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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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thanks so much for watching. be sure to join me this weekend for my show, "disrupt" which airs on saturdays and sundays at 4:00 p.m. eastern. we have a lot in store for you. coming up now, "the ed show," with a look back at 2013, your favorite guests and stories. >> good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show." let's get to work! ♪ let's get to work. >> one of the missions i had when i came to msnbc was that -- president obama had just been elected. i wanted to do health care. >> you need to pay attention to what's happening in your backyard! >> fixing health care in this country is a moral obligation. >> what is our part and what is our soul as a country? is what the next generation is going to have to answer. >> when we start picking and choosing neighborhoods, who is going to get the resources and who is not going to get the resources, we will lose this
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country. >> should be talking about infrastructure, investment, investment in education, investment in workers and going round two on health care! >> i want to repeal the law of the land. is that clear? >> that we will not back down from that fight. >> liberals. that's who we are. we care about our neighbors. >> and i've been very proud to do that. >> let's get to work. good to have you with us tonight. thanks for joining us. it has been an interesting year here at "the ed show." what time is it? is it the weekend? no, it's 5:00. son of a gun. how about that? good to be here with you. some things have not changed. i have never stopped, and our team has never stopped fighting for the issues that impact you and your family. every day when our team comes to work and puts this broadcast together, we think about what we
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call the four pillars of american life. health care, jobs, education and equality. this is what "the ed show" has always been here here at msnbc. the working men and women of america, and how these four pillars affect you and your family. that's why our favorite interviews this year go beyond the politicians and news makers. they are the real people sharing their stories. so as we look ahead to 2014, let's look back on 2013, the year in real view, with our top ten interviews with folks just like you. ♪ >> i'm joined by two people whose lives have already been greatly improved by the affordable care act. aqua lynn lori and also stacy ritter. they join me tonight. aqualynn, can you just tell us your story? that's what america wants to
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hear. what has this law done for you? >> this law has truly saved me. as a youth, 18-year-old, i fell very ill at college, spellman college. had a stroke, resulted in open heart surgery. but from that point on, i became a preexisting condition. >> i believe that health care is a human right. it's not a privilege. >> thanks to obamacare, my daughters have access to preventive care they need as cancer survivors. >> now, there's more on detroit, and i want to show you what's happening in the neighborhood. for more, let's turn to a detroit resident, lee davies. he's in a neighborhood where perfectly nice homes are being demolished in lee's neighborhood. lee, good to have you with us tonight. you called my radio show this week, you said some very profound things. >> we have been fighting to stabilize this neighborhood and keep residents in this area. the state of michigan's office
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of metropolitan and urban initiatives came to us and said they got grant money from the federal government to tear down blighted homes, saying they were going to meet with us to work on finding houses we deemed that were blighted, needed to be torn oh down, and we would work together in a partnership to get that done. >> did that happen? >> well, in the -- no. in the process of doing that, they came down and actually started tearing down houses that people were renovating. this is the corporate footprint of governance on detroit. what you're looking at is a community that's fighting against a corporate takeover. >> it is. melissa tomlinson joins us here tonight on "the ed show." i appreciate your time tonight. your response to the way the governor responded to you. was it demeaning? how do you feel? now that you have had this exchange with the governor of new jersey, who has cut 6,000 teachers and $1 billion out of the budget, claiming that he is a big advocate of fixing public schools, you go back at him and
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say he's blaming the teachers. break it down for us. >> districts all over our state are feeling the pressure of trying to meet their budgetary needs. we have these new common core state standards coming out, which are absolutely draining our budgets. they haven't been validated. they haven't been researched. it's starting to show they are developmentally inappropriate. the whole package that the educational system itself is being sold needs to be analyzed. >> how offended were you by the governor? >> i was very taken aback. i wanted to get some points in with him. wasn't able to. >> joining me now is shannon watts, founder of moms demand action for gun sense in america. >> we are not anti gun. we're not against the second amendment. we support people who want to follow the second amendment. but it needs to be more
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regulated. that's clear in the out of control gun violence epidemic we have in this country. we don't want us to talk about how we can protect the eight children and teens shot and killed in this country every day. this has to happen, and change will come. >> a toronto teen is leading the fight against gmos. >> should we support a company like monsanto? >> no. >> we need people to stand up to these corporations as much as possible. ♪ >> and we welcome tonight to "the ed show" rachel parent, a gmo active evident and founder of kids right to know. what's the risk of gmos? if you could tell our audience from what you know of it. why is this bad for america? >> well, first of all, there are many health risks. including allergies and even organ damage. it's funny that the corporations
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spend so much money on trying to avoid gmo labelling and the movement is getting bigger and bigger. >> sarah slayman, women's rights activist from texas. when this bill first passed, you said you considered leaving texas. you planned to stay and fight. and what about the response of women in the state to this? >> the people are exhausted. we have done our part. and that's why i join you in demanding reform of the filibuster in the senate. we cannot allow another generation to be salddled with these 5-4 ideological votes. we need reform now. i read a really en couraging article today that some female senators are open to change. just because the senate lives by 18th century laws does not mean that the rest of the united states and that people in need of abortion should live by 18th century laws. i think we have hit the bottom in texas when it comes to the denial of health care access
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based on discriminatory standards like race and sex. we have hit rock bottom. >> let's bring in john conley. i want to ask you, what did ted cruz lie about on the senate floor? >> john connelly thought he was on right track in life. the son of a new jersey auto mechanic, first in his family to go to college when he enrolled in rutgers in 2009. but he still doesn't know what he'll do when he graduates at the end of the semester. quote, i kind of did everything i was, quote, unquote, supposed to be doing, he says. the cost of a lost generation. >> kind of bizarre that he's blaming a law that was passed in 2010 on trends that go back, you know, well past 2007. only a little over half of people my age, people 25 and under, are actually employed full time. and of those people, we have seen our wages decrease. we're facing stalled careers. and at the same time, straddling
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huge debt loads. houses we can't afford. >> is how did it make you feel when you found out the senator from texas who i understand you have never met and never had a conversation with, is that correct? >> absolutely. >> and how does it make you feel that he used your story in an effort to defund obamacare and distorted totally your situation? >> i feel like it was a -- it was almost as if he told his office to go out and find the worst example of the point he was trying to pull. you know, i -- first off, only found out that i was mentioning his speech as i was on my way to an optometrist appointment i could only go to because i'm still covered under my father's union-provided insurance thanks to obamacare. my little sister would be unable to have health insurance under the kind of free market dystopia that ted cruz would like to push
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for, but she can have insurance under obamacare. i am not only oh an example of someone who isn't being hurt by obamacare being passed, i'm someone whose family is directly benefitting. >> the next story i think is a perfect example of why republicans should leave obamacare alone. dan seeko is a 26-year-old freelance sports writer. now, this young man has played by the rules his entire lifetime and as soon as dan turned 6 26 years old, he lost his health care. and as a freelance writer, let me tell you, folks, you just can't go around the corner and buy any kind of private health insurance plan you want. you just don't make that kind of money. then after losing his health care at the age of 26, just a few months after that, through no fault of his own, dan was diagnosed with nonhodgkin's lymphoma back in february. so now where is dan? he's facing the monumental task of figuring out how in the world he's going to pay for his cancer treatment so he can have a chance at a long life.
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let me bring in dan seco himself. let me introduce you to this gentleman. dan? >> how are you doing, ed? >> what do you want america to know? >> well, i mean, it's not fair for people to have to live with something hike cancer or diabetes and not get the treatment they need, just because they can't get insurance. or if, you know, they want to pay out of pocket, go into debt millions and millions of dollars. you know, for me, i'm lucky. i've had friends and family to help me raise money and get through what i've had to deal with over the past seven months. but, you know, there are people less fortunate than myself that because of health care or lack thereof -- >> and so now with obamacare kicking in, what are you going to be able to do? >> i'm going to be able to get health insurance with my preexisting condition. >> and? is that a life-changer for you? >> oh, absolutely. that's without question. >> don't go away. real view 2013 continues. next. plus, we'll bring you our oh
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favorite moments on the road. this isn't right. this isn't left. this is fairness. as the political kfbt movement in america understands one thing. power. >> the perception that we're the party of the rich, unfortunately, continues to grow. >> 47% are dependent on government and believe they are victims. that's frustrating. >> they play for power and not the people. that's their world, but that's not the real america. that's not the real america. >> new york city, here we come. let's get to work. is the best.
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welcome back to "the ed show." 2013 was a year when real americans made, i think, a huge difference. our next great american changed the course of the 201
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presidential campaign in a major way. scott prowly was a working-class bartender in florida before he jumped into the national spotlight. prowly was the man who taped the infamous mitt romney 47% fund-raiser. after his tape became public, he went underground to protect himself and his girlfriend. he reached out to "the ed show" when i was in washington, d.c. on the eve of president obama's second inauguration. he told me he wanted to reveal his identity on our show. then in march of 2013, "the ed show" revealed the biggest mystery of the 2012 campaign. >> how much of that gets picked up? there's so many things that don't get picked up by a campaign, because people aren't watching. >> big morning in politics here. >> a political earthquake in the presidential race. >> president obama's base of voters believe there are victims -- >> could be a potential game-changer. >> it was the recording that ignited a media firestorm.
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>> i understand there is a video that's been on the internet. >> the secret video that began a political collapse. >> in this case, it's completely wrong. >> for the first time, you'll find out all the details. what was it like in the room? what did mitt romney say that was so offensive? and who shot the secret video that changed the course of history? what is your name, and what are you all about? >> my name is scott prouty. i'm a regular guy. middle class. hard-working guy. you know, i think i would like to think i have a good moral compass. and a core. and i think i have a little bit of empathy. i think i have a little more empathy than mitt romney had. i don't know how i would describe myself, but i was behind this. this whole thing. i was bartending that night for the romney fund-raiser. >> let's talk about may 17th.
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what happened that day? >> we got there, you know -- it was a -- you know, political fund-raiser. we did our usual thing. we set up, and, you know, it went off without a hitch. i work, you know, high-end parties. all over. just for extra money. and, you know, it was just really just another tippelca party that i have done plenty of them just like it. >> did you know you were going to record him? >> you know, yeah, i did. i had brought the camera and a lot of other people brought cameras, thinking he would come back and take pictures. clinton in the past had come back with the staff and taken pictures. and that was, you know, really my thought. i -- you know, i hadn't really made up my mind. you know, i was willing to listen to what he had to say. i was interested to hear what he had to say. and i thought i hadn't -- i didn't go there with a grudge, you know, against romney. i was more interested as a
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voter. >> this next clip we have is really an attention-grabber. i understand it was for you. he's talking about being lucky, being born with a silver spoon. and then he transitions to talking about china, which really caught your attention. here it is. >> when i was back in my private equity days, we went to china to buy a factory there. employed about 20,000 people. and they were almost all young women between the ages of about 18 and 22 or 23. they were saving for potentially becoming married, and they worked in these huge factories. they made various small appliances. and as we were walking through this facility, seeing them work, the number of hours they worked per day, the pittance they earned, living in dormitories with little bathrooms at the end that maybe ten rooms. and the rooms, they had 12 girls per room. three bunk beds on top of each other. and around this factory, was a
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fence. a huge fence with barbed wire, and a guard tower. and we said, gosh, i can't believe that you -- you know, you keep these girls in. and they said no, no, no. this is to keep other people from coming in. because people want so badly to come work in this factory. but we have to keep them out or they'll just come in here and start working, and trying to compensate. so this is to keep people out. >> so at this point, you wanted to make sure you got what he was saying. >> i wanted to -- >> that wasn't your intention when you started. but as it unfolded, you now were taking some measures to protect the recording. >> yeah. i wanted to make sure that it wasn't -- i had a secret supervise agent behind me. and, you know, number one, we were never told that this was a secret meeting or a private meeting or don't bring cameras. there was plenty of people in the room with cameras. there was a reception area and people were taking video. there was a videographer there with a camera on a tripod. there was a microphone and a sound man. and so many people in the room. and it was never said to us,
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don't bring cameras. but, you know, at this point, i realized that this was not your typical speech. >> so this was the clip that motivated you to go public. >> 100%. absolutely. >> all right. let's look at the 47% comment, which you admit, and i think we all know, got the most play out of all of this. >> there are 47% of the people who are with him, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them. who believe that they're entitled to health care, to food, to housing. to you name it. >> what was your response, initially? >> you know, i knew where he came from. he was born with all the advantages, you know, advantages that few people have. the son of a governor, ceo. you know, prep school educated. harvard educated. and i don't think he has any clue what a regular american goes through on a daily basis. i don't think he has any idea
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what a single mom, you know, taking a bus to work, dropping her kid off at a daycare, you know are , that she can barely afford, hopping on another bus. the day in, day out struggles of everyday americans. that guy has no idea. no idea. and i -- i don't think he'll ever have an idea. still ahead, our favorite interview of the year. if you haven't already fallen in love with this young star on the rise, you will. plus, i'll take you jetting across the country.
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going around america is a big part of telling a story. fire in the hole, baby. ♪ should be talking about infrastructure, investment. >> a thriving, rising middle class. >> investment in education. >> in a dynamic, cutting-edge economy. >> and go round two on health care!
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>> i'm going back with a serious note. and kind of an edge. >> we'll bring you the top interview of the year, coming up. but first, this year, we loved more than 200,000 miles from coast to coast and across the pond. now here's some of the highlights of our travels of 2013. >> we want ed! >> you know what? we're going back to work! >> live from minneapolis. >> live from miami, florida. live from seattle, washington. live from the essence festival in new orleans, louisiana. live from washington, d.c. it has been an eventful day here in washington, d.c. a very enthusiastic crowd all day long. a day of reflection. i am a product of forced busing for racial equality. i take you back to the '70s. where diversity was the word that was foreign to america but it was the future. a reminder to all of us, where
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we have come a long way, we still have a long way to go. >> we've got to get our young people involved. and i hope they absorb the spirit. >> the dream can only be realized if we pay attention to what's going on in our own backyard. isn't it amazing that dr. king was talking about voting rights 50 years ago. >> yes. >> right back -- >> my mother and father fought this fight 50 years ago and my daughter is going to have to fight it in the future. >> stand tall in your community, fight for diversity. understand its strength. >> i think in new orleans, in particular, we're not preparing, not just here, but over, all over this country. we're not preparing our kids for 21st century jobs in the future. stem jobs. everyone has this path and we want our kids to go to college. but the reality, not every kid is going to go to college. so what are the opportunities and choices we're providing to them? >> now, if you're a conservative, pretty good.
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corporate profits where we want them. we're did epressing voting righ. minorities where we want the them. not investing in our communities. hell no, you can't! we've got to make sure we give more money to the wealthiest americans. that's what mitt romney ran on. >> corporations are people, my friend. >> well, mitt romney was defeated. so the plan now is to defeat president obama and stop everything. i will make the case to you, that it's not where america is. that these folks care about their communities. they care about their schools. they care about the future. and they care about what kind of country they're going to leave their kids. but maybe i'm wrong. let's hear from them. your thoughts on what is going on in america right now. >> we need to put people back to work. we need to decrease the student loan, the student loan hikes are a disgrace. and we need to make sure that we extend the voters' right for all minorities. >> do you agree with that, folks? >> yeah! >> i did a town hall radio
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meeting inning ham, alabama. because i wanted to hear what the people have to say. it all started in alabama. with dr. king. and after speaking to the people of jefferson county, there is no doubt racism is alive and well in the south. and i think it's growing. this is what an alabama public school teacher came to the microphone and said. >> i have been a part of public education since 1970. when the schools were first integrated. i see more hatred in the south now than i ever saw in 1970. and i tell you why. it's being preached in the pulpit. it's in the white churches. they are teaching people that if you vote anything but republican, you're going to hell, pretty much. >> oh-oh! mr. o'reilly, couldn't you have used that sound bite? el well, no, you know a heck of a lot more. it's all stereotyping, isn't it?
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>> is it going to be jumping into the spit fire? all the things that made america great, equal rights, civil rights. workers' rights. women's rights. now under attack by the conservative movement in our country. >> i enjoyed all things in london. it was fun. they want to hear from a liberal and the perspective of a liberal in american politics. >> how do you know about that? >> elementary, my dear watson. >> interesting questions from the folks at axford. one brit said to me, it appears that the gentleman from texas seemed to be causing quite a bit of difficulty as of late. i couldn't disagree with that at all. >> and so it reminds me of the shakespeare line, thou protest too much. >> the state of florida is in a hot bed of important issues that have national implications. governor crist, good to have you on "the ed show." are you confident if you're governor you were to set up a state exchange it would be as successful as kentucky, rhode island, california, new york?
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would florida, and would you resource it properly to make sure that it would be beneficial to all of these people? >> absolutely. and, you know, you mentioned kentucky, specifically. and you know, governor beshear has done i think a great job. >> two senators from kentucky. mitch mcconnell, who heads up the republicans in the senate, and rand paul, who wants to be the president of the united states. these two senators have been the biggest obstructers and biggest bad-mouthers of obamacare anywhere in the country. but look what's happening in their own backyard. >> kentucky is leading the way in health care reform. over the course of the next year or two, you're going to have a very big success or affordable health coverage. >> the ed show team on the ground in virginia this weekend, ahead of one of the most important governors' races. >> we need terry mccull you've in the mansion. >> we hope to never here the name cuccinelli after tuesday.
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>> looking out for his future and want to make sure that this is a society we want him to grow oh up in. >> god bless him. >> next up, our favorite interview of the year. we love him. social media loves this kid. he's a 10 year-old political rising star. a shon johnson is next. >> believe in yourself and what you believe in. because you're never too old to listen. never to young to do something. t protecting billions in taxpayer giveaways. and for those facing tough times? republicans stripped 1.3 million americans of jobless benefits folks who want to work, but cannot find a job kicking them to the curb during christmas. so to the 1.3 million americans losing benefits merry christmas - from the gop. it's wrong to leave more than a million americans behind. tell republicans: restore unemployment benefits now.
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[ male announcer ] welcome back all the sweet things your family loves with 0-calorie monk fruit in the raw. ♪ welcome back [ male announcer ] it's made with the natural, vine-ripened sweetness of fruit, so you can serve up deliciously sweet treats without all the sugar. so let no drink go unsweetened. no spatula un-licked. and no last bit un-sipped. you don't have to throw a party, but you'll probably feel like celebrating. raw natural sweetness, raw natural success.
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we are black, we are proud! we are white and we are proud! nobody, it doesn't matter. you should not be going to schools without seeing what is happening in these schools! >> welcome back to "the ed
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show." when i first saw that videotape, i went, wow! we got to get that kid on tv. 10-year-old asean johnson. chicago public school advocate. speaking his piece. in 2014, "the ed show" got to know this young gentleman. his brother, chris, and wonderful mother, shoniese, public school advocate and worker. they joined us at the essence festival in new orleans, louisiana, also involved in the march on washington and also right here in our studios in new york city. asean is so much more than a political activist. asean plays football, basketball, xbox. but you know, i have never met a young man who was more determined to speak out for racial and economic justice at the age of 10 years old oh. he's a phenomenal kid. this makes asean johnson our top real person in 2013.
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one 9-year-old student at a rally had no problem giving mayor rahm emanuel a piece of his mind. >> rahm emanuel thinks that we all are choice. he thinks he can just come into our schools and move all our kids. and say oh, we can build. let's take this school out. we don't care about these kids. but there's kids in there. they need safety. rahm emanuel is not counting on had your schools. he's not caring about our safety. he only cares about his kids. he only cares about what he needs. he does not care about nobody else but himself. you should be taking care of these schools! this is racism right here. this is racism. we are black and we are proud!
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we are white and we are proud! nobo asian, chinese, it doesn't matter. you should not be closing these schools without seeing what is happening in these schools! >> well, asean johnson got the attention of may your rahm emanuel. you see, his school avoided closure at the very last minute. but 50 other schools weren't so lucky. ase asean, tell us, what motivated you to do that that day? >> we just came off a three-day march before the schools closings were happening. before the vote was in. and i felt like i needed to come straight to rahm emanuel and tell him that he should not be closing these schools without looking into them himself and seeing how good they are. and how would you -- why would you close all these schools if you can't -- cps knows
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everything. and maybe rahm emanuel. they know everything. and you're saying that i'm to perform and they have no research. why didn't you give it to them in the first place so they can have those resources and they can be a succeeding school. >> asean, do you think rahm emanuel got your message? >> well, yes. but he still is not listening to the kids or the teachers. he's still not listening to them. we -- no matter how big we make a difference, we all need to come together as united as one, so he can hear the message and everybody in chicago. everyone that's having school closings, you need to come together as a unity to stop those school closures, wherever you're at. >> what does it mean when you close a school down in a community and force kids to go somewhere else? you made a comment in front of a crowd, you either want to build prisons or you want to build schools, correct? tell us about that. >> well, it's -- you are basically saying, if you take a
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school down, you're building more prison. because when you take a school down, you're going to make sure you're going to build another prison, because they need that public education in order to know wrong from right. you may have the concept, but you have to listen to it. it's for the kids and children to listen to your oh conscience and not only your conscience but your parents and teachers. make sure that you have mostly everything that -- if you're in gang violence, you can get shot down. i have a dream. i am marching for education, justice and freedom. i encourage all of you to keep dr. martin luther king jr.'s dream alive. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> 50 years ago, john lewis was 23 years old, the congressman. he was the youngest person to ever speak at the rally, and now you have that dubious distinction. and you had a lot to say.
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ase asean, congratulations. what was it like standing up in there in front of the mall, in front of all those folks? >> i felt pretty proud of myself, just to know that i have changed the world, and i have made a big difference in my life. >> well, it has made a big difference. where do you get the guts at a young age to speak up at the age of 9 years old, getting up there and telling it like it is? >> well, i really think i get it from my parents and my great grandfather. because tess he was at the march when dr. martin luther king spoke. so i'm proud to know that my grandfather was here 50 years ago. and now i'm here 50 years later. i have a dream. >> up next, our favorite trenders of 2013. plus, forget the scripts. we're doing it live! look at the show, uncensored. stay with us. >> he is a dancing machine! ♪
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"stubborn love" by the lumineers did you get my email? i did. so what did you think of the house? did you see the school ratings? oh, you're right. hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok?
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...but what about when my parents visit? ok. i just love this one... and it's next to a park. i love it. i love it too. here's our new house... daddy! you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen.
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it's not the "fumbling around with rotating categories" card. it's not the "getting blindsided by limits" card. it's the no-game-playing, no-earning-limit-having, deep-bomb-throwing, give-me-the-ball-and-i'll-take- it-to-the-house, cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so let me ask you... what's in your wallet? so let me ask you... (voseeker of the you can separate runway ridiculousness... from fashion that flies off the shelves. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (natalie) ooooh, i like your style. (vo) so do we, business pro. so do we. go national. go like a pro.
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every day "the ed show" social media nation weighs in on the stories of the day. and we love hearing from you. so we keep it real. and so you keep it coming in the social media. this is where you can find us. and this is where you can find me on the radio. we've compiled the best of the best. so here's what you decided, and we reported. this year's top trenders voted on by you. >> washington wizards. . in the wizard of oz, there is a great line. >> i have a feeling we're not in cans anymore. >> sebelius deals with a blizzard of oz comments at today's hearing. >> well, madam secretary, while you're from kansas, we're not in kansas anymore. >> i'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too! >> people went to see the wizard because of the wonderful things he did. >> the great oz has spoken! >> some are excited we're actually in the wizard of oz land, given the parallel
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universes we appear to be habitating. >> be gone until somebody drops a house on you. >> it's carlos danger! ♪ >> danger! >> do you still feel you can pull this out? what are your chances of winning? >> they're good. my intention is to win tomorrow. >> the mayoral candidate doesn't think voters will leave him hanging. >> i've had a lot of headwinds, i was the underdog from the moment i got in. ♪ underdog >> i know you have this fascination about making this a soap opera. >> this! >> but for citizens of the city of new york, a lot of them wanted this to be about the issues of the campaign. lawyers get to decide these things. >> it's a girl. >> we also got a very good look at her cub, and i'm happy to report she is absolutely beautiful. it's got a fat little belly. it's very active. it's very vocal. >> the d.c. zoo has more details about its newest member. >> i am standing in front of tin
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tin, one of two pandas who could be the father. >> we know that the father is tian tian. >> you are the father! ♪ oh canada >> toronto mayor rob ford stubbed the city. the mayor did indeed smoke crack cocaine. >> crack, ice, boom, powe. >> taking a live of absence. >> crack is whack. >> i believe that the mayor should step aside. >> the mayor of toronto won't crack under pressure to resign. >> i embarrassed everyone in the city. and i will be forever sorry. >> going to end up eating a steady diet of government cheese and living in a van down by the river. >> i know what i did was wrong. >> how can we get back on the right track. >> for the sake of the taxpayers of this great city, we must get back to work. sharknado strikes. >> sharknado, as in what happens
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when you combine sharks with a tornado. >> we're going to need a bigger box. >> social media jumped on the sharknado band wagon. >> facebook was riled with it. 5,000 tweets a minute. >> we have created a sharknado moment. >> now it's headed for the big apple. poor politics. >> check out the latest dust-up between chris christie and rand pauly. >> two gop favorites. squeal over spending. >> oh, dear. >> senator paul wants to start looking at where he's going to cut spending to afford defense, maybe he should look at cutting the pork barrel spending he brings home to kentucky because most washington politicians only care about bringing home the bacon. >> bacon? >> this is the king of bacon talking about bacon. >> unexplained bacon. >> just not true. i don't hope to bring home any bac bacon. >> will cooler heads prevail over a few cool ones? >> if we can sit down, i'm inviting him for a beer. >> i don't really have time for that at the moment. >> oh, dear.
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>> more trash talk. >> eddy schultz is back. >> the fact republicans wants to use the debt limit to take away your health care is downright h dangerous. >> he's frothing at the mouth about treasonist john boehner. >> hannity targets me over tr e treason. they will shut down the government and they will not pay the bills to get their way. >> i wonder what williams and brokaw and lauer think of this knuckle head. >> he's saying if you believe in privatization, that's treason. that's what carl marx believed. >> we live in a country where if you want to drink out of a red solo cup or a crystal stem, you have the opportunity to do that. >> marsha blackburn's cup runneth over with scare tactics. >> what's the next going to be? you can't buy that red solo cup?
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you can't buy an inexpensive blouse. >> where'd you get those clothes? at the toilet store? >> you can't buy a pair of shoes that cost less than another. >> these shoes cost $300. let's get 'em. >> this is absolutely ridiculous. >> end zone. >> as i look at the end times scripture, this says to me that the leaf was on the fig tree. >> michele bachmann lies about syria. >> president obama waived a ban on arming terrorists in order to allow weapons to go to the syrian opposition. u.s. taxpayers are now paying to give arms to terrorists including al qaeda. >> and predicts apocalypse. >> and we are to understand the signs of times. >> the city is headed to disaster of biblical proportions. >> we need to rejoice. come lord jesus, his day is at hand. >> old testament, mr. mayor. real wrath of god type stuff. >> when we see up is down and
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right is called wrong. >> human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together. mass hysteria. ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine ♪ up next, our producers bring you their favorite unscripted ed moments. first, 2013 gave us the rise of ted cruz. and some "ed show" graphics gold. here's what we're calling cruz-apalooza. ♪ >> here comes ted cruz. >> so i got to pick green eggs and ham. i love this story. so i'm going to read it to you. >> canadian senator ted cruz of texas. >> i do not like them here or there. i do not like them anywhere.
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>> fringe canadian senator ted cruz. >> eat them, eat them. here they are. >> wacko bird senator from texas ted cruz. >> do you like green eggs and ham? i do not like them, sam i am. i do not like green eggs and ham. >> canadian senator ted cruz of texas. >> i do so like green eggs and ham. thank you, thank you, sam i am. >> canadian-born senator from texas ted cruz.
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i want you to know that we have a wonderful team of segment producers. i got a lot of respect for them. i mean, think about that. having to write for me when i go off on a tangent. here on "the ed show" who these producers help me craft, i believe, what are some real killer shows that cut to the issues. however, folks, this is live television. and oftentimes i kind of get them a little bit nervous when i just start following my heart and it just takes off. here's a look at "the ed show" unscripted 2013. >> he is a dancing machine. >> to the left, left, left. kick one more time. kick now kick. oh, oh. oh. ♪
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>> we just put you on television dancing. ♪ >> since we have this theme tonight of talking about negotiation, i thought maybe i could negotiate with mike roe because, you know what? i think he is the perfect independent that the democrats have to win over. i mean, he's got the working man hat, the sweatshirt. he is the perfect independent that we have to convince that it's their fault. it's these the guys that don't like the middle class. >> and everybody is trying to figure out exactly what cap to wear. what team are you on? >> i do believe in spooks, i do, i do, i do. ♪
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>> pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. >> i'm going to give you a bit too much information tonight. the five years that we've been living in new york, i found this store down in soho, and i just love these shoes. >> shoes. >> you know, i can wear them kind of dressy, they're comfortable, they're casual. it's rolled into one. >> shoes. >> i bought ten pairs of these things. i'm going to buy another pair just like these. one final question about tourism. do you think that overweight redheaded broadcasters who love to fish who get a free fishing license for maybe a weekend? >> yeah, absolutely. i think you qualify for that. no doubt. and exquarterbacks too. like us. ♪ >> oh, we've got another contestant here. we have the wonderful joy reid. all right, joy. let's go.
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here we go. ♪ welcome to "politicsnation." thank you for tuning in. i'm live tonight from miami. tonight's lead, the ax is about to fall. and republicans don't care at all. in just six hours, over 1 million americans will lose long-term unemployment benefits. why? because house republicans went on holiday break without fixing this. despite the economic recovery, long-term unemployment is at its highest level since world war ii. every day we're hearing more stories from


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