tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC December 12, 2013 7:00am-8:01am PST
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senate conservatives lining up against the bipartisan budget deal. but today paul ryan's fighting back. >> what will you say to marco? >> read the deal and get back to me. >> that's not the only battle going on in congress. senators have been up all night. republicans forcing hour after hour of debate as democrats try to use the new filibuster rules to confirm nearly a dozen presidential nominees. also right now senators are weighing what to do about iran. will the senate back off the possibility of new actions? a live hearing is about to start. and, of course, the news everybody is talking about out of south africa. this interpreter being called a fake. he says he's legit but had a schizophrenic episode during nelson mandela's memorial. >> if i have offended anyone,
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please, forgive me. but what i was doing, i was doing what i believe is my calling. good morning. i'm chris jansing, and this morning there is a chasm that's growing in the republican party, and no one's making any effort anymore to hide it. the house will vote today on a bipartisan budget deal, but republicans are split. the big question is, will they have the votes? congressman paul ryan was pretty confident on "morning joe" despite several senate republicans who have already said they're against the deal. >> if you're in the minority, you don't have to pass things. you don't have to govern. we are in the majority here in the house. we're one-third of so-called power structure here in washington. and we think it would be a bad idea to have two government shutdown scenarios in 2014. >> so check out the headlines. "the national journal" says the republican civil war is getting bloodier. "politico" writes the gop's
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private war goes public. basically, conservative groups like heritage, freedom works and americans for prosperity are urging members to vote against the deal. and it made speaker boehner angry. >> most major conservative groups have made statements blasting this deal. >> you mean the groups that came out and opposed it before they were sought? >> yes, those groups. are you worried -- >> they're using our members, and they're using the american people for their own goals. this is ridiculous. listen, if you're for more deficit reduction, you're for this agreement. >> a statement signed by more than 50 members of conservative groups reads, quote, it is clear that the conservative movement has come under attack on capitol hill today. and the head of the senate conservatives fund said, quote, john boehner has apparently decided to join mitch mcconnell in the war on conservatives. mcconnell called us fringe traitors who should be locked in a bar and punched in the nose. and now boehner is lashing out at us, too.
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conservatives everywhere need to understand that the party's leadership has declared war on them. if they don't fight back, they will always regret it. we're going to hang together or hang separately. let me bring in our company, politico senior congressional reporter manu raju and ruth marcus is with us as well. good morning. >> good morning. >> i think john boehner, manu, was pretty angry. it was a little like he's finally it with. is that what's going on here? >> yeah, i think there was a lot of frustration from boehner on how these groups were able to influence his members during the government shutdown. remember, that effort really was driven by the house conservatives who wanted to attach the obama care, anti-obama care language to keep the government operating. boehner went along with it. even though he didn't think it was the best strategy, he agreed with it, but he knows that those groups have a really outsized
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influence over not just members of his conference but also in primaries, house and senate republican primaries. you're seeing both boehner and mitch mcconnell taking a more combative approach to these groups in the last several weeks here. >> and conservatives will give you a laundry list of what they don't like. but basically it does give up the sequester cuts. it doesn't spell out how they're being replaced. and ruth, even though they're getting democrats to agree to make changes to workers' pensions, it's still technically raising spending levels. but it does beg the question, is there any compromise these conservatives would sign on to? >> i don't think so. and as far as i'm concerned, there are two things to say about this republican civil war. and the first one is finally, and the second one is thank goodness. this is -- we watched during the shutdown where the speaker of the house, instead of leading the house, was just led by the rightist part of his caucus, the craziest part of his caucus. and finally, it is really, you
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know, a howard biel moment. just can't take it anymore. and it is the best thing that has happened to functionality in washington and to the republican party. it's not to say that washington is hugely functional, but it's a lot -- we're better off today than we were a couple days ago. >> and we'll know for sure when we see the vote today, manu. >> sure. >> will we see a big defection from tea party republicans? do you have a whip count? >> i think it will pass, and i think you'll see some defections from the house republican conference. it remains to be seen whether a majority of that conference can carry that forward or whether or not democratic majority will be the ones pushing this forward. remember, a lot of democrats, too, are not happy with the exclusion of the unemployment benefits extension as well as the cuts to federal worker pensions. those are some issues that have prompted some concerns on the left. so the coalition that will be formed will be really interesting to see, and that will influence the vote count in the senate next week. >> and you also do wonder how much animosity there is going to
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be about this, ruth. we should mention in the midst of all this, the chairman of the republican study committee, steve ska leacalise fired the p in charge of the people who oppose this deal. you wonder what's going on in the macro as well as the micro on capitol hill. >> right. those kind of inside fight leaking stories are always really delicious. but -- you know, it's no surprise that the groups work hand and glove with leadership, sometimes with leadership, sometimes perhaps against the wishes of some in the leadership. but i think the fundamental point that the grown-ups in the republican party, the people with a grip on reality are reasserting themselves and taking back the power is the really important takeaway from this episode. >> well, the grown-ups are always supposed to be in the senate, right? and manu, they pulled an all-nighter last night voting on nominationses. there are 11 presidential nominations they want to get to.
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harry reid is threatening if we have to work through christmas, so be it. republicans are taking a stand, but why? >> this is all the result of the nuclear option that senator reid pulled last month. remember, that was a really unprecedented move to lower the threshold to defeat a filibuster from 60 to 51 votes for a simple majority of senators. and that has just prompted enormous republican criticism. and they're saying that, look, now you did this move. we're going to pay you back. you're not going to be able to move your agenda very quickly. we're not going to let you move nominations quickly, even very noncontroversial ones. i think this is a sign of things to come for the next several months here. >> but in the end, ruth, will it change any of the outcomes? >> it won't change the outcomes. and it's absolutely clear that people are being confirmed today who would not have been confirmed under the previous rules. last night the most prominent example was nina pillard, law
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professor at georgetown, now a judge on what's called the second most important court in the land, the d.c. circuit court of appeals here. that couldn't have happened without this change. whether democrats will regret it in the end because that means they will have more conservative republican judges to deal with, if there's a republican president, that may also be. >> well, we shall see. it's going to be an interesting day today, an interesting couple of days toward the end of this term. manu, ruth, always great talking to both of you. thank you. >> thanks, chris. >> thanks, chris. checking the news feed this morning, the sign language interpreter controversy from nelson mandela's memorial service just keeps getting more bizarre. he's blaming schizophrenia for his unintelligible gestures and says he saw angels coming down into the said yum that day. what was scary was his proximity to world leaders, standing right next to barack obama, for example. >> sometimes i will get violent in that place. sometimes i will see, like,
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things chasing me. you know, i was in a very, very difficult position. >> and now the owners of the company that supplied that interpreter, according to the bbc, have vanished. a 19-year-old student at a college in new york is dead after an apparent hazing incident. police say he was taking part in a ritual where pledges walked blindfolded and weighed down as others tried to knock them over. den was taken to a hospital with a head injury where he later died. the fraternity, pi delta si, has released a statement saying it's investigating the incident and is suspending all new member quote, unquote, education. baruch college is also investigating. senator lamar alexander's former chief of staff will be arraigned this afternoon on child pornography charges. police arrested him yesterday after searching his washington, d.c., home. the senator fired him, saying, quote, the courts will judge his
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guilt or innocence. nasa reports that the cooling pump that went down on the international space station is now back up and running and cooling external equipment. but the crew could be forced to make an emergency spacewalk in the coming days if a software patch doesn't fully fix the system. nasa warns that the include, including two americans, is not in danger. the station did cut back normal operations until the fix was done. new numbers show hillary clinton and chris christie neck and neck in a hypothetical 2016 matchup, but could the difference be in the women's vote? we'll break it all down coming up. [ sniffles, coughs ] shhhh!
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everyone. congressman tim huelskamp is a republican from kansas. good morning, congressman. >> good morning. >> you were quick to oppose this budget. why? >> it increases spending. it blows a bigger hole in the deficit. and it breaks the work that congress made with the american people, and that's reduce our spending, not increase it. let's be honest. the claim is that this is a deficit reduction bill. that would happen if congress kept its word in 2022. so i think that's very misleading from both sides that supported this bill. >> well, i think it is worth playing what the republican architect had to say about this. here's paul ryan this morning. >> you're not going to get everything you want in divided government. our budget is what we want. our budget balances the budget, pays off the debt, and does so within a decade. and that's what we want. >> isn't every deficit reduction package going to involve some sort of trust looking at the long term?
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you're not going to get rid of the deficit immediately, right now in a single budget. it's not possible. >> this actually increases the deficit. getting what we want is actually keeping our current law. current law is the sequester. what this bill does is increase spending. $65 billion over the next two years. it doesn't reduce the deficit. chairman ryan understands that. chairwoman, they know that. but to run around and say somehow congress, after the 2022 election, is going to cut the budget, that's silly. that's misleading, and folks see through that even during this christmastime of the year. >> so you're saying paul ryan is not conservative enough for tim huelskamp? >> what i'm saying is this is not a deficit reduction bill. in addition, not only does it increase spending, it applies the nuclear option to tax increase possibilities and only requires harry reid to have 51 votes to raise taxes as well. it does raise taxes and revenues. there is plenty of things in
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this bill to oppose, to recognize a deficit reduction -- >> how does this raise taxes? because he will argue to you that this does not raise taxes. >> if you fly on an airplane, you're going to pay more to washington. they like to call it a revenue, not a tax increase. one thing i did talk about is that it changes the rules and allows harry reid to push through a tax increase with only 51 votes. i just discovered this an hour ago. it's hidden deep in the bill. i think there's -- you're going to see a lot of opposition coming out of the senate about this proposal. i don't know why they stuck it in there lr, just to make it ear to raise taxes in the senate. that's conservative and most americans don't want a tax increase either. >> john boehner says the opposition is really coming from outside groups who are influencing those of you on the inside. you may have heard his comments just a moment ago. but he did say they're using our members and using the american people for their own goals, and this is ridiculous. if you're for more deficit reduction, you're for this agreement. are you and others in the house like you being used by groups
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like heritage and the club for growth? >> i think it's ridiculous that anybody in washington, d.c., in elective office would complain about americans getting involved in the process. they disagree. washington promised they would cut spending. they'd hold the sequester line on spending. they do not want a spending increase. and so when they say this is a deficit reduction bill, we have to be very clear, your viewers that are listening recognize this is only a deficit reduction bill if in 2022, nine years from now, congress does what they are promising to do here. but i take offense, again, anybody in washington, whether it's the speaker of the house, whether it's harry reid or the president says, you know what? don't tell us what to do because this is a representative city. we're supposed to represent the views of our constituents, and they don't like this plan. and the more they learn about it, the more opposed they are to it. >> i think people on the opposite side of this issue from you, on both sides of the aisle would argue what the american people don't want is another government shutdown.
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and it sounds like what you're advocating -- >> this does not end government shutdowns. we still have to pass an appropriations bill between now and january 15th. it might be a different debate if they put the appropriations bill in here. between now and january 15th, harry reid, the president of the united states or speaker boehner could say, hey, you know what? this is not enough. this deal will change. >> if this happens, it could lead to a government shutdown before the end of the year, could it not? >> no, it will not obviously before the end of the year. it's january 15th. but this does not stop a government shutdown. we still have to pass the spending bills sometime between now and january 15th, and there will be plenty of debate about it. i think this debate over the unemployment issue, unemployment compensation, the continuation of that part of the stimulus package, i think the democrats are going to say, hey, we've got to have that before january 15th. that's entirely possible. harry reid could choose to shut the government down over this issue. >> do you have the votes on your side? >> i am not in the whip team
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that counts the votes. >> have you spoken with them, congressman? >> no, i have not. he spoke in conference for a few minutes and took comments yesterday from the conference as a whole. but at the end of the day, i think the american people don't want this plan. when folks like the speaker and the head of the senate say, hey, we didn't get everything we want, well, i can guarantee you the american people didn't get what they wanted. they don't want a bigger deficit. and they don't want more spending and control coming out of washington, and that is what this plan does. you can't change that fact that this will increase the deficit. and that's what bothers me. that's entirely misleading from these statements that somehow increasing spending's going to reduce the deficit, and that's not true at all. >> republican congressman tim huelskamp of kansas, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. one year after the shooting at sandy hook elementary, is there still a chance for gun-control reform? one young newtown student is not giving up the fight despite inaction on capitol hill. that story after the break.
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today at the national cathedral in washington, there will be a vigil in remember raerememberance of those who lost their lives yun year ago saturday. in the midst of grief, calls for change. and yet one year later, no reforms have passed. that hasn't deterred advocates, none more passionate than family and friends of the victims in newtown. joining me from washington is 17-year-old sara clement, founder and chair of the junior newtown action alliance. good morning, sara. >> thank you so much for having me. >> this is very personal for you. your mother is a teacher at sandy hook. tell us about your experience that day and how this organization came to be. >> that day was obviously one that changed our lives forever. about a month after 12/14, after the shooting, a contingency of newtown citizens went down to
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washington to march on the capitol for a renewed commitment to legislative change and legislative action. and when we came back to newtown after that, we formed the newtown action alliance. and i was the youngest member. and i started seeing, in the weeks following, that my neighbors and my friends, especially in the high school and middle school, also wanted to do something in reaction to what happened in our town. so i started the student branch, like you said, the junior newtown action alliance. and for the last few months, we've been working on many different projects to change both legislative -- the legislative environment and the cultural environment that feeds into the violence -- the gun violence epidemic that we face. >> obviously, the shooting hit an incredibly emotional nerve with this country. we saw it in the president. we saw it really all across america because, i think, they were students. and we want to have this belief that you can go to school, and you can feel safe. last winter it looked like some
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reformed were all but guaranteed. and yet here we are a year later. are you surprised by the fact that nothing has happened on the national level? >> i am a little bit surprised. it's been a little bit frustrating. when that april bill did fail, but we're also incredibly optimistic. sort of my thing is young people and gun violence prevention. and for the last few months, i've been traveling all around the country, meeting with groups of students from both sides of the aisle, from any religious background, whether they've experienced urban gun violence, day-to-day gun violence, mass shootings or none in particular, they just want to do something. they always say the same things. which is, one, they want to do something. they want to see something done. two, they are tired of sort of the same repetitive rhetoric that we hear really from both sides of the aisle. and three, that they want their stories and their voices to be heard. my generation, the millennial
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generation, is the most disproportionately affected by gun violence, especially in urban communities. we see students that can't go to school because they're crossing gang lines or they're seeing their friends being killed off every single year. and that's just not okay. and i think in the new year, you'll definitely start to see sort of this bridge between suburban and urban communities, especially with their youth communities to try to fix this issue. even though we experience different types of gun violence, we really want the same thing to come from it. we really want to transform our pain and our loss into positive action. >> give us a sense of where you think. you know, you've had to, in some ways, grow up very quickly and figure out how the legislative process works. you're learning what it's like to go around washington to talk to members of congress and to their aides. do you have a sense of what could possibly get done in the next year, sarah? >> we're definitely going to continue our push for background checks. one thing that's really
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inspiring to me is the last time that we did meet with members of congress was in september. and i ended up bringing a pretty sizeable contingency of students from newtown, from middle school through college. and we met with elected officials just with these groups of students. and there was such an immense difference between those -- how those meetings were and how the meetings were when i was just in a group of adults. i think they're really inspired by young people being willing to leave school for a couple of days and meet with elected officials they've never met before. and they're really willing -- they're more responsive, i think, to our stories and to our asks. and they're really interested in talking -- figuring out how they can go back to their respective districts to work with their young people because there really is a sense of change that needs to happen in youth communities all around the country.
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this week, like you mentioned before in the segment, this week is really for us about stepping away from politics. we aren't lobbying during this trip. we are doing acts of service, acts of kindness in washington, d.c. and today, later today, we are hosting the vigil for all victims of gun violence. even though it is sort of in response to the one-year mark that is coming up, we really have -- our service is really more about building those bridges in urban and suburban communities. we have over 1,000 people coming from all over the country all of different backgrounds. and it's really going to be amazing. >> it is hard not to be inspired by people like you who take something tragic and turn it into something positive. good luck today. and thanks so much for coming on the program, sarah. we appreciate it. >> thank you so much for having me. >> and we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ if i was a flower growing wild and free ♪
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and chris christie. there's a new quinnipiac university poll. it shows the new jersey governor in a statistical dead heat with the former secretary of state. now, both have star power and the fund-raising clout to pull off a national campaign. but can they win over key voting blocs, particularly women we're going to talk about today because they were key to president obama's win in 2012. 55% voted for him. 18% more than mitt romney. if the 2016 ballot is clinton versus christie, can the conservative governor, with his pro-life, anti-same-sex marriage stance, win over women? leah goldman is the features and special projects director at "marie claire" magazine. alex alexis stodjill. susan is a republican strategist and msnbc contributor. it's good to see all of you. leah, i'm going to start with you because it was your article in "the new york observer" that got us talking about this because i think that there is sort of the feeling that if it's
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hillary against any man, the women's vote is hers to lose. >> right, the conventional wisdom is that women will vote for hillary. and i think that that's false. that that's not a presumption we should make squarely. in fact, more women are listening to christie. they find him an interesting character despite the fact that he is right-leaning. the takeaway here is that abortion and pro-choice is not the key voting issue. you know, as i said in the article, to paraphrase liz lemon, it's not a deal breaker, ladies. it's not the overriding decisive factor when deciding who to vote for. >> well, we can look inside the quinnipiac poll. hillary clinton beats out every potential republican that seems to be on anybody's list. by double digits, ted cruz she beats by almost 30 points. but chris christie gets closest. and is that really what any republican needs to do, susan, is just really narrow that gap, that gender gap? >> absolutely. that's a critical part going into 2016 is not to look like
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you're against women as a republican. that's what they're running the train. that's why those numbers are so bad as they are. chris christie was able to run against a woman, which is really important when you think about who's going to -- if hillary runs and who would run against her because he's already had the practice of doing it, frankly. because it's not an ease judge skill set to develop. and he won and he beat her in double-digit numbers. he knows how to communicate, and he knows how to speak to diverse groups, whether it be women, hispanics, all across the line there, which is great. >> is there also going to be a little bit of -- and we saw it, to some extent, in the last election when barack obama ran against hillary clinton, which is a man is in a kind of an interesting position. remember when barack obama said you're likeable enough, hillary, and people really got on him? chris christie not exactly known for holding his tongue or being the most diplomatic. is that tougher, alexis, when you're running against a woman? >> what's interesting about his communication skills when he speaks to women is that he tends
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to soften himself a little bit. when he talks about issues like universal pre-when he talks about even his anti-abortion stance, he doesn't use that blustery tone. he speaks in a softer way. and that's something that women actually find appealing so they can take in a message that may not be the party line they want to hear but it's delivered in a way that makes them think they can trust him. >> in your article you talk about the matters that matter most to women. in a pew poll, the economy is the most important followed by jobs, health care, education. social issues like abortion are still there, but they're much lower down. on the other hand, we saw ken cuccinelli and what the debate over reproductive rights did for him. so i guess the question becomes, does this become something bigger in a presidential campaign where there is a woman? >> i think what nobody's talking about right now is that we are right at the forefront of a demographic revolution. women have never had as much economic and fiscal power as we
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have had now, which makes them, i think, receptive to gop messaging, tarks cutting, pro-business, that kind of stuff. women are increasingly the breadwinners. we are running more small businesses. we are responsible for job creation. and all those messages you don't typically hear targeted to women. and so i do think there's an opportunity here for the gop to tailor its message and focus less on the social issues. but that's always been their soft spot, they're weak on that. they take the bait over and over again. and then it becomes news fodder and turns off women. >> well, yeah. i mean, and you get the todd akin and the legitimate rape, which is very obvious, but maybe more interesting i think is when you look at some of the votes that we've already seen and are going to be coming up, susan, on things like snap benefits and education and pre-k, those kinds of things that even if you're an executive with a big company, the moms understand out there. >> they do. and that's, in fact, one of the things that people are saying is that it's the governor's time to
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run for president next time because they don't have to take all the votes that they do in the senate or the house. it makes a difference. and christie has been out there as many republican governors with a message of fiscal responsibility which plays to lee's point about what they care about. and hillary clinton could be in a difficult situation because we're starting to see a movement from the progressive against the center of the democratic party. and she's the center. and i don't think women are going to respond as much to a very progressive message nationwide. >> how much of this do you think is going to be it's about time for a woman, alexis? and you can make the argument that it is, in some ways, you know, really downplaying hillary clinton and who she is and what she's done as a u.s. senator, as secretary of state and some of the other things that she's also done in the charitable realm. but is that going to be a big part of this? like final lily, it's time? >> i think that's definitely an issue. but i think the economy is
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really important and people's ability to work across the aisle. and ironically, hillary, as great as she is, a lot of people don't see her that way. chris christie, there's this image of him meeting president obama in the aftermath of superstorm standee. people were touched he could embrace the president in that way. he'll be able to energize both sides of the aisle. >> it's interesting, she may have to remind people of that, susan, because she got a reputation in the senate of being somebody who worked across the aisle. she has very close friends who are republican senators. >> and it also matters are the president's numbers are and where the economy is. there's a lot of factors. but she's going to -- and i think it's one of the reasons why she's fortunate that she has all this time to decide, and she should take it. it's very hard to come out with a strategy at this point because you don't know what you're running to or from given the volatile economy and the president's numbers with health care. >> but it's fun for us to talk about. sploo absolutely. >> alexis, lisa, great article in "the observer. thanks to all of you for coming in. >> thank you.
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we -- if you'd like to hear more from really smart women in politic, check out a special edition of "now" tomorrow at noon with democratic leader nancy pelosi, senator kirsten jill grand and governor maggie sah hassan. the ntsb has released disturbing new video of the asiana crash. you can see the plane cartwheeling down the runway after hitting a seawall while landing. well, at a hearing yesterday, ntsb investigators say a training pilot was at the controls, and he was apparently confused by the autopilot settings. that led him took in too low and too slow. just moments ago on capitol hill, the chair of the senate banking committee said he does not support any new sanctions on iran. right now undersecretary of state wendy sherman and undersecretary of the treasury david cohen facing some tough questions from senators about the temporary nuclear deal with iran.
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>> the president is absolutely right to fully test iran's leaders. and i will be vigilant to ensure that the joint action plan is strictly enforced. >> congressional sanctions designed in a completely bipartisan fashion have successfully worked. to bring iran to the negotiating table. we must maintain that leverage going forward. >> her boss, secretary of state john kerry, briefed lawmakers on the deal yesterday. the obama administration is in a full-court press to keep congress from voting for new sanctions until the diplomatic process plays out. wait for this one. it could get interesting. today the fcc starts the formal discussion about allowing cell phones to be used on planes. it's an idea you'd be hard pressed to find a lot of people happy about, but if approved, it's not just calls. also texting and other mobile services. they would be okay when planes are in flight, although not
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during takeoff and landing. and this could happen as early as next year. home foreclosures have fallen to their lowest level in eight years. cnbc's mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. another sign, maybe, the foreclosure crisis may finally almost be over. >> we're certainly hoping so, chris. foreclosure activity in november was down 37% from a year ago. and will not derail the housing rebound under way in many parts of the country, according to the real estate research firm realty track. those are the findings. as you say, november foreclosure starts fell to their lowest level since december 2005. that really is before the housing bust began. so hopefully we're in the ninth inning of the crisis. if you want to know the states with the highest foreclosure rate still in the month of november, they were florida, delaware, maryland, south carolina and illinois. but apparently the reason for that is that all of those states require foreclosures to go through the court. so that can take quite a bit
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more time. and with the exception of florida, other states hit hard by foreclosurers in the past include california and arizona. and they've cleared stressed properties faster. so all in all, things do look like they're getting better. chris? >> and hundreds of struggling families have been getting pretty much a pleasant surprise. they go to the layaway counter to pay for their stuff. what happens? >> this is a great story. i love stories like this. they're so-called layaway santas. they're not completely new, but they've been growing ever since awareness started growing back with an a.p. report in 2011. so walmart has been tracking more than 1,000 instances so far this season. of those layaway santas, strangers paying down other people's layaway accounts. kmart says that strangers have paid more than 1.5 million in others' the counters over the past few years. toys "r" us recorded over 700 in 2012.
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and the store came forward and matched each one of those with a $200 donation to toys for tots. this really is the season for giving, and it's just great to hear that people are stepping up to the plate. >> mandy drury, nice note to end on. thank you very much. >> thank you. some other people happy today. the golden globe nominations are out. "breaking bad, downton abbey, the good wife, house of cards and masters of sex. best motion picture drama, 12 years a slave, captain phillips, gravity, filomena and rush. a link to the full list is up at the golden globes will be handed out january 12th on nbc and, yes, hosted by tina fey and amy poehler. ♪ i want to spread a little love this year ♪
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[ male announcer ] this december, experience the gift of unsurpassed craftsmanship at the lexus december to remember sales event. some of the best offers of the year. this is the pursuit of perfection. of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes
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kicks and punches in the middle of a debate over the protests in the ukraine. fortunately no one was seriously injured. university of alabama kicker cade foster was feeling pretty low after he missed two field goal attempts and had a third blocked in a loss against auburn two weeks ago. well, it turns out he's got a famous fan. former president george w. bush sent foster a note, writing, quote, dear cade, number 43, life has setbacks. i know. you'll be a stronger human with time. i wish you all the best. sincerely, another 43, george bush. there's a young upstart journalist on the political beat who's gaining a lot of traction. gabe fleischer is only 11, but his morning news liter of political thuz and observations has at least 500 subscribers including former white house staffers. es mike allen's playbook in "politico" inspired him. david jolly, come on down. the republican congressional candidate for a special election
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in florida has a new ad out with an endorsement from former "price is right" host bob barker. >> when you get to be as young as i am, you call it like you see it. that's why i'm supporting david jolly for congress. because with jolly, the choice is right. >> and happy birthday to bob. he turns 90 today. today's tweet of the day comes from a friend of the show, democratic strategist keith boykin. this year's white house holiday card is the coolest one i've seen. he tweeted a photo of the pop-up card complete with signatures from the whole family including presidential pups bo and sunny. before using her new bank of america credit card, which rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her balance each quarter for making more than her minimum payment on time each month. tracey got the bankamericard better balance rewards credit card, which fits nicely with everything else in life
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started hallucinating on stage. >> immediately i see angels come to the stadium. i start realizing that the problem is here. sometimes i will react violent on that place. sometimes i will see, like, things like chasing me. >> it's time for the reputation report. jansing & company's weekly look at who's not and who's not according to social media. here with an exclusive analysis, howard bragman, chairman of 15 minutes public relations. >> great take, wasn't it? >> yeah. this man's caused quite a stir. obviously it's ridiculous and disrespectful. there are also security concerns standing right next to obama and all these world leaders. how's all this trending? >> it's really interesting. this is playing huge on traditional media. a little less so on social media. the whole mandela phenomenon has been playing big. there have been a lot of
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sideshows, a lot of distractions, the translator, the selfie picture with the other government leaders, the pictures on air force one, the handshake with castro. but i guess the good news for mandela's legacy, 2-1 people remembering mandela as the leader, as the humanitarian, as the guy who changed the world. so i think that's great for the world. >> yeah. that's much better than focusing completely on this translator, shall we say. not a lot of controversy here, however. yesterday "time" magazine named its person of the year. it is pope francis. one person tweeted, pope francis has bought 1 million copies of his "time" person of the year issue and is using them to make clothing for the poor. obviously a little joke, but this is a guy who honestly has changed, in many ways, people think not just about what the catholic church is, but the kind of people that we want to be. >> well, exactly. and his fans are not just catholics but all over the
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spectrum. "time" got rave reviews for its choice, which it certainly doesn't always get. 83% positive. it was interesting, a lot of the negatives were, like, thank god they didn't choose miley cyrus. i think "time" made a pretty good choice this time. >> finally, let's talk about the mysterious bitcoin. we've done significaegments on . i don't know if i still understand it. obviously it got fame from the winkleboss twins, from facebook fame. the other day i was downtown and i saw outside a realty office they had pictures of houses for sale. and it said, "we now take bitcoin." and it's still going on social media, right? >> so yeah. bitcoin is sort of the coin of the realm for the internet. they're trying to make it the standard for internet purchases, right? and there's been a lot of ethical issues, which is showing up on social media. there doesn't have the kind of regulation that traditional government currencies have so people are looking at it, and
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they closed down some of their competitors. and they're kind of negative. they're trending negative on both business and on the investment front, they're a very volatile investment. so people are not real happy yet on social media. about 2-1 negative. >> howard bragman, good to see you. i'll see you in week? >> in l.a. next week. >> thank you so much. that wraps up this hour of "jansing & company." i'm chris jansing. thomas roberts is up next. >> all i wanted for christmas was a bitcoin. >> how much for one? >> 900. >> i was going to say he'd get you one, but that would be a lie. >> i'll look for it in my stocking. paul ryan issues a verbal slapdown to marco rubio. it's just another example of the gop civil war exploding to the forefront. or is this an audition for 2016? the host of "disrupt," karen finney, will weigh in on that. plus more on the fake sign language interpreter who is speaking out more in his own defense. he claims he was seeing angels,
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proclaims to be a champion of sign language. how did he get there in the first place and get this job? we'll get a report from south africa. plus, 1 years a slave gets seven golden globe nominations as well as several s.a.g. nods along with "the butler." is 2013 the year of the black film? we're talking about that and much more coming your way in three minutes. stick around. and now my journey across the country has brought me to the lovely city of boston. cheers. and seeing as it's such a historic city, i'm sure they'll appreciate that geico's been saving people money for over 75 years. oh... dear, i've dropped my tea into the boston harbor. huhh... i guess this party's over. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions-- it matters. ♪ hi, everybody, good morning. i'm thomas roberts. topping our agenda, the civil war in the republican party. now seemingly blown wide open in a paul ryan smackdown of marco rubio right here on msnbc. we have more on that in a moment. but in just an hour, the house will begin a series of votes on the budget deal negotiated by paul ryan, and things could get pretty heated. a group of 33 conservative house republicans have sent a letter to speaker john boehner asking had imto scrap the deal and bring a clean continuing resolution to the floor instead. here's congressman tim huelskamp on why he's against the deal.
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>> it increases spending. it blows a bigger hole in the deficit, and it breaks the work that congress made with the american people, and that's reduce our spending, not increase it. >> as you can imagine, with paul ryan sticking his neck out on this, he has a few choice words for those who oppose it. >> read the deal and get back to me. i -- look, that's just -- i think that's -- people are going to do what they need to do. in the minority, you don't have the burden of governing. >> so in an op-ed today, rubio says it does not tackle jobs, meaning it will be harder for more americans to achieve the american dream. he's not the only who oppose, cruz, paul and lee. there are reports mitch mcconnell is against it as well, and it's rare for him to break from john boehner. boehner got mad yesterday at his briefing, lashing out
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