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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  January 13, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST

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funds. this as a fresh round of subpoenas are expected as early as today in the bridge scandal. also, open gate -- >> i don't vilify anybody and i make clear that i have a lot of respect for both president bush and president obama. >> talking about that intriguing new memoir, the former defense secretary plays offense with matt lauer. >> all of the big moments and really odd ones too from the golden globes, tina fey and amy poehler went for a hit squel of their own. >> we're hosting the golden globes for the second time. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> because this is hollywood and if something kind of works, they'll just keep doing it until everybody hates it. >> we'll get to all of those stories in just a moment. we start here as details continue to emerge about the george washington bridge scandal involving members of chris christie's senior staff. another potential scandal has now surfaced. the department of housing and
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urban development is investigating $25 million in federal money the state spent to promote tourism to the jersey shore in the wake of superstorm sandy, including a commercial that features christie and his family. christie administration responded to this investigation about an hour ago and they said in part, quote, federal agency reviews are routine and standard operating procedure with all federally allocated resources to ensure that funds are distributed fairly. we're confident that any review will show that the ads were a key part in helping new jersey get back on its feet after being struck by the worst storm in state history. that's where the governor's claim that he knew nothing about the george washington bridge lane closings, many remain skeptical. one of those doubters, the democratic assemblyman leading the investigation. >> i don't think it's possible for all of those people to be involved and know and for the governor to absolutely have no communication. his chief counsel knew, his
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deputy chief of staff knew and incoming chief of staff knew. it strains credibility that they didn't look at those documents and say, we ought to let him know about it. >> i'm pleased to be joined by that assemblyman now, john wisniewski. good to see you, sir. let's start with the subpoenas, i understand they are going to be issued as soon as today for some of the christie staff involved in this. first of all, want governor christie himself, is he going to be subpoenaed? >> i think we're not at that point yet. i've said all along while we've been following this trail and the trail led us into the governor's office, we also do not have any documents that directly have a communication with the governor. and so as we have in the past, we will continue to follow this step by step. we know that the governor's deputy chief of staff bridget kelly gave the order to have the lanes closed. we need to note only speak with her but obtains documents from
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her work in the governor's office and private e-mail accounts so we can understand why. because one of the biggest questions is why did she order these lanes closed. nobody believes for a moment that she had the kind of power to do that or that anyone believed that she had the kind of authority to do that. who else was involved in making this decision? important questions we need answers to. >> we've seen the infamous e-mails you mentioned where bridget kelly said it was time for traffic problems in ft. lee and david wildstein responds got it. this seems to be the execution stage. how far back will you extend your investigation to perhaps find the plotting phase? >> well, we know there was at least a meeting or an attempt to schedule a meeting between the chairman of the port authority, david samson and the governor about a week or eight days before that e-mail was sent. we don't know what that meeting was about. we don't know if that meeting
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happened. but clearly, august 13th is when the order came out. we're going to have to look back before august, perhaps beginning of the year to see exactly what took place, what kind of communications transpired that gave bridget kelly the belief that she could order this. >> at what point today are these subpoenas going to be issued and who specifically is going to be getting a subpoena? >> i think that we have to recognize that. our legislature reorganizes tomorrow, a new session starts and the speaker and majority leader and myself have announced that in the new session, this matter will be handled by a special investigatory committee that i will chair. when we do the reauthorize that will occur this thursday, then we'll issue those subpoenas. there's a question if we were to issue them now with the xpiration of the new legislature and swearing in we might create an issue someone to challenge
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the subpoenas. we're going to wait for the new authorization to take effect on thursday. then we'll proceed forward from that point. >> i want to ask you about news that apparently just broke a few moments ago. four of new jersey chris christie's cabinet officials apparently abrumtly canceled meetings on the same day that a political aide said the mayor would not be endorsing christie's bid for re-election. what more can you tell us about this? how does this fit into all of this so far? >> well, the e-mails that we have and the communications we've looked at show that this is a executive office that has very serious political overtones and it's not surprising to see that in response to any mayor or official's decision to not endorse the governor, that they would exact governal retribution by canceling meetings. the mayor of any town, democrat or republican, whether or not they endorse the governor or
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involved heavily in politics, has a job to do and have to work with the state of new jersey in many respects. so for this administration to stay to a cabinet officer, you can't go to a meeting, you're going to cancel a meeting, simply for political reasons is troubling. >> really quickly, before i go, just 20 seconds here. word today that federal officials are now looking into the possible misuse of sandy relief aid. what do you make of that? is there any chance that your investigation rose to include some of this or is this a completely separate investigation? >> at the moment it's a completely separate investigation. questions have long been raised about the propriety of the governor using that money not just simply because it was an advertisement that promoted new jersey, but an advertisement that featured him in the midst of a re-election campaign. it would seem to me to be an inappropriate use of money to bolster his election campaign
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and quite frankly a use that seems to be unwarranted. all of the poll numbers showed him with a commanding lead. it almost seem over the top to show ads featuring him when he knew he was going to win anyway. >> thank you. we appreciate your time. just to let you know, the state of the state tomorrow in new jersey is going to be covered live here on msnbc. >> let's get right to the political power panel. politico senior washington correspondent anna poll mer and msnbc contributor susan del percio and keith boykin. great to have you on a monday. let's start with where we left off with the assemblyman john wisniewski. the word now that the scandal itself could be growing a separate tentacle. how troubling is this? >> it's very troubling in terms of the sandy relief aid. the idea that the governor is
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spending $2 million in state money than should have been spent is going to be raising some concerns, not just for people in new jersey but people across the kucountry. but the larger issue, we have two narratives, this tough talking brass, no nonsense guy and other supposed to be a guy that can work together with democrat. they are coming into conflict because the reality is he hasn't been this bipartisan figure at all. >> he has actually -- what you're seeing is politically he's really not bipartisan but when he's in government he is because of the things he achieved with a democratic controlled state legislature. when it comes to sandy money, that's already been discussed a few times before. yes -- >> but the investigation is new. this investigation is new. >> wow, imagine someone doing an investigation when someone -- a republican is already being investigated. really -- >> is that -- >> i'm saying, yeah, that
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happens. but the point is for christie why this is most problematic because it's another drip drip. he can't afford to have that. >> it raises the question, why spend $4 million for an ad campaign instead of $2 million when you have a lower bid that's already present except for the $4 million bid for your family out there -- >> that's not necessarily -- >> you saw assemblyman wisniewski there, a little more than a little skeptical about christie's claim that he was not at least aware of this whole thing. is governor christie, will governor christie regret how strong his denials have been so far? >> i think the real issue for him it's kind of crisis p.r. 101. you want to be ahead of what's coming out. the fact they'll be subpoenaing the deputy chief of staff and what kind of more information will come out and how high up it went is something he can't really get ahead of. he wanted to have his
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inauguration as a reset moment and you have this other tentacle in terms of another big controversy that's going to be boiling. being able to move forward in the near term is looking very unlikely. >> while i've got you here, i want to talk you about about a book i'm sure you've become familiar with, one of your colleagues is one of the co-authors here, hillary clinton, now being mentioned in the same breath. usually mentioned in the same breath often times with benghazi. this is a story about hillary clinton's presidential campaign that kept a spreadsheet of members of congress who were their friends and those who were enemies, according to politico, almost six years later, most clinton aides can rattle off names and favors done for them, then provide details on how each of the guilty had gone on to betray the clintons as if it all happened just a few hours before. should we be at all surprised that the clintons are tough
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politicians? >> i think it's kind of peeling back the onion a little bit in terms of how politics in washington actually works. there is kind of retribution when people, especially members of congress or high level politicians, feel slight whether or not someone has endorsed them or not. what's going to be interesting, is at the end of the time when that list was being -- put together, now it has a second life where she -- it is very likely she is going to run. you see politicians like senator claire mccaskill on the different side of the clintons saying she didn't want her daughter in the same room as bill clinton. she was the first this time around to endorse hillary clinton. you're already starting to see the shift from people who had the worst numbers trying to get on the right side of hillary clinton for her next run. >> keith, members of this list, you're given a number between 1 and 7. we've got the names on the list
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and numbers associated with them here. again, one apparently is -- seven is the most treacherous, one most helpful. john kerry, bob casey, congressman chris van hollen. you surprised to see anybody on that list? >> i'm not surprised that there is a list. i'm not surprised any of those people are on the list. the clintons are people who have been in politics for a long time and obviously they have developed a long list of friends and enemies. and the 2008 campaign helped to create that. i remember one time during the campaign when i made a comment about barack obama and one of barack obama's advisers called me up and told me i shouldn't make that kind of comment. >> you were on a list. >> i don't think i'm on a list though. this is what politics is about. the question is, does it go over the line as the case with chris christie when you take that act and retribution against people and private citizens --
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>> i don't think it's a retribution. >> the question i guess is what then do you do with the list? >> the list for politicians, they can make up, whether it's the case of claire mccaskill, but the operatives never forget and things don't get done for a member of congress, whatever happens -- >> anna palmer, who's on your list? >> mine is private. >> keith boy kin, susan del percio, thanks to our political power panel on a monday. former defense secretary robert gates, we'll get to that story in just a moment. right now breaking news we're following, long term congressman george miller is going to retire, the california democrat announced that at the website. he'll be retiring at the end of the his term. miller who is 68, will have spent 21 terms in congress. he chaired three committees in the past four years. breaking news. we'll continue to follow that for you and update that story as we get new information.
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meanwhile, the former defense secretary robert gates responding to the fallout and curious timing of his new memoir taking the obama administration to task. we'll talk about that and a little bit more. what happens when your flight accidentally takes you to the wrong airport? adventures in flying next. [ male announcer ] the new new york is open. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to bold ideas. that's why new york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and grows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at we're gonna be late. ♪
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robert gates has ignited quite the firestorm with his new book, but has that book been fairly portrayed in the media. he talked about the controversy with matt lauer on the "today" show this morning. take a listen. >> i think frankly i might
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have -- if i had -- given him advice, i would have waited, but as far as waiting until it's over in afghanistan, i wouldn't have done that. >> that was clearly the wrong sound bite. that was senator mccain talking about fallout from the book, specifically the timing. >> roninworked in the obama administration as adviser for global youth issues. let's look at something that mr. gates wrote in his book about the president and about afghanistan specifically. this is what he said, that by early 2010 he became convinced that the president does not believe in his own strategy and doesn't this the war to be his. for him it's all about getting out and he also told matt lauer he's disappointed to see partisan s hijack his book for their own purposes. what did he expect given the
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gravity of some of the allegations in the book? >> the through line and reaction to this book, people taking 600 pages of text and distilling it to the most sensational headline possible. i think there's some validity to his claim that people are exploiting this in a highly partisan context and the quote you mentioned about afghanistan, for instance, i was on the afghanistan/pakistan team on the state department for several years. i saw a lot of the dark underside of that team and the set of policies we were advancing in afghanistan. i can tell you even the biggest champions on both of the civilian side and the military side for afghanistan policy had their doubts. >> all skeptical. >> all skeptical. president obama has publicly alluded to the skepticism and staked his presidency quite openly on a pragmatic effort to withdraw america's presence in a number of its wars.
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this characterization of him shouldn't come as a surprise. >> this is more from gates on the "today" show this morning. take a listen. >> i don't vilify anybody. i make clear that i have a lot of respect for both president bush and president obama and just like on afghanistan, i think that what has been lost in the news media is that -- i actually agreed with virtually every decision president obama made on afghanistan. >> again, we should note for viewers he's wearing a neck brace as a result of a previous accident. >> he fell on a hallway rug apparently according to a report in the "washington post" today. >> i read that. that was one heck of a fall. >> you get through afghanistan then the rug gets you. >> what he just said about folks are taking away from the book, is that an accurate characterization? >> personally, i find that to be correct. it's a common theme, executive branch members, leaving washington with a lot of rancor
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of how political and the gain on both sides. in this case i think it's particularly valid because we have in fact seen a congress that is far more interested much of the time in exploiting new news bites for political gain rather than responding to them with action. in this case there is a valid question as to whether the timing is appropriate during this administration, a lot of individuals like we saw with john mccain earlier, they would not air the complaints until after a sitting president had left office. what i would say to that, other than a few isolated personal claims, like the characterization of joe biden being frequently incorrect in foreign policy -- >> he went farther than that, that he was on wrong side of every foreign major policy -- >> i view that as extreme -- a lot of these comment ators are not and that's part of the problem, there are a few isolated claims like that where there will be damage to
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candidacies in years to come. for joe biden, a lot of his reputation is staked on foreign policy bona fides and for someone like gates to attack that is indeed damaging. what he's saying about people will not have an adverse effect. >> long time chair of the senate foreign relations committee before his -- the white house announcing that january 20th is going to be the day when that country starts to scale back its nuclear stockpile. there's still the bipartisan effort afoot in the senate to try to impose new sanctions. do you count this as a victory for diplomacy in lieu of military action? >> we've already seen certain members of congress leap to characterize this as a failure and set back. the reality is it's early to say. january 20th is the beginning of a new and larger negotiating
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process. we'll see over the course of the summer and months to come exactly what that yields. i will say this, people who are assessing this on the substantive merits rather than the domestic political implications have across the board agreed that this kind of diplomacy is going to require carrots as well as sticks. the obama administration is offering up tentative first carrots. i think there's a lot of indication it's worth giving that a try. >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> looking forward to the show. >> folks, we're following developing news in denver, colorado at this hour as well. police say a suspect in a hostage situation has been shot. that suspect is in critical condition we're told. officers responded to a 7-eleven this morning. they found the guy inside holding two people hostage. after negotiating with the suspect for about an hour, they were able to get him outside but that the suspect was holding a woman in front of him apparently like a shield.
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police say an officer shot the suspect after he refused to release the woman and tried to drag her back inside. both of those hostages are safe. the conversation about her mortgage didn't start here. it began on her vacation in europe on the day she arrived in london. someone set up a bogus hotspot, stole her identity and opened some credit cards in her name. but she's not worried. checking her experian credit report and score allowed her
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what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus severe cold and flu speeds relief to these eight symptoms. [ breath of relief ] thanks. [ male announcer ] you're welcome. ready? go. a plane carrying 124 passengers and five crew members landed safely at the wrong airport sunday night. today the faa and ntsb are investigating. the southwest airlines flight touched down at the taney county airport in missouri, seven miles from the branson airport where it was supposed to land. world leaders paid tribute to ariel sharon. he had spent eight years in a coma after a stroke. vice president joe biden is leading the us delegation and meeting with prime minister netanyahu and perez during the visit. true to his style, pope francis encouraged mothers to
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breast feed their babies in the sistine chapel during the baptism ceremony. if they are hungry, then feed them. don't think twice. and the hits keep on coming. major league baseball slaps alex rodriguez with a year long suspension. we'll talk about his response and "60 minutes" treatment he got last night as the founder of the anti-aging treatment in south florida tells all. >> was rodriguez injecting himself with these substances? >> alex is scared of needles so at times he would ask me to inject. >> you injected him personally? >> personally. u. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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medical or recreational canny bus. but they are laying the groundwork in three states now. alaska, massachusetts and maryland to remove the prohibition on recreational pot consumption. not everyone is pleased. take a listen. >> from maryland's standpoint, i spend a lot of time in middle school telling kids to keep a clean record to get agood job and help their families. >> for the los angeles times and the only marijuana editor in the country we should note for purposes of our audience. let me start with you there in los angeles, we heard from martin o'malley opposed to legalizing recreational pot but jerry brown agrees with martin o'malley. he said in part over the weekend, i don't know if everybody is going to pot that that's going to be a positive path forward. did that surprise you at all?
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a lot of folks think of california as being the beginning of this whole trend. >> absolutely, obviously medical marijuana has been legal for quite some time. what brown's comments reflected and what you're seeing around the country is that just passing a ballot measure does not necessarily get down into the leaves on how these laws are applied. and here in los angeles, for example, you had so many pot dispensaries popping up that at one point there were more dispensaries than starbucks and it made people angry because they didn't want a pot dispensary in their neighborhood next to a school. you're seeing a tousle happening where local governments are saying we don't want it here and passing moratoriums within city limits and that's going to be the big test as to whether or not this works from state to state across the country. >> over the weekend, the new york times ran a story, i'm sure
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you saw it, about banks saying no to loan applications from folks who want to start new pot businesses there in colorado. is that going to be perferevent growth of the legal pot industry? >> it's not going to prevent it. it hasn't prevented it in the past. of course the businesses which are operating legally under the state's constitution, if they did have access to banks, it would be a very different world but they are still pro liver rating with that in place still. >> recreational pot use in massachusetts and maryland and alaska, do you think they'll follow the precedent? >> certainly seems that's the direction we're going. i'm sorry. >> that's okay. >> go ahead. what you see in certainly in the polling is that while the legalization of marijuana is increasing, you've seen a jump in the polls and people in
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support of that, that again when it gets local, it's a very different issue. i think that politicians will be a little bit skittish on this issue. it's not like it's the number one issue for most people when they go to the polls. is it necessarily to their benefit too get behind these ballot measures? we'll have to see on that front. if you've got somebody like governor brown who's saying, whoa, hold on a second, that's really kind of an indication of things to come i think. >> we'll have to get you guys back and have more time with you. thank you. >> wanted to achieve all of his human performance -- in this case sports performance objective but the most important one was the 800 home run club. >> 800 home run club. >> which was only going to have one member, alex rodriguez. >> if there can be such a thing as a smoking gun in the ongoing
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saga between a-rod and baseball, the interview on "60 minutes" last week comes close. even though he filed suit against the 162 game suspension, fans are still buzzing about what the founder of a clinic called biogenesis just said. tony bosh says rodriguez turned to him and turned to performance enhancing drugs to be the greatest home run hitter in history. bruce beck is the sports anchor at wnbc covering the yankees and rodriguez for a long time. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> he said among other things that a-rod paid him $12,000 a month for an assortment of banned drugs and he took testosterone and human growth hormone and even shot himself up this month. how credible is he? >> this is definitely blurring
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on the theater of the absurd. you can't make this stuff up. how credible is tony bosh, he's equally credible as alex rodriguez. you're getting you're information from a guy who at the beginning said he was a nutritionist and didn't know anything about this biogenesis scandal. and now he's a scientist. so ufl got to weigh it accordingly when you look at tony bosh and what he said on 60 minutes. >> he went from saying i had nothing to do with it everything to do with it. major league baseball players association, they have -- they've slammed the league for putting bosh out there and the ceo of baseball out there as well. this is part of their statement. quote, it is unfortunate that major league baseball apparently lacks faith in the integrity and finality of the arbitrator's decision and joint drug agreement such that it could not resist the temptation to publicly pile on against alex
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rodriguez. why did selig jump ahead so fast? >> he claims he interrupted and frustrated the investigation by the office of the commissioner, not only involved in usage but in a position here where he was blocking the investigation. so he took this thing as a personal vendetta and alex rodriguez is the guy that he went after here the most. on alex rodriguez' side, 12 other plays took the 50 game suspension and went away. he had the choice, his might have been 100 games but he elected to pursue legal action and there will go on and on. now a federal court is where joe tackopina and lawyers are headed. >> publicly he has adamant in terms of his deniadenials. he has not testified on his owe behalf or defense yet. why not? >> that was a problem here at this grievance hearing. when you looked at the arbitration, he wanted bud selig
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to testify and when selig did not come forward, that's when alex jumped out and said this is a joke. this is unfair. this is a witch hunt. >> storms out, heads to a radio station. >> never seen anything handled like this. he tried to make the point he's being treated unfairly. it's going to go on because he's suspended for 162 games. but it's 183 day season. meaning he with the loophole here can go to spring training with the yankees. do you know what acircus that is going to be if he's out there and banished to the minor league facility, how will yankees handle this? they have to deal well it before it happens. >> we didn't to talk about the $25 million he'll lose as a result of all of that. >> it's good for the yankees from a financial point of view if rodriguez is not around. >> wnbc sports anchor, bruce beck. thank you, sir. an update on that tap water
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ban impacting hundreds and thousands in west virginia. is there an end in sight? first a reminder of breaking news from washington, d.c., another democrat in congress calling it quits, house minority leader nancy pelosi issued a statement on george miller's plans to retire. he is a california democrat and 68 years old and chaired three committees over the past 40 years and he is retiring. 4/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. oh. let's go. from the crack, off the backboard.
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and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] because an empty pan is a blank canvas. [ woman #2 ] to share a moment. [ woman #3 ] to travel the world without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. whatever the dish. make it delicious with swanson. the president's power for recess appears to be more or less dead now. let's go live to pete williams live at the supreme court where arguments are were heard this morning. what did the justices say? what does all of this mean? >> reporter: it's all but dead when the president of the white house and are in different parties, this goes back to the fight of nomination of the appointment using the recess
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appointment power to three of the labor relations board and republicans didn't like that. look, we were actually in session. there was no recess. we had somebody walk into the senate chamber every day and come to order then immediately recess. the administration says what, you're not in session, you couldn't possibly have done business. the senators were scattered to the four winds. but what the majority of the supreme court seem to find today is that it's the senate's job to define when it's in session or not in session. that's peculiarly a senate decision to make. if that's the case, if the senate can say by whatever rattling the chicken bones it wants to do that it's in session, that means a president will never be able to use that recess appointment power during the time when most presidents have used it, which is not to say in the break between sessions but in the middle, in the summer vacations, christmas vacations and so on. >> justice correspondent pete williams breaking it down. thank you. new water samples in west
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virginia show toxins are fading now after that chemical spill contaminated the water supply in nine counties in the state while officials say they can begin too lift restrictions in some areas, the warning remains for hundreds and thousands of residents, do not drink, bathe are or cook with the tap water. i want to bring in natalie, west virginia's secretary of state, also running for u.s. senate in west virginia. bring us up to speed on the time line, any idea at this point when conditions may return to normal in west virginia? >> we do have some information, craig. we're still in day five here and people have still not been able to use water, but we have good news and bad news. that's the bads news, we can't use the water yet, but yes there is process, process is being made. general hoyer from the national guard informed me but they'll begin to make the lifting the ban zone by zone.
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that is so the water company doesn't take a hit. so i still caution residents in these nine counties in west virginia who have been without water for five days, don't automatically turn on the faucets and think you're going to use it. there's a process. first off you have to be notified. then you'll have to flush through and then you'll be able to use it. we do have good news now. my concern has always been also -- first the needs of west virginians but then small businesses. you have to think about this, for four and a half five days they've been without income because they haven't been able to be open for business and their employees are suffering too. >> i've yet to hear a sufficient explanation as to precisely how it was that this happened. >> craig, you and me alike, we are not getting that sufficient information that we would like. that is what's been so frustrating. no only have we gone five days where you can turn on water and
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can't use it but at the same time tell us why, explanation, little accountability in trans parentscy can go a long way and that's been part of the frustration, there are so many serious questions that haven't been answered. my focus has been on let's take care of west virginians first, their needs and health and safety and take care of the small businesses. remember for west virginia, 96% of our economy is run on small businesses. so you have the mom and pop stores and their employees who haven't been able to mike ake a income, their tips make a difference. at the end of the week how are they going to pay their bills and pay rent? >> on the west virginia american water website red indicates that water is unsafe to drink and blue indicates that water is safe to drink. there's not a great deal of blue as you can see on this map. as this becomes more blue, what should folks who live there, what should they be doing to make sure there is no leftover
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contaminated water in their house? >> well, that's what they need to continue. those who can get on that website, the water company should do so. water company is going to be making phone calls to the customers of phone numbers that they have. and they really just need to still be patient. i know that we've been very patient and west virginians are good people, generous people and patient people and help each other out. we'll have to do that longer because it's going to take a process. zone one includes the hospitals and nursing homes. we have to let zone one do the flushing and then make sure that the system is up and running and then it will continue to be gone through the various zones. so we have to continue to be patient. >> natalie tennant, while you were speaking, we're expecting an announcement in west virginia from the governor regarding when that ban is going to be partially lifted. when we come back here, the
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hollywood award season has officially kicked off. chris witherspoon is going to take us through the highlights and low lights from last night. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive.
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the golden globe goes to -- "breaking bad" amc. >> and the golden globe goes to -- "american hustle". >> golden globe award goes to -- "12 years a slave". >> and the golden globe goes to amy adams. >> lee nard do dicaprio. >> and the golden globe goes to amy poehler, "parks and recreation." >> oh, amy and bono. a few highlights from the golden
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globe awards on a night that held some surprises. let's get right to chris witherspoon for we can't talk about it without talking about "12 years a slave." it only one for best picture, drama prize. did you expect it would win more? >> for me, i think that was the biggest upset of the night. back when it first debuted in the toronto film festival, it was held the oscar winner and people thought she would win supporting actress, but the film won best picture so that's kind of a win for the film overall. people are still shocked it didn't take everything. >> let's take a look asome of the big wins in comedy, "american hustle", which i saw this weekend. leo dicaprio and amy adams.
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>> who beat out meryl streep sfl. >> yes and jennifer lawrence for "american hustle." is he seemed genuinely stunned. >> jennifer lawrence is loved by the hollywood foreign press association. it was a great film, she got to collaborate with her old team from "silver linings playbook", also directed "a fighter" which amy adams and christian bale were in. jennifer lawrence as always gave a good peach. >> i'll tell you what did not, jacqueline. >> they sit for two hours and they are at a table and -- >> and the supporting actress category no one thought she was going to win, including her. >> this is her last night. >> i think it was 47 years ago the hollywood foreign press gave me a promising nomination -- a
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promising newcomer. you've nominated me about five times i think. anyway -- okay. scottish background to the front. okay. >> i live for that long pause. that long pause was everything. she was trending on twitter. folks didn't know who she is and not everyone in america knows she's the most sought after interview in my opinion. also emma thompson had a moment she came up there heels in hand and cocktail in the other hand and delivered a best screenplay. that was hilarious. >> it was a heck of a show. heck of a show. >> so much happening. >> chris witherspoon, always a pleasure. >> i'm craig melvin. up next "andrea mitchell reports."
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our january thaw continues across the country. look how warm the map is, temperatures in 50s in southern new england and central plains. the only cool spot will be in the northern plains near minneapolis and chicago and rain along the gulf. everybody else, enjoy a nice mild monday. your eyes really are unique. in fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help protect your eye health. as you age, your eyes can lose vital nutrients.
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on, as long as another shoe doesn't drop. >> he says he didn't know. i think it's pretty darn credible. >> thousands and thousands of documents have been revealed and not one single link to chris christie has been found. >> right now, water under the bridge. some republicans are standing by governor chris christie but things could get much worse for the new jersey governor before he delivers his state of the state address tomorrow. christie's office is not being audited for its use of sandy relief funds in the state's stronger than the storm ad campaign, featuring the christie family. also, the new jersey assembly has announced a special investigatory committee with full subpoena powers to get to the bottom of why the george washington bridge closed. >> one of the biggest questions is why did she order these lanes closed? nobody believes for a moment that she had the kind of power to do that or that anyone believed that she had the kind of authority to do that.
10:00 am
>> start the clock, the limited nuclear agreement with iran takes effect one week from today. will it buy enough time for negotiators to reach a more comprehensive deal? >> negotiates will be very difficult. but they are the best chance that we have to be able to resolve this critical national security issue peacefully and variably. >> finally -- and good as gold. i was listening for them to laugh. it was hollywood's biggest night, did tina and amy steal the show? >> matt dameon is here from behind the candle abra. on any other nature in any other room you would be a big deal. but tonight, don't take this


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