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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  January 22, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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>> i appreciate your time tonight. i think eric decker is showing real leadership by acknowledging the unique position he is in in sending that message and telling that story. i appreciate your time. thank you so much. >> that is the ed show. "politics nation" starts right now. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, taking a toll. there are new indications today of the stark political reality now confronting new jersey governor christie as his administration faces multiple investigations. legal challenge and now clearly a political one. before the controversy his favorability rating in new jersey was a whopping 65%. now after repeated questions about his administration his
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favorability has dropped to 46%. that's a 19 point decline. and his unfavorability rating is going the other way, up 16 points. and it appears to be a pattern. a sh17 point in unfavorability. clearly the controversy is taking a political toll at least for now. what about the legal front? today the newark star ledger published this photo from september showing the governor posing with the top executive of the rockefeller group,t that is the developer hoping to build in hoboken, new jersey. hoboken's mayor claims christie officials threatened to hold
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sandy aid unless the developer's project moved forward. it is the conduct of the christie administration officials being questioned. a video surfaced from the same night of the photo apparently speaking about that executive leslie smith referring to him as les. now this doesn't prove anything except that they knew each other but it is the new reality for christie. everything is under a microscope. joining me now are karen finny and jonathan capert. thank you for being here. karen, put this into context politicly speaking. how worrisome are the new numbers? >> they are very worrisomworris
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part of the problem christie has -- one of the numbers i saw was people don't believe he didn't know anything about what was going on with the bridge scandal. so point being that while we are learning new facts that actually creates more uncertainty. but then the inferences that people draw on their own and without hearing from him that also is going to create a problem whereby people say that doesn't pass the smell test to me. i think that is part of what you are starting to see in the numbers. >> jonathan, karen says people are just not believing it. today the rutgers poll came out. they asked new jersey voters if they think christie's aides shut down the lanes without his knowledge. 56% said it was somewhat or very unlikely that christie didn't
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know. 42% said it was somewhat or very likely that christie did know. now, here is the point that i think is interesting here, without a real smoking gun, without anybody really pointing the finger at christie that is involved in his administration, 56% said it was somewhat or very unlikely that he didn't know. >> i mean, that speaks to not so much what happened but how the governor has run his administration and his sort of public persona. he has been a hands on governor. he has been an in your face governor. he has been marketing himself as a can do governor. the idea that we are supposed to put that aside and say that there is no possible way he could have known that this happened i think that's why you see the number so high. we haven't seen anything that directly links governor christie to the lane closures back in
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september. and until there is some direct link, some smoking gun in the way that now with the indictment in virginia, the mcdonnell's, a direct ee-mail from maureen mcdonnell to johnny williams talking about a shopping spree, until we see something like that with regard to bridge gate governor christie people will continue to give him a bit of a benefit of a doubt. >> let me bring you to another question i have. governor christie said he never asked, for example, bridget kelly, to explain why she sent the ee-mail saying time for traffic problems in fort lee. listen to this. >> i have not had conversation with bridget kelly since the e-mail came out. she was not given the
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opportunity to explain why she lied because it was so obvious she had. i am not interested in the explanation. >> a month earlier when christie announced the resignation of bill baroni claimed it was going on for months. >> i think at that they were at a very different point in the way the story was unfolding. at that point i think around the time baroni testified about the existence of the traffic study and people thought he did a good job witht that story. and the story had kind of subsided. part of the reason that the story came back up was the e-mails were released and, two, the subpoena was about to run out. until those things happen that really created i think the drama
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that we are seeing whereas baroni was able to get out of there with a little more cover. >> when you look at this, there are signs on both sides. on the legal lane here is the headline from today's star ledger, experts say it is eenough evidence to pursue hoboken mayor's claims against christie's administration. and it quotes the president of association of criminal defense lawyers of new jersey. the quote says the word of a single person under oath if believed can be considered by a jury as proof beyond a reasonable doubt. there are people serving long prison terms based on the sworn testimony of a single person without any corroborating evidence. and another says the lane
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scandal won't hurt christie. he still expects the governor to run for president and that he will be a top contender as long as no evidence directly links him to the matter. he can get over it, mr. kean said. the polls aren't saying what kean said. you have extreme statements on both sides. where in lies the truth? >> thanks for the easy question. there is a big if. if the jury believes that the hoboken mayor and the thing she has going for her is her diary which he has handed over to federal authorities -- if she is able to testify in court and the jury believes her then the governor is in trouble. the governor is going to have to answer questions either in the
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court or to the public about the mayor's allegations. on the other hand when it comes to governor kean and their son and the conversations about governor christie and his presidential viability, that is wishful thinking on their part. they have been supporters of governor christie for a very long time. of course, they think unless and until a smoking gun comes out that connects the governor to bridge gate that he will be able to survive this. governor christie is a great general election candidate but he is viewed with enormous suspicion by the republican party base. you look on twitter and talk to enough conservatives and they are not exactly unpleased by what has happened to governor christie. >> karen, when you look, also, and you don't know whether something that is politically damaging is legally damaging but
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certainly some things raised legally can hurt you politically like the pictures of him with the people from the rockefeller group. this group is not being accused of anything, it is the christie administration people people. just the inference that he knows them and is buddies, doesn't it add to the political possible fallout that there was something going on here for a friend? >> absolutely. i mean, look, just remember within the confines of the legal process it may come to the point where he is asked for certain documents or asked to testify in a certain manner. he either invokes executive privilege. he has given us the caveat about what he is willing to participate in. from a legal construct there may be things that are perfectly within bounds of law but with
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public perception and politics you would say why wouldn't you answer that question? why can't you come out and say no way anybody in your staff would have said that to the mayor of hoboken? at some point that is the tension between what is legal and what is also the public perception. >> we are going to have to leave it here at this point anyway. a lot of questions that still remain to be answers. karen finny and jonathan capeheart thank you for your time. don't forget to watch "disrupt" with karen finny. president obama vowed to fix the broken voting system. the co-chair of the commission joins me live. and on the 41st anniversary
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of rowe versus wade the gop is ramping up protections on women's rights. an unarmed man shot dead in a movie theater. he's back. he's the one and only bill cosby and there are reports about a big news story coming about him tonight. you'll want to hear this. [ male announcer ] here's a question for you:
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on election night 2012 president obama promised to fix the long voting lines at polls across the country. some people waited seven hours to vote. today a major step forward. that's next. ♪ [ male announcer ] your eyes. even at a distance of 10 miles... the length of 146 football fields... they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins with lutein and vitamins a, c, and e to support healthy eyes and packed with key nutrients to support your heart and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. centrum silver. life could be hectic. as a working mom of two young boys angie's list saves me a lot of time. after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone,
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a very long time. by the way, we have to fix that. >> president obama on election night 2012 promising to fix the unacceptbly long lines that suppressed the vote all across the country. those lines were a national disgrace, particularly in swing states like florida where people waited four, five, even six hours or more just to vote. >> this is the longest early voting line in south florida where voters could wait up to three hours. >> these folks arriving between 9:00 and 10:00. >> people waiting four hours to vote. some people got here at 6:00 this morning. they had to wait. >> i waited four hours. >> tony williams finished voting
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at 9:30, 2 1/2 hours after the polls closed. >> one voter became a symbol of this injustice and the president told her story at last year's state of the union. >> when she arrived she was told the wait might be six hours her concern was not about her tired body but whether folks like her would get their say. hour after hour people stayed in line to support her because she is 102 years old. they erupted in cheers when she put on a sticker that read i voted. >> she got a standing ovation as president obama announced a bipartisan commission to fix america's voting crisis. today that commission delivered
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its report to the president and recommendations include expanding early voting, expanding online registration, supporting schools as voting places and increasing the number of bilingual poll workers. these are common sense solutions for our growing democracy and they are called for action -- a call to action to protect our fundamental right to vote. joining me now is bob bower former white house council and co-chair of the commission. >> thank you for having me. >> congratulations on this report. you spent months working on this. is the bottom line that we should make it easier to vote and not harder? >> the bottom line, reverend sharpton, is that there are
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problems that affect the voting experience and they are identifiable and they are solvable. we heard that throughout the country wherever we went in public hearings, fact finding. so we've drawn up some recommendations that we believe will have broad bipartisan support just as our report is a unanimous bipartisan report and will enable voters currently facing the obstacles to be relieved of them. it includes lines and a variety other of the obstacles that the president asked to examine. >> one state in particular i want to point to, florida, where i did a lot of touring with my civil rights group and in the 2012 election 201,000 florida residents didn't get to vote at all because of long lines. and i saw huge lines, long
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lines. how does this commission's report impact that and try to alleviate a lot of that? >> we look at the causes of lines. there are any number of them. there are a variety of factors. you can have difficulties with the management of the polling places, inaccurate voter lists, a whole host of issues all of which can produce the long lines. we have made recommendations at various points of attack and have concluded if the recommendations were implemented jurisdictions across the country could assure no american would wait longer than 30 minutes to vote and that bench mark that we approved unanimously is one we will be promoting throughout the country. in addition to the recommendations that we make in the report we also through our website have made available online tools that election administrators can use and work with and improve upon that help them allocate resources and plan
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the polling place so they have the resources necessary to move the voters through in an efficient fashion and meet the 30 minute minimum expectation. >> but there are many states around the country that are trying to lessen the early voting days and not expand it. this is calling for the expansion of early voting days which runs contrary to what states are trying to do. >> we say the traditional election day one day of the year no longer serves the needs or meets the expectation of voters. we are calling on jurisdictions to look at providing, and many do, multiple opportunities to vote before election day including early voting. that will accomplish any number of goals and will help with limiting long line problems. you just spread out the voting over a number of days. it will help americans vote the
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way they live. it will accommodate the needs of americans to have some flexibility in the days and times and ways that they vote. so for those reasons we call for the multiple opportunities to vote before what has long been the one traditional election day. >> well, bob bower it is an important report. we must, must take action. i will also cite in the report where it says fraud is rare but when it does occur absentee ballots are often the method of choice. let's take action for fraud a rare. it says. thank you for your time tonight. coming up how's this for rebranding. republicans are vowing to make the war on women the center piece of their 2014 agenda. plus glen beck says he regrets helping to tear the country apart. i have some advice for him how
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we are already off to the races in kentucky even if it is not time for the kentucky derby season yet. mitch mcconnell in the political fight of his life this year. today freedom works, the powerful conservative group endorsed beven. senator mcconnell is touting his work and what he has done to help people of kentucky. >> like many others i have cancer but mitch mcconnell stepped in and helped create cancer screening programs and provide compensation for sick workers. he knocked down walls for us.
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he helped save people's lives. >> that's great news. what senator mcconnell is not saying is that he has also vowed to deny millions of americans health care. >> the single best thing we can do for the american health care system is to get rid of obamacare. >> i would probably be running for the exit, too, if i supported this law. >> i would be looking to change the subject. >> this law is a disease. anybody who thinks we moved beyond it is dead wrong. obamacare should be repealed root and branch. >> but obamacare is already helping millions of americans. just look at the senator's home state. over 130,000 people have signed up. and today we got more great news. nationwide over 6 million people have become medicaid ineligible since obamacare took effect.
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and another 3 million young americans gained coverage through their parents' plan. that is 9 million people who might not have had health coverage before. did senator mcconnellal think we wouldn't notice what his new strategy is really all about? nice try but remember this one down the stretch. we got you. open to bold ideas. that's why new york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and grows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at (voseeker of the you can separate runway ridiculousness... from fashion that flies off the shelves.
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good things happen. this is the ram 1500. the 2014 motor trend truck of the year. ♪ and first ever back-to-back champion. guts. glory. ram. you can judge a nation and how successful it will be based on how it treats its women and its girls. >> powerful words from the president as he announced a new initiative to fight sexual assault. if you can judge a nation on how it treats women, what about judging a political party the same way? we saw today from the gop how it was completely unacceptable.
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on the 41st anniversary of rowe versus wade the head of the committee delayed the start of rnc's annual meeting. why? so republicans could protest the right to choose at the annual march for life pushing back the annual meeting so they could march against women's rights. that is what this gop stands for. what did we hear at the march? he is house majority leader. >> i announce next week the house will vote once and again to end taxpayer funding for abortions. >> no taxpayers pay for apporti abortions. it really means poor women enrolled in medicaid are denied abortion care. the gop rarely misses an
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opportunity to attack women's rights and rnc is doubling down on the anti-choice agenda. considering a resolution to reject a strategy of silence on the abortion issue when candidates are attacked with war on women rhetoric. candidates attacked with war on women rhetoric because they launched a war on women, attacking rights. how is this working out for them? yet today they are bowing to make abortion front and center. good luck witht that strategy. joining me now are jess mcintosh and abey huntsman. thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> jess, it is the anniversary of rowe versus wade. what is your reaction? >> i give up. someday i will stop being surprised at their inability to
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learn a lesson, but it turns out today is not that day. they really started putting this issue front and center during the 2012 elections and we saw what happened. women turned out in historic numbers to reject this agenda and elect democratic candidates. so republicans seem to pay a little bit of lip service to the idea that they needed to do some work. they talked about rebranding and said they would hold sensitivity training. and then i guess they just decided to hang it all and we are going to go back. >> what happened to the re-branding? reince priebus did the autopsy and did rebranding. >> that will not happen overnight. it is amazing to think that not too long ago both parties tolerated a pro choice republican or pro life democrat. this is the most divisive issue
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i think we face today. we see different polling. the majority of americans are pro life i know other -- they need to get it right with women. it is not so black and white. when it comes to being abortion. i am pro life myself. let's find a way to talk about it. let's talk about adoption and talk in a positive way. there are a number of women who come up to me who say i'm pro life but i don't want to judge someone else for what they do with their body. i think the republican party has to find the right way to talk about that or it will become more complicated down the road for them. >> it is a huge issue on the state level. last year 24 states enacted a total of 53 antichoice measures.
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how can this be fought back? >> i think the biggest thing that we can do is make suret that we are electing strong democratic women at state and local levels. it is the thing that emily's list does that i love the most is going to communities and recruit strong candidates and get them to run so we have strong champions for women and families pushing back against this extreme agenda in state capitols like we do in washington. i loved abby's point polls showing. one thing consistent is that americans do not want this issue to be the priority of our government even if you identify as pro-life you are more likely to think that the decision belongs to the woman and her doctor and not with a politician. planned parenthood put a pollt that showed 62% republicans
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didn't think this should be a priority. the way the republican party puts it wrong is putting it front and center. >> abortion is going to be a major issue in the 2014 election. national journal reports that antiabortion movement is planning to go on the offense this year as part of the effort to help the republican party take over the senate. red-state democrats like kay hagan in north carolina, mary landrieu in louisiana, mark prior in arkansas will be assailed as pro-abortion rights extremists if they don't support a proposed ban after 20 weeks. doesn't this show how far right the party is going? >> it definitely has moved especially on this issue.
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we know women vote more than men do. they are independent voters and they voes most times with compassion. i think where the republican party loses people is with the extreme rhetoric when there is the competition to see who can put forward the most extreme antiabortion bill. that is not where the focus should be or needs to be and i hope they talk about it in a more compassion way. >> the senate is up for grabs. kay hagan is up against a serious challenge in north carolina. >> yeah. she is up against seven challengers in north carolina. that field keeps growing. but we can point to the polling showing that republicans and southerners, they bother to include southerners in the poll, do not want the issue front and center. republicans will not win the votes of women by talking about this issue using this extreme rhetoric. they will win the votes of women by talking about their daily lives and the things they need.
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unfortunately, republicans don't have anything to say on the issue. that's why they keep coming back to the tried and true play book. democrats are offering a clear contrast by talking about the pocket book issues that women and families care about. >> they keep talking bet it. and they get extremists that go all the way out there this is where the war on women perception is being put on some candidates deservedly so. >> i agree that don't want to be defined iby this. you have these men that are going around talking about what needs to be done. that is not only a turn off to half of the country that are pro choice but a number of republican women that don't want them defining the message. that's where they will get it right is hearing what women want to hear when it comes to this issue. >> jess mcintosh and abby
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huntsman thank you for your time. be sure to catch "the cycle". an unarmed man shot dead in a florida movie theater. now talk of a popcorn defense and maybe the return in stand your ground defense. and a big report on bill cosby's comeback tonight. [ dennis ] it's always the same dilemma --
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a fatal shooting in florida over text messages and a box of popcorn. it's the latest battle in the fight over stand your ground. chad olson and his wife nicole were in a movie theater last week when he got into an argument with another man over a text he was sending to his daughter. what happened next is unthinkable. >> dozens of deputies as someone opened fire in one of the theaters. >> witnesses say 71-year-old reaves shot olson in the chest. reaves was angry over the texting. >> and then he was shot. he staggered two seats over, fell on my son and i. >> the sheriff says reaves had
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no reason to shoot. >> over a cell phone, over somebody texting. it is ridiculous. >> chad olson died of a single bullet to his chest, killed by a 71-year-old ex-police captain who said ehe felt threatened with olson threw a box of popcorn at him. his widow is left in shock. >> my whole world just gott shatterered into a million pieces and now i am left trying to pick them up and trying to put them all back together. it is so hard and so unbearable. >> the suspect has been charged with second degree murder but his lawyer says he will likely seek immunity under the state's stand your ground law. joining me now is criminal defense lawyer and former prosecutor.
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>> karen, you live down in florida. can this former police captain use stand your ground defense based on fear of a box of popcorn? >> the terrible answer is yes. his lawyers should attempt to use this horrible law. i say it is horrible in my opinion. it is a law that the defense attorney representing this man should go forward and say the stand your ground law says if you are in a place you have a right to be and you have a fear of great bodily law or a forcible felony. the argument is his client is a senior citizen and therefore would be elderly abuse. in this crazy mixed up state of florida with the stand your ground law that is an argument the defense attorney should
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make. >> but this is what i have been arguing. it is out of control. it is almost like anyone can use it. the christian science monitor says reeves may be able to legally claim that he was justified in shooting mr. oulson, given the advanced age and florida law allows deadly self-defense in order to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony, attacking a senior citizen. can shooters point to their age as a reason why a fatal shooting is justified. >> he is going to use his age as a factor that he was afraid to defend himself any other way. i don't think it is going to work here.
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fear that you have has to be reasonable. someone throwing popcorn isn't reasonable fear that your life is taken. i want to point out about this guy, he is a retired former police captain. he has training and experience on a professional level of how to assess threats and handle situations where he gets into a conflict and knows there is a spectrum of force that he can use. he knows the law on self defense. his training and experience will be used against him to show he did not have to shoot and kill that man. >> could the fact that he has training and the fact that he was not just a regular citizen but had been in law enforcement be used against him? >> yes. faith is absolutely correct. the prosecutors will use it against him and will point to florida law which says you can't just be elderly meaning over the age of 60. you have to be infirmed. there has to be some mental lack
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in ability or physical ability that makes you infirm and not able to defend yourself as a younger person would be. i don't think this gentleman who is a former police officer, head of a s.w.a.t. team will fit that definition. therefore i predict when the defense is used a judge will deny the motion and not grant immunity. this is why we are having the discussion because the stand your ground law is out there. >> another problem that he is going to have is another couple had a similar incident with the same man at the same movie theater less than a month ago. watch. >> he is like can you do me a favor? can you please just stop texting. i was like what is wrong with this guy. >> reeves reportedly yelled at another movie goer for texting and then turned attention.
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>> followed me to the bathroom out. >> how could this hurt his stand your ground claim. he has done this before, didn't shoot but clearly he will use stand your ground. he has a prior incident around texting in a movie theater. >> the witness said he followed her out of the movie theater to the restroom. that is very aggressive behavior. a prosecutor will argue he had built up -- he has a huge pet peeve here which is texting in movie theaters. it annoys a lot of people. most people don't follow people to chastise them. in this situation -- >> now you see why some of us are so concerned about it.
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>> we should absolutely be concerned. in florida it is going to get even worse because there is now a proposal to expand the stand your ground law and to allow people to fire warning shots and be covered with the immunity. it is really becoming out of hand, in my opinion. that is why the florida prosecuting attorney association are argued against the original passage of the law in the first place. it is not a good thing for florida. >> we will be certainly watching this. thank you for your time this evening. >> thank you. coming up we have some exciting news to share about bill cosby. and glen beck says he regrets helping tear the country apart. i have some advice for mr. beck. 7
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we have big news on the one and only bill cosby. according to the hollywood reporter cosby is returning to nbc with a brand new sitcom. nbc has not confirmed the news but the show will reportedly feature cosby as the patriarch as a family. >> we are talking about a car.
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i knew something was wrong when we went down there and the man saw that she brought her father so the man said i don't think i can find the keys to the car. i said i don't think i can find the money. the man found the keys. we get t into the car. to be honest this is a beautiful, beautiful looking car. i mean, if denise is sitting in this car her friends are going to say look out denise or chilly down or cool back. i put the key in the ignition and turn the thing and it we went -- it's not running yet. it's just thinking about it. and just the right side said and
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she is sitting there like this. like she is dancing, see. it's not started up yet. the car had not started up yet. so i press on the gas. you think i'm lying. the car said, what? i'm not lying. >> like i said, if bill cosby has a new show on nbc i'm definitely tuning in. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. i nethat's my geico digital into binsurance id card - gots all my pertinents on it and such.
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works for me. turn to the camera. ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here. over the pizza place on chestnut street the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia
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and the southbound bus barreling down i-95. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had the power to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ finally tonight, regrets from mr. glen beck. he compared the president's policies and said the president had a, quote, deep seeded hatred of white people. now he has some regrets.
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>> i remember it as an awful lot of fun. unfortunately, tear the country apart. it's not who we are. >> self-reflection is a good thing and everybody deserves a second chance. if mr. beck wants to stop being a divider then he has to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. a few years ago mr. beck took issue with something i said about mormons so i went on his show to talk about it and i flew to salt lake city to visit elders in the mormon church and learn more about the faith. mr. beck should do something, show that he is serious about trying to be different. we all should grow. we all should do better.
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but if we don't walk the walk, if we don't back up words with action people will look at the lack of action and say it's just a new act. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. call the witnesses. let's play "hardball." let me start tonight with this. like barnacles on a boat suspicious matters cling to the governor's office in trenton. who struck up the conspiracy which led a deputy chief of staff to alert it is time for the


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