tv The Ed Show MSNBC January 30, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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xweengood evening, american. well thom to "the ed show" live from new york. let's get to work. >> workers earning the minimum wage basically got the equivalent of a $200 pay cut because the minimum wage stayed the same. >> do you believe that there's going to be an increase in the minimum wage? >> no, i don't. >> i want to repeal the law of the land. is that clear? >> concentrating the wealth. >> nobody who works full-time should ever have to raise a family in poverty. >> demonize the rich who spend and buy things and stimulate the economy is crazy. >> that's their world, but that's not the real america. >> good to have you was tonight, folks. thanks for watching. i have always been a believer that there is a huge difference between a venture capitalist and a vulture capitalist. you know, the vulture chart, that thing we put up so much, undeniable numbers.
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i'm waiting for the rnc and any republican candidate or elected official to give me some numbers on the minimum wage and how it hurts the economy. i'll get to that in a moment. but first i want to talk tonight about this gentleman. we introduced you to this billionaire venture capitalist named tom perkins. perkins has so much money. i think he's remove from reality about what working folks are all about in this country. he wrote a letter to "the wall street journal" saying this. "writing from the epicenter of progressive thought, san francisco, i would call attention to the parallels of fascist nazi germany to its war on its one percent, namely, its jewss, to the progressive war on the 1%, namely the rich." [ whistle ] perkins has since rightfully apologized for his comments. but that hasn't stopped him from defending the top 1% of
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americans in this country. >> i was not talking about the nazis. i was talking about the persecution of a minority by the majority. to demonize the job creators is crazy, and to demonize the rich, who spend and buy things and stimulate the economy, is crazy. >> oh, that's very interesting. to demonize the job creators. now we're get eing the devil in the detail here. you see, because there's a difference between a venture capitalist and a vulture capitalist. save that. i'll be right back to it. "the wall street journal" has also condemned perkins' nazi comparison and they should have. however, they also implied that perkins, you know, this guy might really be on to something here. "the wall street journal" cited the irs scandal and of course governor andrew cuomo's remarks on extreme conservatives having no place in new york as examples of attacks on the rich.let me be
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clear. when we e talk about income inequality here on "the ed show," and we have for years, we're not attacking the 1%, no, we're not doing that. we advocate for business, we advocate for wages, we love investors, i love investors, i'm a capitalist. i'm a guy that has to meet payroll. we're not waging class warfare. we're not targeting anybody. we're talking act reality in our economy. i'm not upset with the guys at the very top who are doing very well. good for them. only in america. that's great. it's not about these people who are doing well at the top. it's about the folks who are down here that have been there since '82 to '85 to '88 to '91, to 2003, 2006, 2009. i think they quit making this chart because they were afraid of what it was really going to show. fairness has left the building. since ronald reagan's
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trickle-down tax cults took effect in the early 1980s, you can't deny it, here are the numbers, wages have flat lined for workers in this country. it's a problem for workers. disposable income isn't there. it's a problem for our nation. it's a problem for the economy. and this isn't about attacking people at the top. when people talk about class warfare, here's what i think about. class warfare is about letting unemployment expire for 1.6 million americans and counting. there's class warfare. class warfare is cutting food stamps. gosh, aren't we all excited we got a farm bill now that picks on the most vulnerable in our society. class warfare is attacking unions and people's voices in the workplace, which seems to be exactly what the republicans love to do. class warfare is keeping minimum wage low, depressing the wages as best we possibly can, so we can see the profit go to the top.
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now, look, i don't think asking these americans right up here at the top to pay a little bit more because the treasury needs it and we're in some tough financial times when it comes to deficit, i think that's the american thing to do. why should we ask them to pay a little bit more? because they can. and we as a society need to make that determination. warfare. let me show you what class warfare really is. >> to begin with, chasing ever-higher spending with ever-higher tax rates will decrease the number of makers in society and increase the number of takers. able-bodied americans will be discouraged from working and lulled into lives of complacency and dependency. that's not who we are. >> mr. ryan, will you please produce some of these discouraged american who is just want to sit on the couch? will you give us some numbers, please? you're the chairman of the house budget committee. you ought to be able to produce numbers better than anybody else as to how the minimum wage will hurt young people, hurt
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minorities, and slow the economy and there will be fewer jobs. show me the numbers. i mean, ryan talks as if -- if you're on some kind of assistance, you're a lesser american. it's also class warfare to bankroll politicians who support these kind of policies that ryan always talks about. i think the wealthy really, when you look at our election system in this country, the wealthy are attempting to buy elections all throughout this country. citizens united. i wish that had been in the state of the union. again. take, for instance, michigan's senate race between democratic congressman gary peters and republican candidate terry land. lit me tell you something, folks. this is going to be one of the tightest races in the country and it is also going to be very well funded. there is there has already been a million-dollar ad buy against the congressman and the accuracy of that ad has been challenged. now, this is what blue liners are really up against in the
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election cycle. the super pac-funded republican campaigns bleeding into state and local elections. now, i'm not talking about the federal elections, you see. let's proportionately break it down. the federal election, 57% of barack obama's donations were under $200. 24% of mitt romney's donations were under $200. now, let's pare that down to a local election. let's pare that down to a state election. and you tell me if the democrats are behind the 8 ball. you better believe they are. oh, yeah. so back to the vulture chart. we not only see wages that are being depressed across america and we're seeing the top 1% and 2% do well over the last 30 years, basically politically these people, you could make the case, are being closed out. how many grass rooters are out there state by state that are going to be able to match the corporate money that's coming in
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and the advocacy money that's coming in? the people that don't want unemployment insurance advanced, the people that don't want wages to go up, the folks that are against the health care law. you could go right down the list. you know, i was really impressed with the president on tuesday night at the state of the union because he really boxed in the republicans as i talked about on this program last night. boxed them in because he basically said, you know, let's get with the rest of the country. he basically turned the republicans and talked to them about how many people want minimum wage to go up, how unemployment benefits should be extended, those are the two big things. he basically explained to the congress, you know, you guys over here, you ought to get with the country a little bit. you're not where with them. so the republicans are going to have to make some serious policy changes. they can't live high on the hog. and expect america to follow them. they got some fundamental problems over there on the right, and if they want to start talking act class warfare, that
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is a losing battle for them in a big, big way. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question -- is ask asking the rich to pay their fair share class warfare? action for yes, b for no to 67622. you can always go to our blog. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for more on this let me e bring in maryland congressman elijah cummings. good to have you with us tonight. >> good to be with you, ed. >> what is class warfare? from your perspective, what is it? >> it's certainly not what mr. perkins is talking about. when you have a situation, ed, where so many people in the middle class are working harder and harder and making less and unable -- and finding themselves into the lower-income brackets and the poor just suffering tremendously while the rich are getting richer, that's a major problem. and as far as i'm concerned, i
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agree with you, that's where the warfare is. and a lot of people forget that you need a thriving middle class. they're the engine of society, the ones who are going to buy those cars, the ones who are going to buy household products and things of that nature to keep the economy going. so we all ought to be concerned about our middle class and those in the lower economic rung of the ladder. now, there's one other thing, ed. keep in mind that over 20-year period a person in poverty at that lower rung has a 50% chance of staying there. so the very points you've been making, while our economy has tripled in output since 1963, folks in the lower economic stra strata, they're not doing well nap's not trickling down to them. and again the middle class is
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working harder and getting less. >> is there a persecution of the 1% taking place in this country? >> no. >> if we're asking the wealthiest americans to pay a little bit more or that suggestion being on the table or making sure that corporations pay their fair share, is that persecution? >> of course not. and i thought mr. perkins' statements were despicable. but the fact still remains that nobody condemns folks having the opportunity to be successful. as a matter of fact, we applaud success. what we're saying is that others need to have the opportunity to do the same. we have an opportunity deficit here. and we've got to do better. >> how are you going -- the democrats going to fight against these massive ad buys that have already started, that are framing opponents and obviously going after progressives? i mean, how can that be done? i showed up there about how
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president obama was able to do it on a national level, but we're not talking about national elections. we're talking about the infiltration of big money coming into -- and i use the michigan race as an example there. that's a senate seat the conservatives want. there's going to be a bunch of money that's going to be dumped into south dakota because it's a low-media market, it's a cheap seat to buy. what's the game plan here? >> i think basically it's going to be messaging, ed, and we've got to do pretty much what the president did the other day. making people realize that most of the people watching the president, the vast majority are not doing well. they're not doing as well as they should be. and they've got -- i think once people begin to realize that, hey, he's talking about us, we should be doing better and that we want to make sure that our children do better than what we did. i think we'll have a force coming together. but it's got to be messaging. and we've got -- and that
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message has got to be very, very clear. i thought the president did a great job the other night citing various examples of the success we've had already. but, again, people got to realize they're not talking about somebody else. they're talking about me. >> well, he's definitely working the room. there's no question about it. earlier today president obama said he's taking action without congress to help the long-term unemployed. here's what he had to say. >> what we have done is to gather together 300 companies just to start with including some of the top 50 companies in the country, companies like walmart and apple and ford and others, to say let's establish best practices. do not screen people out of the hiring process just because they've been out of work for a long time. we just went through the worst recession since the great depression. so i'll be convening a meeting where a number of these top companies will be coming in, agreeing to these best practices, and we'll have an
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opportunity to, you know, encourage more people to come in. >> i'll tell you what, i think this is one of the best things the president has done. >> i agree. >> there's a stigma to that goes on with somebody who -- and a label that goes to somebody who's been out of work for a long time. do you think this will have an impact? >> i think it will have an impact. on tuesday i'll be meeting with the president of walgreens, and i'm going to give him that same message, reiterating what the president is saying. i like the idea that the president is going directly to these companies and saying we can do better. it's in your best interest fur all of your workers to do better. >> finally, house leader nancy pelosi announced this afternoon that she is running again. what's your reaction to that? >> i'm a big fan of nancy and i was -- i pushed very hard to have her there. i think she's done an outstanding job. i was also at the same time very sad to hear about my mentor leaving, henry waxman. i just found that out and i was very sorry because henry has been really a giant with regard
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to so many issues. and we will definitely miss him. >> well, i got to ask you, got to extend this for just a moment. >> sure. >> there's a story out there that big donors for democrats are conceding the house, that they don't think that they can win the house so the money's going to go to the senate races. do you think that this could have been a motivation seeing that waxman might be thinking, well, i'm never going to get my chairmanship again? george miller has also announced he's going to step out. he's a longtime progressive. what do you make of this? >> well, i don't know what it is. i do know that in talking to george he said that he served as long as he could and it was time for him to do something else in his life. i think there comes a time in these jobs where you just come to a point where you feel like you need to move on. i don't know what the motivation is. but i can tell you one thing, both of them will be tremendously missed because they are giant and giant voices in the congress. >> congressman elijah cummings,
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great to have you with us on "the ed show." thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> answer tonight's question. share your thoughts on twitter. coming up, in trernds, game day gets rough. the puppy bowl players lineup is announced. plus, protecting the right to vote is a long, ongoing fight. we'll talk about wit nina turner. ♪ whoa, who-o-o-a ♪ whoa, who-o-o-a ♪ one, two, three, four! ♪ ohh, oh-oh-oh-oh ♪ ohh, oh-oh-oh-ohhh ♪ go, let's go ♪ hit me like a supernova ♪ let it flow ♪ over like an ocean ♪ when the sound explodes ♪ everybody's feeling all right ♪ ♪ everybody's feeling all right ♪ ♪ ohh, oh-oh-oh-oh
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decided we're reporting, going to love this one, today's top trernds voted on by you. >> because i'm 19. i'm going to make mistakes. it's inevitable. >> the number three trender. bieber busted. >> justin bieber is becoming familiar with the booking process at police stations. >> in trouble again this time for an incident in toronto. >> charged with assaulting a local limo driver about a month ago. >> there's more trouble for the pop superstar. >> justin bieber now has three criminal investigations going on from california to florida and now canada. >> you should find yourself a safe house or a relative close by, lay low for a while. >> more than 166,000 people have signed a white petition demanding the canadi canadian-born crooner be deported. >> you are outta here! >> number two trender, super sunday. >> puppy bowl ten, the cutest event of the year. and don't miss an epic kittie halftime performance by gaylord
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cat. >> the puppy bowl lineup is set. >> 66 puppies participated this year. >> there's happy scrappy hero named for another famous rootie. her name is august and even in the cold of february she brings the late summer heat. this cute pup had his heart set on joining the puppy league. >> they're all from puppy shelters, all available for adoption. >> and if they're looking for hosts, i think my dogs, buck and ducky, have a keen eye for talent. >> in today's top trender, up for a vote. >> last year part of the voting rights act was weakened. >> our goal should always be to make it easier to vote, not more difficult. >> but conservative republicans and liberal democrats are working together to strengthen it. >> voting rights are still an issue leading up to the midterms. >> they're trying to once again roll back our opportunity to vote by cutting weekends, cutting evening hours. >> it should be the power of our vote not the size of our bank
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accounts that drives our democracy. >> joining us tonight ohio state senator nina turner, who is a candidate for ohio secretary of state. senator, great to have you with us tonight. >> thanks, ed. >> the president briefly mentioned a voting in the state of the union. did he get the message across? was it strong enough? >> yeah, i think it was. he was very firm on why it is important that every citizen has access to the ballot box. the point that he made, it should not be about the size of our wallet but the power of our vote to expand the democracy, that every citizen should have the right to the ballot box. >> there's bipartisan legislation in congress they're trying to strengthen the voting rights act amending the section struck down by the supreme court. do you think this is genuine, that this will work? >> i think it is genuine. the will of the congress is what is going to be in question. certainly they did not necessarily deal with voter i.d., which for some of us that is problematic. however, i think both congressmen wanted to put
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something on the table that hopefully they can get some bipartisan support. i hope as the process goes on we can continue to build. >> voter i.d. is a big part of the whole thing. you've got a number of states around the country. >> including ohio. >> that simply do not have, you know, people registered the way the conservatives want them registered and voter i.d., you know, and getting it, that really disparages low income and minority. >> we have in ohio 900,000 people if there were strict voter i.d. in the state of ohio do not have those requisite i.d.s. they are an extension of a poll tax in a way. if people have to pay for birth certificates and other proof to even try to get those i.d.s. we should be expanding and protecting the right to vote but across this country they are elected officials and they're gop. let's be honest. talk about partisan, we're not being partisan. it is the republican party from the congress to states across this country that are trying to suppress the right to vote and
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it is undemocratic. it is un-american to do it. and so all of us have to stand up and fight against it. yes, i would have liked to have seen some voter i.d. thing, but when the bill is vo introduced it's the beginning of the process, not the end. that's why i keep hope alive. >> when the president got re-elected, he mentioned on the night he came out on election night we have to do something about these voting lines. >> yes, he did. >> what do you make of that? where are we now? >> his commission that put out the report talked about how no one should have to wait in line more than 30 minutes to vote. we're going to need the congress to put more money -- we need national money to make sure that states have what they need, make sure we have the right machines and the right places, make sure we have early voting available. early voting does a lot to curb long lines on election day. >> that's not what your secretary of state thinks in ohio. >> oh, no. >> husted has cut early voting. correct? >> yes. >> and the voter i.d., correct,
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has also been -- >> the legislature is pushing strict voter i.d., yes. >> but in regards to voting rights in your state, secretary of state john husted has defended his record. >> oh, absolutely. >> he says it's a balance between making it easy to vote and hard to cheat. what's your reaction? >> see, that's a dog whistle because this so-called notion of hard to cheat, this whole notion of in-person voter fraud, again, more likely to be struck by lightning than anybody coming into a polling place to impersonate somebody. less than 1% of 1% in the state of ohio incidences of voter fraud. again, he is trying to change his record. this is the same man that fired board of election members in hamilton county for the crime of trying to increase early voting opportunities. the same man that appealed all the way to the united states supreme court to take away the last three days of early voting. and the same man, when he sat on the apportionment board had the opportunity to side with the
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people but in a vote that rigged the system he sided with his party. he's trying to re-create himself because it's an election year. >> john kasich, has he injected himself into this proseltsz with a commentary or a position? >> the governor has been silent on this. >> and silent on the number of machines that will be placed in counties around the state. >> he signed that bill that allows certain -- >> he did sign it. the last time we talked -- >> it had not been. >> there's going to be fewer machines in certain counties. >> absolutely. which could be a repeat. as you remember in 2004 we had lots of long lines, people waiting 11 hours in some counties to be able to get the right to vote. and we are going backwards. again, there is a correlation between the ballot box and the bread box. i know you've been talking a lot about income inequality and whether or not people have fair wages, minimum wage being increased. we have got to get people out to vote for the types of people who are going to make sure that women have equal pay, the types of people who are going to fight to make sure that women have access to high quality health care, the types of people to
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make sure we educate our children so that their zip code doesn't determine the type of education they have and the types of elected official who understand that the greatest equalizer that we have is the ballot box. how can we argue about that? >> state senator nina turner, great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. coming up, early polling shows hillary clinton has a commanding lead to become the democratic candidate for commander in chief. if she wants it. still ahead, actions speak louder than words when implementing the affordable care act. president obama praised kentucky governor steve brashear for leading the charge. isle speak with the governor coming up. next, your questions. (vo) you are a business pro.
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really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat too, and has five grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i -- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? oops. [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... 50% of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] ensure high protein. ensure. nutrition in charge! welcome back to "the ed show." love hearing from our viewers, love the questions. in our "ask ed live" segment, sarah says do you think harry reid will stick to his guns on
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tp snsh tpp? yes, i do. i do not think harry is going to change his opinion on fast track and tpp at all. richard wants to know if athletes can form a union, why not music students, law students, or med students? do they not make money for the college? let's cut right to the chase. not as much money as the athletes do and believe me it's all about the money. but it's not just about forming a union as it is about protections. i don't know if the law students or the med students or even the music students get injured in class. i don't think so that they walk out with bad knees and shoulders and maybe concussions at the end of their career. and their funding is a lot different from an athlete's funding. they get a one-year deal. some of these students get four-year scholarships. okay? so the bottom line is these type of students simply are so
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terribly important for the university but a lot of what is generated in the athletic field goes to fund medical research, goes to fund all of these programs that simply are not revenue producers. don't mean to sound harsh. but that is the stark reality of it all. stick around 37. >> i'm hampton pearson. stocks stage a rally thanks to strong economic growth. the dow surges 109 points, the s&p up 20, the nasdaq jumps 71. robust consumer spending helped gdp grow at a 3.2% annual rate in the fourth quarter. spending was up more than 3% during that period. meanwhile, jobless claims rose more than expected last week. and amazon shares are falling hard after hours. earnings, revenue, and future guidance disappointed. that's it from c nbs. i always say be the man with the plan
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welcome back to "the ed show." anyone on the left who's resisted to a clinton coronation needs to take a real serious look at the numbers early on because it looks like the democrats could be headed that way. now, according to the latest "washington post"/abc news poll, hillary clinton holds a commanding advantage. that would be commanding. the polls call it the largest lead recorded in an early primary matchup in at least 30 years of "post"/abc polling. that's a mouthful. clinton has a 58% favorability rati rating, almost unheard of of a scenario with a nonincumbent. of course she has the resume and she has the name recognition, the connections, the experience, and according to the latest numbers she has a 61-point lead
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among democrats. if the 2016 democratic primary were held today, clibton would have 73% of democrats on her side. clinton has a 6-1 lead over a really good guy, vice president biden. biden stands at 12%. it's not just clinton's to lose among democrats. if p the 2016 general election were held today, 53% of americans say that they would vote for hillary giving her a 12-point lead over embattled republican governor chris christie. obviously, we're still two years out and the republicans are still looking for a serious contender that can hang in there. but democrats seem to be getting a head start, no question about it. hillary clinton hasn't declared whether she's running and she's already putting up big numbers and has the support of the top democratic super pac. what does it all mean? joining me now, karen finney, host of "disrupt" on the weekends and also former senator
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byron dorgan of north dakota. great to have you with us. karen, what do you make of these numbers? how can she not run? it's almost a calling with these numbers. >> when she decides i think she's not going to pay attention necessarily to these numbers because she knows the day she announces it's a totally new game. right? now i want's people like the idea but they don't have to deal with the reality of what her candidacy would actually be. then you start to have to talk about issues, and that's -- plus we also know that they're going to throw everything in the book at her. i think for a lot of voters they've already made up their minds on that. but how she builds a campaign to deal with all that, it's still going to be a campaign. >> senator dorgan, in your career, you also polled very well. it was always an uphill battle to try to defeat you for your house seat and many years in the senate. you know what it's like to run a campaign with a big lead well into the double digits ahead of
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your opponent. i may say swrl 25 percentage points ahead of your opponent. what would be your advice to hillary clinton? >> first of all, it's a long ways to the election, but these are very positive numbers. hillary understands politics. i've known her a long time, worked with her eight years in the u.s. senate, watched her closely, worked with her as secretary of state. she's very talented. i hope she runs. when she runs she'll be our nominee on the democratic side. and i think she is going to be the first woman to win the presidency of the united states, which is a big, big deal for our country. >> senator, do you think there's anybody in the democratic camp that could mount the charge against the infrastructure that they have? >> no. you know, the important question at this point is what's the basis on which hillary will make a decision and when will she make the decision.
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everything out there suggests this is kind of the way it's heading but we won't know for sure until she announces. my hope is she would do that. i would love to campaign with her and support her. i think she's someone of vast talents. these numbers, it's early, but they are very positive numbers and i think for good reason. the american people see her as someone that's a very talented potential president. >> karen, what about the money? this super pac coming out this early, yeah, we're a long way from it, but that's a heck of a commitment. they're raising money on her behalf. >> raising money is not going to be an issue for secretary of state clinton. i think she's already raising money, there's ready for hillary. people are looking for ways to give that she's not officially even associated with. what concerns me -- and i worked for police clinton in the white house and did her first senate campaign in new york. one of the things that was so important in that first campaign in new york and her senate race, it was not a foregone conclusion that she would win.
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she worked so hard, and part of what people were impressed by was how hard she was working. i don't like these numbers and i don't like this narrative of inevitability because i believe she will work very hard, but i don't want that sort of inevitability mantra to overwhelm the fact that this is a woman who will work incredibly hard on the campaign trail and doesn't take anything for granted. >> senator dorgan, do you think there could be an absence of debate? there's some pretty tough progressivings out there, organizations that could arguably say they're easily left of hillary and they want their issues out there. will there be a vetting of those if there's a coronation? >> well, look, hillary clinton is very experienced. she's been through senate races and shi and she's been through a presidential race, at least the nomination side of it. i don't think she's going to take anything for granted. there will be in our party, as always the case, democrats will want to have this conversation, will want to vet any candidate, including hillary clinton, but she's very experienced and, you
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know, she'll do fine. >> 2008 was the last time she ran. now, i guess i have to say i'd like to be reintroduced to hillary clinton. where does she stand on immigration? is she going to go round two on health care? is she for universal health care? where does she stand on workers rights, employ free choice act? there's a lot of important stuff and it's a lot tougher today on the middle clas than it was back in 2008. so would this be somewhat of a different campaign in your opinion, senator? >> well, you know, she will have to take positions an all of those issues. no one holds up the platter and says here's your nomination. hillary knows that. but the fact is she will go out and campaign hard and she'll take positions on all these issues so that the democrats who come to convention and decide to nominate will have the capability of understanding exactly who they're nominating. >> sure. "the washington post"/abc news poll has paul ryan leading among republicans.
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could he be p the one to chip away at hillary's lead? i mean, you've got paul ryan at 20%, jeb bush at 18%. he says he won't say anything about the race until later on in the year, obviously. chris christie has fall on the 13%. does this -- you know, karen, what do you make of this? >> i would love the see a debate between hillary clinton and any one of those men because i think i know who would win. do i think paul ryan take ace way from hillary clinton? i don't. and i think, you know, again, once it becomes a reality who the candidates really are and you have the opportunity to do exactly what you're saying, get reintroduced, see where they are on positions. how is paul ryan going to make an argument for the middle clas in this country given the budgets he's proposed time and time again? >> let's go back, senator, to 2008. everybody thought it was going to be hillary back then, then the guy barack obama showed up and got a lot of grassroots support. this early super pac coming out,
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does this discourage other democrats from jumping in the ring? >> i suspect others would be discourage ld but my guess is that if hillary decides i'm in this and i'm going to run in this campaign, i don't think there will be a serious challenge. but again, you know, look, you talk about the middle class, middle class americans want answers. i mean, they've got some difficult times they've been living through and they want answers from candidates and that includes answers from the candidate clinton. but i think that she will -- she's learned a lot from that last campaign, i'm certain, and i think she's ready to be president and will be a terrific president for this country. >> karen, who would you like to see hillary run against if that's the list of republicans you saw up there? >> ted cruz. that would be too much fun. >> you're just looking for intent entertainment. >> of course. that's what we do. >> i have the ticket. >> you have to ticket. >> republicans, they need to run this ticket -- trump and palin. >> trump and palin. >> for the republican side. >> you don't even want it to be
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fair, senator dorgan. i'll take it, though. that would be good for cable, no question about it. karen finney, byron dorgan, thank you very much. coming up, the kentucky governor joins us live with more obamacare success stories. you w, you w, you're almost twice as likely to lose your supporting teeth? try poligrip for partials. poligrip helps minimize stress which may damage supporting teeth by stabilizing your partial. care for your partial. help protect your natural teeth. [ chainsaw whirring ] humans -- sometimes life trips us up. sometimes we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you, so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining your auto and home insurance. call liberty mutual insurance at...
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welcome back to "the ed show." this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work who now have insurance. the tides have changed and the negative weaves about obama care really have never reached our shores as predicted by the right. at the end of the summer, it was hard to avoid all the doom and gloom stories about people losing their doctor, not seeing their doctor, or wanting to keep their junk plans. here on "the ed show," we cut right through the misinformation, lies about obamacare and clearly explained why this law is good for the country. on tuesday night, president obama listed the unquestionable benefits of the law and scolded republican efforts to repeal it. he praised kentucky governor steve beshear for implementing the health care law in his state. >> i do not expect to convince my republican friends on the merits of this law.
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but i know that the american people are not interested in refighting old battles. we all owe it to the american people to say what we're for, not just what we're against. and if you want to know the real impact this law is having, just talk to governor steve beshear of kentucky who is here tonight. he is like a man possessed when it comes to covering his commonwealth's families. steve right. that's why tonight i ask every american who knows someone without health insurance to help them get covered by march 31st. >> the power of positivity prevails. kentucky governor steve beshear joins me here tonight on "the ed show." congratulations on doing what you did. you have been very aggressive from the start on this. you've been a believer in obamacare since day one. the senator from your state, mitch mcconnell, has been trying to obstruct it all along. here is what he said before the president's state of the union address on tuesday. here it is.
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>> more than a quarter million kentuckians lost their plans that they had and presumably wanted to keep, despite the president's promises to the contrary. >> governor, what's your reaction to that? >> well, ed, you know, it's the same old same old. they act like a broken record. they keep repeating it doesn't work, it doesn't work. and, you know, the answer is pretty simple in kentucky. look at the numbers. we've got 188,000 people that have signed up for affordable health care in just four months. they started out signing up, ed, at about a rate of a thousand people a day. and that amazed us. we said that can't last. well, it didn't last. now they're signing up at the rate of 1500 people a day. i mean, this thing is skyrocketing in kentucky there is a pent-up demand for affordable health coverage in kentucky. 40% of the folks that have signed up so far are under the age of 35.
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so this thing is working all the way around. and it's going to work all across america. >> how do you avoid the negative noise from both mitch mcconnell and rand paul in your home state on health care? >> well, you just have to ignore it, because it's like they're in an echo chamber. so that they can keep listening to themselves say over and over it's not working, it's not working. and, you know, for the last 28 years or so, senator mcconnell has been up there in the senate. and he has yet to offer any kind of comprehensive plan that would provide affordable health coverage for every kentuckian. the president finally did. he got one passed. it may not be perfect. but it has given me a tool to grab ahold of and go after 640,000 uninsured kentuckians. and we're going to make sure that for the first time in history, every single kentuckian is going to have affordable health insurance. that's going to be amazing for
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this state over the next generation. >> governor, have you seen a reduction in the negative stories that have been in the national news? what is your perspective? i mean, you and i had a visit about this several months ago. i believe it was back in november, and look where you are today. and it just it seems to me that all the negative stories have pretty much evaporated. >> and i think that's what you've seen, ed. you know, i said back then. when our system worked, our exchange worked, we're the model for the nation. everything else was kind of fumbling around. i said folks, everybody just take a deep breath, because this is going to work. you know, we'll get all this stuff ironed out. i'm proving that it works in kentucky. it's going to work just like this every place else sooner or later. and look, this is too good to pass up. i mean, when you can finally say that in the united states of america, most americans will be able to have affordable health coverage, that's a huge leap forward for our people. and it's going to make such a huge difference long-term. you've seen the stories now
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starting to decline, and they're moving on to other things because, if it's not some crisis and something is not going wrong, you and i both know the news media is going to find something else to talk about. >> well, the story coming back to you, those who lost their insurance because their plan didn't measure up to the federal standard that they're now back into the market? >> sure. you know, these folks we had a number of people who had these substandard policies. >> yeah. and that's what mcconnell is talking about right there. he is tucking about people with substandard plans. >> that's all he is talking about. and the plans didn't meet the ten essential benefits that the law requires. and so our insurance companies redid plans so that they do meet those benefits. those folks went on our exchange and looked at all of the different plans we had to offer. they're all getting their own insurance. so it's just a fallacy to say that everybody has lost their insurance. >> sure.
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>> and can't get it back. >> all right. governor steve beshear, this is a great tv moment. we're being reminded by the grandfather clock in your living room that it's time to go. >> all right. >> great to have you. >> thanks for having us. >> you bet. congratulations to kentucky for what you're doing. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton startings right now. good evening, ed. >> good evening, ed. tonight's lead, elections matter. people can make a change for the better. we saw new proof of that today here in new york, where mayor bill de blasio took a major step towards fulfilling a campaign promise, ending the discriminatory practice of stop and frisk. that's the police program of stopping and questioning new yorkers, often without evidence of wrongdoing, and on election nightmare-elect de blasio promised a
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