it slams to the ground. a total of three people killed, one of whom was the teenager killed by a responding fire engine who didn't see her buried in the foam and ran over her. this is very much about why the crew of this flight failed to notice that the air speed had
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dropped, why they expected the auto throttle system would work, that monitors air speed, but they turned off autopilot. why did they think that would work? why the pilot in training had the skills to fly and land the triple 7, whether he had skills that were necessary. he was an experienced airbus pilot but only recently switched over to the boeing 737. he was warned he was dexrending too quickly but never responded. today the korean pilot s union suggested that they had a design flaw because it disengages when the pilot goes off autopilot to -- and boeing says it works perfectly well and ultimately pilots have to fly their own airplane and watch their own speed settings. there's also an interesting korean culture issue. the training pilot flying under
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supervision, he told investigators, korean culture would not have allowed him to speak up and say he wanted to go around, to abort the landing attempt. he also admitted he was very nervous flying into sfo because the ought mated glide slope was out of action that day. everybody knew that. it was widely publicized but that made him nervous. a con influence of factors of training and aptitude and culture. three people in all died and the fire department and city of san francisco will tonight be also as part of this investigation, the ntsb will look at the fire rescue response, what they might have done better or differently and god forbid this should ever happen again. >> thank you very much. >> still ahead, reaction just coming in from the nevada family who was rescued after being stranded for two nights in subzero temperatures, how the couple and four children are doing today. plus, new information on a
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family's fight to keep the unusual pet that's helped their son deal with autism. we have a decision from the c y city. stick around for the update. [ woman 1 ] why do i cook? to share with family. [ woman 2 ] to carry on traditions. [ woman 3 ] to come together even when we're apart. [ male announcer ] in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and more, swanson makes holiday dishes delicious.
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humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make the most of every moment. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. before using her new bank of america credit card, which rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her balance each quarter for making more than her minimum payment on time each month. tracey got the bankamericard
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better balance rewards credit card, which fits nicely with everything else in life she has to balance. that's the benefit of responsibility. apply online or visit a bank of america near you. the family of an honors student shot and killed last week is speaking out for first time, he was shot five times after a traffic stop near the campus of the catholic university. the officer who shot him says he resisted arrest and attacked him, but his parents are calling into question that account. janet shamlian has more. >> reporter: speaking out for first time late last night the family of robert cameron reed us didn't want to say much about the incident that took their
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on's life. >> we've been careful about reaching conclusions because we don't know any facts. >> reporter: police in alamo heights texas say it started when a campus police officer from the university of the incarnate word noticed redus driving erraticallerratically. he grabbed the officer's baton and started hitting him and resisted arrest. >> we warned him stop or i'll shoot four times. redus charged at him with his arm raised as if to strike him and that's when he fired his weapon six times striking robert redus five times. >> reporter: redus died at the scene. >> to think he would have attacked someone is beyond anything i could fathom. >> earlier the family was more blunt. our family does not believe the officer's report. we expect all official reports to confirm cameron's death was unnecessary and unjustified. classmates and friends are stunned. >> he was such a sweet boy, very
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sweet and respectful. >> reporter: the university issued a statement late tuesday saying they are committed to a thorough investigation, all of the parents want to know is why. >> we feel sorry for those who didn't get to know him. he would have been a blessing to everybody. >> reporter: janet shamlian, nbc news, houston. the nevada family who survived after two days of being trapped in the snow is speaking out today and that tops our look at stories around the "news nation. a cheering crowd greeted the man and woman and four kids when they arrived at the hospital yesterday. in a letter released moments ago, they thanked the country for their love and support and asked for privacy. the four children also signed that letter. authorities say all six are in good condition. footprints led the rescuer to the family and their overturned car in the mountains. a florida family has lost their fight for a unique type of autism therapy. the city council says 3-year-old
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j.j. hart can keep his pet chickens. officials agreed to let them keep them after the family threatened a lawsuit. his family says they helped him better communicate with others. >> the mega millions jackpot rolled over to $400 million. the next drawing is on friday. it will be the second biggest jackpot in the game's history. a lucky day for someone. still ahead, me and mariah. >> it's a little early to sing -- >> i thought they were playing -- >> all i want for christmas -- >> and what else. >> ♪ is you ♪ you >> such tragedy with laughter. that was me on the "today" show
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hitting a tune with the best, mariah carey. and mariah invited me into her home for holidays and a got a chance to go behind scenes for the interview and of course, me and mariah had to do a little tribute to -- ♪ let love shine. dazzling diamond gifts she'll adore starting at 199. zales is the diamond store. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] share a little holiday joy with starbucks. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to bold ideas. that's why new york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and grows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at
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time for gut check, we talked earlier about pope francis being named person of the year. he beat out edward snowden and bashar al assad. what does your gut tell you? do you agree with "time's" choice? go to before we go, i had the pleasure of spending the morning with grammy award winning singer mariah carey. i wanted to share a bit of that moment behind the scenes of what happened or how i started my day. here you go.
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>> thank you so much for letting us in your home. >> thank you for coming. i just finished breakfast. >> you invited me to break fast but i'm going to be the rude guest. savannah, wait for it. mariah for christmas, all i would want -- i'm not proposing to you -- >> i'm waiting -- >> how close can i get to the closet before the end of the show. >> we're close but that's a different shot. we have to reposition, better lighting. >> can i share one mariah shoe? >> you're being nice and saying no? >> you can see another shoe. >> someone grab me a shoe, please. >> coming up, mariah will let me show something from the closet. >> get an appropriate ensemble not too much for morning. i'm covering her up because she was trying to but my nej lais on earlier. >> me and mariah go back to baby
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pass fiers. >> thank you to mariah carey and she's considering coming on "news nation," she has a lot of things she's passionate about and her childhood. she worked very hard and modest background and pretty amazing diva. sorry, aretha franklin, you know i love you too. divas all around, i'm tamron hall. not a diva or a diva? >> diva. "the cycle" is up next. [ mom ] hey guys. guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls, with cinnabon cinnamon, are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. make breakfast pop!
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hands for holding. feet, kicking. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start taking xeljanz if you have any kind of infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels
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have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests, including certain liver tests, before you start and while you are taking xeljanz. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. america is talking and so are we. the hard truth, president obama seeing tough poll numbers. the toughest truth may yet come in congress. a budget mini deal that has a lot of support but not much love. >> the weather outside. up to 3 feet of snow could bury parts of the country in the next few days. i'm krystal ball. talk about insult to injury, it's happening in the same areas
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that just saw travel chaos over the past few days. >> the science of spending, just in time for christmas. we have the perfect gift, i'm luke russert, news flash, the best holiday shopping isn't about how much you spend. >> and the big reveal, "time's" person of the year unveiled. why miley cyrus missed the cut. ♪ >> let's begin with the poll. do you believe in numbers? washington is falling off the cliff and the president is shown under water with negative 54%, the highest level ever. don't jump off a cliff just yet. at the white house, let me say this, if you are number one in the ratings in college football polls that's good
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