tv The Ed Show MSNBC January 17, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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the film reminds people of that and what this struggle was all about. we're going through a dark time in egypt right now. in this country, it took 16 years between the revolution and constitution. in france, it took 100 years. it'll be a long process. >> the movie is "the square." it is available starting today on netflix. thank you. thank you very much. that is all for now. "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" live from new york. let's get to work. >> progressives, we need to pay attention to this because this is the next big battle on the horizon. you need to be on alert
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laborers. this cuts to the guts and the heart and soul of our economy, something that no one has explained, arguably will gut american jobs. do i have your attention yet? >> we are pursuing transatlantic and transpacific trade deals. >> it is the biggest and baddest of the trade deals yet. >> it will be nafta on steroids. >> these deals are not working for america. >> the standard of living in america will go down if this big trade deal goes through. it is not about union labor. this is about american labor. american jobs across the board. >> it is about the secrecy. why can't they show this bill to the public, to congress? >> it is finally starting to get the attention in congress that it absolutely deserves. we can get president obama thinking correctly on this.
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good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. we did a poll on this program last night and asked folks, do you think you're next door neighborhood knows about the tpp and fast track? over 90% of the respondents said no, which doesn't surprise me. we just illustrated we've been talking about this for months on end. boehner just the other day said this election in 2014, the midterm, is going to be about jobs and health care. hey, i'm all about it. i'm ready for round two of health care and i'm all about seeing this country create jobs and everybody get a better chance. if that's what it's about, don't you think we can get some job creation numbers from mr. boehner? have you seen your local news
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where it says such and such factory has come to our town to bring in 200 new workers to our community? how come we can't get those kinds of numbers when they talk about the tpp? how come we can only get those numbers on the local level? give me a hard number. they can't. we start this program tonight with what i think is the most important story in america. not to say that the guy across the river doesn't deserve some attention, but in my world when it comes to jobs, when it comes to the middle class, when it comes to the working folk of america, may i ask america do we know what the hell we're doing? the battle in congress over the transpacific partnership is starting to reach a fever pitch. more and more attention is being paid to it in the halls of congress. a bipartisan group of lawmakers,
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they want to fast track this free trade agreement that is going to cost american jobs. no one can give me a number to counter that. on thursday, speaker boehner said if president obama is serious about fast tracking this deal, he should talk about it. >> if he means what he says about transpacific authority, he should pull out all the stops. hit the roads and he takes his case to the american people. >> yes, he does. you're correct on that. but president obama is not going to go on the road and talk about fast track or the tpp because he doesn't have any numbers to sell. all the numbers are negative on this. every trade deal we've done has had negative numbers when it comes to jobs. the president earlier this week went down to north carolina and
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talked about advanced manufacturing. that's only a sliver of us creating a better economy. a utah senator complaining the president is behind on this issue. >> we're not going to be successful. it is just that simple. this is not an issue where the president can lead from behind. >> well, you know, don't sell the president short on this. he's been up front all along. he's doing this deal his own way. that troubles a lot of people in the congress. someone should inform boehner and the senator that president obama has been very vocal in supporting the issue without the numbers. >> we know we can do even more when it comes to exports. it will allow us to create a
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high standard enforcibliblenfor meaningful trade agreement with two-thirds of the world's markets which is going to be powerful for american companies who have often been locked out. >> respectfully, i completely disagree. mr. obama has done a lot of great things for this country and i think he's been a great president, but he would be taking a detour if he signs on to this. fast track transportation authority is not the way to go on this. if boehner and the republicans want something, chances are it is probably great for the corporations and bad for workers. boehner has a lot of nerve to run around saying he supports a trade agreement. >> americans are still asking the question, where are the
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jobs? where are the jobs? where are the jobs? the american people are asking where are the jobs. i spent some time around ohio last week and people kept asking the same question, where are the jobs? >> yeah, over in ohio they were asking that question. the jobs have been outsourced because of trade agreements like nafta. now the speaker wants to outsource more jobs by supporting the tpp. let's look at what nafta has done to ohio. it's been a job killer. talk about that, mr. boehner. tell us how many jobs ohio has gotten because of nafta. over 34,000 jobs have been lost in the buckeye state because of
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a trade agreement he supported back in 1994 and he's still selling squat to his constituents. the corporate cheerleaders are on this. they argue that jobs will be outsourced. well, that's an old argument. outsourcing will still go whether you have this trade agreement or not. the article even claims nafta allegedly killed jobs. i said let's look at the history. let's take a look at a different country. in 2012, the united states had a $15.6 billion trade deficit with vietnam. history tells us it is only going to get worse. no free trade agreement has ever created jobs in this country or
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reduced our deficit. hooray for them. at thursday's senate hearing, fast track was on the table, of course. larry cohen brought this important fact to light. >> we must document that any new trade deal will not add to the $1 trillion annual trade deficit. when do we start to measure these trade agreements and deficits? every economists knows there's a direct relationship between trade agreements and trade deficits. >> no other nation has trade deficits like this. if republicans are so concerned with cutting the deficit, they should be against the tpp. it is not just nafta. cohen also brought up our most
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recent trade deal with korea. >> even the corkorea trade agreement, we've lost more jobs since its passage. >> i would like someone who is in favor of this trade deal to step out and hold a press conference, go on some of these big tv shows on the weekend and tell us just what these numbers are for american workers. they can't do it. thankfully there are a number of lawmakers who side with cohen and this show. >> it's about wages. people cannot survive with the wages they have lost over the years. >> but also the rights of the job. collective bargaining.
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it's a big thing. it's not just one little piece. it's a collection of things that american people have lost. >> we're going to bring you this entire interview later on in this show. the battle lines have been drawn on the tpp. this is all about numbers. this is all about manufacturing. this is all about what we do as a country and history speaks for itself. there is no positive ledger to tout when you talk about a free trade agreement for the american economy. republicans and democrats are split on this issue. if you care about jobs and the middle class and the future of this country, you will oppose this deal in its structure and fast track is not the way to get there with no debate on the floor. we've had this big discussion on long-term unemployment. if this thing goes through --
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we've had a hole in the boat. it was called nafta. we have the village pump on. this will sink the boat and the middle class. that's what this will do. the other thing i want to talk about -- move it up a little bit please -- is that corporations are not hurting. we're looking at long-term unemployment and we're looking at job creation numbers that aren't good, that aren't going to be good because they won't be having a chance. we'll be competing our workers against people overseas. overseas, who make a fraction of what american workers make. no one can come up and make the case that's going to be better for america. there has to be a level of protectionism here. i want to know what you think. tonight's question -- does it concern you speaker boehner and president obama are on the same page with the tpp?
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think about that. we're supposed to be loving that, right? text a for yes. text b for no. for more, let me bring in the congressman of michigan. good to have you with us tonight. >> thank you, ed. >> nafta cost your state of michigan over 43,000 jobs. why would the tpp be any different? >> it won't be. i was disappointed in the washington post editorial that nafta allegedly cost us jobs. come to my hometown of flint, michigan. it didn't work out. we've heard these promises that these free trade agreements will open up other markets for our products. in exchange, we open our markets. the result is we end up
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competing with countries that have labor standards that are nowhere near ours. we're being asked to trust us. even if the agreement has the high standards platform where labor and environmental obligations are higher, unless we have an enforcement mechanism that allows us to punish those who violate, we'll be in the same place we are now. >> i think the american people understand numbers and charts. kent conrad was the chairman of the senate budget committee. he was famous for bringing charts to the floor and showing everybody was these numbers were actually going to do. how come the proponents of tpp haven't brought any charts to the floor to show the american people the real numbers about
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what it's going to do? how can we point to your state of michigan and say this is what the automobile loan did for the automobile industry, yet we can't get that with any of the trade agreements. where are the numbers? >> it's frustrating. not only do we have numbers, we don't have a lot of detail about what is in the proposed agreement. we can look at pieces of it. we're being asked to not see the actual agreement. i support the president. don't get me wrong. on this question, we part company. but granting the administration the ability to negotiate an agreement and to have to come back and say yes or no to something, which i think the congress will pass, we just -- in my hometown, it is far too much for us to risk. we've been through this before and we've seen our manufacturing base eroded to the point where
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we need to rebuild it. this would be just too much for us to take. >> we're going to really be dealing with long-term unemployment if this goes through. the other countries if we do this, there's going to be 11 other countries that are going to go after american manufacturing. we're going to have a harder time getting people back into the committee. we're going to lose our competitive edge. >> right. we have to ask ourselves why would vietnam be interested in a free trade agreement with the united states? is it because they want to be able to buy more american products? no. they want to be able to sell the products that they're manufacturing there without constraint into our now open markets. why would japan be interested in a free trade agreement with the united states? they want to be able to sell
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more of their japanese made autos. only 4% of autos purchased in japan by japanese customers come from outside japan. do you think they're going to let that change? i don't think so. >> good to have you with us tonight. thank you so much. remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen. share your thoughts on facebook and twitter. we want to know what you think about this story. coming up, president obama lays out nsa reforms. we'll look at what these new rules mean for privacy and security. >> it's been a classified document. we don't have any input into it and now they've come back and they've said they want us to rubber stamp it and go forward. that's not going to happen.
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welcome back "the ed show." president obama is looking to change the way we collect information. the bulk collection of telephone numbers under section 215 of the patriot act has generated a lot of controversy since it was exposed by snowden's leaks. effective immediately, analysts will have to get approval through the fisa court before accessing records, unless it is a true emergency. the united states will only pursue phone calls that are two steps removed from a number associateed with a terrorist, reducing the number of phone hops. president obama wants to find an alternative when it comes to the government storing information.
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the president asked eric holder and members of the intelligence community to develop new options for an approach on march 28th. the collection program comes under reauthorization by the congress. these reforms will require action from congress. >> the proposals i'm disclosing today should give the american people that their rights are being protected. i recognize that there are additional issues that require for further debate. on all of these issues, i'm open to working with congress to mange sure we build a broad consensus on how we move forward. >> for more on this issue, let's bring in charlie wrangle. >> let's get to work, ed.
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>> this whole hurdle i believe is our laws keeping up with technology. and i think the president really explained that today. but how do we do it? >> educate the people of how important it is for us to really be able to get intelligence. you know, i saw 9/11. i've been in combat. so i'd like to yield to those people who can provide the information that causes americans to live. but between you and me, ed, when i saw this snowden information, i was so embarrassed as an american that people would think our country was the type -- when we went overseas they would tell us the soviet had bugs and everything, don't even talk to each other. what does it turn out to be?
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our country is doing the same thing that other countries are doing. >> i keep hearing the word oversight. >> it's not oversight. it's a difficult decision that has to be made. we need to have those hearings. they could be closed hearings. but every member of congress that listens to this is going to have to make a judgment and that is for the safety and security of our nation and also so we don't lose the freedom that being american means. >> there's a 24/7 judge in the fisa court. intelligent work is done. they have to come back after they do the work and make sure it is recorded with the fisa court. what's the breakdown here? how do we do this? >> i don't know. the fisa court is putting the ability to make a decision?
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a court of people that have human failings. in some areas, especially in emergency areas, you have to be -- have the most confident group of people there that we can trust and there's going to be shortfalls in that, ed. there has to be, but it's scary to be able to see if you live in a community full of crime, you want all the locks and security in the world, but you don't want to jail yourself in as if you're an inmate. >> the president, i thought, made the case that our laws are archaic to deal with technology we have to do. he's known these things have
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taken place. >> listen, we have staff. we have experts. these issues have to be brought to the congress. but the president just can't make decisions and we don't understand the impact it's going to have on the american people. >> you think we can keep this country safe with the laws we have and the process we have? >> i have no idea. when i see the mistakes that have already been made, when people like snowden can have access to the type of information he did, when we see the roll out of the heads of states that we have been eavesdropping on, it is embarrassing that something will unwit the system. i'm glad it happened. more americans are going to be concerned about this. before, if it's not in my backyard, it's somebody's else problem. now it is an international problem. coming up, i have an exclusive interview with a panel of house democrats who are
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his question is pats or broncos? niners or seahawks? seahawks and broncos. stick around. stocks ending mixed on worries about the outlook for corporate profits. the dow gains 41 and the s&p 500 falls seven and the nasdaq 21. shares fell more than 2%. as for the economy, consumer sentiment slipped earlier this month amid income worries. advertised job openings hit 4
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welcome back to "the ed show." fast track of the transpacific partnership means there will be no debate and no opportunity for amendments by congressional members. this is a real bad deal for america. congress doesn't even know what's really in this massive international trade deal because all of the negotiations have been done in private, in secret. on wednesday, 12 senators wrote a letter to harry reid opposing fast track authority. earlier this week, i had a sit-down with panelists about fast track. >> this is about trade. we're for fair trade.
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but what is fast track? it is about saying to the administration you can negotiate a treaty which has all to do with what happens with american jobs and what do you want for the congress? you want the congress to ratify what you have done without the opportunity to be engaged at any point along the continum. our constitutional authority says we are engaged and are supposed to be engaged in treaties and trade agreements. >> and you're not. >> we are not and we haven't been. back in 1998, it's important to note that 171 democrats plus 71
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republicans said no to fast track and we are now galvanized once again as if that fast track trade promotion authority is not engaged. if we are not included, then we will oppose fast track. >> ed, this is a classified document. if a member of congress wants to see it, they can look at it. they can't have staff. they can't take notes and then they can't talk about it. this has been classified. it's been shared in realtime with 600 corporations as it's being written, but not with the elected representatives of the american people. we have 60 days to vote on it, up or down, no amendments. this is the way they did ngath
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and wpo. >> the absence of debates, isn't that one of the most frustrating things, the lack of input? what did you get elected for. >> the lack of transparency is really frustrating for a lot of members of congress. when you talk about fast track, the american people, they do get it. we've just got to make sure the elected officials get it as well. the middle class is being offshored. >> what's absent in this fast track is the explanation of the upside? >> this will be fabulously profitable for the pharmaceutical company. wall street will get incredible support here. they may be able to prevent us from having a transaction tag, something keith and i have been
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pushed for for years. we don't exactly now because it's secret, but we have a good idea that those provisions are in there and being negotiated now. >> this is not an agreement we have seen in the past regarding tariffs. it is far-reaching. we're looking at the weakening of financial regulations. we are looking at the weakening of a food safety supply, critical issue as it has to do with vietnam and mylasia. this has a far-reaching effect. it's a classified document. we don't have any input into it and they want us to rubber stamp it and move it forward. that's not going to happen.
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>> this would concentrate the wealth even further. >> they reward the investment community at the expense of those who work for a living. if you go back to the mid 1970s that everybody president keeps rubber stamping, what's happened is we've accumulated in that period of time over $9 trillion of trade deficit. that means more imports coming in here, which every american can verify than exports going out. we've lost millions and millions of jobs. in the manufacturing sector, a third of our jobs gone between 1975 and 2010. now the sector that was supposed to save us, the high-tech sector, they're in the red. there's no salvation here. the american people know it. people say to me, marcy, our country doesn't belong to us
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anymore. it goes beyond just their job or their community. they're deeply worried about this country and where this economy is headed and we need a new trade model. we need a trade model that represents our values. a belief in equality, labor standards, environmental standards. >> this is beyond the scope of the president's ability to stop is what i'm hearing. >> i don't believe that. i believe if we mobilize the american people all over the country, educate the people on the damage these agreements have been doing, we can mount a pushback to overcome these kinds of things.
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>> we're up to 190 democrats and republicans in the house who have said no to this fast track approach as it currently exists. >> if you stop fast track, what's the biggest issue with the tpp? is it some level of protectioni protectionism? >> i think there's a lot of issues from labor, to food safety, environmental issues. there's over 20 chapters of things you can look at that are bad for the u.s. economy. what i think is just the fact that fast track is even before us shows the problem. the fact they want to speed this through before people know what's inside of it, it is counterintuitive. you know there's something bad in there. if we actually support fast track, we'll never really know until it is an up or down vote. we need to have conversations
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just like this in our districts so people know what impact it has. i share a county with paul ryan. paul ryan knows gm has left that county. we have lost thousands of jobs in that community. yet you've got people like paul ryan who doesn't know who is representing anymore, it is not the people. it is the corporate ceos. we need to have this conversation in every district. >> this is only the tip of the iceberg in dealing with income inequality, lack of investment, and concentration of wealth. all of this sets the table for those things. >> and that's the frame from which we should judge all pieces of legislation. under that criteria, fast track and tpp fail.
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coming up, more from my exclusive interview. >> you want to do something about this economy growing? you have to stop sending our jobs overseas. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat too, and has five grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i -- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? oops. [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... 50% of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] ensure high protein. ensure. nutrition in charge! we're gonna be late. ♪ ♪ ♪
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the biggest difference would definitely be the acceleration of the car... if you can get someone to test-drive a c-max... they would end up buying this more times than not. this is a fight about jobs in the america. >> the middle class is being offshored. >> what is going to be there for the american people. >> house democrats are speaking out about what the tpp means for the future. [ male announcer ] pain. once you feel it coming, it's almost too late. or is it? introducing new, fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, nothing works faster to stop pain in its tracks.
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welcome back to "the ed show." the numbers are staggering. we have lost 60,000 factories, not jobs, factories in this country since nafta. international trade policies have hurt our domestic manufacturing sector instead of helping it for far too long. the transpacific partnership is one of the two significant trade agreements the united states is currently negotiating. it will likely mirror the devastation nafta and the effect on american manufacturing and innovation. our exclusive panel of house democrats discuss this threat. >> literally, millions of jobs have been lost, have been sent offshore that the autonomy of the united states to set its own policies is actually at stake
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here. because any corporation under this new agreement would be able to say if my future profits are impacted, i can challenge any law in any one of those countries and bring it before an international body, not the u.s. court system. i think the american people would say absolutely not. we want to be able to protect ourselves from outsourcing of jobs, even service jobs that are going overseas. >> so the sovereignty issue is really something -- >> it's a big deal. but, you know, we're also going to be competing with a country like vietnam where the minimum wage, 28 cents an hour. and we know what happens then. >> go ahead? >> i would say and the labor standards there are absolutely abysmal. they have forced child labor there. so you want an american worker to compete against somebody who is literally enslaved.
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you know, the thing about these trade agreements is we're in a national dialogue about inequality. we're talking about it. it's on the front page. people are ra talking about it. you can't talk about trying to do something about income inequality and come and promote one of this transpacific partnership deal. these two things are completely opposite, and one negates the other. >> just for a point, because i think that's the crux of that here. and all my colleagues need to speak to this is what is at the center of income inequality. it's wage stagnation. wages have not -- americans have not seen their wages increase. the upper 1% has. and about two out of three people the bureau of labor statistics says the industrial workers who get rehired are rehired at a 20 reduction in their wages. you want to do something about this economy growing and wage inequality? then you have to stop sending our jobs overseas. >> and that is a fight about
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jobs in american and a pro american trade policy that will create jobs here there are tremendous forces on any president by very large investors and multinational corporations to move jobs to very low wage environments where there are no environmental standards. >> they call them emerging markets. >> yes, emerging markets. they come in with these neat little cliches and an emerging market is where you can find somebody that will work for nothing. >> that's right. and we've heard regarding vietnam, i've seen children spraying lacquer and sanding bowls. and i don't think they make 28 cents an hour. it was appalling to me. and so we as a group are fighting for labor standards and environmental standards in these agreements so that, in fact, our country which wants a middle class and wants a higher standard of living can create those jobs here and not have
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them offshored sort of behind closed curtains. it's rather unfortunate to say that we were a country founded in slavery, but from our very founding, the issue of the fight for decent treatment of workers has been a part of our heritage. and this is a way of undermining the laws that we set up over the years to respect the dignity of work and respect the dignity of the worker. >> you know that even by america would be in danger. >> banned. >> that that would be challenged. >> so there is no clause in this agreement to your knowledge that has anything that would affect american products? to the positive? >> that would protect our ability, yes. to prioritize by america. >> we don't know what is in the agreement. >> back in august, i looked at the procurement section while they're negotiating. no notes, no staff. it's very clear that the language is going to be very
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similar to what we've had in the past. i had a law when i with us in the wisconsin legislature to have us buy american. a company, not a country, a company could challenge that and we could lose that provision. the same thing with buy local. in wisconsin, when i first got interested in this, i opened a union specialty printing business in 1998. we had parker penn in janesville, wisconsin, had about a thousand jobs at the time. when they closed down and sent the manufacturing to mexico, back in 2009 when they announced it, there were 150 jobs. so in that community that paul ryan and i share, that county, we lost a thousand jobs in just over 20 years. whether it's buy american provisions that are going to take away jobs, the manufacturing laws, you can't compete. and we've seen it just with products like that. it's hard to find an american-made pen anymore in america. >> the middle class is being offshored. and we've got to prevent that from happening. we heard about vietnam. big concern we have three facilities in maine, new balance facilities.
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and the fact that vietnam imports and china is number one, vietnam is number two as far as importing sneakers from those two countries that manipulate the currency, that have child labor, no environmental laws, could jeopardize the three facilities we have in maine. i know there are others outside the country. what is really frustrating is this administration, the president made very clear in his state of the union address, he wants buy american. we currently have a law on the books, the berry amendment which requires the military be clothed from head to toe with american-made clothing. new balance and wolverine, these two companies, 100% of the materials that they're made in those sneakers made in america. however, we have not been able to get the administration to move forward with the berry amendment, and now we're dealing with tpp. >> i want to say it is not just about american workers. of course that's a first priority. but this trade pact would also harm workers across the globe.
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it would make the cost of drugs, doctors without borders say it's the worst pact ever when it comes to making drugs affordable around the world to developing countries. so we have concerns about workers everywhere, about the economies everywhere. and we are for fair trade agreements. but we haven't seen one. we've only seen agreements that actually have hurt workers in the united states and workers where we've had trade pacts before. >> so there is this incredible propaganda machine, you know, that runs down at the trade representatives office and out of the department of commerce. a and as someone said earlier, it doesn't matter who is president, they have their own agenda, and we have never had a president stand up to them, push back, and say no, it's about jobs in america. let's stop the bs here. and let's talk about the real balance. >> and an update on the guesting on this program. again today we asked senator
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from kentucky rand paul to be a part of this and talk about the tpp and american jobs. he refused tonight to be on the program. we asked him about next week and got no response. the same with michele bachmann from minnesota who claims to be a big advocate for american jobs. i ask any republican in the congress bring your numbers to this program and let's talk about the tpp. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the investigation widens. we're tracking major developments in the chris christie bridge scandal. all day we've been learning details of the subpoenas sent to top christie aides in what has been a dramatic expansion of this case. investigators from the new jersey assembly and senate are trying to learn why lanes to the george washington bridge
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