tv MSNBC Live MSNBC December 13, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PST
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mainstream strikes back against tea party conservatives. is the battle beginning in earnest for the heart and soul of the republican party, and what does it mean for 2014 and beyond? now that the bipartisan budget deal has passed with overwhelming support in the house and is headed over to the senate, congressman paul line and house speaker john boehner are basking in their victory and blasting outside conservative groups who have tried to push the party to the far right. paul ryan's speech in particular seen by some as an audition for 2016. >> i think our constituents are expecting a little more from us. they're expecting us to not keep shutting the government down. they're expecting us to pay the bills. they're expecting us to be accountable. they're expecting us to watch how their dollars are being spent. and they're expecting us to find common ground. >> the day before the government reopened, one of the people at one of these groups stood up and said, well, we never really thought it would work. are you kidding me? >> boehner appeared to be talking about heritage action
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ceo michael needham. he's what he told chuck todd after watching boehner's outburst. >> the speaker is being absurd. if i thought we could have repealed obama care i would have spent the month of august on a repeal obama care tour. we're not trying to have a fight, we're trying to have a fact-based policy disagreement. >> republican senator marco rubio who took a jab from paul ryan on "morning joe" yesterday defended the conservative groups' role in politics. >> i think outside groups have a right to express their views. there are outside groups on every issue, both sides of every issue. i have respect for speaker boehner and respect for chairman ryan and the work they're trying to accomplish. i was simply asked my opinion on whether this budget takes us in the right direction as a country and i personally feel that it does not. >> so the vote on the budget wasn't even close, 332-94. but in the senate aides expect more opposition.
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particularly from republicans. according to nbc's latest whip count, 19 gop senators are either a no, leaning towards no or undecided. >> i'm hearing it's very tepid on the senate republican side. you've had people like marco rubio, sort of tea party republican senators come out strongly against this. >> all right. so this is the topic for today's agenda panel. suzy khimm is msnbc national reporter, keli goff and bill scher. gang, it's great to have you all here. let's start with what we're watching on the hill. suzy, it seems that the winds of change are blowing but not everyone is feeling the bipartisanship. ted cruz and marco rubio among those opposing what's happening with the budget. here's more of rubio this morning talking about that deal. take a listen. >> i mean compromise just for the sake of compromise so we can feel good about each other i don't think is progress for the country. >> really, really?
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that's what you think? >> yeah, for the sake of compromise. that doesn't solve problems, just for the sake of it? yeah, that's not a good thing for the country. >> compromise for the sake of compromise. so obviously this budget runs and funds the government. so we're to a point now where before we couldn't even do that, a compromise that people could agree upon to do that. so explain why it seems as if the senate, which always has a more common sense approach, seems to be throwing common sense to the wind. >> well, there's a different dynamic in the senate. i spoke to a democratic aide today who says he does expect senate republicans to filibuster this bill. so it's clear that this opposition is real and they're going to act on it. the different dynamic in the senate is partly because some of the major leading senate republicans, including minority leader mitch mcconnell, are facing pretty significant primary challenges, even if they don't -- if they feel like they can prevail, they feel the need to move to the right and they feel like at this point they do
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have some room to do so. so i would expect them to put up something of a real fight next week, although ultimately the aide i spoke to does believe the budget is going to pass. >> certainly for those following what's going on within the gop have to notice this unified front that john boehner and paul ryan are putting forward. eugene robinson writes about this budget deal. the gop mainstream striking back. the unusual display of reasonable behavior by house republicans this week should be seen as a retreat, a change in tactics, but not a surrender, the implications for democrats are clear. they had better raise their game. bill, let me ask you, do you think democrats see this unification as a real game-changer? and the moderate stance that ryan seems to be demonstrating and kind of running in parallel with john boehner? >> i think they should. i think we need to come to grips with the possibility that john boehner is a genius, that he's not this inept, pathetic leader that we've been mocking all
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year. we've been sort of egging him on. >> can we rerack that statement so we have it on a constant loop? because i don't know if that's ever going to happen again. okay, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. >> he has a very delicate task. he has to prevent the tea party from continually shutting down the government, which can lead republicans to lose the house. he also, even tougher, even trickier, how do you get them to come around immigration reform, save the party's fortunes in the long run without having an immediate fatal party split now. that's really tough. what has he done? he's hung back. he's waited for the tea party to make their own mistakes. he lets them play out the shutdown strategy. he lets them drive the poll numbers down and then relents at the last minute. in this instant he waits until heritage and freedom works announce their opposition before the deal is announced. that gives him the opportunity to pounce, deliver the smackdown. he wins the day on the house floor. he can go back to the house in
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the spring and say we stared these guys down before and got away with it. we can do it again on immigration. it will save the party in the long run without ruining us in the short run. >> so a lot of people would look at this and say boehner is pouring some water on the fringe's fire. as we look at the longer game of 2014 and 2016 and we look at paul ryan specifically, we've got the daily beast pointing out what it means for him. there's going to be a lot of bluster on the right but i think he comes out of this as the presidential front runner. do you agree with that or do you think he's setting himself up for a brighter spot in the john boehner position. >> i think it's -- when you look at the map of what's coming up in the midterm elections, there has actually never been a cycle in which republicans had a better opportunity to reclaim the senate than they do right now and they should. the reason they might not is because of this interparty fighting. when you look at what's going on in a state like arkansas, with
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senator mark pryor a vulnerable democrat and the party has coalesced around one candidate. they're in agreement there's not going to be an interparty fighting. but other states like kentucky with mitch mcconnell, georgia, where you have these really, really extremist tea partiers who have said really controversial things and they have some decent democratic candidates. so you look at someone like john cornyn who has a primary reason in the home state of texas and he was called a liberal 27 times. he was ranked the most conservative senator and he was called a liberal 27 times. >> it's so interesting mitch mcconnell gets backed into a corner because kennect has done so well for the uninsured in kentucky. if he comes out and says anything great about obama care and the good people of kentucky now insured, the tea partiers will go after him like nobody's business on that. but it's interesting to see what direction the wind will go on that one. when we look at paul ryan and we
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talk about on a national stage, suzy, let me ask you this. because he's been to that rodeo before, he was on that ticket, he knows what it's like. but here is a sharp, political mind, good-looking guy who knows his way around washington, d.c. do you think that he could have a john boehner role more likely than a shot at the presidential ticket? >> i'm not exactly sure what paul ryan has in mind for himself in the future but he definitely has one thing. before this budget deal came together, paul ryan had almost no legislative accomplishments to his name. i think there were two bills with his name on it, one of which changed an excise tax on arrows. you know, he was -- a lot of people thought that he was more talk than actual substance. now he can point to something, whether it's in terms of his fate in the house caucus or in terms of having a chance at a 2016 ticket, at least something that he can point to that he actually did. >> bill, do you agree with that? >> well, i think -- i agree with that but i also think it's possible he's not even thinking
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about the presidency at this point. this is a play to build bonds with his colleagues in the house. boehner might be retiring next year. immigration might be the cap on his legacy and then he might move on. i think ryan is queueing himself up to be boehner's heir apparent. >> i believe that too. >> which would be a leap over eric cantor. >> i think that too. he's trying to position himself in a role like that, which is a little more short term than long term of 2016. >> everyone running for presidency, like rubio, they're going against this deal because they want to play to the base in the primaries but ryan has a different audience that he's paying attention to. >> i want everybody to pay attention to what bill said because we're going to rerack that over and over again. >> boehner the genius. >> our agenda panel, suzy khimm, keli goff and bill scher. you can find more from our panel, that loop of bill on our agenda setters website, who do you think will ultimately win control over the
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gop? the establishment or the tea party conservatives? weigh in on facebook or twitter. the conversation is always going on there. still ahead, they're vowing to keep on fighting for gun control. >> every single second without my mom is a lifetime, but at the same time so much has happened in less than a year. >> that's just a part of this telling and heart felt conversation with two women who lost loved ones in the shooting at newtown one year ago this week. we'll hear more from them plus from an aide to gabby giffords who make sure those lives were not lost in vain. also an american who disappeared in iran who was actually working for the cia. has the government been lying for years about bob levinson's real mission. and then the no-hate campaign for marriage equality. it's turning five years old. these iconic photos we've seen for years. i'm going to talk to the co-founders about how it's grown and how they even got a couple of republicans on board.
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tomorrow newtown families will hold private ceremonies to mark the one-year anniversary of the horrific shooting at sandy hook. for these families, a major part of honoring their loved ones has been an aggressive push for stiffer gun control laws. while congressional efforts to pass such measures failed this past april, a "new york times" analysis shows the role that states played in the gun control deba debate. state lawmakers introduced 1500 gun bills introduced and 178 passed. 109 of the bills were made into law. 39 of them tightened restrictions. 70 loosened them. meanwhile a new nbc news/wall street journal poll shows that in terms of support for stiffer
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gun laws, we're back where we started a year later. support for these measures has dropped to their lowest point since the shooting. 52% want stricter gun laws. 38% want them to remain the same, while 8% want them to be less strict. joining me right now is connecticut democratic congressman jim himes and pia carusone, a former aide to congressional gabby giffords. it is nice to have you both here. congressman, i want to start with you. describe for us what the mood has been in connecticut as we approach this one-year mark, what it means for not just the families but the overall community of sandy hook elementary school of newtown. >> obviously for those of us who were particularly close to newtown, this one-year anniversary is a heart-breaking reminder of an inconceivable day a year ago. of course many of us know the families who once again are going to have to revisit what they went through a year ago. and for people like pia and me,
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it's a frustrating thing. it's a frustrating thing that we haven't been able to go to those families and other victims. the 30,000 americans that have died since then as a result of gun violence and say we made real and meaningful progress towards making a safer united states right here in the united states senate, where i'm standing right now. you know, universal background checks, the idea that if you're going to exercise your second amendment rights, we're going to make sure that you're not violent or a terrorist. that that couldn't get through the federal government, something supported by 90% of americans. it's a source of real frustration. >> it seems there are a lot of common sense things where people are missing out. pia, i know your organization has put out a new powerful psa in honor of the newtown victims. as someone who runs a gun reform, gun safety type of group, your relationship with congressman gabby giffords helped inspire that for you. but for americans, and for people that are using the example of gabby giffords or the aurora movie massacre or
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newtown, if these major moments in our nation's history aren't a catalyst to move the needle, what is? >> well, that's the question everyone has asking. but we feel very optimistic, to tell you the truth. i mean we're disappointed that congress wasn't able to address this this year but we're very hopeful. i think the national trends in this country show that americans want their elected officials to address the growing problem of gun violence. they want someone to be able to listen to them and americans are saying we can own guns and be for responsible gun safety measures. mark and gabby own guns and here we are advocating for stronger laws. >> you make a great point there, they are gun rights supporters and have been very vocal about that. you'd think someone who has gone through something as horrific as they have gone through and come out the other side of it might have a different interpretation of what our constitutional right means on that front. congressman, as you know, colorado is joining connecticut and several other states that quickly passed stronger and
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smarter gun control laws since newtown. the state department of public safety says its new background checks law prevented 72 criminals from buying a gun. why can't even a modest measure on that front seem to pass through congress, sir? >> well, i think -- i think it's really important that we talk about gun safety in a way that allows us to have conversations with people that if it becomes an emotionally overheated discussion about somebody taking away your constitutional rights, pretty soon you get to a place where you can't find common ground. the fact of the matter is and part of the reason this is so frustrating is there is huge common ground around certain common sense cal things. we talked about checking everybody to make sure they're not violent or a terrorist or a criminal prior to buying a weapon. this is supported by the vast majority of americans. things like saying, hey, i admire and support and will fight for your second amendment right but that probably doesn't include the right to have a weapon, which is really designed for the military to kill an
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awful lot of people very quickly. if you have the specific conversation in a rational and open way, now you get a reasonable dialogue going. unfortunately here in washington, d.c., there are people who succeed by making sure that that rational conversation never happens. that it's all about taking away a god-given constitutional right. of course that's not a helpful conversation for anybody in this country. >> i want to say thanks to both of you. congressman jim himes and pia careusone. we'll have my interview with two family members who lost loved ones in newtown. how they went overnight turning their grief into advocacy. first, disturbing reports that north korean leader jim jong unhad the second most powerful person in the country executed, that person, his own uncle. right now in ohio, a critical state in presidential election, voting rights advocates are very worried. why a new bill could purge voters from the rolls and mean
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longer voting lines. alex wagner will have her special women in politics. house minority leader nancy pelosi, senator kirsten gillibrand, jay bailey hutchinson and others join her today at noon. don't miss i [ male announcer ] if we could see ener... what would we see? ♪ the billions of gallons of fuel that get us to work. ♪ we'd see all the electricity flowing through the devices that connect us and teach us. ♪ we'd see that almost 100% of medical plastics are made from oil and natural gas. ♪ and an industry that supports almost 10 million american jobs. life takes energy. and no one applies more technology to produce american energy and refine it more efficiently
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[ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of all day pain relief. this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills. . so the latest battle in the war on voting rights in america is being fought now in the critical presidential swing state of ohio. remember this, the long lines, the voting lines back in the '04 presidential election? well, a gop-backed voting bill passed by ohio state lawmakers on wednesday could bring those long lines back, and it's heading to the governor's desk and has the potential to make it harder for minorities, students, the elderly and the poor to vote in ohio. national reporter zachary roth lays it all out for us and he is here with me to talk about this. zachary, all of this comes off the president's heels of '08, right, when he was able to carry
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'08 and then into 2012 but the state has voted for the victor in the past 13 presidential elections so everybody looks at ohio as the harbinger. so explains where this goes right now. as we know, it's going to the governor. >> that's right. and what this bill does is really two things that voting rights advocates tell me they are concerned about. the first, as you said, is that it has the potential to cause longer lines at the polls and that's because it reduces the minimum number of voting machines that counties have to have on hand. the obvious potential then for longer lines. the second thing is that it gives more power to the secretary of state. remember, this is john husted we're talking about, a republican who's not known as a friend of voting rights to say the least. it gives more power to go into the voting rolls and remove voters because there's evidence they're registered in two states or not citizens or whatever. that's something everybody supports to remove those kind of errors. but when other states have done this stuff, the process has been
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prone to error and you've had eligible voters removed from the rolls. that's what happened in florida and virginia, so that's the concern there. >> explain the pro of how they were able to convince people in ohio that a less functional voting site with access to machines is going to be better for voting day. how does that make sense? >> well, i think to many people it doesn't make sense. i think there were some less populous counties that do have the issue of having voting machines on hand that they end up not using so maybe there's a little bit of money wasted there. the larger point, obviously, as you said in your lead-up, in 2004 ohio was the poster child for voting problems. voters waiting eight, nine, ten hours. after they instituted some reforms in 2008, 2012, things went much more smoothly. perhaps not coincidentally barack obama won both times. why would we go back. >> we have eight states passing new restrictions on voting laws.
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we saw in 2012 people get really fired up when they think that their voting rights are being infringed upon but we did have the supreme court gut what the voting rights act means in this country and puts more state professionals or permission back to the states. so explain where this falls because this seems to be on the heels of what the supreme court did granting them great access. >> that's right. ohio wasn't covered under section 5 of the voting rights act, which is the provision that the supreme court struck down so it's not directly affected by that decision. but we did get yesterday a clear consequence of that decision by the supreme court in north carolina, which passed perhaps the strictest voting law in the country over the summer and what we learned yesterday is that a court is not going to rule on the merits of that case until after the 2014 election. so it ups the chances that that law will be in effect for 2014. they could still get an injunction to block it, but we won't have a trial on the merits of that case until after 2014 and that's a direct result of
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that supreme court case. >> msnbc's zachary roth. great to see you, thank you, sir. you can read more about zachary's piece on here's a look at some other stories topping the news for you. at least three people were stabbed during a large fight that broke out in the parking lot at the denver broncos game last night. three suspects are in custody and police believe there is a fourth victim that has yet to come forward. new details about a man from florida who vanished while on a trip to iran seven years ago. it turns out retired fbi agent robert levinson was working for the cia on an unapproved mission. still no word on levinson's whereabouts, but the cia paid $2.5 million to the missing agent's family. north korea announcing that it has executed the uncle of the nation's powerful leader, kim jong-un. his uncle was guilty of attempting to overthrow the state. secretary of state john kerry met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu this morning in jerusalem.
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they discussed peace talks on kerry's ninth trip to that region. it may be a lucky friday the 13th. the jackpot in tonight's mega millions lottery has climbed to $400 million. it is the second largest jackpot in that lottery's history. and how did she do it? beyonce may have pulled off the best-kept secret in the music industry, dropping a brand new album overnight on itunes, her fifth self-titled album features 14 new tracks and 17 accompanying new music videos. take a listen. ♪ ♪ baby, put your arms around me and tell me i'm a problem ♪ ♪ no, i'm not the guy you thought ♪ with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and cost estimates, so we can make better health decisions. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. open to innovation. open to ambition.
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everyone loves pillsbury grands! and our networks are getting crowded. but if congress, the fcc, and the administration free up... more licensed wireless spectrum, we can empower more... people to innovate, create new technologies and jobs... and strengthen the economy. america is the world's leader in wireless. let's keep it that way. free up licensed spectrum today, so wireless... can do more for america tomorrow. it's hard to believe it's almost been a year since those tragic shootings in newtown, connecticut. members of the community gathered at washington's
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national cathedral thursday to remember the lives lost to gun violence. recently i had a chance to sit down with two courageous young women who each lost a family member in that shooting and how their lives changed overnight and they now are advocates for federal gun control. join meeg now are erica lafferty, daughter of the newtown principal and carlee soto, sister of teacher victoria soto. ladies, thanks for being here, i appreciate it. erica, this has been quite a year for you. you have gotten married over the last year. explain how you've been able to move on with your life while still respecting your mom's legacy. >> the wedding piece of it was so easy. she had 90% of that planned for me. i wore the dress that she wore. we got married at her house. it was a guy she had preselected for me when i was about 12 so that part was easy. i knew it was exactly what she wanted for me and she would have
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been over the moon happy with that. the rest of it just kind of all fell together. you know, i started, you know, working with mayors against illegal guns. i got to meet carlee. it's been definitely a roller coaster of a year, but i've had a lot of really great experiences and found a lot of new ways to find of keep her with me and make sure that people can't forget her. >> carlee, how about for you, obviously a different experience over the last year. you did not get married over the last year, but still how have you and your family been dealing with the loss of your sister and doing hard work on the front of gun reform? >> it's been like erica said a roller coaster every year. you have your good days and you have your bad days. i felt it was extremely important to do something about 33 americans being killed every day with a gun, so being, you know, an advocate is something i feel very passionate about and am going to continue. >> and you're going to continue.
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obviously you guys have been all working together in coordinated efforts. as erica pointed out, you have been working together on gun reform in this country. but, erica, as it stands right now, we have not seen any forward motion in washington, d.c. that has to be disappointing but it doesn't mean that you're going to stop. >> i kind of disagree with that. for the first time in 20 years, a gun bill was brought to the table. that's something that i -- i don't know, i'm surprised happened. i'm glad that it did and i can't look at it as a disappointment. it's a great thing that got brought up. it's supported by 90% of americans, the majority of congress. that's not disappointing. frustrating that it didn't pass this time, yes, but nothing to be disappointed or discouraged over. just anxiously awaiting for it to get brought up again because i definitely have faith that it will go through next time. >> carlee, do you agree with
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that? is it almost, i guess, a little too overanxious of people to expect that once something does get brought up in washington, d.c., and we see a bipartisan effort, which we did, but then it still stalled when it was to move to the house. >> well, i think that the massacre at sandy hook definitely opened our country's eyes to the fact that we have a very serious problem with gun violence in america. i don't believe that it's going to be easy trying to change legislation, but like president obama and vice president biden told me, that no one ever thought that slavery would be abolished. no one ever thought that women would have rights. but in due time it will happen. >> do you think when you look at the calendar and, erica, i'll start with you, that it seems longer than a year? does it feel as if time has slowed down or does it feel right in the segment of where you are in your life right now? >> it feels like 55 years and 16
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seconds all at the same time. you know, in certain aspects it's every single second without my mom is a lifetime, but at the same time so much has happened in less than a year. so both. >> carlee, what about for you and your family. do you feel the same way about how painfully slow time can feel at moments and then the reverse at others? >> yes. it doesn't feel like it's been a year. this year has went by so fast. i can still, you know, picture me and vicki goofing off. the last time i spoke to her. i can still remember that time in my life. i can still remember hanging out with her, but at the same time it feels like nothing has been done since december 14th. more people have been killed. and in that aspect it's heart breaking because no change is being made. >> do you ladies focus on the --
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and i think erica pointed this out, so carlee, let me start with you. do you focus on the blocks that have come on the way or do you focus on the coalition of the willing that you've been able to find that are interested in hearing about gun reform? >> you know, it's been amazing to see how many people are very supportive. like erica said, 90% of our country believes in background checks. it is sad that a small percentage that has a very loud voice doesn't, but i think the -- what we're trying to do is just to get everyone involved and on board with this, because it's not -- it's nothing difficult. it takes 90 seconds to do a background check. and yet at the end of the day it can save lives. >> erica, last i'm going to ask you about your hand. you have a tattoo on your hand. >> i do. >> do you mind if i ask you the story behind it? >> since -- for as long as i can remember every note my mom ever wrote me, she signed with a smiley face and a heart and then
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mommy. even at work she would sign it with a smiley face and then just a d for dawn to all of her teachers at sandy hook. i had been carrying this note around with me in my wallet for years and i knew i wanted to do something that i can literally bring with me, you know, everywhere i go. i didn't know what. i was thinking just get maybe a little heart or something. i knew my hand definitely and i was thinking mom. so i'm at the tattoo place and i'm like i have that note. and he traced the signature and it's perfect. the smiley face isn't even a perfect circle because my mom was not capable of a perfect scl circle. so i have that with me and it's comforting in a strange way. >> no, it's a beautiful reminder, and your mom, great penmanship. we can see that with that "m." that's a great "m." ladies, thanks for being here, carlee, erica, i wish you
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nothing but the best moving forward. i thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> if you'd like to help the families lock on to a website they launched this week. check out msnbc's powerful "too young to die" series that profiles nearly 50 of the nearly 200 children who have died from gun violence in the year since newtown. we're back after this. hat you s. around here you don't make excuses. you make commitments. and when you can't live up to them, you own up, and make it right. some people think the kind of accountability that thrives on so many streets in this country has gone missing in the places where it's needed most. but i know you'll still find it when you know where to look. anncr vo: introducing the schwab accountability guarantee. if you're not happy with one of our participating investment advisory services, we'll refund your program fee from the previous quarter. while, it's no guarantee against loss
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i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat all that. it doesn't? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh, what a relief it is! i believe that all families, regardless of how they look or how they're made or where they live, that all families deserve to be treated with the same respect, dignity, legal rights and recognitions as every other. i firmly believe that and i certainly hope that our country will continue to move towards that goal. >> that was mary cheney, former vice president dick cheney's daughter defending marriage equality and families wednesday night at a pro marriage equality event in indiana. this event was closed to the media, but the organizers of freedom indiana provided the video of cheney's remarks to nbc news. now, mary and her sister, liz,
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have made med lines lately over their very public spat over the issue of marriage equality. and making of that topic, today marks a milestone for a movement that began five years ago as a direct response to the passage of proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in california. the no hate campaign is now five years old since its inception, some 33,000 people, many of them selects, artists, paoliticiani g politicianing -- politicians and regular folk. joining me now the co-founders jeff parshley and adam bouska. gentlemen, remind us how this got so pop already so fast. >> we started this in direct response to prop 8. people came to us wanting to speak out for a variety of reasons.
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different backgrounds want to speak out whether it's sexual orientation, skin color, what have you, everyone has a reason to speak out. through the way activism has changed through social media, we've really seen a spark of just people wanting to get involved and wanting to lend their face. so that's really the success behind the campaign is just through everyone getting involved in lending their own face and speaking out. >> i remember when it started it caught on like lightning. jeff, a lot of people were surprised because in 2010 we saw republican senator john mccain's wife, cindy, she broke rank from her cindy and was photographed for the campaign and megan mccain i know has sat for you twice. who are some other people that caught you by surprise that wanted to be a part of this iconic campaign? >> well, we've actually brought the no hate campaign to capitol hill four times and the first time we had ten house members pose for us. and by the fourth time, which was just recently in november, we're up to 119 members of congress.
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you know, there's 121 -- or 112 house members and seven senators that have posed for the campaign. so people like cindy mccain, it just goes to show that a lot of people support this message. it's just a matter of using your voice and speaking out and making sure that it's publicly known. >> adam, a lot of progress has been made since this campaign launched. in fact proposition 8 is no longer the law in california after the supreme court kicked it back. california had said that it was unconstitutional. but now we have 16 states and the district of columbia passing laws that allow for marriage equality. most recently it was hawaii and illinois. how has no hate evolved and how do you think it will continue to evolve as we watch more states turn for marriage equality? >> it really evolves through the community and their message. i mean it initially started through something that was politically driven and inspired in direct response to something negative. it's turned into a positive message with such positive
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momentum and 16 states with marriage equality, we want to make the most of the activity. we want to take this message and share it with the world and show that it's possible to make change. change is happening all over the world, so now is the time to get involved. >> you guys have to be really proud. i'm sure for you guys because you travel so much with this campaign and have dedicated so much over the last five years, you have to be really excited about what you've seen happen. but explain, jeff, for everybody the anniversary party. i understand you're going to have something giant in hollywood or sunday. >> yeah, every year we try to put something together where we can celebrate what we've accomplished over the last five years in this case and let people know what's to come and just celebrate the people that have made this campaign what it is. so we're going to throw a big event at the avalon in hollywood on sunday, december 15th. the doors are going to open at 7:00. being the inclusive campaign that we are, this event is free for everybody to come and it's open to the public of all ages. so really all you have to do is just come and celebrate the
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activism. even if this is your first time coming out and getting involved, hopefully it's not the last. >> adam, who is the ultimate get for you to photograph for this? >> i mean that's always important for everyday people to get involved, but we'd love to see barack obama take part in the no hate campaign. it's important as the leader of this country to make a stance and be a positive role model, so i think it's important for him to take a stand against hate. >> guys, congratulations on such a successful campaign and i know you work tirelessly to make sure that there are everyday folk that get to be involved in this, not just celebrities or politicians but everybody who wants to lend their message of support. adam and jeff, great to see you guys. gre have fun on sunday night. >> thanks, thomas. now to today's big question, who do you think will ultimately win control over the gop, the establishment or tea party conservatives? here are some of your responses. cal says the real question is how will the special interest groups regain control of the party they finance?
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dennis on facebook also weighed in saying i think they will split and go their own crazy ways. danny on twitter got to us by saying the establishment has repeatedly failed at controlling the tea party. hillary clinton 2016. we invite you to keep the comments coming in, the conversation always going on on twitter and facebook. o-hoo...ho. hoo-hoo hoo. sir... i'll get it together i promise... heeheehee. jimmy: ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? ronny:i'd say happier than the pillsbury doughboy on his way to a baking convention. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. to share with family. [ woman 2 ] to carry on traditions. [ woman 3 ] to come together even when we're apart. [ male announcer ] in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and more, swanson makes holiday dishes delicious.
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all right. if it's friday, it's time to go and do, spotlight on those that try to improve the lives of others. take a look at this. it might look like a typical child selling lemonade. what vivian harris trying to do is end child slavery. she got the idea to make a stand against this global epidemic after seeing this picture of two brothers delivering stones hoisted by straps on their heads up and down the himalayan mountains. her goal was to raise $100,000 in 365 days. after reaching it in the first 173 days she didn't stop there.
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get this. vivian has raised more than $1 million so far. joining me now is vivian har. just last month she was chosen among 230 to ring the stock exchange when social media company went public with its stock options. vivian, it's great to have you here. you are featured in the upcoming documentary about making a stand, about your journey so far. explain how you're using your new foundation, make a stand foundation, to build on what you started with simply the idea of a lemonade stand. >> well, what goal basically is is to -- well, my new goal. i already reached my other goal. my new goal is to let people know this is a bad thing going on in the world. let people know that slavery --
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it won't stop unless you stop it. >> vivian, you're very goal oriented. we like to see that. explain to all of us about the original goal that you had. it was inspired -- we showed that photo of the children that had stones on their backs, the rope going over their head. how did that image make you feel? >> well, i have a 4-year-old brother as you can see right behind me in that photo. he is the love of my life and also i thought of him just as me and him as slaves, and it made me super sad and i wanted to help. >> you're a great big sister to use the love you have for your little brother as an inspiration to help other kids around the world. have you a book coming out about your experiences. explain to other kids out there how they can get involved. some people might not be as young and goal oriented as you
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are with those two things meeting up for you. explain how other kids if they are interested, they see this, want to get involved and make the world a better place. >> well, wow, i haven't even really seen my book. our goal with that book is when they read -- it's written in a really fun way to like let them know about this problem in a really fun way. and then my hope for them is to like have them be able to make a stand and have them know they will be able to make a stand. >> vivienne, you are making a stand that we are all so impressed by. we thank you for your hard work. we really are inspired by the love you have for your younger brother and the differences you're making for kids around the world. keep up the great work.
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thank you. >> thank you. also can i say one more thing? >> absolutely. go for it. >> we are asking safe way and kroger's to help us carry our dream across the country and carry our lemonade so thank you. >> safe way and kroger, if you are listening up. this is vivienne, she gave you a pitch. i hope you check her lemonade out. thank you very much. happy holidays to you. if you know somebody with the go and do spirit tweet us using #goanddo. one is savannah day, she's spending christmas in the hospital with brain surgery. she didn't want other kids at the hospital to miss out on christmas. so before her operation savannah teamed up with her sister sierra and chloe to hold a toy drive. get this, they collected 4,000 toys for the kids at children's hospital in cincinnati, ohio. congratulations to those sisters right there. this we want to get in developing news coming from the senate that the all nighters they have been having will end today coming up in just a few
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minutes at noontime. senate majority leader harry reid took to the floor to say the senate will adjourn today after the noon votes, not be in session and come back on sunday -- sunday to start work on bills and nominations that will be considered into next week. reid also said the senate will be considering the budget agreement on tuesday and the defense bill coming up on wednesday. but that talkathon there, the all nighters they are pulling appears to be over in a couple minutes. that's going to wrap thing up for me today. i'll see you back monday at 11:00 eastern time. have a great weekend. stay with us. in the next hour, alex wagner special women in politics, nancy pelosi, former senator kay bailey hutchison and others join her. that's coming your way in just a few minutes. ♪ ♪
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thank you notes to nancy pelosi and patty murray. it's friday december 13th, and this is "now." speaker john boehner can breathe a sigh of relief at least for now. after the dust settled the ryan murray budget vote was overwhelmingly passed, 332-94 with 62 republicans voting against their leadership. of course, in boehner's strange wonderland having only 62 members of your conference defect is considered a victory. unsurprisingly boehner made sure he was holding the speaker's gavel to announce the results. if yesterday's votes saw boehner loosening the iron grip of outside conservative groups and delivering a slap back to them that seemed as cathartic as it did sassy, those same conservative groups are promising revenge. take the senate conservative fund.
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